Newspaper Page Text
-..'.;' rlWV '"'7 'Wfttfw-'il f Vj - i- t 'i, -"" , , U " WTSWI"WWb WMWIJTOIJlfWmWWHWfflWMWWMMWWWlIJ NHHdvM kK&Mfl mwpsvn WMMMMMftMNW AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY. JULY 21 1000 ,e ;oj H i. )i h I i- i IV IV. THE DAILY DEMOCRAT PUBLISHED nr AKltON DDMOOBAT CO. JCKH EDW. S. IIARTER FRED VV. GAYER Editors and Managers. ED. N. DE LA COURT, Mgr. Advertising Ocpl. OHAS. A. MARVIN.... News Editor Entered .at the postofilco at Akron, Ohio, as second-class mall matter. i ' ' ' OFFICE: Democrat Block, Nos. 133 and. 137 6. Main Street. tang Distance Phono 180. . BRANCH OFFICES: t New rork, 230-234 Tcmplo Court. Cblcngo, Ills., 317-318 U. S. Express Building, E. Kntz, manager. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: President JAMES V. WELSH Vlco President A. T. PAIGE Secretary FRED W. GAYER ffrensurer M. W. HOVE Edw. S. Hartcr....Dr. C. W. Mllllklu Ed. U. Do La Court delivered every evening by carrier boy 6 CENTS A WEEK. By mall ?3.00....$1.50 for six months t - ' OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF AKRON. TO TELEPHONE THE DEMOCRAT CALL No. 130. u " ' - 'Vfrtt& HIU ' "I; TRA DE 5 (o.ihf C-OU NC tilit SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1000. Democratic National Ticket For President, WILLIAM .1. BRYAN. v Of Nebraska, rf For Vlon President, v4 ADLAI E, STEVENSON, Of Illinois. State Ticket For Eleetors-al-Largo, GEN. I. It. SHERWOOD, of Lucas. GEN, A. .1. WARNER, of Worthlngloii. For Secretnry of State, II. II. McFADOEN, Of JefiVrbOii. A. For Supronif! Judge, ALLEN W. SM ALLEY, OC Wynmlot. For Dairy and Food Commlhsloncr. BALLARD B. YATES, Of Pickaway; , For School Commissioner, .1. 1). HIM KINS, ' Of Auglaize. , h 1 Tor Board of Public Works, ' PETER V. BROWN. Of Ross. Congressional Ticket For Congress, CIIAS. E. (MI ADM AN, Of Ashtabula. Con, Dick has 1hhiioiI.ii blanket proc lamation denying the" llrst series of I'nnipalgu stories Hint have appeared Jit the Democratic and Independent Republican newspapers. The General Jinn been fotced Into tho proclamation business rather earlier than usual In ill Is campaign. Pol. M. W. lloyo of Akron, who Is Melting In Washington, has launched d boom for Mayor W. 13. Young for Governor. A number of Ohio papers, Including the Columbus PrehS-l'osti nro doing all they can tu give publicity to the boom, Aktoii will appreciate nil the honors that rnuj be heaped up Kin her citizens. About nlne-tentlis of tho Hoacon'a editorial mailer nowadays consists Cf dry statistics clipped from lien. TDIek's -In page speech, a speech Unit was never delivered lu Congress, but ias published in tho Congressional Beeo''d a month or so after Congress bad adjourned. It Is Hie tchtluioiiliil yif Hie Beacon Unit there Is nothing1 peiluliioewulii local Itepubllran litera ture unless It bears the trademark of the licet less tieiierul. The Pnliiesvlllo Telegraph and tho Medina Gazelle, two of the leading Republican papers lu tin' Twentieth IfllRtrlct, continue tu clamor for the nomination of .ludgo Phillips of Medi na ns an independent cumlldato for Congress. This they nro doing lu de flance of the decieo of Senator Haiina that "talk of an Independent caiidliliite for Congress niut stop," The Senator does not seem to bo vastly more In fluential In the Twentieth district Hum ho Is lu bis own county. Tho youngstown plant of the Re public Iron and Steel trust has been closed down and alt tho employes, from tho suporliftonilent to tho day laborers, liuvo been discharged. To day's, reports from Youngstown tin Xnihrii that the mill may never bo Mmrn led agrtln. The trust should bo toore considerate of thu Interests of tbo (j7)!E.