Newspaper Page Text
. i "r y is '. M .i If.V h V &f(!9ttfiSjH MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people nil over tlie tvorlil nrn suffering untAld npony from cltlicr blind, bleeding, itching or protrud ing: jillos'. It Is trim thai, mow unil then wo have a fiilluio; we i;nnot cure everybody, qiiMcliM and Impos tors claim to do thnt. When our medicines full to give the desired results you are to lilanie. lleeatitiu thousands of people think thoy oupht to lip cured on n few days trial. AVc don't wnut to deceive you. Wp don't want your mouey; but we do wnnt you to send w your niiimi and nddreus nud wo will soud you n sample, of our Hod Cross IMlo Cure und lied OrnpH T.lver PIIIh free or chni'Ri1. If you try ii sample yon will use the reme dies nud If you ue the reniedlen, giving them u fnlr trial, a perma nent cure Ih positive. Kenieiulier, this is tlio only pile remedy In the world which holds the olllelnl In dorsement of the United States health reports. It Is put up In tho form of suppositories easily ap plied nnd Rives Immediate and per manent relief. Ked Cross l'lle Cure, fiOe per box. Ited Cross l.lvef 1'llls, JOe and LT.c per box. Tor sale by all drui;j;lstH or sent by mall on reeelpl of price. Address for free samples to tho Ited Cross IJi-iijt Co., nuffnlo, N. Y. THE MOST ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY TO THK FARMER, STOCKRAISER, MANUFADTURER, INVESTOR, Is that traversed by tho Louisville --Nashville Railroad, THE Great Central Southern Trunk Line IN Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Missis sippi, Florida, where (hero uro splen did chances for everybody to make money Come and see for yourselves. Half Fare Excursions First and Third Tuesdays of livery Month, l'rluted matter, maps, and all Infor mation free. Address R. J. Womyaa, General Immigration aim Industrial Art., LOUISVILLE, KY. Low Rates Vest CHICAGO & NOR TH- WES TERN RAILWAY f)NJulPth, 17th, and August 1st, w 7tli and J 1st the following rates wli: be ma.te tram Chicago for round trip, tiikets good returning until October a 1st: Denver and return $3 1. SO Colorado Springs and return 31. SO Pneblo and return 31, SO Glenwaod Srirings and return Salt Lake City and return -Oeden and return 43.30 44.50 44.50 DeadwooJ, S. I),, and return 33,55 Hot Sp: lugs, S.l).,andreturn 2D.S5 Particulars ot any ap.ent, or call at 4)1 mi,, - H,a rfiHK, St., C(eat( 101 C..'( St.,rMli4,ltUaSlt SmllkfUSt., eilfifr) Jw..l.,iSf.,)..i.;yn .,!.. St., j;lol4r, t.falMTrjm,,,, Vaitlvl, Dltftl tllClttSt., CHtl.ll'Wit ,f.n(,rnil,0. Tho "MOWARO" Livery, Hoarding, Food and Salo Stable.... Oor. IVlill and MIrIi ata, rirst-cUis Serrlce In Eycrjr Ucspect Pbcnc 3r2. E. W, Cubblson, I'rop. Growers of Wln Catawba Pure, Catawba A, I'ort, Sreet, Ires seedling.... Alvrnys on liauil. All urilur promptly llllcii. Hpeulitl Attuiilion given to limit orders, Sctmcdler & Rhoiiy-Kollys Island 0. f Atlantic Garden f & ..European Restaurant.. fl y 20C-202 r. Mtrkst t. ,-iV EefuihrAsnts of til kinds. Th W ctlebrtttft Anbeoitr Batch er .. tlwtyt tn drtueht. Metis it til W hoars tt retionstli prices. 