Newspaper Page Text
d v -,AtnT i . -j",,. tf1 r i t' TT, t J AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT FAIR and WARMER. VOLUME NIJSE. NUMBER 114 AKllON. OHIO, PRIDAY. EVENING. AUGUST 31. 1900 PRICE ONE OENT k te B- I' I If j I ii BRITISH Hold Winning Hand At Present In South African Situation. Hold Good Positions Without Opposition. Roberts Sands Optimistic Mes sage to War Office. Kruger and Commandoes Leave For Pilgrim's Rest. London, Aug. SI. (Spl.) Tho War ofilce publishes the following dispatch from Lord Huberts under date of Mel fast, Aug. 30: "We have occupied Watervalboven and Watervalonder, mid Buller, with botno mounted troops, Is, overlooking Nooltgcdaeht. He telegraphs that the place Is apparently deserted, except by the British prisoners, who are passing up tho Hue westward towards Wutor valonderlu n continuous stream. No Boers arc visible. Natives report that Kruger and all of tho commandoes left yesteiday for Pilgrims' Rest. "French reports tho railway Intact ns far ris Watervalonder, except for a tniall bridge close to tho station which had ben destroyed. He found one of v our prlsoncis and si fcv wounded Boers." J&TV In a previous dispatch from" Lot llobeiis, datetlg 20, tintl nlso(ptil im-floW Uhjeif'vig, 20, tintl also, pub the War olllce, he says: "Buller telegraphs from Helvetia, four miles nottli of Mauchadodorp., that onl.i a few of the enemy wore left there tlds morning. "Thp flank movement of French nnd Pole-Cnrew from Belfast on the Ly-denburg- road, added to the advance of Duudonald's mounted troops In their front, caused the Boers to abandon what Is very strong position. "Tho eountry thus being cleared of the cuumy, our troops moved east ward. The South African light horse, after some littlo opposition, entered Watervalboven and drove the scatter ed remnants of tho army through the town. "Fiench's cavalry has lenehcd Water, vnlonder, having met llltlo opposition. Dundonnld, with Stratheoiiu's horse, Is1 still operating in the east, not far from Nooltgedacht. "The progress or the troops is much retarded by a wet mist and the difficult nature of the country." Of Allied Forces Throug- out Imperial City To Commemorate the Dapture of the . City ol Pekin. Yokohomn, Aug. 31.-(Spl.)-A dis patch from Lieutenant General Yama guchl, commanding tho Japanese con tingent in China, says that nt a meet ing of tho ministers and the officers commanding tho allied forces, held last Saturday, It was decided that tho gates of the Imperial city should continue to be guarded, tho south gate by the Americans and tho other three by tho Japanese. It was decided further at this meet Ing that tho capturo of I'ekln should bo commemorated by a inarch of tho allied, forces through tho Imperial city on August 2S. The dispatch atlds (hat many of the runurh guards have conn; out of (ho palace and surrendered, The remain log Inmates of the palace have reecUcd assurances Hint they will bo t rented with uvery consideration. NEWSPAPER MAN Drowned While Attempting to Rescue Small Boys. Rock Islnnd, 111., Aug. 31.-(Spl.) Gcoigo It. Davis, aged 30, circulation manager of the Davenport Leader, was drowned In Hock river yesterday afternoon. Ho had taken the carriers of his paper to Blacklmwk wateh tow cr for an outing. WJth nine hoys he boarded a. toboggan boat. The eian, after striking tho water at, the foot of tho Inellne, broke. ' Davis and Tracy Newberg, the attpndant In cliargo of the boat, devoted themselves to res cuing the boys, all of' whom were caved. David sank while helping two boys. CUBAN PASSENGER Shows Symptoms That Indicate Yellow Fever. New Yoik, Aug. 31.-(Spl.)-IgnacIo Ciarcla, aged 23 years, a steerage pas senger of the SpanKh steamship, Leon XIII, which arrived this morning from Havana, was rcmocd tb Swinburne island for treatment and observation. Dr. CJody Says Garcia shows suspic ious sjmptoms, indicating yellow fe ver. Tho steamship and her passoif gers are held at quarantine for disin fection and to servo out the balance of tile quarantine period of live days. Niuc Immune passengers were, land ed at IMor 10, Last Hiver, this morning. Tho others, 121 in number, are detain ed. Tho Leon XIII had ,"" cabin and SO steerage passengers, a total of 103. Of tills number 110 are in transit for Spain. Plague In Scotland. Tl. l.t..... ... -j'M fL1 Ci... eni.isiV";WH'4li&y.'i'i'aB,u'1 geon General Wytnni(,of thu Marino hijfprtal''Berico Oils- rhohilng received messages from the Assistant Surgeon -1 zr - 'yv-. at Glasgow, announcing that the Glas gow board of health had officially de clared the city lo be Infected with the plague. There are eleven cases and one suspected case In the hospital. Dr. Thomas mis directed to remain in Glaseow and assist thp consul. CONVICT KILLED While Trying to Escape From South em Officers. Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 31. (Spl.) West Austin and "Boh" Armstrong, ho escaped convicts were killed, and a' third wounded, hy pursuers near White Side, fiftpen miles from here. Austin, Armstrong and Jim Westbrook escaped .from a convict sloCliado at fold City, Ga., Monday. Warden Brook came here in search of them. He learned that the convicts had been committing depredations' near Tienton, Ui'n., and Immediately organized a posse to assist In tlio search for them. Tho party enme upon the men at camp near Whitehead and demanded their surrender. The convicts fled and the posse tired with the above result. Westbrook escaped and has not been captured. RED FIRE And Decorated Street Cars Republi can Keynote Sounded In Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 31.-(8pl.)-Tho trolley ear will make its debut as ap adjunct In political campaigns tonight under tho auspices of the Twenty-seventh Wnrd Republican club. After a meting to be held ntJeffer son park, at which Richard Yates and Charles S. Denecn willbo the speakers., a lino of decorated' cars will bo rtmwn up in fiont of the hall and a general Invitation will be given to Republicans to tako a ride, Tlio llnu of march Will Include all tho ward Into which curs can find an entrance. Red lire ho burned and flags and bujillng Wll be provided, At fiequeut lnlerVHliv tlio inotornien will bring the earn, to u halt and political orators will make speeches. TURN DOWN For Local Dealers. Riot Guns Purchased From Cleveland Firm. Price In Excess of Local Quotation. Akron Hardware Men Asked to Bid. Not Chairman McMillen Has Boen Asked to Explain. It Is evidently tho policy of City Commissioner O. L. McMllIon, to dis criminate against Akron business men. Tho latest Incident tending to strengthen this conclusion is In con nection with the purchase of 23 riot guns at Cleveland Alouday. A reporter for tlie Democrat called on a number of local hardware men Friday for the purpose of ascertain ing Just how many were given an op portunity to submit prices for the arms, it tteveiopeti mat not. u. iui-iu hardware store was asked to quote figures. The special committee, headed by Mr. MeMilleu, went to Cleveland, without consulting Akion dealers, pur chased the guns and returned to Ak ron to explain matters. It is known that guns were purchased at a figure r5!rfte?i1;:.:.i-.iV Ti,'-'vifl?-nf,".nhivinrie(. - UUlinV,.'0 -.. -y"'-" .-T.7V- that would have been quoted to the fommittee right here at home. It was claimed that the reason no Akron men were asked to hid was the fact that none carried tho guns In stock. It is a known fact that the Cleveland firm from whom the guns were pur chased telegraphed the order to the Winchester company and that the goods were shipped from the East In response of this ordpr. The com mittee evidently believed that tho lines running from Cleveland to Now York worked faster than those . between Akion anil the same city. The guns purchased In Cleveland cost the cliy -Vi per cent more than the sanio guns would have cost in Akron. BUCKLEY POST Marched Like Regular Army Soldiers. Major Kasson's Horse Fell In the Parade. Many of tho members of Buckley Post returned from Chicago Friday. They report one of tho best encamp ments In the history of tlio G. A. R. Tho Ohio delegation was tlio largest present and the veterans were cheered nil along the lino of march. Buckley Post, of this city, carrying decorated unbrellas and wearing white caps and blue uniforms, was an e.tsy winner of the prize banner. It was the en'J' rost ,n "np to 0DSt,lVfi P,rlS't military discipline nnd tlio veterans kept in Hue like regular urniy soldiers. In response to tho presentation speech, Mr. Kll Smith, commander of lluekley Ppst, accepted the banner for his com mand. At the head of the Ohio delegatlqn rodo the Inspector of tho State depart ment, Major II. A. Kiihson, of this city. Whllo on Deurborn st., MaJ. Kasson's horse slipped and fell. Tho spuctalftrs expected to see tho rider crushed be neath th animal but he eamo up nil rlgiit with only a broken saddle girth, 'Dun'ap Hats Now Ready Black Bear Hat Store. Office 9 Furniture Wo have been re. ceiving largo additions to our stock of office Furni ture recently and now are showing by far tho moat extensive variety of flrwjJ5 Roll and. Flat ' op Desks Office Tables Desks, Chairs Stenographers' Chairs Typewriter. Desks, .Etc ever shown in the'city. We are "also exclusive iigents for Globe. Wer nicke Elastic 'ahinets and Book Oases. South Howard Strait. NONE BARRED 4sl Corbettjs Willing JStixe."'