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piP lyfttaw PVWTWi nggp?v rr5 w tj- 'FSWpSw'1 lVllllfl.lJJI(PilJPIL.lll "'W.ff"' AKRON DAILY BJBMOOllA'r MONDAY, AJL'Klli W iwi 4 i j 'WPHWIP'"' ' M PV ji THE AKRON DEMOCRAT Nos. 133-18.1 South Main Btrcct rUBLISHBD BY. THE AKRON DEMOCRAT CO EDW. 8. HARTER Editor ED. H. DE LA COURT. ..Business Manager OFFICERS AND DIUEOXORS: Trcsldcnt JAS. V. WELSH. Vlco president... OlIAS. U. ISBELL. Secretary KDW. S. H AIlTKIt. Treasurer M. W. UOYB. 0 It. Grant, Edw. H. Do la Court, John W. Baker. Entered at the postofflco at Akron, O., no second-class mutter. Ask Mr. James Vial ot East Mar ket st., a heavy stockholder In lllll's Sower l'lpo Co., who cured his catarrh? OR. TUCKER, 130 S, Main st, Eye, Ear, Nose. Glasses Fitted. I WISE and :: & & Otherwise. ::::::.:..:: Tho Dally Democrat will ho delivered ovcry evening by carrier for 6 CENTS A WEEK. By mall 53.00. .. .$1X0 for six months. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITV OF AKRON TO TELEPHONE THE DEMOCRAT CALL No. IBO MONDAY, Al'ltIL Jl!, 1001. ( THEN AND NOW. "The city is again under Republican government. For this the people of Akron nrc to he congratulated." Beacon Journal, April 10, "I kept my promise In consulting with the leading citizens." Mayor Doyle In Beacon Journal April 10. Akron people arc beginning to see daylight again. l'resldout McKlnlcy will spend the greater part f the summer In Ohio. The Dally Democrat caters upon Its tenth year today, with prospects blighter than ever for continued en joyment of a liberal share of tho good will and patronage of Akron's citizens. The Arkansas Legislntuic has ic fused to pass n bill fo make fishing on Sunday n misdemeanor, but it lias decided to make every man who takes a drink pay $5 for an annual license. Tho Arkansas Idea of reform Is as variable as Ohio's cllinato. One of tho ilrst reforms Introduced by Akron's new Mayor Is to reduce- tho fine for drunkenness to ono dollar and costs. No citizen will bo safe In ven turing nn opinion on tlds matter until ho hears from tho "practical Prohibitionists." It was a significant fnct thai tho worst part of Saturday's Northern Ohio storm was confined to Sena tor Slober's district, and that it came on tho sanio day on which the Huv. I'ur ley A. Baker opened his campaign ngnlnst the Senator In behalf of the Ohio Anti-Saloon League. 'TopullstB nro Anarchists!" Said the Beacon, Long time ngo. Ilouser is a Fopullst; 1 r Therefore he's an why, no? But what tho Beacon says must go, As tho king never dies, . So the Beacon never lies; So It inlist bo so. Populists, Uepudlators! All the same, you know; Said tile Beacon, Long time ngo. Now they're good Republicans; Says tho Beacon, In words soft as dough Populist and Dobsonl Nice meals of crowl . '" Says the Beacon, Don't yon know Both aro good Republicans? I guess that's so. ssr Railroader Hill caused tho liiipicsslon to go out that he was buying railroad Btock for tho purpose of forming a com bination, and ho cleared ? 1,000 by tho resulting rise, in tho price of tho block. It Is an oft day when Homo enter prising speculator falls to nuiko a for tune In AVnll btreet. Sir Michael IIIcks-Beaeli, the British Chancellor ot tho Exchequer, hns In formed Parliament that It has c6st Great Britain ?7W).000,000 to fight tho Boors, and that tho cost will bo In creased to a billion before tho end ot tho war. Forty thousand determiner? farmere, well armed and with right on their side, can mnko n war of sub jugation a very expensive undertaic Ing even for an empire. Senator Dolllver, tho Republican leader of Iowa, thinks It Is tlmo for tho people to ho alarmed by tho lim raenso size of expenditures In national campaigns. Ills remedy Is publicity. According to the Dos Moines Leader, "Senator Dolllver Is not nn alarmist. Ho does not think that wo yet liavo been swallowed by tho behemoth of political corruption, hut hu that a larger