Newspaper Page Text
f F$fm&fyct run tv -oif ity a$T,7"Vk""' p" tJF-r $, jlkrois bails: dicmoorat. thitesday, DEOEMBEB 20, too? &tf $$ dffdftsirfimd in iha far M)mte mm to & Smmmt G . &&frpQ$&! yj AAl $. Yia iPP & j $OlH)J ' V lggggig33H&4 ol3ii"iik i01l Lvou p) SaP YOUR youk your you u WANT? WANTS WANTS WANTS Will bo rocelvtJ for publication In tlio Democrat, by mall, tele phone, or personal nppl'cntVjn oo 24 words 24 words 24 WORDS 21 WORDS put Into four your want pleaso foilow Cnn bo writing uieuts, lines. In rule. oo 4 LINES, 3 TIMES. 25 CENTS. 4 LINES, S TIMES. 25 CENTS. 4 LINES, 3 TIMES, 25 CKNTj. 4 LINES, 8 TIMHS. 25 CENTS. jojol C LIN'tts, 1 MONTH. $1.50. 4 LINES. MONTH. 51.00. 4 LINES, 1 MONTH, $1.50. 4 LINES, 1 MONTH. $1.50. loo WE HAVE "BUT ONE PRICE. CASH OR CREDIT.' female jfelp Wanted WANTED Womau to do washing and Ironing. Call at renctlctou hotel or address "C. F. S." care Democrat. WANTED Woman to do washing for three. Inquire Hotel Pendleton, E. Market st., for Mrs. 0. F. S. U Mala Jietp Wanted WANTED Two hustling salesmen to sell our teas, coifces, bal;lug powder, spices and extNicts, ui commlssllon. -The Great Atlantic & I'aclilc Tea Co., 148 S. Howard st. 100 tf .. -.. .- i i Wanted WANTED TUreo rooms on ground lloor, for light housekeeping; no chil dren. Add. ess A. B. C, Democrat olllcu. 64-tf i- , WANTED-rosltion by young man 21, acquainted with city; has had ex perience as dollvery clerk and col lector; willing to do any kind of work. E. S. M., Democrat office. , 207-200 WANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms with gsts nnd water, for light housekeeping, centrally "located, rea sonable rent, good references. Ad dress O. F. S care Dcmnprat tf 1 ' i ' WANTED Four roomerB on S. Main st, good location. Address Democpit office. tf WANTED-Sltnatlon by ambitious young man in nny line of work; havo had ospcrlence as travollng salesman Address Geo. Hess, caro M. F. Peters, 247 W. Maikot st. 200-211' for Rem FOR RENT A Front furnished room, all modern convenience, for one or two gentlemen, nt No. 121 N. Forgo hu 1C0 tf FOR RENT rwo furnished rooms, all modt-.'u conveniences; centrally located. Inqutro at 107 South Broadway, Akron, O. 153-tf 024$t'Sxtl t J Real Estate Transfers tKurnlshed by tho Abstinct, Title Gunrantco nnd Trust Company, No. 22 South Mnln st.) Henry n. Deacon to Nina I. Dlckln son, 274.28 acres fronting ou road leading to Peninsula road In Boston and nudson townships, $1 and II fo estate. Elvena B. Pontius nnd husband to Bcu Uoarkead, 40 foot on Snyder avo., "W loo nnr? I nnmnl$$ ymm11 Sf miz&x? FOR RENT Comfortable small homes; good water supply; drygiounil nnd usual conveniences. Inquire at 138 N. Howard St., or of Ohas. Frank lin, 157 Cuyahoga st. 208-210 Itfonatj to ,oan MONEY TO LOAN-$10,000 In sums to suit, nt 0 per cent. Phono 510. G. W. Grldley. $45,000 to Loan on Furniture, Etc. PHIVATB L0AX3 OF tJ.W TO 1500. It ynu owe a debt rhloh you And It In couveulcnt to pnr nil nt ono, or If you owonnumtior of rllQVronc parties and wish to pot. rid of tho cmlmrnesment, we will furnish yon thomoner to pay thi-m nil oflnuct you ran pity us tun money buck In smiill weokly or monthly pay-mi-nts. Every pnymonl no madfi reduces firlnclpAl and Interest, en as not In inlis i Iron) your cnrnliiRs. Wo will loan you from $5 to i 00 on your Furniture-, JMlUlOS, Ollli-o, Htoro (ud 8 lioon Fixtures, , Iorso, V OROUS, Diamonds, LI o liiiuianco PollCp'S. nnd other good securities, Loans made the same day acd flats asked lor. Lonns mrvilo In ovnrv imrt of Summit county. KXl'R i. TIMU In chso of sick n ss, dentil or loss ot umuloynipnt' If you ciiunot cnll, wi lto or till no Peoples (6, uud wo will cnll re'sul"illy wltu monoy. All Goods loft In your posses sion without removal. II I i 19 J S. HOWARD ST. Opening every evening unt 1 9 o'clock. Ground Floor. 