Newspaper Page Text
-i I School Suits!! w Largo Linos, Oiioico Soloctionfi, Low Prices. Mothors 2; W take advantage of tlijs ? mi WEEK'S SALE, M A good School Suit as low as S0 cents f ljj Gunrautoerl all wool Suits, sizes 6 yra to 'A W JG years old, from . $2.50 up jn W Seo Window Display to be convinced. : if w tf M I aiiai One-Price Clothier and Out- ( iti 1V1. LOUCr, fitter, 110-1 12 E, Market st. tf ikv laaaaaaaaaaaasaaa HP WMMMIIMIIIIIWIIIIIIWW) Extraordinary Cut Sale -ON THIS VEEJkC rWLook in window and seo the splendid values which wo offer at less than half price. SMITH & No. 172 5. JhP&P&l&WP&JHW Special Offer for One .Week Z THE REMAINDER OF OUR STOCK OF Summer Will be closed out prices MARKED SO LOW that ,thoy will sell on sight. if ' JO S. SVBaSm 3. LMT-Watch for our Fall Announcement next week. AUTUMN AND WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT For S900 -fee i&W rr -v -.& OUE NEW LINE OP Fi Is now roady for your Inspootlon. You are cordially Invltod, fooling confldout our now stock of Suit ings, Fahoy Vestlngs. Trimmings and Ovorcoatings will please evon tho most fastidious. E. B.Tragler, n.awc Guth Block-, 134-136 S. Howard St. T LABOR DAY REST AT tSSSESSo LONG LAKE PARK Cool nnd delightful Neighborhood par tics aro tho Ind. Htcamor iu (Ult running lifter Lntior dny, uxcept tor special ongngo- jciuiengr y this t'H monls. Only one more Bumlay this season, llout loaves V u. in. und 1 :X p, mi dully. Botzum Bros. Wholesale anil Retail Dealers m Plour, Feed, Baled Hay, Straw, Grain, Field Seeds, Lime Cements, Salt, Etc.. 113-1! 5 S. Main SI. Telephone St6 Use Democrat want column. It pays, ijumn. It VVl ttl I M t.- AT fefsai Jw i m. 3i AVM fliDH it of Ice cream for the money Is tho rulo at Becker's. Don't you worry, qunllty doesn't suffer on account of tho qunl Jty. You get your money's worth both ways, plenty of Summer's most palatable dish and good at that. You don't all llko ono flavor, bo here's tho variety: Vanilla, chocolate and lemon Ice. Telephone orders promptly at tended to. CAFE AND RESTAURANT, Tel. 312. 122 South Main Street ALL - TEEPLE, IVloIra St. IRsoturos Aro of many classes, nnd each requires particular treatmont in tn 0 inuning. Our New Stock of Beautiful Frames for Water Color Studies Is especially fine. Brine: your pictures here no mat tor what kind; we will frame thera properly. Snook & Kilmer ISO S. Howard St. SEE OUR WINDOW FOR BARGAINS DRUG STORES Not Included In Anti Saloon Reports. Federal Tax Duplicate' Shows De crease In Liquor Tax. The Anti-Saloon Lpngue reports that tho years ending with July, shows a virtual decrease of nearly USO saloons in Ohio, though tho Dow tax duplicate in the state auditor's olllco reports tho small Incrcaso of 51 over '09. In this apparent Increase, however, aro listed 1100 drug stores, etc. Subtracting them from tho total number of? saloons, would result In a decrqaso of 210 over last year Jn thin state. The figures in tho state offlco show that In July '00, theie wero 10,874 sa loons and other places selling as sa loons, whllo last July there were 10, 028, TheBo figures wero secured by tho State Anti-Saloon League, Not only does tho Dow tax figures of tho stato report this decrcaso In tho number of saloons In Ohio during tho past year, but tho federal tax duplicate iiIko shows a steady decrease In llko manner, until ono year ago". The In crease of 'fl'.Vis accounted, It Is claimed by tho Anti-Saloon League, by tho per sistent efforts of both temporance nnd liquor Interests In llstiug drug stores and other places Hint sell without pay ing the tax. The following figures Shoes AKRON DAILY DBMQOEAT. EBtDAT, AUGUST M, 1000 ' " " " muni DEMOCRAT'S GUESTS. Seven Thousand dolph Participated In the Daily Democrat's Fourth Annual Outing A Day of Pleasure For Young and Old. Seven thousand of tho happiest and prettiest children In Akron were guests of tho Dally Democrat Thursday, all day. These children were conveyed to and from Randolph park, absolutely free, at tho expense of tho Dully Dem ocrat, on'tho occasion of its fourth an nual outing for tho children pf sub scribers and advertisers. From early morning the first car load of children actually loft for tho park at G:30-untll lato In "-tho afternoon tho little folks we'rd assembling at tho park. They were children of Dem ocratic, .Republican and Prohibition parents all good friends of the Dally Democrat, and out fSv a good time. Blue sky, balmy breezes tho day could not have been prettier, nor the p.ark more resplendant ylth pictur esque loveliness. It was ono