Newspaper Page Text
T5iP 7T', ' "i v i rrri pwyWl & bun 1 1 ii iwpMwhii U riiuriMafMBWWBWMWiW T ' lii ' . .r - r ' '" f 7 l'wWflfcT?l ?y T?Tnw'' IV r wmm d , f iw'mi, w- rlTjHT ' - . AlOtON DAILY DEMOOHAT. MONDAY. JANUARY 28, 1901 .Ui. 7T vio-tip ' f. lint Itli . I; ft i 'a -j r 1 Ibi IS hf THE DAILY DEMOCRAT Nob. 133-135 South Main Street FUBLISUED BY THE AKROri DEMOCRAT CO. EDW. S. HARTER Editor EO. H. DE LA COURT.. .Business Manager OFFICERS AND DIUEOTORS: President JAS. V. WELSH. Vice president... OUAS. U. ISBELfc. Secretary EDW. S. HAUTE It. Treasurer M. W. HOYE. O U. Gratit, Edw. U. Do la Court, John W. Baiter. Entered at the postofflco at AUron, O., aa soeoud-elass matter. Tho Daily Democrat will bo delivered ovory evening by currier for 6 CENTS A WEEK. By mall $3.00.... $1X0 for six months. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF AKRON TO TELEPHONE THE OEMOCRAT CALL No. IQO The Dally Democrat Is delivered by regular carriers to subscribers In Ak ron, the subuibs and adjacent towns nt tho rate of hIx runts a week, which mn hn nnlil In Mm -ni-Hlira nf lit tllO office. Tho Democrat may bo ordered direct from tho carriers or from tho . offlce, cither In pcrso.i or by rostal card or telephone. Complaints o? Ir regular Bcrvico will receive prouipt attention. ; TRADES (TO COUNCIL MONDAY, .TAN. 28, 1001. Tbero aro 30,000,000 acres of unoc cupied public lauds In Montana. Co West, young man, go West, Gov. YatoB claims that Abraham Lln coin wua the greatest statesman 1111 nols ever produced. But the Uepubll can orators will not quoto from him In any of their cainpulgus. A preacher 'In Mr. nnnna's town ro tors to Mr. Quay, of Pennsylvania, ns "tho chief coiruptlonst of tho age." It looks as If this parson bollovcs In protecting homo Industries. American editors who loll tho truth aro being deported from tho Phlllp- pines by Gen. MncArthur. It will bo a long while before the truth tell- Ing editors can bo deported from tho United States. Senator Chandler, ot New Hampshire, who was "railroaded" out of Coil gross, Is going to wrlto n book upon his experiences In thai body. Ho hhould send marked copies to Senator Hanna and the ralliouds. Mrs. Nation has concluded that "tho best rocks aro votes." so sho Is going to pro vail upon tho voters of Kansas to voto for tho enforcement of tho Prohibition laws. If .Mrs. Nation ran get as successful a corner upon tho votes as she had upon tho rockR, sho will makfi the saloon business In Kan lias feel ns forlorn ns tho tomperuueo causa In tho Philippines. THE PHILIPPINE TRADE. (l'roni tlio Bprlngdolil Kopubllciiu.) L-ngnpeu vHimy in n.ippumi.K a prohibitory liquor amendment to tho Army bill, relating to tho Philippines, mi. II ..!..,.. I .1.... I Ucualor (lallluger last week called at tention to tho character of thu current trndo with tho islands over which tho commercial Imperialists aro making Mich a iiolso. Ho found that of $1, 487,054 of products exported from tho United States to tho Philippines during tho last quarter for which tho record is complete, 5U71U15 consisted ot hay, oats, hoises and mules, evidently for tho army. Of Intoxicating liquors there wont out 100,037 worth leaving but $447,872 to cover tho exports of manufactures, breodsturfs nnd other products. And that most of this trade is dlrectely duo to tho presenco of an American army In tho Islands can ad mit of no question. Our Increased trndo with tho Philippines Is thus really trado with a transplanted hocUou of the American homo market, maintain ed there at great cost to tho taxpayers, not trndo with tho native population. And in this trado, outside of purely army supplies, intoxicating liquors figure uearly to un equal oxtent with all other products put together. Night and Day, A number of Akron mon nro Inter ested In tho Plquu Woolen mills. It Is Mid that the plunt Is now running night nnd day and that It Is unable to fill ts orders. Thero has recently been a change In tho management. as SSilBJ.. THE GLASSES THAT I OBTAINED SOME TIME SINCE FOR THE RELIEF OF MY HEADACHES arid IM