Newspaper Page Text
iipm i U-int, -r r "l AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT. MONDAT. JASTUAIiY 28, 1901 8 HOYLE RAILROAD NEWS. urr ATUPn crMmiT'OAO s YT liVfl I lliwJ A' J MS. ML4sJT9 A rt . -r-v I m It , J J IK s f j fe, THE WEATHER TUESDAJC. Snow. The Great ' Mill End Safe This Is the greatest morchnndiso event of the wholo senson; don't fall to Tlslt it. This halo moans tho selling of Mill Knds of goods merchandise ut prices never dream ed of. On Tuesday Nomine, 8 to 9 o'clock, Great Mill fcnd Sale of Calicoes, to yards for 29o. on Tuesday aiiernoon, rrom 2 to d o'clock, Great Mill tnd Sale of Towel ing, S yards for ioc. Hero is ii list of Mill Kudu that saves dollars: AT -lc YD. Any color of Calico you wish, in light unci dark, regu lar values (Je nnd Tic. AT Ge YD. White Domct Flan noJs, extra wide, extra heavy, reg ular price 5c AT -lc YD. .'(fl in. Unbleached Muslin, In Mill End?, good quality, regular price le. AT Hie YD.-.10 In. Blenched Muslin, dWVMvnt qualities, regu lar price !c yard. AT OJJc and 7c Oxford Shirt ings, full width, splendid vnlucs, would bo cheap at 8c nnd 10c yard. AT 45c. PA III Pull size Blank ets, In tan, nice nnd Hoft, slightly damaged. AT 124c YD. Best quality of Table Oil Cloths, full width, regu lar price 10c. AT 8c YD.-:iO In. Seersuckers, In Mill Ends, regular price 12Vic yard. AT 6c YD. 30 In. Windsor Per cales, In Mill Ends, the best qual ity, worth 12li AT 15c YD.-iW lu. Mercerized Linings, In black and colors, in Mill Ends, worth 2,"o yuul. AT 22c YAItD-All Linen Table Damasks, In assorted Mill End lengths, regular price ''i)c. AT Cc Linen Crash, extra wide, splendid value, always sold for 8c. BMimoinnmus that akio CHEAP. AT 5c YARD-(Jood wide Ham Jiurg Embroideries, well worth l()o yaid Head our ads. nery day If you want to keep In touch with the great bargains, the Mill End Sale offers. 1P0-152 SOUTH HOWARD ST. Phrenology MADAME JULIAN The noted phrenologist of (he head aiul hand, of Toronto, Out., lias come to Akron for a short time. During lior stay In Canton she was consulted by ninny noted ladles. She will tell you nii you v.ii.11 to know, aii indies in- crested In this M'lcnco should consult her at once, at her private parlors, No. 117 N. Broadway, al the Colonial, She gUainntees hatlHfactlou. cents. Ladles only. Headings Ml llnvo you seen our line of Kllim' Wot"? b Is a llmi line and ery cheap, too. BASKETS Fancy, domestic and Impelled bask ets of all kinds. Lunch baskets, dlnner baskcls, h.inipciri, clothes baskets, work bilsU'lh, him up baskets, etc. PRESERVES A full line of lli'lny.'h picerves In bullv. Curtice ltrntheiM In glass. CHEESE Roquefort, Club IIiiiinc, Mcl.nui'cii's, York State and Sweltzcr Clieene. TEAS and COFFEES Vrn llllv,, v'l1lli1ll lliiltllf flu, llnul tnnu iiiii coffees on the market. A trial will convl.-c you of this fact. They tun mrlctly hit' grade. s. Leading Grocers 'Xnim'XCi'X Mill ct Ab-rnn Cl 3UJ"JU. lUUl M. illUUU J Both 'iihocus, 370. ?c82OJX)a0ooc&?ooo:ojXyx Nclan Nclan OOP the basf9 that Ss flis.,.. I'. ' Patent Package. They Cost I Wants One More Go. Not Satisfied With Beat ing He Received. Nickens Bagins Training For Contest. Jimmy Hoylc, the ebony lined featherweight who was defeated by Johnny Whlttnkcr In this city last Wednesday, wants "just one inoro chance," Tho Akron man hns received a letter from Hoylc In which he asks to bo given an opportunity to reverse the decision. Whlttakpr answered the letter by stating that he was perfect ly willing to whip lil in again provided a suitable purso was offered. He also Informed him that hn would ex pect him to cut out all the foul work In case they met ngalu. NICKENS BEGINS TItAINING. Grant Nlokcns hns commenced train ing for his inntcli with George Glbbs. The men will meet In this city under the auspices of the North End AtU lotlc club. Nlekens will train at Whit taker's gymnasium. It Is folly to suffer from that hor rible plague of tho night, Itching piles. Doiiii'h Ointment cures, quickly and permanently. At uny