Newspaper Page Text
:mm AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT SNOW OR RAIN1 VOLUME NINE, NUMBER 241). AKRON, OHLO, TUESDAY. ETENING, JANUARY 20 1001. PRICE ONE CENT. lit LOTTA The Retired Actress, Is Very 111 at Hor Home In New York. An Owner of Property In This City, TBr or Four Special Bargains fin Rrst-class OpsrleiH-fc Call at one C. H. MA H POLITICS tv Cut Largs Figure And Has Frequently Visited Akron Friends. HAMILTON BUILDING 9 HOWARD STREET. sseawaate ttiM C - jT ? ciorc Kcraovai In Crusade Again . Champion hip Fig . Gov. Nash Posing as a Reformer. J A COMMUNICATION. nsnm&snssnssi i Possesses a Fortune Which Is Esti mated at $1,000,000. New York, Jan. 20. (Spl.Ohar lottee Orabtrec, the retired actress,, better known us Lotta, is 111 of acute gastritis. Sue became suddenly HI Sunday night Her doctor says that her Illness Is not yet serious, but would require close watching. Lotta was born in this city In ISi7. Her first stage experience was at Peta luma, Cal., when six years old. Ten years later sue made her debut In this city at Nlblos Garden. She rotlred uf vera! years ugo with a fortune, sup posed to be about $1-000,000, much of which is invested in Now York City in real estate. About Fob. 1st, pnrchaso your Silverware at a Great Reduction in Price. Guaranteed Set of Teaspoons $1.25 and $1.50 Silver Tea Sets for $6.50 Silver Fruit Bowls and Berry Disnes i.s.3u anu jjo.uu Prices on Wooden & China Clocks One-Third Off 5 The Jo-vsolor . fllovln? Two Doors North 5 George B. Cox'lHas Turned Moralist' Mayor Fleisohman His Pleased One Faction Cox Jhe Other. (Special GorreJiondonce.) . Columbus, .Toui 20.A gentleman, In conversation with a-jhumber of politi cians, this morning oppressed the be- MUST WORK HARD, Or an Extra Session of Congress Will be Necessary-President May Have to Give Up Pleasure Trip. Lotta has, visited Akron friends fre quently, having been a guest of Mr. nud Mrs. J. W. Little, a short time prior to Mr. "Little's death. She is also owner of the Abbey block. South '-- .. . ... . . . . Main Pt. SJ'itH ' PROCEEDINGS To Washington, Ja'u. 29(Spl. Presi dent McKlnley and his advisors dls- cussed the neces-sltj of an extra ses sion of Congress at uouMdeiablo length today during the cabjnet meeting. It was thR first time the matter had been brought up bttfqve the pieuibers In Ing that the necessity tor such a ses. slon will not arise. If ho is obliged to call the law-makers together Im mediately upon the beginning of his second term, lie will undoubtedly be compelled to abandou his Pacific coast trip in May. The President aurt lief thut tho injunction proceedings brought today In tile court of Coin, mon Pleas of Hamilton county, to pie vent tun llublhi-Jeffrles contest, sched uled for Feb. ir, 4 i, weic Institute! bo. cause the better class of. the cltUeus of Cincinnati do not belle's c In prize lights, and because J-hey feel Unit the Hy would bo everlastingly distanced by" the big boxing-match .Alt the poli ticians laughed. I Tt Is pretty -n ell gndcistood that tho actiou nun taken merely for its politi cal effect. It gafo the governor n choucc to take tlln poslUou of a if Akron, O.. Jon. 20, 1001. To the Manager of The Akion Dally Democrat: - Mr. Ed. II. Do la Court, ' City: Dear Sir: I wish you would send this communication to' the Reacon Journal, Cleveland Pies, and insert It 'in your own publication, to deny the statement publlshed.ln tho Beacon Journal, January 28th, In Which It without authority uses' my name re garding a bilslnexs transaction with the Democrat Co, said statement be ing Incoucct in iivly pattlcnlar. Tho contract which 1 made with tho Democrat company for oue year's ad vertising, on stated days, was changed to accommodate me. The space which the contiact called for was exceeded through a misunderstanding, and was unintentional on the pait of both parties iuteicsted. The