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"wflPiBP 1 fcflpS C PGKiI3fZi9 J? .t-r n . VOLUME NINE, NUMBER 2G2. AKRON, OniO, WEDNESDAY EVEXING, FEBRUARY 20, 1001. PRICE ONE CENT. nearest neighbor. Both may dlo from exposure. SAAE OLD STORY. SMALLPOX SCARE. i Jt RT'fTtT wtvxtttxxt . SUICIDE. AMD PAID WARM It Must be Committed By Two Naughty Chinese Officials. Powers Declare This Is Satisfactory, And Military Expedition Will be Abandoned- Pekln, Fob. 20. (Spl.) The Chinese Peace Commissioners have made a new offer In regard to the punish ment of the guilty officials. It was In response to the ultimatum and was In the form of an inquiry. They asked the Ministers, through their attaches, If the compulsory sul slde of Choa-Hsu-Kino, and Ylug Lion, whose heads are demanded by the powers, would be satisfactory. Receiving a reply in the affirmative, the Chinese representatives said an edict would probably be issued in a day or bo fully complying with the demands regarding punishment. If the edict Is issued the plan' for a military expedition will be aban doned. POPE LEO Has Entered 24th Year of His Pontificate. Romo, Fob. 20. (Spl.) The Pope to day entered the twentyjfourthyear Of his pontificate. Ho is in good health. Deceptions that had been ar ranged for today, however, were post poned on accQiint of cold weather. FIRE BUG Pleads Not Guilty Bound Over to Grand Jury. Canton, O., Feb. 20. (Spl.) Frank Ertle, the alleged Mussillon firebug, was arraigned before Squire Bowman today and pleaded not guilty. Ho waived examination and was bound over to the next grand jury. Ills bond was Increased from $500 to $700. Ertle Is accused of setting lira to his own homo and trying to cremate his wife and family. STORMY RIOT Again Disturbs the Dignity of the Austrian Reichsrath. Vienna, Feb. 20. (Spl.) Tho Reich srath was a scene of riot and dis order today. Czechs stormed the piesldent's tribune and assailed him with missiles. The Czech leader, Kla fac, was injured in a light with a constitutionalist, Baron Wasll, and thero were several other encounters on tho floor. CRUSHED TO DEATH. Entombed In Cave-In of Ore Pile, In Cleveland. Cleveland, O., Feb. 20. (Spl.) Three men were entombed In a cave-In of Iron at the Central blast furnace this morning. An oro pile containing thou sands of tons of ore was frozen solid, and in attempting to blast It out, tbo accident occurred. Two of tho men wero rescued, but tbo 'third, Lee Nageneels, wns crushed to death. WIFE AND BABY Carried Two Miles by Robert Gray Both May Die. Williamsport, Pa., Feb. 20. (Spl.) The framo houso of nobert Gray, near Hlghesvlllo, was destroyed by fire early this morning. Gray carried his wlfo and two-days-old baby two miles through the snow to tho homo of tho The Weather: fair and cold, PROPRIETOR Of Zion Banking Institution Defies Action of Legislature. Chicago, Feb. 20. (Spl.) Dr. John Alexander Dowle, whoso baukiug In stitution Is to be inspected by a com mittee from the Legislature, only de fies the action taken by tbo Lower House, and says ho will not permit his books to be examined, not because he fears the result, but because ho Insists his Zlou City bank Is a private concern and of no Interest to the State. POURING IN FAST Are Contributions to Pay the Saengcrfc'st Bill. Cincinnati, O., Feb. 20.-(Spl.) Mnny people consider the Saungcrfest debt a public one, ami now that all chances for the fight are over, subscriptions are pouring In. The deficit of $75,000 has already b'pen reduced 525,000, and many who bought tickets for the light are contributing money to the fund. To Operate In Barberlon Incorporated at Columbus Wed nesday Morning. (Special Correspondence.) Columbus, 0 Feb. 20. The Incor poration of the Barborton Laud and Hotel Co., of Barberton, was author ized today. The company will oper ato hotels and purchase real estate. The capital stock Is fixed at $50,000, and the Incorporators are F. H. Ad ams, H. J. Blackburn, J. B. Wright, W. A, Johnston and A. H. Commlns. ROBERT O. RYDER. INCORPORATED On Wednesday Morning Was Akron Security Savings Bank Company. (Special Correspondence.) Columbus, O., Feb. 20. The, Secur ity Savings Bank Co, of Akron, was incoiporatcd with $50,Q00 capital stock this morning by Dayton A. Doyle, Charles H. Myers, Homer A. Hine, Salem Kile, Geo. W. Plumer and Ed win Wagner. The company will do a general wiviugs and loan business. ROBERT O. RYDER. Vote for Park bends at special