Newspaper Page Text
" 'ilijiip TjfeTitxW "Trt'- t .- 5S? 8W FAIR TOMORROW Gold and Gold Filled " Spectacles & Eye Glasses for Christmas presents. The best at lowest . . prices . . GEO. S. DALES fc SON AKRON DAILff DEMOCRAT VOJ.UMF NIKE. NUMBER 209 SPREADING In All Directions. 'That Seems to be the Word From the Boers. The Invasion of Cape Colony Is Complete. Kitchener Has Sent Soldiers to Surround the Boers. Believed Clcmonts and Delarey Are Fighting Again. Cnpo Town, Dec. 20. (Spl.) The Doers have occupied Colcsburg, a town 20 wiles south of the Orange River. The Boer invasion is spread ing enst nnd west Into the northern part of the Colony, nnd the Inhabitants are greatly disturbed. Colcsburg was tho center of British operations in northern Cape Colony Inst spring. General Clements occupied it in Feb ruary. It was one of the first towns to bo surrounded by the Burghers when the war broke out and contains n large pro-Boer population. Kitchener Hopeful. London, Dec. 20. (Spl.) T.ord Ketch oner today reports concerning his ef forts to cheek the Boer Invasion of Oape Colony. In a dispatch, from Pretoria dated Dec. 10, he says that n party of Boers, esthnnted at BOOto 800 crossed tho Orange River at Klien oster Hoek. A second babd crossed near Sand Drift. British troops follow, rd the Boors across the river. The dispatch continues: "I hnve sent a considerable number of mounted men, who are getting "around them. The parity of Boers was followed closely to Veuterstnift which place they left yestorday afternoon (.Tuesday) going toward Steynsburg. "Important points on the railroad nro guarded. T hope the bands will soon be driven north ngaln." Another Battle. Jonhaunesburg, Dec. 20. (Spl.) Heavy cannonading was heard yester day north of Krugersdorp near tho Mngnllosborg mountains northwest of Jiere. It Is believed that General Clements has again engaged General Delarey who so severely defeated him m.n the Magallesberg, Dee. irt. General Clements has been strongly ie-lnforced. Tho Boers are very nctlve between heio and Pretoria. TRUSTS Seem to Have a Clear Field In Ohio. Columbus, O., De. 20.-(Spl.) At torney General Sheets hns practically annulled the Ohio Anti-Trust laws by requesting the Supremo Court this morning to dismiss all oil trust and tobacco trusts cases. In tho oil caso ho said the evidence was luBUlllcIcut to prove It was a trust. LENTZ Believes tho Administration Downed Him. Columbus, O., Dec. 20. (Spl.) Con gressman John J. Lent, has Issued a statement on which ho will baso his contest against Congressman-elect Tompkins. Ho charges a connlvnuco on tho part of tho National Adminis tration. Lent, also charges bribery and says votes were purchased. Explosion, Beaver Kails, I'a'Dec, 20. (Spl.) Two houses In Beaver Kails were wrecked this morning by natural gus explosion. Klvo people were serious ly burned. iWW'eBjA, im.miiii.. "WW1M I WHgw.,Jij.n, j f P uMMiiMtHtowajmagrriinrii ffjcBKB' VVMWWTEaiVZKnElfflfr.WXW'VSgl I! Consult tho Pjj r 6 jjj! pleasure of thoso JN i I $ to whom you j n u j n I givo Schneider (ft I auistmas I Largest Exdu- I S5 Ory Store In toon mas sSiopplng al our store. large assort ments;, iReiiiaklg Prompt Ser vice, s. Cloaks, Furs, Silk Waists, Petticoats, Flannel Waists, Capes, Tailored Suits, Skirts, Dress Goods, Silks, i,. -Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Mittens, Pocketbooks, Jewelry, Toilet Cases, Brushes, Sterling: Silver Articles, Perfumeries, Bric-a-Brac, Pictures and Picture Frames, Umbrellas, Mufflers, Neckwear Ladies' ' and Gents', Table Linens, Towels, Rugs, Curtains, Blankets, Comforts, Toilet Quilts, Sheets and Cases. In short everything that should be in a Dry Goods Store. B SPECIAL CLOAK SALE Every Jacket,, Suit, or Skirt, a.t rjreat' reductions. Choice styles, they'll go quick. PISiifGi. 1D5 nnd 157 South Howard qtroot, ARCADE BLOCK. 'grrTnrnMiiHiHyiTHrr-rTmriTT Vt ! . r ', .1',' " IJV n't... I ft AKRON. OHIO. THURSDAY EypNING. DECEMBER 2 0. 