settlement made with you for XUa bpace used, was honoinble and fair, and I rcgiet very nrach that you should be censured for a tiling, which, hi my sight, was most creditable in Its fairness. The flgurc used In Inst night's Beacon were Inconect and veiy unjust, and I assure you that this' unautboiled publicity of my name causes me much annoyance, and n justice to your company I wite this communication that the business community of Ak- rou may know 1 -!! not n party to this must unwarranted and uiiJum attack. Hoping that our- business relations In the futuie will he as pleasant as In the past, T remain, Youis most 'respectfully, HELTON GIlirFIN. No. 125 BKxchangc st. 12 Ahlstrora Grands Ahlstrom Uprights Sold Last Week SEE IT AND YOU WILL BUY NO OTHER A. E. SMITH 220 South mam h- m . CHANGE Official Roster Of American Clay Manu facturing Company. ANNUAL. Dance & Banquet Will be given by the Retail Butchers' Association ox Wednesday, Jan. 30. 3 A. MubIo Mall. Markets will be closed nt 2$ 8 R:30 that evening. g Oust Pennsylvania's Relief Department. (Special Correspondence.) Columbus, Jnn. 20. Attorney Gener al Sheets has Hied in the Circuit comt of Franklin county proceedings in quo warranto to oust The Pennsylvania Railroad company from continuing Its so called relief department The State claims that tho company, in iolat1on of law and lu abuse of its corporate powers, is engaged in tho business of transacting llfo and accident insur ance. ROBERT O. RYDEJl HARD LIMES anv but a roundabout way. AH the nearly all the members of tho cabinet former and hn dldfso.Ju a letter which mninhm-H nvp nrrrecrl that, unless Con- nro lookluc forward to this visit toll ,i mnrtel of decision and terseness. 'gross gets'down'hto work, an extra session cannot well President MclClulej wishes to be pre- giving out Interview every nnj to be avoided. The prcldQnt and his sent at the launching of the battle-j n,e effect that the State -would not official family have not given up the ship Ohio and has givon his promlho . inteitereMii the arrangements for the General Offices May Re main In Akron. Negotiations Still Pending For Purchase hojic, howo-ver, that tho important to sit muny cities on his way goiu matteis on the calendar can yet be to or coming from Sau Francisco, hustled through and business wound He Intends leaving Washington ou up by inauguration day. In addition May 1, but if Congress is In extra ses- to tho expense invojved In an extra slon it is almost a foregouc conclusion session of Congrebs nud tho danger that the member will still be talking that the moinbers -nIJ become, in- at thnt date and long after it. With volvcd In wraniries that will consume Congress lu hesslon, the President i the better part of next summer, the would not think for a moment of President has other reaspns for hop- leaving the capital. mill, climbed upou the buna-wagon tvlth alacrity and allowed the pio ceedlngs to be brought In his name. Oeorgu B. Cox, the good, pure heaited, public plilted citizen, has determined Hint he will du all In his power to prevent pi tec-fights, beennt-e thoy arc wiekwl. His political op- (Continued ou eighth pago.i Extract From The Beacon Journal' "The 'Nervita' rompdy, and others Mmllar 'cnfcb 'with older, is their rating In every. commercial directory published and tho, Demociut will nut even pietend that they ever s-aw a cent of theso peojllo's money they never will."' ATTORNEY GENERAL SHEETS Rules That thar Commissioners' Report' Must be Published In County Seat Papers. INSPECTION Of Ohio's School Finan ces Is Wanted. Following statement will explain tho willful misrepresentation in tho nbnve article: To Whom H May.Oqncern: 1 have examined the records on flic in my office nnd tind that the Akron Democrat Company deposited in the Akron Savings Bank, September 15, 1000, a check of The Nervita Medical Co., for f3!., and that ha id check was never lctunied to us. (Signed.) AAIn,V WA,GOXUn, Cashier of Coutral Salugs Bank. To Make a M in Toe the Mark. T6 take both tobacco and coffee uwny from a man seems pictty tough, but the doctor ordeied me to quit both as my health 'was very poor, and I had got wheui I could do but llttlo n ork. About a mouth after quitting I com menced on tobacco again becauso 1 could hardly stand It. I got along Without the coffw for the, iea-on that I had taken up I'ostum Food Coffee, which I found very lellshing to ( tho appetite, and wonderfully beneficial. 