Newspaper Page Text
.tw . jp 7-wo- jt,r !- " ",'p!?"Fr',ip ''-'st 'WH")-7,! "o-iflrj; WHP WW y9()'WlJ,'',!P'V'' AKKON DATTjY DEMOOBAT. -FKIDAT. ATTGrTTST 81 1900 iMHMkMHhamWMiWltMMlMnanlHkh YOUR WANTS CEASE TO EXIST WHEN ADVERTISED IN THE DAILY DEMOCRAT ? - . tn - v? "-"W G4$$&&&&$$$Q$$ &&&&&&&& &AWg3mffiimg8ffi "V lORIsaJl-aai-N.15aw-H- . SN8 & eia k m . . ? i i ms ipmp'c u Aiiimn I e& ' .(vVZvxvk.A.9k.Ck.KslVCV' &44&A'MieS444& WvWWvvWWV" l'OUIl WANT? YOUR WANTS YOUU WANTS YOUIt WANTS Will be received for 'publication In tho Democrut, by mall, tele phone, or peiboual nppl'catlon lM 24 WORDS 24 WORDS "'' 21 WORDS v. 24 WORDS Can be put Into four lines. In wilting your want advcitlso ments, please follow this rule. I 4 LINES, 3 TIMES, 25 CENTS.' " 4 LINES, 3 TIMES, 25 CENTS. 4 LINES, 3 TIMES, 25 CENT.. 4 LINES, 3 TIMES, 25 CENTS. lll ' 4 LINES, 1 MONTH, $1.50. 4 LINES, 1 MONTH, $1.50. 4 LINES, 1 MONTH, $1.50. 4 LINES, ; MONTH, $1.50. v , -lll ' f WE HAVE EUT ONE PRICE, I I CASH OR CREDIT. j - WANTED FEMALE HELP. .WANTED A gltl who can assist In cooking; no washing; good wages. Apply 121 N. Forgo st. Co tf (WANTED A middle aged woman for general housework; good wnges to right party. Apply .at 150 S. Main st. Mrs. C. E. Hansard. 80-tf "WANTED A good cook, no washing, good wages. Apply at 12S Noith Howard nt. Delia Strunk. 112 tf WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED A stonily, reliable young man to clerk in tore, nnd make hlniLelf generally useful. B. I. San ford, 021 W, Market t. 114 WANTED A'genttr Jn .every couuty, to handlo "Cbln on "Mduey," sold ex clusively through" ng"ents. For fur ther Information, address Coin Pub lishing Co., 5 Studfo Bli'gs., cor ner State and Ohio sts., Chicago. 202-tf iW ANTED Two bojs to work at plumbing trode. Engelhait & Eck ert, 3U Mill fit.. 112 WANTED-Hendlug Work's Supt., a thoroughly lpllablo and piactical wpod worker, who understand-) every detail of factory Vork'jijid.hnt" had experience in puK-luiUlng 'timber. An opportunity for a iirst class ninn to connect himself permanently nt liber al salary. Address X. Y. 55. ciuo Dem ocrat ollice. 110-111 WANTED. WANTED Four roomers on B. Main et., good location. Address Democrat offlce. tf WANTED Two experienced people on sklits. if: Turner tho New York Ladies' Tailor. Apply at room No. 30, Arcade block, South Howaid street. 111-110 WANTED An experienced skirt mak er. Nona other need apply, 125 Aich st 111-117 ADDITIONAL SPORTS. !! SMOKER TONIGHT. An excellent 'card Is offered by tho South End Athletlc.elub tonight for Its smoker In tho now club house. Tho program is u long one and In order to finish nt a seasonable hour It will bo necessary to begin piocecdlngs at promptly 8 o'clock. The bill Includes n go between Art Slmms and Fanner BcedPr, Johnny Whlttnker and an un known, nnd several other good ones. ALL ICIRKW06DS. The line up of the. KlcUwood team xsx'v'pw'Y - . . . , - - - WfflW p 3 oe WANTED Position by experienced grocery clqrk. Have had two years' experience In general btore. Answer. No. 1210 South Main st., .Akron. 112-111 WANTED Thieo looms on ground Hoop, for light housekeeping; no chil dren. Address A. B. 0., Democrat olllcc. C4-tf WANTED-Housc, or half of double house of abouli 0 rooms; moderate rate; must bo centrally located; by Sept. 20. "Address "House," caie of Democrat. tf 1 - - - i-ii IF YOU WANT to buy a grocery, If you want to sell your gtocery, If you want to buy a saloon, If you want to bell your saloou or any other busi ness, call on E .M. Young, room 30, and 31, Akron Savings bank building. Telephone 032. A good oillco room for icut. WANTED To buy a small house, south of Exchange st., nnd east of railroad, 1o move on my lot. Ad diess X, Democrat oilier1. 