9) iiV CIt at ft ctU iXf Wo will pit tit yti. DETTLING BROS., Props. C, sXf n i 'i.L , d' ' lMV. lu-2r$r&&&r3&&&& BELLE S Won Third Money In Fast Pacing Race at Canton Friday. Great John L's Belt Is In Soak. Many Matches Being Mado In New York. Ryan Anxious to Meet McCoy Lo cal Sporting Nows. One Akron lioi-bc managed to got in side tho mouey at Canton during the meeting l that city this week. In tho U:i!:i paee Friday afternoon Uello 8., owned by lit-orgc S. Ilartmnn, finished third In the summary. She finished boeond In the first heat which was paced In 2:'J',4. 'J'ho raco wns won by It u by Hughes. The little mare took a new record of WVA. Bcllo H. finished ii ii a. Wardetta started In the 2:27 pace finishing (t-Ti 5. Tho race was ivon by Valine U. In strnlght heats. Tlest time 2:23'i- The 2:13 trot went to Hilly (',., best time H:l&. A number of Akron horsemen witnessed the races. NKYV UNlKOItMH. The "West 1 1 lit drays ami the Slar Drills are playing at Summit l.ako I'ark. The Star Drills' new uniforms arrived today. rOHHHTT WUA, NOT FlfJIiT. When James J. Corbett's nttentlon was called to a story stating that lib had agreed to light Kid .McCoy on Aug. 2." at the Twentieth Century club, he said: "Thorn Is no truth In tho story. I have not mado a match to dlght McCoy or anybody else, and will not fight anybody until I light .lelfrles. I shall not light at tlio earliest until next spring." " ANOTUKIt HOW. Tommy Ityim has declared that he was through for all time with .Mm .lelfrles, and would never again assist tho heavy-weight champion In his (raining . Hynn's version of the split up Is Hint his compensation was too small. ' DIAMOND HI'HP IN SOAK. .lohn I.. Sulllvans' famous iflO.OOO gold and diamond studt'ed champion ship belt is held for a beer bill. This was ihn eauso for the ex-klng of tho prly.o ring appearing In .lelVerson Mar ket court this afternoon, says a New York special, lie wanted to gel It from Thomas Allen, president of tho Dante Inferno Amusement Co., for which Sullivan was manager until he severed Ills con tract by tupping Allan on the boa dlu an altercation. Sullivan told Magistrate Mayo that he put tla belt over the bar as an at traction wlillo ho was manager of tho Dante saloon on Hroadway and that when he left tho plaeo Allen refused lo give It up. Allen admitted having the belt but said Mint Sullivan owed him $l,ti)0 for overdrawing Ids' ac count. "Tlio belt," .lohn Ti, said, "was the gift of the people of the United Stales and $r0,M0 could not even buy mm In forest In It." lie wants to exhibit lu his new place on Forty-Second street. Hearing In Mm ctibo was adjourned until .Inly IU. SIX WIS15KS MOHf). Hut six weeks more of boxing under tlio llorton law, and tho sports are going to have a pugilistic carnival to wind up tho sport lu tho Umpire, state. Tlio FltKslmmouHOltihllu bout, sched uled for Aug lb, am' the Fltzslmmoim Sharkey go for Aug. 25, nro fixtures, and negotiations are going on for bonis between the lighter men, .Mm Coibett declared today that tho sports will not have the pleasure of seeing him face "Kid" McCoy In tho ring. The ox-champion says ho has not given the match a thought, as ho In tends to luivo another go with Chain plou Jeffries before ho will agree to iiiout niiyono else. Tommy Itynu has authorized Jim Kennedy to mutch him with McCoy In the event of Corbett falling to come lo terms. flrrntnei. He was Inclined to urguo with fate. "I am virtually a great novelist," ho lnUtcd. "Havo I not already produc ed a powerful romance? Yes. And has not tills fallen stillborn from tho press? Very well, then. All that re mains for mo to do Is to write some thing rotten enough to uiiiku mo fa mous aud lead to the revival of my chef d'uiuvre." Hut fate only smiled thnt maddening, faintly mpck.lng smllo of hers.