Newspaper Page Text
" "il m Mvji.mmimiMmmm lpiIMMmMnMnm - BBKIEILJ SpMi n :", t' r it 'I AKKQItf DAIIfr DEMOCRAT; SATURtiAi JULY 2i, 1000 Hematic If you suffer with pain any kind of pain keep in mind that pain is but a symptom, not a disease; that what you must fight is not the pain but its cause? that liniments and oils for external application are almost -worse than useless. To overcome the cause of pain, internal treatment is necessary. i Pains, whether in muscles, joints, head or elsewhere will disappear when you purify and enrich the blood and strengthen the nerves. T v There isone remedy that has been successfully em ployed in thousands of cases Rheumatism is a disease of the blood Neuralgia is the prayer of a nerve for food; Sciatica is but rheu matism under another name. Dr. "Williams! Pirik Pills for Pale People can be used with the greatest success in any of these troubles because they attack the disease in the blood and drive it out. Proofs, as to the efficacy of these pills arc found in thousands of .testimonials from grateful people who have been cured. At driMjhtS or rtlroct from Dr. Wltllnms Medicine Cc'SshenreUdy, ' . N. Yi, postpaid on rcctlpt ot prlco 61 cents per box ; fl boxes, 2M. The Joz-joIH Century school yesr, the s$t). of the , Colletfc, begins September lS, 1900. Collegiate, Aca demic, Normal, Oratory, IliiftlneM, Music ntul Art departments. Increased equipments aud attendance. Total expense for tuition, hottrd mid room. 0:111 It Kept below Jjjoa week. I'all term, Sepl t8 Dec 19: Winter, Jan, s-Mnrcli 37 Spring, April i-June m. Sun. mer School, June Jj-Ausust 9, lont, Cutnlog tree AM tAv6l!, OHIO. sfsk u S AT- V I Advantages nro,nurae.rous 19 1 ft 9 11 1"'1 "gnlficniif. TUC lnen 9 yt U asP? H l tlou.fttvorabloiintllicnltlifnL JK'ke and vitality ton.. aOQC"I"l3 S Tho ftrcnt remedy tor nervous prostration and all dlsentcs ot tho geaorutlvo i ori;ansor olthor sax, such ns Norvoui I'rostrotlon, Fnlllnitor Lost Manhood, Imnolency, Nightly nmlwdoni, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, excessive use. v. Sold at 81.00 nor box. CHINA And India's Famine. 1 1 i' PulpitLOrators WHI Dis ciiss' the Jopics. Ministers Preparing For Vacatians. UM Service ' at First .'Congregational. With every of Tobacco of Onlum. which load tn Cnnstimntlnn nnd Tnanntl' ICTCf) MCIUR 96 ordor wo guarnnfo to euro or refund the money, Sold at i u ilii uoiliu, ntinxosforSfi.OO. UK. JVIOTTW K'HISITUCit CO.. Clovolaud. Oblir For salo by J. C. Day & Co., No. 133 South Howard at. SI. Bill Have You Tried It ? Our Bread Is pronounced by nil tho boat that dxporlonco and, pure material can produce Do You Do Your Own Bread Baking?' J-f (to, phono 8.V7, wo will dollvor you bread promptly und suvo you much dlficomtorl. dining ' hot woitthor. CAKES A full lino always froflh. 'I'ry our Oriingo Holl, Aih gol Food, ofg. Soda Water All tlio bout mul nowoHt flnvorR. Special Sale every Saturday of all kinds ot Fresh Goods. G. H. HEINTSELMAN, Mgr. Ilio oldest linker now lit tlio olty of Akron. 