Newspaper Page Text
W(P WWWH TcRW JLKEC3T IAIE.r DIOCCKIKAlTi'R'EDXESDAX, XO"VE3IBEB 2S. 1D03 pHB u"w T(Tnjl '-ji""" jh --- - t Jw-tvTlR M ""B IN LUCK. Ike Enfield's Ship Came In When He Needed the Funds. Decision of State Su preme Court. Insures Payment of $10,030 to Mrs. Waiburn. Prisoners Sentenced Wednesday Court House News. Ike Enfield, a prisoner at the county jail, held for failure to pay a fine as- lessed by Judge Anderson, recelTed good news Tuesday. For some time tie has had an appli cation pending for a pension. lie had placed it In the bands of Capt, J. B MelL Tuesday the Tension depart ment sent word that the claim had been allowed and that Enfleld was en titled to receive ?S per month com mencing the first of December. 1S07. This entities Enfield to $2SS back pen sion. He will pay his fine and obtain his release. CIRCUIT COURT REVERSED. The Supreme court has reversed the decision cf the Circuit court In tho action entitled V. B. Gamble, admin istrator vs. the Akron. Bedford & Cleveland Railroad company. The ac tion was brought to recover $10,000 for the death of Justus Waiburn. a era doctor. The Jury in the lower court brought in a verdict for $10,000. The case vtai carried to Circuit court and Judge Kohlcr was reversed on It points. The plaintiff carried the case up on error. The deferolant will now pay the plaintiff ?10.0j0 with interest for two year. The plaintiff was repre sented by Grant & Steber, and Rowley &. Bradley and the ilefemiant by Allen i Cobb and W. F. Carr of Cleveland. TRISOXKRS SENTENCED. The Jury In the case of the Slate v. Charles Tieraan brought in a ver dict of guilty after a short conference. He was seateBced to one year In thi penitentiary, lib wife broke down, when bt was beBteaced. Norman BreckcnrMgt was altoweil to plead sulky to a charge of rioting He was to the court room liy Iris wife ami four small chil dren. He was fined $23 ami SO days In the penitentiary. Yockey Snyder, who attempted ti fhoot Ofieer George Wilson, was Mn tenced to three yearn' luiprbtoumenc in the jeHttetbry. Sheriff Kelly will take Snyder; Tlni merman. Howard MtCteUan, Frank. S!ckl-s ami Wraand IC-rapf. to the penitentiary Oris afternoon. CHILD-S .VNSWBK. T. L. CMUt has uleil an answer and -. ,4rt i- .fc ,-. ., r by C U. Martin. He aKges that Mr !. ta. M , tn ,. In the eaaaie btwlBMt, irfnavuui., that ttusy ewuJd dear $ tjfc per yeur. He says that Mr. Martin "frittered' away the awwy asd tfcat htt spnt his ttw Is a rear mVe "einitsL la an easy efcalr asd satttked phxI vimtrs ob tae nteaey of tfce dfenilnnt'' He ebhmsthathereeelved leliers reBuvtuie 09 the phUfitbTs tHulneda methods. He asks J5,Ow damagirs. DIVOBCE PETriTION- Josephine Bender asks a dhrorce from Lvl rvmler on the groands t will ful absence. They were married la. 1S73. GB-VNTED A DIVORCE: Mary E. AveriU had been granted a dt voree from George Avrlll on the grounds of gross negleet and owelty. She was also awarded $3)0 ahmony. Rccantstends It to Tralnmco. G. H. Hausan. Lima. O engineer L E. W. It R, wntes. T havn