ding store, 50 cents. OFFICIAL WHIPPING. Eddie Jaski Escaped Taking a Trip to Reform Farm. "Take that boy to the county jail and give him a good spanking," s.ild .bulge Anderson to tho step-father of Eddie Jaskl Monday morning. Eddie was anesled Cor stealing various articles. lie wits sentenced to the llel'oiin Karin but this was suspended during good behavior. Tho stp-fallier followed the court's advice and there was a real old trouncing In the otllclal residence of the Sheriff. Watch the Democrat next Saturday "there s money j jn it fnr vf.. m u lul ""' UNFORTUNATES. Gospel Mission Helps Them and Preachers Approve It. The Evangelical Alliance endorsed the OoHpel Mission conducted by Mr. C. A, McKluney, 011 South Main St., Monday and appointed a committee to assist In securing support for it. REACHING OUT. Everett Syndicate Wants Control of Many Linos. "Il Is our purpose to scciue control of ouM'y good subiiibaii pioperty In Northern 0ilo," hiild Mr. E. W. Mooie, of the Northern Ohio Traction company, and a prime iuomm' In the Everett, s.widlcnte, In nu Interview, Sunday. "Wo will extend all our pres- 'ent lines; We propose to reach Canton ,, .mhhhIIIiiii, but I cannot say wheth- I er we will buy tho lines theie." I IptSOO REWARD. Wo ulll iV thunhnvti lowmd family ohsj nl I.Imh-()iiin)lnlm, D.vini'p.ln, Mink IimhI. iioIik, lmllm'ntiiui, i'miUmlloii or Uimtlyi,. mini wu uiiiiiiut ouru nitli i.ivuiitu, iiio lip. Ii-I)iiIii 141 Uu l.lvor Pill, when llioilluH'tloin miotrlutly conilillmt with. I'luiy 11m iur.iy Vt'Kululiluuiut nuviT lull to KlvoantlHfncll 111. .i.c houu umUiln UiIIIh.10j Iioxih contain i lit I1 1. fto Iioxiih I'Diitulii l pllln. Iliiwanuir .muiiiniMiiiK nun imii.iiiiiiia. i-iini nv niini Mumps mimi. ni.uvh' i'oi,i.'intiminilJiu"koii Ml., CUiuugo, Hi Kor mlo liv John Liiiniini lor ,t Uo iitiuiu nt.. huh nun 1 I umj3 asK mr ini i 'Ullli niiv mimi 1 41111 VWlltlltlt Best Higl in Cu the Lo I tt Cm, Town I Fleece and or at t Cqtton Lowest ) Lined. Prices. B All The jj s,zes Kind , from You P Child's Can't J" No. 4 Wear T to a Out K Man's in x No. 13 l wo V Can Fit Weeks. Anyone smnmim & co. UT S. Howard st. PRISONER. (Continued from first page.) could not expect tho county to pay another attorney. "I have known of many cases where the county has employed conn sel for tho prisoners, upon their state ment that they were without means, where the attorneys have recelvd com pnsatlou on tho side. There hns been too much uuuerground business," said Prosecutor Wannmakcr. "I ask the court to settle this point now." Mr. Vorls stated that ho would re- tlio from the case as Mr. Miller had prepared the caBo and was better in formed as to the details. Harninn objected. He said, that he would pay both attorneys rather than have either withdraw. To this Mr. Miller ob jected. Ho said ho wanted his fees up to the present time guaranteed. Ho will appear In tho case. TRUSTEE APPOINTED. Mrs. Clara Longacrb was granted a dhorce from E. H. Longncre Monday morning. Sho was given $2,2o0 ali mony. The court appointed James Burke trustee to invest thewnopey. Philip Keller was given a decree of divorce from Anna Keller. ALTERNATIVE W1UT. . The Circuit eoujt has Issued nu alter native writ directing the Board of Ed ucation of NorthUeld to pay to the Board of Education of Macudouia, $SS.".02, collected as a special tax for school purposes. x Bankuptcy Petition. N. Luskin'!, tho South Ilnwiu st. fruit nnd confectionary mnrchnne bus tiled a voluntary petition in bank ruptcy in tie United States court at Cleveland. LEFT THE TRACK. Five Cars Scattered Over the Tracks at Mill Street. Five ears of a south-bound B. fc O. freight were deralleiff uboiit noon, nt file Mill st., crossing. Tim erratic ears were scattered oyer tljree tracks, and a crew has been busy all afternoon trying to replace tlieni., No fine wns hurt, though soinp of tlunonrs were naiiiy smasiicu, 11 is inougni tue wii;cl; was caused 1).V a broken lliingo. Tralllc was delajed for hours. FOR THE STATE Guy Andrews Will Testify- Ho Pleaded Guilty, fluy Audiows, charged with Inter fering with rnllroad projierty by steal ing a car of the Akron & Cuyahoga Palls Itapld Transit company, pleaded guilty Monday. Hi'wlll be n witness for the State. He was not sentenced. If you want to buy, sell, rent or ex change, ndvertlso Iu the Democint'a , - II1MH Mlium llll I I I " . i M 1 1 ! IMIPIII IIWII EOKoooco8cwtcKaaa a8x&$$oa&m&& wwwwmwwwwwvw m nrmmMMK ir"K klsj rzaMmwmemMi HrmH itujb t-r xt-, ftv3 htm-i ihkt, -r j jl km ibkv ihi siivn n .