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y".vp4rj ' ' rri AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAll ER1DAY, AttGTJST 3j 100 BRYAN DELEGATION C?O0tf S-. 6 Q.'es Pointers 5J5TSsJ!J!5 ' vc'4'" "i. ; v-iawwwwwv MATCHLESS SHAW PIANOS Any boy or Klrl wnntliiR to j!rt Mil bent tump shot ciimeui with nil Hip tlorrlopluir iiitpsmh'Ips, pun earn oiip liy tiiklnc i order of our poods (col fittiiloK) or five with checks or $1 audi. Get a "Suro Shot'' cniupra unci lip huppy. SCHUMACHER & GAMMETER 11 S. Hownrcl st. Of Office Seekers Will Open Campaign II iii UP-TO-DATE TO lleiliii A. M. COX, Manager. Polite Vaudeville-Week Beginning Monday Matinee, Aug. 27. MART1NETTI & CROSS Grotesque Noyelty Musical Artists The ever popular HAL STEVHEHS Mimic and Comedian. ANNA WHITNEY In Songs and Stories. KNIGHT BROTHERS The Acme of Refined Singing and Dancing. THE HECLOWS In a Mirthful Melange of Singing, Dane. lng and Contortion Eccentricities. Admission cvenlrgs, 10c and 20c. Matinees 10c to all parts of tho bouse. Reserved seats ou sale at tho A. B.C. waiting loom, threo days In advance of performance. Two performances dally, except Sun day. Afternoons 2:30--Evenings 8:15. Entire change of program eacb week. Free band concert Sunday afternoon. hi lie Park Theater Week Commencing Monday, Sepl. 3 Every Evening at 8 O'clock. BENL. RUSH, Pianist. A record breaking list of attractions headed by CARMANELI and LUCILLE, Comedy Musical Artists. WEAVER and DONNA, Refined Sketch Team. NAT WHARTON, The World's Greatest Ventriloquist. M'LLE LEONA, In her sensational aerial act. MONS CAVANA, High Wire Artist. LHICO, The monkey aeronaut, will make a ba loon ascension and parachute drop on Labor Day, at 3 p.m. Special matinee Labor Day at 3 p.m. Grand Illuminated balloon ascension by MIIp, Lp Hoy, every owning. A gipat display of llreworks 'from tho clouds. Concert every Sunday. 15c round trip with reserved chair In theater. Rapid Transit line. Buy tickets from conductors. , Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 30, 31 and Sept. 1, "THE GYPSEY'S OATH!" There will bo plenty and up-to-date specialties. Hesorved Seats FREE with round trip theater ticket. ...DANCING AT PAVILION... Every evonlng with" Eddie Marquardt's Orchestra. iizr I fISI flL A. ALDERMATT Will open his now sn loon at tho corner of Kolloway and Bartges Sts Friday Evening:, August 31st WITH A GRAND FREE LUNCH and FISH FRY. The Democrat's Liners aro growing because they bring results. Try them. LADIES' Hair Dressing Parlors MRS. E. GLANTZ, 111 Mill St. Between Howard and Main streets, A fine etook of Hw Itches, Pompadour Holla, Knnoy ComliH. Hnlr Tonlus, Knee Powders, Eye JJrllitcner, etc., oto. Manicuring nnd Fnclnl Treatment, Switches, Dolls Wigs nnd "Watch Chains nmde ot ladles' own hnlr. Appointments enn ho niiirto (or any time during tho day or evening. Phone 889 Treatment of scalps a specialty. tf you want boarders mnle or fo mile help, roomers, ele adviirtlte In the Democrat'b want colunw. ill Pi m With a Speech at Columbus. Hill or Pattison Will Assist Him. Mayor Jones Proves to be a Popular Gandiate. A Third of the Voters of His District Sign His Petition. Columbus, O., Aug. :U.