Newspaper Page Text
iV- y f,w -nif r rwW' ""wrwhi ;Jj, vrvr!'pw-tmrn AlCliON DAXLf DWMOCmAT. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1901 JW " $B -rv -a. i$$ greoplft Imuran Iff I t0 YOU BPv 1'OUK WANTS 'YOUIt WANTS YOUIl WANTS YOUU WANTS Will be received for publication In the Doinoera, by mall, tele phone, or personal application. -O- 24 WOUDo 24 WOKDS 24 WOKDS . 24 WOUDS Can bo put Into four lines. In writing your want ndveitiso- uioiits, please follow this tulc. -O- 4 LINES. !1 TIMES. 25 CENTS. 4 MNES. 3 TIMES. 25 CENTS. 4 MNES. 3 TIMES. 25 CENTS. 4 KINGS. 3 UIMbd. 25 CENTS. -O- KINES. LINES LINES LINES. MONTH. $1.50. MONTH. 51..ri0. 1 MONTH. $1.50. 1 MONTH. $1.50. female ftelp &$anted WANTED Widow or married lady to engage In profltnule employment on commission. Address G. E.. care Dcmocint olllce. U1-2C3 WANTED A young .ady of neat ap pearance ns companion nnd to as sist me In my. business. Will travel extensively. Address, J. C. enre this office. 201-203 WANTED A young lady of neat ap pearance ns companion and to nsslst mo in my business. Will tiavel ex tensively. Address J. 0., care this ofllce. 201-203 WANTED A good second girl at onc at No. 121 N. Forge st. 212 tf Male Ji dp tenanted The.Pastuio Stock Food Co., 324 Times Building, Chicago, offers $15 per week nui' 10 per cent, on all sales for a man vlth horso and -buggy to Bell Pasturo Stock Food. 250-103 WANTED A first class carriage blacksmith. Steady work. Collins Buggy Co. 202-tf WANTED A boy to learn the barber trade. 135 N. Howard st 200-200 WANTED A boy over 15 years of age to lenrn the photo-engraving trade. A first-class chance for a good, will ing boy who is not afraid of work. Apply with parent or guardian at S. & O. Engraving Co., 705 East Mill st 201-203 WANTED A ninn desiring n Rood homo cheap to take his wlfo up to 140 Dayton st, look nt a bcautlfiil littlo home with barn, l4 acres of .and. with fruit trees, etc Then go 10 357 S. Main st, for particulars. This Is a rare chance. Don't neg lect It. 235 tf Wanted WANTED One largo furnished room or two In suite, bath, furnace nud gas essential, suitable for two young gentlemen; vicinity enst of Adolph avo., with board preferred. Ad dress II. 0., this ofllce. 202-201 WANTED By ninn nnd wife, three or four unfurnished rooms, heated, for light housekeeping. Address N. Y. Z., Democrnt ouice. 231-tf WANTED A position by an oxperT enced lady stenographer; good refer ences. Address ., enre Democrat Ofllce. 201-203 WANTED-50 .people to buy homes. Call on G. W. Grldley, 48 Centiai building. 'Phono 510. Res. 054. 252-tf WANTED-Three or four uufurnlshed rnnms wiMiln kIt- mlmitne nll iwitv ' Cor, Market and Main. Addicss No. 4, enro Democrat tf WANTED House of 4 or live rooms, must bo flvo minutes' wnlk from O'NeU's store, nnd rent must be mod crate. State price and where locat ed. Address o. F. S,, care of Dem ocrat, tf WANTED To rent or buy n modern 0 or 7 room liouso In good location. Will pay six months' rent In ad vance. T. K. Albaugh, at the Grand Opera Homo 250tf WANTED-Four roomer- op S.TlabT ot, good location. Addiess Dumocint efflco. it WANTED Three roor.-s on giotiud Hoof, for" light liDUst-kjcplug; no chll (It rli. Aild.i'KH A It C IJoiiiociU olllco, BUSINESS nnd tiro.essloiial men to (julrlng tliu services of u bookkeeper, weekly, tnou'tlily. Hi'inl-nnminll." nnd annually, addicss (. XV'., earo of tho Domociut. 218 tf ANTED To buy a good as or 8uven room house with bam. Terms 51(H) cash and bnlnnce 10 per month. Address House, Democrat. 