& -wmi n .in r-m n'vtr.i'n wmjumaamrm virJk h n.: 1 hpi .r I feTdTHI Kl 7 P!HiB EM1'i r'S Iw'..O.'.. A.. HW.'Ki.OA Hi Utti m B:.'M H ETZ i ift il LUXB EXTCWM imUML MF bub bb NO MORE than poorer goods. .For Sale fe All Mixed. (Continued from first pagc. .torestcd argue that they need not share In the expense, and want to know why Cove.ntry township, which will receive equal benefit with Bar- liei-tnn. should tin be taxed for tho , , Ti,n initn nf Ht Ui.-iR at tho Din- nionil Match factory, Friday, created ,,nIv. nn.Hnmmit 'Hum 111., vlllnL'n tills had for a long tlmo. About 25 of the' Trouble, on the Pittsburg end of the girls were directly affected by a pro- j division caused tho delay. Erlo train posed cut, and tho rest went out I 12- 'iis one hour nnd 30 minutes be through sympathy, forcing the shop "lad the schedule, to suspend work. The management J The Brewster Coal company, has attempted to put men and boys from ' hold a strip of land near McCoy st., to other parts of the shop, In tho places ( the Erie Rnidroad company as a right, of tho striking girls, but the latter . of way for a now switch which will would not allow it. They boldly at-, b ""lit to tho plant of the Akron En tacked their substitutes, pulled them Bincerlng company, from their lynches, tore down piles I Through tickets from Akron to the of stock nnd threw almost anything J 0l-Ieut tt" uchiK soIll nt the Erio de available, forcing those who were Pot. The skeletons for tho tickets nr working to desist. Supt. C. H. Pal- vlvcrt Monday morning. A rate of JfllO mer mounted a chair and attempted from Chicago to San Francisco has to address tho "Amazons, but tlioy "-' established. Tickets are good would not listen. The strike was only on trains leaving Chicago on settled by relinquishing the proposed Tuesdays. Tho rate will be In offect cut and thu factory Is running full I on and after Feb. 12. It will continue force today. ""til the flrst of April. Tho rate from The entire force of men and teams ' Akron h 517. emilloyed grading tni boulevard, near Barberton, quit work this morn ing. The strike Is the result of a dls agieenicnt about wages. Today is tho birthday of Manager Frank Ward, of tho Colonial hotel and 'led to take up a trip pass for tians he Intends to celebrate by giving. a portntlon from Allegheny to Akron, dance this evening at the hotel, to his issued to John Bartlott. It Is alleged Barberton friends. Tho furniture will be removed from the big dining room and the place used for the dance. Will Waul, Manager Ward's brother, recently completed a' term of service In the Twenty Second regular Infan try, and will arrive from the Philip pines today so that 'the celebration will be n double one. Geant Prior died rtti bis home, near the canal, Sunday of typhoid foyer, after a short illness.'t He. leaves a wife and family. The little folks'rcan make money by watching next Saturday's Democrat. EXAMINERS Cautioned to be Careful In Auditing Bills. Dr. A. M. Armstrong and Capt. A. P. Baldwin were appointed to examine the reports of the County Commis sioners Monday. Judge. Kohler cau tioned them to examine into every bill with gieat care. MUST PAY DEBTS. The Countess DeCnstcllaine, How ever, Will Have Pin Money. New York, Jan. ''S. (Spl.)-Court today decided Unit the Injunction pro feedings lo prevent tho Gould family j ,-,., paving Countess Dc Castellulno .