1 Imvo gained tweuty-tlye pounds by Its ubo, and today I am a well man. I discovered lu this way that it a"b the old fashioned cqffeo that hint me unil not the. tobiieco. When I llvst tiled Postuiu I did not relish It, but found that It was not made light, that is, they did not boll It loug enough. Next time It cflme to tho tnblo It was flneandlhavnbeenuslngltover hlnce Sir Fletcher, an old soldier of this place, was troubled with dyspepsia, I told him of my experience and my cure nnd told him to quot coflee. and use Postuiu Food Coffee. This, was some time ago. I saw him yesterday and he told me ho had not felt better In twenty years and nothing would Induce him to go bnck from Postum to tho use of cotnon coffee He had tho snmo trouble lu getlng it made right tp start with. John Asehfod of Dillon was nlso troubled with dysyicpsln. I told him of my cure by thu use of Postum Fond Coffee, nnd warned him to bo careful In having the Postum cooked long enough when he did try it. Today ho is perfeotly well and hid nppetlto neror better. I could give you tho names pf n number of othera who Imvo been bene, filed by using Postum Food Coffee. I believe you nie n true I'lJend of mf ferlng humanity TIiommk Spilng, peavertown, Ohio. (Special Correspondence.) Columbus, O., Jnn. 3D. In response to a question fiom the Prosecuting At loinev' of Wavno county. Attorney General Sheets has rcudwed an opin ion to the effect that section 017 of the Kevlscd Statutes, mrulilng the publi cation of Couuty Commissioners' re ports in two pnilpiiKof geueial circu lation nnd of opposite polities, la the ouly .section applicable to the adver tisement of such leports. Section OS!) provides that election proclama tions and other matteis of public lu- teiest. but, undor the Attorney Gener al's ntllng, not County Commibbloners' leports, may bo published In papers Is sued away trom thu county seat In a town of more than 8,000 inhabitants, if tho county luib one. UOBBKT O. HYDDlt. ' CAPT. WAGONER Of Robinson Brothers & Compa'nv's Immense Plant. Theie will be several changes in the official roster of the American Olny Manufacturing company, fter the first annual meeting which will be held in Jersey City the third Wedues "da y-iiu March. -" ul - Tho changes will not be the result ot any friction In the company. On the contifli-y there is the best of feel Itic between all the officers. The changes will be made at the request of the paities who wtth to retire from mi active Intel e-,t in the corporation. Some time ago it was stated that all negotiations for the purchase of tho independent plants in this city were off. Later a local paper, not the Demo crat, printed a story announcing that KoblnMin Brothers - company would build .in Immense addition to their plant for the piupoec of making a vigorous fight against the combine. Tuesday, a gentleman who is conver sant with the situation said to a re porter for the Democrat- "I dv not believe tlfat Koblnson Brothers & com pany, will build anj large addition at present. I am not at llberyt to say anything as to the negotiations be. tween the American Clay Manufactur ing company and the Independent plants." From another source It was learned that all negotiations for the purchase of tho Akron Independent concerns were not off. That the deal will go through is the belief