1900 i (lift i Goods 1 $ "8. fis 5 iti & and givo that which o very body appreciates Some nice piece of Furniture or Decoration for the House. Thoro is no such aggregation of such ihings in t city ns wo' show on our floors. Wo can't enumerate Just como and look. BURDETTE L. V.A w K w i r'tl ia 'CI a1 M m 8 a ft . Yf,. TYf isa JA 3 aJs p,jii 1 SolleV of ororythlng for the homo 124-126 S. Howard St. MMlISia On Prize Fighting; He Does Not Approve of Them And May Interfere With Ruhlin-Jeffries Go. Says He Will Not Hesitate to Perform His Duty If tho Law Governing Fights Give Him a Duty to Perform. (Special Corespondenco.) Columbus, O., Dec. 20. Telegram's from New York, published iu this morning's newspapers relative to tho propose (1 JofCrich-Ruhlln fight In Gin clnnatl, in February, contain this statq- ment: "Tho management of the hull agrees to post tho same amount, $2,500, to guarantee that the contest shall not bo interfered with by tho Mnyor of Cin cinnati, the Governor of Ohio or any' ono else." Gov. Nash, .when asked about the matter this morning showed great In dignation. "I have not been consulted with or spoken to by any ono Interested In this matter," ho said. "I want It dis tinctly understood that I do not ap. prove of pi Ims fights, which are fel onies under tho laws of Ohio or of anything akin to them, I have not examined tho law, nor consulted with tho Attorney General as to what tho authority if any, tho Governor has In this umttter. If I have any duty to perform, I shall not hesttato to meet it." Robert O. Ryder. 1 Foresters' Dance. Tho ilnuco given by tho members of tho Royal PoresteiH lodge, held In I O. I hall on Market t , Tuesday evening, with attended by about 00 couples. ibJy J? vjUi $L a SV f 1 STR1F in Commercial World May Lead Two Nations Into War. 1 Rival AsphaltjCompanies IVlay Cause Trouble Between United' States and Venezuela. Warships Are Wanted to Protect American Interests. 4 Washington, Dec.20. (Spl.) Rivalry between two asphalt companies may i cause trouble between Venezuela and the United States. Tho attention of tho State Department has been called 1 to tho matter and Minister Loomls hns been ordered.ta'lnvestlgnto nnd re port. Dispatches from Caracas, sent by agents to the National Asphalt com pany, commonly known ns tho asphalt trust, are very alarming In their char acter. They doclnie that nil Venezuela is preparing to nttack American Ipter- csts and to destroyLlmcricnu .property. They nsk that rvai ships be sent to i their protection. Senor Pulldn, tho 'N onezuelnu charge d'affaires, doubts tho truth of this statement, as ho sa.vs It Is unreason able to suppose a revolution caused by commercial strife.iFroin this and oth Ci' sources It Is learned that the Nation al Aspluilt Co. claims a concession from Venezuela covering a large portion of the lake Guanooo. Other concessions covering territory claimed by tho Na tional has been gianted another com pnny, known as "La Felecldad." Strife between them ended In tho cancellation 0 all conflicting concessions which hnd been granted to the National company. Thereupon the latter threatened to nrm Its employes to tho number of 100 nnd resist all attempts to turn any of Its territory to I.n Felecldad, and now nsks the support of U. S. gun boats. Senator I'enroso and A. D. Andrews, Sold so far this month- A splendid assortment left. A good Upright ;rrr It M9 ii 220 S. Main St. 0 Ui It unio L UUUIlIiLU side The Corner Stores TWO SPECIALS For F"ino Grade or- cerized Finish equal to silk. 12' inch flounce. 3 accordion pleated ruffles. 7 and 10 rows cord trimming. Dust ruffle. These are first-class full value 2.00 Skirts. Our Special Frio. Only one case will be sold Friday. Only one caso will be sold Saturday. SIL-K AAIST3 In Black, Old Rose, Red, Light-Blue, Cadet, Helio-Violet, Steel, Mode, Pink Navy, Garnet, Brown. All sixes. The Latest New York Productions. You have never had their equal offered you for a cent better than 5.00. ur All these special goods will be picked up by delighted Christmas buyers before Saturday evoning. Holiday Goods in endless Variety. TTihio Oomer Stores are doing the Business. the ypHAiiTiRoysE ccwmy vice president of the National Asplialt Co., formerly well known ns a fellow commissioner with Uoosevelt on tEe New York Police Hoard, are laboring to Impress their views of the case up on the stato department. They stato that the trust Is capitalized at $58,000, 000, owns 1,100 ncres of the Guanoco country nnd has expended large sums In