113-15 MONEY TO LOAN. IVlOtMIElV TTO LOAN- On household goods, pianos, organs, horses, wagons, etc, in sums of $5, $10, $15, $25, and upwards at tho very lowest rates. Property left jn your possession. You can pay tho money boelc In small monthly pay ments and each payment so made leduces both principal and Interest. Call and investigate. Oillco hours from 0 to 11 a. m., 1:30 to 5 p. m. and from 7 to 8 in the evening. L. C. MILLER, room 14, ARCADE BLOCK $200, $400, .T5.0Q0 to loan. Low rates of .interest. J. 1 Bacbtel, 188 S. How ard st. PACKING AND STORING. WANTED-Packing. and storing. Fur niture a specialty. Kiatz's Fuini tuio store, 140 S. Howard. Mch 0 to Sept 0 FURNITURE REPAIRED. Artistic upholstprlng. Leather work a specialty. Mattress making, chair caniiig iipd steam feather renovating done to order at small cost. O. W. Chamberlain, 170 N. Howard st. Phono 10241. BANKS. "A SAVING AOCOUNT-Is a friend In ndvers.ty." Start tho now year light ty opening a savings account with tho Central Savings bank. 3 per cent Interest paid on doposlts. Separata departments for ladles and special attention given to tbojr .ac counts.. Jan. 0, 1901 FOR RENT. FOR RENT-Two 8-ioom houses, mod prn convenlcco'f, situated corner of Perkins and Union fits. Enuulie of G. W. Gridley, IS Cential Building, Peopled 'phonu 510 114-tf SPECIAL NOTICES. WHITEWASHING and patching. Or ders sent to 110 S. High st. or tel. 11. A. T. Picket. 10-22tf BEAD! GREAT BARGAIN! RE.D! Aio "vou looking for tho best leal ps Into bargain over offeied? Cull at No. 357 S. Main st and get full-particulars. A good,'?- room house nud biu-li,' IVi aciea of land with all kinds of fr,uit' trees. Pioperty Is located at No. 140 Dayton st. North Hill. If sold Im mcdlately,?lC00 will buy this property. NOTICE i will buy all tho old horses ond mares that you do not want to keep over wlntor. It. C. Tiramer man, 210 Puruaco St., AUion, O. Tel. 32C. ' 180 tf SPECIAL NOTICE. Below Is the description and price of a great bargain In a house and bum: A good 7-room house and barn, IVi acies of hind, with all kinds, of fiuit trees, located at No, 140 Dayton st., Noith Hill. If sold at onco $1GQ0 will buy this pioperty. ffor partlculnis, call at No, 357 S. Main st. 200-tf Try tho Democrat's want columns. Saturday will contain only club mem bers. It has beren decided to bar nil thoso aUio aro not members of tho or ganizations in future ganics. Tho Standards aro fast playeru and a good gtimo Is anticipated. THREE AKRON WINNERS. Al tho races lu Ravonna, Thursday, threo Akron horses finished lusldo tho money.' Tho 2:10 trot "was won by Simotoll. Perry, owned by William Richardson, wmi second. Noble, owned by William Castle, was fourib. Tho V bpstjlmp 2:25. Boll S.t George Hnrt uinu's pacor-nniBhed'Eocpnd lu tho 2:18 FINE SOUVENIR PICTURES OP RUOIITEL collcgo beforo the Are and after the flro, on 0x13 card suit able for framing. Encloso 23c to H. J. Uoskln, care Democrat, and pic ttno will bo sent. tf READ! GREAT BAHGAIN1 READ1 Are you looking for tho best realcs tnto bargain cvor offered? Call nt No. 857 V. Main st.,and get full particulars. A good seven room house and barn, l'A acres of land with all kinds of fruit trees. Property Is located at No. 149 Dayton si., North Hill. If sold Im mediately, $1,000 will, buy this prop erty. FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR RENT-2 four-room houses one on Bellows St., S. Akron, nud ono on Cook st, East Akron, near now rubber factory. H. O. Feederlo. Tel. 015. Ill tf FOR SALE OR TItADE-03 aero fnrra, good buildings. COal bank In opera tion within 'GO days with leave and royalty on output. For particulars, coll on or address, after Sept. 0, 1000, G. W .Grldley,-48 Central Building. People's 'phone, 516. 