Newspaper Page Text
i I" c7?mii'",",'ii vi-! iil''iv'"'l"l,"5v' w Tr "".''IWj" '' Jl .I'fyi. 4f)iW triwpnoip)irujaiaii& :. (' AKROK DATTAr DEMOCRAT. SATUEBAY. JULY ?1, tOOf) n. .1 ' 35 CITY HALL DECR &x(!&tt.Qrm BOSTON STORE J. W? a I rices. s 8 ; l! TJ1B WEATHER SUNDAY: Fair. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. A stock that Is conipleto with ev erything In LADLES UKADY TO WEAR UNDERGARMENTS find at prices much lower than you could afford to sit dowu and make them. AT 30c EACn Tindles" muslin gowns with tucked joke, made of good material, and good workman-nh!p. AT 30e AND 7Co lOACH Ladles' gowns, tucked yoke, trimmed with lace and ambroldery. The iOc gowns are Princess shaped AT $1.00 EACH Indies' muslin and cambric gowns. Princess shap ed, also high and low nocked, trim med with lace anil embroidery, tucked yokes. AT $1.25, $1.50 AND ?i!.00 EACFI -I, iiilics cambric gowns, extra lino material and trimmed with choice laces and embroideries In all the latest styles. -AVI! GUARANTEE TIIE FIT AND STYLK OF OUR uvDiKiy Mnsuw underwear TO HE STRICTLY I'lKST-CIL-ASS. AT Me JCAUU r.ndlcs' white skirts, trimmed with good strong embroidery, lull fasnloned and cut wide. AT 7."c AND ?1.00 EACH Urn brella sklrtii trimmed with hico and emuroldcry, qut. good rutues, nil i p.iilo treue;oiis lu bb.c. ( .... i ok oi r.r, rrn fin VAfilT 'Ladies" cambric nklrts with lawn rul'.les, trimmed with lacu In sertion uuil embroidery, till strictly up-tt dftte. AT lCc l'.'.y.e AND 17c EACH Lm'ic iwr.'Mi covers, trlmmrd and pl'iln, lu A' Biirl squato nocUu, inado t.f i uod materia i. AT Mi.-, iflf, 'Jllo AND bOc EACH i Ladles' French corset covers, J mado of iln. ami i-ambrlo. 1 Kijimii- neck, ah trimmed . . . ........ ..i.i ec uisuniou nun oiuuiutu- tT.V . . , i r.0c ILyCH-Ladles' percaie Is Being Agitated. Hoboes and Tramps Will Avoid Magic City When Stone Pile Begins Operations. Foil From Coal Shod and Broke Ankle. HAVE ADDED A TO THEIR STORE With Good Workmen, New and Modern Tools. TJicffv KuRruving, Watch, Clock unci Jowolry Repair ing Departments are com plete They have also improved their facilities for the care ful und correct fitting of Spectacles. 116 South Howard St. Issued by Empress. Foreign Ministers Were Alive July 18. .;.: vvvv AFFIDAVIT III V ami f with law ? wn Ms in good styles, wllh y ko i hud pleated backs, all av.oi. i V r i;f) EACH Ladles' waists, i wIMi nuked back, made of good 5 5 strong nmlorlul, thnt washes and wears, 5 T S', $1.'J.. SI. .10 TO ?:i.IiO S J E W'H- Ladles, white wnlstH made ! of tine wliiu' lawns, trimmed with I lace and embroidery, nil line lucks, s all These arc elegant values. I 1 AVo have the "REST IN TIIE J 5 LAND" SUMMER COItSETK AT ;l J J3o. IllH equal can't be found. ; 150-152 S.Howard st. : Try the NEW LAUNDRY ! Oumneriitlty SinRT WAISTS mill DUCK SUITS. All work wurruntoil. UooiIh cnlletl (or mill (lultveri'il promptly. CITY HAND LAUNDRY l'hono 012. Kvtl.Uj Houtli Main HI, Musse sum Fine Arts Building, soj Michigan Ave., CHICAGO. William 11. Sherwood and Walton Perkins. Directors. I Ugliest .Standard of Art. I-acuity of eminent teachers. Catalogue free on application. Fall Term Opens Sept. 10. -IVII.I.IA?! It. l'I'.UKINN, Hoc')', MEN. Contluiii'd from IIihI page. tlou of Summit county, will ineel at Hummll lake on August the lllh, and Iwld tl'ii' nniiiial I'ouulon. All sol illeir. und sailors lu the county on thai (y are iiilted to join with isn, that wft may Vi over npiln thoce when wo touohrd hIIiuwh, ditrlns the uiipk,i.HiiineiR between (he noith uuil the Hiiui'.i. Ne.t I'tlda.T nveiilnff wn want n full nttenil'.uii'e. If you are KoJdk to Ghlyaso to attend