Newspaper Page Text
'i&R mmiiAimmi 3SS i -it- : fr KKOK DAILY DEMOCRAT. gATUKDAT. MARCH 30, 1901 I JOHN HANCOCK Life Inurdnce Company Massachusetts Department Give. the Company a. Good Bill of Health Remarkable Growth a.nd Progress of the Institution The Officers Figures of Interest. The afcove Is a portrait of 0. Ai Wlghtninn, ngont of tho John TTuncook Co., and ifl ono of tho boat known llfo insurnnco inon In Northern Ohio1 Ho lias built up n wondorful business for his company undor Ills general agonoy. Ronton, Keb. 12, 1001. (Spcclnl.) 'I'ho Massachusetts department huh just completed mi examination of (lie John Hancock Muluiil T.lfo Insurance company. This Is llio regular examin ation! required Iiy the statutes of tlio Staile. every three years. Tim trans actions of the eoinpiiliy since (lie hint . examination were enrefiilly investl tinted, ltN securities checked und lis valuation sheet computed with tposo on file with the department. Tlio conclusions reaehed by ('oiiiinlsslonci Cutting In his report of tlio eMiiniiia lion, are :ih follows: "Since, the last' otllclnl examination, (hut for Iteccmher III, 1807, tlio gene -ill IiuhIiichh of the company Iiiih Iieen steadily piogresslvn mill prosperous. Tim condition of Its properly unit In vestments and the extent- of Its in Hurnnco Indlente prildenee ami ciur, iih well iih netlvlty und .skill In Hie luuliagcinimt of Its n (Villi's. Tho CoiniulHslinicr gives the coin- r The fthovo pnrlratl ts of OT-Councllmnn John WoFarland, who Is ftBdoclatoil with 0. A. Wlghtinnn, and Is ono of tho host lumtlors In I ho buslneda. Mr. Wightinun calls him his war horse, as ho writes n largo yolumo of ImihIiiuhh. ppny assets of $Hl,8S0,iCi2; surplus, $,H77,n.l!l; Income, .8,USil,7,1U. aim out fitiiiidlug Insurance of l':M,ii;i:;,5.'ltl. At n meellng of the policy-holders, held yestonlny, this report was read mid 'received with satisfaction. The retlrlpif d hectors were reelected At ameetlng of the now board if illiee. torBjlodny, the following olllclals were reoV'cted: I'r'slilenl, Stephen IT. Tlhoiles; Jlld vleo president, Itolaud (). haiiiii; ftevo'nd lw piesldent, Arnold A Hand; treasurer, Jniues M, (Jleason; secie tury, llolaud O. I.aiiib; nssistaiii sec retary, "Walton h. Ciocker; actuary, Wlllluui H. Hnilth, Tho progress of none of the New Kltglund companies has, of late yeni--. been watched with more Interest than that of tll John Hancock. It lias been Mwidlly Increusing lis flmnuMii nollfjlty as weP as Its position In the fli' Prop) present Indications the' "0ny i dchtlned u tul.o a e,y prominent portion among ItH compotl torn. Uk policy poulvact Ih today our of the best sellers. In the nuirKet rrom the Htimdpolnt of eosl to the policy holder. In every department' the company as been ho carefully man aged thnl the value of ItH indemnity to the policy-liQldors wits steadily In creased. THN Yl'WItS' tiKOWTH. Tho growth !' the company (luring the past (en years Iiiih been truly re markable. It W doubtful If ItH devel opment In that period his been excell ed by any other life insurance rorpoia t Ion. Hh assets, havo multiplied somr four rlinex, and Jin nurpliit nearly live times. The 'm timt'i 1 Income IniS more than trebled, while the Insurances in force haw n,iiltlplled iihopl rour times. The John Hancock Iiiih tno reputa tion of IcIik one of the very liest divi dend payers In the business, Since I Mil! Itn dividends to policy-holders have Htendlly Ipereiu-eil. TIhh un usual record is dins to an econoiiiieal lunniigcmeni and wise distribution 0f enriied silrplu. Its agency cxpeuser are coiiHei'MitlM'. ami Its mortality Is kept well within the iisHUiucft tallies. This excellent' record In jlm matter of proilts Is due also to skill shown In the liiM'stment of funds.. In tlio mat ter of Intercut rates earned, tho John Hancock stands among the first three or four cuuipaiilck In the country. The company probably has as line a list of securities as, any life Insurance ciiipiuillloii. Out of total assets of nearly seveujeeii millions, about one million mid a half Is Invested In paying mil estate, nearly live mil lions lu carefully selected loans, which pay more than average rifes of Inter est ,apd about six millions and a half In gill edged bonds. Its total loans on collateral securities ,i(i not' exceed !Wir,(HiO, Mdlo its liucstiiients In stocks Is only about Jir,ii,ooo. The great bulk of