been troubled a great deal with, baclb aehe. I was Induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure, and one bottle entirely, relieved me. I gladly reeommend It to any cne, especially my frienila fftnwg the trainmen, w&u ant ubuall s'aIariy atSIconL." J. M. Laffier, J- LamDaruur & Co, X. TOraac Srettfty Tgasfr-. FeS ZL. ECffi. I Sa-jc tnPrrrd fcr years 'viti- liver sl-r", r rrf-j mctcvcrc. nih. ittfmrr. femc.e-.r--mei Cure j it h-Ipcd rm fc-nn-rrfallyinui I tffif-fc it fcr fecinj i -well: r.jc fo iy. My rc-ovrry was sia-r- Set rs- -et I rc cr t tret tzr r rrrmget x y: than- I da cowvtEi to. tj tgkatid rcmfJy. Prrrfd-nt Sons c Hknnaaaj. S-attn. wa, Tiz2suxt:Snf.TeTmn.'Jtirm,Srittrcl, Va r 55rr W THiEVES Stole Two Overcoats and a Ladie's Jacket From the.. F.; ResFtfancu While a Party War la Progress. While Mr. and Mrs. J. E Seih-riins; were entertaining a number of sunsta at their residence: on. Eaac Marltet st. at 1050 Tuesday evening thlnvea gained, entrance into a. clualt roiinu through, a side winihjw anil! stule two overcoats anil a huiles' Jacket va--iil at ?.". CUref Dunn. amC Officer- Klnis were notittetl o the theft a. hunt hanir later. They hastened- tn the Sciherllns: residence. Xo clue a the- tliievua could be discovered. Chaai&srlala's CouH-RsmtslyurCliicaga) Uisea Bros, tile- popular Suuthi SIiUi dnisulsts. corner COth. sr amC WVnC- wortn. are.. Jayr "we- sniu a sroat deal of Chamberlainf Coiu;hi Elimi-iry; and find, that It pives tile must siitm factory re!ilt3 espccIaUr among; cUlE- dren for severe- coIiIh amf ernnpi.'' FJir sale by all draisw. VL. SbdnbuiiUmrll i Co., wholesale as-'nbn. Sportfng NawT WAST A GAMUT., The Grays ari anxiuiw n arranpr a Rami' with, the EUdl BIUi'S. Qcll.f playetl on the1 Wett Hill! sniumlif, Siinir- d.iy. Answer thruuh. thtt Dumnucui. Stops the: Coujja. and" Works atS tte CaM Laioiivc Broma-Quluinit Tiblud. curtf a cold tu. ouu- day. Nb uuru,, nu DS- Prlc 23c AGED CITIZEM Disl at His Kama tic This. Citx Wednesda'f. Fredericlt CnswalU aa usptiD amll ra- spectil cltizcii! off AJtxom dimD at Uirt' humiv UKS" Ctijahiiinv ht WeiUicsdaar mornlufr, H waa nenrlsr KK yuars. nltli and hln death hi arrrlbutiiiti hn allD nint He- wnt funuitrly uuuagud! 1m tllit- cutniUU ssccury UuhIuuhs. Hf Uiavus a. tunilir oC sruwu. up uhlldtun. eiowi- au-Dcxncnon,- Rica, atnt Poor Alllur Suitor EramnTaranui tit this Climate AltobMexviinCDllrflluiiina UiLVu-witfiatiu' tilatt amuuuft. tilu- BtuusU .u&tir Jt -Uiiuit tho umicmutw Ihuwhim im Mfiir2-uiiUL,..,,....n..innn ttn nnn mi... m,.tm dlswuwj In recent yeats antll tiiii'miiHcf i Wberal and eullhrHimii uiwa. lmuucM,"":""r nnU ta"" n,tsa xi&ilur mimchig. fully giMu tit.-ir auowiwuli ni Ul.t nuw i2jllt, niiimlliioh .iff Kite Kuinrfl wiire .iff Internal twmi'djr. StamrtfH ffluucrhi Tab. I .! - - a- Ul.tmnscsucue-n.eull.m.Uaa.BDF "U'"i" ilh mimtUng .n lfc ror hi saresc reiumifr am :imrr:u yuo unHiuueii. On welL kaiimu afiirra, Hnwfclitatt.minni.BiliM-Jimiimw ,. mm jai aa tuua an Uo huiL nuuiU x tlurmttii Umfi.uiidltfb.mutirilicitt'nviiFllfuniiiQnuiut U-tt of thin. nri'Utiisia.m. dlwmnh-iC lur , ..,, .. ... im , .,in balers, washes anil! dnrajF audi minr Hitiiw tfndruly uuuui atuartf.