the Na tional oucnsipmont iihIirh will eomo up that requires your pre.ixitee, This matter has horn defaaed to jjlvo all a clianen to have n voire In the proceed liiKS, bo If you a ro not, thetv :unl the arrangement don't anil yoti, don't net 'back aud howl Ulie a do.? at tho moon, but come lo the front Illro you did In JStJl, and pnt up a tight. The lwidleu Jlfl! ' Otrim haro been Invited to o with u. If .vciir wife dots not belong to thfl Corp) don't Iravo her at home liecaunc ulie 1 not prrnonally Invited, Wo want her to go and you to brine her. Your conduct may bo belter If tho Is with us, and oiiir also. Com rades Glover and Jlatm, who have Just ffttirnrd roro n trip throtmh tho isouth jam a vivid description of what they jaw while there. Space prevents mo from giving an rxtendcri report, but It Is tho biuiio old jouth, still plowing 'with cows and mal-inf no Improvements whatever. 1 The same old nttimpn they fought from eblnd are still there, insver been touch, fd. Comrade Clover found tho ramrod he shot away during a battle, lorxettln?: to '.Mill ft ont'ot his gun. It Muck in toe ground where :t had gone (liro;;h three rebels r.i.d pinned them lown, Their bones were hi III there, ir,d n fw old bras bultouu. Tho rent tad vnolhrd. ' J. S. TAOOAftT, 7---.. Adjutant. Carrara Paint Company Will Entertain Barborton News. (Special Correspondence.) Barborton, Hilly 21. There Is conald erablc talk of building a city hall, but as yet no Bteps have bBcn taken lu the. matter. It Is being urged that tho village build a big atone yard, and that when hoboes are arrested they work out their Hues on the htreotH. It Is proba ble that llicflo matters will assume a tangible form woun. This is a gala day In Ttarbiirtoii. The clicus Is liere, there are three b$ll guinea this afternoon and at 0 o'clock J'rof. Tllbhard will make a balloon as cension aud parachute Jump. Tonight too band Wilt give a grand concert at Lako Anna grove. Kour bands from neighboring towns will be here to as sist In merry-making. f. TakatHeye, of Toklo, .liipnrt, n representative of the Diamond Match company, was at tho Inn yesterday, with Mr. C. II. I'almer and .Mr. Wm. M. Craves, of Chicago. Tho Painters' StiUe convention will upon 111 Akron Tuesday and close Thursday night. Tho Carrara Taint company will have 1ft men here to on- terlaln the, delegates, of which they expect about HOO. Mr. O. E. Koblnson says they will paint Akron a vermll lion. Headquarters will be established at tho Iluelilcl hotel. The second largest hardware com pany In America, (he Ceo. Worlhlngton company of Cleveland, liavii ' been made agents for Carrara palm In Cleveland, and trlbiilnry territory. Tho new grand stand and chairs at the Clonvlllo driving truck lu Cleveland, luivo Just been painted with Carrara paint. Next week is tho big race incut. The Cleveland company has secured four large navy box kites and Ihey will lly them In tandem. These kites are made especially for the American navy. Streamers will lly from the Idles with tho Inscription: "You're Hlltlng on Carrara," (meaning Carrara tialiit.) Hertrand Sehiiefer, aged HI years, of Haliil live., sou of Mr. anil Mrs. It. D. .Sehaefer, fell from a coal shed at .1 o'clock last nigh! and broke his nukle. .lolin l'anl, It. K. Tracy, ('has. Am merman, T. .1. Davles and M. ltlch burger, will enjoy a llsh fry at .luliu (Iroetr.'s tonight In honor of Mr. 11. E. Ileum, of Ashtabula. "Duel;" Curran Is eoullued to his homo Willi rheumatism. Ohns, Mack was lined l?l and costs today by Mayor McNninarii for dis orderly conduct. Kor carrying a re volver Mlko Alben got .?'.'