1 door North of Mill. MONEY TO LOAN- un lioUhL-liolu goods, pianos, uigans, boracB. wagons, etc., In sum? of $5, 510, $10. $25. nud upwards at? the very lowest rates. Property left In your posseslon. You can pay tbo money back in small monthly pay lut.'itt) nnd each payment so made reduces both principal, nnd Interest. Call and Investigate. Olllce hours from 0 to 11 :t. m. 1:30 to 0 p. m, and from 7 to s In the -vonIna L. C. MILLER, room 14, ARCADE BLOCK BNJEiVW LOCATION. On nnd after Mondayt Nov. 12, I will bo located In loom No 302, at tho New Hamilton Building. CHas. J. Hazon, Real Sstato and Loana, MONEY TO LOAN on chattel secur lty. Good restaurant for sale. Small capital leuujicd. Flpwer &. Koplin, rooms 10 and 11, Guth block, 131 S. Howard st. People's phone 175. The Permanent Savings & Loan Co., has money to loan on real estate on long or short terms In nny amount. Pays luterest onavlnga deposits. Pays interest ou nnd Issues certificates of deposit. Tho Permanent Savings & Loan Co. G. A. Brou&e, sec'y. Jpeda! ifoiices SPECIAL NOTICE. Tho UnlUd States Building & Loan Co., ono of Akrons strongest nnd most substantial financial Institutions, has a limited amount of pa d'up and running Stock to disposo of nt ?01 per share. This Company has a paid In capital of over $500,000.00 with more than $1, 000,000.00 of approved fiecuritrofc upon real estate. S-x poy cent, iutorest is paid upon bo'th classes of stock; Four to flvo per cent, is paid upon time deposits. If you havo money to Invest or deposit, call and sco us. Money also loaued on real es tate on most -favorable terms. W. C. Marplo, Sec. Under Ugfel Buchtel. WHITEWASHING nnd patching. Or ders sent to 110 8. Hg st., or tel. 11.4. A. '- Picket. 10-22tf fePEOIAL NOTICE-Old Forgo Steam Boiler Works. Kail, Brown & Co. Practical boiler makers. Ofllca and works, 102 Enrlo st. Peoplo's 'phone 003. .'Phone 11011. 1 38-160 tf Barherton, $75. Margaret Gorman anrt husband t Georgo Yenger, 00 feet on East Ex chango st,, near Fountain st, $750. John McNnmnra and wlfo to 'N. B. Sbolby, 204 feet on Mnnjla St., near John St., ,$525,, i, Elizabeth Wppds and husband to Anna Franzen et .nln about i00 feet front on South 'st, ?1. ', Mntthlns Franzen and wlfo to John Woods, 0.18 acroa In -section 20 and 20 Franklin township, .near Clinton, $1.00. II. M. nolllngcr nnd wlfo to Julia PICTURES OF RUINS of city hall Buchtel college Democrat plculo, and other pluces of 111 tercet Groups, buildings' Interiors, etc, inadu to or der, 15c nnd 25e each. E. J, Hcukln, Democrat olllco. NOTIOB-I will buy all tho old horses and marcs that you do not want 'o keep over winter. It. O. Tlmmer. mnn, 213 Furnnce St., Akron. O. Tel. 320. 180 tf READI GREAT BARGAINl RHADl Are you looking for tile best 'onl es Into bargain over offered? Call at No. 857 ' Main st.and get full partfeu ar. A good seven roon houso and barn, IVi acres of laud with til), kinds of f.ult trees. Property la located at No. 149 Dny'.on su, North Hill. If sold lm- tnedlntn'y, $1,(100 will buy this prop erty. READI GREAT BARGAIN! READ1 Arc you looking for tho best real es tate bargain ever otered? Call at No. 307 S. Main st., and get full particu lars. A good ? room bouee And barn, IVi acres of land vrlth all kinds of fruit trees. Property lu located ot No. 140 Dayton st. North Hill. If sold ini mpdla.e)y,$1000 will buy this property- Save your money and deposit it with The Dime Savings Bank, 4 per cent. Interest paid. No. 227 South Hownrd St., Akron, Ohio. 202-220 for Jala READI GREAT BARUA.'Nl READI Are