-j tCiuiuzm rablow In truatini; icimezliv. wUutilnc in the huad, tumat or .itummtll. Dc UUHSdlt anytt- "Im nimuum wUu. huil hc tilu -Mumt off imnlll .mnnftlfcr aud even whi'Pa titu- hendntr linn. 1 I"1 m ""-a11""" """ uuiunrm a niUMt'i . k. rmt . i , uii uuu- nwuioi :umiir umy x aiw weaji uh re sQitici:i u:unizai u.ui- luw. I uan only exuiuim tuiiur aurtum tin tjt.. ttitotw nli.ft .fllitiItiiw inili ian4DnK DropoEtfaM oC ttiit Cini..tH..n stnty thu xKtuBrlMl! nitmu wllitcunuir BonuiL hfiRtiiw U hiivu Cumuli tint tublbiH. equally caluabtit lu: uamrxu. off tilu thrwuc and arumaulli uh lui uiwull uat tarth." Er. Estnltmob: siijh. SUmrtfH Ciunnrlli Tabiista arif usDeitiallVr luuidiC tin nutuiC atnrrll kiiiC vamrBlt off tllit Bllmiin, eltMrluu; tile mumUrantht iC miutiiH- ami! l)urtllly ivenmmiuig tilu Uiuvitihtg, uuughing: and usamttumciuig Any sufl!rr Cnmn ttamsrui willl flmll Stuarts Cumrrhi labium, wUI! in lim- medlaut rtdluC and! Uoii iiu tullllttt ffinui audi Dluarfunc hii tilth ciHttt ara eiinvum iunt and! alw.iyt, wiuljf Cuir ut ais tlluy uan bu cicriud lui tilu; uit amU umiiU at any timn aa- tilny uuutuiui nm unm oniiuo druipi, line uuiy tilu- ulluiruiitur anttbupiitr pcuuuctius- off IEUualunia. barit Gtuiiuuul; MDuill cans amD E2y- drastin. I A1I1 dcnimiHtH- sulli tilu' tuMUta, an. OUi cenct foe- cumnititu1 txtumuntt FELL DEAD White Eating Lunch. Dr. BsBJEoia F. PoK of 113 Dropped From His G&air t Flscr. Htnmfag Ism Wss Erowitefl FmiaB TaMe ffi,l! PWim-iFTnm tSTi- TTVu'iiLiLiir' u1 Bin., niiui W.UUOUU1U nvaj """" " ,..,. ni'-m tr aa Willi IUU1MHIU Dc EJmijimim T. EUtt. (ime ciff tflje mnU nrr.mih..nft titlsKilipliinif. .iff OTjrraifi u... uv: canntr iliiitC -Burr smlinuiIJr att Hi refc-nn?ni:ii- im Busllfsanwai, aa ItiiJHW WiQ ai!ihjrmiinuiuic. Tliii; luiuiiiiaeiD UinIluaiPilin2iifl fcinn alteniiin: ai Diitltott ai Cfw miflfE tbiim oslusniwm aaill liiifi vniSa ttiuQ Etistfcaifl. I This thiuflir waa, nasinir ji Hinuili touiuu! he; CilH uwur tUiuiIL II 3Ei3PutH.Ili!arrIininiiCiIIL Tluiellimm exniiiilmll (fdltufc!&- Beimr tomdbull nwur by Hi axniL Sllu- Ilm(ituuiu iDimm smurB amD Ciimdl ttair UnHlliiniil ncuHCniiit im'i tlie mine wllille tllit- uunnimr mil wtit lira tii) tUi? uiluiir aaiD uarijiia. 'Wlifih jn?ntt nnKHiuiaf uff mimD slue smiidaitEmll UUe Uiumia. wtSh ttiur nitilihis. 30xa Putn. muilii- :u ttxmtw itsanuhiuiuini Jtufl founill Hue- OitHUiiaiH Ilhiuii Him muuiu wiiiiiH 35iiKaI)nc wce aOTitwidl auiB Be Sljiuiituir UiwtaHy atuunnimHo. ilutt UiiDicn Hit- (tuullll aazusie Btt. IrTuat w.