and larger number of people, with Increasing reason, sus peefc campaign methods. Ho does not object to largo campaign expenditures for lltointuro. for speakers, for organ ization, nor does tho criticise business interests, which bellove themselves as ealled. for contributing to tho support of that party which they think will afford them protection; nil ho asks Is that these things bo done In tho light of day, and as the expenditures nro not shameful no one can possibly oh Jfct to a full revelation. Ho Is con vlnced, moreover, that the Inlluonco of campaign funds has so swollen that It Is time for overy man Interested In the health of tho public to tako notice ot It." Found, After using ovcry other brand of package coffee, Cordova Is found to bo tit best. , Populist soft' money, Together always go Said tho Beacon, Long time ago. And since tho Beacon's policy Has drained tho funds so low, Soft money's good enough To fill the hole, you know! Then wo'ro for lint nioneyl Well, for tho Beacon That's not slow. What strange, bedfellows theso, Messrs. Grouse and Co. Tho Czar lias furnished you, . You must' be proud to know. Republicans wero consulted; For tho Beacon tolls you ho; Prominent Republicans Were consulted Says tho Beacon, NoL long ago. J Doyle will keep ids word: "Man of tho Hour," you know! Said tho Beacon, Homo lime ngo. Ho kept lt-to tho Czar, r" Who never let him go, Till ho tho mark would foe. Sing Hit Slug Ho! "Man of tho Hourl" Says tlio Beacon, V In tones soft and low. 'tf "In his wisdom" was ho "wise," When ho struck tills blow? Was It not a great surprise To you voters, high and low? But then you "were consulted:" For tho Beacon tells you so. And tho Beacon tells the truth, Don't you know? Spring Poet. "Sometimes lodges aro nuisances," remarked a pi eminent member or a number ot fratornal orders. "I'm eternally getting tho various 'grips mixed. Tho other day n man np pniaclied me, and acting as though ho knew me, extended ids hand. At Ilrst I shook his hand In an oidlnary manner, but ho said, 'I thought you worn a member of tho order. Not wishing It to appear that I didn't rec ognize any of my local fraternal breth ren I fumbled out a grip that I thought might tit tho order to which o man of Ids make-up would belong and thrust it at him, but It apparent ly took him by surprise and caused him to regard mo with suspicion. When ho said: 'Neighbor, have you forgotten tho giipV then I got my bearings. I know ho was a uicmbet of tho Modern Woodmen, and my giving that grip met with ii sturdy and squeezing response.'1 Mayor Rteo Russell of Creston, has Issued the following proclamation: "Shut up the chickens. (Sod mndo the country am! turned It over to tho successful habitation of the animal kingdoin. Tho town Is a mnn-mndo In stitution. It Is designed for the occu pancy of mankind nnd the children and sons of men, to say nothing of politi cians nnd book agents. At nuy rate, It Is no place wherein to herd pigs nnd poultry. Pen 'em up. 1 have known an Industrious (lock of chickens to cause more ncighboihood qunrrcls and general sacrilege la ono month than an overworked minister could coun teract during tho entire balance of the year." ! "When dirt you como to Akron," nsk oil Ills Honor of Peter Pewter, charg ed with Intoxication. "It was Saturday I Just drifted in, may it please tho Court." "You should row, not drift," replied the court sophomoiicnlly, refusing to see tho Joke. "I nm but a storm-tossed pilgrim, may It please Your Honor." "Storm-tossed, nro you? Well, you can get revenge by tossing snow awhile. Ten days in tho street gang." And all the candidates for Mayor's clerk and Police Court prosecutor laughed uproariously. 