OCR Interpretation

Akron daily Democrat. [volume] (Akron, Ohio) 1892-1902, December 20, 1900, Image 5

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028140/1900-12-20/ed-1/seq-5/

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"hi!fu'(t((iriW','ww!1'wt'v,wf4W ifJtit.iifimuMi1i i
mtmiimmmmmwnmmamm wMMaawimM mww
, MSL New
' H
ABJkB!3KnifCA KW Oa-T""
The new woman's way to save work in
washing, and also save the clothes, is to
use Walker's Soap, as fqllows:
spaita utp tie uotics in tufccwarm water, tien soaf oew
each piece thoroughly, roll in a light roll, place
in a tub and cover with lukewarm water, allowing them
to remain half an hour. During this lime the sonp will do
its work. Then wring out, rinse out and hang out to dry.
K ' n Bod oonp.
Contains no alkali.
That is why clothes washed with it last longest.
Look for the Game Uooster trademark.
Federal Judge
good reason roit IT.
Will Come From North
Eastern Ohio.
President Keeps Candi
dates Guessing.
Honor Is Said to Havo Boon
Thrown at a Dowicitc Elder Who
Denouncad Socistics.
Granville, O., Dec. 20. (Spl.) O.. ti.
Mason, a Dowlo elder of Chicago, was
mobbed last night w'hlle delivering a
lecture at the opera house.
The speaker made a bitter attack
upon the Masonic and other secret or
ders and was assailed with eggs and
other missiles. In the confusion that
followed Mason was pushed over on
the floor.
lie appealed for protection and a
number of men connected with the
societies which he had attacked gath
ered about him and kept the crowd
back while ho was escorted to a safer
Mason was not injured. Threats were
made, however, that ho would be
roughly handled if he shall again at
tempt to lecture In Granville.
To Prominent Attorney of Cleveland
Has Not Accepted.
Washington, Dec. 20.-(Spl.)-Presl-dent
McKinlcy has tendered the new
Federal Judgeship for the Northern
Ohio district to a man who lives In the
northeastern rart of the State, Who
The Success ani Popularity or the Ntw
catarrh cure.
The remarkable sucess and popular-!
lty of the new catarrh cure, Stuart's
Catarrh Tablets, Is largely because It
not only cures catarrh, but because ca
tarrh sufferers who use these tablets
know what the' arc taking Into their
systems; no secret Is mnde of what
they contain. They are composed of
hydrastln, blood root) gunlacol and red
gum, arc pleasant to the taste and be
ing dissolved Jn tup mouth they take
Immediate effect upon the mucous lin
ing of tho throat, nasal passages and
the wholo respiratory tract.
The cures that Stuart's Catarrh Tab.
lets have accomplished In old chronic
cases aro little short of remarkable,
and tho advautngo of knowing Just
what you arc taking Into your system,
Is of paramount Importance when It Is
remembered that the cocaine or mor
phlno habit has been frequently con
tracted as the result of using secret
catarrh remedies, as so many of them
aro well known to contain theso In
jurious drugs.
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets meet with
the approval and cordial support of
physicians because their anteseptlc
character renders them perfectly safo
for the general public to use. and their
composition makes them a common
eonse cure for all forms of. catarrhal
With nearly all advertised catarrh
cures It Is a matter, of guess work as
to what you aro taking Into the stom
ach, as the proprietor, wbllo making
all sorts of claims' as to what their
mpdlclucs will do, tire Very careful to
keep it a close secret as to what they
really contain.
Tills Is one 'reason Why Stuart's Ca
tarrh Tablets have been so widely rec-
Wanted Information.
Plied Attorney Gen
eral With Questions
I A-- IPolsIfey I
In Regard to Operation
of New Policy.
Sparc ribs and tenderloins for Satur
day at Fred Laub's, No. 117 N How
ard st.
.r-v a TAYTrfcWivttr
We are exclusive agents for IIUYLEIt'S, ALLIGKTTI'S and
f lom 1 to 5 pounds.
HOME-MADE CANDIES Our past reputation for home-mado
candies Is being sustained, this year. ,
ICE CREAM AND ICES. Don't fail to order for your Xra'as
BAKED GOPDS Our baked goods aro of the very, finest and
will, add largely to your Holiday feast.