-The mem bers of the Democratic Htuto co)uinlt tee arc elated over tbc announcement which comes from (JhiciiKo tlmt Col. William .Tcnniugs'Bryuu will open the Ohio eampnlgn In this city on Sept. II. Secretary Crnwford of the stntc com mittee hits not yet been advised who will be Mr. Bryan's associate speaker, but it is certain that It will either bo ex-Senator Hill of Now York, or ex Clov. Pattison, of Pennsylvania, and possibly both. Col. James Kilbourne of this, olty will preside at the meeting, which, it is thought, will ecllpM! any previous political demonstration in tho history of the capital city. Secretary Craw ford states .that the details for the meeting will bo taken up at once, and the lowest possible railroad rates will be secured as one of the best means of Insuring 11 large attendance. During Secretary Crawford's visit at tho national headquarters In Chicago tlin matter of securing speakers from outside tho ntute wis taken up with Dan McConville, chairman of the. speakers' .bureau who assured Mr.. Crawford that bido would be supplied with prominent speakers. Among those who will maku.a number of speeches in addition to Bryan, Hill and Pattison are Charles A. Towne, Carl Sehura, Senator Joseph llhickliurn, of Kentucky, Capt. Patrick O'Kerrcll of Washington and others. Mr. Towuu will speak at Toledo, Dayton. Clou'- land and Canton. He will copie to Ohio miou after the middle of October. Hon. Charles P. C.'rltllu of Toledo was a caller at Republican state head quarters, but he brought no cheerful tidings from the city on the Mnumee. Mr. (it'iniu says ho is advised that the petitions requesting Mayor Jones to become a candidate for .Congress in Toledo district already contain tho names of one-third of the voters gf the district. Mr. Orillln gives it as his opinion Major Jones will stand In fair chance of election, If ho Is Indorsed by the Democrats, as Is now believed will be done. PERSONALS. Mrs. Ihnma Montenyold, 112(5 Com mins si., returned Wednesday evonlng. from Hnrrlsburg and other places In Pennsylvania, tor four weeks' visit with relathes. Mrs. Helen ltenwlck nnd son William from Duonport, la., are visiting her sister, Mrs. h. C. Uoodwln, 520 W. Market st. for a few days, .Members of St. Paul's choir will re port for rehearsal, Friday nftcrnopn at 1 and evening at S o'clock. Miss Ida Zimmerly lias returned from a week's outing nt Sandy Iako. Miss nelle Klttsnilller, who has been visiting for tlm pnbt, few weeks with Mrs. S, P. Wallace, KM I'erKius St., leturned to liprhom.e at Cnntou, Wed nchday. Jesso W. Fnllor,, of 230 Coburu st, wuh surprised Weduesday evening, at hs home, by tho appparanco of about W of his friends. Tho evening was spent In mnslvs and games. A lunch was served. Miss Lillian P, Doerler ot 810 South High st has returned from a 10 wct'hs visit with friends In Chicago. ' Miss Utln Wormnld, of 20(1 Factory st., has returned from'i three weekh' vacation at Clmutautiuu, Mr. Kdwnid Haag, who has lioen the guext of Akron nnd Cleveland friends, loturned to his home at Mans field today. Will Attend the Meeting at Youngstown. Auditor Sisler Aired His Opinions At Meeting of Local Republicans Last Night. Ex-Mayor Harper Displeased by Pre vailing Apathy. At a meeting of Republicans, held Thursday night In the Abbey block, it was decided that the members of tho party from Akron and Summit county attend the opening of the campaign at Voungf-town, Sept. 8, as n delega. lion. A committee, composed of Capt. Aaron Wagoner, C. W. Kline, D. A, Tiu.vIp, John Cass and H. M. Hngel barger, was appointed to arrange the hip and work up a crowd. The meeting was presided over by Judge K. W. Stuart and Scott D. Ken iieTd acted fy secretary. Previous to taking the above action a Republican love-feast was held. Mr. C. W. Kline, chairman of the transportation com mittee reported Hint a fifty cent rate had been' secured oicr tho P. & W. railroad, provided the delegation num. bers 300 or more. Then followed a series of speeches bearing upon tho possibility of get ting a crowd together. Short speeches were made by