elec tion Saturday. - Adv. Verdict of the Jury In Case of Hamilton, For Murder of Leonard Day. Minneapolis, Feb. 20. (Spl.) The jury which hos been out ever since Monday night In tho case of Hamilton, for tho murder of Leonaid Day. brought in a verdict of manslaughter, at 0:50 this morning. The verdict oc casioned great surpn&Q as it was thought generally thai, tho jury would acquit or disagree. Tho Jury iccom mended mercy. A FARMER'S WIFE Finds a Food That the Children and Grown Folks Thrive Upon. Mrs. Sarah Lesslngpr, near Stuart, Neb., says: "My little girl eight years old. has always been a delicate child, and hos not been able to stay In school long nt a time, for sl)e often fainted and was weak and puny, until last February she had a sick spell, and I begon feeding her on Giape-Xuts food. "I can truthfully say tho result has far exceeded rely expectations. She Is now hearty, well, and. can ruu and play as other childion do. I am trying nn oxpei iment this summer on leaving out meat altogether for breakfast and using Grape-Nuts food Instead. Thus far wo have all been unusually well, and my men folks (wo nre farmers) say that they do not get hungry so quick when thoy use Grapo-Nuts food as they used to, when thoy had meat." It Is a profound fact thot Grape Nuts food will furnish more nourish nirnt to tho pys.tejn, than bread of moat Any onq can prove tho truth of this statement by trial, Are Citizens of To Enforce Demand That Jointists Go. Saloonkeepers Defiant, Refusing to Leave. Mayor Orders All Good Citizens to Arms. Wlufleld, Kas., Feb. 20. (Spl.) In view of the fact that many armed men arrived In AVlnfleld last night from boulerlng towns and the fact that all saloon men are defiant and refuse to leave, It is believed that a battle win ensue today, when the Law and Ordc League commences Its trip over town to rid tho town of saloon fixtures, which have not as yet been removed In compliance with an order sent to proprietois one week ago. So alarming has become tho situation that Mayor Albright Issued a procla mation ordering all good citizens to go aimed and use their best iniluence to prevent bloodshed. The Mayor says the situation Is critical, and ho expects bloodshed unless the saloon men go. No less man 'a thousand temperance people have armed themselves for bat tle. CANTON Tlvir&s the Wheeling and Lake Erie Discriminates. --. Canton, O., Feb. 20. (Spl.) The. lo cal Board of Trade Is investigating the allegations that the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway ls'dlscbaiglng Its local employes with a view to discriminating against Canton. Local officials say theie is no discrimination aiid that the Canton men have been discharged because there is no woik for them. re e WOMAN'S LIFE Man. Akron Women So Declare and Except to the Findings of the Court. Akron women most emphatically ex cept to tho recent findings in the Com mon Pleas Court, that tho life of a man is worth $10,000, and that of a woman $500. It will be remembered that In tho case of Justus Wnluorn who was kill ed in an A. B.& C. railroad wreck, a veullct of $10,000 damages was return ed. In the cat,o of Mn. Mary Halleu, who wns killed in tho same wreck, a verdict of $500 was returned. Both verdicts were sustained by the court. "It is outrageous," said Miss S. A. HIHIs, president of the New Century 1 club. "Tho values fixed are out of all i proportion. A woman's life Is woitb as much' as a man's at any time." Other women Interviewed expressed themselves nd loss forcibly. A few Interviews sufiice to show the feelings of many, follow: Mrs. E. F. Vorls, president of the Monday club Tho finding Is unjust. 1 do not understand how a value u dol- Youngstown's Mayor Instructed by Gov. Nash to Stop Simms-Hamilton Fight Youngstown, O., Feb. 20.-(Spl.) Tho Mayor of this city received a letter this morning, from Gov Nash, Instructing him not to Issue a permit for the Slmms.Hamllton fight, Friday night Prices Becoming Higher and Higher In Klondike Region. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 20.-(SpL)-Ad-vices from Dawion say that puny, frozen oranges) and lemons nre belling for ?0o a box, and candles cost 510 a box, being moro expensive than butter. INDEFINITELY Is Mrs. Nation' In Jail. She Admits This Fact to Toledo Admirers. Toledo, O., Feb. 20. (Spl.) A tele gram was sent Carrie Nation from here yesterday, at tho Instance of the W. O. T. U, asking if it were true that she was coming to Toledo on n "smashing" tour. Mrs, Nation sent tho following laconic reply: "I am in jail Indefinitely." $300,000,000. New York Bankers May Loan That Amount to China. New York, Feb. 20. (Spl.) A story is in eh dilation that looal finauelnl In terests have agreed to loan 300,000,000 to the Chinese government to meet the indemnity demanded by the powers. China figuies on securing financial as sistance fiom Russia, England and tho United 'States. Gift For Brown Universi'y. New York, Feb. 20. (Spl.) It was aunnunced at the annual dinner of the Brown university club, at this city Inst night, that John D. Rockefeller had promised a furtherjglft of 52o0,000 to the University. t BROKEN LEG, t Will-Not interfere- With Removal to His Hpme. Sir. J. n. Selberling, of Jonesboro, Ind., who was Injured by being thrown fiom the carriage of Mr. S. II. Miller, near Barbeiton, last week, will be re moved to his home In a fow days, he broken leg is mending as rapidly as could be expected. a lars and cents can bo placed upon llfo, but as the value Is determined by tho Coiuts, tho vei diet spoken of Is surely unjust. I do not believe a man's life is woitli moro than a woman's that a father's life Is worth more than a mother's. Mrs. Chas. Baird A woman's llfo is worth a good deal more than a man's at any time. Why? Because I am a woman, and for other reasons. Mrs. W. O. Findlcy A woman is tho equal of a man overy time and her ilfo is just as valuable. Indeed, In most cases it Is moro valuable. If the moth- or dies, a family soon goes to pieces, If the father dies, the mother keeps .her chlldi en together; the family is not broken up. With equal opportunities woman would stand on a par with men In any sphere of life. Yet when she Is shut up at homo her time Is worth just as much as a man's llfo. If she is a mother her llfo is worth more to her children than Is the llfo of their father. The Sheriff of Mahoning county has ben ordered to interfere if his ser vices are needed to stop tho fight. Tho Maypr emphatically declares that the fight will bo stopped If any attempt Is made to proceed with It of His Crime. James Tetatton Was Hanged Wednesday. Gave Two Men Five Thousand Dollars To Kill His Step-Mother and Four Children. Kennet, Mo., Feb. 20. (Spl.) Jas. Telatton was hanged here today. He confessed on the gallows that, he had hired two men to kill and burn his step-mother and four children. Tho condemned man claimed that he had paid $5 000 to secure the two men to commit the crime. The muider was the culmination of law suits over tho estate of Telatton's I jatnei. The, crime was committed April 1800. DICK. Name of a New Post Ashtabula. Office at Upon the recommendation of tho Congressman from this district a post office has been established In Ashta bula county the name of which Is Dick. Harry A. McConnell has been appointed postmaster. He was one of those instrumental in securing tho postofflco and in choosing its name. PLEADING For Her Son's Life. Fruitless Call Upon Governor by Fcrrcll's Mother. Columbus, O., Feb. 20.-(Spl.)-Mrs. Tobias Ferrell, of Steubenvllle, ac companied by her younger son, called on Governor Nash yesterday, to make a last appeal for the life of her son, Itosslyu, who Is to be executed March 1, for the murder of Express Messen ger Lane. It was a hopeless appeal, as the Governor was forced to decline to interfere in his behalf. Later, J. L. Cameron, of Marysvllle, one of Ferrell's attorneys called on Governor Nash, but mot with refusal when he asked further clemency. Seven BoJies Recovered. Victoria, B. C, Feb. 20. (Spl.) The seventh corpse has been lcmovcd fiom tho Union mine. All the dead so far were overcome by fire damp. Vote for Park bonds at special elec tion Satuulay. Adv. BOILERS For New Industry Will be Made In Akron. Tho contiact for the boilers to bo placed In tho now plant of the Cuya hoga lion & Steel Co., has been awarded to Tho Brlggs Boiler Co., of this city. It Is expected that the mill will be In operation by the first of June. Other contracts will bo award ed In a fow days. Vote for Park bonds at special elec tion Saturday. . Adv. N. O. T. BADGES Furnished to Rapid Transit Con ductors and Motormen. On Wednesday morning, tho conduc tors and motormen on the Rapid Tian. sit Hues wero supplied with N. O. T. badges. Tho painting of Rapid Transit cars a color to conform that of N. O. T. cars, Is uow all that remains to ho doue to reiuovo the Impression that there are two companies here. By spring all cars will bo the samo color. Vote for Park bonds at special elec tion Saturday. Adv. rhe Penaltv 3,500 People Have Been Vacci nated at Williamsport, Pa. William-sport, Pa., Tob. 20.