you looking for tho best real es tate bargain ever offered? Call nt No. 857 Mnln St., nnd pet full particulars, A goou seven room bouse and Larn. Hi acres of land with all kinds of fntlt trecn. Property Is located at No. 149 Daytcn St., i.ortu Hill. If cold lm-ni-dlntely, il.t'00 will buy this pr.,p c.ty. READI GREAT BARGAINl READI Are you .cokm' for .ho host r.nlcs fato .bargain ever oSfced? Call nt No. 357 S. Mnln stnnd get full particulars. A good revc,n room house and barn, 1(4 acres of land with all kinds of fruit trees. Property Is located at .o. 149 Dayton 'St., North Hill. If sold lm mtdlataly, 51.C00 will buj this prop erty. FOR SALE Four very destrablt lots on Kudui ave., also tLuee on Merrh man st. These lots are about 300 feet from the beautiful Allen residence on W. Market st They are worth $l)0 to r.uioo each, but to auy one buying within 30 days their choice will be given at n low figure. Ono ot tho lots would make u llrst-class Invest ment P. P. BOCK & CO., 22 S. Howard st SPECIAL NOTICE. Below Is the description and price of a great bargain in a bouse and bara: A good 7-rdoni house and barn, 1 acres of laud, with all kinds of fruit trees, located at No. 149 Dayton st. North Hill. If sold at once $1000 will buy this property. For particulars, call at No. 307 S. Main st 2U0-tt FOR SALE Lotf. 230 and 251 n Swclt zer and Steiner's allotment, second addition to City ot Akron. Special lrduceuients to a man Who will build. Enquire of E. J. Hoskln, 103 Wills ave. or Democrat otIlce. Tel. 180 ' 100-tf FOR SALE-The only lot left on Brown nve. Will sell cheap If sold soon. Address F. W., Democrat Office. 105 tf. READ! GREAT BARGAINl READI Arc ou locking for the best real es tate bargain ever offered? Call ut No. 857 S. Mnln st.acd get full particulars. A good seven room house and barn, IVi acres of laud with t.U kinds of fruit Uees. Property Is .ocated nt No. 140 Dayton tt.,. North Hill. If sold im mediately, $1,000 wld buy this pro erty. FOR SALE 43 acres of land, second bottom, two miles south of Hudson; new house, price $1500; $200 down, balance in ten years. Leroy Munsou, Akron. 285-201 tf , .. FOR SALE By ,C. H. nnd S. E. Jqnos, Central building. Seven rooms and bath; large lot, Fountnin st, $2400. Nine looms, furnace, gns, good wel and cistern, Brown St., only $2500, Part of offlco for rent, with use of phono and typewriter. 208 tf THE BRUNER. GOODHUE COOKE COMPANY, 010681 Abstract olllco In the county, Established 1870. Our expor'onco guarantees a correct Abstract of Tlile. Prices reasonable. Prompt mrrlc. 21b Uotith Main nt Phone IB FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Will sell lot on Brown ave., or oxchango for hoube nnd lot In good location nnd pay difference. Address G,- V., caro Democrat Olllce. 105 tf. E. nnmrael, undivided one half Inter est In 40 feot on West Market st, and 80 feet on Sterling avo,, $1. Charles W. Putt and wlfo to W, F. Baughmnn, 14.17 acres In section 81 Franklin township, $1,000, I Georgo W. Yanncy to N. R.- Stelner, 45 feet on Snyder st, neat Cnrapboll st, $1400. Authon Clementz to Anthony J. Clomentz ot ah, 52 lots In John Mc Nomura's Shannon Sldo nlotmont of Bnrborton, $1. John Mong and wlfo to Georgo M. Mong, ono-thlrd acres in Johnson's i . h FCIl SALE Houses, ranging in prices from ?800 to $14,000. J, o. Kapp, 417 E. Mill st. 108 tf DO YOU WANT TO BUY A CHEAP HOME? When I ndvertiso It is becauso I have a bargain and when I ray I tavo n barg.iln.I mean It. As I nm about to movo Into my new homo on W. Thornton st, I am going to fcell during tho coming week my residence at 105 Harvard st. at a bargain. Conio and sco mo and be con victed thnt I mean business. F. H. HORNER, 105 Harvard st 103-105. FOR SALE By G. W. Grldley, 48 Central building. 