-Detrolt Journal. AKttON DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY. JULY 21, 1000 I l ' Health" Is the worRt kind of poverty. However rich n woman may be, if her health is "poor" she is poor indeed. She has no appetite for foud and the choicest dishes cannot tempt her. She turns and tosses through a restless night on a couch which might woo fin empress to slumber. She has no strength for household cares, no delight in social pleasure. She sits "perked up in a glistering grief wearing a golden sorrow." She is a wife and mother. But she has no happiness in either relation. She knows her husband's life is set 'in tune and time to the minor music of her own misery. If her child laughs or cries her nerves quiver with pain. Ask such a woman if she would like to be well: to be her Uusland's comrade. her child's playmate. Could there be but one answer?' Such a woman can get well if she will. All her symptom indicate a diseased condition of the delicate womanly or gauisni. Cure tliut condition and the woman will be lifted up to the full en joyment of health. In ninety-eight cases out of every hun dred Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will cure womanly diseases, will restore the womanly health. It has cured tens of thousands of women many of whom had been given up bv physicians and friends. It is essentially a medicine for woman's ills. It dries enfeebling drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration. It cures female weakness and hearing down pains. It trauqullircs the. nerves, re stores the appetite and gives refreshing sleep. "Favorite Prescription" differs from almost all other medicines put up for woman's use in that it contains no alco hol and is entirely free from opium, co caine and all other narcotics. It is in the truest sense of the term a tem perance medicine. A Constant Sufferer "I liid been n constant sufferer from uterine disease lor five years," writes J, A. StcorW, of Yan kee Dam, Clay Co., West Virginia, "nnd for six months previous to taklne your medicine I was not out of my room, Could not walk or stand, ns there was such pain and drawing ! left side nnd bearing down weight In region of uterus, accompanied with Horcuess. 1 suffered con stantly vtith headache, pain In back, Hhoulders, arms nnd chest: had palpitation, nervous prostrn Hon, constipation, dizziness, ringing lu ears: could not slevp, nud breathing was so ill (II cult at times I could not lie down. Words fall to de scribe my nuirciiugs when I wrote to you for advice. In n short time I received a kind letter from you telling me I would be greatly bene fited, If not entirely cured, by the use of Dr. Tierce's I'avorlte Vrctcrlnlloti. When 1 had Inken one liottle of the ' Prescription,' together with l)r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets nnd tlie local tlcatmeut which you advised, 1 could walk (with the sup port ofn cane), the drawing nud pain In side and bearing down weight were not so bad, aud when I had taken three bottles of the medicine the periods were regulnted, I was not so nervous, could sleep well, nnd the pnln in nide nnd liear ing down had vanished. I have Inken sir bot tles of ' I'avorlte Prescription,' two of '('.olden Medical DlsanerV aud four vinls of ' Pellets,' and my health Is belter nt this time than it hat been lu five yenrs. "With cinteful thanks for jour kind advice, nnd with Lest wishes." Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets are a most cfTective laxa tive for women. They cure bilious ness and sick head ache. FIRE ALARM CALLS, f 1 Central euglnotiouso, 2 Iluekeyo works. 3 Akron Iron works. j 4 Diamond Uubber work. G Main nnd Mmket, (I No. 2 cnglnu house, Sixth ward. 7 N. Broadway, near Market. 8 Ituchtel live, and llowery. 0 Schumneher mill, Mill Ht 12 Prospect, near Mill. 13 Furnaco and Broadway. 14 Main nnd Keek. 15 Ash nud Park place. 10 No. 3 euglno Kousu ,W. HIIL 17 Carroll and ExchniiRO. 18 Emplro Mower & ltcnpor Wksi 10 Akron Uubber works. 21 Prospect nnd Perkins. 23 Forgo nnd Murket. 21 Shermnn, near Exchange. 25 Main aud Exchange. 20 North Howard and Tnllmadge. 27 W. Market and Greene. 2S Akion ICntfo works. 20 Washington nnd Hopp alley. 31 N. Howurd nnd North. 32 11. Mnrket nud Spruce, 31 W. Murkot aud Valloy. 35 Carroll aud Splccr. 3(1 Carroll and Sumner. 37 North aud Arlington. IIS Vine and Fouutaln, 30 Coburii and Campbell, 41 Wooster uye. and Locust 42 Pearl, near cistern. 43 8. Main and Fnlor. 45 College nud Mill. 40 Arlington and Ilncel. 47 Howe aud Ilowery. " 48 West South. 40 Merrill pottery, Stato it. 51 Howard and Cherry . C2 No. I engine house.Maln & Fnlr 53 Center st, uillrond crosslug. 51 Ituchtel nvo. and Union, 50 Akron Stoneware Co.,Uth wnrd. 57 hods ami Turner. 53 Pol kins and Adolph avo, 50 Main, neur I.O.O.F. Tomple. 01 Cas'j aye. nnd Kout. 02 Bleberllng mill, Sixth T7nrd. 03 Johnston und Ohamplnln. 01 Akron Sew. Plpo Co.. Hlack mill 05 Hill Sower Plpo Co., 10. Market 07 Carroll and 10. Mmket. 08 Second nve. nnd Vii.y railroad. 0'J JohiiKon nud Wlluou. 71 Ciniit and Cross. 72 North and Maple. 73 Werner Printing Co. , 74 North Union, near Illurt. 75 Uobluson Hros., N. Forgo st. 70 Tuo WliUinoro, Uobluson Co. xfrof Western Linoleum Cv. Summit Sewer Pipe Co, Allyn and Cross. Thornton ontl Harvard. Tho J. C. McNeil Holler works Cerenl mills, S. Howard st Schumacher cooper shop, N. Hroadwity. General nlurm. Silver and li.ckory. W. Market nud Ithoilcs avc, Ueuncr's brewery, N. Forgo et. Sbormnn and Votls. Cedar and Wabash avc. W. Exchange and, near Willow. Cascade mills, N. Howard. Flro chief's residence. Adams nud Upson. ' Balch and Market. Maple, opposlto Halch. ' lllttninu nuit Crosby. Exchange and Splccr. Wooster nud St. Clair. St. Clair nnd Hnrtgcs. Water works, Wo oster avo. Ewart Tlio works. The Unil Tlitnu. fk &,- UA "yjii ' A-h Vi TSAV l Ml . eAlVl 1JU-r.' -y-rvfTll1 "V'7 .",. i--; "WAs'xft '.? : " -a FriendHello, old chapplul Fallen In? Dripping Auglcr Toil don't suppose this Is n persplrntlon, do you? I'iuicIi. So Itnmnnllc. "She Is romantic. Every day she goes opt on her wheel expecting to meet with some prince In disguise." "And she has never met one?" "No. The nearest she ever came to It was to narrowly miss being run over by a coal wagon driver, who .ask cd If he couldn't ,calI."