'Phone "didcrs receive "pro rapt and careful attention. '
tho man is It Is impossible to learn,
It may bo said upon most excellent omrncnded, because they ate not only
authority however, that It Is not Har- pleasant and convenient to tnke, but
. . . the patient also knows ho Is not put
vey D. Goulder, the eminent adinir- tlQg ,nt0 Ws itbmnch nnythtag 0f an
alty lawyer of Cleveland. injurious 'character.
.. ... . ., , ,,,H., nr v,o These tablets arc sold by druggists
Speculation as to the identity of tho 0Terywherc ,ntuc UultcStates and
person to whom the place has been Canada at 50 cents for complete treat-
nirnrnrt I miitn Intense. Members of mcnt ntul probably there Is no better
Evident That Some of
Judges Do Not Agree
...Special Sale for the Holidays...
200 doz Ladies' 10o Handkerchiefs, fnib
corners, laco edged 5c e
100 doz Ladies' 10c Handkerchiefs, all linen, 5c ea
100 doz Ladies' 16c Handkerchiefs, embroid
ered or hemstitched, with lace insertion 10c ea
100 doz Ladies' 20c Handkerchiefs, hem
stitched or Roman edge 12c ea
Elegant assortment of Ladies' Handkerchiefs
at IS. 20." 25. 35 and 50c ea
Mon's Handkerchiefs in great variety at 5,
10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 35, 50c ea
? Men's Initial Handkerchiefs at 10, 15, 25, 50c ea
Silk Mufflers of every description at 50, 75,
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50
With tho Administration's Viow
the Constitution.
Washington, Dec. 20. (Spl.)-The
United States Supremo Court again
was crowded to ilts fullest capacity
yesterday to hear tho concluding argu
ments In tho cases Involving the
status of Porto BIco and tho Phil
ippines. A feature of the hearing was that
Justices Brewer and Harlan asked a
number of questions. Justice Brewer
asked if the Attorney General held
that as Congress extended the con-
reraedv over devised for tho nermanent . stltutlon and' laws to tho organized
tho Ohio delegationn are indulging In cure of catarrh, whether located in tho I territories Congress also could take
them away from tho territories. Mr.
It, but not one 6f them has succeeded .nd, throat, bronchial tubes or In tho
Ibid Wa
'Plune 260.
Tiie Elixir of Life
Existed only in tho Imagination of
somo clever writer. "Wo approach
nearer to fact in Bpimer's bear, which
contains life sustaining qualities to a
marked decree. It's wholesome and
nourishing. Moreover, it tastes good
it's medicinal without tho unpleas
antness of medicine.
Delivered In quarts or, pints to any
part of tho city. Telephone 30.
3IO&3M5(iOEO?JeC&SOOSS800e St
In picking tho mau. Tho President
tlius far has guarded well his secret
It is expected that somo deflnlto In
formation on tho subject will bo ob
tainable tomorrow.
Attorney McNeil, of Marlon, who is
a candidate for the Judgeship, is au
thority for the statement that is is not
Improbable that the man to whom the
position has been tendered wjll de
cline It ion tho-ground that his accept
ance would Involve a financial sacrifice
which ho would not caro to make.
Mr. McNeil says. ho obtained that In
formation from the President yester-j
day, when ho called upon him In the
i interest of his own candidacy.
"The President also said," continued
tho Marlon attorney, "that if this first
man declines it he will offer it to an
other whom ho has In mind. If the
latter cannot accept, then, Mr. McKln
ley asserted, the race will bo an open
The presence In Washington today
of Judgo George F. Arrel, of Youngs
town, gavo rise to the report that he
was an aspirant for the honor. Judge
Arrel Is an old friend of the President,
but ono of his law partners, Harry Rob.
lnson, who is here also, said positively
that ho would not relinquish his prac
tice. The name of Andrew Squiro, of
Cleveland, was among those mention
ed as .having been rendered tho Judge
ship, but everything thus far Is speculative.
Wholesale and Retail
ELaiui orator OoSoirs
Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings.
I Office, 1027 South Mala Street
Plamn? Mill ami Yard, South High Stree ,
aoaeocceecoosGCtfaee-sotcut se8eoQ8e&3&s8oQ
Tel. No. 201.
Do You Know.
Burnham's Hasty Jcllycon will satis,
ractorlly nnswer tho question: "what
shall wo have for dessert today?" You
have the choice of six delicious flavors:
orange, lemon, strawberry, raspberry,
peach, wild cherry, and the plain
"calfs-foot" ,for making wlno and
coffeo Jellies. Everywhere Jcllycon Is
having a largo sale, your grocer sells It.