201-200. A REAL ESTATE BARGAIN Is 150 Doytou St.. North Hill, nt $1700. Good 7 room house, und barn; 14 acres of land with good fruit trees on It. Don't overlook this, but call nt 357 S. Mnln St., npd Investigate. iMOtf fi'or RsM FOIt UDNT Seven room house, -102 West Exchange st. 0. A. Hollowny. 200 tf. FOlt RENT Store loom nt 129 N. Howard st. Itoom 20x00, with sec ond floor and good sized cellar. Will fix to suit renter. Enquire at 131 N. Hownrd st. 202-3w FOR RENT Store room, 1410 S. Main st., 10 rooms with building, gas and wnter. Good bain. Inquhc promises. 201-203. Rooms for Rent FOU RENT Four rooms, Ave minutes from Union depot. Modern improve ments. Enquire 211 Bluff. 200-203 FOR RENT A fronf furnished room, all modcrp convinces, for one or two gentlmen, nt No 121 N. Forgo street. ICO tf Jpecla! J'qUc$s WHITEWASHING iinUl)atch'ilg. Or ders fiLiit to 110 S. High st or Tel. 41-1, A. T. 1-lcket . NK'S'tf PAINTING Get the best "and chap est painter and paper hanger ami get your wdHs done early. C. P. Ames, 120 N. Summit bt. People's telephone 20. 2G2-2SS VAULTS Sewers nnd cisters cleaned and built; nlso closets for sale. Ad diejs mall, H. J. Biankenhagen, Ak ron, O. 'Phono 1107. 258-2S3' READ! GREAT RARGAIN! READ! Aie you looking for the best real es tato baigaln ever otTeied?, Call nt No. 357 S. Main st., and get f u'l particulars. A good seven room liouse nnd bain. 1'4 acres of Ian.: with all kinds of fruit ticcs. Property Is located nt No. 140 Dn.iton St., Noith Hill. If. sold Imme diately. $1,000 will buy this property. A REAL ESTATE BARGAIN Is 150 Dayton st, North Hill, nt $1700. Good 7 room house, nnd barn; lyj acres of land with good fruit trees on It. Don't overlook this, hut call nt 357 S. Main St., nnd investigate 240-tf . READ! GREAT BARGAIN! READ! Are you looking for tho best lcnl es tate bargain ever offered? Call at No. 357 S. Main st., and get full particulars. A good seven room liouse nnd barn. IVi acres of land with all kinds of fruit trees. Property Is located at No. 140 Dayton st. North Hill. If fold Imme diately, $1,000 will buy this property. SPECIAL NOTIOU. The United States Building & Loan Co., on" of Akron's strongest and mbst substantial flnnnclnl Institutions, linn a limited amount of pa d up and running Stock to dispose of at $101 per sharp. This Company has a oald In capital of over $500,000.01) with mote than $1. 000.000.00 of approved hfccurltles upon teal estate. Sx per cent. Imprest Is paid upon both classes of stock; Foil'- to flva per cpnt. Is paid upon tlmo deposits. " If you havo money to Invest or deposit, call nnd see Us. Money also loaned on, voal es tato on most lavornble termi. W. C. Mai pic Sec. Under Hotel Buchtcl A REAL ESTATE BARGAIN, Is 150 Dayton st, Noith Hill, nt $1700. Good 7 room house, nnd barn; l'i ncres of land with good fruit trees on It. Don't overlook this, but call at 357 S. Mnln st nnd Investigate. 240-tf for Jala WANTED Wo made n'lot of sales last year disposing of nearly every thing on our list. If you have prop erty of nuy description to rout, sell or trade, list It with tw at once ns we wish to be ready for' our spring tiade, Money to loan. "'P.--P. Bock & company, 220 S, Howard -st. FOR SALE xlousts, rang Mg'111 nilees 11 0111 800 to $14,000. J. O. Kapp. 417 E Mill st. KlS-tf THE BRUNER, GOODHUE COOKE COMPANY. Oldest Abstract ofllce In the county, Established 1870. Our cxporlenco grirnuteps a correct Abstract pf Title. Prices reasonable, Prompt service. 215 South Mnln at- 'Phone 15. FDR SALE-AT A liXUQi 1N- 207 N .Valley. . . . t $2300 20!) N. Valley, $2100 20010 N. Valley $2500 223 E. Funi nee. ,,.,,, $1150 These prices now, not aftor a while, will buy. EDWIN' WAGNER, Dec. 10 tf Everett building, FOR BALE Oil EXOHANUE-Ulll sell lot on (jJiown nve.f or exchange far lioilse and lot n good location and pny dirfctoiicii. Addicts 0, K cnto Democrat OIIIm. 