. and costs. It. Monis of Hcotlilalo, I'n., and L. Locks, of Hullnlo, will open a clothing morit In the Daiieuhowei' block on Second st. ltert Curren Is home fiom a two weeks' trip to Mackinac. Mr. and Mis. Itoss and sou Ityron accompanied by Miss Mabel Watson, of Akron, aro spending a few days In Detroit. (Jerlrude and Lnurn Oyler of North Lawienco, are visiting at tho homo of .leiry Oyler on Eighth st. Tho Alden llubbor woiks people aro having a cluy pigeon shoot this afternoon. Alleging Insanity. Tina Wark Will be Brought Into Court. State Sues Ella J. Roehr For $1,750. Charged With Selling Intoxicat ing Drinks. lusurgents Are Killing One Another. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. STSI That Arc Guarantceil J .OO That Look Naiural Minister 'u Says Conger's Message Is Genuine. .OO rt'LL SET OF TEETH. GOLD CROWNS. 22k . SILVER FILLINGS,... GOLD HLLIMGS , BRIDGE WORK lieOSrafhEi WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON FIRST-CLASS WORK. WE DO NO OTHER. Look ttt tlioso pr i cos. Cotnparo tliuni. Comoinnnd soo our work. Com pare it. Tloinoniber, ovorythlnfr wo do is fully guaranteed, nnd must bo satisfactory. All Work Guaranteed. ..... -.$3.00 $3.30 ..25c and up 50c and up 53.50 , Over Mahaffey's Furniture Store. Mours Q to O. To!. IIOB.4 ExtracllilR:, Whca plate Is ordered, c eanlnf with work FREE OWW.OCWOXO'00W TRIBUTES. Mrs. Seeholtz Asks For Divorce Court House News. An allldavlt has been tiled by the rel atives of Tina Wark of TallmadRO, asking that a warrant be Issued to tho Sheriff to brliif,' her before (he I'robulo .Indue. . It s alleged' that sho Is Insane and that she should bo sent to the asylum for treatment. She Is SHI years or iirc. Tho Inquest will be held at tho Court llouso alouday. ACTION I'OU DAMACKS. An action, entitled tho Stiite vs. Kllu .1, Itoehr, was tiled lu Common Pleas court Saturday moruliiK. It Is alleged that the plaintiff: is the owner of a house of lll-miinio ami that YV. O. (ioudy and ("'harlos V Crltehileld pur chascd liitoxIcatlnK drinks at her place. It Is claimed that they bad live drinks. The law provides a lino of .f. 'l.'O for each offense. A total of !pl,7t"il Is asked. MA Hill HI) ON TIIH KOUHTII. , Kinmn Seeholt. Iiiin tiled a pelltlou askliiK for a divorce from Harry See holt 7 They were married .Inly -I, l.Sb:;. She alleges that he has been guilty of habitual ilriiiikonness and gross neglect. She says ho has squan dered his money for liquor and In dis sipation. ll.LKCAh TKAN,S1"HH. Tho Hardy Machine company has commenced proceedings against Joel It. Swllzcr el al. It Is alleged that the defendant Is Indebted to the plaintiff lu the sum of .fii.tiTL'.O I. It Is claimed that he gave tho plant 111' a nolo for this amount. Shortly before the nolo became due It Is alleged that hu gave Sarah Tousloy a note and mortgage for ."f.",o:(S for the purpose of making her a preferred creditor and that ho fraudulently transfeicd oilier property to his wife. OTIIKH I'l.HAIHNIiS. William II. .Miller has llled an ac tion asking Judgment against tho Mer chants' Insurance, company, Uo ul. leges that he Is entitled lo SlOli.!M) tho amount of a loss he suffered by the bin ulng of Ids store. In the case of Ohailes Weyrlek vs. Frank Averlll, ttio defendant has tiled an answer and cross petition, fie al leges that the plaintiff Is Indebted to him lu that amount for the euro of a horse. I'UOIIATIO COUUT. .lesslo A. Hoover has beou appointed gum dla ii of T. Wllford and Albert T. Hoover. Horn! $S,0Q0. I'eler lliimmel has been appointed giiaullan of .leonctto, Itesslu and Helen Hummel, lloiid WXlil. French Havo Received Assurances of Safety of Ministers. Washington, July 21.-(.Spl.)