4 Instead of coming to Akron and ob taining tho service of some of the de tective ability that Is simply going to waste for want" of occupation, some Barberton people who hud been robbed sent off to a country town CO miles away and got a brace of bloodhounds to detect tho thieves. When tho "bloodhounds" arrived, it was found that they wero common curs and couldn't tell tho truck of a thief from that of a mile. The Observing Citi zen lonmiks that so long as Baibertou remains Jealous of Akron, It is not strange that such .things should "oc cur." fr Attorney Ueaeral Monnctt has in formed several of his Akion friends that ho will be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Attorney General. Mr. Monnctt made a great many local friends by his addiess at Akron last tall. A Frenchman just come from Bor deaux, Reached Akron the day of thosnenux. But he found his cake dough And cried "I must gough!" So lie smarted, but whither none knenux. fr REWARD: A inward ot $1,000 will bo paid for tho arrest and conviction of the man who said It wns "only a sugnr snow." Address L. E. Bellslein, superintendent of the N. O. T. Co. Mayor Doyle, of Akron, seems to have tho "Honest" John Farley habit of making nnle-electlon promises only to break, says the Cleveland Recorder. S p I When we have all become "oldest In habitants" and tell futuie generations about it, some young upstart will biilck er lit contempt of our veiaclty. Candles In beer bottles wero moro cheering than the original contents would have been, under the circum stances. fr It was reassuring to pedestrians Sat- unlay to remember tlmt"Doylo 'wants' clean streets." On the other baud it would bcarcely be appropriate to call It "Black Satur day." Modern maxims: Don't crow ovor whnt the flags on tho post olllco say. It wns tho moht successful lingering act Winter ever put on tho boards. .j. 4? (ilvo those who went to church an exliu credit mark. i ! 4" That Hiring hat or suit will look Just nH well tomorrow. If Falrlawu sets out many inanu- SCOTT'S EMULSION of cod-liVer oil is the means of life, and enjoyment of life to thousands: men, women and children. When appetite fails, it re stores it. Wheiv food is a burden, it lifts the burden. When you lose flesh, it brings the plumpness of health. When work is hard and duty is heavy, it makes life bright. It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food. But what is the use of food, when you hate it, and can't di gest it ? Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil is thefood that makes you forget your stomach. If you have not tried It, send for free sample Is agreeable taste will surprwc jou. SCOTT AnOWNK, Chemists, 409-415 Tearl Street, New Yorlc. joe. and $1 .00 1 all druggists Natyral Gas Stoves R0UJND ABOUT. Newsy Notes and Comment Clipped From Nearby Exchanges. Samuel Palmer nnd Mrs. Scranton, of Akron, were married Inst week. Sunday, week, George Jennings and Miss Pearl Damon, ages 10 and 10 years, were tnurrled. Father Jennings, bring out that trundlcbed. Whittlesey Cor. Medina Sentinel. Tliero Is a woman in this town of whom it Is said she is so stingy that she sits in the cellar and fans the ice to save tho ice. Kent Courier. Wo havo nil sizes of thorn and ot prloa that will please you. J. Rutherford & Sons, 173 South Main Street. Telephone 413. The promoters of tho now national ban: met In Wadsworth on Wcdncs- day, and opened tho books to sub scribers for stock. It Is claimed the ?i!.",000 stock Is now oversubscribed and If the capital stock Is to remain at $-'0,000, those already down for big amounts must cut down their hold ings In order to allow others In who are anxious to subscribe. The bank will probably ho ready for business May -0. Wadsworth Banner. the cxpenlcucc of two years ago it la thought improvements could bo made nnd n greater success attained. All that is needed is for some one to mauo a start. Ravenna Republican. Wo have not heard from tho "wild cat" lately, but wo luvVo a genuine eaglo In this locality. At least sever al persons say that they have seen him carry oil' chickens nnd lnmbs. He wns probably driven ft out Cleveland on election day