155 tf. FOIL SALE-Stock of groceries nt In voice In Rood btihliirsK loentlon; 111 health tlio cause of selling. Address 0. 13. M., carp Democrat 200-207 FUR HALE-The only foe left oti Blown live. Will null ehtnp If sold soon. AddrosB F. V., Democrat Olllco. ir.r tf. T FOR SALE--43 acres of Innd. second liottutn, two m I Ion loiith of Umlaut,; new liousi', irici $1500; $200 down, balance In ten years, i.oioy Munou.' Anno. ' 2P5-201 vt FORSALELotl.2::0!itid2.-.l In bwelt kit mid Stulucr'H .illotmcnt. seend utitlt.oli to City ol Akron. ii'Jiictitin'iits to a tiiitn who will Iniild. Kmiulie of E .( Hoskln, 103 1 Wills nve. or Democrat olllco. Tel. 1 i KitJ-tf KOH SAI.K OH UKNT Fuctory build ing on Wnter st., ctpilpped with 70 lioine power bollei. ungluo, electric light plant, otc. DlKiullo at 223 9. Howard st. 10!)-tf FOR SALE-By Bruner-Goodhuo- Cooke Co. 113 Bluff St., lot 40x125, carpet cleaning plant. See us about this us it Is for snle nt a bargain. Oil Miami st., 5 rooms, well nnd els tcin. $1000. 225 Second nvc., lot 50x150, 0 rooms, cittern, $1200. 222 Third ave., lot 50x150, 0 rooms, cistern, $1200. 100 Uuson St., 7 rooms, well and cistern, $1700. lfiOVi Gale st, 5 rooms nnd barn, cheap. $1450. 5S5 W. Exchange St., 0 roonls, lot 50x210, $1800. 1SS Lods St., 0 rooms, well and cis tern $1550. 183 Lods st.,'0 rooms, well rind cis tern. $1400. 003. W. Exchange, good location, only $1000. 109 Livingston, dnmaged by Are, will sell at once nt a big bargain, largo lot nnd bain. 205 Fouith ave., 0 rooms, $1000. 203 BUI St., 7 rooms. $1200. 410 N. Mnplo st, an Al place, $1000. Nice place on Chnrles St., cost $1500, will sell for $1200. Nice place on W. Market, near end of car line, $1400. Fine lot corner Balch and S. Mnple, $S10. Nice lot on NIcman st, cheap for cash $175. 559 W Exchange, 7 rooms, lot 51x 135, $2200. 2 four room houses on Harter ave., each $S50. 101 Bruner st, 7 rooms, lot 00x125, $1500. 138 Bnlch fit o' rooms, $2000. 577 W. Exchange, nice home, $1500. Lot on Balch St., 40x125, $200. 500 W. Thornton. 8 rooms. $2500. Elegant lot W. Market, corner Hul bert ave., $2000. We have a lnrge number of new places on onr books; nlso vacant lots In till parts of city. Money to loan. Bruner-Coodhtie-Cooko Co., 232 South Mnln st. Foil SALE-A ' " ' - .. tliree chnir combina- tlnn, three looking-glass bather out- fit; complete supplies. It is worth $3D0, but owing to business change will sell for $100 to Immediate pur- chaser. Call or nddrcss Lest Al.Ins, 1121Vi S. Main St., Akron. 202-2C0 FOII SALE-25-hoiso power New York Sa-.'ety engine. 10 h. p. Westlnghouso upright engine; 00 light dynamo. steam pump, large double door bate'. Euiulre at 223 S. rlownrd st. lontf FOR SALE-Nlrie room house, Kllng m.i a rjAuu.iuKi-. iiu Luiii.iv-u uu nrnuiKcii tor two iiuiiiiiua; iow price to .illicit nuyer. , -t-none 10--. Mi tr jssJ LOST A liver and whito colored pointer bitch; wore collar. with name plate, when last seen. Suitably J-nwnwir.! f rnt,,'.-,..i tn'iiQ nr 114 o i....o t om.on-j LOST Two bunches of keys. Finder please loturn to tho Americau Dis trict Teleginpli Co. , LOST A heavy, green horso blanket, between Akron and' the Old Wall Homestead southwest of Wadsworth. Finder return to Akron Denioerat nnd receive reward. '202-tf LOST A coal fork on Mnrkot st or Glendalo ave. Finder plensfe return to Botzum Feed stoio, Mnln st, and receive reward. 201-203 aching and JtorSrvj WANTED Pneklug nnd stoiiug. Fur nituiea specialty. Kiatz's Furniture Store, 140 S. Howard st. People's phono 042. Sept.24 Men 2 purmiura Repaired C. W. CHAMBERLAIN, upholsterer, Leather woik n specialty, Repairer of all kinds of furniture. Feather nintti esses made to order. Feathers steam lenovnieu. uoouh cnucti ror nnd dell voted. 