'Phono 010. 0-room house Benr St., $1100. fl-room houso W. Cedar st, $1300. 7-room houso Wolf st., $1100. 7-room houso Jackson st, $2100. 7-room houso Sumner st, $1500. C-room houso Spicer st, $1200. 0-room houso Power st, $1350. 0-room houso Division st, bargain, $1200. ft 03 acres to trade for city property, a bargain. Lots from $100 up; all parts of city. FOR SALE An upright piano; New England make; practically new; price very iow. Call nt 107 Spruco st. 105-tf FOR SALE OR RENT Factory build ing on Water st., equipped with 70 horso power boiler, engine, electric light plnnt, etc. Enquire at 223 S. Howard st. 109tf FOR SALE 25-horse power Now York Safety englno. 10 h. p. Westlnghouse upright englno; CO light dynamo, steam pump, large double door safe. Enquire at 223 S. Howard st. 100-tf FOR SALE Farm f.Jr sale, 105 acres, good build- .lugs, 4V6 miles north of Akron, 4 miles west of Cuyahoga Falls; prico and terms reasonable. Inquire D. F. Felmly, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. 200-223 FOR SALE nouses, rang'ng in prices from 800 to $14,000. J. O. Kapp, 417 E. Mill st. lOS-tf FOR SALE-By Brr.ner-Goodhuo- Cooke Co.. 232 S. Mnln st. 'Phone 15. 027 Sumner st, 8 looms, $1700. 205 St. Clair1 st. large house and lot, $1000. 205 Bell st, 7 rooms, $1200. 127 Bluff sf"8 rooms, lino location, $2100. " '' 101 Upson s,tj, 8 rooms, large lot, $1260. 120 Bare st' 8 rooms, $1200. New houso Sumner st, Just being built, $1500. Ill Bluff St., 0 rooms $1200. Lot 55x82, N. Case avo., cheap, $250. 207 McCoy st, near shops, $1200. Lot on NIcman st, $170. Double house, -rch st, newly paint ed, $3000. 078 E. Exchange, Orooms, lot 06x300, $2500. 302 Huron st, 8 rooms, barn, $1000. 103 Bell st, 0 rooms, newly pointed, $050. 110 Nnsh st., good location, $2200. 110 Spruco st, 8 rooms, modern, $3500. 20 acres, 0 room houso and barn, near Tallrandge, $1(00. 011 E. Buchtel ave., 0 rooms, all Im provements, $0000. Lots corner Arlington nnd E. Buch tel avo, Kohlcr allotment, North Hill, nnd all parts of city. Monoy loaned to assist the purchaser. Bruncr-Goodhue-Cooko Go. Musk "TOE ITALIAN ORCHESTRA OF NAPLES" will furnish music for halls, receptions, concerts, banquets, nnd for all occasions, In city, or outeldo city. Leader," A. G. Dellso, at A. Maslno's, 215 'E. Mill st Peo. pie's 'phono 073. . . 204-2Q0 packing and Jtoring WANTED Packing and storing. Fur nlturo a specialty. Krntr's Furni ture store. 140 S. Howard st Peoplo's 'phono 012. Sept. 24. Mch.24 YOUR FURN1TUUE Upholbtered. repaired nnd teQnlshed. Packed, store'! and shipped. Feathers renovated and chairs reseated. O. W. Chamberlain, tho upholsteter, 170 N. Howard st. Hello 1220. The Democrat's Liners are growing because they bring results. Try them. Corners, $50. David O'Klndlg nnd wife to Lizzie Wchort, 00 feet on Baro st, Crosby of., $225. Wm. Curtlss Rlnker nnd wlfo to Chauncey W. Vnndersall, 40 feot on Go-burn st, $1300. Georgo T. Perkins a,nd wlfo to Rich ard P. Marvin, 207 27-100 foet on WIIdvood aye., $S555. E.L. Flllius and ethers to ' Will OJirlsty, 1022 70-100 feet on West Market si., near County Infirmary, $11,0Q0. Gustavo F. Kasch et at. by Frank $anks "A SAVING ACCOUNT-Is n friend In udvers.ty." Start tho new year right ty opening a savings nccoun. with ho Central Savings bank. 0 per cent Interest palC tn deposits. Sepatnta (iCpartments for Indies 2nd special attention given to their no counts. Jan. 0. 1001 ,031 LOST A pochctbook, containing a sum or money, on West Market st, between Hall's corners and West sts., Tuesday evening. Reward If teturncd to 121 West st 208-210 FOUND A place w'herc you can pro cure a homo or pay off a mortgage without Interest on strictly business principles. Call at Tho Homeseekcrg1 Co-operative Co. Rooms 43 nnd 44, Akron Savings bank bnlldlng. H. G. Grltfln, secretary. 