-CleveIaud Plain Dealer. OUR BEAUTY 81 82 83 84 85 01 02 121 123 125 232 241 251 253 312 314 321 341 342 345 351 412 413 415 431 " .rtWs.ll ' "fin Beauty f :IS?Siffl j A Boon : TOP lPfM0AIB au N. JliF women Mme. A. Rupperrs World-Renowned Remedies ARE THE BEST Thoy nro the plonetrt of all complexion propnrntlons, hnvlnp been sold for tunny yenrs lonfc'er thnn nay dth'r. They (ire used nnd recommended by the best poople, und always give complete tutltfnctfon, . . . , ,, , , , Thoy nro tho only genuine, nntnral benutlfiers, founded on sclcnllllo principles. KverythlnRnboutthtm Im-plres confidence. Absolut pi oot o( merit has been Riven numberless times by Mmo. Kuppert. No other specialist has ovor Riven ocular demonstrations. Owing to ihemo Woll-Catalillahocl Fnota, wo nlvo Mmo. Rupport'm Rotnottlo thin Voll'Earntsd Prominence. EXTRAORDINARY OFFER ! THIS OFFER IS DOHA-FIDE AND EVERYONE CAN HAVE A DOTTLE OF THIS WOMORQUS FACE ULEAOH FOR $1.f3B. Mndume Kuppcrt's l'nco Hleach Is not a new, untried remedy. Its us,e absmes a perfect comploxlon. It has bean sold for 20 ye.irs lonRer thun any llko preparation nnd today has a farcer Blo thnn all these combined. Wo tro receiving constantly supplies fresh from the laboratory ot Jladame A. Kuppert, No. 6 Unst 14th Street, New York, nnd they nro par excellence. Book "HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL" Free Rvery caller at this department will bo Riven this unique booklet IMtKU. It con tains nil thoko llttlo secrots of tho toilet so dear to eyory woman's heart. Wo rIvo below n list of Borne ot Madame uupperis Mini., Itupperl's I'rlte. Mm. Itupperl's Oolilen llslr 1'onlc RiTfis new llfo In And stop falling btlr, . . . 41.00 Mint. Hui'psrt's Wondorful Depilatory reiutiros suporlhious hslr without injiry to skin la throo mlntilos, . . , . 1.00 Our Trice, 83c 83c $2.19 83c 43c Alms. Ituppert s (Irsr Hair lie ttorstive It not s tlyo. but returns amy htlr tn its natural color. 2.&0 Slino. Ruppprt's Pearl Hnsmsl esusea tha akin tn annum n ffirllnh lOTellneaa.matnly rorrvrnlncuse, 1,00 Mme, Happen' Whllo lloto Taco l'ATfder, hii ei(uistto po' tier, .... .60 nemember.wewlllseltatottloof MmcRUPPERT'S PACE BLEACH at $1.65 Riseh & McCoy Suucossors to J. W. Lit.Llo's jLi'llinery Storo. 124 South Main Street - - - Akron, Ohio. o s To buy a typewriter that Ibilt continue to produce satisfactory work during years of constant use; and this is the height and the depth of typewriter economy. Any one of our three machines will perform such a service We shall be glad to make you thor oughly acquainted with one or all of them. II , ' 1 1, 1 1 I I ' f Atijicnln to Frnr. The appeals to fear have well nigh censed, and jet thi'ie Is no Tact which we are ro compelled to see ns the fncl of retribution. The luw .of retribution works In our present life. We become nwaro of It hi our earliest Infancy, and we never beerine developed In charac ter until we liuvi' learned to fear that which Is evil and to slum the conse quences of sin. There Is a sense of righteousness lit all men. and all men know thnt unrighteousness In lugs pun ishment It Is fair to assume that what Is a part of tunn's very structure here will continue herein ter. We may give up entirely the notion of n mate rial hell, but we cannot give up tho doctrine, of retribution. Suffering must follow sin. nud theiefore to nppenl to fear Is not only legitimate, but It Is In accordance Willi the s"ueturo of man's tia tine. North American Itcvlew. The Democrats of Summit county ure hereby notified lo meet In dele gate convention ut tho Akron.Clly hull, on - SATURDAY, AUGUST I, 1000, ut 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of nominating one County Treasurer, Sheriff, Couuty Commissioner, Inflrmnry