170 O. U. Phono 1229. N Howard st Monay to ,oan NEA LOCATION. On and after Monday, Nov 12, 1 will be located in room No H02, at tho New Hamilton Bu Idlug Chas. J. Haxon, Real Cstato and L.ocna, rVfOIMEV TO LOAN. uu uouhuiioid guotl, ,iiJiiu8, drguiu. hoi sos. wagons, etc., u suinn of $5, $10, $15, $2.) and .ipwnids at tho very lowest rates. Property left In your puMiibRlou. You can pay the money back In small monthly pay mHits nml each payment so made reduces both principal and Intsiest Cnl. and .11- vestlgnle Olllco bonis fiom 1) to 11 n, m., J;30 to 5 p .m., and from 7 to In tho evening. U C. KILLER, room 14, ARCADBBLOCK $50,000 TO LOAN Tho Homo Building & Loan Association Has funds which It will loan on np proved real estato or collateral se curity. This money will he placed nt from 0 per cent to 7 per cent Interest, and pilvllcgc Is Riven to lepay the n mount borrowed weekly, monthly or semi-nil-nu'ally, or will ronke n "ftrnlglit loan for a period of yents, willing for pay ment of tho Intel est only. We think our system most favorable to tho borrower nnd Invite your atten tion If you wish money for any pur pose. W, 0. Hall, Soeietary. Olllce, Cor S. Howard nnd Mill sts., Tel 122. - -tf 2(10 tf. $45,000 to Loan on Furniture, Etc. PHI VATIC LOAN'S 01" V6), TO.'Vw If on owo ndclit which you mul it In convoiilont to piiv nil nt onci-. or It you ouo n iiutiilx-r (if (Mlti'iciit :ii-ch mul ulfth lo ki'I rlil of tliu rmlmrnsamijiit, o ulll furnish .toil tluiiiioiivy to pxy tlii-m nil off mill J ml run iny m tho monoy liiict In miiiiII weekly or inonfhh pity lrn-nt". Kvory pnyincnl no iniiilo redut-OJ prlnUpitl unci lutftrntt, m in not to mlii li from your ouriiliitdi Wo lllluniiou trout ti tv J-'iOo on your Kurnlturo, , 11111103, OIUus, btoro nnd Hnloon V xl tiros, Homos, w fiK'ii!. Dlitinondf, I.lio Inaurnnce 1 ollclrs. nntt other good at'curltlos,' Loans made the same day and date asked lor. Ijonna mnile lit evorr pnrt of Hitmmlt county. KXTIIA. TIMK In enso .if slcfc-n-fct, iienth or loss of t'mployuit-iu- It you cnimot cull, write or phono l'coplos 6, nnd we will rnll (.otsonnlly ltli monoy. All Goods loft In your posses sion without removal. I 193 S. HOWARD ST. Orenlng every evenine unt 1 9 o'e'oci. Ground Floor. 1 door North of Milt. This house will not fall, but the prfco has droppod. A hou-to nnd lot in Akron Unit rents for $50 per year for $300 cush. A. D. ALEXANDER, HAMIL.TON BLOCK egal Jfotices our GARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL ES- JTATE, , , ' House, barn qgdjtwoacrds or grouna on Home ave."" i I tl mil'Ctthtltn f9 n t- nttflnki s4 1i" .. inuouuuiu ui 'HI umi-i Ul liiu . Probate court of Stunmlt county, -" I ..... v.w W nt public nuctloh, ' on Satuidny, the 2nd day of March, 1C01, at two 1 0 clock p in., at the west door of tho Couit House, In said county, the fol- lowing described real estate, situato In the city of Akron, county of Sum- mlt nnd State of Ohio, and known as ' part of lot No. 4 In tract number uluo , 0)- '""''iS a stone, set at tho nortmasi co iicr or a tnree acre tract deeded by Kezlnb France to David . ?"" . Intu neJ..f. "!e ?; nntign rnus nun anuuieuury roau (Home nventic); thence south SS de: gn ok 25 minutes west nlong the north line of said three acre tract 7.40 ynnins; iiifuce uorin u acgrcc n ram- utcs east along tue east line or a two acre tract deeded to Alexander, T....n.. n IfZ 41. -- AUt. 00 v itiiiui.', M.uti uiuiiun, lui'ucu nui in oo degrees 20 minutes cast nbout 7.00 chains