$1100,000 per year shall stand until tho ,ol)l of ,s;;t77,0OO, due to Woilheinier, the. London ait deiler Is paid Anna will hae to woiry along on .f'-'OO.oOo per year, which the court grants her. PECULIAR Feature of Fire at Homo of Mr Malilon Surface. -A SU.'i lire at the residence of Mr. Muldon Surfaco, 1101 North College st., called out the lire department Sunday morning. A peculiar feature of tho llio was the fact thai It starled.ncar the front door 10 feet from a stoo. It Is belleu'd thai Mr. Surface struck a mutch on the door cubing and that thu head Hew Iu between tho Wood work. - . ....M.. .. 1 MM BEU1 HBM WMH MS3i KWk BBI BWTWBl IW7W&K BCW MUHHM f7JH W K Trip Pass Offered For Sale In Cleveland. Conductors Have Ordors to T.ake It Up-Tralns Behind Time. B- & O. train 0, from the East was fOllf llOUfS "late Mondny morillUg. The B. & 0. has printed all Its new time cards nnd circulars in the otll clal "Royal Blue." The new printed matter i cached Akron Monday. B. ifc 0. conductors have been notl- that the pass was offered for sale in Cluvolnud. 5 , Did Justice Campbell Get Out of Bed. Attachment Papers Issued On Goods nf G, E. Hollowell. .Justice J. R. Campbell was called out of bed "at '! o'clock, Monday morn ing, lo Issue attachment papers on goods held by G. E. Hollowell, until Saturday night proprietor of a cate In tho Arcado block. Tho papers wcio secured by E. M. Schmidt, who re cently sold tho cafe business to Llollo well. Constable Jacob J. Keller look the papers, and overhauled Hollowell at Sprluglleld, en route lo Canton. He wii taking the goods overland iu a wagon, but was compelled to permit them to be returned to Akrou. Misses Minnie Brown and Margery Portortlcld have also secured attach ment papers on HollowoH's goods. Their claim Is for wages, amounting to .$10. E. M. Schmidt Is now Iu charge of the cafe. The 1'hllMps Baking company has secured an attachment on the goods i of G. E. llullouell. Papers were is sued Monday forenoon at the otllce of Justice Campbell. The Phillips Bale lug i.'tunpuuy claims a bill of 3. 10. BABY WAS DEAD. Shocking Discovery Made by a Home Street Mother. Kenneth, Ms-mouths old sou of E. II. Sinllhr "12 Home st wns found dead in bed Monday moinlng, by Us mother. The child had not been sick. Trlil l(t llnl.o Ilic neml. A reniiu'Unble attempt was made In Denmark recently to bring-back to life 1 man who hud died In a hospital. Tim topci Inioni was iiieasui ably successful, as resuscitation was cfieclcd soveml hours after ihc man was pronounced deud, I)r. Muag. who was lu charge, was unable to maintain life, however. Tho patient had died from typhoid fevor, nnd Pi Maag decided 1o try an A Sample has Grocers.. For Akron aaid By Don Plorro Quo 1 00. -xxflM:'v'4' MONDAY. JAN. 28-Falr; slightly colder. TUESDAY. JAN. 20 Snow; warmer In the rnorntug; colder night. WEDNESDAY, JAN. RO-Snow Hurries; colder. THURSDAY, JAN, aiTGencrnlly fair; cold. FRIDAY, FEB. 1 Fair; warmer: possibly snow Friday night SATURDAY, FEB. L'-Snow; colder decidedly; temperature Satuulay night about in degrees abovejajrp- SUNDAY, FEB. 3 Generally fair; minimum temperature Sunday morn ing about 10 degrees nbovo zero. MONDAY, FEB. 4 Snow or rain; brisk to high winds; warmer. BfiRflES GROW TO DOLLARS if Deposited in THE DmE SAVBNCS BASUK, 827 South Howard Street, AKRON, OHIO. We Pay 4 per Cent Interest on Savings Accounts. -.pcrlineiit. t! splration had erased omplotely and tho body was cold. Dl icct massage of the heart was resorted o. Thu chest was cut open directly vol" the hcait, and through the In Islon the physician passed his hand md seized the heart. He commenced i aeries of compressions, nud In a short .Imo the hunrt commenced to work of Its own accord. The action of the heart gradually became stronger, but the man had not commenced to brenthe. Only after the heart had been acting half on hour did the first ?asp for air come. The patient was then assisted in this for about on hour uutll Anally he was able to breathe quite freely. At the same time his cheeks began to as sume a nntural color. lie lay iu this condition another half hour, but with out regaining consciousness or appear ing to leef the clfeets