Dr. L. S.' Kbright, lieu ry W. Hnrt, Dr. L. E. Sisler, Judge O. M. Anderson, P. O. Weary, oxMayor K. It. Harper, Aaron Wagoner, P. M, Aticrholt, C. W. Kline L. C. Miles, o -. W. C, Parsons, D. A. Doyle and oth- era. Dr. Sisler alluded to the frict that Youngstown did not come to Akron upon u .similar occasion and he knew ot no invitation extended to the Sum mit City at tills time. He said the del egatlon would bo composed of a few lawers and some who play the game ot politics. The rank nuu mo will not he there. However, he favored going even if uninvited. , lX-Mayor Harper referred to tho apparent apathy which seems to pervade- tho party. Ho thought the. shopi should gladly closo for tho day, that the employes might attend the opening. Ho made n plea for greatey enthus iasm. An effort will be made to haVo the shoiis shut down. oocoooooooooooooocoooooooo STAR COURSE TICKETS i For this winter's course, nnly'SOO of ; them, on sale at Koblnxon's nnd, J .Martin fc o.'i. Ten e.Mraoidlnnr- . lly gieat attractions, only $1,50; al- j so by ('i,,,TI''iJ''-- q n itunnrwi inmwt I Funeral 1 Director I May Still be Founds at the old stand . 8 416 E. Market! Cor. Summit. n o Ambulance for re- 8 8 moving the sick 8 used lor nothing else. 8 Standard of teg er Singer Pianos HaSlet & Davis C. H ?A?fO"0H MnBMBBMatfMMMMWatfaiMtMarWB3BMBaMMMJaUMMinMM OFFICER KEMPEL Read Warrant, as Though Nothing Had Happened. Edward Senn Given a Heavy Sentence by Mayor Young. Iu Mayor's court Friday morning Edward Senn, accused by Chns. Kep ler of stealing a bicycle, was fined $25 and costs and sentenced 30 days to the. workhouse. SenoJ)wai arrested Thursday afternoon, at Poitst's celery farm, three miles nortli of the A., B. k C. power house, by Ofllcer Joseph Kempel. Tho defendant, It is alleged, took tho bicycle from Silver lake park. W'lillc Officer Kempel was reading tho warrant to Senn, It is reported that the latter drew a large knife and at tempted to open it. Ollicer Kempel grabped the knife, took it away from Seun, nnd then handcuffed him. This done, ho finished reading the warrant. Jncob Hennessey,' intoNlcntlon, ?2 and costs. " x An affidavit has been filed by Sam ue'l C. Kale ngains'Louls Schrldvy, accusing him of permitting a horse to roam at largo in tho vicinity of North sti Labor Day will bu tho liwt steamer for Iopg Lalce pai k. Dickens' Chnrni. "Do you enjoy reading Dickens'" "Very much," nnswered Miss Cny enjic. "His works contain so meny odd and villainous characters to whom It Is a pleasure to compare those we dislike.'.' Washington Star. Burkhardt's Beer. ......MiMiiiiiiiMiiiimiiiiiiiui'' Try it and you'll buy it. At all first-class Bars. Oold Ap loo- The Kreneli say Hint toy coldness spoils wlno. Auiorlcnim fftvor llio Ice. Ilotli nr naroffl that tho iiiinllty Is tho mostlmporp taut point, We Guarantee the Quality of onr Stock. You enn have It served to suit tliu Frenpll Or Anjwriuiui vih,.w, ,mw mu ijlinuif IS M HCM, SP Hi PECIAt FOR TIIJS WEEK Hwoetnr four Wine nt wo per khiioii, nc livercd tiW Mnr L.icq)UOi- House ALBERT DEUTSCII, Prop. Ill East Market Street. BOTH rilONES NO. 132. I 1 I I " J tr' A close second. An honest Piano at a moderate price. Standard high grade. Pianos ARTBN RAILROAD TIME TABLES r'w 5Saris? Dally; all others dally except Sunday. Central Standard Time. ERIE RAILROAD CCT" i:rle Depot, Mill st Going West A'o. 1 Express ....8:3epm No. 5 Limited vestibule 7:08 am No. 15 To Akron only 9:35 am Io. lo, Chicago express, on Moudays to Gallon only. ...12:22 nm No. 3 raclflc express G:52pm No. 37 Accommodation 0:40 am Going East No. 14 To Mcadviilc 2:20 am No. 8 Limited vestibule .... 