PROVED VISION ARE COR RECT. DR. TUCKRR, 130 South Main St., fitted inc. S. W. MITCHELL. TWJ LINES Operated Between Akron and Barberton. Such Will ba th2 Cisj V..hin a Short Timo. An ofllclnl of the N. O. T. company stated to n Dully Democrat reporter Monday murulug that tho purchaso of tho Rapid Tiauslt property would In no way eontllet with tho ptoject of building tho ucw line to Bnrboiton. Coiisldoiablo grading hus already been donu for the uuw line, and us soon us tlll! weather permits, work will bo re sumea. It Is also thq intention to make somo repairs on tho Rapid Transit line to the Magic City, and Its usu will bo con tinued In conjunction with tho now lino. The little folks can make money by watching next Saturday's Democrat. LOCKED UP On Complaint of His Brothor-ln-Law. Akron Man Charged With Grand Larceny by Poo's Postmaster. Emory Weygandt, who has a wood turning establishment at 1225 West Market St., was arrested Saturday night on complaint of his brother-in-law John G. Crocker, storekeeper and postmaster at Poo, Medina county. Postmaster Crokor alleges that Wey gandt rellevou him of $12 cash unci n olicolt for $23.70 at his wood-turning establishment. Saturday afteruoou. A search of tho pluco revealed only n box of cigars that Croker claimed us his property. Weygandt was In police court Mon day, pleaded uot guilty and had his case continued to Wednesday. Ho failed to furnish $500 bonds. SUCCESSFUL Was Capt. Aaron Wag oner's Visit. Ohio Pcnilontlary W II Got Federal Prisoners. It Hcems Unit tho Indcfntlgablo ef forts of President Aaron Wagoner, of tho Olilo Hoard of Penitentiary Man agers, aro to bo rewarded, says n Washington dispatch to tho Lender. j, Wugoner cuuio to Washington n ww,u ,R0 (o Bk tUe lloi)art. I mot of Juftiu.u t0 , moru ,,,,,, prisoners to the Ohio Slate prison. Ho also hoped to have the price paid for tho dally susteuaiico of tho .".00 or -100 now there raised; It Is now twenty ilvo eeniB. Today ho received assur ance which led him to bollovo his in quest foruioro prisoners will bo grant ed and that tho government may pay twenty-six or thirty cents for their kceiilug epliiB, till of which tnnken the Akron , . ,. , , . . , inn reel out or sight. The peoplo of Ohio porhaps ought iiiaii I T1 to rejoice, too, at thu splendid prospect of wiping out tho Htato debt of be tween $000,000 mill $700,000 within tho next few weoks. Tho penitentiary may get ns many as thirty or forty, or oven mora federal prisoners than over hoforo, nnd soon may bo earning enough to feed Uio Inmates champngno i dinners for hrcukfUHt ovory other day, Tho Ohio hUHtler will Ik hard to bent In this tho new century, WEATHER CLERK Gavo Akron tho Firs'. Installment cf Old-Tim 'Winlor. Tho flrt real snow storm of tho sea sou visited A.crou Sunday night cnus lug no Ineonven.eiii'e to any ouo save tho street railway companion and their motornien. The latter has his tioubles. lie can run his cars back ward aud forward aud In ovory other Chas. E. Groosol PhotoEraphor Cor Ha.n Street and BucUtel Ave. Will make for tlio m xt 30 days 0110 11x17 UtAYONKTTE with ono cloz. best Cabinets for $J.tO. Violet I3salm I M villi UHllt II Bill 00 til skin mid 11 brmittiuf umiiihxloii. Utvo li n trlul; It t nous not ilitwu, your uiutiuy will bo rut 11 ni I oil. Prlou SOo. Porsuloby 113 S. Howard S. 7IMMERLY BROS. FRESH AND SALT MEATS. HIGH GRADE HAMS. Choicest kind of UnloRnn fttid Bnmnge. Onlem promptly uttoudoU to. Cor. Main and Center. Phone 614 O-Ht-tO WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE Fon ... HIGH GRADE rmiiiv fnnrrmrc rrtiuibi Flour, Chccs:, Candles and Fruits. MEAT MARKET we uccp only tnc cnoicist meats, Fresh OysUn, I owl, Etc J. B. LOOKER D73 Hf. Market St. rhon 160. E. F. F8 O E O E Mnnufncturcr of nnd rtonlor In HLH Grade Bicycles and Suudrles Itepulrlutt Bono Promptly nnd Work Guiirmito'-d. noil phono 12M) m K. nxonange fit. as Stores ,Wo IiiiM'nll Blumot tlioiuiindfttprla tlllll lll ilousujou. J. Rutherford & Sons, 173 South Main Street. Telephone 413. As to life. As you uro In llfo. that