203 tt Xega! Notices NOTICE OF OPENING BOOKS Of subscription to capital stock of the Renner Brewing Company. Notice Is hereby given that books for subscription to the capital stock of said corporation will bo opened nt the office of George J. Renner, No. 313 North Forge street Akron, Ohio, ou Friday, January 4, A. D. 1001. Signed: GEORGE J. RENNER, ELEANOR RENNER, W. D. RENNER, EMMA RENNER. NOTICE. A meeting of the stockholders of tho Akron Democrat compnny yclll be held nt its office In Akron, O., on Monday evening, Dec. 24, at 8 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of changing section 3 of the regulations of said company to the effect thnt tho annual meeting thereof for tho election of directors, will bo hold on the first Monday In January Instead of tho first Monday In Feb ruary of each year. By order of the Directors of the Akron Democrat company. F. W. GAYER,. Secretary. Akron, 0 Dec. 18, 1000. A RESOLUTION An order of the Board of Health of 'the city of Akron, Ohio, for tho reg ulation of the selling, vending and furnishing of milk within the limits of said city. Section 1. Be It resolved nnd or. dered by the Board of Health of tho city of Akron, Ohio, that every person, firm or corporation who shall engage In tho business of selling, vending or furnishing or offering for sale any milk within the limits of the city 'of Akron shall first obtain from the Board of Health of said c'nty a license so to' do. Sec. 2. All such licenses shall be Issued by tho milk Inspector of said city and shall expire on the 31st dny of December Immediately following the date of their Issue, and tho person, form or corporation obtaining such license shall pay therefor to said Milk Inspector the sura of $1.00. Sec. 3. Tho Milk Inspector shall re port to said Board at Its first meet ing In each and ovory month the num ber of licenses so Issued and to whom and the amount collected therefor, and said Milk Inspector nt the end of ench and every month shall pay Into tho city treasury of Akroil to the credit of said Sanitary fund all moneys ro eolved by him from the person, firm or corporation taking such license. Sec. 4. All resolutions and orders or parts of resolutions and orders of tho Board of Health of said city that are In conflict with this resolution nnd order bo and tho same are hereby re pealed. Sec. 5. This resolution and order shall tako effect nnd be In force from and after Its passage and publication, according to law. W. E, YOUNG, President of the Board of Health of tho city of Akron, Ohio. Adopted Doc, 10th, 1000. I hereby certify that tho foregoing resolutions nnh order duly passed bj the Board of Health on tho 10th day of December, 1000. , GEO. B. COURSON, Clerk of tho Board of Health of tho city of Akron, Ohio. Dec 18-20-27 Railroad Ifoiices TOURS TO THE TROPICS. Every weelt an Atlas Lino steamship leaves Now York for Port Llmon, Costa Rica, via Jamaica. The trip of one of the'so flno stcamors is replete with Interest, Tho island of San Salvador, discovered by Columbia In 1402, Is tho first land sighted after eavlng New York harbor, then Fortune Islands, G. Kelly, Sheriff, to Fauulo O. Bloom field, 0 lots In Kasch allotment, $1100. Fnnnlo O. Bloomflold and husband to A. W. Kasch, J00 foet on Bloom field avo,, near Wos,t Exchnngo st, $000. Eblnzer Prlco by heirs to Mnry A. Richardson ot al 1-Q2 acres In lot 1, tract 0, Tallmadgo township, $223. John P. Snydor by heirs to Amelia Detrlch, 50.17 acres In lot 10 Stow township, $3000. Ferdinand