114-tf FOR SALE-43 acres of land, second bottom, two miles south of Hudson; new house, prlco $1,500; $200 down, balance In ten yearn. Lcroy Munson, Akron. 2S5-20U FOR SALE Or exchange for somo business 'or improved property, 1 or '2 West Hill lots. AVI11 pay any cash diffeienec. Address F. Anniann, 001 E. Exchange st. 100-14 FOR SALE Very cheap, an Estey or gan, six octave, In iirst class condi tion, In black walnut frame. This Instrument cost $110 when new, and has been but slightly used. Guaran teed In first class condition. Suitable for Sunday school or society. Will bo sold nt a great bargain. Address Box 17, RichUeld, O. tf READ! GREAT BARGAINl READI Are you looking for tho best real es tate baiguin ever offered? Call at No. 357 b. Main st.nnd get full particulars. A good seven room house and barn, 1 acres of laud with all kinds of fruit trees. Property Is located at No. 140 Dayton st., North Hill. If sold Im mediately, $1,600 will buy this prop erty. . i t FOR SALE Burgains In homes and building lots. J. O. Kapp, 417 0. Mill at. D3-119 READJ GREAT BARGAIN! READI Are you looking for tho best leal oa tato bargain over offered? Call at No. 357 S. Main st.,nnd get full particulars. A, good seven room house and barn, VA, acres of hind with all kinds of fruit trees. Pieperty Is located at No. 140 Dayton St., North Hill. If sold Im mediately, $1,000 will buy this prop erty. FOR SALE A new 0 room houso on West Thornton st., six very large rooms, closets, nttlc, lare cellar well of good water. A 0 room house on Harvard St., 5 miuutcs' walk from rubbpr shop; prices and terms rcasop- " able. Inquire of L. H. Horner, No. 105 Harvard st. 85 tf irt 'o READ! GREAT BARGAIN! READI Aro you lookln,? for tho best real es tato bargain ever offeied? Call nt No. 357 S. Main st.,and get full particulars. A Rood eoveii loom house and bnrn.ol acres of land with all kinds of fruit trees. Property Is located nt No. 140 Dayton st., North Hill. If sold Im mediately, $1,C00 will buy this prop erty. ? FOR SALE At lower than tho sher iff's pi Ice.' Tin eo acres of land on stieet l'-tjlioud, one mile from Hall's pornerH, lino 7 room house, In Iirst class condition, slate loof, natural wood llnish, barn, etc., $2100. Build IngH arc worth $1500. Ono aero will sell for $1,000. Must bo sold In one piece In ten days. Both 'phones. Wm. H. Sanford, Room 1, Arcade, THE BRUNER, GOODnUE COOKE COMPANY, Oldest Abstract ofllco In tho county, Established 1870. Our experience guarantees a correct Abstract of Tltlp. Prices leosouable. Prompt service. 215 South Main st. 'Phono 15. FOR SALE Twenty acres land In Gov entry for only $500. This is dirt cheap. B-jy It. P. P. Bock &$, Co., 220 S. Howard st pace. Tho race was won by Ada 0. Best time 2:V , JEFFRIES GROWS BOLD. Jim Jeffries, champion pugilist of tho world, Issues a bold challcngo to Bob Fltzlmmons today, und If "Lanky Bob" reconsiders his retirement and nccepts tho dell, a fight for tho ahnnv plouship will bo arranged within thirty days of tho signing of articles. Jef fries wishes to show tho public hi) In not afraid of Fitzslmmons, uud, to njovo It, says ho can nrrHUgo to fight within