of many inter ested parties. Should this prove ta be true the general offices on, thn company will remain right where they are. Akron would then be the ce.nter of the Industry and business could bs transacted much more advantageously here than nt Pittsburg. As the situa tion now stands there are many stock holders who do not favor any change, I nthc location of the offices. This will nil be decided at the annual meeting1. The ladles of the First Congrcga tional church will give a social and supper in the church parlors Wednes day, Jan. o0. Supper from 5 to 7 o'clock. Watch the Democrat next Saturday ".there's money in it for you." Newspaper Office Burned. Indianapolis. Jan. 29 (SpU-Tbo office of the Indianapolis Sun iw bnrned out tils morning. Los .$30,- 000, half Insured. The Sun wjll be Issued for the present from the Journal office. The little folks can make money by watching next Saturday's Democrat. V . Is Not Backing IVir. 0. L. Sadler-Makes an In terestrng Statement. Cart. Aaron Wagoner bf)v(ng return ed from his Woehlugtop visit, a pern ocrat reporter ascd'hio) tills morning If the newspaper storl8 were truo that bo Is effecting an organization to control tho Republican nouilnutlon for Mayor this- spring In opposition to tho cholco of the crowd ichicsented by Judge Anderson. Tho Captain mnito a vigorous dental 01 the reports. "I have been credited With being the backer of ex-omiulssipnei' O, L. Sad ler fpr the Mayoralty nomination," said Oapt. Wagoner, "hut I have not oven ko much as had a tnlk with Mr. Sadler. I have no favorite to pay in tho race for tho nomination, nnd am Interested In the same only t;o tho ex tent that every good Bepubllcau ought to be Interested. The announcement thnt I or any other Republican would be able to control tho nomination lor Mnyor this spilng Is all nonsense. The rank and fllo of the party will attend to ttrnt'i n. Pluni For Phillfps, Columbus 6, .ton. yif. (Snli'-iiiMJ-Nqsh tothn appofulRil Gppijd' f, Phil lips of Cleevland, Judgo of tho Com num I'Iciih comt, Third Sub illvMnh fourth Judicial district, lo sin-iccil Judge Frauds J. W big. Tola! School Enrollment Throughout Slate Reported. (Speclnl Couospondcnce.) Colunlbus, O., Jan. 20.-Stnte School Commissioner Bonehiakc, In his annual icpoit, filed with the Governor oday, recommends the enaotment of n law providing for peilodlcal State Inspec tlons of the, condition of school finan ces. He MiggOftts tho appointment of tuiveling inspector to o.NniuIne tho hooks of school bonulb In all paits of the State. The iecnt misapplication of the funds of tho Cincinnati Board of iMucntiou prompted the sugges- tion. Mr. Boqobrakc stiougly favors the establishment of a sjstem of Stuta Normal schools, as contemplated In ttio bill Introduced at tho last session of the Legislature by Mr. Scesc. of Summit county and defeated by a small ma jority In the Houf-o. He compliments highly the 7-lth Gentinl Assembly upon js enactment of oovoral laws provld- Ipg for the betteiment of tho public schools of the State. Tho total enrollment for tho past year was 820,100 pupils, of whom 50, 052 wore students nt High schools. In addition, 7,000 students were reported as enrolled hi colleges, 27,327 In prl. vntQ schools, 2,024 in Stnto institutions and 270 in schools for the denf. Tho Sinn of $U,2(ld,07;t.21 wis expended during the hi the maintenance of llC public M'lll'Olb HOBBRT O, in DB, U7hn urn hvvp cntnpthinp- unusually meritorious which is auite i frequently we want you to knew it. We have decided to give a uniform DM JL h atftth. jik afek nf mjA reBs 1 sHIm HHbv aIAl SB b 9h Glflfl ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF 1 Men's Suits Men's Overcoats Men's Pantaloons Men s Ulsters Rnvs' Suits Boys' Overcoats "- - .1 "- r . 1 Child's Overcoats Child's Suits Child's Pants Child's Reefers Kocn & ..LIlli, ' I . 1 . ' V. JiJ -f- - - ' a'" "fifh