to the road center; thenco in said road center south 1 degree 40 ginning and contains two acres of mnci, oe tne same more or less, sun ject to all local lilKhwa.vs. Subloct to a convevaneo to Lucv A. Friinpp. or o nnu for toad purposes. Terms of sale Not less than ono- third cash In hand, balance In not more than two equal payments, due from iTdav'of" "Z ThnTofS fiom the daj of sale. The deferiPd pnyuionls to bo secured by mortgage on the premises and to bear Intoiest fiom day of sale, payable annually Appialbed at ?ooo. JOHN SATTLER. Guardian of Fred Brnntlgan. Welsh & Sawyer, attorneys for Pirr. Feb. 7-14-21-28. GRADUATE Of Western Reserve University Died at Cleveland. J. B. Meiiam. aged 74, a well known icsldent of East Cleveland, suffered a stroke of apoplexy on entering the unon depot yesterday at noon. Ho- gan & Co.'s ainbulancu was called, but he died before tho Oleveinnd General hotpltnl could bo 1 cached. Mr. Moilam was Just on the point of taking n train for Toledo, where he was going . 1 - m r a . to attend a . M. O. A. eonfe.ence. The dpeeased was well known as a prominent member of tho older group of Cleveland citizens and business men. He has been Ideutilled with the growth . . ... ,, ... , , and prosperity of the city since about 1848. - Twenty years ago he was ne- cpunted among the most wealthy bus- . . . . ,le6H men of Clevelandlint sincn timt t . . . 8ffcied (lnanelnl I0..creM T"" lle ' , , , , , na"clM toorses n,ld mucl1 of 1,ls tune had meltPd away. Some of his losses were In- c.umd In an attempt to hold out In a ,,,., unInat fh0 StnniIll..H ftll rn tight ugninst the Standnrd Oil Co. Ho was born In Randolph, 0 In 1827. no wus" educated at Western Reserve college, then located In Hud- ior Jam r7v m :' 1 VTZZ s jWSL Huuue !, j L.-ir,.TM(.fc,, ii .V1M t iKCH EMaitlldUMUaS i ion,'nnd was graduated with tho "class of '49. POLITICS At Cuyahoga Falls Beginning to Warm Up Some Announcements 'Made. Cuyahoga FallB citizens have begun t othrow their coats and pitch Into tho spring campaign. The "wet" clement loudly nfflrtns that It will overflow sulllcluntly to sub merge every "dry" candidate and the dry element declares vociferously that It will stretch forth Its hands nnd dry up the enemy, providing a walk over on dry land. Messrs. Thomas Francisco and Louis Ulm nre slated for Council by'yril 8uth. tho bnloon advocates. Mr. E. M. ' Vor detailed Information Inquire of neatest ticket agent, or addiens. Young Is also mentioned as a "wet" j p. Campbell, D. 1. A., 42 Cnrew candidate for re-election, but he do-' nulldlng, Cincinnati, O.. C. E. John son, D. P. A., 021 Park building, 1'itts- cllnes to become a candidate upon any burg( 1n or Jag Ci 1,onUi Kt.Ilt.ra grounds, feeling that he bos been a Solon long enough. No announcement has yet been made of candidates who yearn to carry the banner for prohibition. It Is stated the Rev. W. F. Crispin will take a hand In the light at the Falls. T !,.. ol-or... ,,Cn,1 TTnWo Hnnn. ' D 1 and Tar cough medicine, and think. it the best In the world," says Chas. Bender, n newsdealer of Eric, Pa. Nothing else as good. J. M. LuUct J. Lamparter & Co.. A. Warner. 1 Furnished by the Abstract Title Guarantee and Trust Company, No. 22(1 South Mnln st) Lottie M. Crabtrco to William n. Washer, 15 feet N. Howard st, 0000. Wesley H. Quagg to abel L. Sau vain, 41.25 feet West Excbango st, Fiank M. Mctzler to Mary A. Mc Gulre, 120 feet Bowery st, $1300. Allison F. Huut to Nelllo H. Hunt, ua n , , i a t,n reCt btUltZ St.. 61. D burn. 47- feet Noiton st. $1 Orrln W. Baum to Wm. M. Graham, 50 feet, Byers ave., $1. Heirs Juliana Seizor to Julia Wolf, 12 lots northwest city. SI. John McNnmnra to J. H. Zook, 50 feet Hopocan avo., Barberton S00. Elmer Saxo to Tho E. A." Henrv ' WIpb MmiBnr. nvnhnm mils. Sfiooo. - -- Homer Smith to A. W. Poe, 2.0d ., . tJ , ,, ;, " xo,ns,p. ,ou. uumm w. uoiiger to ueoro j. war- ncr 00 feet West Market st, $2200. MnrQ,inlI WnlMlnBft tB . , , ....