-its di'.iuH Hiuunt tiiliuae waih filie iaiue nil dteitlli. Tlbi- iriMiftiwttll nat awll W shush; :mifl Eusiihiill Uii IDiisQtiaiwai KTi siuurs, niiiw- lii tiluni' fiauui 5ininattironu B3f UiuU ai sDnmiliiB nmiiiiciil Qiruicums, JniQ tkuh att unif tlniir mBttnr uff tihe roisflisttwwai JuiiniiiE. ESi- TOatc ai mimilliiir iiT n3ie Ocilltir off TTnitbtD JtaiuuTuani jatitlliiiiiit;n amD tilie 3tim-":iJlim- Diitlseh. Ee Dninn .n w!Ctv:uuD Onwr wum,, IShtriDil, IDi IEmil :uiiO DunuiliL Tlliii Ciuntcall wllll Bn Hn!ia ITteinto- muniihir ait IIP ntUHntlt ail tilic n'l.fiiUimtic. RES0LUI10H Ts Issse S3SJSS0 Wr& BiifUl imr toy Bnnrrfi aff EilucaTinij liiitfll x Euihirc iFmiiimj. Alt tilu- sQuuiiiil miiuising air tilu- Hliinsa jaff KUumiJiiui 'mufHtliar itwuiihig. auili'.tfl ifliir tilu- QticQiime uff tttiUiiig inintfi an -hp-mtDf E!lif anunail nitur QitiilUhig Qi'.rj-., aDQctixihiiintl!f I.Ti(liHi). aind tilie aiQig Eiiiiu uff :u DCMiDldhui tu Uwiiu- DiauUi. an uwlli oUita Mlii' llwuiP "iff UumnR, miiHtt Uh- 1 t In tniulll! Die .limit' Uitcmuttui mur aaiU iNtnnuuuitir BiO. tiliu olliwe iiT tUie Qire- uun -Ktliiiull 311'us. 'UUit-BHUuca xff tCifiniiiuiitu-tminiuitaite, , wUiiilli DuttmiimmifliiQ Uu Qiuiwuse Jt.. n . . ,J) Ii r,ia vasilfl I i?n tfVt ? tilt lt "" u.u. U" .u ltlnit1Ch, auiiiimttmg tin aS3i!DS. wjiH-oiuiunHU mm mutn.n- uff gi.nSuiR w:ur minhw Msuiuiiinuaiuii'.iumurauiiiuiiiuuuuu: ..... ti. m .. jjti . miii ...11... .n ii..jiiimt litit- iiu ffluirili Ji!hcm. w:ih. stdiinrtin Bn tilu tfllgr C)immiHiiimuri. IIUii- Bllillmiuriliium m.h saiunO m- iUitgr oat(jiiiniilI Quisuimttiuu on nw umi- , 'iff ! IHiKili wUiml! DiullUliir ormma, Su: uumrtliK nitrguiius!. TlUit- mniusa wus inruiruill I lUihurSVtailticQeaKsS. I IMHtKilfcw (lu Unit TTCUKtr "iiirmiiinf. uff ,c IQuuliame uff Bluzuhuui1 EuHtJ- JliiUytuut. t jsvv im :u tuiuD nUmif iiurill TO.-uintia unC wim willl Qitsut' tilir mime Qicllliuut I gllnHitug ijiUJj: iniif Ihcwnrn 4r- Utimun. furauiav anaawtliuns, iruiQliiussu ivaim tllucrs amll Qtuunh uir JI u .Odlidiuuk wnu uir uiiffiitf jjul- lw iQeritoett, sin tQaIa.utt,l.BiUi.vBuu. HUiurjpauiiirauills life. S SZSSniVB Thcrs 5s a TJUuSafriHittl? "th? sasmosa cc ,SC2S2t3Ve plztil s at as -ralirtl. The curl osi fli'Tig .nhcirit t as that 3 yua yi'irTi wiy port fdX h" J 'JUL CE Hie firm, all She dbcstc lit tle Irxaicatt jmd fragile csmtinll cail Sng-Jhcr .as 3 hfr "haa leea lilite-d -th a suadzx rost. Tuifflui't iSeScxts xnd jscniKtivc C3T- wmi-i-imvTirtm iiT iiwi-i.jwt 3f'2ic Terr?3ffisgif aiwuuica's Sf nr zsjsxi nr idirawcii, Ibcr-wshole ii eicg jscrs, oCb jjikxBicnlanidanemBL Shcshrniks-cdtb-zm ihsieSr aaiu icovtzs in) brr 'u:fTgr?ngs (cauiEa&gain an mlcnnc xs Icstihe anay. BiTfr'ni. am Hirzttsn lUmrn gad '.si j ..LAtfcjiid mrimuB,''nTii3Er.ahaySt "Wine, orstonw innaifc Tnano: CD3t."K Ste -wat aratflfl-fl Twlth Tlliaiir-paniii mid at;hriniDrl'rncrrcTtfld nQinc 4iteanokrcrlhincilKiKHTdiiTijw 41ir asiiiQ star Uvetto3avr -cniHhcr child as she cirair aicnr &cmirD umm"limga. 