500 S. Plain st. Tel. 857 Kubier & Beck Block LAW STUDENT With Gov. Edgerton. THE WHEELER Is guaranteed to lx Absolutely Fly Proof. It Klltlcri r.p mid down llliii a whitlow, mitt llts In either lowor or upper hash nnd In tlio only nlldlng Hereon which i nu ho locked at nllit und mo Icavo room aired, yet wifo fioin (titriidvra. Cai Handle Outside Shutters I'roin Inside. A child am put them In 0. tnUi? thorn out. A girl ciiu tnUo tltcm out In ten nee cuds nnd ho Wash Your Windows Mndo of honest ph:o, IIiibpoiI-oII paint, hi-Ht wire und himhvuro; thin nori'pii caslt uiUht ho pit'Dii to ho appro clnted; nothing W;o It tin over boon bhown In thlH place, l.ndlcri who liavo lined It o'ie. , will havo no otl.eti Coin nioli hlzes .n Htni-lr. (.'nil .nil too them Ht THE HAWKEY LUMBER CO, IJxelUHlro AgontB Ex-U. S. Senator Wilbur F, Sanders Has a Friendly Feeling For Akron. An Alternate to First Republican Convention. Believes Chinese Situation Has Been Exaggerated. Telephone 29 Akron, CD I I I ze on Practical and Scientific Horseshoers All Work Guaranteed. 411 South Main Street. FHoro )3Xi Family Wmahlnea Our spoolnlty. Bpoolnl mtos. We wubIi cloan. good (lnlli, don't ruin fabrics. Will call for nfid dollvor Roods. One trial is all wo ask. amehioan laundry 405 tut Eichtntc ft. lifcU, rkoii. nt K. ZTl, ?t)t. Tho favorltj whlskuy of. famoiw nion Is HAHI'KU. IJocauHo ot ItH miiooth. crgtiUllo flavor; hecauso of ItH match, it-tn purity; Ihicuuko of Hh mellow iiko. yo vondcr lt tho favorite. Kverj Urop MtoilhiK, HAltl'UU wmtiKuy: BOLD UY Wit. WABHHIt. 144 South Uowurd St., ,, Akron, O, lion, Wilbur 1 Samloi'H, ox-Uultod KtaloK Soillllnr of .Molilalia, and a ni'plii'W of tlm Into (Jovornor Hltlnoy i:lpri'it on ntloiiilod t Iio ruuonil of tho laller In IIiIk city. Sena lor Santloi'H wan a I'uinior AU ron bo.v and lit well Kntnui lo tho old or onutlni;ont of Ihu Summit oounly bar. IIq bi'Kiiu tho hliuly of law In thlH olty III Ihu olllro of KiIkoI'Idii c I'pson. 111k youiiK manhood wuh p.ihS oil In Akron and ho lived with his din tliiRiiiHlit'il imolo. Willi Ilio outbreak of tlm Civil war. ounloi' Samlorn on llMod with olhor Akioulami hi tho (Mill 0. V. 1. Ho beoamo III In tlio Horvloo ami when tluv, .Kdoilou wan nppolnlod torrlioi'liil (.iiiM.'mur of Mou tana, Mr. Sander accompanied him lo Ilio now country beyond Iho MIshIh. nlppl. Mr. Sanders remained lit Mou Iuiiii and henu iu prniMlco of law In Helena Ho hint laltoii an nctlio In torohl In the pollllcH of $ wtalo, and a. oleried lo the I . S. Koilajo In ISM. Mr. Samlei'K wait tho nW iimu to'la' IIiiik liouoied. lie held the olllco lor llneo eiirn. Sonaior Sandr-ra ban paid troquont .-Ih In (Ih oily (llllill's his l;Hlilenei) 111 the woM, 'I'd a icpnrtoi' for tho Democrat ho tallied lomiulhcenlly of tho uoinl old iIii.vh In AKiiui. "I'IiIh alwa.vH wiih a uivtit Iowa," Mild tho Senator, as ho talkod of AU loo and IN people. "Vheii I was a law Miudt'iit Ip'ro, joiich npi. tho boy a all took a ureal lutcics' In imIHIch. 'I'horo woro .IiiiIro' 'I'lbbaU Ilio Into .IuiIko (Iroen. Dr. L'olorwm iiml nuiny othciK. Wo foiinod a club and had Ki'cal tlnioK. 1 did mil atlonil ihn Hi Ht Iloiiuhllcan con volition In I85U, id- thoiiuh 1 inliiht haw boon an alter ipilo. I cant my Unit voto for Salmon I ('huso for llovoinor of Ohio' In iVr,r," .Senator Sundew thlnliH that tho Old. iieso Hlluatlou ban been overdrawn, llo i-eiiHiuoH tho iiowH iikoiioIoh for j-'vndlni; out toieh oxiiKKorated reporlH of tho atroi'lth'K ulleKcd. to havo bcoii 1,'oinmlttfd hi tho celohilal oiniilro, Subjects ol Sermon In Akron Churches Sunday. Itov. .Tap. n. W. Blake, rector. St. Pnul'n church. U a.m. Sunday school. 