?' ' .J? y. To .Make . Match With Any Living Fighter. -1 Very Anxious to Take on Jeffries. His Manager Will Post the For feit Money. . Kid McCoy Says He Was Whipped Fair and Square. New York, Aug. 31. (Spl.)-Jainc-J, Corbet t who defeated Kid McCoy at Madison Squaw Harden last night In ono of the most interesting heavy weight contest ever been In this city declares today that ho will tight any man lu the world, Champion James .1. Jeffries preferred. Ho sajs that he prefeis lo tight Jef fries llrst because he wishes to win back (He championship, although if Jeffries will not accommodato him he will gladly undeitako to defeat Robert Fltzslmmons, if thn lanky Australian should recede from Ids most recent de termination never to tight again. Cor bett Mid that his mauager would post tho necessary forfeit money for n fight with Jeffries first. "I do not wish to Interfero with Jef fries theatrical plans If he thinks that ho can make some money on the roau for a JUtlo while" ho said. 'Ah tlie Horton law goes out today, there will bo littlo chanco to tight In tho city until after tho next legisla ture makes It legal. Rut If Jeff lies will take mo on befpro that tliuo nny whero olbo outsldo of tho state, I will glady go Into training for tlio encoun ter. I llrndy bellevo that I can whip Jeffries. I know that I can whip Fltz Hlmmons. I have prolited by my ex perlencp with both men who defeated nu;, Thn fxt time I meet elher one (Continued on second page.) Ml L,l MEETING Of the Akron Club To Elect Delegates' to Convention. Badges For Summit County Democrats Will be Forwarded From Na tional Headquarters. Hon. Chas. A. Towne Will Speak In Akron. Mr. S. G. Rogers, p'rrsident of the Akron Democratic club, was notified today that the club's application for admittance to the National Association of Democratic clubs had been granted. Mr. Rogers was Informed that with in a week several ' thousand badges suitable to be worn by' tho Summit county members of the club, will be forwarded to Akron. The officers of-the Akron Democratic elub have called a meeting of the club to be held at Headquarters in the Clerkln block on South Main street next Thursday night, Sept. 6. The club is entitled to representation in tho Na tional convention of the National As sociation of clubs nnd at next week's meeting the Akron club will elect dele gates to this convention. Etery Dem ocrat In Akron and Summit county is Invited to attend thls-mecting. . - - t Mr. Rogers received from tho Demo cratic headquarters, at Columbus to day the assurance that Hon. Chas. A. Towne will address the people of Ak ron bometinlc during the campaign. Mr. Towno is a very popular orator with Akron people regardless of their political opinions. The local commit tee will make a diligent effort to get Mr. Brjan lo Akron. Kditor II. H. MeFadden, of tho Steu betiville Gazette, ono of the veteran ed itors of Ohio, made a brief visit in Akron yesterday, attending the Dally Democrat's picnic at Randolph park, lie wim entertained by members of the local Kxecutlvo committee. Mr. Me Kaddcit is very well pleased wllh tlio political situation throughout Ohio. Tho organization meeting of tlio lo cal pxpciilivo committee will be held tomoriow. Tho commlttPo is unani mous In Its choice of Mr. S. G. Rogers as its chairman. Akron Speaker Invited. Cuyahoga county Democrats will have a big meeting at Cleveland on Perry day, Sept. 10. Among those Invited to speak are Hon. J. J. Lontz, of Columbus, Hon. Tom. Xi. Johnson of Cleveland, Hon. 0. R. Grant of Ak ron, non. J..A. Norton of U'iltln, Hon. 10. U. Klnloynf Rucyrus, Hon. J. A. Rice of Canton, and Hon. A. W. Pat rick of Now Philadelphia. LATE LOCALS. A black mare, owned by the Cen tral Union Telephone Co., died nt Jack son's livery stable, south of tho Buclt tel hotel, Thursday night. Cause of dentil unknown, There will bo a siM?clal meeting of the Akron Typographical union to night to consider tho adoption of a new constitution and set of by-laws. A Rapid Transit car struck a buggy In front of tjm Grand Opera house, Thursday uflernopn. In tho buggy were Mrs. Henry Paschor nnd .Mis. William II. Rordner and child. Nonu of tho occupants wcro hint. Tho bug gy was completely destroyed, The olliclal Kks' Carnival Cap cun uow be had' at Greenwood llros. IA. O'NEIL & CO Special For Eaidlios' Parasols Formerly $2.00, .