OCR Interpretation

Akron daily Democrat. [volume] (Akron, Ohio) 1892-1902, December 20, 1900, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028140/1900-12-20/ed-1/seq-3/

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mi mm uu nunxAvnta
ttmmn.m,i i 1 tmm wjhki i mn K""" i imMnMi,mmrs,mt,immmmmmmammmiwmi
S. a. O.'ei Pointorm
TTai dfyt I mo' t6 "wrTto "ml wrtTfio
nients those days of constant
thrones In our store, taking ntlvun
tngo of tho nuiiiy good things we
nn offering, lint come along,
plenty of goods nnd plenty of help
to nerve you promptly. Our ser
vice nud system lire taxed to the
uttermost. Please report any er
rors tliat may oeeur. Open even
ings next week.
101 S. Howard st.
inb otiose:.
We, the undersigned inerehaut tail
ors of Akron, hereby notify thu public
that Jan. 1st, 1001, wo will abolish
the custom of freo pressing nud In tho
future will mako n nominal chargo to
cover the cost of same.
ir. a. noJiK,
.1. M. HALLER.
k. r. tragler,
john f1uedrioks,
b. hirsh.
Free lunch &.11 dy et JOHN
B. FRISCH, 160 Grant St., on
Christmas Day.
. Jlm FrSoss
Imported & Domestic Wines
Recommended by physlclaus for
medical aud table uno.
" Fast"
and Paca
Monday, Dec. 24, 1900
TTndor the auspices of tho
Akron Plattdeutsclier Verein
Admission. .. C5o per couplo
Single lady .- 10c
Two valuable prizes will bo raf
fled off and presents given to tho
Machine Shop and Foundry
General machine nnd loundry .work.
Skates uharpened.
Ros-fcoc&c HoUso
125 North High Street
International Hotel and Boarding
Best and choanest nlnco for tran
flent people. Telophono nnd gas
heating in connection.
Rates U-00 per day. Lodging SOo
per liignc.
No Time Like the Present
To get your bnrse shod here, no
long waits. Wc slio Promptly.
Mr. C. E. Burroughs, a horseslioor of
large and varied experience, has be
couii' a partner to .Mr. Stciulmugh, and
the two together make an exceptionally
strong tenm of horseshocrN. Call In
and see them.
Burroughs & Steinbaugh,
'Phono Si.
City Hand Laundry
Equipped with tho
Most Modern Machinery and
Best Experienced Help ....
In tho city. Wo have no trouble
iu turning out tho iiuest work.
Oivo Us c Csall.
Both phones 912.
I063 South Main St.
"A Plcuouro to Smllo.
I.lfo In crowned with pleasure If thu tooth
nro good ilml kept roo.I, Thn beauty of
tin in Is it itronii unouch ndvocntu fur untxl
tt)eth,lmt thoy help thu houlth us woll hi
tho looks. It you have bnd teuth, linvo
them llxed or taken out.
OurOiownnnd ilitdgo Work will plcnso
nun ptiuuut you
Dr. B-I. J. Saupdora,
Succosor to Dr. Knitter,
Ofllce, Hull illoolt, cor Howard and
Mnrket. Opn KrcnlnRi. Hundnvi
iron' iu to .). .
The funeral of Sebastian 15. Whyler
will b6 held at the residence of his
sou, Mr. George II. Whyler, 128 Woos
ter ave., at - o'clock Friday after
noon. Mr. Whyler was past HO years
of age.
If you havo a good old sewing ma
chine, Wm. Lcnhnrt can repair It i-o
It will work as well as ever at small
'II : AlsrJS yw-'
. A.
Elects New Officers.
Three Local Branches of
Have Rflade Their Choice
For 1901.
Delegates to Convention From
This City.
Pastors of Three Churches Named as
Spiritual Advisers.
Gibbons branch of tho Catholic Mu
tual Benefit Association hits elected the
following olllcers for the ensuing' year:
President, L. II. Delehauty.