10:30 a.m. fall Bcrvico and fccrmon by iho rccto'r. Subject, "God'8 Hand In China." f p.m. evening prayer and Hpeclal otl'erlnK. Solo by M!h Berry. St. Andrew's chapel. 0 a.m. Sunday uchool. CAT, VARY KVAXGKIilCAIi. Itov. .1. AV. HelnluRor, paalor. Preaching at 10::i( a. in. and 7:110 p. m. Sunday school 1) a. m.; Junior Y. P. A., 1 p. in.; Senior Y. P. A (V.HO p. m. Prayer meeting TucMlny evening. A uoi-dlal liivilallon lo all. TUl.NMTY LUTlinitAN. AU 0 a. in., Sunday school; 10:!!0 a. m,, woi-Hliip with sermon. Sumnier an- iiouncijmentH. 11:15 p. m., Luther I.eaguu; 7:110 p. m. (Thursday), Prayer wrvlcc. '1'MIh notice Is an livilallon for all worohlpei-H for you. FinST PltlCSBYTKUIAN. rtov. i. A. l.lndcmuth, pastor. Sub ject of morning sermon, "The Trou bled Heart." Evening theme, "The Secret of Guidance." Sabbath school at 0:15 a.m. C. 13. at (1:30 p.m. All welcome. oiucr-j M. R. Tlio pulpit will he occupied at 10:30 a,m. and 7:3U p.m. by Itov. .1. K. Hudillcfdnu. Sunday school at 0 n. in. Kpworlh I.eagiio meeting at (1:30 p.m. Special inutile at public aervloeH, both morning and evening. The pub llo Iri cordially hit lied lo wortthlp with us. UNIVERSALIS'!'. 0:15, Sunday school; 10:30, Preach lag Hcrvlce, subject, "Tho Updraft of Life;" ib.'ili, public praise ami dovo tional service by tlio Y. P. 0. U. Pub lie cordially Invited. ThurMltiy, 7:30 p. in,, midweek praise and prayer mooting. IMltST M. K. .Mlltou Huller Pratt, ptmtor. At 10:30 sermon by pabtor; (1:30, Kpworth League service; 7:30, cnpers; LailleH' iiuarlette, male trio, solos and address. All heartily welcomed. Come and to echo copy ol now calendar. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN. East Slate, near .Main. Rev. John I (on on, pastor, ximday school 0:15. (.'. E. t):3i). Public wprshlp 10:30. No evening service. Subject of sermon, 'The Traiisilguratlon." ARLINGTON ST. CONGREGATION AL. Services moi uliig ami evening. Sub loot of sermon In tho morning, ".In- das, tlm Traitor. ' lu ilio evening tlio lliltd lectute on tho "Homo Life" will be dollwied, Subject, 'Thar litis baud." Tho pastor, Rov. 11. A. Illoso, will preach iiioriilng and oenlhgi MAIN ST. M. E. Ouarlerly ineotlng at Iho Main st. Mctliodlsl Episcopal churoh. The pas lor, Dr. King, will preach and admin. Wler Iho Holy communion In tho morn ing. The Itov. .1. V. Robins will preach ut' night,-,, ' iiniuSTI.VN ALLIANCE. Sunday .services, Christian ami mis sionary alliance. Abbey block, South Main at., at - o'clock, subject, 'Mesus' Reluni." No moeling in I he evening. All invited. W. " list; SRCOND BAPTIST. R. A. .limes, pastor, This church will hold services at Randolph pink. Prayer meeting at H:30 to II a.m. At 11 a.m. and !! p.m. Rov, B. K. Smith, of Clovolaud, will preacli. ":30 to 3 p,in. sum: son lee. (I lo 7 p.m. ooucoj;!. We will have a fuirclioriis, ol color ed jubilee shivers. Everybody Is lu. vltod lo ennie and worship villi us. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL. This Is tho las service befoio our summer vacation. Morning servlco 10:30, subject, "Hate Yo Understood All These iiimgsV" Eveiilng servlco' 7:30, subject, "Mlnulu Mv.'