Newspaper Page Text
kSSktUlVU, LLi WM lESf -'r- -v VWJi i V'"' "f "' J, r A ai AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT SATURDAY. MAROEt 30. 1001 8 SON 333SS33SS3aa3SS Boston Store! , j , it"" 1 i ! D AGUE W CO. KL ' MI New Spring Suits and Skirts. A great showing of nil the new Mtyles nnd rolors In man tailored suits nnd skirts. AT $10 Tltls price brings before yon some very handsonio suits, short Eton Jacket, with fliire sklit, In black imil bine. "V Kuarantcc good linings In every gnrment. AT 12.D0 Oollnrless Kton stilts, trimmed with gilt bnttoiiH nnd taf feta silk, Jacket lined throughout with silk, Hklrt lined with good pereallne. AT $1G-Ladles Eton Biitts In brown, nnd black; jnoket fnced with silk; skirt cut with llnre, In nil sizes. This suit is well worth your attention. AT $17 1-ndles' blnclc all wool cheviot suit, trimmed with Inffetn allk; alcove with bell nnd bishop shape combined. This suit Is exceed. Ingly stylish. AT $10MlFses' suits in blue, brown nnd grey, tight fitting mills with flnre skirt; gooti quality of materlnl nnd good workmanship. AT $12.50 Mioses' Eton suits In tW and eiistor with liiHertel vest, trammed with gill bnild; Jacket cut iri-collnrlesH iMiton style; very nob by garments. 'AT $5 Wo show a handsome skirt at this price, properly made: good lining nnd first class material. Aft $0.60- lllnek and colored von ctfan skirls, with corded ruffle and jsfnms. This Is a handsome skirt well worth more money. AT $7- II wool cheviot skirts In black, blue and brown, trimmed wfth two rows of military biald, rut In flare style, lined vjlth good pereallne. AT $!.-lllnek all wool cheviot skirts, assorted lengths, trimmed with military braid, exceedingly stylish. A'T $12.riO--I.ndleV black silk taf. feta skirls, corded nil over with first class lining, cut In the very lntest of fashion. ,AT $13 Ml and $ in-lllnek silk taffeta nklrtx, tucked all over; flounce, trimmed with ruffles, as sorted lengths. Sep the kid glovo we are soiling at fiOe; worth 76e. Asked to be Re v leased From Liability on Father's Bond. His Peter McQueney Dis posed of Patents. 150-152 SOUTH HOWARD ST. OSTEOPATHY. tF. "- JVHIirartJ, D. O. (triduntn of Anmrlrun Bi'Iiool of Oitoo- pnthy, KlrkHvllIu, Mo. ' OOloo bears 8 to Jan. in., nnd 1 to i ft, m. nmntm fiOG nnd 606 nvorntt bulld ng. Peoplo'n phone I'M. Akron, O. PAPER CLEANING A Spoololty. , flood work or no puy. I Ktmnuitcn to iilenn wlinnt R la used. 1'rlUM Vry rrmiiimlilo. Hull 'I'rl, l'J.'t. J. S. OREEN TlMtilRiicii Ioh Hell nlroot. Y. W. C. A. Organization Perfected at Meet Ing Friday Afternoon. Tho Young Women's Ohrlstlan As sociation way formally organized at tho rooms of tho Union Charity Asso ciation Friday afternoon. Olllcers elected wuio: Mrs, 1). 1'. Wheeler, proeliulnnt; Mrs. Isabella llerry, vlco prcsincnt; .mis. a. u. JJroivster, ie- cording secretary; Mrs. AV. A. Up ham, treasurer. Mrs. J. 11. Wright was appointed chairman of the lluuucn committee; Mrs. Charles nowland, of rho eoinmltee on rooms and Mra. W. A. Connor of the commute on member ship, There are !i young women who hiiVo dignified their Intention of be coming membeis of tho association. Tho next meeting will he held Thurs day afternoon at -:II() o'clock at the numo place. Lavcry Denies Wife's Charges Court House fJews. Hurlon I. Snnford, who Is one of the sureties on the bond of his father, Hon. H. C. Snnfoid, has asked the Probate .ludge to release, him from any 'liability that might bo Inclined. Col. Sanfoid Is tho administrator of tho estate of the into. Cyrus Miller. The application tiled, by the son gives no reasons for nuking for the release. It has not been acted upon by Judge Anderson. AN INVKNTOR'S WIL.U The wl(l of 1'eter McCJueney was tiled In Probate