-..... ,.w.0.UVv. v .....w vl Harris, 50 feet, Gctz ave., $1175. Fatal delays aio caused by experi menting with cougli and cold cures. Foley's Honey and Tar will prevent a cold from resulting In Pneumonia. J- sl- I-nor, J. Lair.puiter ii .Co. A. Warner. Engine Tested. The Metropolitan Ore engine which nnived Monday was tested Wedn&day afternoon. Water was thrown 23o feet, Full steam pressure vas obtained Ufcj minutes after the Are was lighted. I EBI A Nev Back For an Old One How It Is Done In , Akron. Sometimes tho back achos with a, dull ludeseilbnble feeling, making yon weary and lestless; sometimes pain shoots lUTOss the region of the kidueys and again the lotus aro so lame to ,i,ti I.-. 1 it 11 NT a tttn ttiitlilit(v tltA b k n thls C01ldt0I1, you eaaot reach the rnuso. To exchange an old back for a new and stronger one. fol. low "l example of this Akron citizen. I Mr. Henry Gheen of 21U Hickory ft., 6tallnimry nBll1eer, $ny8. ... Kidney Pills cured my backache and joned and strengthened my kidneys 1 before procuring Uiem from Lampar- ter & Co''f' A Btore anA ,,n,U,"B tho treatment I had n dlsngiceablo sensat t,on , , bnc,. of neck ,n addl. t!on to other symptoms of weakened and Irregular kidneys. Doan's Kidney nllln ..A...A..A.l ll.Ann ,IIW 4 PHI" removed those symptoms nnd 1 """t too strongly express my conn- (lfn(,p ,n t,J0 en,ei, Thpy. mvo ,.e. Sp0,ied piomptly whenever I resorted to them on tho slightest appearance of lumbago." 1 Sold for 50 cent? n bos. Foster-MIl I burn Co.. Buffalo, N, Y., solo ngenis I for tho U. 8. llnmhmlims tit a nmtin rinnn'a I IIVIMKMIIIVI tllU UUlUVl WU" HI and tnko no other. . ...AA4.&Arf,AAi.AAAAAyitX Record Breaking Runs Being Aade on P. & W. R. R. Trains on tho P. & W. "railroad have recently been making. epmo very fancy runs. Not long ago one bf".tl)o fast Cleveland trains traveled CC miles -In one hour. Two stops' wero mode and there was one slow dovn forn cross ing. On another occasion this train broke tho iccoid between New Castle Junction and Pittsburg, making tho run In on hour and 34 mlriutes. with Railroad HoUc&s .. WESTEUN RATES REDUCED. Greatly teiluyed one-way tales will be In etlect fiotn Chicago via the Wis consin Ceutiul Italhwiy to points In Minnesota, Noith Dukotu, Montana, Idaho, Oiegon, sVashington und Brit ish Columbia each Tuesday, couimenc-Iiil- l'cbiuurv .2th and comlnutiu: until pashenger agent, Milwaukee, Wis. VERY LOW RATES. To western points, Feb. 12, 10, 20, March 5, 12, 10 and 20, via Erie It. It. Don't full to see W. E. Langdon, agent QUICK EXCURSIONS 10 FLORIDA. What a delighttut change and tiani- foimation Is auorded by a winter trip fiom the Northern belt to Florida, the ,u"" ul luc luuguuuu unu IJaiUteiHI. The Erie laiiroad auu Its connecting glcat lalway sj.6tt!1118 south with their swift bervleo of. modem and palatial trains hae made It yosslble to place the climate of Florida to the doo:& uf shivering humanity 01 the North In a few hours' time and at remarkably small expense. A charming trip from banks of snow, raging blizzards and 1 zero atmospLere to a mimmer laud, with open Holds and luxuriant vegeta tlnn nhminri in. tvlth tvrt,f,il fiilf- floweis and singing birds. It seems lm. possible to imagine that within our own boundaries such 11 winter para dise exists so accessible, being reacheu 60 'quickly and with such ease and com fort. Round trip and one way tickets by the various routes to Fldrlda anil other Southern winter resorts, arc on sale at all coupon ticket offices of the Erie Rallioad company tit surprisingly low rates and liberal privileges. Maps, folders aud any additional in formation will be cheerfully furnished upon application In person, or by letter to Mr. W. E. Langdcn, ticket agent of the Erie Railroad company. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE I via an leaning lines at lowest rates, I Cnl-'o :nll H...l ...- , InfonnntIon chcer juHy sIvon l)pon np; plication to C. D. Honodjc, ticket agent, union depot CHEAP RATES TO CALIFORNIA. February 12th and each Tuesdny thereafter, until and Including April 30th, special low rate colonist tick ets will be sold via the Southern Pa- elflc company's "Ogdon" nnd "Sunset" ,oulL3 lo "" i'u '" uiaiuium. x uu Kill- i ill uc. i iuui guiv.iHu, sn- fiviin Rt T.nnls Momnhla nm Nv Orleans, $27.50; fiom Omaha. Kansas City, etc., $25. Conespondlug iw tates fro mall other points east 1 nn,i nrri, ' , por nnfl dotnIIefl ,nfop- matlon pertaining to tue Soutlinrn Pacific company's routes, and theso special rates to California, call upon or address W. H.-.Connor, O. A.. S. P. Co.. Chamber Commerce building. Cincinnati. Ohio; G. G. Honing O. A., S. P. Co., 711 Park building, Pitts burg, Pa. $30 00 CHICAGO TO CALIFORNIA. PORTLAND. SEATTLE. TACO--" MA AND PUGET SOUND. Chicago Union Pacific nnd North Western line. Tickets on sale each Tuesday. Feb. 12 to April 30. Short- est time en route. I'luest scenerv. Dally tourist's car excurs.ons person- ally conducted seml-weekly. Forties- etSj ,nstrntcd pamphlet and full In- formation Inquire of nearest ticket agent or address Chicago Western Ry. &. North TOURS TO TnE TROPICS. Every week an Atlas Line Steam ship leaves New York for Tort LI mon, Costa .Rica via Jamnlca. The trip of one of these fine sto'amcrs Is replete with Interest. The Island of' San Salvador, discovered by Colum bus In 1402, Is the flist land sighted after leaving New York harbor, then Fortune Islands, then the eastern coast of Cuba and then Jnmnlca. The ship stops two days at Kingston, but tho passenger may, If he wishes, stop over until the following steamer, or longer If desired. Jamaica will not fall to interest the visitor for nn extend ed peilod. Continuing the' voyage across the Carrlhean sea. Tort of Co lombia', South America, Is tho next stop. Then comes Cnrthngena, the old Spanish stronghold of the new world, with Its magnificent harbor and Its fine old walls and churches. Next Is Greytown, Nicaragua, where the canal Is to be built, and. lastly, Port Llmnn, Costa Rica, where the cargo of coffee, spices nnd bananas Is taken on for tho ictiirn trip. Such n. voyage mny be made In less than thirty dnys for tho round trip nnd nt 0 surprisingly low cost. Write Mr. W. E. Langdon, ticket agent Erie railroad, for particulars,. $30 CHICAGO TO PORTLAND. SE ATTLE, TACOMA AND NORTH PACIFIC COAST, Vln Chicago & Northwestorn railway, optional routes vln St Pan) or Omnhn. Tickets ou sale rpch Tuesday. Feb 12 to April 30. Shortest tlmo en routo. Fiuest scenery. Dally tourist car ex cursions personally condivteij Eoml- four stops and five slow orders. Tho heavy eight wheel engines that haul the through B. & O. express trains have not been behind In record smashing, On one occasion, when the limited was run over the V. tc L. E., owing to a wreck on the P. & W. lino, the seven car train was rushed through from New Castlo Junction to Pittsburg In 50 minutes. Tho distance between there points 13 54 miles. weekly. For tickets. Illustrated pata phlets and full information Inqulie of nearest ticket agent or address Chica go & Noi tli western By., 127 The Ar cade, Cleveland, O. LOW RATES TO POINTS IN WEST AND NORTHWEST. Via B. & O. It. R. Feb. 12. 