Is the way wo mako a picture of you. Wo know by lotig study and ex- perleneo thu points to bring out and tho points to put Into thu Hlpidow. Vom. ,,CM1.0 win looU Jlwt 1U0 yoU hut may be even hniiihoiner. A lino Panel portrait with every dozen cnbluets. Snook & Kilmer direction except tho ono his schedule calls for. But nowadays nolUitr suow nor sleet storms nii permitted to In terforo with tho schedule of the street railways. Tho storm has caused tho Grip Fiend to gird up his loins nnd go forth In o.ucst of now victims. Tho doctors, however, say thuf a good snow storm of tho old fnshloiiod type. If ac companied by nb equnblo tempernturo afterward, ought to catiso no injury to tiny one's hcnltli? RELIEF Will Not ho Gran'ed to Aiy Penslonftr. Tho Soldiers' and Sailors' Belief Conimlsslon mofc at tho Court House Saturday and allowed claims aggtu- ft W ji PWRI iwAwf $ox&o&m I WISE and OTHERWISE ! uQa&xximjw& GROVER'S SPcECH AT THE H0L LAND SOCIETY MEETING. "Oh, I nui tho salt of tho earth; And my name, It Is Grovcr C ; I'm of such political worth, Now what con you do without mcJ And I was twice made President; And by a big majority; But then at the end out I went; Went out unanimously. This world Is n vory bad lot, And I am Its savior ecc? But for mo It would go to pot: Now what do you think of mo? The sum of my avoirdupois Gives me an air of profundity; Aud my platitudinous noise Just adds to tho mystery. Three hundred pounds of adipose Crown mo as the kickers' King-boo; If you would from vllllnnous foes Be saved, you've but to turn to me." When In the calendar of saints Tho namo of Judos shines enrolled, We'll listen then to Grover's plaints, This watchful shepherd of the fold. , When patriots shall their lesson take Prom Benedict Arnold's story; When "gentiomon" West Point shall mnke, To uphold our nation's glory: When Iambs lio safe In tho lion's den; Whon wo truth on a gravestone seo; When houoy comes from gall till then AVo'll let this, king of kickers be. -C. R. G. can't people learn to reach tho theater on time? I have been to n number of shows this winter and with out a slnglo exception the first act of tho performnnco has been spoiled by tho lute comers." This statement was mndo to a reporter for tho Democrat by a well known play-goer. Ho had Just arisen from his seat to allow a couple to pnsB In to their places. Tho first act was half over aud tho drama had reached nn lutensoly Interesting point. This little Incident niado It nllnost im possible for the pCoplo who were In tho vicinity to follow the thread of thq story. "Another ovll that should bo corrected is tlio tnlklng tunt goes on lu tho hall-way. It does uot bother the people on tho opboi.lto side- of the house, but It la mighty unpleasant for those who uro occupying sents near thq entrance." -0- Thero Is nn angry young man lu South Akron In fact, he's very mad. Ho Is n Sunday school teacher, and It was ono of his pupils who aroused tho teacher's he. "Boys," he said, Sunday morning, "with what weapon did Sampson kill tlio thousand Philis tines ?" No answer. LIGHTNING New Records For Speed Established by Erie Railroad Engineers With Battleship Locomotives. "There Is no limit to the speed that ran bo developed with tho Atlnntlo type of locomotives recontly adopted by tho Hrlo railroad," said an exper ienced engineer today, , To substantiate his assertion ho told of records leecutly established, i Saturday a number of Akron men,,uB Mr. 0. W. Clark, Division . , , Freight Agent, wore passengers oil tho I tn,, arriving In Akrou at 4:25 p. m. It was noticed, after tho train loft Barberton, that It was traveling at an unusual rato of speed. AC, A & 0. tralu was passed as though It was standing still. The party then at- tempted to time tho train between -l1 iAatl Tliii rtrtf iI1a WfU rfiViirOll ...., ,..... -... In 65 secouds, tho second in 67( tho thlrd In 53 and tho fourth In 01, tho train reaching a maximum of 07,02 tulles per hour. The 8 miles between tho Bailiertou aud Akrou depots was traveled In 0 minutes. As considerable timo wus