-!i::iO p. m. Tho Chluesu .Minister, Mr. Wit Ting Knng, communicated to tho sec lelary Of stale two liuportnnt tele grams this morning. The llrst Is from Sheng, director general of railroads and telegraphs at Shanghai. It says: "Fortunately thnt Mr. Conger's tele gram has come, an Imperial decroo of tho --ml of this moon, corresponding to .Inly 18, has boon Issued stating thtt all ministers were safe, tho Insur gents tiring on nnd killing each other. LI Hung Chang Is proceeding ninth to suppress the riots. He will find 11 dif ficult to do." The second telegram Is from Liu Kill Yl, Viceroy of Nanking, dated this '21st of .luly, and received by Mr. Wu on tho sumo day. It reads: "According to the edict of the "ami of this moon, (July 18) with the except Ion of the German Minister, who was killed by anarchists, with regard to which vig orous measures aie being taken for their punishment, all the other minis ters for whom strenuous efforts aro being made to afford protection are fortunately unharmed," Mr. Wu expressed chagrin over tho doubt that has arose over the genuine ness of Conger's meshiige. ''1 know It Is correct," said he. "Some people seem' to think thnt every Chinese, from tho noble clast down lo the coolie Is a blackguard. Let them .think so. In ii few tliiys lliey will find that we aro different." Mr. Wu spoke In a louo Indicating that ho was deeply hurt. All Arc Safe. Paris, July lM.(Spl.) Yokong, tho Chinese Minister lo Franco, has com municated to M. PolCasse,, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, an Imper ial edict, auiiouilcliig thai with the ex ception of llaroii Von Koppolor, all the ministers at Peklu aro safe. Now York, July 'M. (Spl.) A sharp advance In ocean freight rates have been called by the charter of sletim vessels by the Pulled Slates ami llrlt Ish governments, ?Z100 ?" H0?l0 ,t, , fV0 f f I, FOH SALIJA cozy Utile 5-room house, stale roof, porch across front, lot 'lONihiri, terniR very reasonable. Cull on or address L, II. Horner, No. 1iKi Hurvaid st Akron, O, 7DSI Peorloss Dofeatetl. The Pool loss Howling team was de feated by the Wishngtons of Chica go lu tho International Howling Tour nament lu Now York, 'I'liiiiMluy by Ki plus. The score stood: Puorlcss: Crllo KH, Kompllln LIT, Miller l"li Kull) JSJo, Mooro 177. Total 7-1 1. Wahhlngtoiis Thompson lil!, Steele 15'J,.ilniiKiirt, 1UP, Hall) l'Jd, llelll, Wi. Totij! &'.'.!), Steumer fpr Long Lako park Sunday 0 a, in, aud i;B0 p.m. Officers Installed. fSrand Master J. P. .lonos Installed tho following otllcers of Howard lodge, 1. o. O. F. at Cuyahoga Falls last night: A. Adams, N. S.s (leorge Cun ningham, V. ii,: Charley Waters, war den; tleorgo Patterson, conductor; tJco. Illackbmn, O. (J,; Hugh Hoyd, I. tL; Fdgar Inskeep, It S. N (!.,; Thomas Hhyuies, i, S, N, 0.; fieorgo Hand, K. S. V, CI.; Joseph Ilrandt, u S. V. (.!. LATE PERSONAL .Mr. K, A, Upham will sb)K Sunday al tho Calvary Presbyterian church In Cleveland, MWs J, P. Jonei of .117 Carroll st., Is spending a fow days with friends and relatives lu Clnvelaud, (Continued from arst page.) . that otlleo meant more than It means now; it meniit statesmanship then, It was lu that eventful period Just be fore tho Civil war when we had what was called the IneprosMblu conlllet between freedom and slavery, andu ho nobly aud bravely stood up for tho rights of men, for the equality of all men, high or low, rich or poor, black or white, and somo of his speeches on this subject lu the House ot Represen tatives have attained tho last honors of American liberty, for extracts from them havo been printed lu tho school books, and will be declaimed by pupils In years to come as models of purlin- nieidary eloquence. Other men with less genius aud less ability, but with more self-seeking have risen lo higher positions aud have held them longer, for our friend sought more than meie personal advancement or promotion. Ho was not puffed up, ho vaunted not himself, ho did not assert himself. lie was ambitious, yet he sought not bis own Interest; It was not a question with tiovernor Edgerlon how will this 'affect me, will it promote my Interests, will It advance me lu political life; Iho question with him was simply, Is It rlghtV Is It Just? and he followed ids convictions with a courage and constancy worthy of all admiration. Hut I cannot linger upon this. I love to tlilnk of him as' a member of our bar and as an intimate associate, as the friend of youig men, ouo who hud a helping hand for young men, n word of courage to stiengthen them lu the contests bcl'oie them, lo point them to higher Ideals and help them look forward wllh faith and courage to their own success. 1 think that no man departing from our bar received warmer or more gen erous tributes al a meeting called for the purpose of paying tribute than wero paid to our deceased friend yesterday. He was an ornament at the bar. He was not only eloquent, he was philos ophical, broad lu Ids views, generous lu his character, kind and forgiving in his nature, courteous in his manner, ho was Indeed an example to Imitate, and a man whose memory the members of tho bar who survive hlin will long cherish with an affectionate regard, J Hut II was in his home and family circle also that I love to think of him, for In tlioso years when 1 was with him the, family of children that clustered around him frequently Hocked to our oilier; 1 loo to think of that Ideal homo where wlfo and children were bound together by tjio ties of the warmest af fection. Lovo and freedom dwelt there, The door of that home was ever open and all were welcome to share Its gen erous hospitality; and lu his declining jours, lu his old age, when these chil dren for whom ho cared so tenderly lu their Infancy, and over whose educa tion ho watched with such great solici tude, tliCM! ehlldeii having reach adult llcf and attained honorable mnnhooM and womanhood weio with him, smoothing his pathway down tho steep decllviy of life, ministering to his wants, and tenderly and carefully nursing and attending -their honored father. " There was mucl In that old oriental benediction, "May jou die among your kindred." Our filend wax fortitnate. William Hiichtel l-rldny evening was for hero In this homo Mirioumlcd by tho largely auenueii and a success both so cially and lluauelally. It was given by the ladles of St. Andrews' chapel and tho Daughters of llio King of SI. Paul's parish. The lawn was elabor ately decorated with Chinese lanterns. Ico cream, cake and lenionadu wpio served. PROGRAM frt -- .. ffii wav'.-rr wa gKt onous, a luxury. Kaslly cleaned. ff w Panrhfot MnnQirfopr Sr Pa (? J. imVlJiWa.. JUIULJLIOAJBAI WL, jJ V Pure Wate For Concert at Randolph Park Sun day, July 22. March, "Koltoino," Fnrrar. Overture, "Fesl Lassen," being' play ed at each of Soiisa's concerts. O'nmd selection "Felloes from Jho Metropolitan Opera House," Toban). Hrass quartette, a Sweel and Low; b, HoVk-nbjo-baby, played by Messrs. Harrlnptnn, Hauls, Vogelgesaug ami Marquardt. "Dance of the Coblins," grand de scriptive dance. Intermission. Selection from opprn, William Tell, (now and Just published,) Rossini. Overture, 'Italians (n Algebra," Hos slut. Xylophone solo, played by Mr. Har rington, "Dauco of tho Phates," Siller berg. (a) Calvary P. Rodney; (It), Clorla from Mozart's 12th Mass. Grand selection fiom