10, and 2C. For tickets and further infor mation, see C. D. HonOdlc, ticket agent Union depot $11 WASHINGTON, D. C. AND RE- TURN, VIA C A. & C. AND PENN LINES. March 1, 2 and 3, good returning until March 8th. For tickets and in- foimation. see C. D. Honodle, ticket agent Union depot INAUGURATION RATES TO WASH INGTON. D. C. Via B. fc O. u R , March 1. 2 and 3, good returning until March 8th, In clusive. Rate $11 round trip. For tickets and Information, see C. D. Honodle, ticket agent Union depot REDUCED RATES. NORTHWEST, WEST, SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST, VIA C.A. & C. TXX. The sale of special fare colonist?' tickets to Calif 01 nln, and settlers tickets to the Northwest, West South and Southeast, has been resumed via Cleveland, Akron & Columbus rail way. Particular Information about nbout fares, through time and other details will be furnished upon appli- cation to C. D. Honodle, ticket agent Union depot. C"::"::-:::-X":"X:":-v-X":i 1 Central engine house- 2 Buckeye works. 3 Miller Rubber works. 4 Diamond Rubber works. 5 Main and Market. ,0 No. 2 engine bouse. Sixth wnrd. 7 N, Broadway, near Market 8 Buchtel ave. and Bowery. 0 Schumacher mill, Mill st 12 Piospect near Mill, 13 Furnace and Broadway. 14 Main and Keck. 15 Ash and Park place. 10 No. 3 engine house. W. Hill. 17 Can oil and Exchange. IS Empire Mower and Reaper Wks. 10 Akron Rubber works. 21 Prospect and Peiklns. 23 Forge and Market 24 Sherman, near Exchange. 25 Main and Exchange. 20 N. Howard and Tallmadge. 27 W. Maiket and Green. 2S Akron Knife works. 20 Washington and Hopp alley. 31 N. Howard and North. 32 E. Market and Spruce 34 W. Market and Valley. 35 Carroll and Spicer. 30 Carroll and Sumner. 37 North and Arlington. 3S Vino and Fountnln. 30 Coburn nntl Campbpll. 41 Wootter ave. and Locust 42 Pearl, near cistern. 43 S. Main and Fnlor. 45 College and Mill. 40 Arlington and Hazel. 47 Howe and Bowery. 4S West South. 40 Merrill potte-y. State st 51 Howard and Cherry. 52 No 4 eng'ue house. Main & Falor 53 Center and Railroad crossing. 54 BuchtPl ave. and Union. 50 Akron Stoneware Co.. 0th ward. 57 Lods and Turner. 58 Perkins and Adolph ave. 50 Main, near I O. O. F. Temple. 01 Case ave. and Kent. 02 Sieberling mill. Sixth ward. 1 03 Johnston and Chaniplaln. 04 Akron Sew. Pipe Co . Black Mill. 05 Hill Sewer Pipe Co.. E. Market. 07 Cnnoll and E. Market. OS Second ave. nnd Valley railroad. GO Johnson nnd Wilson. 71 Grant nnd Cross. 72 North and Mnpel. 73 Werner Printing Co. 74 North Union, uear Bluff. 75 Robinson Bros., N. Forge ct 70 Tho Whltniorc. Robinson Co. 73 E. Market and Cook. 70 Home st.. near Lillian. 51 Western Linoleum Co. 52 Summit Sower ripe Co. 83 Allyn nnd Cross. ' 81 Thornton nnd Hnrvnrn. 55 The J. C. McNeil Boiler works. 87 Thornton nnd Camp. 01 Cerea.1 Mills, S. Hownrd st 02 Schumacher cooper shop, N Broadway. 121 General alarm. 123 Silver and Hickory. 125 W. Market and Rhodes ave. 232 Renner's, brewery, N Forgo st 211 Sherman nnd Vorls. 251 Ccdnr and Wabash ave. 2'3 W. Exchange near Willow. 312 Cnscade mills. N, Howard. 814 Fire chief's lesldouca. 321 Adams and Upson. 311 Bnlch nnd Market 342 Maple, opposite BalcU. 815 Rlttmnn nnd Crosby. 351 Exchange and Spicer. 412 Woorter nnd St. Clair, 413 St Clair and Bartges. 415 Wnter woiks, Wooster ave. 431 Ewnrt Tile works. If, von want to btiv. sell, rent or ex change, advertise In the Democrat want column. c ' t c i f I n I. U'.rL!k'.,iiiii-v..J5r m ,..iJ mu viMMEMrti W9.Ri,K?fm BWW.IJI -HiAABHBU: