Newspaper Page Text
t"' """fPfTS"" i i AKKOK DAILY ttldMOOfcAtf. SA4UJBDAY, AUGTJST 18, looo PROGRAM Annual Camp Meeting Of United Evangelical Church Next Week. jSpecial Services j ,,Highlaud Park, at vJujbliIee Singers' at .Gorge -Sun rj . day Evening. Sovoral Akron Pastors on Vacations Church Notices. The annual i-uxii meeting nt High laud pail:, under tho nusptceb of tbo United Evangelical church, will brglu next 'thursday, continuing until Sep tember S. Tiig,IIIghland Park United Evangeli cal enmp ground is located on the Cleveland Terminal & Valley railroad, oco mllo south of Greeulowu; eight miles from Canton; twclyo miles from. Akron: 50 miles from Cleveland. Hav ing also good public roads for car riage and blrycles. It Is a, most 'beau, tlful aud healthful grove, with an nbnndancer of puro spring and well water nnd water works for sprinkling purposes, just arranged this year, and everything necessary for an Ideal camp life, a veritable sanitarium for soul and body. 1 Besides a number of ministers of tho r Ohio conference, and local pastors of other denominations, there will be .as special help v Rev. B, j. Smoyer, of Myerstown, Pa.: Hov. .T. W. MeSsinger, of Scrau- ton, Pa., and Master Edmund T. Witt, 14 year old, called the boy preachor, of .Tenncrstowu, Pa. Theso preachers wjll .be- present during tho first part of tho mtoJtel&'ZZ. ' -Zy ? Bishop It' buWD. D.' LIv-'d., of "Chicago, Ills, will be present durhig ' the last half'Qf the meeting. 'Vltev. P. A. Baker, of Columbus, O., will deliver tho address on Temper ancc Day, Tuesday, -ugust 128th. Rev. Louis Albert BaukH, D. D., of Cleveland, O., will deliver tbo address on G, A. R. Day, Friday, Augufet ai.l Subject, "The Romance of American " Patrio,tIsm," With this fino array of talent, a great trcat,.'mentally and spiritually, Is in store for all who attend this camp meeting. Friday, August 24. S. S. and 0. E. Day. Tuesday, Aug. 28 Temperance Day. Thursday, Aug. 30-Old People's Day. Friday, Aug.- 31-G. A. R. Day. The Sabbaths.aro'the great days of the campt meeting. There will be a special program with 'special music for each of these spe cial days. SECOND BAPTISr. R, A. Jones, pastor, will hold an old time Southern., meeting vat "Tt)e Gorge,'-' Sunday. Como and worship. wYlh us and bear tho old plantntfon' euoutmJ-jJubllep' singers. -,Servlces BttlOiSp iuu.," 3 p.m- Oup.half hour feong' snrvlco oeforo ,'preaclilng,' anil jfrojn. ft to' 0:15. You are welcome to nirthiopp services. . ' , ,'UNITED BRETHREN. 1 Between' Buchtel nud Center sts. ' " V. Sunday school 0 n,m.r PrcacUlng'by the pastor' at!" 1030 'afjU' 7:30. Themes:, "The rrooffof'Ouf Faith," and "The Sighs ofHhe'Tlmes." A'klndly Invlfa- tloVextcndc'd'to'alir UNITEDEV'AKGEMaAIj MISSION. Corner of Hartges,and South Main sts. Rev V. S. Hnrpster, pastor. Sabbath school .at 0 a,ra. rroachlng at 10:30 a.ui. No evening service. 'ThVfowlll bo "no services for tho two following' Sabbaths , on account of tho Highland Park camp meeting at Grepntown, O. , WOODLAND M. E. Corner S. Balcu aud Crosby sts. Rov. Thos. .T. Post, pastor, Sunday school 0:15 a.m. Salem Kite, superintend out. Kpwovth League devotional ser vlco at t:30 jh. Public worship at 0;30 a.ra. nnd 7:30 p.m. Quarterly , CRITICAL PERIODS In Woman's Life, Aro Made Dange ous by Pelvlo (tftarrli. Mrs. Mathllde IllchUsr, Mrs. Mathiido' R16hter. Doniphan, Nob, uayi : ' "I luffered from catarrh tor many year, bat slaoo I have been, taking Pe-rn-na I feel strong and well. I would advlie all pooplo to try Pe-ru-na. As I oaed Pe-ra-naand Man-a-lln while I was passing through the ohttngo of life, I am positively oonvlnood your bonoflclal remedies have relloved mo from all my UJj." Pe-ru-na has raised more womon from bd of aloknees and sot them to work again than any other romody. Pelvic satarrh la tbo bono of womankind. Pe-rn-na Is tho bano of catarrh In all forms ind stages. Mrs. Col. Hamilton, Colum bus, O., saye: " I recommend Pe-ru-na to women, believing It to bo especially benoficial to them." Bond for a froo book written by Dr. Hartman, entitled "Hoalth and Boauty." Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O. (Unstinted sermon for tho'boyb' and girl nt tho morning hour. CALVARY EVANGELICAL. Tho regular services will (bo held in the Calvary Evangelical church. Preaching ut 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., by tho pnntoi. Sunday school 0 a.m. Men's Missionary meeting 2:30 p.m. Young People's mcetlug',lj:30. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN. East State near Main. Rev. .lohu Her rou. nastor. Sunday Rchool 0:15. O. B. 0:30. Public worship 10:30. No evening service. Subject of discourse, "Sins Why Do Yo Theso Things." CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE. Services iu hall, Abbey black, at 2:15 p. m. Subject of 'sennou, 'Jonah and the KishJ7' ;, All wqlcome. Ouo service only. W. W, Harvey, evange list. ' "fy GRACE M,'B. Morning service Sunday school at 0 n. m H. .1. Shreffjeir, jJuperintondcnt; 10:30, organ voluntary, duet, preaching by J. 0. Smith; pastor?, Httbjqet, "Look ing at our MHUakes.Eveulug bervlce, n' i Epworth League a-:30 p. m., topic, "The Woes of the Drunkard." Leaders, Fred Crisp nnd .Tames Shrefllor, 7:30, organ voluntary; ppuulul music, select ed sermon by -the pastor. All are , welcome. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL. No meeting or, evening services will be held till Simday, Sept. 2. Sunday school, Sunday morning nt 0; Young Peoplo'd meeting, Sunday evening at 0:30; church pro'yef meeting, Thursday evening, at 7:30. GRACE' REF0(RMED. ft i Broadway, Rev. C. h. Albpach, pas tor. At Oa. m., Sunday school; 10:30 u. m., divine bervice subject, "An uncon scious Vindication;" 6:30 p. im, Chris tian Endeavor. J YOUNG PEOPLE'S ALLIANCE. 'A temperance program has beeu pio- for the meeting of tho Young if People's Alliance of Calvary Evangel- MtaMHMMMh Veterans. (Continued from first page.) the first division testing at the Rduth corner of ,Mnln nnd Center sts. Tho organisations taking part In tho procession will march In roltimns of fonts. Tills formation will bo main tnlttrd throughout the march. 1 DIVISION 1. 1 Platoon of police, under, command ef tho chief of police. 2-Chlef marshal and siaff. 8 -Band of tho Eighth regimen! O. N. r 4 Platoon of Companies F and'B of the Eighth regiment, O. N. 'G. ' 5 Drum corps of the Akron Land wehr vereln. Il-Buckley Post, G. A. R. T Uniformed organizations from Pittsburg and Allegheny, Pa. S-Gprinau military Society, of Pitts burg, Pa, O-Germaii Warriors' Organization of Pittsburg and Allegheny, Pa. DIVISION 2. 1 Division marshal and start", 2-Klrst regiment light artillery band, of Cleveland, O. '- 3-Germaii Military society, of Cleve land, O. 4 Warriors Association, of Gleve land, O. j- fi-German Military society, of Mas slllon, O. ' -Coaches containing officers of Ihe flnlloii, O. 4-(Jpniinn'"m'llllai organization of Akron, ()J ' ri-t'prman Lnndnelir vrreli) of Ak ron, OhloJanmbUifT German eternns. 0-PIa(oon of Companies P nnd B, O, N. G. ' f . .LINE-OK MA lint, Tho parade win tnoe precisely at 0 o'clock northyon Main to 'Howard, north onllowaitl tf, Market, east on Market to, Main, muMi on Main to Lakeside Krork. At the Citytihulldlng the general oni cors of tho organization and the city officials wlU'l-pvlew Hip parade. ' HEIl.MAN WERNER, ' l '. i-hlef Mnrshal. 'Akron, O., -XlTcuvi 18, lf0(). It Is expected (tint the paniile will reach Lakeside park before noou. At tho park, tlic'naitlclpauts hi the par ade, nnd visitors ami delegates will be served u substantial dinner. Each bodety will occupy places nlloted to them nt the pork. .At 2 o'clock, a hlioit program will be conducted. .Mayor Voung will deliver an address b welcome (iu English) hnd'Mr? P'au!-E. Wnner has been pic vailed upon-to ticlht-r an address of welcome (InGci man,) Remarks and short speeches 1II follow. Military music will bo ll feature during the re rialnlng'part of the afternoon, and In the evening,' tiro works will be ex ploded oil the lake. Business sessions of delegates will leal church Sunday regulnr topltj will evening. The Iso be (llhcussed. Leaders Ella Foster and Mary Schnel-t ilor. Our meeting.Iast Siinday ovening was well attended. All were profited by being there. Yoi)ripreseucn If. de sired nt these meetings. Come and Join In servlco with us,- , FIRST M.'K, CHURCH. Miss Helen Storec, nmsirtil director; Miss Mlniilc Henneberger, 'organist. Sunday school fr a.m. Morning ser vice 10:30 a.m. Rev.'B. Htisliour will preacii. Vesper servicA 7:30 p.m. Fan tnsle In C, Tours. Hymn No 6, Hymnal- Prayer. . Violin : "old, ".Largo," Handel, Miss Johanna Krqtz. Tenor solo, "Hosaiuin," Gra(inler, Dr. Ion Star, Cap!. HERMAN WERNER. .Who Will be Chief. Marshal oj tho Great Parade Next Monday. 1 ,i; v tf Jackson Offertory, Evening Wagner. Addres, Rv,.W.p. Fetch. Hymiif selecle(,i,Dtv Ion. Jackson, Hymn No. 7ft, Hymnal, Benediction. Postlude, Allegro, Beothpen. general orgunlziillou, prcHideut' pCtno day.clty officials and guests.1" , , 7 Decorated wagon representing Columbia nnd Germaula. ' DIVISION'S, 1 Division marshal and slaff, 2 Mllllaiy band, frouiColunlbus; O. 3-Gormaii .Military sociey.V of Col umbus, O. "1 1-Gennan Military society, .of St. Louis, Mo. ' j , ' 5-Gormnji,.Warrlorf.' Ausociatlon, of St. Louis, Mo. ' I' 11 Genniui Landwehr vereln,. pf St. Louis and East SI, Loiils,'Mo. ' ,, 7 German Warriors' MIIltaryAbso- 7, elation, of Chicago, Ills, 4 S -German Military society, ofi'To- ledo, Ohio. ' ' ' ( 0 -Delegates fiom tliri various so. cletlcs belonging to the general orgap- hition, DIVISION 1, , 1 Division marshal and staff. 2-K. O. T. M. band of 3 German Military organization' of NO TRACE "I am a switchman,'' writes A. Ji Jeunesse, of 0201 wvitlo st Chicago, "and nm out ty al klnn of weather I took a cold vyhlch settled In my kid ney nnd was In Tery bad' shape. I tried several advertised inedlclnes with no benefit until I was rcponjlnended to take Foloy's Kldnoy Cure. Two- thirds of 'a bottle, cured mo. J, M. La (Tor. J. LampattQr & Co. A. Warner. ' ' Of Young Wait Accounts Wore All fllgHt 1 ' ' K No trace of 'Beit Wait, tho pissing agent of tho United States ExpVcss.C6. at Ravenna, has yet been obtained, al though his parents have mndnjuncea'j. Ipg search, " ' ,'! Route Agent Lano was In .Ravennu Friday aud Saturday mid Jh)b ticeo w able to llnd any shortago tu tho young man's accounts, In fact, hp hM'mou,' 5 bq held Monday and Tuesday. Dele gates will leave Tuesday afternoon unci Wednesday, FIBST PRESIDENT. Air. Paul IS. Werner, president of the Werner company, of this city, was the llrsl president of thu Krioger-Biiud. Ho was elected by the delegates In tho first national convention ever held In the United States by German veterans. Ho resigned, after holding tho position A six months. Mr. Werner formed, In 18S4, what Is now known ns the mil Italr vereln. When organized Iu 1SR1 it was known as thu German Guards, aud existed uudor tills name until in 18S0, It developed into the Milltnir vereln. It was an Independent ;nll Itary company, captained nnd drilled by Mr. P. E. Werner. In 1SP5, Mr. Werner and thb llrst llputennnt, H. O. Beck, were Invited nri delegates Jo tho national convention nt Milwaukee. I'tycy attended, and Mr. Werner was elected president. py to hid credit, having romped ? fore hlsv departure, Tuesday, of last week, he paid three or fojir personal claims, and In the', evening secured a horbe und buggy of his father, E. R. Walt, who Is proprietor of a livery sta ble, to go to Kent, wIipio It was placed sad he was going to Silver Lake, Wlleie theio was, n dance. Watt, not returning homo Wednesday morning, investigations woio made by tho fath er, who located tho rig nt Kent, but vyiih unable to get any, trace of Ills sou since leaving this place. Visits were innde to thu lake, Akron pollco hea(. quartcie, the hospital nud then a nip OOOCCOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTOUT OF THE ED MILLER Howard Street North Hill Allotment BUT ONE BLOCK from LANDING at Cor. of Cuyahoga Falls Av. and the A., B. C. and Akron R. Rs.; Cars Run Day and Night; Five Minutes' Ride Down Town. - A-BR. Af.p'Tf, n 2 J' h " KV27 117 TTT I12P 'i W 87 87 88 S3 89 82, 90 e' 9i 30 S3. 79 ? 93 I 784 ''5 s-b 'L7 f 59 I 4W 104.60 h?728 3S 5JM. 10 3.o 9S 71 97 74 9e73 j 00 7 )! I y ZZT J. . a-trvh9-- Ar-g. 60 I -3 Ti T? b2 41 h,5 38 b7 35" I ' IS.J- -n- & 1 7 g 5 1 9 ib g ' To is i 6 I j '" r- O 28 - fj 8 30 r 8 3 ZEJ2 Ti? rrn , , g ,13- 1X9 TS 1 I JS st r 1 s)& I ' ' ' " "" " ' r 6 rV 0? R ' v-r?i ., mj sure. 7t?Xr f kt 2 - . s ... a a v s s . . r. 1 3 8 V "TI M..CfJOic , 8 4 ft vl' r J, CAR AAARPtri7, Eiht Lots have been sold ! Nos. 1, 2, ',i, 4, 5, 0, 7, and 34, and paid for. Fine homo on No. fl'J- and more to be built at once. NONE but good ones, and no FACTORIES or business permitted. Ordinance passed for CITY WATER past lots. NATURAL GAS in reach. Positively the finest and cheapest lots in Akron, si?e:cial- offer Until Sept. 1st, These Lots Will Go as Follows: SOx 145 Howard St., Wall....... Aberdeen . . . Carlysle.... Carpenter... $400 300 soo (SO so o Small Payment! Long Time! Low Interest!! $1.00 a Week Soon Pays for a Lot! Not pver two alternate lots to one person at these prices. DO NOT DELAY. CHOOSE A LOT NOW. Yon cannot lose. Surely tho best INVESTMENT in Akron. REMEMBER to buy when land is low and increasing ; a lot further out on West Market street would cost $2,500 and nover increase Our lots-will double in value in one year. YES, this year, if you build, for the day your homo is done you can rent.a't TEN PERCENT. ON COST. Where olse'ean you make as good, sure and safe an investment'? For further particulars call on WM. H. SANFORD, Manager Phones No. 590. Room 1, Arcade Bit ? ft &XX)OOOOO3XJO00OOOOOOOO0OOOCK5OCW3CK)OOO0OOOOOOOOOOO00O OOOOCXOOOvXXOOOOOOOOOOOOC01 PORTAGE SOLDIERS Elected Officers at Their Reunion at Ravenna. Knrcniiu, O., Aug. IS. At a woll nt- Use Democrat want eijumn, It paya. excess ou last Jtouday, TJiq jlay be-lYas made to Cleveland, but to no avail. I tended reunion of ox&oldlers und ex bailors of I'nrtiiKu ouuty, liclrt at Hie fair ri-uiiihIm yt'stoiduy, flm followlns otllL'ira oru elceted for thu ensulus year: V, S, Krakc, pu'hldi'iil; II, ("!. Shook, vice iiresldent; K. M. Udull, treaeurer, and F. II, Vleki'rH. bueretari. Tho ncxij' it'iuiloii will lio held at Lake Brady., Anir III 11X11 ' ' A A 00-mltititc! ti-ln liv itinnipi tn r, rr: ft. park, 0 aud 1:30 dally.. . '41 , '! JA ,. ra.