Cavlllerra Hits, tlcauii, Mascague. ill ) i t; il'f l it vi iJ) it; purity, and make water otherwise pols- )ff T Is as necessary as food. Don't Invito malarial fever and kindred diseases this summer by using city or well wa ter that you me not sure of, when the Sanitary Still' will remove every Ini- 2(Q-2IS New S. BVaetBrB Stroot. and old 'phono JJJ.4. ii ' .c:e:&&4?ar.?5:S: Krsr.S'.SS-SiSl- chlldreii whom he loyed, lie met his pnrsuaut to a cull of Lewis Seybold, end. He met it bravely, he had no F.sq., president, the following mciuoi- fears of death. He did not shrink back fiom tho chill visage'' of the spir it of the. scytlm iliu) the glass, but .be went to his grave "llky one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down lo pleasant (beams." It Is pleasant to think thai death touched him kindly and tenderly as tho harpist touches, his harp gently, not striking It, but laying his open palm upon the strings to deaden lis vibrations; so our k.nd. friend has passed away from time to eternity, tn I and resolution was luiauimoiisjy adopted: IN MKMORIAM. Tlu members of this Hoard have heard with profound sadness of tho ! death of Honorable Sidney Fdgertou, who, for many years has done so much to foster ami encourage the growth of the library. From his Unit connect Ion with an attempt to establish a public library, commenced In the early part of the year IS7S!, until Ih llnal completion, lie never relaxed his efforts lo provide leaving behind him" oiuorv which this means of public Instruction, amuse. Is precious to all with whom he came In contact. RESOLUTIONS Adopted by Iho Library Board Con cerning Goy. Edgerton. At n special meeting of tho Hoard of Managers of the Akron Public Library, convened July L'Oth, 1000, and ciiiic.ition. How fully these efforts 'succeeded Is apparent In our present library. To place on record our nppi eolation of these acts of our departed friend It Is, Resolved, That In the death of the Honorable Sidney Kdgerton, the public has lost a near frlelid. the community a loved citizen and the library a con sistent helper. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be spread upon our record and a copy duly engrossed bo sent to hW surviving relatives. Splendid Success. Tho lawn feto at the residence of Mr, 1 is Can i tm V I X t 3?y I n n . If I ' M. L urn j Come in and Order a Summer Suit SPECIAL Reduction in Prices For July and August. We Guarantee the Fit, He Quality and Prices. -"' Bank Clearings. Hank clearances for the past week are repoited as follows; Akron, S-I8I,-MX); Cunion, ?)jr.000; .jsprlngtield, S271,0;iS; YouusMown, J321J7U. LAST LINKS. Charlie Funk, a driver for the Wind sor Hrlck Company, was slightly In Jured lu a runaway, Saturday morn lug. Ho was thrown 'from a wngou and Injured about the arms and shoul ders. He will bo unable to work for a fow days. The team was caught be fovo much damage was done to (ho wagon.- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTMD Lady ugoiit to represent an Knstorn uianunicluier on an ar ticle or apparel, Address fi. D.; Dem ocrat olllcc. 70 St r H. i Soo our lino lino of Summer and Fancy Suitings. AVo can please you. "Wo ploaso others. . Merchant Tailor, 219 South Howard Street. Ltunpartor & PoIlIer'B Ulook, opp. Coron! Mllle. oflfrfogr t 4. 4, 4. 4. 4, 4- 4- 4- 4 ' iim iZ r L.L't iltlr e7113 , zmwBHmBMamsmBtimmh -sam& Mm0tmsfm& 's ue Cm i?Miilni BBrt Cannot bo oxoollod by .any in tho country. Wo deliver free to nny locality. Schlath rOl 6 amiljf USB er's lni6U6 Lager on (jrairtt t All nrst-olass samplo roQtns, Tol. 477. .. fafWWii iMiiAijii ' i mMyMJ 1. y . , .t .,. , . , l-. r '.i .$& , .. . - . , VW v..