$tQW'Cirj hunnmiiiiMiiM him -' Jimif iiiiiiiiJi n Administration. Closing down a big mill within n few uillcs of the Prcsl dcnl'H home Is anything but tin evi dence of gratitude for favors received by the trust. The Republican; who are talking of putting an Independent ticket In t lie; .Medina Congressional district, had another mooting tit Cleveland hist night. "Hear In mind," said Major Bolton, who was n candidate for tho nomination for Congress against .ludgo Phillips "that there will be an Inde pendent candidate for Congress In tho district. That's all I have to soy about the mill tor." Senator Ilauiin's mandate Hint ''the talk of an Independent candi date against .Midge Reldler must stop" does not seoin to have terrified the Republicans who were disappointed In tho defeat of .Judge Phillips for the nomination. They want to show the great buss what lllcy call do. UNTRU Story Was Started. Thomas A. Steel Is Not a Candidate For Democratic Nomina tion as Sheriff. To Carry Water Works Case to Higher Court. Addition to Plant of Walsh Paper Com pany Falls Nows. (Special Correspondence.') Cuyahoga Falls, July 21. -Tho report that Mr. Thos. A. Steel will bo it can didate to contest with Mr. Ed. O'NolI of Akron for the nomination of sher iff on tho Democrat ticket Is without foundation. Mr. Steel said last night that ho had not authorized any person to make such statement. When Interrogated as to whether or not ho would accept tiuTTionilnntloii If tendered him ho said: "No. My business requires nil of my tltno. Under no circumstances would I accept thu nomination." Tho plnlntlll's attorneys In tho wat er works Injunction case have tiled an application for a re-hearing of the case before the Supreme court in Col umbus. Tho ehnueoM for another hear ing are very small. But the llllug of tills application shows Hint thoso op. posed to water works are active, whtlo i)ii pur cent of Hie people are saying: "The quickest way tho water works system can be put In ,1s loo slow," Itov. and Mrs. Henry Staun'er hnve returned limn ('biiutauiiia. Mr. and Mrs. ltawdson, who have been visiting Mrs. 13. A. Marvin, liuvo returned In their homo in St. Louis. The Walsh Paper company has com menced In build an addition to Its plant. It will bo -10 feel long, and will extend almost from the river bank to Water st. Tills Is being done to I'ligtlien tho paper imiclilnes. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Pony of Corning, N. V., nro guests at the home of Mr. nml Mrs, C. A. Woldiior. C. A. .tones, local manager of tho People's Telephone company, Is homo from a business trip to Salem, Mr, Slnrkoy and daughter Loulso are vIMIlug with Mrs, A. T. Heath. .1. II. Walker lias completed a 20 fool addition to his store loom, The excursion to bo given by the bund at Cascade Paik, Now Castle, will bo on August' 11. A coidlal Invitation Is extended to everybody to attend. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey While of Clove, laud, bine concluded a vMt with Mr, mid Mrs. Ceo. Payne Tor a short time wo will retail Cold Distilled Brandy at $1 per bottle, at din- ntllce, HI N. Howard st. For mod ' in.e, this brandy has no equal. COMPLAINTS In Reforcnco lo Third Ward Valuations. Tho t'llj Houul of ISfpinllzotlon hits ipoolved nuuii'ions complaints of tho ri'iil fstiilo valuations In tho Third ward. It Is claliiH'il by the property owners tho Inmv.isps iniiilo by tho asscKSor aiv very much In excess of tho iit-t mil viilon of the ptoperty. lu several lustaucos tho iiieioanos amount to almost 100 per cunt. Tho Hoard lias been nsUed to rediieo tho valuations. Tryono bottle of Cold Distilled ltrail dy, $t per bottle, at 'M X. Howard st. I'm- medical uxo tlilb brandy has no ' c.util, i i -m i ' fir r- YirrrtTr-TI PROGRAM. Pathfinder's Picnic Promises to be an Im mense Affair. Elaborate Prizes Have Been Offered. Uniformed Knights Perfecting Drill Tactics. Nows of Local Lodges From Special Correspondents. Wednesday, July 2rth, will be tho banner picnic day of these festive times, it will be llio day for all Path finders to give vent to Jubilance