.' Seats free. All persons heartily welcomed. I'NITED BRETHREN. Services at Cmuse- gyinnnHJim. Sun day school li ii.iii. Preaching 1:30 a. U.irvc.v, ovnugo- 1 mmmmmimmmmmmBmmmm9mmmmMsmnmimmmmmammmmmmmmmamm7iBMmmmBmiiw WORKINGMAN'S BUY A LOT At the Lowest Prices Ever Quoted for Desir nt Kit n &k. Property This Property Will be Worth 50 Per Cent More One Year From Today. Size of Lot wUAI4U Located in GEO. BRODT'S THIRD ALLOTMENT, facing Rapid Tran sit Line, and opposite Salt Works. Street car fare only 5c from this point to Akron or Barberton. From present indications this property will increase in value from SO to IOO per cent in the near future. This will be the last lot sold at the present price. For further particulars call on in-i rW'iP'arv 10 O'lMoifl Co. HTI-iIrdi Floor BVB. 0:30 a.m. tlm C. E. Society will con sider tho practical side of tho "1011111 Famine," followed by a discourse on "Christian Giving." All nro Invited to nllend. HIGH ST. UHl'ltFIl OF CHRIST. .1. G. Slaylcr, pastor. Services both, morning and (Veiling, Subjects of soi' mtins, morning, "Partakers of iho Di vine Nature." Evening, "Demon Pos session." Bible school I) a.m.' Senior ami Junior U. E. (t:30 p.m. All arc Invited tolheso services. ST. PAUL'S EVANGEUCAIj IjUTH ERAN CHURCH. Cor. Thornton and May sts., Rev, John II. 'Inn, pastor. 0 n.m, Sunday school.' HhJIO a.m. serinou, subject, Tho Righteousness Demanded By Chrisit." 11:3(1" p.m., 'X'oitng People's nfcotlngymlbjpct, "The Needy at Our Door,"' Wnvreu Fias'e, lender. 7:30 n, in,, sermon, subject, aiio Crcittlon of Man." "Prelude to 'evening sermon. "Tho Aggressiveness of Mormonlsut." 'J'o all of these Kerice everybody Is. cordially Invited. Tho.. St. Paul's Lutheran Sunday school; Is. picnicking nt l.akesldo park today. I. 0. 0. F. Picnic Was Well At shaie, ?54I.S(l, mnklng total expense o be borno by citizens, ?,(jli3.0l; per foot frontage, ?3.01. Ma ason s Bond Approved. The' bond of ex Marshal "Hilly" Mu sou. npnidutod imik pollcmuan by the Hoard of Oily Commissioners, wan ap proved today, i'hif, bond H $1,000, and bondsmen nro F. W. Vuvlw aud Win. Williams. m., by I heme. the pastor, "Gospel Itov, O. y Slusser, Reuedivtlt'iiK." At RAIN-O THE FOOD DRINK Some people can't drink cotTcc ; everybody can drink Grain-O. It looks aud ta'stes like coijec, but it is made from pure grains. No cotTcc in it. Grain-0 is cheaper than coflec ; costs about one quarter as much'; " ' ' ' All Kiccen s i!c and Mo. '. Canton Sent a Largo Delegation to Silver Lake. The grand reunion nnd picnic of I. O. 0. F. lodges lu Northern Ohio tit 's tractetl a largo crowd lo Sliver lake Saturday, Tho event was under tho auspices of tho Summit county lodges aud was lu ovory way 'successful. Mr. A. U. llnchtcl was prebident of tho day and tho Eighth Regiment bund wits In attendance. A complete pro gram of sports was arranged ami cash prizes accorded the winners. Mr. George C, Conger was- master of cere monies, Mr. Frank Marsh acted as starter and tho Judges were Messrs. Gcorgo Koplln, It. T. Wills and Frank C. Pfahl, Thirteen carloads of Canton people eniuo up In a special train over the Pennsylvania line, aud tho Eiio brought In a tralu load from Xlle. New Elhbon aud other poluta along iho line, Woman's Rights. ' Many women suffer all sorts of so called "female weaknesses" Just be caijso their lildueys are out of order and they have.u light to know Foley's Kidney Cure Is Jtiht what Is ueeded by most ailing women. J. M. I.affcr, J. Lampnrtor & Co., A. Warner. There l inoro.Cntarrh tn tills eollon o( the country thnnnll other llenftes nut to RCthur. ana until tho Inst fnw'yi'nrs wns tup. 