,iC,' i JIES.M. B. SHUMrtKRR
An example of modern architecture. One of the many beautiful homes on West Market street,
Has Become Very Popular "In Ohio's
Sweetost Vale."
John S. WIcse's new s'ong has mot
with much favor wherever it has been
introduced. It is entitled "In Ohio's
Sweetest Vale." The words of tho
song fo)low:
By tho wayside near a tavern In a
village far away,
A good oidr-oa'k in grandeur there
does stand.
Beneath its-boughs "a spot I chose
where each eve I met my Rose
And with aclilng heart I asked her
for her hand.
A day soon dawned with sorrow, "I
must leave my homo of old,"
To another city I was called away;
And when I bid goodbye a tear rolled
from her eye,"
As I left,- these words I heard her
60ftly say: f
'JRemomber, remember Rose Is wait
ing; Each night I'll stand beneath the old
oak tree,
Whore you onco told love's talc, In
Ohio's sweetest vale,
You will find a girl that's true in
Rose Marie."
"I am sitting and a thinking of mem
ories of the past;
For sorrow now does mingle thore
with Joy.
Aonong those valleys, dales and hills,
where you'll hear the whlppor
wills, And In innocenco I roamed when but
a boy,
Now sho lies beneath tho tree, and It
stands In memory,
On the bank's Inscribed tho dato sho
bado farewell
To her lover and her kin, when sho loft
this world of sin,
How I'd Iovo onco more to hear her
swoet volco tell:
(Chorus.) i
Genuine Ebony Goods.
Military hair brushes, mirrors, combs,
oat brushes, toilet cases, etc., etc.,
finest In tho city. J. Lampartcr &
Co. Palace Drug Store, 183 S. Howard
Robbed a Parson.
Toledo, O., Doc. 2a (Spl.) Rov.
James E. Gibson, pastor of the Central
avo,' M. B. church, was sandbagged
and robbed on tho public streets last
rilght.' Ho lost $38 and his watch, but
his personal Injuries wore not serious.
This, makes about ten hold ups In two
weeks, four of tho victims having been
Griggs answereil that this was a most
serious question, but he thought It
safe to say that when the laws were
once extended to territories an Inviola
ble contract was created, and could
not bo broken.
Justice Harlan asked the Attorney
General to state later on to what ex
tent Congress could Impose a tariff
to be collected against goods coming
from Now Mexico, Arizona and Alas
ka. Justice Brewer also reminded Mr.
Griggs that Oklahoma was not in
cluded in tho treaty taking In the
Louisiana and Mexican territory, and
was an apparqn exception to the rule
stated by the Attornoy General.
Mr. Griggs said that Congress at Its
last session, In effect, declared that
tho existing tariff laws were applica
ble against tho goods of Porto Rico.
This was In the act of .last March, re
mitting to Porto Rico certnln duties
collected "under existing law." This,
Mr. Griggs declared, was an assertion
by both branches of the present Con
gress that the tariff act, which was
tho "existing law," operated against
Porto Rico. Justice White asked tho
Attorney General if he claimed that
Congress could so exempt territories
from tho laws as to give them privi
leges not enjoyed by the States. Mr.
Griggs responded that ho'dld so claim;
that In fact tho territories hod been
for years exempted from internal
revenuo and direct taxes.
The Attorney General referred to the
celebrated case of Loughborough vs.
Blake, whereupon Justice Harlan,
reading from that decision, asked Mr.
Griggs what Chief Justice Marshall
meant in saying: "Tho power to lay
and collect duties, imposts, and exer
and collect duties, imposts, and ex
cises may be exercised, and must bo
Mr. Griggs said "throughout tho
United States" referred to the States
of tho Union, but Justice Harlan
pointed out that It referred also to tho
District of Cplumbia and tho terri
tory west of tho Missouri.
Mr. Griggs A closed his flvo hour
speech wjth a brilliant and eloquent
peroration. "
Card of Thanks;
'To the dear friends and neighbors,
Who were so kind to us In our great
affliction; to tho Rov. Dr. Pratt and
the singers, and to all of those who
sent such beautiful flowers wo do
slro to extend our heartfelt thanks.
HJr. nnd Mrs. Ohas, Yost,
Miss S. Alberta Yost,
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hunslcker.
Taking Depositions.