over the safe nrrlval of tho order nt. Us second milestone, upsetting till records. It finds Itself upon Its second anni versary, the most vigorous Insurance Infant that was ever born. Lodges from far and near will find the path to Akron, and will proceed to Sliver lake to absorb tho grand festivities of the day. All should endeavor to bring their we'll tilled baskets enily, so (hut all may nit down to luncheon at the noon hour. All wearing tho Pathfind er button or picnic, tug will be served with coffee or lemonade free. jriio fol lowing will bo the order of exorcises: in to ll::to a.m.-Band concert by the fapious Diamond Rubber company band. 11:';1U to I p.m. Dinner. 2 p.m. Quoit match, tub race, smlrn mlng race and boat race. : Parade rovlew headed by the Diamond Rubber company band and base ball teams, members and friends, ;i:!!0 p.m. Base ball game. Akron lodge No. 1 vs. Magnet lodge, Tug of war, boys' shoo race, three legged race. Men's running race, 75 yards. Fat men's running race, ."0 yards. Woman's running race.TiO yards. Fat woman's race, r.O yards. (Jlrls under II, running race. Blind women's race. Sack race. I Pie race. Evening Grand prize, waltz. Cash prize lu gold. Elaborate prizes will bo awarded for respect I vo races, to bo announced at tho time. Pavilion will bo open for dancing afternoon and evening. Look out for baud parade, announcing grand Pathfinder picnic tonight. A largo delegation of Akron Path tlndors visited Magnet lodgo nt Cuya hoga Falls ThuiMlay night, assisting In tho lslallatlon ceremony, after wh'cli refreshments were served. Magnet lodge Is to bo congratulated on tho new board of olllcers who promise to take up the duties their predecessors had laid down nnd perform them as faith fully as tho former board. This lodgo promises a good representation at the picnic, nnd sny their base ball nlno will do up tho nlno from Akron No. 1. Middlobtiry lodgo held a nice moot ing Wednesday night to niitko ar riingements for tho picnic July 25th. As usual they entertained a number of visiting members. At a meeting of Alaou Wlnit This Akron. Citizen Says Only Corroborates the Story of Thousands. The particulars related by this voprc- sentatUo citizen of Akron nro similar to hundreds of others In this city. When there mo score of people, all anxious to tell about tho bonetlts re ceived from the uo of Point's Kidney rills, the rciiest skeptic In Akron must be convinced. Head this: Mrs. U ,V. Whitehead of tiori l'oplar ht. hoys: "in tho spring, of 1S0H 1 procuied noun's Kliluoy Tills from I.amparler iV Co.'s drupe storo for my son. They cured, him of kidney com plaint and up to the presotit time", and It Is ihe mouth of November, ISOS, there have been no recnrienees. I Iiiim' the greatest contldenco In Doau's Kidney l'llls and ltitvo no hesitancy In re-endui'slni; my opinions expressed publicly hi Akion nowspapers consid erably over two yours ni?i Dean's Kidney Pills can be depended upon to act up to tho roprchcututlilus huido for them." Sold for no cents a box by nil deal ers, Kohter-.MIIburn Co., Itujfalo, N. V., solo agents for the U. H. lteniPinber tho niinie, Doup's, nud tako no other, ' 1 1 If IE. foi-M -k....u.. fctf- AUAki,...,. .A:Sjfflkim?f MfciVft , . -gfefe.., . tjA; rAMJgi.'?-.. - .... .. ....V.u..y lodge Monday evening a committee was appointed to establish a reading -room for local rnthtlnders lit ns ccntrnll, u locution as can bo se cure!!. Three candidates vorc Initiated and iultc n number were reported ready to make the goafs iicqunlnthncc Monday evening, the 23rd. Webstei', Camp & Laho'lodgo report a largo Increase In membership. They expect to hnvc 1200 members by tho tltno the lodge Is n year old. Norton lodge Is going to conjo to the picnic lu a body. Last year, they had a representation of about ninety per cent of their membership. U,. C. T. Akron Council of the United Com