n month, that time being neces sary for (ictunl lialulng. Ho will! not IjOR SALE By C.'Il. Jones and S. E. Jones, 55 Central building. Sis room house, nlco shado and barn. Ohamplalu st. Special bargain at $850. Good homo 127 Stoao st. Make us an offer on It. Wo bavo Bomo hot weather bargains, but they must bo sold quickly. Call and lot us show you somo of them. FOR SALE Four very desirable lots on Kuder nvc, nlso three on Merrl man st. These lots are about 300 feet from tho beautiful Allen residence on W. Market fit. They ore worth $000- to $1000 each, but to any ono buying within 30 days their choice will Jie given at a low ilgure. One of tho lota would mnko n llrst-class Invest ment P. P. BOCK & CO., 220 S. Howard st FOR SALE By Bruner Goodhue Cooke Co., Both phones, No. 15; 232 S. Main st: Two farms, adjoining, 5 miles from Wooster, best soil In tho state, no waste land, good chance to right party, 100 Coddlug St., lot 00x150, 7 room house, $1000. Lot on Zellcrs st., near Washington st., cheap. 125 Campbell, 6 rooms, new build ings, $1700. 402 W. Exchnugp, 8 rooms and barn, lot 00x200, $2000. 140 S. Maple, good location, paved street, $2500. Nlco 0 room house, largo lot, modern, Maple st, $2000. 5 room house, Hart st., cheap, $000. The undlvjded Inteiest of a good brick business bloclr on Howard st, payjj big rent, 60 feet front. Elegant deep lot; on Park st, at a bargain. 10 room house on Canal nt. This Is a bargain; owner paid $2200 for It, will take $1400. No, 500 W. Thornton, 8 rooms, new ly painted. $2000. 10 room house, E. Market, all modern, will sell or trade. C acres on Johnston St., good for al- loting, $300 per acre. A o have other desirable places for sale. Wo can help you to own a home. Call, write, or phone. The Bruner-Goodhue-Cooke Co. FOR SALE Hero la tho place you are looking for ono of the An est rest, dence properties on East Market st A sacrifice; a flno homo and good Investment $4500. Fine residence on Arlington st, $2,500, 60 acre farm In Cuyahoga Falls township. E. M. Young, 31 Akron Savings bank block. LEGAL NOTICE. To Whom it mayiConcern: Notice Is hereby g(en that E. O, Smith, of 114 Carpenter st., "North Hill" has Oieeu trppolifted by the trus tees, as health ofllcer of Toi'tngo town ship. People's Phono 553. Central Union 1182. 'l L. E. BROWNING, Aug, 27-28-20-30-31 Sep 1 Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received tin- til twclvp o'clock noon Saturday, Sep tember 8th, 1000, at the Board of Ed ucation office, High school building, Akron, Ohio, for the construction of a brick school building In accordance with the plans and specifications on file In tho otlko of Charles Henry & Son, architects, Akron, Ohio. Also at the samo time and place separate sealed proposals will bo re ceived for the furnishing arid erecting of heating apparatus for the proposed building in accordance with the plans nnd specifications on tllo in the above named architects' office. The Board reserves tho right to ac cept any or reject all bids. By order of tho Board. Ii W. SH1RER, Clerk. Aug. 10-17-24-31 Sept. 7. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will bo received by A. H. Sar. gent, chairman of Building committee of tho Board of Health of tho city of Akron, for the ereqtlon of a deten tion hospital. Plans and specifications can be soon at the ofllco of tho archi tects, Charles Henry & Son, after Sep tembcr 1st. Bid to bo received until 12 o'clock noon, September 17th, 1000. The Board leserves tho right to reject any or nil bids. By order of tho Board of Health. A. H. SARGENT, I .T. O. WEBER, L. C. COPLIN, Building Committee. Agg. 17-21-31. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Estate of Ouines C. Kelley, deceased. Tho undersigned has bceu appointed by the Probato court of Summit coun ty, Ohio, as admlnlstiator of the estoto of James C. Kelley, dpoensed. All persons Indebted to said estate mo requested to make immediate payment; nnd all persons having claims against said estate aro requested to piesent require sovcrnl months to prepare, ho now says. "I am moro confident than over now that I can beat Fitzslmmons, Just ns I did before," bald Jeffries today, "nnd am, ready to clinch tho match with him as soon as possible. "I'Vlll go to Carson City to fight him within thirty days, muko him a side bet of $10,000 to $20;000 on tho re suit, and consent to tho winner tnklng all of tho purse, If ho so desires." Hanna Coming Home. Now York, Aug. 31, Senator Hanna tiio samo for nllowanco or rejection. EMORY A. PRIOR. Dated this 11th day of August, A. D, 1000. Aug 17-24-31 RAILROAD NOTICES. CHICAGO AND RETURN $5.85- ERIE R. R. THE OFFICIAL G. A. R. ROUTE. Tickets on salo Aug. 25 to 20 Incln. slve, returning until Aug. 31, subject to extension to Sept. 30. Buckley Post special will lcavo Akron at 7:30 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 20, arriving Chicago 5:30 p.m. Best track, rock ballast block system, and rapid run. Other trains leave Akron 7:08 a.m., 12:22 noon, 0:52 and 8:30 p.m. Don't fall to tako tbo Eric. flTEAMHHIP TICKETS TO EU ROPE AND PARIS EXPO SITION. Tickets via all lending lines at low est rates. Information cheerfully giv en upon application to O. D. Honodle, ticket ngont. Union depot Cook's per sonallyconductcd tours. Apr 28-tf NIAGARA FALLS AND RETURN $3.00. Toronto and return $4.00. Erie R. R Sept. 4, 8:44 p.m. Ask agent for paitlculars. LAST EXCURSION. Special Erie R. R. train' 8:44 R. R. train 8:44 p.m., Sept, 4, for Niagara Falls and Toronto. See agent for par ticulars. TO THE CAMP MEETING AT HIGHLAND PARK. Special train leaves O. T. & V. station Howard st.Sunday, Sept. 2, 12:30 p.m., East Akron 12:40 p.m., returning lcavo tho Pork 7:50 p.m. FIVE SHOTS Were Fired at Dr. J. V. Cleaver. The Bullets Went Wide and No Dam age Was Done. Five bullets -were sent whizzing In tho direction of a carriage In which Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Cleaver and daughter were riding Thursday evening. The shooting occurred on the Tall madge rood Just outside of East Ak ron. Tho road at that point Is mar row and makes Its way through a deep cut. Dr. Cleaver was returning from Tnllinadge nud reached the cut at 7:30 p'clock. Here ho found a -lg holding the road. Dr. Cleaver asked that ho bo al lowed to pass, but the driver of the sol itary horse made no roply and contin ued to obstruct the highway. Finally tho physician drove over a bank and had passed the vehicle when the shots were fired. la speaking of the affair, to h repre sentative of tho Democrat, Friday morning, Dr. Cleaver said: "We heard the bullets whiz but af ter I reached home, I could find no mnrks upon the enrriage. I do 'not know what the follow meant. He had stopped his horso and made no effort to lot mo pass. At any rnfp ho sent the bullets in our direction, ( He had a gray horso and piano-box tyuggy, but In the darkness I could not distinguish the man's features." e;f Real Estate Transfers (Furnished by tho Abstract Title Guarantco nnd Trust Company, No. 220 South Main st. John W. Broan and wife to James W. Broan nnd Elizabeth