of those rare, perfect days, but Its brightness scarcely exceeded that of tho thous ands of little children, whoso merry faces, sparkling eyes and buoyant spirits tilled tho park with rollicking life all day. And such laughing, and shouting, and scampering about it was ono of tho finest panoramic pic-, tures Imaginable! Sloven thousand children singing or laughing at tho same time .will bring .ioy Into any locality, nnd many persons, visited tho park Just to watch the little folks en joying themselves. Many of the chil dren wero accompanied by moth ers or nurses, and a number of fathers were there, too. Everybody had a good time. Tho children took lunch bask ets to the park, nnd at .tho noon hour, ato dinner In picnic fnshlon Free lem onado was served during tho noon hour by the Democrat. The whole af fair was mauaged exclusively by the Dally Democrat, and given free as free could bo to tho children of subscrlh ers. Even the theater doors were thrown open to the children', Tho Sclden-Stetson company, playing at the park, put on special 'performances, well adapted to tho enlertalnlng of children.' There were "coon"' .songs, comedy sketches and burlesque num bers, and how tho children did enjoy tho show! Of course, they couldn't all get into tho building, but tho largo auditorium was packed during all tho performances. Children climbed up the wnlls and sat along tho edges of tho largo ventilator Windows. Aisles were filled, nnd the children stood up on the teats nnd applauded when any thing pleased them particularly well. Tho children at tho park wore under the hpcclal care of representatives of tho Dally, Democrat, and not oven a of persons paying tho federal tax for selling cither as a boverngo or upon prescription la furnished by Deputy Commissioner Williams of tho nation al treasury department: '0!t, 10,702; 04, 10,217; '05, 15,817; 'Oli, 15,(11; '07, 14,810; 'OS, 14,7611; '00, 15,037; 10UO, nut yet reported. PILES CURED WITHOUT THE KNIFE. Your druggist, whom you know to baj-o-liable, will tell you thftt ha Is authorlxea to refund tho money to every purchnter here Puzo Ointmont t nils to euro any ran oj Itch ing, Blind, Blooding or Protruding Piles, no matter how long standing. On ret ordlnaly asos In six duys, the worst eniei In 10 day )na implication elves naso nnd rest. He- llovosUublng instantly. This Is anon' dis covery nnd Is sold on a posttl vo guarantee, No cure, no pay. Prleo, l. we have placed It on saio Willi every uruggioi in innipwi in we town or uiorsy sepft Akron. MISSING Aro Some of tho Missionaries Well Known In Akron, , Boston, Aug. 31. Tho greatest anx. lcty of the American board relates to Its group of missionaries In tho pror- lnc6 of Shuns!. Nothing whatever has beeu heard from them since early In June, The uilsslug missionaries are liliri'llllWl l M(.Hmi,.wiw. Children at Ran Park, case of Blckness or accident was re ported. The Democrat was published nt noon, Thursday, to enable tho car riers and newsboys to participate in tho outing. After dinner, every mem ber of tho Democrat force went to tho park, and spent tho afternoon In as sisting with the entertainment of tho children. Tho transportation tickets wero dis tributed to children whoso ages ranged from 7 to 15 yours. Many youuger children were permitted to ride with out tickets. All tho children wero pro vided with neat, attractive badges, and the little ones wero proud to wear them. A steam-merry-go-round nnd Frank y. Meuegay's confectionery stand wero well patronized. Older guests wore given freo privi leges on the dancing pavilion, and tho floor was always well tilled. An excellent program of sports was conducted, and the features furnished much amusement in tho forenoon, tho North End Stars defeated a team composed of carriers, and a ball und bat wero presented as prizes to tho captain of the winning team. Judges of the sports -were Messrs. John D. Campbell und John R. Rose mond; referces,rrrcsldent T. F. Walsh, of tho A. & O. F. R. T. Company and Fred W. Gayer; ofUdal director, John W. Harter. . -, Events and, winners were as follows: Girl's racc-from G to 8 years) Ida Stark, prize, parasol; from 5 to (i years, Rosa Halter, parasol; from 3 to ! years, Bessioitfotter, parasol. Shoo race Murtin '' Whalen, pocket knife. Sack' race Albert Lankc, necktie. Girls' blind raco Susie Jenkins, gold ring. Boys' and girls' race (14 years) Frank McFni'land, hammock. Three-legged race Wm. .Vernotzka and Martin Yvhalen, each a pair of suspenders. Boys' running race Frank McFar land, pair shoes. Rnbblt race Chas. Strong, toy