Newspaper Page Text
"s "-nr wm 'ywrxypff'-M, s''.1 """"'PHwreiw'y1 HMSHNM9 wwjyminiiiifniMiW 1 1 i ,j HW llliW... AKItON DftfLY DJ3SEOORAT. EDKESDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 1000 W" T",PW "1MW SglfC ' hMlfhlii ifrir"iiliii H ro I i a H Ji V Zbte RAINY LAY SKIRTS "We show a big nsortment of this "POPUIiAIt SKIRT" and would call your attention to the garment at $5.00. Is a popular price. AVe ? have mado It a popular skirt It I has the proper weight the proper style and all the superior qualities that go to make up a dcslrablo skirt. 22c EACH Any percale shirt waist that sold for $1.00, 75c, COc, fast colors; all this season's stock. 39c EACH Tour pick of those percale shirt waists that wo sold for $1.50, 51.20, $1.15. Some of thqso garments arc trimmed, but we don't want to carry a shirt waist over. All go in at 30c. Suits! Suits! ?5.00 and ?0.00 Black suits, some very handsomely trimmed; good quality of Venetian or serge. Ileg iilnr $12.00 values. I $7.00 Dark navy blue Venetian ! suits, silk lined jackets. Regular value $11.00. i $8.50 Giey and tan suits, silk lined Jackets, properly made. Were I always sold for $17.00. ( $10.00 Dark red suits, trimmed Swlth satin, fancy stitched silk lined Jackets. Regular $20 values, i Sc a yard wash ginghams , for t school dresses in dark colors. Reg- ular 10c and lUVtc values, i Be a yard Light percales In fast J colors. Elegant for boys' waists, ladies home wrappers, etc. Ileg j ular 10c values. ; 3'c a yard Your cholco of the j best wash goods In dimities and ! lavns,we sold at 20c, 15c, 12jc. All 150-152 S.Howard st. Ndan Bros. ...OVJF9. High Gram Coffees winners. It will pay you to try thorn. Thoy aro guaranteed as tho finest drinkers sold. Our Yacht Olub and Batavia Salad Dressings aro dolioious. "Wo have Highland brand and Pit brand of Evaporated Oroam In cans. Our Evaporated Wafers aro tomothing now in tho cake lino. Bavo you tried thorn? Wo havo (ho only comploto Dandle lino in tho city, Any thing you want in candles. .hHUr Ndan Bros. Leading Grocers 301-303 Mill st. Akron, O. Telephone 376. Botzum Oroa. WhoUule on4 B(UI1 Pctlert In Plour, Feed, Baled Hay, Straw, Grain, FleU Seeds, Lime Cements, Salt, Ctc. 1 13-115 S. Main St. Telephone 576) - ii . - ODELL Jamcd For Governor By New York's Republicans. Saratoga, Sept. B.-(8pl,) Tho rte (ubl)can state convention at 11:15 this nomine nominated Benjamin It. Odell is tho party's candidate for Uovernor. Tho nomination was mado by acclama tion amid tho greatest enthusiasm up n tho part of tho delegates and the largo crowd that Ailed the convention tall. Mr. Udell was placed In noml latlon by former Coventor Frank H Black In an eloquent speech. c "- If you want hoarders, male or fo Balo help, roomers, etc., adveitlso In ffcsfl 8A.LB-A cozy little ft room house, slate roof, porch across front, lot 40x35, terms very reasonable. VltbIn 8 minutes' wclk of tho Dla nond Match works, ISarbcrton, O. Call on or address U II. Horner, No. 103 Harvard st, Akron, O. 85 tf M.lllwVwP' tlHill GAS. Another Big Gusher Has Been Struck at Pe ninsula. Enormous Flow Found 800 Feet Deep. Impossible to Determine the Exact Pressure. Night and Day Thousands of Foet of Gas Aro Burned. (Special Correspondence.) Peninsula, O., Sept. 5. Tho third and largest gas well was completed Tues day on Leaudcr Beer's lot in Peninsula. At 2 p. in., an enormous How of gas was struck nt a depth of 800 feet, throwing mud and shale far above the derrick. Tho drillers manager to partially cage the well, allowing two exhaust pipes. Tho noise was deafening. It sounded llko steam from the safety valve of a largo boiler. It will bo Imposlblo to ascer tain tho pressure which Is enormous, until the casing is flrmly anchored. Tuesday night tho gas, pouring