lost lu starting and stopplug tho speed oi. uialutalucd for blx or gating ?500. The Commission has Is sued a notice to tho effect that relief will not be grunted o anyone who Is receiving a pension from tho Govern, nleut. Use Democrat want column- It pays. cj5oacy5c&wj?ooocaooacexKt)C(0 To refresh their memory, the teacher then gavo the pupils a llttlo cuo. "Don't you nil remember what this Is." said the teacher, placing his hand on his Jaw. "Oh, ycsl I know," said the numer ous Johnny Green, "the Jaw-bone of nn ass." And now the teachor is mad.i -O- Lato Sunday afternoon a number of "cutters" were on tho streets of Ak ron. Iu places Uio sleighing was fair ly good. It Is now almost the last day of January and tliere has not been a day when tho unpavod streets were covered with enough suow to make It pot6lbleto use a cutter on them. Where are tho good old days when the bells were heard to Jlnglo six weekB nt a stretch? Older people claim that cut ting down of tho forests accounts for the falling off In snow storms and the remarkable changes In the weather. At any rato It Is certain tho winters are not what they used to be. -O The favorite lines of ono of tho British sovereigns ran thus: The glories of our bloojl and state Aro shudows, uot substantial things. There Is no armor against fate. Death Inys his Icy hands on Kings. Scepter and crown Must tumble down And In the dust bo equal made With the poor crooked scythe and spade. -O-"It seeuiH strange to me," said a man from Seville, nt the Bucbtel Mon day, "that Summit county produces pracUcnlly no tobacco. Over thoro In our Chippewa valley tobacco growers tako ?100 worth of the weed off ever acre they cultivate Tho cost of grow ing and getting ready for market is about $40 an acre. It Is the most profitable crop grown in Medina county." -O- " Run n n account at a railroad ticket olllco? Most people probably never thought of such n thing. "But there nro a few who do," said a local ticket agent There are Akron women who almost invariably have their tickets charged. Wo ageuts nro not supposed to allow it, but good patrons or ma roan must do accomiuouuieo and their whims and foibles respected." tho bnrburs raised the price of shaving, a local hardware firm has advertised, razors for salo at cut prices to thoso who want to shave themselves. "That's what I cull 'keen' competition," said one of tho barbers, today. -0-"It would now bo more In ac cordance with tho eterunl .fitness of things," said tho man allllcted with the grip to sny: "Physician, heel thyself." -flit's mighty cold these days for tho festive bumble-bees In tho bonnets of political aspirants. LINGERS. seven miles was considerably bettor than the proverbial "mllo a minute." Mr. C. A. Allen, Division Superin tendent, stated recently that he had. ridden better than 70 miles an hour ou one of tho engines nnd that thoro wiis no doubt that the speed could have been materially Increased, . Train 3 was reported au hour Into -out of Meadvlllo a few nights ago. Operator Uussoll, nt tho Akron ata- tlon. was Instructed to bulletin It 50 minutes behind timo hero. When tho train reached Bavenna another n.e.s- sage was received In Akron. It road: "Hcport train 3 on time." It Is 100 miles from Akron to Meadvlllo. Saturday night "thoro was a race be- iwaan A 1rvsn nn Ttachnti rr.. T .....v.- .,. ..uu .. . & o. west bound Chicago tmln passed the Erlo depot under full hendwoy Just ub train 1 started from tho station, Tho Erie train was reported Into Now portage two minutes ahead of tho B. & o. Tho Erlo cnglueors aro keen In competing for the honor of establish- lug tho best record for fast time. New Switch. Work has been started on a switch from t0 ,,, Trnslt Unc, ,0 tp a. b. 0. tracks at thu power house. Cuyahoga Falls. This will permit Uio transfer of cars from ouo iluo to tho other, I 3Q STORES. I Inventory S&Je Now On. . . . WE'LL HELP YOU . . . 