Depositions aro belng'taken a Akron
today In tho suit brought by tho Single
Tube Tiro company against the Good
year Rubber company.
Attorney. Lp8. Klng, of Ivaus, Kid
der & Melcher, Now York, attorneys
for tho plaintiff. Is here assisting tho
local attorneys In tho work.
for Pneu:nWa
Pr. C. J. Bishop, Asnow, Mich., says;
"I havo usod Foley's nonoy and Tar
u threo very severe cases of pneu
monia wltlj good results In every case."
There Is nothing so good.
j. M, Laffer, J Lamparter t Co.,
A. Warner.
Sterling Silver
Eat Brushes.
Nail Brushes.
Tooth Brushes.
Glove and Button
Paper Knives.
Solid ana Gold
Filled Rings.
Silver Cracker Jars.
silver Fruit Dlihes.
Silver Olive Dishes, etc
Children's Cups.
Toilet Sets with
Silver Mountings.
Cellar and Cuff Boxes.
Jewl Cases.
Pin Cushions.
Pocket Books.
Silk Suspenders.
Silk Garters.
Kid Gloves and
Sofa Cushions.
Fine Lln:ns.
Hemstitched Table
Umbrellas In great
$5.00 All-Wool Jackets, neatly appliqued. . $5.00
$7.60 All-Wool Jackets, large flaring col
lar 6.50
10.00 All-Wool Jackets, black and all lead
ing shades 8.50
$12.50 Jackets, neatly appliqued, satin lin
ing 10.00
$12.50 Box Coats, flaring collar and revere, 10.00
$15.00 Box Coats, heavv satin lining 12.50
$15.00, $18, $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00
Automobile Coats, at creatlv reduced
$5.00 Boucle Capes, fur-trimmed 3.98
$6.00 Beaver C.i pes, neatly appliqued 5.00
$7.50 Crushed Plush Capes 6.50
$10.00 Silk Plush Capes, Thibot-triramed. . ?.50
p $12.50 Kersey Capes, trimmed with marten, 10.00
1. In all the leading styles arid colors, box
r coats and reefers, at S2.T5
$3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.50
$2.50 Electric Seal Scarfs, 4 marten tails, $1.98
$4.00 Electric Seal Scarfs, large size $3 00
?$5.00 Electric Seal Scarfs, 6 marten tails,. . $3.98
$5.00 Marten Scarfs, best ever offered at.. $3.98
$6.00 Brown or Black Marten Scarfs $5.00
C $7.50 Brown or Black Marten Scarfs $6 50
$6.00 Electric Seal Victorines $4 50
C $7.50 Electric Seal Victorines $6.00
$10.00 Black or Brown Marten Victorines, $8.50
All our $12.00, $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00
xl Victorines at greatly reduced prices.
A. POLSKY, 145 S. Howard St.
A Meet Kitchen
Is simply out of tho question unle$s
it is outfitted with the latest and most
approved sanitary "open" plumbing.
"We doubt if any Christmas gift would
please your wife better than a cart
blanche older on us to put her kitchen
and other plumbing In first class shape.
11 69.
Kubler & Beck block,
968. S04 South Main St
Having made arrangements with the Akron Gas
Co. to handle their coke, wo are now prepared to
furnish the same on short notice. No smoke, no
dirt, no dampness in your house. It is bettor than
natural gas. Try it.
AT $4.00 PER TON.
i U
Cor. Mill and Prospect. Both Phones 19.
, &as Fitting,
Stem and Hot Water Hc&ting,
See Hoffman Eros. Ta"wu lv-
Phone No. K8 (1'eoplo's Tel.); Kesldonco pliono No. Ml
reoplo' Tel. ): lbOl Cei iral Union No.
Great fhmtmaSPresents
se33's iPhoto JJoxjwoBry
Photo buttons, brooches, cuff buttons, watch charms, locUets, hat pins,
stick pins, belt buckles, etc. .Photos for this Jewelry made from llfo or any
photo. Open evenings till 8 p, ra. for thoso who can't como during day. Se
lect them now, while tho stock Is complete.
207 East market street, near Public Library.
,t -, iB,,V. A.it-4f A VWV?t.V)v..,'Jt4tlftljitj,.V.iigj3Ai,.1iMV.kf' .
- .! j, Wu
'&,, iA, jt
uti Ai
.1.. it-A ItDlehtoj lt
, . $. , -'1
. TtJ

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