5h? xiud Z3r nijr?l3'muUisaiiim imimiBiiilgidironds ffor'trer TThis nfuiitz he Ihafl it TOT ticy w-iU rtjl-ncnoioanna ilhc nrnahrmirb'lieroir-wr en: araawvanrttirsc 3 ins ufcaid br -wmdd not ihvc XWetcrw 'Jarnny--whm-wr mot Junr-nicsSr Itrn-nlonfr 3'attniiilia5'cnDiisl:isiCXIScc' gnu- Jinro-te 3iem.jjgiim 3jncrrenta 2f.u w-mra "rtn y,-li- 3IrGoaMjoninr Gitgcnoownuuuiucaorrg.' (Sarr 'wiiimni murr -write aD 31. "V fierce. jZ. TD mf TftiifTsfln, 3C. X an absnltfis cac iflcncc Set rrmttntmicirm -win "be thnT mticffiy mS stmcsPy rcncuSeircl and she will! nccchrc MitmS. soJc015 JaJhcrf -nB-TEr ia jilant acalsa M.jilnps) Secef mim service Cnritrd EiroiainallDnE Tflset si II. 3. Chnrth. .Vn (iflmrtih ifltmnmuuitimnv 'centrally Qiioitua toJII juifieuiliie jrt "the TL 3. jaumrtih .ut Ofti30 io"dlonk TEbursmry jnom- 'lihir ffur Jt rauinu TEhcnfcRgiTinr service. nUie iifllmrinc mrflcr mf ciertibies ics ifilKHm airnairoft: IDusillriry. (tTmcrcmninn. Smrncnxlim. mcnaiuir nf Tprtidhtmatlnn, Her. JL. Ii. CluurtlU. Shisnii:, Qiirtriiitlc, 'iinlr. Stsrtotmrp OTajums.-Xcx. M. H. Pratt. Slwcrrm, .dinlr. ffirnytir, IISct. Ornrtes. Snishis. 'cmisrfisstioii. QllTtiEiii. iDx. T. TL ilcmroe. Siiirinc icibiur. Surmim. aiex. JL "G. innjter. Sncin. ""Jtmurica eoamrenttiaa. E'.imnaiotiim. 2ie. Hex. 'C X. Als- Qiiuih. Hd SpBclal Boll ShIe 10c Suturflny. Iec lux, -we -win w21 a 23c 'flrtll Hiir aflc. Jrt a X. EraRaumle's Tc rniQ DOe frtnre, "aUie Eig Slnre tif Little lauueK,'' 3?n. HIS 2L So ward ex. JOuny uff yuur friunus. 'tir peopla TO'Jiinn ynu !tmow iif, Ihavc craitrncted ininimnnjitlim, nmnnmimhi mr other lata (OiHeiiMUfc. Iby meglitct oX a wimple cola ,nr tunuiih. ITiilj'TB Hnn3r jmd Tat, a -furlft, ure miS ijiifuiKiait congh niedi- eiinc twduIQ aurve Ktrttd them. It Is gimnnituttfl. .tt. 3Q ILnCini .X LE3npnrtcr Jc Co, A. Wacaiut, BASK BURGLARS. (Digestive ShemiBn Has CoilDctctl Ev'h lilsnnc The Clark Case. SHiorlir !F. td. Xtiljy Jinfl Ietective SlKimum -wore tin Hudson Tncsdry is wwclgsttlng netiral cancs xt ihat ailace. Hi ttn .dlBhuea tlint the ifiotftve has nlituuittil nu'iUeiice Hint "will lead so the jirrt!iiif xliesriibburK-rcho tricmjilca to J !llliw tfhe alet. Jit the Ktnre iof C- H.I ntuitci auiU miie listiluutge Siauk. He has auntie mi iluretitinntiun mf Zhe death of 01m!t Qua am arrentB 'have aen mafle. ANiEMIA P-ifle, San, tt'eak, xnn-dowa, 'tew SJCEltS, DD SCpetltS. Host aaS phenp. fair . u-.....i, vrtiiiipjcasurcin-HWJl, 1 a- - J J ,a3 EfcesDo3 J00& r55 lt5T 5r mwM 1 glg" ill I ISks lodge at its regshir raeissk3 rtv-r Dr. Davil KtnmeiJi's Fa WSnch ifjf tthese nuoTncinres 'Tncdav e-rmicz. vocise Hsmedy: It caate had ot aa ,05 VCHHS- Tlhta-e uire ixrsys to csrier lfl7r rwu . fl "-'-"'""" --r'"- -"" " 03at)CrTTIOtS 20 be in it, ll t4 a.K , a 3 T BUI " ," '" AUy 4 OJC 3tXXjia IS . tScart,; lernrilaon cd: coct-Iiveri I ". fflUt, masth proper 3tteDtlO-l to - aeinrse oi Hae. av,'-r li,l., -.. T- -33ETJaiWK5. n-eifam-s, 5Trt. EVIDENCE Of Ryan's Insanity Hot Strong Enough to Dispel Doubt. He May Have Method In His Madness. Seems to be All Right When Time Comes. Dees N&t Want to Testify la Edmund Eppfey Case. There is rotaethmr peculiar aboat the condition of T. J. Byas. who at tempted suicide at the county Jail Mon day morning. Since he was eta down 2 has re f csed to cxoTerse with any one. He is apparently conscious bst he gives no eign of recognition wbea spokes to. A