1 W &EDIT YJ I (a Qood I Mmenter Rosenbuom.I$ C-8k & co. 7tJ stylish and serviceable and will give the f ttllest satisfaction. Menter, Rosenbloom & Co., Branch Storo People's Outflttintr Co., 143 Ontario St., Cleveland, O. :H"."X"K..x-X": Saturday, .Feb. S-trlo-tly Frh Momo-nnBdw Chocolate Drops 1 5c lb, J Y I AT BECKER'S CAFE, D8F"Wo lmvo everything to servo you a dainty lunch or suppar of any kind, at very reasonable prices. ..4"0'M4 DON'T CARE ;What People' Think. I j I JpB City CotT.fTiiSSion6PS Are Mum. Termination of That "Investigation." Prisonkeeper's Smile Tells His Story. Judjo Anderson Also Has Nothing to Say. "I havo nothing to say," said Prison keeper John 13. Washer, with a broad smile, to those who congratulated him on tho outcome of tho luvcsU gatlon by tho City Commissioners, Monday. To a Democrat reporter ho said the same. "I havo nothing to sny," said Chair man O. I. MeMIlen, of the Police committee of tho Board, when asked for nn expression on the outcome ot the "invesugation." i only hopo tho thing is settled forever." "Some peoplo think the fionrd lost Its nerve and was afraid to do what it started out to do," was suggested. "Well tho Board don't care what the peoplo think," tho chairman of A PALE-FACE GIRL may be almost SJlfely set flown J J Wintino red in her blood ' ' 5 ' If Subject todizzineSS, fainting, gl,ortness of breath on sljght exertion, no doubt remamS. To want red in the blood is f rt fnil fT flirt Ct(fA ff CMf 1 THOn- .v....u.vbvU Her food IS not nourishing her. Ct J t . vJllU 1ICCUO .V WUUV. The easiest change she can get, and one of the best, is Scott's emulsion of C0dliver i 0l' It gives her the upper hand in the contest hei!- food has h d ye Js . , pale no more. wii.cndTOui'itietotnr.lrvouUU. I SCOTT & BOWNE, o? Perl itjt, Nw Vorl. KXC Hasn't it happened to you that you'd like to get clothing, but your poc&otbook wouldn't allow you? Perhaps thnt's the caao now J If it is, why don't you come nnd boo us and let us holp you? Our solo business for years has boon on this line helping those who aro worthy of help to bo respectably olotbod, aud trust ing to their houosty to pay us. You know our terms a dollar each week is no sovere drain on your income, is it? Our clothing for both soxes 1b 139 South Howard Street. i ! t Y X - 122 South Main St. People's 'Phone 812. Winter Tourist Tickets NOW ON SALE 'TO Iorid& and the Gulf Coast Write for folders, dosoriptivo mat tor, etc,, to C. L. STONE, General Puss. Agent, Louisville, Ky. ABBEY'S SALT ! i &...& .,.... U'JHLS CONSTIPATION. ALL DRUGGISTS. ALL PRICES. Ladles' Tailor Made Garments I am prepurod to mako Ijiullos' Tnllor Giirinuius lu tlio ltitoBt sty Ids: mid romod cUiir old stylo contu nnd skills nt reaiun nblo prices. Quiirmiteo sntlsfuotloii, Making over Fur Col aretttsa spoolalty MKH. L. II. EDW AHUS, lean. MnlnHt., oor Uaiiyarddt Wood's, tho Police committee ejaculated. "I have nothing to say." said Gto. M. Anderson, Czar, Probate Judge aud Chairman of the Police and other com- mltlecK ox-olfielo. "It Is nil over." Watch the Democrat next Satur;day'"there's money jn. for yOU." - VETERAN Engineer Who Helped Build "Akron Branch" Ry. Seeks Information. ' , . eclved 1 Wayne S. communication was recently ro- by the Democrat from Ft, Iud., asking for the date of hn nnntrinHnn nt flin "AWnn jjrancn.i raMWay which was build fr0m Hudson Into' Akron in 1852. Tho writer signs himself Thomas Telley, Ma(e(j u bQ Jg nQw ft ret,r(Kl fin Glneer oh thu Pennsylvania railroad, nti1 rVnt Tin nontcTti1 In 1nrln Ka. track for tho "Akrou Branch" and was tho second flromau. on the road i wiw completion. Ho writes tho lotter. havlntr for- gotten th0 datQ of tno construcUon ot the road, and tho information will lpt '"" know when be begn railroading, tho "Akron Branch" being- tho first road for which he worked. Bolt Lino Extension. The Barberton Belt Line Ballroad rrapally ,mg meA a corUQCate of Mtmlnn to mlnm , an extension to Its system with tho Soc rotary of State. The lino will bo built , Into tho -Kepler farm. .). I IV if ,tl xte4 iPa ... . .i i . i u4Lj.j . AUiiftn.afa4 . tl-jUtnAj, ru jiVfJik( u.M iifjyV Jr li t. nj""? Juh-u.B u&jpLjmiait w m w ftlftgi' fiUg t?M, rHrmMmnae.y mm ntwm