Rook, 3 par cels of land, near Washington st, $300. Quit claim deed, John Sanford to Geo, PoroskoVsky and wife, .21 acres In Tract 7, Akron, $100. A. D. Alexander and wife to Peter Upllngpr nnd wife, 50 feet, Irvln st, $1000. Barbara Zehner to Adolph Zehner, lot on east sldo Washington st, $425. nnd his family will Jravo Elberson for their Cleveland homo on Tuesday, The Senator will open the Ohio cam paign with h Youngstown speech Fri day night and vtH go to Chicago after the Youngstown meeting. "Ms HOLLENBECK Is Given to Talking About What He's Going tq Do. Stnto F(ro Mnrshul S. p. nollenbeck returned todny from Akron, whero ho went to Investigate tho Incendiarism In connection with tUe riot of last Wed PROVISION Made For New Pupils Brought Into City by Re cent Annexation. Changes In District Boundary Lines. Parents Requested to Note New Arrangement. First General Meeting of Teachers Next Monday. The Board of Education, In regular session, Tuesday, August 2Sth, adopted the following division, for school at tendance, of the territory recently an nexed to tho city; and the following changes In tho bouudary lines of the districts heretofore established by res olution of tho Board. Every parent is earnestly requested to note carefully the boundary lines established by this action, and to send children to the proper schools. NORTH HILL. All pupils of the former North Hill district seventh and eighth grades, shall report at Bryan school. All pu pils In grades from first to sixth In clusive, In the former North Hill dis trict, shall report at North Hill school. CHESTNUT GROVE SCHOOL. AH pupils, below the sixth grade, residing in districts No. 1 and 4, of Portage township, shall attend Chest nut Grove school. All pupils in these districts, In sixth, seventh and eighth grades, shall attend cither Grace school or Crosby school. DISTRICT NO. 8, PORTAGE TOWN SHIP. AH pupils in what was formerly district No. 8, of Portage township, shall attend Grace school. DISTRICT No. 2, PORTAGE TOWN SHIP. All pupils lesidlng in what was for merly district No. 2, Portage town ship, shall attend Howe school. DISTRICT No. 11, COVENTRY TOWNSHIP. All pupils In district No. 11, Coventry township, In seventh and eighth grades, shall report at Howe school. All pu pils In said district In grades from first to sixth inclusive, shall uttend tho Summit Lnke school. All pupils residing in that part of tho Howe dis trict, lying north of Jackson st, and cast of tho Ohio canal nnd Clinton alley, shall attend AJlen school. Also all pupils residing In the Howe district east of Holloway st, and north of Poplar st, extended east to the canal report at Terklns school. DISTRICT No. 2, COVENTRY TOWNSHIP. All pupils of seventh nnd eighth grades, residing in Coventry town ship, district No. 2, shall attend Allen school. All pupils in grades from first to sixth Inclusive, In Coventry town ship, district No. 2, nnd In Allen school district, south of West South st., cast word to Swcltzer avc.; theuco south of East Crosier st, to city limits, shnll report nt schools In Gayer block, nnd tho school house's of district No. 2, as follows: Pupils east of railroad, In nesday night, says tho Columbus Dis patch. He said to a representative of The Dispatch that he had not succeeded in fixing tho identity of any of tho per sons who applied tho torch, but num bers of persons testified that they saw tho firo set Tho troublo is to identify tbo person that did It Tho descrip tions given aro all general nnd would fit any person. Ho said hn hoped that some