Democrat repDrtcr caKed st the coss- ry jail Wednesday for the purpose of laterriewics the prisoner in rsi ereaee to the charges which were cade against him. Bran seemed to t la i fairly good condition. J When addressed he made so attempt to answer although be eveidenUy heard -what was said. At meal time he is able to take aonrishmest without assistance. Is the opinion of some of the officials he is playing the in sanity game. It is said that he is not anxious to testify when the mo tion for a new trial comes cp in the Eppley case. KH-X-C--0-0-0-& r. L&cte & Sf Specials 1 -:---0-S-W-5J!- Shelby, O. Local company has or ganized to drill for oQ sear this city. Cleveland capitalists are interested. Parkerfcburs; IV. Va. The scenery and wardrobes cf "Uncle Tom's Cabin fchew -were stolen last night Even -Little Eva" is ier Seattle, Wash. Repented that Cap Kf.nie is cut off from ootsUe world by ice. Isolation wQI win last seven months. Tampa. Fla. Two thousand dgsr- makers are on a strike. All union men will Join them. Police and soldiers are us r.ainl to prevent violence. Huntington. W. Ta. Geofge PoEtx was found gnilry of the murder t Peter Stanton today. F&tits and Stan ton were unsiness partners. Kio Janerio. EehuJoss between Bra nd and Urcgcay are severely stmlntd. Btdivia is also at the oats with Braxi! Itecanse the latter ailed the httle re-! inildic of Acre which Bsiivia seeks to j crush. rekmg. Germsss at Taka boarded the Chinese steamer "Irene" and de manded two boxes of treassre ora- fcicned to a British firm at Ttea Tvfca. took rwefi - The Germans afterward ioa of the ship and ccatnscaMd bs'ltij--. nrsiefsfct. ChronSc Gjcatirtif cargo. in&c. szsi the s6cinie cnEr to wo-. LAST LIKKS. satehe ctaininrtwo et -embct the resalt or care-1 f ItswiOiwasstfFar. sti? UwUa It ts cften eaaWumt gm.s to mer A. J. Anbs wagw Toe.tiy af-' .jgj ra fchr too have' datmnh It fmm Bme giaas. which Es temonn whBe the owner was bcyjngltnjciji, mb yoor Kidneys cr Blad-f 5aeCihadedryires- a ---... wmm. - j. in wm,- ravr , xfc r :Mr. Aclt resides in Medina cocnty. I im m. -m m I - - - 4 A 3 s " b2"11 b ti!er dfcsK&s-ed, joa shacU Icse r He I boetVs for 330.0L It U wnhoax irnes Itavid HeimhaagS; cd MixhVr St- jjjg, 5 s, medSdne eS the age to 'tiaa while fca Akree. Toesday, tet a lttcketb6k caasafaisg S. J- --- e- - X . . a j xhe ClerkV cake heM it xegeiiriKaMs o e 'ttJ-. w ,--r t- .wtw.. - ---" -- ";ij---t aial -ujews erecsp-- tng. oat cK--ie - isaunu 110 '--..ih .V. ,----- .... - - H. w.. . ... - 1 airs. James ie. 01 t-ita Bwaajt --r -.. -" . ' Eaoio-x. X. T-. aa. &e ssre to ea iwjhose death was xted ta ssierdys . r?r T .-. ... - . -apes; was s the --eter c Jewelw. ,X I. Hale, o- Akroa. ats acsred. t . r m'T Tf- V- v4-tvV1l--9 f? tipw. t .--- ----.-. - .-- key d-tsaer lor the pr-icoars ta tSslCSvMl effec. Thanksgivin j f-i I XVI Aoctory Cnmtoss. Blsie Pofcts. " - - - Greea Sea Tcrtl. Coosocsse CoIl?rt. Celry. SalUd Alaoods. Red Snaper Sante. Ixintec Boiled Ox Tootec -with t'phiacb- Boost Prhze Bee aa Jus. Roast Thnk5$iTi2? Tcxtey. Cranberry Saixe. Roast ScetHcs Pir. - Bated Apples. 