'ppsetl tobo liu'tirnhle. Kor iv itrent mnny SunrsiloL'tor iironoun;i'il It nlocnliilsciise, una nrercrinDu loeni runiiaie,nno nyron- finiiuy iniiuiK toruio wmi loeni iicniineiH, prnnniilicod It luaurnhlc. Hcloiu'e Ihu proven rntarrli to r n oonttlttuionnl ills jap, mul thcrufnrv iivjulrcs conjlltullonal trvfitmont. tlnir Cntnrrh Cnro, mnnutnr. Hired by Vi .I.Ohcney A Co., Tolwto, Ohli), Ic tin, only ronstltutlwinl euro on the innrkut. tl li innca Internnlly liuloaea from lOilrmis 0 n lanxponiifitl. It nets illrrotly on tlio ilorxl find mucoos aurfiirrs o( the n.Mtom. riioy.ofTer ono liiindrcil dollnm (or any oioio 1 tolls la cure. Hewt (nr clrouliu-s nnd to. .Inionlnls. Atldrt'si 1". .7. UIIKNKY A CO., Toledo, O. Hold l.vdniKtjUI,75o. lUll's l'linilly nils nro the best. ' fla.m,,iL IT BEATS THE DECK How wo can put such perfect work innnsliln on n shirt front, collar or oulf is what overyono says that ox niiiinoB our fnultless laundry work. No spot or fray to uiur tho beauty of the Irroproachublo color nnd Mulsh put upon It that delles competition by nny laundry In this town. Our laundry work linff renohod the top notch of porfootion that has yot boon btnolned. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 160 S. High St., Tol. 07. .SOMETHING NEW.. IH THE LAUHDRY BUSIHESS. Your laundry will bo pltmn, white nnd hnM n bonutllul llnlsh, without destroy liiK tlm mntorlnl latindorcd. A trial cnclcriKO will conrlnro you. THE SIXTH WARD LAUNDRY, Pi fi 1PT3T lll Enst Jtorkot St. Cool arid Delightful At Long Lake Park Tnlco nowly constmctod stonmor Oomrao dora I) a.m. nn:t liSup. in. dally, mnlclng tlio run now lu W minutes, l'noplo's phone nt nnru IMt tor summor bonrders or nH trys. Atmnplniiioirfl. Clmrtor stonmor lor dny or nlRbt partiox. Slost rensonublo. The Dixon Transfer Co. Coal, Transfer end Livory Pnoking, moving nnd storing ot goods. ConchoB, coupe und carriages for funerals, weddings, parties nnd callings. 123 and 125 Carroll st. Tel. No. 306" jsk. o. e:ilil.b g Moving Vans, Tenralng bB and Transferring. ' Fill 3 vnnr ennl hlnn now nnd avoid tho rush." Office, Cor. Cherry and Canal sts. Tel. 257. Honarch Uo Will Pur Fumlturt. PUnot. M i3 N H '"""''' ufiw4i'iiuii H B I Jl mmrd Bnot. ce, W masxs or.D LOOKKilWI I TMulaW , CltVIUHO. O. - Cost of Improving Beck Avonne. City Civil IOnglueer l'ayno him sub niltted to tho Hoard of City Commis sioners an estimate of the cot of pav lug Heck uve from Market St., to Crosby st, Total cost, $7,'.'1'J.81; city's 04iSFife.l ZINTEb J. K. WILLIAMS Machine Shop and Foundry I'OTTKUY MACII'.NaUY, HUUH1JU MOULDS AND DIES, Genera macldno unci foundry work. Lawn Mowera Sharpened. DPHJewlnS w"f 'MacMna OIL. Por ftfiulnff Mi. cnioei, typowriieri. Pirn Arms, etc. Tbo Highest Ureao. act It from your dealer. Bi!rd8rfls.&Co,,!!2!iL?. Castings Hf Manufftoturer of nil klndsof bruahe Orders promptly attended to. 156 B. MAIN ST. AKRON, O. Iron nnd Bras For Every Purpose. A. Adamson, Exchange and Water Streets. Any advertised denier Is authorized to gunritnteo Banner Salvo for tetter, eczema, piled, nnrnlns, cuts, Hcalds, burns, ulcorx, und any open or old aofy?. J, M. Latter, J, Lamyarter & Co. A. Warner, J i ityuti,; ,.y. fa.v, '., i. i, ,1,vrrt' vwf'""'wwiT)inw'Wyf .sa;i . jf0 .y ii4JW4HU- f-Viw vTSfrf sJel , ..' f . x .