court Satuiday morn ing. He leaves all his properly to his wife Bridget McQueney. She Is given a half iiiteresl In a number of patents owned by the decensed. Among these me a paper hanging ma chine, a. combined wall paper 'clamp and brush ami a tiuck for wall paper pasting. WttTTi APPEAL. W.'JJ. Carter, assignee of the .T. V. .Selherllng &. Co., him given notice that, he will appeal from tho decision of the Probate com I, ordering him to pay $2,1100 aes on pioperty now own ed by II. It. Manloii, ihat was form erly owned by the company of which he is assignee. LAVUItY'S ANSWER. .lohn I.avery hns filed an nnswer to. I he dhorce putlllon of his wife, Susan T,a very. He denies her charges and claims that 1 was his earnings (hat paid for all the property they now possess. He alleges that she has twice left him without caiihc and that on tiiese 6waslotiH she sold nil the house hold goods to second hand dealers. He says. Ihat she lias called him bad names and that he now bears tho scar of a wound which Avas Inflicted by her striking him on the head with home kind of a missile. He does not ask for a divorce. Hi) wants her pe tition dismissed, It A I MUMPS OLiAI.MS. The B. Ar, O. and 0 A. Ac C. Ttall road Cos. have Hied pleadings In tho action commenced by .lohn II. Key set, iidinlnlsl rater of the estate of .leiemlnh Keyset. The. II. & O. says that there has been no pioper service or HUinnious on lis olllcers and It nsks to bo dismissed from the action. Tho C, A. & C. alleges that Keyser's death was the lesnlt of carelessness on his own part. DIOllTH ANH MABIUTIKS. The assignee of the Union Cycle Co., hns fllcd a schedule of the debts which aggregate $72i).ri5. The chat tels have been sold to Joseph Iduirlc for $18. , What Akron People Say of Dr. Camel's Congo Compound The Best Spring Medi cine Money Can Buy.- Them's no season when Medicine Is so much needed as in spring. Your stomach, liver nnd kidneys are the main spring of the body, and must be kept In a healthy condition. If not, you will suffer with headache, Indiges tion, fevers, rheumatism, gout, la grippe, constipation, backaches, and, In fad, every cahe known. By using I)r. Camel's Congo Com pound tho whole iiystem undergoes a thorough renovating, and It would be Impossible for disease to remain. Bead what Mr. W. M. Andrews says: "I have used Dr. Camel'H Congo Com pound for the last three months, and It hns cured me of const hint Ion. Have gained !i'l pounds In weight since I have used this remedy." W. M. Au di ows, Boom 2'2, Arcade, Akron, O. Dr. Cnmel's Congo Compound Is guaranteed to cme any disease caused by stomach, liver and kidneys. Kor wile by John Lamparter & Co. to to to to to to to to to to to it to to to to ii I Anniversary etrosBe iL WL traGsa "' 1891 1901 fl (I? TEN YEARS AGO MONDAY, APRIL 1st, wo opened our doors to the people of Akron, in a compara (f 1 tivoly small way. At that time there existed in many minds a doubt but never in our own os to the W success of our venture. Our then 20 years before tho public taught us that good storo keeping would fJt bo appreciated storokeeping which never permitted that a customer sutler disappointment. Where any error (0 would bo gladly corrected ; where goods were offered at the lowest margin ; where a low price never meant a 9 doubtful quality. This will be our last opportunity of celobrating an anniversary sale at' our present location, ($ and wo wish to make a '0 m g - m E99 1 r K3 jp&j tAtW Wn m S U fiodR ib i ii ii ii j IS3 S. PALACE Howard St. DRUG STORE AT LAST Is Appreciation Expressed ELEGANT Pica From the Proxy Machine. Of Gen. Funston's Cap ture of Aguinaldo. Washington, March 30. iSpl.) Tho War department has lit Inst, nt the Instance of President McKlnley, ex piessed