mercial Travelers will meet tonight at the usual place. There are several candidates for Initiation. DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY. Columbia Council held ts regular session Thursday, disposing of an ac cumulation of business that has been dragging along Home time, with, no definite steps townrd a settlement. That llnally settled was put In shape for final closing at next meeting. Those not In goo'd standing had better look up the financial -secretary before next meeting or tlielr names may be changed to 'Dennis' without any discussion over it. Thoso owing F. B. 1). will bo drop ped from that list unless paid nt next meeting. Number 18.'! and l.n.l were drawn last meoling, BIS being extra. Forty-four beneficiaries were paid 9200 each last mouth by the National F, B. V., the greatest number In Its history1. Our otllcers wero installed and com mittees appolned for ensuing term. Recording secretary was Installed as Kx - C. by reason of merit, having served J over three years consecutively ns sec retary. l'3x-C. Sister Seymour acting as Installing olllcer by appointment. Social committee uunduueed a lawn fete Saturday evening, July 28, nt tho home of Sister Merchant, J 02 North Howard st. One proposition wns re ceived for membership. p. ii. a Akron Circle will moot Wednesday, July 23th, when Hie installation of otllcers will tnko place. There will 1)6 several candidates to Initiate. We have received an Invitation from Woodland Circle of Cleveland, to at tend their eleventh until crsui-y, Tues day evening, July 21th. It was ac cepted, and a committee appointed to make all arrangements with tho North ern Ohio Traction company for trnui porta tlon. Watch the papers for the time of going. This Circle will nt tend church tho last Sunday In this month. A committee wns appointed to arrange with a minister to deliver n sermon for tho occasion. They will mnko their report nexinoctlng., After tho business of the evening Is over, Ico cream and cake will be served to nil tho .members present. Coma nnd en- Joy yourself, brother and sister. L. O. T. M. Protection Hive held a very Inter esting review Tuesday evening. Tho election and Installation of a recordi keeper and nontenant commander took place to till vacancies which occurred through tho resignations of thoso olll cers. Latlicu, do not rorget mo inwu fete to bo held on tho lawn of Liuly Oxloy, (128 N. Howard st., Friday eve- nine, July 27. Como nniL, bring your friends nnd have a good tliuo. K. OF P. Affairs In McPherson lodge are mov ing along with much Interest and zeal and arrangements arc already In hand for it prosperous full and winter. Tho IN Mind When you nro looking for Dental work that our prioeB aro fair and above reproach, and work Is second to llOJIQl We can extract your teeth painlessly Extracting , 25c , Vitalized Air , 50c Defrt Tooth on rubbor. , , . . . ,$8.00 Good Teoth $5.00 Filling 50c and up Our Gold Crowns and Brldgo Work nro mado from bott 22k gold, i 120 souin Main sireot, Open Evenings. Sundays 10 to I A 8 SODA WATER la always a wholosoiuo bovorrtge, unless rendered deleterious to lionlth by boing loaded with im pure urtiuYinl flavorings tuul glu cose By nips. Cold sodn drawn from Our fountain Laucks nothing that could be' Oosired by tlio most Sonsitlvo palate. Wo uso Only puro juices, mado" Direct from fresh fruits And can ploaso you. J. H. CASE a CO., Drugrjltts, I3S Wooator Avw. Haiti , lit n I II . - Li I now; officers now have tho work well In hand and nro handling their duties llko veterans. Tho lodgo Is very much pleased to know that Bro. Geo. W. Carmlchael Is rapidly and nicely re covering from his recent Injtiry. Bro. S. U. WIlRon has extended n cordial Invitation to tho lodgo to a Ush fry at Long Lake on Wednesday evening, July 2u, nud will furnish frco trnunportutlon to the Knights nnd their Indies. Tho boat -will leavo