1:20 am No. 12 Express 8:54 am No. 4 Now York special 12:50 pm Nc. lfl Chautauqua express.. 425 pm No. 38, Accommodation 4:00 pm WHEELING & LAKE ERIE RY. Myron T. Hqrrick, Robert Biinken- derfcr, receivers. No. 1. No. 3. No.4. am pm Toledo, (Un. Dcp.) Ar 7:15 1:20 Spencer 10:15 4:20 Lodi 10:31 4:40 Crcston 10:40 4:54 Orrville 11:18 5:10 Massslllon 11:50 5:1S 5:50 Valley Junction 12:45 C:40 Wheeling Ar. 3:25 0:20 No. 4. No. 0. Wheeling Lv. .1:30 am 10:00 am Valley Junction .. 8:00 12:55 pm Massillon 8:50 1:50 pm Orrville 0:20 2:22 Creslon 0:45 2:40 Lodi 10:00 3:03 Spencer 10:15 3:18 Tol. Un. Dep.) Ar. 1:20 pm 0:30 H. L. BOOTH, General Traffic Manager. J. F. TOWNSEND, Assistant General Passenger 'Agent. CLtttLAND, . KROH& O01UMBU31CU North Bound. OIn., Columbus and Clcv.. 0:05 am Akron and Pittsburg...... 8:20 am Col., Mlliersburg & Clove. .111:38 am Cln., Col. nnd Cleveland. . . . 4:15 pm Pitts., Bal. Wash. & N. Y..2:30 pm South Bound. Ciovd., Cols, and Cln 0:40 um New York. Pitts, nnd Akron, (rjuns only to Tlarberton.) 11:10 am Ciovd. Mlliersburg nnd Cols. 3:18 pra Pittsburg nnd Akron, (runs only to Akron 8:10 pm Ciovd., Cols, and Gin 0:07 pm Dally. I Dally except Sunday. BALTIMORE & OHIO. Union Depot, Market street Depart West Tiffin, Fostorla & Chicago.. 10:10am Tillin? Fostorla & Chicago. .8:00 pra Chicago vestibuled, limited 11:00 pm Arrlvo from tho West Chicago and New York cstt- bulcd, limited 1 :50 am VhIcn,go and Pittsburg 0:35 am Chicago, Akron and Cleve land 8:10pm Trains leavo Chicago for Akron 10:20 a. m. 3:30 p. m. and S:30 p. m. O. T. & V. R. R. Going North. How. St. Union. East Depot. Depot, Akron. 0:55 am 0:15 am 0:20 nm .0:20 am 0:05 nm 0:10 nm .1:10 pm 1:00 pra 12:41 pm .4:30 pm 4:10 pm 4:12 pm JAjft'fTUJL Q jmzzrr..viMj JHBBIS No. 40 No. 4 No. 0 . No. 10 No. S...S;25 pm 8:12 pm 8:17 pm Going South. No. 7 8:42 am 0;05 am 0:10 am No. 3 ..12;01 pm 12:20 pm 12:28 pm No. O-.ilO pra 4:10 pm 4:24 pm No. 6.. 10:34 pm 11:00 pm 11:11 pm No. 47... 7:35 pm 7:50 pm 8:00 pm No. 11.. .4:15 pm. Dally PITTSBURG & WESTERN It K. Union Depot, Market street Leave for tho East Chicago and New York vesti bule, limited 2:00 nra Warren, Youngstown, Pitts burg 0:40 tui Warren, Youngstown, Pitts burg , '1:10pm Pittsburg, Washington, Phil adelphia, Now York, de pal tH O. T. & V. By., How- aid street station 4:15 pm Arrive from the East Wnsblngton,rittaburg,CloTO- the World O .UR WAREROOMS, Walsh Block, are filled to tho door with tho finest selection of pianos in tho market, strictly up to dato. We do no peddling. Hence we can save you $40 to 50 if you want a piano. Terms easy. Pianos rented and rent applies on purchase. Exclusive Piano House in Akron. B B B A RICH 5 OF NEW AND I Fall Many exclusive stylos showing tho best creations of th best manufacturers, aro now horo and new goods arriving con stantly. In no previous season havo we secured so exclusive n variety of exclusive styles In Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoos. Kemembor we are giving extraordinary bargains in tho en tire remaining stock of Sum'mor P"ootoar. This Ib worth your while to SEE STOCK AND ASCERTAIN THE PRICES. I WAGONER & Tolophono No. 10331. a ecoc9$es99899 land.arrlves O. T.& V. Ry.. Howaid street station... 9:30 am Pittsburg and Akron 11:53 am Pittsburg, Akron and Chica go 7:40 pm New rork,WashIngton,Pitts burg and Chicago 10:55 pm THE NORTHERNOHIO RAILROAD. Depot North Alain street Depart No. 1 7:50am " No. 11. .. ... .. 5:00pm Arrive No. 2 4:20pm " No. 12........ .... 12:1b am rHE NORTHERN OHIO TRACTION COMPANY. A. B. C. Division. Waiting Room, North Howard St. Time card Juno 27th, 1000. Cars for Cleveland leave corner Market and Howard sts. 5:30 a.m.; 0:30 a.m., and every half hour to 7:30 p.m. and at 8:30 p.m., and 10:30 p.m. Of " 'M"3'-0'J I FIRE ALARM CALLS. 1 Central engine bouse. 2 Buckeye works. 3 Akron Iron works. 4 Diamond Rubber works. 5 Main and Market 0 No. 2 engine house, Sixth ward. 7 N. Broadway, near Market 8 Buchtcl ave. and Bowery. 0 Schumacher mill. Mill st 12 Prospect, near Mill. 13 Furnaco and Broadway. 14 Main and Keck. 15 Ash and Park place. 10 No. 3 engine house ,W. HUL 17 Carroll and Exchnnge. 18 Emplro Mower & Reaper Wks. 10 Akron Rubber works. 21 Prospect nnd Perkins. 23 Forge nnd Market 24 Sherman, near Exchange. 25 Main and Exchange. 20 North Howard and Tallmadge. 27 W. Market and Greene. 28 Akron Knlfo works. 29 Washington and" Hopp alley. Bl N. Howard and North. 82 D. Market and Spruce, 84 W. Market and Valley. 35 Carroll nnd Splcer. 80 Carroll and Sumner. 87 North nnd Arlington. 88 Vino and Fountain. 80 Coburn and Campbell. 41 Woostcr ave. and Locust 42 Pearl, near cistern. 43 S. Main and Falor. 45 College and Mill. 40 Arlington nnd HazeL ' 47 Howe and Bowery. 43 West South. """ 40 Morrill pottery, State st 51 Howard and Cherry . 52 No. 4 engine house.Maln & Fait 53 Center st railroad crossing. 54 Buchtcl ave. and Union. 50 Akron Stoneware, Co.,0th ward. 57 Lods and Turner. 58 Perkins and Adolpb ave. 50 Mnln, near I.O.O.F. Temple. 01 Cass ave. and Kent G2 Slobcrllng mill, Sixth vard. 03 Johnston and Cbamplaln. 04 Akron Sow. Pipe Co., Black mill C5 Hill Sewer Pipe Co., E. Market 07 Carroll and E. Mntket. C8 Second aVe. and Vnl!?y railroad. GO Johnson and Wilson. 71 Grant and Cross. 72 North and Maple. 73 Werner Printing Co. 74 North Union, near Bluff. 75 Robinson Bros., N. Forgo st 70 Tho Wldtmore, Robinson Co. 81 Western Linoleum Cv. 82 Summit Bewcr PIpo Co. 83 Allyu nnd Cross. 84 Thornton and Harvard. 85 The J. O. 'McNeil Boiler works. 01 Cereal mills, S. Howard st 02 Schumacher cooper shop, N. Broadway. 121 General alarm. 123 Silver and Hickory. 125 W. Market and Rhodes ave, 232 Renner's brow'ery, N. Forgo Et, 241 Sherman and A'ortu. first, nnd second floor in Main St, APliRAV' RCL.IADUE t 41 MARSH, JSJ2K S94eeee$ss9S$se0 Ndan Bros. ..OUR. High Grade Coffees Aro winners. It will pay you to try them. They aro guaranteed as the finest drinkers sold. Our Yacht Olub and Batavia Salad Dressings aro delicious. We have Highland brand and Pit brand of Evaporated Cream in cans. Our Evaporated Wafers are something new in the cake line. Have you tried them? "We have tho only complete Candle line in the city, Any thing you want in candles. Ndan Bros. Leading Grocers 301-303 Mill st. Akron, O. Telephone 376. We ImvA all ilzf of thorn sad st prion tlint will ple&sojou. J. Rutherford & Sons, 173 South Main Street. Telephone 413. 251 Cedar and Wabash nve. 253 W. Exchange and, near Willow. 812 Cascndo mills, N. Howard, 814 Fire chief's residence. 321 Adams and Upson. 841 Balch and Market 842 Maple, opposite Balch. 845 Blttman and Crosby. 351 Exchange and Splcer. 412 Wooster, and St. Clair. 413 St Clair and Bartges. 415 Water works, Wo oster ar. 431 Bwart Xllo works. Undo El I Mad, "By gum!" said Uncle Ezra, "I ain't goln to unswer another advertisement! bb lone as I live. I just sent 50 cents to a feller down in Connecticut that put a piece In tho paper sayln ho had a receipt to prevent drowndlu." "And didn't ho have It 7" "Nol The blamed, cheatin whelp wrote back to keep away from tin water 1" Culcayo Tltncs-Herald. Natural Gas Stoves .JMum -idiaw'- s-.4Hs&iJ&JI jtmnimkt '"-'sUi ,.,, ..1;.4 t, i j. .JT M is; tt jttMsd ..'j)tA..'..i,u. vftiUakiAlik!,-inumkiittawfr.