-(Spl.)-Tho small-pox scare ir. unabated. An outbreak of the dlfieaw has occurred at Proctorvllle, fourteen miles from Loyalsockvllle, where the epidemic originated. A young girl carried the germs to Proctorvllle. During the past twenty-four hours over thirty five hundred persons In Williamsport have been vaccinated. REUNION Of Brother and Sister, After Separation of 20 Years. - Ravenna, O., Feb. 20. (Spl.) Carl Wllllson of Pittsburg, today visited his sister, Mrs. J. O. Sharif, of this place, after a sepaiation of 20 years. They were left orphans In Infancy and placed In a Cleveland orphan age. Carl was adopted by a Mr. Turner, of Pittsburg, and at the age of seven yeais the sister left tho asylum. She afterwaid married Mr Scbarlf, who recently began an investigation to decided Wednesday to make the al locate Carl, who had not been heard , sessments to be paid by candidates tho from since the parting. His efforts wore rewarded and a happy reunion today was the result. GROWING. Brotherhood of Church of Christ. Men's First The Men's Brotherhood of tho First Church of Christ, though but lately organized with a membership of CO, has already Increased to 75 members. Its constitution provides that any Christian may become an active mem ber, and any man an associate mem ber. It Is the aim of the brotherhood to give a lecture at least once a month,41Ieved tna Ur. Doyla will be noml- tho main speaker being from abroad, and the rest of tho entertainers select ed from local talent FIVE HOUSES Being Erected at Kcnmore More to Come. The Akron Realty Co., has com menced the erections of flvo residences at Kenmorc. As soon as these are com. pleted a number of others will be built. It is anticipated by the men who are pushing the proposed town to the front that they will be able to lease all the housos which are built The new car line will pass directly thiougb the village. Vote for Park bonds at special elec tion Saturday. Adv. CQQQ3QO&3Q0QQQQQQ0OCQ0QGQCCCQQQQQ0Q0QO0O3QQQCQSG3QO0 b 6tnniisssnrg 1 o b m a b MJ'3 b s H Vt ba xav S a B EB tRsB S 8 The City Commissioners havo designated, the J3 following places at which voting booths shall bo o open for the tark Bonds Election, Saturday, Feb- o ruary 23 : First Ward, Church and Main streets, jj Second Ward, No. 2 Engine House. Third Ward, North Main street, Fourth Ward, Beech and Howard streets. Fifth Ward, Crosby and Maple streets. Sixth Ward, Locust and Cedar streets. Seventh Ward, Bartges and Main streets. Eighth Ward, Sumner and Voris streets. GCXX5CwG0OCK3OOCOCK0OCKraca(Xra Campaign Is Get ting a Start. Blizzard Doesn't Keep Candidates at Home. Republicans Open Head quarters Thursday. Adopted Democrat's Scale o Assessments. The Republican City commltte-j will ' opon headquarters In the Abbey block, i in tnc rooms occupied by the County ' committee last fall, Thursday. It was same as was fixed by the Democratic committee. For Mayor, $50; Solicitor, $30; Justice of the Peace, $20; Con. stable, $10; Council and School Board, $5. There is a livening up of matters political all along the line. Democratic and Republican candidates have their coats off. City Commissioner A. T. Paige was hustling around the South End yesterday and last night with Mr. John Koerber. Hon H. C. Sanford and W. B. Doyle Esq., did not let the bliz zard keep them at home. Mr. O. D. ' Capron Is taking the campaign moro easily than any others In the race, but is almost as hopeful as Col. Sanford. Among Republicans generally It Is be- nated. Republicans have not yet found & candidate for Justice of the Peace. 'Squire John Vaughn has paid his as sessment and 'Is In the. race for tho" Democratic nomination. Mr. Clarence Baker, of the North End will probably 6e in tho race for Constable. Messrs. Walter T. Flower and W. E. Langdon are prospective Republican candidates for Council In the Third ward. The former Is now a member of the Library board. Vote for Park bonds at special elec tion Saturday. Adv. Vote for Park bonds at special elec tion Saturday. Adv. Leading crat. evening paper tho Demo- Vote for Park bonds at special elec tion Saturday. Adv. ?i U l1 m i 3 . ' i y. Ifl ttrxa&ii 4vw ,iV.rt amM. ,i mft WjlMMHHhfft -"J - -" e -