Newspaper Page Text
I " - f u AKRON DAILiY DEMOCRAT PARTLY CLlQUDV. Spectacles and Eye Glasses At Vftf lo.v jiflpe?. Cntl ntii ifl how well wn enn fit yon GEO. S. DALES & SOK IVdliln'H I'lione No. I1"J VOLUME NINE. NUMBER 103 AKRON. OHIO, SATURDAY, EVENING. AUGUST 10. 1900 PRIOR ONR OBNT i, i I r i 1 : I 1 h, IT Ik. V W: VETERANS Who Helped Make Germany a United Country, Will be Royally Entertained In Akron Next Week on the Occasion of Their Fifteenth National Convention. Mr. Paul E. Werner, First President of the Or ganization, Will Deliver an Address of Welcome In German. Mayor Young Will Bid the Visitors Welcome to- Akron, and Greetings Will be Given by Others Monster Parade a Chief Feature. i SOMETHING ABOUT A Its name Is the North Ameiican Krlcgor-Bund,. Organized nt Milwaukee, 1n 18S5, with Mr. Paul E. 'Werner of Akron, its first picsldent. I Its present president Is MorlU Oeehler, of -East St. Louis. The organization eqnslsts of nicu who havp served In tho German Army, nnd who hold nn honorable discharge. -,.' Several hundred organizations are located lu different" parts of the middle and western Mates, and all constitute Hie North American Krlegcr-Bund. 3 The fourteenth annual coinentlon was held at Chicago. ThjlgijffjisnrJ annual cou volition wiH be. hefipHh 'AJ.rQU.neit week.. ' M "''".M .--These rnmicntinns" a reJbeldnt',thlBajmeiot yeor.Ktncom-Asyif J .. ,411 .(. 'rtiempration of Gerinnn.yk'torlesTdurJnR tbetTaueoflorchTu ,5 waY f ITnd '71. . if. ...... ....!...... .U nl.n..LnJl..n ... .I I.. II. -I ...... .1.. ? 9. a- 9. X: 9 $ 9. i S 9 .MflU.Y Illl'lllllUir, 111 lilt' (Jl.IUIf.llllUU KlUUM Hi I1IM Will, UJW result of which, It will he remembered, was thp unification of the German .states, and tho birth of a uuiteil Germany, under an Emperor., Tho objects of this, and similar organizations, evibtiug -In the United State's, are as follows: First The maintenance of. comradeship, as. Is customary among men who have served in an army. Second-To provhlo benellts In cases of sicklies, Third The furtherance, of good citizenship in the adopted . country of the men who have served lu the- German army, and the uialutenancc of order, law aud lidelity to couutjy. ZyK':K&x'x. Everything is In readiness for tho gient national convention of the North Aineilcf.n.Hrieger-Buud, to be held In this city, from August 18 to 'J2. Noth ing that will conduce to the sueccs of tho ovent has been overlooked. Mauy delegates Imvo arrived today; many more are expected Sunday. To day (Saturday) and Sunday, leceptlons are being and will bo held for dole Kates. At I.aUcbidc pm k. where the nrlncl pal exercises ot the funveiitlou will h) held, b90ths and platfornia have licen completed, and the park Is ap piopriately decorated with banners. This is the smallest oily ever se lected for the national convention. That tho convention has been hi ought to Akron, is duo to tlnec things: Mn j or Young's famous letter to the convention held at Chicago Inst year. The fact that the Hist piesldcnt of t'hq organization, Mr. Tail! B. Werner, lives beie. " "Matt" Welu's liuig.powor, his pei Elfileney and eloqucuce. , The rrj best effoits of the local orijim'witlon, the Laudwehr vereln, BIG CONVENTION To be Holt! by the Sons of St. George , Next Week. Another big convention to be held next week Is that ot the Grand Lodge of Ohio, Order of St, George, Repre sentatives of 115 lodges will bo ptesent, nnd every anangeinent has been made to entertain them. The tlrst sonslon (rill begin Tuesday. Foresters' Lawn Fete. (The 'Comuaulons of the. Foresters fceld a lawn fete at the corner of Er- 9 IT: 9 9 .If S if: . at 9 -i(t 9 GREAT ORGANIZATION. I . . - w - . . ,9 ' W' ' T rv $ I $ $ 9 r . have I ecu pi(t forjh in making ar raugements tp euturtuiu visitors and delegftcs in tlIs city, and every cit izen, inteiested in lils oly, will, do all within ids pojver to nako the eyeut a greu4 success. H13V1EW Or.PUOGUAM.' Saturday night ami Suuday local committees will lecQJve ami rntcrlnln delegates at tli,ti hnl