Newspaper Page Text
AKRON DAILY DEMQCttAjfr SiATUrRDAY. AtTGftJS 18. inoo 532 XJBpnWlOS CEASE TO EXIST WHEN ADVERTISED IN THEDAILY DEMOCRAT Wk ur.L People's rrwmcstQN g! YOUtl YOUR YOUR YOUR WANTS WANTS WANTS WANTS Will be received for publication In, the Democrat, by ranll, tele phone, or personal application oo 4p'Cpp 24 WORDS '-'4 WORDS 24 W6RDS i 24 W6RDS Can be,,put Into four lines. In writing "your want advertise ments., pleaso follow this rule. "4 LINES, 3 TIMES, 25 CENTS. 4 LINES, 3 TIMES, '25 CENTS. 4' LINES, 3 TIMES, 25 CENTS. 4 LINES, 3 TIMES, 25 CENTS. oo 4 LINES, 1 MONTH. ?1.50. 4 LINES, 1 MONTH. $1.50. 4 LINES, X MONTH, $1.50. 4 LINES, 1 MONTH. $1.50. oo WE HAVE BUT ONE PRICE, CASH5pR CREDIT.. ? . WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED-r-i . good" girl for general housework in family of three adults. Iuqulro of airs. Dr, E, .1. Cnuftleld, 518 W. Market t., r ,102-104 ,WANTEDTSmull girls to learn paper box makings 15-lti years old. Wrlg ley Bros., 1-6 N. Main bt. 102-101 WANTED A cooking: no Apply 121 N girl who can assist In washing; good wages. Forge st. 05, tf iW ANTED A mMdle aged woman for general housework; good, wages to right party. Apply at 150 S. Main st. Mrs. O.'E. Hansard. 80-tC LOST. LOST On west side or central por tion of city, a light paper parcel marked "Simpson" and containing white dry goods and embroidery. Re turn to the Democrat office. 1)1 , WANTED MALE HELP. WAITED Agentg In every county, t5 handle "Coin on Money," soId"ex- cliislvejy thiyugh agents. For ,fuft OloWiBWrmatlotiisjaddrss Coin Pub-' ueu Statp and Ohio sts Chicago. ' t 202-tfv WANTED. (WANTED Four-roomers on fMaln st, good location. Address Democrat ctHce. tf WANTED irouse," or half of 'doubla house' .of nbout li rooms; moderate rrjtp; imMt.hp centrally located; by Sept. 26;.,,. 'Address "Hojiiso," care f De'moornt; tf WANTED To buy small house south of Exchange st., and east of railroad, to remote to my lot. Address X., this office. 101-103 t Use Democrat want column. It pays, RURAL RESIDENTS Delighted With Free Mail :. Service. , Business More Than Doubled During T J-. Firpt Year,, Tha feumtnft county rural free dellV. ery routes estobllsled eleven, months apo, titrating from- tjbli vlllnpe, say the ruynl)dBn'aJlK neportr,ljire proyf .,.?. 1 Ins tvery tl?W'!ni" w!,h tl'dJVPfti'Hm, on the routes and Imvo shown nn I"- ( olumn rrr WANTED Tureo rooms on ground (loor, for light housekeeping; no chil dren. .Address A. B. O., Democrat offlce. D4-tf IF YOU WANT o buy h grocery, if you want to sell yoUr grocery,' if you want to buy a saloon, If you want to sell your saloon or any other busi ness call on 13 ,M. Young, room SO, and at, Akron Savings bifnk building. Telephone 032. A good' office room for I'ent. " FOR RENT. FOR RENT Houses on Union st. Money to loan at lowest rates. Saloon, doing good business, good reasons for selling. Call on G. W. Gridley, 48 Central building. 'Phone 510. - i MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS. $200, $300, $500, $1000 to loan. J. I Bachtcl. ' MONEY TO LOAN- On household goods, pianos, organs, horses, wagons, etc., In sums' of $5, $10, $15, $25, and upwards at the very lowest rates. Property left In your possession. You can pay the money back In small monthly pay ments and each payment so made reduces both principal and interest Call aud investigate. Ofllce hours from 0 to 11 a. m., 1:30 to 5 p. m, and from 7 to 8 in the evening. L. C MILLER, room 14, ARCADE BLOCK $200. $400, $5,000 to loan. Low rates of Interest. J. 1 Bachtel, 188 $. How ard st. GO TO BROUHE HOLLINGER If you need money to pay for'a home. Help to sell your property. Help to buy property. He)p to make deeds, mortgages or other papers. An ab blrac(. or Insurance We can help you. BroiiRo and Hollliiger, 220 a. Main st. Tpi. 2., BANKS. "AL,SAVING ACqOUNT-Is 'a friend in , adversity." 