3IaiasiclEo Pcscb. Dry Catawba. Sweet CSdec OaretTSTsa.' Qaeea Fritters. Glae aa Cognc Salmi of Mallard Dock with Olires. Braised FSIet cf Bee aax TrT;!. Sad-He of Boety Mocntaia Bear -uUh Ccrreat Jelly. Venison Steaks s. la Ctassecr. Cbic&es Salad. Shrhsp MayonsaIe. Masked Potatets. Bated Jersey Sweets. Asjaras Tips. Green Peas. Stewed Tomatoes. Charlotte Ecsse. Enriiih Plcxab Pcddlsz. Brandy Saoce. Apple Pie. Hoe Made Miace PI. Pine AppSe lee Creara. Asaocted Cake. Frdt. Mixed Xtrts. Layer Barsina. "Edara and American Ctxese. Bests Water Crsckers. Tea. Coffee. Milk. Mnsic fumislied"br Stickle's Orchestn. XflSII-SON, charge Thursday. The American bird with all its trimmings win be served. Snpt. Stonier of the County Infirm - ary, has 20 turkeys for the Inmates cf thi institution- Cranberries, and all nmaeratxs side disbes are on the bQi of fare. TO CC2EA CQID IS 0HE OAT Take Lasative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It fails to enre. EL W. Grave's sig nature s' en each tor. 25c X DEATHS. CASWALIi-Frederick CaswaH. aged S2 years. S months "? 6 days; dkd Wednesday morning at his home, 1 Cuyahoga st. Death was dee to eld age. J. W. Bryan of Uowder, Bis, write; ; My little toy was very low with pneumonia. Unknown to the (toco, we gave him Foley's Honey and Tar. The result was magical and pmsZed the doctor, as It Immediately stopped the racking cocgh and be qnldJy re- j covered." j, j J. M. TaiTfT. J. Lamparter & Ox. A. itarcec 1 RalEsMcTiausfcnj 5 mwH5ai CFnrmshed by the Abstract; Titfc Gnamntee and Trcs Company. Xo. 225 Socth Main sU E. Sargent and hchacd to j Jclics Mashjicsky, 2 township, J2Ci. Harvoy Mcsser. assignee ta Marfrs M. Htmsicker, 50 feet Spker st, STZO. Qb 5NS''' A Alvin SKeter and wife to WQham 1 JIsItrt st- W--H. Keifsnyder et al 2 acres in TaB- 3Ury Gorbaeh and hesband to EEfci madge Cter. 5-ju J beth Aekernmn. f e PopJar st. ?n. Hugo Schnmacher et aU asgsj M-Tra -1- Cochran to Theodare M. to the Akron Laundry. 45 feet en tran. 21 tecs in Cuyahoga FaE Bimdway, near Mifl st. JM-X t eocatdeiats- fo. Krfr 1 nth hT Sheriff t P& - WT J T J- jtrans i. ntuy, to uniMS i-artsette. jtmstee. CiiM feet front n Weoeter - &3X Chutes Pariwtte. trcstee to AEe Eight Hundred Thousand SEfTjrers ftoa Kiiay Trcst Card Ttis Tear fcj Dr. Daiil K2aacJyis EiTSKllt atrs- elr. &isr!2BsttlFre. IThoejacds who cane written fcr ooe i -cf the free trial toctles cl Or. David Keaskidy s Favorite Ueraedy have Et- raHv feid their Eves sxrvd hr a tws-i tal card. They got the trial hectte. and H proved to tbenx that Dr. Dava2 1 ! KensKdy"s Favorite Eeesedy was tie? !c - l:J' Isl ere cr 45153 " KSd B3to. Tbey hacht a htrg-e sfazd boc- ! tie f thtsr dreggs'ts and It benefited 1 tor rcxed them like above Es cat an? M- wee of veer cre hr a rits rsmbSer and Set It sand 2t hs; if" UnasLeatcrinaky.eJocdya?-; tf it es rocT cc stringy, cale ' drngrists at JUEO a large toctie. cr six pt a step) to sath .irgeroes synin- Iteees a p a e 01a. a uwratns , - - . . . ! . i . ., I .1 , 1 11. H'IVITZU Ztl -"" . '-r f - r.T -rnrr,,!T:.JLZT" 'ter. eb-o---. . -o--.