clues Deputy Marshal nart was now work ing on would lead to thu detection of tho guilty pcrtons. r gradp 1, 2, 3 nnd 4, at school houses of district No. 2. Pupils west of roll. road In grades , 2, 3 and 4, at Gayer block. All pupils of fifth and sixth grades In tho entire district Just named, shall report at school houses of district No. 2. DISTRICT No. 1, COVENTRY All pupils residing In what was for merly district No. 1, Coventry town ship, shall report at either Kent school or Loggett school. Very respectfully, j H. V. HOTCHKISS, Supt Public Instruction. TEACHERS MEETING. The first general mooting of the teachers of the public Bchools of tho city,' will be held at the High school, Monday morning, September 3rd, at 8:30 o'clock. This meeting Is for all the teachers In the public schools. LIVE STOCK. State Auditor's Report Shows a Con siderable Increase. State Auditor Guilbert has mado public a table showing the number of domestic stock animals In Ohio as re turned by the several county auditors, and a comparison of the returns with that of last year. It shows the fol lowing: Horses 711,146, an increase of 5,019. Cattle 1,427,GC1, an increase of 75, 043. .Mules 14,521, a decrease of 148. Sheep 2,544,070, an Increase of 26, 710. Swine I,4S9,518, a decrease of 60,- 506. Franklin county shows the follow ing: Horses 14,571, compared with 14,- 50 1 -last year. Cattle 1S,CU2, compared with 18,427 last ye:k Mules-113, compared with 101 last year. Sheep 12,766, compared with 11,0555 last year. Hogs-27,102, compared with 28,276 last year. BUSBY Claims to Have Been Offered a Posi tion on Local Force. Mr. H. A. Busby, of this city, has Just been offered the position of head qunrters officer oil the Akron police force by Mayor Young of that place, says the Columbus Disp.itch. Tho offer has been nccepted, and Mr. Bus by expects to assume his now duties there next week. This position comes to him as .a reward of merit, on ac count of Busby's services In trying to protect the city building from the riot ous mob of several days ago. Ho wa-j reported to have been knocked down twice by rocks thrown by the mob while defending tbo entrance to tha building. His clothes also were torn. Busby says the mob was made up of; idle, desperate fellows. Ho was for merly on .the local police force. Notice To Bricklayers. .. All who have not yet procured suits for Labor Day Parade can do so Sat urday night at tho brleklnyer's hall, Geo. II. PETLEY, Com. EY! aaae: i-oaim it On Long Time and Easy Payment WE will make loom from 5 to 11,000 on Wotches, Dlnmonds, Household Goods, Flaaoe, Organs, Horses. Wagons, Cfirrlnces, Btoro and Office Fixtures, Merchandise, Blocks, Bonds, Jewelry. Insurance Poll, cles, llento. Contracts, WITHOUT AN PUBLIU1TY WHATEVKK AND W1TH ODT REMOVING THKM KKOM YOUU I'OHBEBBION. Elecant Prlvato Offices. Loans made came day. AKRON SECURITY fi LOAN CO. 193 South Howard St., ?ISS Noar IV1III St. Ihtae 863. Open ercalnn utJl V m. CONSUMPTION Caused the Death of Well Known ' Stone Mason. Joseph Gcmuend, a stone mason re siding nt 101 Benjamin st, died Thursday afternoon. Deceased bad been III for four months and death was duo to consumption. Mr. Gerauend was past 41 years oil ago and hud resided lu Akron 1Q yeais. Ho was a member of tho St, Bernard's society; tho Bavarian so ciely and the Stone Gutters' union, The fuucial will be held at :30 o" clock Saturday morning at St. Bej nurd's church. Intoruicnt lu St, Bej uurd'a cemetery, - "- . ." v ,'.. ' Li iirtai.mrir iv jMW& t&fottfu , jmdJs&.iM . 'ij&&3&il,,