'Start, tho mw year right ty- opening a savings account with tl:o Central Savings bank, a per -cent Interest paid on deposits Separate oepartments f6Jr ladles end special attention glvem to thir ac counts. ,Tau. 0, 1001 PACKING AND STORING;. WANTED-PneUlug and storing. Furniture- a specialty. Kratz's Furniture- sto:y, 140 S. Hownfll. Mch 0 to Sept 0 SPECIAL NOTICES. T: WHITEWASHING and patching. Or deis sent to 110 8. High st. or tel. Bent to 110 a A. T. Picket.' 414. 10-22tf READ! GREAT BARGAINl READ! Arq you looking for tte best real es tate bargalu cer offered? Call at No. :I57 S. Main st and got full particu lars. A good 1 room house and barn, 1V4 ucros.of land with all kinds or fruit trees. Property is located at No. 140 Dayton st. North Hill. It bod lm- medlateIy,$lC00 will buy this property, ,NOTIOE-i will buy all tho old 'horses and mares that you do uot want to '. keep over winter. R. G. Thinner- V man, 210 Furnaco st., Akron, O, U To!. 32C. 186 tf 1 SPECIAL NOTICE. , Below Is the description aurf price, o? n great bargain In a iipuso. mid burnr A 'good 7-iooui lloubo and burn, 1', ncies of land, with all kinds of fritlt trees, located tit No. 140 Dayton st.. North Hill. If sold at once $1000 .will buy this properly, For "parlleuluts, call at No. 357 . Man st. 290-tf FIND SOUVENJR PICTURES OF BUCHTEL cpllego bOforo the iliu nnd after the the, on 0x13 card suit nbjo foi' framing, Enclose 25c to 11 1. Hoskn, earn Demociat, nnd pic turo will be seut. tf READ! GREAT BARQA.IN! READ! Aio you looking for theybest real es tato bargain qvci' offered? Call nt No. 357 V. Main st., and get full partlcu'ars. A good soven room houso and barn, IVi acres of land wth nil kinds of fruit creane of nraHjcolIepted nnd dpltvered every month slnco. tlielr(iU'eptlon. Tha two routes now n opeinllou cover the greater pari of Northntnpton,, jStow nnd n portion of 'fallmadRo towiiRhlps. Tho Northampton rqitfo I9 in fharge of Cieo. W. B)n)klmrii'-'' 'Tljo other route, which rnch)deij Jtw arid Tall modgo tbwiiHjilple presided over by Philip U. SchiuiliBl, The Oiii'tyer are retpilicd to lpaUd pn&irjtlellve.ry ench day except rJundii,V. Tlfefr f'aary Is'i $500 each pur ypur, Jiut lirpvlouH , ti July 1, they only rccphed. $i(fl 11 ,yeiir.' 't As htalcd above, Uielr 1'epoijn to thu postal department, cavil mbilth, have 1 Plfflffl e trees. Property Is located nt No. 140 Dayton bt., North Hill. If sold Im mediately, $1,000 will buy this property. FOR SALE. FOR S ALU-43 acres of land, uecond bottom, 'two miles south of Hudson now houso, prieo $1,000; 200 down,' balance la tec years. Leroy Munson, Akron. ?85-201t, FOR SALE Very cheap, nn Estey or gan, six octave, In llrst class 'condl- ' tlon, in black walnut fiamo. This Instrument cost $110 when, new, nod has been but slightly used. Guaran teed In llist class condition. S'ultftblu, for Sunday sch6ol or- s6cle,ty. Will be sold at a great bargain. Address Box 17, Rlchlicld; O. tf i READI GREAT -BARGAIN- RUADl Arc you looking for (ho best teal es tate bargain ever offered? Gill