seciirltlei. outside or mortgiige loans. Is he'd in carefully sejee(ed bonds, VVeslern I uderwrltor. VETERAN Manager of Ball Teams Sizes Up This Season's Situation. Believes Winning Team Would Pay. Charles Morton Has Faith In Akron. Charles Morton, the vpternn nuui ugor, talked interestingly Filduy oven lug on the situation this year in the base ball world. Ho wiild: "My sympathies are all with the American League. Had tlio magnates of tho Nutlonul League been allowed to continue along tho Hues which have prevailed during tho live years It would havo been but a short time until nil interest In the great sport would have been killed, "I believe that public interest will be stimulated by the conflict now on between tho National aud American Leagues, and that tlio new conditions Will result In greater rivalry and con sequent partisanship so essential to luiMtaln thn base ball Interest and ou 'thuslasra. "The American League, whllo it is Hiniihir to (lie old Hrotherhood, in some rcspeuls, is being mauuged by s)tiser vntive business men. In tho end 1 anticipate that tho American will win ouL The people are thoroughly tired of syndicate base ball. They long for the good old dayH when the heit team won the peiiunt. '1hat waj before the days of the hcramblo for the almighty dollar. ' ' "I believe tliat Akron would Mip IMirt tlm right kind uf a team. It is loo largo for tlio Stato League, but If It. was placed In a good association and had a winning club llwould pay its way out. Conditions have changed since this city had a professional base ball cluli. If the right men would take it 'up Akron could be mnde a winner." WILL ItH (1AMPAIONHD. 10. -M. auyard's handsome sorrel nia're, (trace lOlyilu, will bo campaign ed this year on the Ohio half mile tracks. He believes she will bo. faster and better than "ever this season, Kho will Im prepared for tho races at Foun tain pink. It Is anticipated that she will show better than lii'JO this season. IN DAW.SON. I'hithiiHlaHtlu sports in Dawson, Alns Im, have wired tin munager of Tom Hharke.v that thoy will givi; a purse of ' ?I0,(HK) for a contest between the sail . or and Rlavln. Slinrkoy says that ho is willing to light in Alaska provided t the purse Is Increased. GOINO SOUTH. Michael I'Mnn, manugpr of the Youngstown Iiiterstaio club lust sea son, has taken charge of tho Idttle Itock, Ark., elulrof the Southern Asso elation. lie w)ll be accompanied to that place by u nuniber of his last year's players. IlAHVAUD'SSaHBIJUIjK. Harvard will piny '5 games this year. It will meet all tho prominent clubs i of tho east. Three(games have been, arranged with Yale, so that any tie that may exist can do decided. HH'S NOT A N1KHIO. ' Tokohonia, lietter known as Indian ("irant, denies tho statement of Comls key that he Is a Chicago negro. Toko, hoiua says that his mother Is a Ohero ken Indian and Ids father Is u white man. Ills mother lives In Lawrence, Kuan, He leaves Hot Springs Riuiday for Cincinnati. Kroin thero hq Is go ing to the Ilalllmoro dub. Ho Is to play second base, (MV13.V THN niOClMION. Kid Mel'arllniid was given the divis ion over Duvo Harry at Denver last night. Harry had tho better of tho ar gument throughout and should havo been given the decision. Hofereo Kioto was hooted out of the building. The manager of Harry assaulted him und It was necessary for the police to pro. vent a i lot. Cheap Insurance. Many a man has been Insured againsi Krlght's dlsense, diabetes, or other linn genius alhiieiil by a lllty cent bottlo of l''oley's Kidney One. J. M. I.nifer, J. Lamparter & Co. U. rM. i w. KU. tw, W4 mi 'te tti-Hii llxl-ry chali'-warmer, every contiactor, tvery Job-hunter who expects or has ho(:n promised a rewanl at tlm expense of Akron's taxpayers Is opposing Chillies H, Isbell In this campaign. "It I Kcim should stand by thu men who stand liy them. , V4 ?. ;i,4 Vf , i4 n,tf nSO -ft. " t4-0 I Meat Market I f Mric FAMILY GROCERIES. NEW GOODS-Tliu heal In the nmr kin Moiiurutr I'liacliCs, dlreol from Ciiliriiriiln, I'lumtor Cora, l'locnlllll, Olives, lUioH.gimw. ' rrcsh Maple Sjrup. Chickens Dressed to Order. J. B. LOOKER B73 A, Mnrkot 8t, Pbnno 160. ..V COLDS The quickest , relief, for a cold, is by Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil. We all have colds , you can try it and see. You will find the edge taken off in a night ; and, in three or four days, you'll be wondering whether that