from tho tWo exhaust pipes, was lighted. The noise from tlo llames which shoot high in the air, sounds llko distant thunder, or high wnter flowing over n wide dam. Many people from tho town and sur rounding country witnessed tho sight until late In the evening. The citizens of tho village nre excited over tho gusher and several more wells will soon bo put down. Tho first well was sunk a few mouths ago and since then three Qthe'rs hnve been struck. All of tho wells are yielding great quanti ties of gas. Tho Beers' wll is the largest, 'When tho flow wns strpck tb Immense pres sure partially lifted a ir00 pound drill from tho well. The roaring of the gas can ho continually heard for near ly a mile. Night and day tho village Is bolng Illuminated with natural gas. There Is some talk of piping the gas to other towns. Tel. 1150 Star Laundry. CONFESSION. (Continued from first page.) Ing for his allogcd nssualters. Slekels has no Tegular occupation. . OTTtBll CASUS. Edward Haley, u contractor, ap peared In Mayor's court Wednesday morning and made attldavll against Harry Wldto, charging tho latter with assault. Haley had a very black mid bruised eye, which added strength to his testimony that, ho had been as saulted. Whllo pleaded guilty to having struck Haley, niul salt! that ho was employed by Haley. Mayor Young lined White $10 and costs. Christ Kskeimen, who on Tuesday pleaded not guilty to tho charge of Intoxication, changed his plea this morning to guilty. Ho was lined i?2 and costs, Adley Itelky, lCdwnrd Worthlngton and John Trainer, three young men, wero arrested, charged with assaulting Andrew K. Paige, a middle-aged man. They pleaded not guilty and their cases continued until Friday. Diuilul Miller, a boy 15 years old, was arrested for striking another lad named Jacob Plfer, Both llvo on Sherman st. Miller pleaded guilty and was lined $1 and costs. Wm, Knousman of Sherman St., charged with disorderly conduct, and calling Miss Ida Mueller, a neighbor, bad names, pleaded guilty, Ho was fined ?2 and costs. Jehu Cuuulngluun, a vagrant, was discharged, provided he lci town at once. Help wonted or house for rent? tho Democrat's want columns. Try VJl.n. 'mr is a synonym S f for purity. Every 1 I dealer in town now j jL has it for sale. He J pWawaitswr orderV the: SCHOOL BELL F3BINI03. ironjf Oomo here for Wo havo a complete lino of Good, Reliable School Shoes FOIt THE Boys and Girls. You will bo able to find just whufc you wnufc in Quality and Price. Special Low Prices on Trunks and Satchels REID BROS.' UP-TO-DATB SHOE AND TRUNK HOUSE 122 South Howard street People's rhone 998. Notice to EJWJV . Tho only Union Mado Flour In tho Utiitod Slates. Every snolc warranted to jjlvo satisfaction. FOIt SA1VK BY JOHN RUSSELL 1136 E. Market Street. gflFOvilnr by postal card, or 'phono 103J11. OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOQOO Funeral Director ay Still be Found at the old stand 416 E. Market Cor. Summit. i'mfmK',rr,tHr,. rm(m SeBiooi I fi. 11 Ambulance for re- 8 moving the sick- -1 8 used tor nothing else. 8 DeWET, Gets Another Train. Captures 44 Carloads of Supplies. Gen. Delarey Reported to Have Died From Wounds Received Elands River Fight. in Details of Capture of the Thcron Scouts. London, Sept. G. (Spl.) A dispatch from Trctorla Bays that Gen. Delarey is reported to havo died from wounds received at tho capture by his force of tho Elands river garrison a month ago. Details of tho successful raid of Therou fccouts at Klips river have reached Pretoria. It appears thnt af ter the derailing liy the Boers of the train conveying a company of the West Hiding regiment, that the British train crew surrendered and were shot down after they had thrown up their hands, Two of them were killed in this manner. Tho engine was