Schumacher by assignees to WUllani Felton, 108 feet on Grace st, $107, then tho eastern coast of Cuba, and then Jamaica. Tho ship stops two days at Kingston, but tho passenger may, If he wishes, stop over until tho following steamer, or lougci If dcslrea. Jamaica will uot fall to Interest tho visitor for nn extended period. Con tinuing the Voyago across tho Cnrrl benn sea, Port of Colombia, South America, in tho next stop. Then comes Carthngena, the old Spanish strong hold of the new worlO, With Its mag nlilccnt hnrlrar and Its fine old walls and churches. Next Is Greytown, Nic aragua, whero the canal Is to bo built and lastly, Port Llmon, Costa Rica, where tho cargo of coffee, spices and bnnunns a taken on for tho return trip. Such a voyago may bo made lu less than 30 days for the round trip nnd at a surprisingly low cost. Write Akron, O., ticket agent, Eric railroad, for particulars. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOL IDAY EXCURSIONS. The B. fc O. R. R., O. T. & V, R. R. and P. & W. Ry. will sell tickets at very low rates Dec. 22, 23, 24, 25, 31 and Jan. 1, good to return until Jan. 2, Inclusive, to nil points -in Central Pas senger Association' territory. This em braces Chicago, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Wheeling, ht. Louis, In dianapolis and all Intermediate sta tions. For tickets and further Infor mation sec O. D. Houodlc, ticket agent Union depot CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAY RATES VIA C, A. & C. AND PENNA. LINES. Very low rates to all points on above lines Dec. 22, 23, 24, 25. 31. and Jan. 1st, good returning until Jan. 2nd. This embraces Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Chicago, St. Louis and Intermediate stations. For tickets and further Information see C. D. Honodle, ticket agent Union depot. TAKE THE P. & W. R'Y FOR YOUR' HOLIDAY VACATION. Through .trains to Pittsburg, through RaVdnna, Warren and Youugstown, leaving Union depot 2 a.m., 0:40 a.m. and 1:10 p.m. Try No. 10 leaving How ard st station 4:03 p.m., solid vesti bule; fastest train from Akron to Mahoning Valley points. Arrives Ra venna 4:10 p.m.; Warren 5:35 p.m.; Nlles 0:45 p.m.; Youngstown 0:05 p.m.; New Castle 7 p.m.; Pittsburg S:30 p.m. HOLIDAY EXCURSION TICKETS. Can be purchased at the Erie railroad ticket office to any point in the C. P. a territory, on Dec. 22, 23, 21, 25 and 31, 1000, nlso Jan. 1, 1001, good re turning Jan. 2, Inclusive. SPECIAL HOLIDAY RATES Via C. T. & V., B. ic O R, R. Dec. 22. 23, 24, 25 31, 1000 and Jan. 1, 1001. In Police Court Thursday Morning Claimed Ho Was Robbed of a $10 Bill While Confined In County Jail. Martin Downey, one of tho fyiisoners in Police court Thursday morning, af ter court hod adjourned, Informed Po lice Prosecutor Benner that ho had been robbed of 510 by other prisoners In the county Jail Wednesday night He stated that ho bad two $10 bills In his pockets which the officers over looked when they searched him, and that after he was locked up, one of tho men In the Jail asked him If he had any money to buy beer vrlth. Downey produced a $10 bill, the man took It and did not return It. Downey said ho thought tho man whom he gave tho money was an employe about the Jail. Downey was lined for Intoxication, and paid his flno with n $10 bill which had not been taken from hlra when ho was searched. This Is the second'prlsoner this week thnt claims to havo been robbed nt tho Jail by other prisoners, and Pros ecutor Benner has ordered a rigid In vestigation to be made Into Jhe mat ter. A Useful Christmas Present. A good sewing machine, Wm. Len hart, 250 West Market, Is headquar ters for Domestic, Standard and Ster- r ling; easy payments. Susan