lock one at 0:30 p.m. sharp, and tables will bo placed on board for thoso who wl&h to enjoy a social game of cnr.ds. Tho hotel charges will bo flfty cents n plate. Let till turn out and make It it royal good time. U. R. K. OF P. Summit City company U. R. K of P. is making excellent progress in drill ing. Meetings are now held twice a week, and at the last meeting the company took to the paved streets, where better air can be secured and there more space for the evolutions. The members of tho company are full of enthusiasm and turn out almost to a man so that by tho time of tho muster trhc company will bo In very presentable shape. Tho warrant for the company hat; been received from Major General Caruahun, and Capt. A. D. Siegfried, of Company No. 21, has been appointed mustering oflicer. It Is expected that the company will bo mustered hi soon after August 1. I, O. O. F. ' Summit lodge No, r0, Monday even ing had a good attendance. After tho rottutlue business, Brother Henry gave a lecture on the Initiatory Degree, wlllcn AvnM vel'J' interesting. Tho otlicerg for the ensuing term follow C. O. Buntf, N. .; B. E. Washer. B. 3.; Kd. Goodeuborgcr, recording secretary; Perry Kreisber, It. S. X. G.; Fred Hardonstein, h. H. S. a.; J. V. Walk er, warden; .T. Stewart, conductor; Fred I-apb, It. S. S.; A. Jlaudorbaugli, Ii. iH. 8,; T. Frank, It. S. V. .; 'J'. 0. Leinlngcr, Ii. S. V. .; Geo. MoForron, outside guard; G. A. Swope, Inside guard; J. W. King, chaplain. Nemo lodge mot Tuesday evening with a good attendance. After rou tlno business, tbo following otllcers wore Installed, by 3. V. .Tones, D. D. G. M. and stalf: N. G.; K. A. AVhlteman; V. G 15. .T. Buugli; recording secre tary, liinchun; lluanclnl secretary, .1. H. Wagoner; H. S. N. G., 0. M. Hib bard; 1. S. N. G., F. Iteunlnger; war den; II. K. Keck; Conducror, F. G. Jdarsh; It. S. H., It. D. Jackson; I,. S. H., 11. H. Broueher; outside gunrd, .laeksou Morler; Inside gunrd, II. Boil ing; B. S. V. (.!., Wm. Wlermnu; Ii. S. V. O., A. S. Kilinger. Canton-Akron met Tuesday evening with a fair attendance. The drill mH omitted, owing to the vory warm evening. DAUGUTKBS OK ItHBEKAII. Colfax lodge Daughters of Beboknh Installed tbo following officers Thurs day evening, Mrs. Clnra Malllson be ing tho Installing olllcer: Mrs. Jen nie Weaver, N. G.; Mrs. Grace Twyu ham, V. G.; Mrs. Nellie Culiow, record ing secretary; Mrs. Annie Chapman, warden; Kmmn Ilomiin, conductor; Ii. ICryder, It. S. V. G.; Jennie Cnntleld, Ii. K. V. G.; Mnry 13. Coney, tlrst guard; Jos. C. Weaver, outhide guard. Next Thursday evening. July 20, will be the regular meeting night. Sewing circle In the afternoon. Akron lodgo No. 04 had their usual attendance. Boutiuo bulsness wns transacted. Installation of otllcers wns postponed until next Wednesday oyou lug. Tho Summit county bocodclnl asoela lion and their monthly meeting Mon day evening. After the routine busi ness, an order wns drawn for the bal ance due Mrs. Jane Morris, on the death of her husband. Akron Encampment, No. 18, Friday evening, had a fair attendance, when the otllcers were Installed. A. W. Ilnwklns, 1). 1). G. P.; 0. T., B. T. Wills; II. P., Chas. C. Warner; senior wordeu, Fred Tweed; Junior warden, l- G. Marsh; A. (J. Keck, tlrst W.; Wm. A. Gostlln, I'd W.; J. Bunion, ad warden; Jus. Salmon. 