cold amounted to any thing anyhow. That's relief. If you tackle it quick, the relief is quick and complete, if you wait till the cold is in full possession of head and lung, why, of course, the relief is quick if it comes in a week. A little emulsion won't clear and restore your whole breathing-machine in a minute; don't be looking for miracles. WVIUendyou a Htllcto try.lf you M;e. SC01T & UOWNK, 409 rearl lreft, New York. mmMam&iim Vfo will furnish your house complete, with furniture, car pets, curtains, rugs, o!;l doth, linoleum, mattings, stoves, , etc., for a small pnjuneut down and small payments each week onmonth. i Vine In and look through II will bo a pleasure to shoW you whether or not you buy. South Howard $t. Eye Ear Nose Throat Lungs RUPTURE Ouroilatul tho I trust sbn-1 donou In few wek. No Knlls No Pain GOITER ltomoYCrt by I nnlmpto lncttioilt in nation nine. 17 ! 1717 CO NH1) STATION EXAMINATION OFFICli, SUITE 4, ARCADE Hour81'rB,onsp,m.Akron,0 nEALFRS IN Wo do nil kinds of Stone Work, Flagging, Brick Drives, Excavating. ..Repairing Promptly Done.. 0FF.1CB AND YARD : North Union St., on Erie R.R Address 426 N. Union St. Tolophouo 1)87. I W CO. &rj L I ill '1(11 1 l lilt lllllUU Throat cured I nnrn, DEAFNESS vDCnlni ICT Yields nulek- m i orLuittLioi yusssr 7kroTTiTTunacTo llooHne nail HpuiitlnK nail all klndB of I'm'tory work, liasolfnu, Uns mill nil ) S kinds of Htooii Hepulrcd. Gns I'Utlnir .' ) In nil lta lirnni'Iitm, Knnini'o Work a i Rpeclnlty. Good Work und Low TrlcM. I J IB03 SouH IVIali-i St, j I Opp.Kt reel Oar Hani. I ) Peopled rhone llur. I LAST Meeting of Repub licans. To Inspire Enthusiasm Into the Kanks Whole and Distinct Ob ject of Meeting. Doyle's Speech Began on One Line and Ended on Another. Republicans held their last meeting of the campaign, at their headquarters In the Walsh block Friday evening. It was wholly and distinctly a partisan meeting, held for the purpose of infus ing enthusiasm into tho ranks, and de scribing tho seriousness of. the situa tion. Tho w'hole plea was for Repub licans not to desert the party on this occasion, und to do their best to get out tho voto. Tho meeting was well plan ned. Its drawing caul, ns Chairman Rowley admitted, was Congressman Dick, and the Committee, "wise in its own w'lsdora," had the program so ar ranged that Congressman l")lck was tho last speaker. This, it was figured, 'UfiUtm-K&PitkK&PitkKtZKHKii; f The opportunty to regain con- S trol of the Board of City Com- 5 mlsslouers Is presented to Akron l peoplo In next Monday's elcc- tion. The election of Charles U, Isbell Is a. guaranty that the peoplo will regain control of thu Board. If (4i!f-!!nfhnSf4!?tf4!4--,- would hold tho audience until the meet lng adjourned. Thero wero .100 peoplo in the iiudlenco. Mr. h. O. Miles was present, to in splro good humor among tho'audlence. Cnpt. Aaron 'Wagoner eulogized Can didate Poylo. Hx-Mayor Harper souud. ed a warning to Republicans not to waste any voles on the Prohibition candidate, Mr. Adamsnii. Candidate. Doylo explained bis platform, no of fers no relief to the tlnanelal strln. geney of municipal affairs, that Mr. Isbell has not advocated for the past two years, and which his platform covers In a thorough, practical manner. He concluded his speech by saying: "In the past we have fought for the Re publican party, we are lighting for the Republican lwirty now, and in the future wo shall fight for the Republi can purty." Prof. S. P. Orth t .liked along the Hue or the duty of citizens toward municipal government. Con gressman Dick told of the effects municipal elections had upon national politics. .Mr. J. W. Patterson, night police at ,'adiuii, la., says: "In January I had a very bad eold on my lungs, and used half dozen different cough medicines and prescriptions from two doctors, but grow worse all tho time. I linally bought a bottle of Foley's Honey ami Tar und after using two-thirds of It, 1 was entirely cured. J. M. liiiffer, J. Lamparter & Co. FOR CHAPPED HANDS AND ROUGHNESS OF THE SKIN, Violet Balm LEASES ATIOUL.AR OPULAR RIOE, Gem Pharmacy, 1 13 S. Howard St. BUSINESS MEN When You Want Recreation Drop in SMITH'S Bowling Alley and vJ lull II wj BiUlard Parlors ANSON II. BMITH, Prop. Walsh Blk. ira&cisH BATH " New stylo just rocoivod. $ with Ilou'or. AVo havo just completed a fine SIDEWALK CANOPY For ront nt Weddings, Roooptions, Ote. Our stock of all tho