exploiting. They claim that they agreed to a re-survey of the land to dcllnc their property nnd thnt of ha Felecldad. Tho commission, they say, declared In their favor, hut tho minister of tho Interior Inter declared n portion of their concession annulled. SKIRMISH Lasted Only Thirty Minutes. One American Was Wounded 13 Rebels Killed. Washington, Dec. 20. (Spl.) Ad miral Reracy 1ms cnbled the navy department ns follows: "Cavlte, Dec. 20. Fifteen troop.ers of the Fourth cavalry and Ave of tho crew landed" from tho gunboat Bnsco yesterday at Llndones, Oavlto province. They sur prised eighty Insurgents. There was a sharp skirmish for a half hour; 13 Insurgents wcro killed and 12 rifles enptured. A large amount of stores were destroyed, and ono soldier wound ed. Itomey." HOME. AGAIN. Boy Stolen From Rich Parents Was Returned, i Omaha, Neb., Dec, 20.-(Spl.) Ed ward Cudnhy, Jr., tho 15-year-old son of tho millionaire pork packer, who was abducted Tuesday, was brought homo nt 1;30 o'clock this morning. Tho police know nothing of tho case. Cudahy's packing house manager says tho boy wus blindfolded, nnd taken flvo miles west of Omuhu and kept there till ho returned homo this morn ing. Part of tho gang watched him while tho others went to treat with Cudnhy. The manager refused to tell whether nuy money was paid for tho return of tho hoy or not. Tho Chief of Police pays' ho knows all the detnllH of the cuho but refuses to muko a (statement. DU il 8E Friday and Saturday W$k MnJKLm JL rice CHRISTIANS Have Been Butchered. Mohammedans Guilty of Many Horrors. len, Women and Chil dren Were Crucified. The Leader Boast of 200 Victims. Children Were Literally Chopped to Pieces. . Vienna, Doc. 20. (Spl.) Further de tails of the raassacio of Christians In Mnccdonla by Mussulmen are received from Saloulca. IIoniblQ outiages have heen committed. In the village of BItueh, In northern Albania, a horde of Mohammednns crucified every Chris tian nialo In tho place .fixing them to trees with stakes driven through tho hands and feet. Many of tho women were outraged nnd all were carried off to Mohammedan harems. Children were chopped up before their parents eyes. At Gruma, south of Bituch, wo men were violated in front of their husbands nnd fathers; the men. were terribly mutilated, having their. ears, fingers, toes and limbs cut off. Many children were drowned. At Rlbarltz tho cntlro population was massacred after tho victims' flesh hnd been sliced off. At Banlshka, a bonfire was made of 20 Christians. At Genevltzn, a priest of tho Mclum korlcs wns tied In a-sack and thrown Into tho river. Tho ringleader of tho Mohammedans Is tho fanatic Ilnlduk Islam, who boasts of baring slaughtered 200 "Giaours" (Infidels) with his own hands, Tho Seivlan consul at Mltrovlstza estimates the number of Christians killed at 170 men, 110 women nnd 1!!0 chlhlien. Ho places tho number of Christian women outingcd at .185. Tho Turkish authorities nro Indiffer ent to tho outrages, though they were committed in tho Sultau's domain. PKIOE ONE GENT The Comer5 Stores AIMED HIGH. Burglars Attempted to Rob the State of Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 20.-(Spl.)-A bold nttempt was made early this morning tt, rob the State Treasury at the capital building. Tho plans were frustrated by Watchman Good, who exchanged shots with the burglars. A bullet pierced Good's coat, and an other severed' his watchchaln. From $100,000 to 5200,000 were In the vaults. The burglars fled through the windows learing ther tools bound. , MINERS Would Not Sustain Charges Against Their Officers. At the annual convention of tho miners of the Massillon district, Mr. Geo. Harper of Wadsworth, was elect ed a member of the Executive board. Specillc charges that Robert Legg, formerly vice president, and other ofll clals of the union had indulged in jun kets, mnk'.ng unnecessary trips to var ious places and collecting expenses, etc were preferred by John Hndley, of Na varre. After hearing the statements from all concerned, the convention threw out tho chniges nnd exonerated the accused. "'-'"''"'""-''-,'ivrnriii Come in and see what you Hamilton Bldg. ! Howard St. rwwwwwwwwtrvwwvww ! A Few Fine i ( ' . i I ( Left. can do. U. I . Ml 111 II: :