1th warden; II. K. Keek, 1st guard; 15d. Goodeuberger, L'd guard: T. T. Bowerd, S.; 0. Zander, outtilde guard. P. H. 0. Tho excursion to Cleveland Tuesday evening pronils-es to bo up-to-date. The ear leaves on tho A. B. O. Hue at B p.m. sharp, Tho members will bo guests of the P. H. 0. members. A Hue program has boon arranged for their llth anniversary. Tho Supremo presi dent will bo present and speak, ln stilfiation of otllcers will toko place Wednesday, July 'J.'th. The circle, will servo ice cream nnd enke. Tho circle will attend church ut T p.m. on llio Wth at tho Episcopal church. Every Vuember Is requested to bu pieseut on this occasion. Ii. O. T. M. Busy Bco Hlvo had regular review Tuesday evening, July 21th, nt 7::it) o'clock, supper to bo served to tho In vited ladles at fl o'clock on tho same evening, Instead of 0 o'clock. Ladles, bote tho change of tliuo. Columbia Hlvo from Cleveland, will arrive at l p.m. Everybody gel ready for tho great Muccabco picnic to bo held Au - - - - m,,'mmrTr'fl - fffrjl Collins !dsijiviivie:r CLEARANCE SALE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF VEHICLES. Prices reduced on ovorythlnjr wo have In stock. An opportu nity to buy n vehicle nt a- low price, All goods up-to-dnto and cor rect In design nnd finish. Give us a call. Repairing and Painting a specialty. We give the best discount on Rubber Tires. RED BUIL.D1NOS Cor. SVJAIN AND CMUFlOiB STS. TolopKono &I9. Collins Buggy Do uwwvwviavvjwuw'tuivjijwMW'mrwuwiiwwBoiiiMWHUv)iiwwwoiiwivarwo PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, S-fcoom and Wo-fc Water Hoatine;, WELSDACH INCANDESCENT LIGHTS AND PIXTURH3. See HOFFMAN BROS., 2QS&.. NOW SI7 BAST MARKET S3T. PJion No. SOS (People's Tel.); Resilience phono 'o. COS (People'r. Tel. )t 1801 Central Union No. gust 22, :tt t4vcr lake. The Supremo record keeper, Biua M. West, will bo here. More announcements later. Ladies, don't forgot your assessment No. 47, for llfo benefit members and also third term of dues for all mem bers, both of which must, be puid by the lust of this mouth. Also those of the social members who aro back on tho per capita tax must be paid or they caiinot bo re-Instated. To Asthma Sufferers. Lnwson Elvldge of Barrlngton, 111, says ho was cured of chronic asthma of long btntidiug by Foley's Honey nnd Tnr. It gives positlvo relief In all cases of asthma, so. this disease, when not completely cured, Is robbed of all its terrors by this great remedy. J. M. Laffcr, J. Lnmparter & Co.. A. 'Vnrner. 44-44M S en'.sL iflfc. 'tk.-w.N AZi' A. " 9 " 5 'w. N J"k-0--Jm0 . ..S!e:e: our... $1.00 Trimmed Hats l AND ? i Spedai bargains ..TiSMED WUMmi.. SMITH& TEEPLE, J No. 172 S. IVIsaln St. t M I f 1 a. V 4 u-i -Ncr 1 35KK UOP-rftioiir vva. ., e:il-e:o"T!F510 obif soap Prolongs tho llfo of dainty fabrics by lessoning the amount of rubbing. On ly tho purest of IngrcdlcutB arc used In Its muuufucture, henco Your Linens km Snsured Against being discolored. Try it nnd yo u will uso no other. VOUR OROCER SELLS IT. MANUFACTURED By AKRON SOAP CO., - nHTifMMMftmgtftiiiiiTun(rtifftHflfcfthwm,n I Buggy a BENKER'S LOSS Much Greater Than Was at First Reported. Jacob Benker, of 52-1 South Main st., who was robbed while sleeping in camp at Turkeyfoot lake Thuisday, now admits that his loss wns much greater than was at llrst reported. It was claimed yesterday that the sum taken was 1. Mr. Bcnker now de clares that it wa s ?ir7. The List of Wounded Who havo been healed by Banner Salve Is very large. It heals all wounds Or sores, nnd leaves no scar. Tako no substitute. ' J. M. Laffer, J. Lamparter & Co., A. Warner. K0H'' Boauty's IViir-ror Cool, clean, sweet, that's our ice so clear and free from impurity that it could bo used ns u mirror. It's wortli your ivhllo to drink puro water, and It's better to preserve food In a refrigerator, where the waste pipe Is not clogged with Impurities from dirty ico. TOE KUSES Cor. Mill and PropectSts. Phone 19. -XV-,00,.04 Nowadays have to bo or tho best t,o re ceive any sort of consideration. Closed plumbing Is a relic of the postopen "work only.rvceivos attention. Benson? It's sanitary, cleanly, looks better, re ijulres less nttentlqn and )s bettor In pvery respect. We make a speolulty of up-to-dalo styles and methods. Kubjor & Bock block, Tel. 968. 504 South Main St - - - Akron, i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i r i i i i i i i ii .W-r ,i UJlMMZlg&ZZ; MMBMiAI'iHiA