of the Incision. Then there was a reaction apd respi ration ceased, although the heart con tinued to act eight hours longer. A second effort was made to Induce heart action, but without result ICIpIlurr nr.d ilie Ilns Owner. After leaving Vermont 1'udyard Kip ling bought a place In tho little Eng lish village of Uottlngdenu, nnd In bit garden were sonic beautiful trees. One of those trees, branching over tin road, threatened dally Injury to thp drher of the local bus. Therefore he and his conductor waged destructive war on all th" vulnerable twigs within reach from thg bus roof. Result: A vigorous letter of complaint from Mr. Kipling to the bus owner, who is nlso landlord of ouo. of tho local Inns. That evening the lnndlonl laid tho letter before tle select company of the bar pailor. They advised an attitude of calm Indifference. Also a Croesus aniong them offered $i.,30 lu cash for the autograph letter. Both advice and cash were accepted. The nuisance continuing, in due course .1 second and stronger letter followed the tlrst. The landlord con vened another bar parliament, ami the second letter nlso found n buyer, tills time at 5. as bcilttcd Its Increased violence. And Bqnifacc again "sat tight!" To him next day entered Mr. Kipling, briskly wrathful. "Why didn't I answer your letters, sir? Why. I was hoping you'd send mo a fresh one every day. They pay n deal better than bus drlylngl" llni-Knlr.litff In llio Orient. In Smyrna, Turkey nnd Egypt tho bargaining lungunge Is about the same. "What jou give, lady?" "I won't give anything! I don't want It! What! Do you think 1 would carry that bad; to America?" "But you take hold of him. You feel him silk. 1 think you want to buy. Ver' cheap. Only four pound!" "Pour pouivJs!" I say lu French. Oh, you don't Want to sell. You want to keep it! And at that price you will keep It!" "Keep It!" lu a shrill scream. "Not want to soil? Me? 1 here to sell! I sell you everything you see! I sell you the shop!" AJore whcedllngly, "You give mo -10 francs?" "No," In English again. "I'll give you ?1" ' ' "America! fylberty!" he cries, hav ing cunningly established my nationali ty and Haltering my country with oriental guile. "How much you give for hlmV l.ust price, now. Six dol lais!" We haggle over "last prices" for a t matter of tuf hour more, and after two cups of coffee amiably taken to gethcr and Mitue general conversation l buy the thing for SH. Lilian Bell In Woman's Heine Companion. tntcrei.tliig'. "Did you have an iuteiestlng literary club uifftlng, .Mice?" "Oh, yes; ( very womun there was working on a new pattern of batten mm ' aeci" Indianapolis Journal. been delivered Northern Ohio "V fssrozi HAVE YOU HEARD IT? !. ra Hummer. THT3 NEW WALTZ, entitled "The Tip Top City" Just out, composed by D. O. BET55. Hoar It played at A. B. SMITH'S Music Store, or G. M. OTT & BRO.'S Music Store. Dr. F. M. Caes&j, dentist. . 8 :30 to 11 :80 a. m. ; 1 to 5 p. m. 422 Hamilton Building People's Phono 841. Akron, O. Fred. Haul! Manufacturer oj Hand-Made Harness And dealer In Robes, Blankets and Whips 531 S. Main St. We solicit your trade. "Arc you willing to share honeal poverty wltb me. darling?" "I'm sorry. Mr. Nocash. but I havq already promised to share Mr. Mil, yun's wealth and no questions asked.1' New Xork Journal. CHWARTZ'S TORE 149 S. Howard St. Wonderful Reductions Men's 75o Rubbers 49C Men's $1.85 Arctics 98C Men's $1.25 Warm Alaskas 83C Mon's $3.60 Ennmnl Shots $2.58 Mon'fl $1.50 Enaniot Shoes. $2.98 Mon's $2.75 Patent Lontbor $1.98 Mon's $1.00 Patent Leather $2.98 Men's $!).00 Box Calf $1.98 Mon's $2.00 Satin Calf $ 1 .48 Ladies' 50o Rubbers 34C Ladies' $2.50 Shoes $1.98 Ono lot of Ladies' Union made Shoes, wortli $2.-0 (t1 - reduced to cju.cJ Ghlldron's Shoes, sizes 5 lo b S0C WE MUST REDUCE OUR STOCK IF LOW PRICES WILL DO IT. 149 S. Howard St. IIP1 Too Late. ACL ' I IftfSw s to your home. J V ! aW590CeK8Cl)XSi iJi - l M. Tirf.. iS-JA wfi&LjLA J&jua--ju. Ji&W . 1 1 1 .,2zt3ifcU&.. !&& W.u, t ty&eiM r3yfc& vitJiiLuAti- . jA &.idtj:,