E. Brockway to Obarlels Thompson, G0J& feet on Maplo st, ?30O. A. D, Alexander and wlfo to Jos eph Funk, CO feot on proposed street lu lot 0, tract 13, East Akron, $200. Lizzie T. Carpenter by attorney to Elizabeth Cocnna,way, CO feet on Gale st, $300. Augusta W. Kasch and husband to Oscar II. Collldge, lot 130 Wilcox and Nonb allotment, $700. Georgo Shaw and wlfo to Ohio O. Bnrber, 40 acres In lot 83 Norton township, near Barherton, $2800. Oro-wora ofWIno Catawba Pure, Catawba A, fort. Sweet, lvts Seedhnfm. Jwnys nn linnd. All orders promptly ailed. Bpeclul attention given to moll orders. Schacdlcr & Rhcln, Kellys Islgnd 0. family Wnnhlnsa Our specialty. &po Inl rates. Wo wash clean, good flnlsti. don't ruin fab rics. Will call for and dojlvcr goods. One trial la ai: we nsk. AMERIOAN LAUNDRY oa UAbT J-.XCUANUK HT. I'hone 7. oeu. K. BTZ. Prop. The Dixon Transfer Co. Coal, Transfer and Uvory racking, MoTln nnd Storing of Goods. Conches, Coupes nd Carriages for lnnerals, wedding parties and callings. 123 and 125 Carroll St Tel. He. 30 a. o. e:il.l.s3 . 9 Mating Tans, General Teimlajf I23 ana Traaiferrlir. Parcels sal rddq 'raD-s delivered. Traatlenr. ' aaciioaraisgbt&liie. Office and Stable, 228-230 W. Market St. Both telephones, no. 257. ..soivtiTri-iirjo ratsxA. lit IEE LAUnDRr BUSIHES3. Your laundry will bo cl"nn.whlt nnd bove a beautllnl flnlb, without. destroy ing the material laundered. A trial acknge will convince you. THt SIXTH WARD LAOWDRY, 3 Pi PPl-r IIS Kast Market 8u C, M, C1ZU, got), thones 1154 I BSSfOB BACK . 2IAXZSOL9 THELuaTim iaaziiVi jonarch Uollsh I Ten Famttnre. PIiium. Forulebv Ail OttlSflV j Tt la;, lIudTOO'lriolli t EAIKi. BKOB. CO. Ill CLtVItAKC. O. j Business Men's Restaurant. I Meals served at all bours. Fine Im ported and domestic Wet Goods and Cigars. Under Central Savings Bank. John Koorbor, Prop, sET.. Castings I-OK EVfctlY PURPOSE. i.. Adatnson, txchan&e and Water Sts. CASPAR ZtNTctL. Manufacturer of all kinds of brushetw Orders promptly attended to. 155 S. MAIN ST. AKRON, O. a Sewing I1IUUUIU9 OIL. ' Pn ftrclnf, Ms. cnioes. :jrewrjier, Flrn Arra;. ets. Tho HScbest Gra!e. lilt. ,t irotn your ueaicr. BafrdBros.&Ca,,!!!!!?!! 1 ??;&&&&&&&(&c?: I lf 'VThen yon want Refethments of 'v . aii etnas, succaeimporteauia Do- n vj aloes, Liquors m Beers .w . The best wet goods obtainable visit ;J; $ ATLANTIC GARDEN f, w -200-202 P. MnrkPt tt. W w ncTTr ivr none d.... .? DETTLING BROS., Props. ill tt 50 YEARS' EXPEHIENCE TriADE Marks Designs PnDVEMRUTQ Aff aA.....n.,,n n atrA,H. n ., IHM,ni ,n maV ' nulcklr ascorlaln our opinion irec whether an litTisniton Is prohntjljr pitrntubie. Oomiminlca. UotuKtrtctlyconfldeiitlaL. Handbook on Patents sent froa. OMeit necner foi tecurtucpatems. t'atania taken thrnuch Jlunn & Co. receive -ciettnfic Jiiuencati A handsomely llltintrstwl woeVlr. I.nrncit rtr culatton u( anr rlenilda Inuniul. Tcrnu, 18 a reiirt four months, . Bold byull noirsdMlerr. MN&Co.30'8' New York Branch Onice. (35 V BU Washlumon. 1). a If you want to buy, sell, rent or ex change, ndvertiso In tho Democrat's want column. Cornelius 0. Mlsnor nnd wife to James S. Ilogue, 38 feet 8 Inches on Brown st, $500, t Toilot Casos. Wo havo tho most comploto line of toilet cases lu the city. Cnll and sco them. J. Lamparter & Co. Palaco Drug Store. 183 S. Howard st. Yuno, tho celehiated 5c cigar, la made of ono of tho best combinations thnt cnn bo put Into a first class smoke. Spcclul Christmas box, $1. Hollander's Cigar Store, Sole distributors, 141 S. Howard st Try tho Democrat's want colmnpt. ffiWMJgrjjpasj5Jfcggfc Stow'?? i 3$ lilfH 'BtiBi A WMtM K-!a M a a titfmmt, diPii&i 'mmw 1 a I.M 1 ..ik 1 H. ; n dtlft.- -X.'i'fc '