approbation of OSonornl Ktins- tou and his capture of Aguliinldo. The following cablegram was sent to (fen. MncArthur late hist night: "President McKlnley Instructs mo to express his high approbation of the gallant conduct of (len. KuiiiUm and all olllcers and men of the army and novy engaged with him In tho I'uluiinit expedition. The Secretary of War peihounlly Joins In this expression. "COHI3IN." That will bo remembered bv our frionds who will follow us to our new location on South Main street about Hi (fj August 1st. fi ESKSr1 "S Progvossvo merchants it shall be our aim to give you a thoroughly satis- ft Fh--I IteiW' I factory store as good and nearly porfect as wo can make it. To this end we ;k solicit your criticisms and suggestions, for this is your store as well as ours, iji and wo mean to so conduct it that you will take a personal pride in our growth and success as we go from our lU present to tho enlarged store room i Hit to if Monday, Tuesda April l, 2 and 1 WpdnfMtovif Three Days of Wonderful - Buying Opportunities in all Departments of the Store. nl'nOnlll tn 4l n I .. rnrl n(AA .ASn-t . ,1 lAnn4-.n. n.... i. I- , JlLinJ .....1 ....... . .... -1 Jnu .... .. LJA..1.I. Al..:.. n L L ii l'LV-avis" "u J11U uiuujgcu aouiu iuuiii aim iuuuiiuii suuii tu du uluuu uuu piuptiruu tut us vu quulu lumit bbiuub, fa wnicli we shall endeavor to make tho greatest store in this section of tho country. m m m m (f? purchase made during tho sale $1 1 na m Dress Goods, Silks, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Linens, (i Sujts, Skiffs, Waists, Wrappers, Carpets, Rugs, J& i to to SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 10 to to to to to to to to to to to to J On Every CASH SALE Made During These Three Days jg This will apply to everything in the store, and will be a saving of just ten cents on each one dollar's en s to to SHALL THE PEOPLE RULE? (Continued from first page.) The Akron Laundry Company Is pre pared to do family washings at rea sonable rales. Fine work guaranteed l'hono V!W. APPLICATION For Franchise Filed by Child's Company. The AUron-Ciinton Co., applied for a franchise nt Canton, Fri day night. The, Council was not pre pared to take any action on the mat ter. U .YW bo taken up at a special muting of tho Council next Wednes day evening. There is always danger In using counterfeits of HuWIU'h Witch Hazel Salve. The original Is a safe and cer tnln cure for piles. It U soothing and healing salve for sores and till skin dlBi'iibOS. Put rUp by Exclusive Eranchisc Hunters. The last InHtnllmenrof posters from ine 'Cleveland concern which wants nn exclusive bill posting franchise In Akron, has arrived. "Got a move on you," and "It's tin to you," ttiq posters announce In behalf Of "the man of the hour." These terras nro op a pur with the adjnra - tlon "Bo Wlso in Your Own Wis dorai"and bear Just as conspicuously tho partisan Proxy tag. "Crulcliy" Likos His Now Home. Idttlc .lljiimy nloon, the lame news bow known as "Crulcly," who was taken to the Hojnu for the Friendless, at Ioi'lHvlllo, 0 has wiltlen to his friends that ho likes bis new home very much. He Is happy and con tented and Improving In health. paying an extra price for keeping pris oners In the County jail. The cells also cost more than thoy .would have cost In Akron, Moro things that tho Mnrkat street paving contracts which Judge 1). .1. Nye called "questionable," would be so denominated If brought to light in court, as these contracts were.- It 1b for a coiitlnuiince of the system which makes these tilings possible that the .Machine solicits votes. It Is for the undoing of that system that citizens will vole for Chun. II. Isbell. Furnishings, Ladies' to attings, Wall Papers, Etc. to Anniversary in iwiJ crt.iirfam, SLLf3? iJCSJL LJPi3 GJO to to S to to W .