Director, Coroner. jt Tin; basis of representation accorded ward and township In said con vention shall bo one delegate for each 50 voles or fraction of 25 or over there of cast for Win, .1. .llrynii, for Presi dent by said ward or township at tho IS00 election, which entitles the sev oral wards and townships to the fol- DEPARTHENT OF A Battle of I ...OFFICIAL TALL... FOR THK SUMMIT COUNTY DEM0CR1T1G CONVENTION. Mme.A.WJPPERrS FACE BLEACH i ouei Kcquinics ; MW. I.niMicrt'a rrlcc. Our Trite. Mm. Hnpfrt' Almnnd Oil Coraplei.friho..ti,Mtorfct Boup, a comblnatinn or almond oil nud wj, not ii bolted toap, Audcon tulntjnoljo, 18c $1.65 Mm. Rupnrt' AVorld Rs nowned 1 ato Blrach.lnrRubottlA okari tli skin of Any dlpcoloru tioii. And bcautlea tbo com plosion tiAturally, f 2.00 Mme Unrpert'e Fcyptlm lUUn, a velit.i,ii) idtin fond, and nvml In cottneotion iM tn Ulench roinoc wrlDklot., 1,00 83c is possible New Century ensmore Yost' United Tijpcicrjtcr and Supplies Co, 43 Arcadt, Clivehnd, Ohio. mininnjimiJsiiMtHiLUswfWssujjai lowing uuinbei' o f delegates respective' r: Votes. . 475 . 302 . 077 llllj . 0D3 . JI7-1 . 1(17 . 170 . 1111 . 178 , 3QS . 308 . 235 . 101 . 133 . ion , 514 Delegates 10 8 14 t 20 First' ward .. Second wnril Third ward . Fourth ward Fifth ward . ,Slxth Ward ltMlh ...'. ltostoll . Copley . , Coventry Cuyahoga 3 10 (1 II 5 1 Falls Franklin ... ! (liven . ...: 'Hudson Xorlhamploii Xorthlleld ., , Xorlon .... Portage .... ,Illehlleld'... ' Springfield . stow , Tnllni'adge . 10 I) 470 SI 200 151 133 111 Cwlnsbiirg . . 70S3 Kit Caucuses shall be held in the lespec- live winds and townships on Friday, August 3, between the hours of 7 nnd S p.m.. at the usual places of holding the same, for the purpose of selecting delegates to said convention and for Mile transaction of such other business as may properly come before said cau cuses. Ai said. caucuses all wards nnd townships which nt their caucuses held lasl spring did not select n member of the County Central committee for their respective wards or townships shall select said committeemen at tlio enuetisea provided for lu this cull. Ity order of tlie Democratic Execu tive committee ED. n. r.isnor, Chairman. E. M. YOUXtS, Secretary. RAILROAD NOTICES. STEAMtSJtJIV TIOKKTS TO BU UOrU AND I'AUIS EXPO RiTIOX. l'Icl;pts vln nil lenili'ig lines ut low eat rates, lnforinntloti cluibrfully giv en upon nnnllcntion to O. D. Honoille, ticket ngenl. Union depot. Cook's per sonally tonilu-tetl touri). Apr2S-tf OI1AUTAUQITA ?-l.70. Kilo It. It. July '-'"tli, good returning until August lit. Ask agent for par ticulars. EXCURSION TO NIAGARA FALLS, AUG. 1(1, VIA O., A. & O. RY. A nild-Hiininier excursion will bo run from O. A & C. railway stations to at ure'H wonder Nlngarn FalN, Thurs day August ltltli, at ?S.0) round trip, from Akron. Good golug on Cjj. A. & O. Ry. Train at -1:15 p.m., central time. I.eavo Cleveland and by steam er at 8 p.m., arriving Niagara Kails In tlino for breakfast.. All tickets good twelve days, including date of sale. For further particulars please address or call upon C. I). Honodlc, ticket agent C. A. .k O. Ry. Co., at Akron. SJMMER TOURK' VIA GREAT LAKES. For trips at lowest rates la North ern Steamship Co., Detroit So Cleve land Ktcntii Navigation Co., Anchor Line, Cleveland & Buffalo Line, Mer chants Lino and .Northern 1 raiihlt Co., see C. I). Ilonodlo, Ticket Agt