-- .-, j--jt -; tftjc systes- y tte oae or .,-...! . , i---rj; - r -ca- j "-- - . . ,... ,v .i. 'mil. .K. TW VbV T ?? rrtvK.rfi?f 1 tlQ t- coper -ass- -. .i .-jxc vfe5k jv val-ab-e medScad ijrt-j.. a be -sed to ysw aheo- . The !--- off ts - 1 .-. . -.-i.m'w-ii.---- E- s--ct. --, - -. . - - Buchtol. r j s Olives. Rartfa-ea Satxe-. Potatoes Dcctess. - rVIanagor ! Wirt, 67JM eet frost ca Wooster are, , $330. : Bertha W. Green acd hasten! to iutired W. CacfeJd, 153 feet oa Cedar sj rsear WIBow st 53C0L Milan D. Hawdon el ai to Joc-n Ii. Jchnson et ah 2040 asres. XjrttTeil tp, $13tt. Chas. Davis and wife to Wx F. Fccts. fi feet; St Chrir st ?3JBX G. AV. Grfdley and wife to AEee E. Grcbb. 50 feet. Cleveland ave, J15CO. Henry Perkins and wife to Jas. I Carey. CT fee. Heme st, ?325. WHham A. Aftertsoo. admr. to G. W. Grfdi?y, 50 feet, Cleveland ave ST23X Vesta J. Sweitxer and hestand to Frank T. LmK 3 fee.FJggt st, $1. Jacob W. HHEer et ai to the Akron Balding & Loan Assil, 50 feet, BfcT st, S15CO- Cecnor Du3y and wife to The YQ hige of Ccyahcga FaKs, 3 lots fronting; on Old itrn st, Cnyahga Falls, also right cf way from Canal st, to the above described prenr $330. James Chestnst and wife to Censor Duffy, deed to correct deseritiaa to S lots fronting ca Main sETCuyahoga 'FaBs.?!. ( Jnl!cs Clsoa Ct1 Cpscn- ; f t on Focrth st. Cnyafcocx FxIIj, I51" Moses Faloc to T-rafr jl. WefdTier. acres BtoaP05 fwt- j Lnthezts S. Dyas; to John C WelKr. endhrided interest in GJ feet on : .-c Howard st, between and WTEims. 24 f t en Second st. Barbar- Gecrge C Eoilar and wife to Samh t Cahow, &3 f eet on Tat st. ctr Ke5r, 3a. ' Mrs. T. Brfddleman cf Parsaa2vffi. MidL, was trosfcted with salt rheca for thirteen years and hai tried a mb ber of dieters, wirieat reBeC Afe- jtcro cr thrt apjtcatiecs Raser : fcaive. cer narn deennse setter aias in a hort time- she was ntirvly MsvdL J. M. XaSTer. J. Laaiparter Oa. ffcwr, T!-ii- i To seiaet glass wsth dsscretarn; it Es necessary ta enderstand ssmswimt c cs ma ngf acsrrg-and ts rwraH the pece - I ere cf th eSsKnfraSs er wfesi it 5s scda. rcctsh. Itmr. afcatf-t and saide crLeid. The qaanry cf the-gss t& t rirfactared degnd. (men tie amscnt cr the taaSf mweval nafBrf wfeh the smet or sand. Tie teat glass 1 sfc z . & wl r -J TtZ 7 JT5 ??JZ1J??? !f;ictt: t Etc fcsa which it sesds fscth wien street. TmsteatKay teendewuhenr any danger cf creaking: tie tf K it be held ffnaly tz cue hand whn ta cgper part cr edgt U shargry strodfc wish a gecrfl cr other tnatrtnnent, tie enjy care rwrmalte teeg; t see thatii glass does ncC cjcdl any abjieet mheai it hi strxci. since if there be ractn, far . . . . ss hak. - t Earner's Kinr, B5cs (to miimiTir What w2I yoo: charge to take me and sty wiSs ta I cacxs catE-r . k .. . . . . Cns Oce -tr.. E-SXS And -it r.i f - taa-g cae jel Caa Tie same cue E-ggat (to ts wifej Tie aey ; yotz see b atadk ytt are va-acd ai. I tvb.i-.. -.- (wM.jr.k