blown up with dynamite, but "the driver, who had hid In tho tiro box, escaped unhurt A body of Marshall's horse pursued the raiders, killing 11 Boers. Gen. DoWet has captured a train In tho neighborhood of Kroonstadt, secur ilng 11 car loads of supplies. SUSPENDED Are Hostilities' by Boiha and Buller Ready to Surrender. London, Sept. G. (Spl.)A Bloom- Vf ' iy fontoln dispatch, dated September 3, says that hostilities which wero bo- gun today between tile forces of Gen eral Buller and General Botha In tho y r r mountains above liy'denberg havo been suspended. Both Generals are awaiting developments, belpg uuahlo to got nway to the north. The Boer women assert that, tho army would surrender if the IMtlsh promise not to deport them. - MARRIAGE LICENSES. William A. Forshey, Akron .128 Bavllla Nol'slnger, Akron 2ii Groom's occupation, .laborer. Kceso Thompson, Cleveland. 31 Amanda KIre, Akrou 23 Groom's occupation, laborer. Francis G. Brumage, Akron 20 Ida Maud Steuben, Akron 27 Groom's occupation," Inspector. John 0. Bainliardt, Akron -Ill Electa M. Naiuah, Akron 311 Groom's occupation, bicycle brnzor. Harrison E. Brown, Falrlawn 22 Nina M. Wolf, Montroso, 18 Groom's occupation, farmer. ltaymond !'. Nailer, Akron 23 Abblo E. Hhorbondy, Akron 21 Groom's occupation,! electrical en gineer. L .lames Boss, Mldillebranch 30 Atoudii Marltl, Akron 17 Groom's occupation, laborer. Charles W. Miller, Akroi 23 Bertha E. Cochran, Akron 23 Groom's occupation, clerk. Edward Yoss, Cuyahoga Falls 2ft Marie Dlroll, Cuyahoga Falls 2." Groom's ocupatlon, mblder. Albert U Kinkier, Akron 20 Edna E. Fuller, Akron.. 23 Gloom's occupation," blacksmith. Emsl'ey Grose, Tipton, '.lntl 2S Itoxo Keeney, Cuyahoga Fulls, Ud Groom's occupation, nail u-ir BIRTHS. HOBINSON-To Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry V f Hoblnson of HI Coburu street, Satur day, Sept. 1, a son. WOLF-To Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred J. Wolf, of 113 Merrliuan street) Sunday, Sept. 2, a daughter,- , EGAN-To Mr. and Mrs. John Egan, of l.ll Grant st., Tuesday, Sept. I, a daughter. TOO LATE m.CLASSIFY. A FOIt KENT .V the room house, b good repair. Ill Jf. Walnut st. En. iulrc 110 X. Wnlnjij 6t. 118 120. .itifekA" iiwiy...),. jl , PHYSICIANS Discuss Matters of Interest To Their Profession. The regular meeting of the Sum mit County Medical Society was held at the W. fJ:.T. U. rooms Tuesday af ternoon, There were In 'attendance Dr. II. 1. Taggart, president; Dr. Long, secretary, protein; Drs. 0. 0. Davison, E. A. Montenyohl, Ell Conn, T. G. Grant, Chapmau, ToblaR, Inmnn, Wright, W. 0. .Tacobs, T. B. Humph rey and H. C. Thelss. ' After a review of the discussion of "Hysteria," presented nt tho last meet Ing, Dr. Grant reported a ease of Inter nal car disease. Dr. H. C. Thelss reported a case of spinal Irritation of more than common Interest. The 'subjects presented were very generally discussed by all present. Dr. L. B. Humphrey was admitted to membership.- . The program for October 2, will con- sis of special papers by Drs. Chapman, W. C. Jacobs, S. Wright and reports of cases by Drs. Lewis, Todd, Conn, Long and Humphrey. Patent. Frank M., ".Tohn S. and Wllllnm W Hilton and. nobert M. Mcrriman, of Akrou, have recently obtained a val uablo patent covering a vehicle wheel, through tho Jinn' of It. S. & A. B. La- cey, patent ' solicitors, Washington, D. 0. I DEATHS. HOI.COM B-Henry Holcomb, nged 00 years and 21 days, died at his home, 120 Bare St., TuesiTay afternoon. Death wns due to paralysis. The fi ncral will be held at 10 o'clock Thurs day morning nt tho Twinsburg church, QUEER Excuse Is Offered --. For the Fearful Boxer 'Uprising. , . Forged Ultimatum From the Powers Caused the Empress to Be Alarmed And a General Massacre of For- cigners Was