host Awnlnp; Stripes is now complete and tho host work only 1b guaranteed at the low. est living prloes. Ordor now before the rush and havo your awnings put up when noodod. IKE Hill 1EIII 5 116 CO. 3ti South Main Street. rhone 488. Caspar 2:1 im -re EL. Manurnsturer of nil kinds of Hrmhoj. Orjlerj promptly uttended tn, t. NAJK'&T. AKRON. O Our m Kf : COITHiolt iAmiT'irn w0 TL ,- V- IKLAtT .A-jy-i 4fc7.5V:" lyon's French Periodical Drop Strictly vegetable, perfectly DESIRED RESULT L.IS. flMITiniJ BowareOf fountcrfetu and Imitations. Tho nonulno Is put ap onlr In paste-board Cat. unilllUll ton with fac-slmllo algnaturo on cldo of tho bottlctbus: yfefagya For salo by Wni. Warner, "Gem Pharmacy," 113 S. Howard St ,. .Sffi. &&' A W--yn'i wiwi -: Ji. You should place your order now for an Kastor Suit to Insure Its being dono on tiruo. We havo addod a department for all kinds of ladles' work and hereafter wo will make a specialty of making, in Inlmitnble style, Ladlos' Suits, Opera Clonks, Party Dresses, Fancy "Waists, aud doing, In fact, nil sorts of Ladles' Dress making. - "We employ only union labor, and use the Union Label on our garments. Call in and see our Spring Styles for Ladles' Suits, etc., and Gentlemon's Suits nnd Top Coats. L. N. SWIGART, ,84SosHSlRsstreet' J. II. DELLENBEItGER. ..Wholesale Sash, Doors, Blinds and -Mouldings. LUMBER SOLD IN CAR Office, Planing Tel. No. 201. PLACE YOUR WANT ADS. IN THE DEMOCRAT OUR ASSORTMENT m V Hi OF S it it e a o Q a a i Spring and I.r Now Complete and ! Imp W call especial attention to our "LONDON SPECIALS,'' of which we can plbase tho most fastidious. Lot us dross you up antee you will novor regret 3HE .A.. The Fashionable Tai 219 South Howard Street .. ROMANTIC Marriage' Was Blocked Law Wanted to Get Married In Akron. What nilf.'ht.Iuvo been a romnutlc marriage was spoiled by the provis ions of tho Ohio laws Friday, A well- appearing and neatly dressed man, who said that he was a commer cial drummer from HulTalo called at the olllce of the I'robnto Judge for tlio purpose of obtaining a marriage li cense. Ho said that the young lady that ho oxpected to call his own re sided in Duffalo ami that she would For Coal - ' The Fomors Coal Co., or Cleveland, has leased 2.700 acres hi (ireen, Sum mit county, am .lacksou Stark coun ty. It will iiegln drilling Immediate ly. Tlio company proposes lo innKo a thorough Vest of the. territory ana If coal is found Ju paying quantities SPRING HAS ARRIVED When the young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love and tho man with "that tired feeling" turns to a foamy glass of refreshing Rentier beer. There Is nothing that will Invigorate and tone tho system on .Spring's lanquld nnd balmy dnys like a glass of spark ling, pure and delicious Homier beor. Tr. It . Delivered In quarts or pints to any part "f tho city. Xclepaono 30. THE GEO. J. RENNER BREWING COMPANY Akron, O. harmless, sure to accomplish Greatest known female remedy. A PEEP Into an up-to-date bath room is only less refreshing than the bath room It helf. As Easter usually ushers In warmer weather, you will the moro look to the bath room for bodily com fort. We will show samples, plans, photographs, etc., of the porcelain tubs wo supply and give you estimates on our work hi putting thorn In place. tho wholo guaranteed to be of .the very best 1'rom a sanitary standpoint. Kublor & Bock block, Both phones 968. 504 South Main St BUSY PLACE... A. W. HAWKINS. LUMBER CO. and Retail.. Dealers. LOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY. 1027 South Main Street Mill and Yard, South High Street bummeri e o ortationr I a Ready for Inspection. Jiavo a large variety and this spring and wo will guar it. Boncls: lor by Stern Arm of the arilvo in Akron 'Monday. They in tended to be married here. He want ed to know what formalities if would bo necessary to go through before a license was obtained. He wan frank about the matter, statlug thuu the young woman did not intend to muko Akron her home, that she was coming only for the purpose of getting married. He was told that he could uot get a lleeuso In Akron. . Large Tract Is Leased. n number of mines will bo opened. Tho people In the townships named are very enthusiastic over tho pros pect. They claim that (hero Is coul there and that it is bound lo be de veloped into one of the best fields In the State. fi A w 11 1 -a- SiM wu civ 1 "jp