First vice, 'MtU'tln tcllonoiigh.
Second vice, O. Ij. ICempel.
Uncording secretary, 'Krancis 'O.
Asslstnnt, Frank Arondran.
Financial secretary, Andrew Mnrtln.
Treasurer, John C. Wober.
Marshal, Dr. F. X. Adams.
Guard, P. F. Ilonneplur
Trustees, P. F. luinucpln, Joseph
Klolnlionz nnd Fred Seile.
Delegates to Central Ashociatlon,
Andrew Martin aud Thomas Brady.
Tho installation of olllcers, with a
social, will tako place the third Wed
nesday In January.
The new ofllcers of St. Bernard's
branch of the G. M. B. A. are sis fol
lows: Spiritual adviser, Itov. J. B. Broun.
President, Adam Klein:
First vice, Hiram Bonner.
Second vice, John J. Gorlmoh.
Uncording secretary, Joseph Wlnuin.
Financial secretary, Oharlcs Hum
mel. Treasurer, O. A. Koch.
Marshal, Anthony ' Hunt.
Guard, Frank Konkel.
Trustees, O. A. Koclt, John Sutter,
J. T. SchaiiT, Ilitiiuiwitiliner and John
Tho new olllcers will be installed
Jan. S, by Deputy J. I. Xutni, of Cleve
New officers have been elected by
St. Mary's branch of the O. M. B. A.
They are:
Spiritual ndlviser, Bev. F. T. Moran.
President, Frank Williams.
First vlee, John Berrodln.
Corresponding secretary, Timothy
Financial socretaryi Lewis Amer.
Treasurer, J, A. ICempel,
Guard, William Fuchs.
Trustees, Miles Gllhooly, Frank Wil
liams nnd Timothy Cronln.
Was Imposed by Rlayor
Young Thursday.
Frank Com3tock Fined $50 and
Sentenced to 30 Days In Works.
When tho case against Frauk Corn
stock arrested Tuesday ovenlng by Of
ficer Eflwnrds on a chargo of stealing
an overcoat belonging to Otis Reld,
from the Public Library rooms, 'about
four weeks ngo, was called in Police
Court Thursday morning, Comstock
changed his plea to guilty.
Wednesday It was learned' by tho
olllcers that Comstock l)ad stolen a
pair of boots from the ICr:iusDopart
ment store, a few days before his ar
rest. In Police Court' the prisoner
stated that lie took, '.he boots on a
wnger with a friend of his. Mayor
Young lined Comsicek $50 nud costs
aud sentenced him to !0 d:iys In the
O. Todd pleaded guilty to charges
of Intoxication, nud disorderly con
duct, Ho was llued $5 and costs.
Thos. Wofuliuck and Mnrlln Downey
ilboir"fc O tut:
III ECeies-fc Market
X Oontral Union 818
,x pMCMwiimi-vwrCTrwTfi'TM'fr "!( I'i'ow
8 year old 115 Mollowwood Bye
10 year 'id Harvard Bye
y 10 year old Guckenhelmer Bye
10 year old Dilllitger Bye per gallon $1.00; per quart $1.00
10 year old Finch's Golden AVo tiding, In full quart bottles $1.00
10 year old Oscar Peppers Whiskey, full quart bottles $1.00
0 year old Star Uyo per gallon, $J,00; per quartToc
0 year old Clinton Bye per gallon $2.50; per quart (we
4 year old Anderson Kentucky Bourbons, .per gal. $100; per quart 50c
Directly from the St. George vineyard In Mnlteriunu, Cal.
Sour Wines
Dry Catawba POe per gallon; li.'c per bottle
Claret I'Oe per gallon; 25c per bottle
Blsllug $1.50 per gallon; fl.e per bottle
Burgundy $1.50 per gallon; 35c per bottle
Taragouu Port 00c per gallon; 25c per bottle
Taiagoua Sherry '.00c per gallon; 25c per bottle X
Angelica !)0c per gnllou; 25c per bottle
Sweet Catawba '.... .00c per gallon; 25c per bottlo X
Muscatel 00c per gallon; 25c per bottlo
Tokay 00c per gallon; 25c per bottle X
Imported Spanish Port $3.50 per gallon; Too per bottlo '
Imported Spanish Sherry $o.50 per gallon; T5c per bottlo .,
Phono or mail orders will receivo prompt attention and X
goods delivered FREE OF CHARGE at your house in the city
or country. y
KF"If goods are not satisfactory your money will bo X
promptly refunded. y
Ill East Market Street, Akron, O.
pleaded guilty to Intoxication charges.
The first named, it is alleged, owed
his laud lord $17 for board but refused'
to pay it. He was lined $10 and costs,
but the line suspended on condition
that he settled bis board bill. Downey
was lined $2 and costs.
Tho eae against Thomas McGowan,
charged with assaulting Harry Cramer
The dsmk h&t
"Lifts the
Nervous, depressed, mind-weary people should drink Wright's Celery
Ten every night. It contains in concentrated form the nerve-restoring
principles fresh celery as well us other curative agents. Wright's
Celery Tea cleanses the system, purifies tie blood, curesrheumatism.
A specific for all irregularities o the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels'.
Price Sc. anil Mc. a box. At
Grand - Opera Mouso-
T. IC AL.O.01UGI7I, Manager.
People's Phono No. 190. Box Ofllce Open U n.m. to 0 p.m.
T"iuio&c3:y., December S2S
PreBonts liis Gronfc Southern Piny,
1 At 5w
A poworful nud fnscinatlng romance of tho pluturosqtio
mountains of T(iiuicss,uo.
A Llfo
Picture of
To avail yoursolf of our Hploudiri Christ inus oll'ov of i largo X
OAHBONETTE PORTRAIT with ouch (lozon of our host X
Cabinet Photographs. Do not forgot that wo have THE $
ONLY lino of tho latest Art Goods in tho city. Everything; '
brand now and up-to-date. Orders must he placed now if X
you want them on time. l . $
I.ate buyers will llnd a line lino of framed up pictures to select from. ..
BESAW & ROYER, 0 & 354 South Main St.
Now Uromicl l'ioor Gnllory micj Art Store, X
raiser mme
so -a,
Dinn .'.
u . . ,
St., Akron, O. y
People's phono 182 y
Soino people can get along
without good wines and liquors
...... .. ... .. .. A.
at unriBimas tunc outers can t.
For those who enjoy rare qual
ity In this lino there Is nothing
to equal our goods. They nro
old enough and good enough to
suit anyone, and costs less than
you'd Imagine.
per gallon $1.00; per quart $1.00
per gallon $4.00; per quart $1.00
per gallon $1.00; per quart $1.00
wns dismissed,
pear In court.
Cramer did not tip-
, Evangelist Crispin lias just returned
from Kent and reports that the Pro-
hlbltfon club nt that place Is taking
on new life.- The W. C. T. U. has
joined its forces with the club. Iteg
ular headquarters havo been estab
lished and monthly open meetings will
be held.
load fsrom
nil druggists, or set
CO., Columbus, 0.
Bptmt fully
Submitted Reports
Regard to Night
Watch Meeting
Raise Funds For
National Red Cross.
Executive Committee Appointed
to Have Charge.
Program of Entertainment Will be
Announced Friday.
A general meeting of all tho commit
tees rcceutly appointed to arrange for
a watch night meeting nnd entertain
ment to be held on the night 6f Dec. 31,
to raise funds for the use of tho Na
tional Bed Cross Association Wednes
day afternoon.
About 35 prominent citizens were
present and each committee, including
the nuance, hall, program and gener
al, were well represented.
Superintendent of Public Schools H.
V. Hotchklss, chairman of the hall
committee reported that the most ap
propriate place for holding the enter
tainment wo.uid be the Grand Opera
house, nnd that it could bo secured
for tho occasion. Upon motion It was
decided to hold the meeting In that
lion. George W. Grouse, chairman of
the finance committee, submitted a re
port In which tho committee deemed
it advisable to have a smaller commit
tee appointed to have general charge of
the entertainment, nnd recommended
that an executive committee, of seven
portions, with Mayor Young qs chalr-
man, bo appointed. The rcpommenda
t km wns adoptetl nnd tho following
..,,,,, ,.... ie(.ted as the com
r " -
Rev. M. B. Prntt, Hon.. Geo.
W. Crouse, Supt. II. V. Hotchklss, All-
, dltor U B. Risler, Mr. O. O. Barber and
Cnpt. Aaron Wagoner.
The finance committee further re
ported that the tickets to be sold for
tho entertainment would bo ready for
distribution nnd sale by Saturday of
this week.
Tho program committco wns not
I ready to submit its report, but it an
nounced that the committco would
meet Thursday night and a complete
program arranged. It will be publish
ed In detail In Friday's paper.
A cold, cough or la grippe can bo
"nipped In tho bitd" with a dose or two
of Foley's Honey and Tar. 'Jownro of
substitutes. .
J. M. Lailer, J. Lnmpartor & Co.
' A. Warner.
t i
Burned to the Ground
Wednesday Night.
Old Tavern Was Built 65 Years Ago
For Sanitn'rium.
The Croton House, one of the land
marks of: Summit couuty, was de
stroyed by tiro Wednesday ovenlng.
When tho lire wat -Mscovcred It was
already beyond cbntrol, and the prim
itive methods "of fighting tiro with
bucket's was of no avail. Tho tiro
started in the attic and had spread to
the upper stories of tho old tavern
before tho occupants wcro aware of
their danger. At S o'clock tho barten
dor first noticed the light from tho
yard nnd first thought It was a lamp,
Ho soon discovered his mistake, but It
was too Into to save many of tho
household goods.
In an hour's timo tho old framo struc
ture which In Its day had housed thou
sands of travelers was leveled to tho
ground. The Ipsa will amount to
several hundred dollars.
Tho Croton Houso wns built nbout
05 years ogo, by a man unnied Hols
ington, I'pon the Holslngton fnrm
were a number of springs, tho water of
which wns supposed to contain mcdl
clnal properties. From 'these iprlngs
tho old hostelry took Its name. Hols
Ington thought He had a gold mine but
be failed before the hotel wan finished.
For several years work wns at a stand
still upon the structure. Finally It
was purchased by other parties and
Mulshed. It was located on the Akron-Medina
road and for yearn was
Uhed as a stage tavern.
Against Farley's Violat
ing a Pledge.
Cleveland Citizens Object io a Re
mark He Made.
The Bell Avenue Improvement asso
ciation, of Cleveland, last night adopt
ed the. following resolution protesting
against Mayor Farley's proposed ac
i .
'Whereas, Mayor Farley Is reported
as drafting an ordinance to mo sub
mitted to the Council for their ap
proval, granting a . 2."-year iranchlso
to a street railway company; and '
"Whereas, Even the consideration
of such an ordinance is 'a flagrant vio
lation of a solemn pledge made by Mr.
Farley to the people of Cleveland, be
fore Ids election to office ns Mayor, to
wit: 'Positively no extension of stroet
railway franchises will be granted dur
ing my term of ofllce,' nnd on account
of this pledge made to tho people, ho
wns honored with the highest ofllce
within the gift of the people of this
city; and
"Whereas, Mayor Farley has further
prostituted tho high olDce he holds by
declaring that he 'does not care a rap
for the people' In this matter; there
fore be It
"Resolved, That we, tho olllcers and
members of the Bell Avenue Improve
ment Association, express our aston
ishment, nay, amazement, at this dec
laration, and most heartily condemn
this breach of fnlth and honor by the
Mayor of our city; and be further
"Resolved, That wc, as taxpayers
and citizens, emphatically protest
against the consideration of any ex
tension of. franchises nt tills time, be
lieving that Mayor Farley, lit view of
the solemn pledge given; Is not the
right man, nor the present City Coun
cil (with the stain of dishonor hanging
over some of its members) the right
Council, to pn&s upon a 25-year street
railway franchise."
Many have lost confidence and hope
as well as health, because they thought
their kidney disease was Incurable.
Foley's Kidney Cure is n positive cure,
for the discouraged and disconsolate.
Tako no other.
J, M. Latter, J. Lamparter & Co.,
A. Warner. J
Jones Will Resign.
Chicago, Dec. 20. (Spl.)-Senator J.
K. Jones, according to reports in Dem -
ocratlc circles, soon will call a meet
lug of tho Democratic National com-'
mittee In Washington for tho purpose ,
of leslgnlng ns cha'rmau. J. G. John-1
eon, chairman of tho Executive conv
imlttco; ex-Governor Stone, of Mis
souri, and Mayor Taggart, of Indian
apolis, are mentioned for Jones' posi
tion. Special Perfume Offer.
Try Bluo Bells of Scotlnnd, 25c per
fume. J. Lamparter & Co., Palace
Drug Store, 1S3 S. Howard St.
8 i wxti rtriPh.TnTTrAtrK 8
J ace?oaxec65K8s
Remaining In the Akron postofllce
fur tho week ending Dec. 10, One cent
will be charged on all letters delivered
,hfter being advertised. Please tell
tho clerk that the letters was advertis
(Abcror, John (2) Johnson, J.
Boyce, Chns.
Bower, O. V.
Bowadallo, II J.
llaker, Henry F.
Miller. E.
McKonkey, Frank
Our. M..U !
.Price, J. W.
,0'Dounell, Tom.
Rankin. N.' D.
lluchrlt, John F.
Burc, W.
City Savings bankSinr Nursery- Co.
Carrothers, J. It, Shltulel, Burt,
Collins F, M. .Schuster,. A,
Crlll, V. S. Turner IJcos.
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
Thsre Is a disease prevailing In this
country most 'ngerous because so decep-
nvo. riany suddon
deaths are caused by
It heart disease,
pneumonia, heart
failure or apoplexy
are often the result
of kidney disease. If
kidney trouble Is al
lowed to advance tho
blood will attack the
..i..'7.. viiai orcans or inn
kidneys themselves break down and wasto
away cell by cell.
Bladder troubles most always result from
a derangement of the kidneys and a cure 13
obtained quickest by a proper treatment of
the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you
can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and
bladder remedy.
It corrects Inability to hold urine and scald
ing pain in passing It, and overcomes that
unpleasant necessity of being compelled to
go often during the day, and to get upmanv
times during the night. The mild and the
extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is socn
realized. It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and sold
by all druggists In fifty-cent and one-dollaf
sized bottles. You may fv-',V!r"
have a sample bsttle of rfFrttU&?ti
this wonderful new dis- afiSMflK'-'Pa
covery and a book that '''!imi$0gj
telb all about It. both jimnotsirrap.nt.
sent free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.
Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing mention
reading this generous offer in this paper.
Fisher, Arthur R. ITtz, M. T.
Fry, W. Irvln. Vlers, Asa M.
Green, Roy. Wagner, Rsnjamln.
Hastlugs, Arthur. Wnsky, Frank.
Homer, Geo. Watson, John.
Hector, Monroe. Walker, S. T.
nail, F. M. Whlttaker, V. D.
Anderson, A. MrsXomncher, Miss E.
Adams, Mrs. E. Lennou, .Mrs. May
Baldwin, Mrs. II. Mattines, Lizzie.
Burke, .Mrs. P.Obo. Mnrkwright. Miss
Carper, Elizabeth. Nonaau, Miss Dell
Cook, Miss Velio. Nolf, Miss Louise.
Esteph, Minnie. Spafford. Mrs. L.
Gernz, Mrs. Teery, Miss M.
Huck, Ml3s EmmaThomas, Mrs. Dell
Holler, Mrs. Jenn Turner, Miss Clara
Lansrud, Miss M. Whitney, Mrs. H.
L. S. Ebright.-!'. M.
Traveling Cases.
Call and inspect our line of traveling
cases, collar aud cuff boxes, necktie
boxes, shaving sets, etc. Best lino In
the city. J. Lamparter & Co. Pal
ace Drug Store. 1S3 S. Howard st.
FIRE &ffi I
1 Centra! engine tiouno.
2 Buckeye works.
3 Miller Rubber works.
4 Diamond Rubber worki
C Main nnd Market
C No. 2 englno house. Sixth ward.
7 N. Broadway, near MnrkcL
8 Bnchtel ave. and Bowery.
0 Schumacher mill. Mill st
12 Prospect near Mill.
13 Furnace aud Broadway.
14 Main nnd Keck. i
15 Ash and Park place.
10 No. 3 engine houso ,W. H1U.
17 Carroll and Exchange.
18 Empire Slower A: Reaper Wkfc
10 Akron Rubber works.
21 Prospect and Perkins.
23 Forge and Market
24 Sherman, near Exehauge.
25 Main and Exchange.
26 North Howard and Tnllmadge.
27 W. Market and Green'..
28 Akron Knife works.
20 Wnshlngton and Hopp allej.
81 X. Howard and North.
82 E. Market and Ppruce.
34 W. Market and Valley.
85 Carroll and Spicer.
80 Carroll nnd Sumner.
87 North and Arlington.
88 Vine nnd Fountain.
89 Coburn and Campbell.
41 Wooster avo. and lxjcost
42 Pearl, nenr cistern.
1 43 S. Malu and Fnlor.
I fi Collt-i-e nnd MI1L
45 College nnd MI1L
40 Arlington and Ha.-.cL
47 Howe and Bowery.
48 West South.
40 Merrill pottery. State at,
51 Howard and Cherry .
52 No. 4 engine house.Maln & Falf
53 Center bt railroad crossing.
54 Buohtel ave. aud Union.
56 Akron Stoneware Co.,0th ward.
57 1ods and Turner.
55 ivrklns and Adolph ave.
50 Main, near l.O.O.F. Temple.
01 Cub? ave. and Kent
62 Sleberllng mill, Sixth vnrd.
C3 Johnston and Chnmplnln.
04 Akron Sew. Pipe Co., Black mill
65 Hill Sewer Plpo Co.-. a Markot
67 Carroll nnd E. Mnrket
68 Second ave. aud Volley railroad.
09 Johnson and WUsou.
71 Grant and Cross.
72 North and Maple.
74 North Union, near Blurt.
73 Werner Printing Co.
75 Robinson Bros,, N. Forgo st
70 The Whitmore. Roblmion OU
7S E. Mnrket and Cook.
79 Homo tit. near Lillian.
81 Western Linoleum Cu.
82 Summit Sewer Plpo Co,
H.H Allyn and Croas.
84 Thot-ton ond Harvard.
85 Tin- J O. McNeil Boiler wort.
87 Thornton nr.d Camp.
Ul Curt-Hi mills. S. Howard at
62 ScnuuiacOer cooper shop, It.
121 Geuerat alarm.
32J Silver and ri.ckory.
125 W. Market and Rhodes are.
232 Rentier's brewerj , N. Forge :.
241 Skernmn and Vorls.
251 Cedar nud Wabash ave.
253 W. Exchange and, near Willow.
812 Cascado mills. N. Howard.
314 Flro chiefs residence.
821 Adains and Upson.
841 Batch and Market
842 Maple, opposite Balch.
345 Blttman ana Crosby.
851 Exchange and Splccr.
412 Wooster and St Clulr.
413 St. Clair and Bartges.
415 Wator works, Wo ostcr uy.
dill Ewart TUa .works,
?v - u
i ,','
',.. ,i( t.

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