Ordered. Loudon, Sept. 5. (Spl.) A Shanghai dispatch to DaUell's nows agency, ex plains' that the Boxer massacres wero de to a forged ultimatum, purporting to' come from tho ministers of tho Powei'sand proeuted to the Empress by Prince Tuiin. This ultimatum demanded absoluto retirement of the reinstate ment oftho Emperor Kwangsu, the placing of Chinese tlnances under Eu ropean control, tho removal of thu seat of government of IVkln and tho ap pointment uf foreigners to direct the affairs of state. Upon vecejpt of tho ultimatum tho Empress, convinced that the powers entertained hostile designs, ordered a general massacre of foreigners. She now believes tho ultimatum to have been, a forgery. Prince Tuiin Insists that it cu nut through regular channels. lie IVni Telllnv lllui. During ono of the earliest visits of the royul family to Balmoral Prince Albert, dressed lu a Bimnlu maimer, was cross ing -oiio of tho Scottish lakes In a steamer and wns curious to noto every "th'inir rolatlnc to the mnunucnient of the 'vossel and, among many other things, the cooking. Approaching the galley, where a brawny Highlander was attending to tho culinary matters, Up was attracted by tho savory odors of ft pot of "hodgepodge," which tho hlgb'hUHler was preparing. "What Is that?" asked tho prince, who was not known to tho cook. "Ilddsepodgo. sir." was tho reply. "Hqw l It mado?" was tho uest question. "Why. thero'a mutton Intll't and tur nlpB Intll't and carrots lutll't nnd"- "YeB. yes,'' enld the prince; "but what Is lutll't?" , Thq man looked at him, nnd, seeing ttiut tup prluco was serious, he replied: ..j.. jJfTnfcX.'rTir AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AA.AA. t. a.a.a.a DANCING 4 XXth Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stickle Will open tho dancing 6c:ip,oii of 1000 anil mot, Tuesday Evening, Oot. 2E. A cordial Invitation is extended to all former pupils and friends. Stickle's.Full Orchestra in Attendante. Beginnora' Glass Friday ovoning, Oct. o. Advancod Class Tuesday evening, Oct. 11. Children's Clans Saturday afternoon, Oct. 13, at. 2 p.m. Office houro at XXtli Century Hall From 10 A. in. to 5 p. m. People's 'phono 485. THE FINEST HALL AND FLOOR IN THE STATE. "There's mutton lutll't nnd turnips Intll't nnd''- "Yes, certnlnly. I Unow," urged ihe Inquirer, "but what H Intll't Intll't?" "Man." yelled tue'hlghlander, bran dishing-his big ladle, "atn 1 no tcllln ye what's Intll't? There's mutton Intll't and"- Ilero the Interview was brought to a close by ,one of the prince's suit, who fortunately wns passing, explaining to his royal highness that "Intll't" simply meant "luto It" and nothing more-Ex change. A TlieafrlenI I'nrrlc. 'ThntA In nl.i.tlti.Xl. Ii.r. fling to understand:" wild a theatrical manager, -auoui tuejieriect regularity of the sizes of pudlenccs for any given play. You know 1 inahage two thea ters here In New York. One of them holds about 2.000 peoile and tlie'othei holds about l.lloo people. "Now. when we have -a play that Is what we call a great success nt the small theater such a 'success "that we hnve to turn people ntvay every itlglit It Is almost Invariable that the nhinbor turned away Is not far r'roni ao each night that Is to say, 1.000 people come and get In and 30 come and cannot-get In. And when we "have a similar, suc cess at the large theater the average number of people turned nwav Is lust .the same about ao-tl)a( Is. J.OOO peo-. pie coine nnd get In aud UO come and cannot get In, "Now, to all appearances tho one play haR made Jlist as big a hit as the other, so why Is It that just about 1.030 people want to sfee the ono every night nnd just about 2.000 people want to sec the 'other every night? Why do the 2,030 never como to the small theater? They never do. Such a" thing