of the Laudwehr vereln, in Kubjer & Beck hall. Monday will be tho great day of the roi ventlou. A parade will be given lu.the morning. It Will bu In charge of Captain Hurmau Wcruer, as chief marshal!. Following Ih tho order of the parade: ORDER OF PARADE Chief Marshal Herman Werner An nounces Plan of' Formation. The parade will cpispt of four di visions. The organization will form hi 8:3U a.m. sharp, oil Mpi'.dny, August SO, In doublo ranks ,'on tho east sldo of Main St., fronting west, the right of (Contlnupd on-pagfe Ave.) TT1 "1 n change and Bowery ts. ThuisUay ov eulug. It wan, a grsat sticcuss. Tbu committee on arrangements consisted of Mis. FrnnirBfawfy'S'rs- " B. Kid der, Miss Anna Hnok;, Mrpt Mollliger. Music was furnished by the Blljlngs family. Refuses (q Select Lawyer. rionie, Aug. -48.-(Spl.)-BiPSsl,1 tho anuichist, who UUIeil King Iluinlteit, refuses to select a lqwjer to conduct his defense. A)l the (awypis whobav been InvIM tiy .tho mftlfpnt of' the court to umlPifpkn thVdffeiipe o tho assassin have df qjlntj to servo. Ammm!m&mMm v .vt"? v , '''. -:'' ,v5. W-' J-- j - PAUL E. WF.RNER, Of AKton, Who Was One of the Founder'' and First ltnl American K rleger-Bund. BUTTON MAKER Has Gone Into the De tective Business, Thinks Ije Has Discovered Another Anarchist Plot. "New l'ork, Aug. IS. Facta wern brought to light today tendlns to con firm the belief In the existence, of a plot of the anarchists not phly'to as Ninslnate I'lesldent MeKlnley, but to precipitate u general conflict. The parade of 15,(HXI members of the Italinn societies of Greater New York tomorrow in Brooklyn In connection with memorial services for King Hum- viiRfn.linvnilMn thp., occasion of yiiji'jajwUAfcM;:.. a.irfitfcwttstoU the iiiaoguiatioiuot wimrfoneu'arj;rsou anarchist gleefully spoke ot as "a car nlal of bloodshed." BenJ. Hauls, a manufacturer of" pho to buttons in this city, received on or der last Thursday for .",000 buttons? bearing the picture of Gaetano Bressl', the anarchist who assabsinalcd King Humbert. He had previously received on order from the Italian Loyalist societies for 1.1,000 buttons with King Humberts plctuic. The man who gavo the order for tho " - Of East St. Louie, , wmBmmXmM, SVli Willi H BBWPiJV mm Hff - lllliilip nHBI '.',; Vv - '"rJ.; . ..; - iv 1. , 7 j m ' -u Vy. I i nt ot the North Bressl .buttons was nwompanted by a woman. As thejjtaVfff" leuxing, after lanliig given 'tlrV-oSlrr, the woman whlspeird'to-the luilfi. who t Imi pttpon said to Mr. Har'ltj ; If we can't linc tile buttons, before f und3j, we don't want them nt nil.".'. 'I lie significance of this statement did not strike Mr. Hanls.nt the tlinc..ltnt since reading of ho anpst of Nawli Morpsc.i and Michael Guldo, allegtl anaichists. jPh- I terdity, as they steijped from Hie steamship Kfllser'AVlllielm 2nd., and who aie liplleied to be detained as an outcome of the discovery of the plot to 1. &) kill I?iesideiH "Meftiley, lie became ? convinced that tliejmuicty to hno the buttons by Sunday had something to do with the parad of the Italian so duties on .Monday. s i. ttmXBhim 01 Legion. of' Honor Cqnferred Upon an American.'' Paris, Augi '18. (Spl.) Snveinf dec orations oMIiP Kegion of Honor hare been awarded, Including one to Mr. F. Wi..'1'eck, the American Commis sioner Goiioiartif the exposition. The first list does not' contain the niuno of a .single Englishman. Heavy Machinery. Tho Erie steam derrick was colled to Aktoii UiIh -week to unload more heayy machinery for tho Cereal Mllln MORITZ OECHLER, FreUdep't of the Nrirth American Kricger Convention at Akron. CONFIRMS News From Pekin Relating to Relief of Legations. Belief Growina That There'll be No War Unless Powers Want to . Partition China On Pretext of Administering Punishment. German Paper Says That "Terror Policy" Is the Only One That Will Keep China Good. Washington, Aug. lS.-tSpl,) Addi tional otlicinl ad'cos In connection with the 'good news that came last night from Admiral Remej and Consul Fowler, about 'the capture of l'ekin and tho lelease of the foreigneis from their perilous position which they oc cupied 11H.VC confirmed what was le celved this morning. No debits hae been rpcdcd. Brigadier General lu jiiiit; oiipri iiiuiiw uuiuii inui;i.i:ii- Ing to .Manila, to become Chief of Staff for Major. General McAithnr and Coi sill General (oodnow at Shanghai, sent a dlsrhili.-h this ihoruliig ciuifirmlng the news of the captnro of the Chinese capltql. He furnished no details. A full' report of thp situation is mo mentarily oipected from General Chaf fee. A leanest was sent by the De partment to the Cable-Company this moinlng to ruh mi) tiling from Cliaf 'fei'. v Until full ddalls, It is haidly likely i r Bund Nov 'ih that theie will bo a new pollcj. A dis patch lc expected, how out, showing to just what degiec the Chinese gowm fiient was icspoiiHlblo for th attar k upon the legations and the alll-d forces. Tli" Impottaiit ueatloii now N, whether there is a war on between China and the poweis. Optimistic olll dais aie Inclined to believe Unit the captuie of l'ekin has ended the trou ble and that exerythlng will now be adjusted through (Pploinacy. and a re sort to arms will bw unnecessary. Nonp of tiie powers want a war and it l hoped that n sottlpmont of another natuie can he irached. Wnphfncton, Aug. 1". -(Fpl.) The first information rcrohed at the War Depailment in regard to the capture of l'ekin came this moiuiiig in a dis patch from Gen. Barry, sent from i To k ii, He shjk: "Taku, Aug. 17. Indiana tiansport arrived on Hip pith. All are wll. Will Co to the front, i'ekiti-takcii 15th. Le gallon safe. 'Barry." Cliefno. Aug. 17. Via Shanghai, Aug. IS.-RMO a. m.-(Spl.l-Pekli has been taken bj the allies and the foreigners saed. CONFIRMATION Received at War Dsparlment, of Re port That Pekin Was Entered. -London, Aug. IS. 'I he admiialty has leeched a dispatch from Bear Admiral Bruce, rontlinilng the .statement that l'ekin was eapttucd bj the allies on the 15th and that (he legations are safe. He sajs details will be sent later. DENIES REPORT. That Pekin Was Entered Without Op positionAnother Slojy. London, Aug. 18.-(Spl.l -The Daily 'I'rilnn lion a Shailghnrdl'patch whtct'fnlw. tliat the allies entered Pekin without opposition.' Prince Chliig "received them in th e most friendly manner. The com t. according to this corre spondent, left Pekin in the direction of Piovinco of Slums! on August-ll. In contradiction of thii icpoit that theie was no lighting, a ili.itch to Halell's news agency, from Shanghai, says the attack on Pekin begaii Ved nesday moinlng. The Japanese do. molished the Cliamlan and Tons' Chi in the evening. The other foices enter ed by the Tong Qulcu gutc'.tc BIG BATtLE Expected Between Russians and Chi neseReinforcements Will Arrive. New York, Aug. 18.--(Spl.) A spe cial cable to the Herald dated New Chwang, Aug. 11, say: Two thousand Chinese attacked the Russian Intrench'ntinits here today. They weie repulsed with heayy loss. Russian vatroeities in New Chwnng having excited the Chinese, It was ic- i ported that I.'.CMn)' cilluese weie com ing heic detei milled to (vtqpturp the Chinese city at uuy cost, 'nnd the Rus sians have'sent a toipedo boat nt Port Arthur for loinfoi cements. GERPMN PAPER Advises That Chineso he Punished Severely For Their Atrocities. Cologne, Aug. l?,-lSpl.j-the Co Iogne Gazette says the lellof of the Pekin legations onlj pattlally solves tlin Clilnese question. The paper de mands the severest ehasUbumrjut of the parties guilty of the murder of Union Von Keltoier, the ioniiant Minister, and maintains that a policy of tenor Is the oul) ellectlve oue'ln China. Austrian. Minister Wounded. Vienna. Aug. 18.-(gpl.)-An ofilclal telegiam to Hip foieigu otllfp ijtinoiiiic Ing Hie lellef of Pekin adds (he Infor m.ition thai Or A. He RoMhnrn. the Austrian seeieiar) of )egntlon and act Inst irln'ster was pflsUtl)' wouwlt'd dining iho siege. SPANIARDS Want to be Real Good Friends With Uncle Sam. London, Aug. IS, -A dlspateh to tbrj Standard fiom San Sebastian, Spain, Ws that Mr. Storer, the American minister, will Iiunipill.tivl.v proceed ta arrange with the foreign ministry tbfl hnal text of a treaty ot friendship am general relation, the final outcome otZ the trrr.i of Jirls. It will Inrludp a consular lomenllon. The ininlsterfl have alio negotiated n moip coniprw hpnsho extradllioii lic.ity. enabling more rtrctie dealings with aunrch' Mr. i.' , .. , Spain dcMron inter a treat,! of com nleicp for I I reel iclatlonn betwrrn thd I'liilfd Slates and Spain wilh siib-p. cpipnt ariaiispmrnt proiidinir; for Span ifli tiade in Cuba. CAPTURE OF PEKIN In No Way Has Influenced the Stock Market. ,ei- Voik. Alls. J.-(Spl) Thfl s'lock market oiienfd dull and iiregu lar. The Ion of the Brooklyn Rapid Tianlt company's animal rp port accounted for the purtli-iihi ae t luii - In thai stoi k. Finn fr-u lutes ot the maikcl weie Si. Paul and C I O, A, Si. Louis. The London nurket was clnscti toda) So no hiflueui'i' waa excited fiom thai qu.ii tor The liewfl fiom Pekin of IheiKCtip.itinliof that cltj; b) the allies, mid the iclief of the for elgn legation appeared to cut no figura In the dealings. There was little othr w Ise of a financial n.i tin o in the uewa of the morning. LATE LOCALS. The Home Telephone Company le lecting poles on the main load bp- niectinz Holes on the main load bp ,,e,-t "I,J AUrou- """ " ",' P. & W, cnginenrs weie surip.vina for the proposed new depot at Kent this week. The net event of the season Is tho picnic of the (fid A. As G. W cinplojes and Erie bojs in the glove on Parte Avenue.ICent, the old Pioneer grounds, on S.ituiday, Aug. '.". J A PUNGENT FOOD DRINK With the Taste of Coffee. "Perhaps no one has suffered more from tile n-e of coffee or failed often er in the attempt lo it off, than I have. Although I never drank moio than half a cup nt a time, it even then gave me sour stomach and u whole) catalogue of misery. This Ucpt up for a long period and time and again I have resolved that I positively would drink mi moie cotlee, but alas, the rest of the family used It, and, like tho icformed drunkard who smells wills, key and falls again, when I sniellcil coffee, 1 could not icslst II. 'Finally we came to try Pontum l'0"d Coffee and my trouble was over nt once. There 1 had my favorite hover age, a cilsp, daik brown, rich coffee, with a fine pungent coffee taste, and yet with no sour Moinach or nervous tumbles after It. On the continry, I have gained gradually lu stiength and sturdy health. All avIio hae spoken in me about Postum agiee, and wo have 'found It so. that the direct loiej for making must be followed, mid it must be boiled a least fifteen min utes, or moio, and It also lequires tho n ilil i ( ton of good cream. Wo have trlerj boiling It a few minutes when in a special hurr.v, but found It Insipid and unsatisfactory; whereas by proper boiling, II Is daik and rich, with a, delightful ll:i vor. "Dr. McMillan, of Sunbeam, Ills., safd he had used Postuni and found It lo be Just as good as coffeo, nud more healthful. Ho If, an M D.. of fine standing. Mr. David Stiong anil sister have left off coffee and ore usIur Post'uiu. They find it much morn healthful. Rev W. T Campbell, pas tor of the Second United Piesbjterlnn church of this city, sa)R Vou may say anything good'that you" wish, about Postuni Food Coffeo and 1 will sub stantlnte If Hn was a very great lover of eoftee and )et found It very, Injurious to his health. He now drlnk Postuni thiee time a day and the old 1 1 nubles have disappeared. "I shrink from having my name np pear In public. The statement I Iiiimj given you Is truthful, and 1 hope w'll aid some people to discover that coffeo x I he cause of their aches and alls. mid they me In u way to get rid of. their tioubles bj leaving off coffee npd taking up Postuni Food Cofi'pe" This hid) lives .it Monmouth, Ills., and her name cap br given by Utter, upon nppllentlou to the I'osium Cereal Co., Ltd . makers of Postum, at gut tle Creek, Mich, 1 i ' I 5 I i i 1 t i isfc' biStU. r ..V . J3B.w "-