&S&SSSS&i& 'J had a running sore on my leg for seven .years," writes .Mis. Jus, Forest, Of Chippewa Falls, Wis., "and spent hundreds of dollars In trying to get -It healed. Two Ijoxes of Jlnuner Salvo entirely cured It." No other salve so healing, r J,. 1L Coffer, J. Lamparter & Co. Ehe Weather: rain-colder. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Leon W. Shaw, Hath Jd Nadio Mohlcr, rihcrmnn, "0 0 room's occupation, farmer. 0. 19. JlcCiacken, Aluuroo Fails. .. ...-. Addle M. Onyjurd, Cuyahoga l",nlls.iU Gcooni's oceupat'ou, fnrnier. Warren Miller. Cllnlon 1M I' Cox, Johnson ,, '.'1 fifooin's ui-eiipatlon, laborer. Killolt Wllllstnn, Cuyahoga FnllH..'J0 May K, Hawkins, Cuyaboga Falls,. 18 (rooia'H occupation, clerk. Leo A, Mnddcr, Akron .10 Louise It. Sunder, Akion 10 (irooni'H occupntlon, laborer, David Davles, Honton I!7 Map- II, Edwards, Boston 30 Groow'e occunuttyu, fnimcr, . false statement. Its nttacks on thti Council have been grossly uujust ItepubllciiUH and Democrats have stood shoulder to shoulder In Hint body In opposition to the extravagances of mo city coininissioneiH, ana as a member of the Finance committee, Mr. Markle has been a lender In the plea for economy. His senso of fair ness has always risen above politics and ho has represented all the people of his ward not merely hla party. No false pietenses no misrepresen tation. This Is tho every dny policy of the Democrat and It has been religiously adhered to In tho campaign now closing. When, In Thursday's Issue nn Inter view with Councilman Archlu U. Mar kle, appeared stating what he knew lo be the fliers with reference, to (lily Clerk Chas. II. Isbell having certified to the Council that money was In the funds to he diawn upon when con Iracls weie let, etc., no more was said than Mr. Markle had staled. With glaring headlines Friday eve ning Hie ileacoii .louinal attempted to bolster up Its prior statements which had been denied, by asserting Ihat tho Deiiioeinl was ninklng misrepresenta tions, ami by puttlug Into Mr. Mnr- kle's mouth the woids that he had been "dellheralely mlsiiuoled," Mr. Markle Informed the Democrat Friday evening rhnl 'lui had used no such language. He repeated his state ment of the day before that he had repeatedly heard City Clerk Isbell lead to the Council the certltlales Unit money wan In tho treasury to the cietllt of funds' to be drawn upon when contract were let. Mr. MarMu also said ho reuieinbeied very well that lust May'1 Cleric Isbell hud re ported to tho Council that there was no monoy In the fund to pay city of ficials, policemen, etc., nnd the pay roll was held up, until the funds were replenished, by borrowing money. "I wish, however, that you would not ngaln quoto me," said Mr. Markle. "I am borry upy such controversy should have arJMon." II Is In Justice tp nil the Couucllineu including Mr, Mnrkle, as well as It self, that the Penjocrnt has thus no. tlced the Beacon Journal's wilfully Apron Social. The ladles of fhe First Congregation al church gave a social and Faster apron sale hi the Sunday school roomss of the church Fiiday evening. An Informal piogiam was given. : Chas. II. Isbell will tnke Sena- y lor Alexander's advice and let g IF the City Commissioners be City J Conimlssloneis. Hut lie will it V It... ......I..... ,1... !,... ...1 .A till. W ) coutiol of the people. PERSONAL NOTES. Mrs. .lohn F. Uhler will spend April and May In Washington, D. O. Mrs, Charles Doerler entertained Friday afternoon. Pedro was played. Mr, Homer Hass has returned to his homo in this city from a two months' visit In Florida. Mrs, A. M. Lindsay, of Mansileld, Id visiting her parents, Sir. and Mrs. John Frederlch, of Oakdale