wns nev er heard of. It's u little section lu the law of averages that I never could un derstand." Now York Tribune. . Tho 'Pint Wur .'orreiionilent. As far as can be gathered, the llrst recognized wnr-'convspoudeut to a newspaper wnscn mrtn. whose name, unhappily, has sunk Into oblivion, at the slego of Antwerp In. 1S31. Much earlier In thq cntury, th&ugli, there wns In an Informal and unrecognized manner a witness named Peter Flnucr ty one can ninko a. sbi'ewd guess at OOOOOQOCOCOCCXWOOOOOOOOCOO v fe .S2s5: llldllildi UuD UlAJKuij 1 22i mi plates' I b 8 -mwrBu. 8 S -s ijj ijMxa;,TCreArawjfc.-Pijy.ya "i-fCTifcJWMC'i"r7HiJHMPmji'i" S5GS?TE iZXvjXM? 112-11-1-110 North Howard Street. V 8ooooooooooooogococockogoo(k;cxx;oooooooooocowooooo a U if! TntPl g? Greatest POCKET KODAKS Amp Promos, Pooos, nil best mnkos of ijSiH?-tU: -"X,l most comploto lino of imo-to SUPPLIES It the city, wholesale and retail. Instruc tions cheerfully given. Uso of dark room free. Ooo. S. Dalos & Son Tepple's 'Phone, No. 1072, Akron, O. mp Bull's Eyes. We Are Receiving" Goods Daily In Kail and Winter Htylas of Shoes, from the best kiiovn factories lu the United States and made over tho ny latest eastern lasts, which will enulp" lis to tit any lady or gentleman In footwear. ChlhUen's Shoes wo can givo you as godd a, value In school shoes aH any house lu the city for less money. Kor Men's Work tfhoes Iheie s no eimnl at tho prices. South EnJ Shoe and Furnishing Goods Store ftf. 3!- F3ac3os-fcEnuih 112'5i' SOtJTH .MAIN STREET, J,ctwTnnJ!;r8t'8nci,all1r,'!reB,' Viv .,. lJ HH Jftsti 'T"1.1: ' .' ,-vl.,-t a I Century Hall, r I I his nationality "who on his return from the NVnlcheren expedition told the British public a good deal inoro about that unfortunate naval and mill tary blunder than the British govern ment of the day cared to have publish ed." Tlinrn wns. ton. some rrnllr nd- 1 mlrable pen and Ink work about tho Carllst war In the Loudon papers, not ably by Frederick Hnrduian nnd C. IV. GrulneFcn. Mr. (Irulnesen fell Into tho hands of the Carllsts nnd was about to bo shot when he was rescued from his Impending fate by the Intercession of the late Lord rtnnelngh. who had taken service In the cause of Don Car los de Bourbon. London Post. IniliiHlry anil Snccens. 'J "There's nolhin like farm In on abllt Bide." said the man with the faded nafr during a pause In the conversation, "If you pick out n good location." "Do you mean to say." they naked him, "thnt you ever worked on a hill side farm or anywhere else?" "Who F.nld anything about workln?" he rejoined. "I said hillside fnrniln was all right If you picked out a good location. I had a location right down bplow a -10 acre farm where a feller put In one whole summer raisin melons nn' pumpkins. When they got rlp'e. they broke off f'm the vine an rolled down on to my land. It was a good deal of bother to gather Vm up. but C done It. Made a pretty jj'ood thlug out of It too." t . It was a narrow escape nnd nearly cost him his reputation as the man lu the crowd. -Chicago Tribune. LncUlUR In Romance. "Swlgshy hasn't a paitlcle of ro mance about him." "I never thought he had. Any new proof of It?" "Yes. lie was calling 6n Daisy, wlnnerton. You know Daisy. Ltttld thing, hut full of poetry. Swlgsby said he wondered where they mef, the first time, and Daisy In her poetical way;' said shi gue.shcd It was .In the gloam ing., SwJgsby, looki il puz::leduud tuva what do you suppose jj( said?',' "Give It up." , ' "Said he guesned she was mistaken, because tie couldn't recall any apart incut house by tlut uume." Cleveland Plllu rie.iler 00O003O00OO000O0O0000C0O0O Complete Line To Select From Variety Lowest Prices BROWHIE Cyclones, "Wizznrds and Cameras. Largest and Pums. V ...... - ,. f.r.t.i;-iAj f, ,;,', -j n,lur