at No. 357 h. Main st.,ainl get full particulars. A good haven room house aud barn, 1U ncres' of laud with nil kluds of fruit trees. Property Is located at No. 140 Dayton at., Noith Hill. If sold im mediately, $1,006 will buy this prop erty. FOR SALE Bargains In homes and building lots. ,J. .0, Kapp, 417 E. Mill st. 03-110 RIJAD! GREAT BARGAINl, READI Are you looking for the best real es tate bargain ever offered? Call nt No. 357 S. Main st.,and get full particulars. a. guou Kurcn ruuui uouse nuu oarnj ivi acres pf land with nil-1 kinds of fruit trees. Property is. No. 140 Dayton St., North Hill. If sold Im mediately, $1:,000 will buy thW prop erty. iU'5 .nj FOR SALE- A uow 0 room house on West Thornton st., six very lafge rooms, closets, attic, large cellar well pf good water. A C room house on Harvard st., 5 minutes' walk from rubber shop; prices and terms reason' 'able. Inquire of L. H. Home, No. 105 Harvard st. 85 tf1 '. READ! GREAT BARGAIN! READ! Arc you Icokln.; for he bes(; rial es tate bargain ever offered?. Call at No. 357 S. Main st.,aud got full 'particulars. A good seven' roonvhousq nqd barn, XW acres of laud .with nl kinds- or fruit trees. Property, is located af No. 140 Dayton? st., North HIU. If sold Im mediately, $1,C0Q will buy this prop- lertv- . . , FOR. SALE-rAt flqwqr-tlinn the sher iff's price, i Three acres of Jand on street rallload, one, mile frouiJUall's edi-ners, fine 7 "room Iiouse, In llrst class condition; slate raof, natural wood ilnlsh, barn, etc., $2100. Build ings are worth $1500. One acre will sell for $1,0.00. "Must bo sold lp one piece in ten days. Both 'phones. Wm. II. Sauford, TRobm Ji Arcade. THE BRUNER, GOODHUE 'COOKE COMPANY. ' Oldest Abstract office In the county, Established 1870. Our experience guarantees a correct Abstract of Title. Prices reasonable. Prompt service. 215 .South Main st, 'Phone 15. FOR SALE Twenty acres land In Gov! entry for only $500. Thlo Is dirt cheap,. Buy It. P. P. Bock & Co., 220 S. Howard st, . , ' FOR SALE -A buggy an'dV pn'dder'J wagon, 103 Wheeler st. 101-103 FOR KALE-Four very desl'rablo ldt, on Kuder ave., , also three on Mnrrl- man Theselotsi irt-(i)tiout 300 f6fct from tliebeautlfui Ailuu residence ou - W, .Mtirki'l st, riie. are wortji $00Q lo $1,000 em-li, l)ijt I" nu,v,oho bnylug Within 30 (,uys their choice will t6 ghon 11I a low (Igute. Oilu of ''(lie lots would mnke a lirst-class Invest- ? ment. , r & , V.V. BOOK it CO., 220 S, Howard st, FOR SALE-Rosp comb, Black Min orca b, Cockrells, Northrnp Stralu. W, C. Kllboiiruo, 505 Splcer, st. , ' - 1Q2-105 FOR SALE-By 0. H. Jones and 8. E, Jones, 55 Central building. Six room house, nice shade, ilnd barn.' Champlaln Bt. Special bargain lit $850, Good homo 127 Stone st. Mnko us an' offer on It. Wo hnva borne hot weather bargains, hut they must bo sola quickly1' ' Call and lot us show you somo of. them. bhown a steady Increase in the num ber of pieces of mrtI delivereil nnd col lected. In September, of lnst'yar tlin tlrt month of Hie' service, .Mr, Schnable delivered and coleqted JiJTTI pieces ot mall matter, aipl .i'. I.owery,. who then hud eharpo of rpute N'. '-,, delivered nml collecied '-M!H Iilecfd, makliifi '11 total of, r,''J.". mpiitli .Mr, Hchnalllo dellVcretl and CQleed 0,11a pieces and.. Mr. liiacKiiurn,' ot roulo No. 'Jt, 1,'JU pieces, n (oal of o.:w-i,.6i' i,oo;i iilu hinco ,tiiu rt nionth. J Thobp ferved' i).v 'the system 0(0 Kroatly pleased with the rcmilfof 'tlid FOR BALK By Hrunci'-Goodhuc Cooko Co., Both phones, No. 15; 232 S. Main st.: Two farms, Adjoining, r miles' from Wooater, bent soil lp the ate, no waste land, g6od,chh no to tight parly, 100 Codding stf, lot iViI5'7 room hdtiHP, $ijJK), ' " Lot on .ejlers t jicir Wnsblngton st., cheap. 1 125 Campbell, 1 looms, new ,iulI Itigs, .$1700. ,r " 402 W'i Exchange. 8 looms and barn, lpt (Wx200, $2000. 140 S. Mu)Ie,;tgnoil location, paved street, $2500. Nice 0 room hpusrlnrge lot, modern, Mnple, 2000w 5 room house. Hart nt., cheap, $900. ' The undivided' Interest of rt godd brick business block on Ho,waid St., pays big rent, Oo feet front. ' Elegant deep fa't on Park St., at a bargrffn. V ' 10'i'oom house m Canal sU This .is a bargain;, owner paid $2200 for It, will take $1400. .No, 500 W. Thornton, 8 rooms,. new ly painted, $2000. 10 room house., E. Market, all modern, will sell or trade. IV ncres on Johnston st., good for al lot lug, $300 per acre. V6'hnve otliei desiinble places for sale, Wp can-help you to own, a b'uiue. Call, write, or phon.e, 4 . The BruMtJoodhue-Cooke'Co. FOR SALE Here is the place youire looking" fpr one of tho finest resi dence prdpertles on East Market st. A .sacrifice; a fiuo homo and good investment, ,$4500. x . Fine residence on Arlington st, $2,500, G0,'?aci farm In Cuyahoga Fdlla townBhlp. c ,E. M. Yovng, 31 Akron Savlngsj. bank block. "'' l BROUE.&HOLLlNGEp.. " FOR SALE-'We nle offering special borgnlnn In reah estato, a few men tioned below. 213 arid 215'East .Moi-kot t.,''R. P. Henry block, -tbice story 38 by 'SO feet- wltli 20 feot court In the rear. 80.000 Is a low pilce and wtll pay 15 per ceht on (he Investment.' 2i0 N. Union st., Is u nlco- home, for $2,000. Take a look at it. 510 W. Cedar st;, Is a eompletchdnie, $2,550 will not pay Hist rost. ,, 15554 Crosby street, large lot, im proved street! slate roof, bilck walks, $2.1U0 will buy it. v 020 S. Bowery st duelling and barn, furnace, street' graded and curbeTI, $2,500 easy terms. 115 Haxel st,. 0 10,0111 house and barn lot 50 by 25b. Price $1,150. 7441 Sumfier .St., sppii room house, good well, .$1,500 will buy this bar gain. -, , rf, ,, 225 HJ9kQry, at $1,500 will pleasa ,vuu. iinnoi oe mini lor inai nesines the lot. 1317 S. .Main st., 7 room house and barn, $1,700 bify"ft now. 318 S. ColleglVst., It Is 11 tlr'stvclsss property, tawlflook nt . . ,.'' ' A property In Baihcrton, two houses on a large lot will pay a big Interest 011 the Investment.-4 030 E. Buchtel ave., at $1,000 is al right. Call aud look"lt over evev thlnif llrst'-cIa'ssO"? ' A beaiitiful ton East E.clmnge st., for .500. . A nice' lot on.puc'keye.s't., for $250. A great hargiiln In 24 lots on'Crosler st., and BachteJ ,nve. ' Brousq &, Holllnger, Agepts. ; '-. ' CITY'NOTICES. A RESOLUTION Directing fice-hoJders to1' report an estimated assessment of the cost a,nd expeiise of Improving Mill and, Asjji streets, from tin') west line 'of .Hpw,-, Old street totho, bridge oyer 'Uiq Ohio canal. t', . , , Be It resolved by, the Council of tho city of Akron, Ohio, two-thirds of-nil the members ele.ctcd theieto concur-. Hug, that Robert,, Paul, Andrew .Smllh nnd Ebenezer Lewis, three disinter ested fieo-hohlers of tho corporation appointed a board for that purpose, bo requited to prepare and report to this Council an estimated assessment of the cost anil expense of Improving Mill and Ash streets' from (lie west llnej-of Howard street lo tho bridge out tha Ohio canal, upon tho lots nnd la nils and paroels thcreqf benefited by said li)jproenieut, nn set, forth lujnn, ordluaucc to improve said streets; passed June 18, 1000. Said assessment is lo ho In propor tion to tho benefits which may result to tho Ipts and lauds nnd parcels there of from said Improvement, and lim ited to" the special benefits to be con ferred Iheieby to each lot or laud or parcel thereof assessed. Adopted August , 1000.' ' FRANK FIEBEGER, President; City Council." CHAS. H ISBELL, City Clerk. Approved by tho' Board, vf Cty'Cbtn nrrfcloiiei'b. CHAS. H. ISBELL,' " Alt?. 'll-13. . Cle'.k. 1 A RESOLUTION DUci'tlng fiecholders to report nn es timated assessment of the cost nnd experiment and no Inducement could be piesented tp them lo liniq It aban, and the pro'spects are brlcht for nil txteiixlon of the sj stem In tills and ntUpiiiS counties. r ..1 1 1. EARNING CAPACITY. Of Sleeping Cars Much Larger. Than Public Supposes. Tlio lucomo or purnliiR capacity of a sleepluK car Is coiiHlderable. Take tho 11111 from Now, York1 p UfilenRo. ;,000 miles. Kvcry ronil,ln the United Stales l1".vs Hirer centW n mile for the privilege of hauling a blecper and con- expense bt Improving Tamil street from the south lino of Cherry" street to the north line or Mill street Be It luKOlved bj the council of the city of Akron, Ohio, two thirds of all the members elec(ed theieto concur ring, that Robert I'adl, Horace ('rlf llii 11 nd August KlinpfJIii, three'dlsln tcrestcd freeholders of the rorporutlon appointed a board forMhal purpose, be required lo prepare and report to this council 1111 estimated assessment of the cost and expense of improving Cniuil street; from the south line of Cherry street to tho north line of Mill street, upon the lots and lands and parcels (hereof benellted by said Improvement, as set forth In an ordinance to Improve said sireel passed .luile 18, 1000. Said assessment Is to be In propor tion to tho benefits which may lesult .lo the lots aud lands add parcels there of from said linprbvemenl, and llriilt ed to the special benefits to bo con ferrpd thereby to each lot or land or parcel thereof assessed. Addpled August 0(b, 100Q. FRANK FtEBEGER, President City Coiuicll. CHAM. H. ISBELL, City Clerk. Approved by the Bon id of City Com Ri'sHloncrs. CHAS. n. ISBELL, Aug. 11-18 Clerk. A RESOLUTION Directing fiecholders to report ao s tlmated assessment of the cost and expense of Improving Cherry, from Howard street to tho Ohio cat mi!. Bo It resolved by the council of the City of Akron, Ohio, two-thirds of all the members elscted thereto concur ring, that Robert Paul, Hor acu Griffin, and T. D. Thoni mas, threo disinterested freeholders of the corporation appointed 11 bonid for that purpose, be required to pre pme and report to this council an esti mated assessment of the cost and ex-1 pome of improving Cherry sheet, from' Howard street to tho Ohio C'n nal.upon the lots and lands aud pai)' eels thereof benefited by said Im provement, as set forth In nn ouij nance to Improve said street, passed .rune 18, 1000. i Said assessment Is to be hi propor tion to the beneilts which may result to the lots and lands and parcels there of from said Improvement, and limit ed to the special benefits to be con ferred thereby to each lot or land or parcel thereof assessed. Adopted August 0, 1000. FRANK FIEBEGER, President City Council. CHAS, H. ISBELL. City Clerk. Approved by the board oLCIty Com missioners. CHAS. II. ISBELL, Aug. 11-18. .CJork., - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Board of ""City Commissioners' Office, Akron, O., August ,18, 1000. Sealed proposals will bo, received at the City Commissioners' office until 12 o'clock, noon, Saturduy, September 15th, 1000, for the Improvement of Beck avenue (from Market street to Crosby street, by grading the same to the established grade, curbing with stone, guttering and paving with brick, all In accordance with an ordinance to Improve said street passed .lune 4th, 1000, and In accordance with the plans, prollles and specifications relating thereto ou file In the otlicp of the City Civil Engineer, where plans, (ironies tfnd' specifications may be seen and bidding blaiiKs ,may he obtained. J Each bidder nmst deposit, with the Clerk of 'the Board of City Coinnits Sloiiprs; at the time .of tiling his hid, u certificate of deposit, a certified checlt on some bunk doing' business Jn "Akron, or cash to the inlinuul rot two hundred ($2W), or. a bond with suietles approved by said Board. Each proposal must contain the full mime of the person or persons makiug the same. The Boaul of City Cominlssloneis rcsenes the right to accept nnyor re ject all bids. By order of the Board of City Com mlssloneis. CHARLES H. ISBELL, Aug. IS 25 Sept' 1-8. Clerk. RAILROAD NOTICES. CHICAGO AND RETURN $5,S5- ERIE It. U. THE OFFICIAL G. A. R. ROUTE. TJukote, ou sa'.o A"S'.-5 to-9 lncIu- sivc, tnturntng until Aug. 31, subject to extension tri Sept. 30. Buckley Post special will leave Akron nt,7:C0 a.m. Sunday, Aug, 20, arriving Chicago 5:30 p.m. 'Best liitclc, rock ballast block system, nnd rapid run. Other trains lemo Akron 7:08, 12:22 noon, 0:1.2 aud'S:30 p.m. Don't fall to tako tho Erie. G. A. R. RATES TO CHICAGO. $5.85 Akron lo Chicago ami return via B & O. R, R. Aug. 25th to 20th. Return limit Aug. 31, subject to exten sion until Septk:;0th. The B. & O. R. R. Js the, shortest and niogt direct line tini'U to retiiru snld, crtr lu 11 h good shape s (t Is received, ml to pay for all dnmiiEes, The Journey on the lira Ited oprpFPH to Chicago Is niado In Ct hours, therefore tho oar earns ?30 a day for travel' If it Is fill), which Is generally tbf catt recolpfs from berths, sccllous - nnd, Htiilerooniw, nniount In ?l8p, makhig a total rev cnuo of !f2l."i n day. Out of this must come tho wages of tho p'orter mid con ducor tho later, hQYPver, usually having charge ,pt. spvoral cars tho tuwela, Micets 8gais, Ice, etc.,- tjie Whole nmuuuting to but a small sum.-. Then thejp Is the wear and tear and to Chicago, nml onlj line 1 mining day train Chicago tq Akron, Tinlns leave Akron 10:10,a. m., 8 p. m, and 11 p. m. Returning learn Chicago- 10:20 n. m.. 3rfV p. m anil 8 p.' m, No change of curs. For further Jnformatlon see C. D. Honodle, Mckct agent, Unlim deot. HOM1IERS' HOME, DAYTON,' $1.50. Vlli Urlo R. It. Special train Hun-' day, Aug. 10,0i20 a.m. Ask agent for paitfctilais, EXCURSION TO SANDUSKY AND CEDAR POINT, VIA B. & O. RAILROAD, Suridny, Aug. 10th, your last chance this summer, to visit this Ideal sum mer icsort. Finest, fresh water bath ing bench In the world. Free vaudc vlllo show. Train leaves Akron Un ion depot 0:30 a.m. Sandusky $1.00. Cedar Point $1.25. PHOTOGRAPHERS' EXCURSION TO PUT-IN-BAY, AVO. 21, VIA C. T. & V. R. R. Only S1.50 round trip. Train leaves Union depot 0:45 a.m, Howard st. (1:55 a.m. Boat leaves Cleveland 8:30 a.m. Returning srrhc Cleveland 7:30 I'.m. Akron 10:50 p.m. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EU ROPE AND PARIS EXPO SITION. Ticket!) via all leading lines at low est rates. Information chee-fully giv en upon application to C. D Honodle, ticket agent. Onion depot. Cook's per sonally conducted tours. Apr28-tf $1.60 DAYTON, O., AND RETURN Special tialn will leave. Akron Sun day, Aug. 10, ct 0.20 a.m., arrive &t Dayton at 11:40 a.m. Returning leave J)ayton 7:30 p.m. Fare for round trip only $1.50. I FIRE ALARM CALLS. 1 Central engine nonse. 2 Buckeye works. 3 Akron Iron works. ..4 Diamond Rubber works. 5 Main and Market 0 No. 2 engine house, Sixth ward. 7 N. Broadway, near Market. 8 Buchtel ave. and Bowery. 0 Schumacher mill, Mill st. 12 Prospect, near Mill. 13 Furnaco and Broadway. 14 Main and Keck. 15 Ash and Park place. 10 No. 3 engine house ,W. HIU. 17 Carroll and Exchange. 18 Emplro Mower & Reaper Wka. 10 Akron Rubber works. 21 Prospect and Perkins. 23 Forge and Market 24 Sherman, near Exchange. 25 Main and Exchange. 20 North Howard and Tallmodge. . 27 W." Market and Greene. 28 Akron Knife works. 20 Washington and Hopp alley. 31 N. Howard and North. '82E Market aud Spruce. 84 W. Market and Valley. 85 Carroll and Splcer. 80 Carroll and Sumner. 87 North and Arlington. 88 Vine and Fountain. 89 Coburn and Campbell.,; 41 Woostcr nvc. and Locust. 42 Pearl, near cistern. 43 S. Main and-Falor. 45 College and Mill. 46 Arlington and HazcL 47 Howe and Bowery. - 48 West South. 40 Merrill pottery, State at 51 Howard and Cherry . 52 No. 4 engine bouse.Maln & Fair 53 Center st railroad crossing. 54 Buchtel ave. and Union. CO Akron Stoneware Co.,0th ward. 57'Lods and Turner. 53, Perkins and Adolph ave. 60 Main, near I.O.O.F. Temple. 61 Cas3 ave. and Kent 62 Blcborling mill, Sixth ward. 63 Johnston and Champlaln. 64 Akron Sow. Pipe Co., Black mill 65 Hill Sewer Pipe Co., E. Markot 67 Carroll and E. Mniket 63 Second ave. nnd Valley railroad. CO Johnson and Wilson. 71 Grant and Cross. 72 North and Maple. 73 Werner Printing Co. 74 North Union, near Blua. 75 Robinson Bros.. N. Forgo st 76 Tho Whltmore, Itobinson Co. 81 Western Linoleum C. . 82 Summit Sower Pipe Go. 83 Allyu and Cross. 84 Thornton and Harvard. 83 Tho J. C. McNeil Boiler works. 01 Cereal mills, S. Howard st. 02 Schumacher cooper shop, N. Broadway. 121 General alarm. 123 Silver and Hickory. 125 W. Market and Rhodes ave. 232 Renner's brewery, N. Forge st. 241 Sherman and Vol Is. 231 Ccdnr and Wabash ave. 233 W. Exchango and, near Willow. 312 Cascade mills, N. Howard. 314 Flro chief's residence. 821 Adams and Upson. 341 Balch and Market. 342 Maple, opposlto Balch. 845 BIttman nnd Crosby. 851 Exchango aud Splcer. 412 Woostcr nnd St. Clair. 413 St. Clair and Bartgcs. 415 Wator works. Wo ostcr aTe. 431 Ewart Tllo works. generally deputation, the dally clean ing, tho annual refitting aud repaiilns:. Set thesu charges down at 10 per cent mid give the car llu'eo trlpr n week of 1,000 miles each, wo have Its earn ings at-over $:!0,000 annually,. Some cars earn 11 gieat deal more. mr. files, chiropodist, of Voungstown. will bo nUtho Hotel Hucbtcl, Monday. Attention G, A! R. Members. All members of Huckloy Post mo hereby commanded lo assomblo at G. A. It. Hall at 8 o'clock a. m. .Monday morning, Aug, tnlto pa it In tho parade of tho.fiermau Warriors. Hy order of Kll" Smith, Commander, J. H. Tnggart, Adjutant, CONCERT At Randolph Park Sunday, by Eddie Marquardt's Orchestra. March, "Grand Central," Saxton, ' Overture, "Jber Tambour de Garse," A. E. Title. "Pwail of the Gauleiis," Geo. Wcl gnnd. ' ' . Trombone bolo, played by .Mr. Walter: Harris, "Tell me l'iay,' Victor Her. bert. "Bouquet of Classics," arranged by To bun I. Intermission. Overture, "Berlin In Smiles and Tears," A. Conradl. Grand selection from Lucrezla Bor gia, Douzettl. (a), First Heart's Throbs, (b) La Me dia Moche, Ellenbcrg. Cello solo, played by Mr. Emll Henig, Gacott, No. 2, Popper. Grand self-ctlon from "The Bohemian, GtrJ," Balfe. Tho lack of energy you rel, tho back ache and t run down condition general ly, all meant kidney dlcordir. Foley's Kidney Cure will restore your strength and vigor by making the kidneys well. Take no substitute. J. M. Laffer, J. Lamparter & Co., A. Wsrner. (Furnished by the 'Abstract Titlfll Guarantea and Trust Co., 220 Sontti Main Street) Lucretia M. Fowler to Almon W, Barber, 0.21 acres Hudson township, $230. Jus. B. Geer to A. J. Rowley, trustee 50 feet E. Market st., $1. David Stllwell to Bryon J. Stillwell, 1-7 iuteiest 50 acres Tallmadge town ship, ?2OI0. Arabella C. Emmlt aud husband id E. J. Stillwell, 1-f Interest common 50 acies Tallmadgp township, $500. Eleanor N. Ha'rt anil husband to B. J. Stillwell, 1-7 interest common in 50 ncres Tallmadgp township, $500. Ezcklcl S. Stillwell and wife to B. J, Stillwell, 1-7 interest common in 50 acres Tnllmadge township, $500. Nonis and Mary Miller to B. J. Still well, 1-7 interest common in 50 acres Tnllmadge township, $500. Ph'Vmsi Weston to B, J. Stillwell, 1-7 interest common 50 acres Tnllmadgo township, .$2,(MM. , Frederick .1. Miller and wife to Wm. Corbett and lfe( 2S acres Twinsburg township. $2,S00. A. a. Mocro and wife to Mary Lau der, lot Moorp St., Barbel ton, $175. Read -the Democrat's want column eve'ry day and your wants will bo supplied. MONEY! WE LOAN.IT On Long Time and Easy Payments WE will make loans Jrom to JI.0Q0 00 Watches, Diamond!, Household Gooui, , Pianos. Organs. Horses, WBRons, CarrlSKes, Htore and Offlco Fixtures, Jierclndf. Stocks. Bonds, Jewelry. ,ln"u",n,9,? iSlv' cles. Rents. Contracts. VlTHOUr ANt, PUBLICITY WHATKVKIl AND WITH-. OUT REMOVING THEM KUOMJOUR, POfeSESSlON. Elecnnt Private OKces. Loans made same day. AKRON SECURITY & LOAN CO,4 193 South Howard St., K IM ot r (Villi S. Ffcone 862. Open evenlnn sntll 9 p. m. , COME. LET US GET TOGETHER OH THE Job Printing Question H ou don't Unow about us nnd our tli nnd iiunltty ot work, iniiulrn around nmoiiK thoe who do know u. Wn claim to gi e you pood, hon est, up-tt.-dato commercial Job pMntln.:, at prices far below usually charged for nrJt-nlns work. We'll nrove these statements ti our en tire satisfaction If you will drop In and ?ee uk- (,ct o-ir price. WACKER & GILMORE, Td. 1 743. 1 80 S. .Howard St. His Old Charge. Itev. I). A. rttoe, of AUron, a former; pastor of the Olingrin Vails Congro. kuUoikiI church, occupied that chuich's pulpit Sunday moiuing, and addressed . a union Fervlce Sunday ovpnlngi'v, preaching most acceptably. -Mr, Hloso has a host ot friends In Chagrin Falls who weie pleat-ed to giect hlra." -vCliaB rlii Falls. Kxpouent. V. R. ConUlIn, nowersvllle, 0 sayd: '. I 5 it I ; ! Real Estate Transfers : "I received mpre benellt from Fplfey'sj -'. Kidney Cure than from months ot" ; J treatment by nhyblclans,'' Take ,toa, 8 substitute. j. 01. uiuur, j, tjiwuiwiiur ei o.t J .j,. Warner. A 1 v, I - TT, X wftr '. 'Hi " II- l''t i