avo. Mrs. Underwood, of ltichnold. is the guest of Mr. ami Mrs. Elmer Myers, of r75Ji West Market st. Mrs. Karl Kolbo and sou have gone to New York to Join Mi. Kolbe, who Is In business near that city. A social was given Friday evening at' tho homo of Mr. and Mrs, Osborne ICsgnln by the Pythian Sisterhood. Mrs, I. Wlesenberger of New Yoik, city, Mho was called to tho bed sldo of her sick father, returned home today. Tho ladles of Grace M. IB. church will hold their annual Faster sale at thnt church Wednesday aft'eruoon and evening. I'. Hummel of Hammel's Business College, is attending the Ohio Com meiclal and Special Teachers' conven tion at Columbus. White Fawn Council, Improved Or der of Ited Men, will give a dance and ruluo for n cushion In Music hall one week from next Monday. Mr. Otis Held entertained tho Sen ior 1'iepuniiory class of Ituchtel col lego nt his home, north of the city, last evening. Thirty were present. The evening was spent In games. Miss Linn Harper won tlrst prize and 'Miss llessle Whltnioio the booby. After a line lunch the guest's returned to Ak ron. Tho Semper Item Pedro club was entei tallied at the home of Mr. and Mis. S. 8. Sumner, S. College St., Thursday evening. Cards were play ed fioni j to 10, after which a splen did 'lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Heddlng will entertain tho club April 11, at their home, S. llalch st. About 10 of Mr. ami Mrs. Otto Scheck's friends gave them a splendid surprlso nt their home Inst evening, tit llOo S. High st in honor of their 30th 'birthday. A handsome rocker was presented to each. A bountiful lunch was served and the friends de v Wf1N't!-.,,W.r'.?.-.?,4.(;.,4l.!tW, - . MMy m MyMiMM""'' ' ' ?? ' 5ffJTg!!!?i! wri rr-M?-, rTr-. rpMn-n rn nsci luFi nyscn r7art?a njr7ifffrfr!iJitrf7frrr!fVjn s,ssssssssmsssmms& ZB3SrO--,EPt i parted wishing them many more hap py blithdays In the future. The Fh K M. O. W. Pedro club was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mis. Kdward Mitchell on Buckeye st. Cards were played from 8 to 10, o'clock. The ladies' tlrst prize waa won by Mrs. William Koplln, Mrs. W, M. Hlltnbidle won the gent's prize. Itc frcshnieuts were served. The club will meet Friday evening, April lo, with Mr. and Mrs. Koplln. Naturalized. Final 'naturalization papers have been issued to Frederick Uossman, a native of Germany. William Siebert, witness. Ladies' Orchestra, i The Ladles' Orchestra of Cleveland! gave a concert in the. West Oongre gatioual church Friday evening. Tho attendance was large. The class of music furnished by the orchestra wua such as to please all those present. ,Try tho Democrat's want columns. rrWSl ttf!!'r?1?5Z 175; .tssa&NSSiifaSSoa&E imsmii 3b&-a2fe ssjss JLJ& JlTW om -mm" m Something lw In Spring Goods Ronuhos us ovorv dnv. Every department is filled with tho latest ideas fashion demands. Next week wo H will place on sale n new lot of Blaok and Colored Dress Goods at positively astonishingly low prices. M Soo Us -for Dross Goods BM-oct: tJ'ooSk- I Wash Goods, Colored and White tS&ZtsrsZ&fc ij Dimities, Batistes, etc.,' wo show a full range nt TOo, 12ic, 15o, 18c, 20c, 25o, J55c and 50c. M Ao Krsoiw Our AasH Goods A'iII Interest You. I Tailor Made Suits and Separate Skirts ffS&Twrabe WVllfp 'DJ'oictc Wo show an elegant assortment at VV UlLt YY dlblO prices that wil! make them sell fast. ZENGLER BROS 8 '7 ultra BVSc O- F". Temple, Phono 398. in St- m ,' w res . . m. n b ' zi est fa m - r cat m nVSi I , W- mm k, - mm m - - - - - . -- - m Oflil M M wi m tf iji ! 1 h1 Al HI V l i ', V i - ?gi. jtl. ML2M . . i J,4fi Ijuimmf .itMtffrtjUfcl')tltViiillMtilnl iKSoii ' t i .....'.-," . ..a.,,.4 i lii J.Yr if 1 1 1 f jir rtilinif I n fCTJfcr IfY VJf ''tr'iBilfcSfrlltllriPflffir ''