teje phone. One-legged raco David White, bath ing suit. The children left the park at B p. m. alL grateful to the Dally Democrat for tho splendid day's outing they had en joyed. They had romped through the wood, had boated on CryMul lake, had swung oue another in swings, had gone In bathing, danced, ridden on tho mer ry-go-round, attended ,tho. theater and enjoyed a good street car ride all through tho generosiiy of tho Dally Democrat. Tho fourth annual outing was tho most successful tho Democrat has ever given, j. Rev, apd Mrs. D. II. Clapp, Rev. C. ti. Williams, Rev. E. W. Davis, Miss Rowcna .Bird nnd Miss Mary T. I'urt rldge of tho Taiku station nnd Row and Mrs. Charles W, Trice, Rev. and Mrs. E. 11. Atwood and several chil dren of tho- Fen-Chow-Fu station, Woman's Suicide at Urbana. TJrbana, O., Aug. 31. Mrs. T. W. Place, ageil 21 years, tho wJfo of' a farmer living southeast of town, com mltted sulcido last night by taking carbolic ncld In tho presenco of her husband. BKo was brought to town for medical attention uud died In great agony In a drug store. Slio wroto a tetter last January giving directions as to her funeral. 'v. Try Graln-0! Try Graln-0! Ask your grocer today to show you n imckago of OHAIN-O, the new food drink that taltoi tho plnco of cofTee. Tho children may drink It without injury as well as the adult. All who try It, llko it. GltAlN-O hu that rich soul brown of Mocha or Javn, but It Is made fiom pure grains, and tho most delicate stomach receives It without distress. W tho price of coffee. 15c. and Mo per package Bold by oil grocers. .vwimMW 'immmwmmmmmmmmmmmwmwMmmm We Have .... INTO THE U UntniltATi Hiiilrlininr III ndMlOIl dUIIQM II And will Tomorrow At Watch for further announcement of our Formal Opening. j jgtfP JIBaBMfaiPSMBg The INFANT SON Of Councilman and Mrs. Robertson Dead. Dan Myers In Trouble Again Bar berton News. (Special Correspondence.) Barberton, Aug. 31, Frederick W., aged one year, ono month and 26 days, son of Councilman and Mrs. W. S. Robertson, died of cholera infantum nnd acute bronchitis last night. Tho body was sent to Detroit last night for Interment. Dan Myers, who has caused his name to bo brought before the public eye numerous times of late was arraigned before Mnyor McNarqara Thursday morning on two charges, fj Ono was for fighting on August IS, for which he was fined $10 and cots. .For swim ming in tho canal on Sunday he was taxed 51 and costs. Tony Bowers was fined $1 and Costs for swimming in the canal on Sunday. Homer Woolsey, of the firm of Woolsey & Blascr, who has been crit ically 111 at his home In Novada, O., .:x..x..:..x:...."...x:.:xw. t T y x v v 8 r V V y y y y v.k':'X ws m jummi open our doors . . . business 3 O'oloc Hamilton Building. WW, Is convalescent. Ho will return here in nbout a mouth. The Barberton ball team' wants a game with some Akron club for Labor Day. They prefer the Klrkwoods or Standards. Address James McXa mara. Alex. Rowley and Wm. Lukey are visiting friends in Chicago. Mi'ss Nellie Mooro is quite ill. The Marine ball team gave a success ful lawn fete in Lake Anna grove Wednesday eveuing. SLASHED His Knee With a Hatchet Six Weeks Ago. Six weeks ago Fred Kroeger, aged 15, who resides at 213 Hickory St., cut his right kneo with a hatchet. Blood poisoning has set in and It Is feared amputation may result. The lad was taken to the City hospital Thursday afternoon, where Dr. J. W. Rabe Is at tending him. STAR COURSE TICKETS For this winter's course, ouly 800 of them, on sale at Robinson's and Martin Ss Co.'s. Ten extraordinar ily gieat attractions, only $1.50; nl so by canvabsers. . sVMAs4AVVMtt4Vl4MAVHlV - : FALL ANNOUNCEMENT YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO AN EARLY INSPECTION OF THE LATEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC FABRIC NOVELTIES AS SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER WEAR. D, D. Breckenridge TAILOR 120 South Howard Street Akron, O. WBlUt I! ready for ALL KINDS OF Fruit FOR CANNING should be or dered NOW. We handle only Choice Fruits Also everything in the VEGETABLE LINE. ....TRY OUR.... They are pronounced by all the best, Geo. D. CrumrBne GROCER, 218 East Market Street. Phone BO. For Saie. ' Two very fine matched teams, standard bred, and five verjr fine single drivers, ranging: from 1150 to 1200 pounds, at I L REID'S Si 1350 South Main Street. . .n AAA.VA AAA. 1 y y y I y I d ma Morning! fra (3& D() I V J J I I y $ y v y S ,5.-taj. EfrAflj iH,' 'i,"it a ft ?,,' i!" un ' ft , , it. ,i. lit I i.J. .... " " " ' "''WMiis -VlSSH , -u i