$2.50, $3.00, $3.50, Marked clown to Also miscellaneous assortment of men's and ladies' i Slightly damaged but not enough to affect the wear. $3.00 Umbrellas at - $1.50 $4.00 Umbrellas at - - - $2.00 $5.00 Umbrellas at - - $2.50 Tho number being limited S1IL.& POPULATION Of Akron Increasing. Riot or No Riot, They Come Just the Same, And They're Always Wel- -come, Too. Dolorous Critics Given a Broad side Rebuff Story That People Won't Come Here, Is a Great Fake. All the dolorous talk by goggle-eyed critics, to the effect that tho recent riot would keep people from coming here to live, lms'in.a most substantial manner, been proven false. During the past week, the population of Ak rou has been Increased by tlio arrival of 21 people who are well enough plwspd with Akron to locate hero per manently. Riot or no riot, they come, und "Bless their little hearts," here they are: CASEV-Aug. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Casey, 220S S. High St., a daughter. KUHLKE-Aug. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Kulke, 201 E. Buchtel ave., a daughter. HAUSER-Aug. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Hauser, 1017 S. Main St., a sou. MEIIIU.E-Aug 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mehrle, 412 St. Clair St.. a son. DUNN-Aug. 20, to NMr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Dunn, Valley st., a daughter. BOOTH-Aug. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. V. Booth, 103 N. Howard st. a daughter. OROFF Aug. 23, to Mr. and Mr. Ernest Groff, 814 Grant St., a son. SHAFFER-Aug. 24, to Mr. antl Mrs. W. G. Shatter, 10 Galo st., a sou. READ-Aug. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Read, S. Maplo st., a daughter. SlIIOK Aug. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shlck, 222 Lake st, a son. riAWTIIER-Aug. 20, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Anton I.awther, 1100 South High st., n sou. WAGNEU-Aug. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Wagner, corner Home and Nullum sis., a daughter. PItEBI.E-Aug. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Piehle, 101 Wood st a son. BARNHART-Aug. 27, to Mr. and Mis. l.eo S. Bainhart, 110 N. Walnut st, a son, ZIESKY Aug, 28, to Mr. and frs, Saturday $1.00 an early call is advisable. H. C. Zlcky, 330 Haynea St., a daugh ter. WrTNER Aug. 27, to Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Wirner, COO Rartges St., a son. TAYLOR Aug. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Trank J. Taylor, N. Forge st a son. HTJBER Aug. 28, to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Huber, 3211 S. Broadway st., a son. NOLiTE Aug. 23, to Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Nolle, 220 Buckeye st, a daug ter. TOON Aug. 23, to Mr. and Mrs, Fred Toon, 210 Upson St., a daughter. ANDERSON Aug. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Neal Anderson, Old Forgo, a I daugter. Dunlap Hats Now Ready Black Bear Hat Store.. STEALING RINGS Reported as Cause of Tragedy Irf New York. New York, Aug. 31. (Spl.) John Es son's motive for hooting himself and Stridiron in the hotel Vendome, in thli city, Monday morning, has been dlscov- cred. After the shooting, Lillian Hayes appeared nt the hotel and declared that Esson had secietly removed from ties appartments nt 211 Wot Forty-eighth street ,flve diamond rlng, nlucd at ?1,000. These, she said, ought to ba fouutl on his person. However, until yesterday, the police were unable to discover the whereabouts of the jew els. Stridiron, who since the shooting has been confined to the Now York! hospital, disclaimed all knowledge ofi. the lost valuables. IN GOOD SOCIETY And to Keep In It Perplexed Thl9 Woman Attempted Suicide. Chicago, Aug. 31. (Spl.)-Fear oC dli-grace, likely to follow her recent arret on the charge of hlr'ng swell tiaps and carriages from a South Side liveryman, for which sho avoided pay ment, led Miss Edna Caison, a prom- inent woman In South Chicago society, and a member of tho South Chicago Presbyterian church, to attempt ta end her life at the Elnora hotel III Wabash ave. Tuesday morning, by turning on the gas. She was found In time to save her life and taken to the Samaritan hospital. Theio she con cealed her Identity by giving a. ficti tious name. It was not until yesterday that her. Identity was discovered nnJ the facts of her arrest became Unowu, Reunion. Thu llftli annual reunion of tlio Holt mes and Wayne Counties' nbsoclutioti will bo held at Lnkeslde park MonUay, Former residents of tho two counties, who nie rosldenlH of Summit county at the present time tire members of the Infioclatlon. Wl f, if . j . i: ii (J li.,.ivil1a,y.ik4atVW.iiaii4viatikii . Itfl-!!-. yju'miN.-.U fcffc tJ VOiiiti, jr ri !S!lPr3W