Union depot. Phone 42, "Sec Erie R. R. ticket agent regard lag rate of !?t.."0 by special train, Sun d:sy, .luly 'J'Jnd, to .InnieUown, N. Y. (on Clmutainnia lake) and return." DENVER, RETl'RN, ft'.VJO. Via Erie R. R. .luly IH.', 1KI, good until August -1. Only one change of cars, and no trnusfer. See W. E. I.augdou, agent. "JfLoO to .TniiK'stown, N. V., foil Chautauqua' lake) and return Sunday, .luly 'J'Jnd, via Erie R. R., special train going and returning. See Erlu R. R. ticket agent for particulars.'' "The Erie R. It. will run a special ex cursion to .liiiuestown. N. Y., (on Chan tauuua lake) and return Sunday, .luly UUml. Rate ?t."iV for round trip." ?. ".-NIAGARA FALLS.- .f.T Aud return, Saturday, Aug. 11, via Erie It. R. Special train lu bot i direc tions. Stop-over at .lameslown, flmti tnuqtiit Lake,' on return trip if desired. See W. E. I.augdoii for pariiciilars;also for sleeping car reservation. NIAGARA FALLS, $.'1.00. Via Erie R. 11. Saturday, August 11, 8-p.m. No change of ears. Tickets good to slop at Clmiittnuiua Iako on return, Write , telephone Agent E. Langdon, for particulars. , ATLANTIC CITY IS (JCEEN OF ' SEASHORE RESORTS. ! $ia.r,ll roui(l trl via P. .V: V. and It. ,V; (). R, R. Atic. U , Tickets good 111 days. See C. 1). lluuodle. ticket agent, Uiilon tlejiot, for tickets and further ln I'ormailun,. ' , , REDL'CKI) RATES TO ORRV1LLE, FOR THE RACES V,IA C. A- &:. C.'R. R. .tuly 'Jo and HO, gooils returning until l7th. AN OUTING AT THE OCEAN. Seashore Excursion Via C, A. & C ' Ry: August Wli. A low rate excursion lo the seashore will be run from points on the Clove, lanil, Akron i 'Columbus Railway, Thursday. August Mil. Go that date, reduced faro tickets will K sold to At Jatitle City, Cope Uy, ADglesea, Ava lon, Holly IVaoli, Ocean Cltj, Sea Isle City, Wllilwood. Now Jersey, Reho both, Del., mill trcean City, Mil. The round tilp from Akron. $!I.W) to either of tlo ten resorts nientloueil, which constltulv tlie. most popular si'iiuni'i haven,! , along the Atlantic coast. No ninre. ei.iJuya)ilo vacatlim outing can bo phntued than a visit to tic seaslioVe( iln-tiilit-suniiiu'r. Ar rangeiueiils ratiy b(uiaio for purllcl pillng In I he pleasuri." olTored by this eeuiIui bv-j:oiiinniilcotlng with C. .'). IIonoiHe, ticket Migout Akron, O,, 'phono V2," lESTFilTHE If you linren t a regular, licaltby movement of ttw bonds every ilny. youro sick, m-will tra. ccn your boH opon umf Ikiwi'II l-ortf, In tlioslmpeor 7iolcnt tuiyslo or pill i-olion. Is ilaiiBerous Ths uniioi best, v.islost. most perfect way or kceplnn tUa bo'' jls clcur and clean Is to tuko 1'lonsnnt Pal itnlilc Potent. TostoOood.DoOoort. Sever Sin on. Weaken, ordrlpo. 10c. Wo Write lor free nuiiplc. unci booklet on tacalin. Adilrc-o lUrltrff rii rend rnnpnay, thleno, 1'patrral, N.w T.rk. 322s KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN erves arc the true .source 'of good, healthy appearance. Persons with half-starved nerves always look worried and "dragged-out." You cannot he happy with out nerve vigor ; you cannot be natural without all the powers which nature meant you to have. produce a healthful glow which art cannot imitate. They invigorate every or gan, put new force to the nerves, elasticity to the step and round out the face and form to liuca of health and beauty. Sl.OOperbox: (I boxes (with written guarantee), SaOO Book free. Pkal Mbdicihi: Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. Warner, druugist, 1208 East Market.' 9Catlk xnutuK D-avil AL P8L18 OrlfflnM lad Only Cennlne- UrufIH for VAlthttttr JTifflu. Via mondllran i la Itf tn-1 fo(a ntultlaX laoxfa.ntaliMvltalilui iirMi. 'lake ' wtn nllitvv. ft ri tt dnaroua auSttitu tiunt ati imitation. A Pmf clif. or ind sta, la iuium fr pfttcnlr, tftUmnltl 4 MOllef Tar l.tlf,"Ulittr, by rvtvim ftlnlt. 1 0,0 0 TflttaoitUlf, ffmm rpT. IrJjrteri IeoJfJC.3..!1I(is0qusr,j i Urvt:r HlLAl-- PARKER'S IIAin BALSAM Oleejiaef aul btsutirtet tha balr. Ftomotes & lmurlftnt growth. Nover I'slla to Jtestoro Gray Hnlr to its Voutliful Color. Curei .''alp dln-nsel ft hair lal lug. S0;.aiuHHlpt llniHtlits CURE YOURSELF ! Ubo J1Ik for unnatural diachftrpt', Irrttationj or ulcerations of mucoUB memlirmioc. FalnLvs. iinl nut aslria ftTHE Evans Chemical Ro. cent or poisonot.e. taciNMTt,Q,tjteff?D "0, "rnarwi. or pent In plain wrapper, 1.7 oxprsfli, propatd, for 1 rvt ... n l.i 'sr x AiilJiAwiV I Circular unit on rcaucat. gDr.Fcnncr'sGOlSEM RELIEFS ITwiitiiiJJ.TirR'tuiifiiJbi A IRVB H'tClFlO IN All. INFLAMMATION 1 Porctluvat, Headiuho (ft minute ), Tooth-1 I actio (l mlnuto), L'oIU Soicn.l-Vloi.a.ftp.otc, I UssMI W I WsJ Mil lllll III illllllJ "I'nlda vnrmln rr rstfAvn m Din titb ANY VAUi INK1DE OR OUT I In tnr Lu ttititv in ( ii n i ph. E Dealers. Tlio fiOc slzo by mall ooc. FrcdODla.N.V. 54S?MS5 H&UC Don't tlo tlio ton bt sonr Jolly nnd rrc.scro Jura in tho old fashioned way. Seul them by tlio now, quick, nuaoiuiciy turo wny-roy n thin coftiinir of pure, rc.incti i nraiuno war.. Has no tasto or odor. Is nlr t Ik lit end acid proof. Easily applied, usolul inn dozen other navflnhotlt Mm linnsn. rulf directions with each pound rnlio. buM rfermhere. Made by STANDARD OIL CO- Kjjfef NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure I in potency. Nldht TinNslons, Loss of Msm. Y2JA i'r "! wuaiuir? tiisiuises, Tx "" olTocts ot Mlf-ubue or lmdczc?ss um iiKiiscreiioii. J-SfWA nsrve tonfu and ,0100a nuuaer. lirluirs tho ntuk clotv In nnln tN-w chocks and restoros the jKHre of south. By mall L NSOo rcr1ox. Q tioxen fnr 8S3.60, wltli our banltablo gaurantee to euro or refund the money paid. Bend or clrculat inn tiij u um uuukuuiu Kunrnuico IkIUU. NervitaTablBts EXTRA STRBNOTH Immediate Results (TEI.LOW LAUi:i.) 1VU truly Kiinrantrod euro for tots of Power, nrl KoIn, IJiulyvoloiMxl or Bhrunkun Orcaus, I'nrosU Locninutor Atoxln, Nervous Pror. I Jon, HysUirln, Fit. Ins.iiitt. I'nrnlyifs nnd tho llpsultsot Kxrestlre I'snot Tobacco, Cnlum or l.lquor. By uiall lu tilaln piicl.nirn.Sl.00 a box, O fur $0.00 M quv bankable sTunr antes bond to cure lu JIO duyo or refund money paid. AdUrobs NERVITA MED9CAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts, CHICAGO, ILL. Sou! liy E. Stelnbaclier & Co., dm t'lsts, AUrou, O. ffl JlP CATHABTIC iA( THADI MAns RIOIlTtBtO q i Stroii N 'i f ! I FENNYROY dt Si ZSte.4 -I ililSi&P jCCfSSr odiiei Nfel JBZUW loltoSdaya. u ErFW Outncittd d tra col tn airlolur.. f ' Trtvenu Caauclnn '' Jp&tifoi -rft3 mmmw. mmmm vjVsaj 8r MS WKVffi-MA"! s fivj4L o hsitrt'rsaJTO.VS mm rmiWM JST7KKY' . . ' l vca. y r'" W&9 rffAVSSl ., .ttV tf4a JL hI i fAit ., i a,ji.m -i Jg6i .-3 ..- tr..1, ,(. U "mxmHtM&t' ' in i 'iilii iTr iiMilatfyH-lT jt la, A ,ik iVltlA. " w.w'vfr SMmssmsMmssim -. k,MMk4stll' (S.fA i t'.l.Jf .1 fatfflpjmmupiLmmn r ftt-- -