or scared from his haunts near Medina by those blood-thirsty crow hunters. Rcmsou's Corners. Cor. Medina Oazette. Mothers' Home-Made Bread BAKED ONLY AT MODEL BAKERY I06 S. Howard St. You can 'phono o04 nnd have our wagon stop nt your door. S. B. LAFFERTY A twelve-year-old boy named Slog frcld died at Ravenna last week of gan grene. The case has bathed the physi cians, It being rare In children. Both limbs were affected, one foot rolling off. The parents refused to have an operation performed. Kent Courier. For tho first time In six years there aro no women on tho Cuyahoga Falls School Board. Cuyahoga Fulls Re porter. W. B. Randolph has resigned his position as superintendent of schojpjs, resignation to take effect at th'c end of the present year; ids contract with the Board does not expire until ono year from that time. Mr. Randolph resigns to accept a dls trict agency with Mr. Hubert II. Ward, general agent for tho State Mutual Life AbMUruuce company , with head quarters at Voungslowu. Hudson Independent. Bamplc and Pool lloom. ..SCHLATHER'S BEER ON TAP... Mottled nor nnd Choice OlRnfa. 1'ooplo's l'liono 1183. No. 515 North Howard Street. AKRON TIN & FURNACE C0M? Hoc line unci hnmltlnir and nil klncln ot Fnotory work. Gaiollne, O118 nnd nil kinds of Stoves Kopnlrt'd. Gns KlttlnR In nil Its branches. Kurnneo Work n specialty. Good Work nnd Low Trices. IB03 SoutH IVItaln St. J (I I'eo; Opp. Street Onr llnrm pie's Phono 1203. The building boom In Wadsworth keeps moving steadily along. New houses are being prospected nearly overy day, or us fast as a good build ing lot can bo secured. Wadsworth Banner. There is quite a sentiment among business men of Ravenna favorable to holding n sticet fair tills season. With The directors of tho Medina County Agricultural society met Saturday to talk over matters pertaining to the next fnlr. Nearly all the directors were present. The society decided to have tin old fashioned Fourth of July cele bration on the fair grounds similar to that held two years ago. Several interesting features will bo on tho progiam, and many prizes for excel lence wll be offered. Medina Sentinel. Big eggs aro beginning to come in. Mrs. Lane McDonald sends one meas juiag (Ix7nl Indies around. If this is beateu, I will mention a larger one sent by Mrs. K. v. liUtss, that measures 0?ix8 Inches. Chippewa Cor. Medina Gazette. CKOOOOOOOOOOOOCC)OOOOOSCOOg Imported arid Domestic Wine Liquor. and H Cigars &&&&& Central Cafe ...AND... Restaurant g 132 S. Howard St., Akron g OCOOCCOOOOGOOOCtXSOCCCOOOOO ?jmv&&WMf&w.9&pf&&ri MUELLER BROS. Dealers In HOME DRESSED Fresh and Salt Meats BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, LARD AND POULTRY. OYSTERS IN SEASON. 519 NORTH HOWARD ST. TELEPHONE 52 X. &4tf. r4VVWW TURNERS TURNED factuiing plants it will lime to change Its name. ! Then again, it might hnvo been worse. Some people piefer rare steak. .j. .j. .5. No lack of water for wash day. Fresh Shrimp today at Tanner's Grocery. ' All tho latest novelties In tho way of premiums given for Coidovtt Coffee wrappers. INCREASE Not Made by Manager of Local Theatre. The fact that the prices for seats to tho pei foi malice of Mis. FIsko are !f'J has occasioned much comment, iho local management has nothing to do with the prices. Theso nro llxed by the company. Tho rate Is the same in Akion lor Mrs. FIsko us it has been every whole else. At Turner Hall Athletic Exhibition and Class Work Review. Vlall Bros. Funeral Directors and Embalmers PICTURE FRAMES. Oinceopon night unit rtny. CnllswlU receive prompt attention. SSffKoMiSIIOoOLMRKlTST. ..LADIES' TAILORING 011(1 DRESSMAKING... 1 nm now prepared to mnko AVedcllng nnd Pnrty Gowns nnd Knney Waists, In the latest nnproved stylo. All the Intest designs nnfl fnbrlcs for the spring styles. An curly Inspection ln lted. lino tniMIDnO 1W South Mntn Htreot MO. tUnAhuO, 1'ooplo's 'Phono. 508. Save your winppers from Cordova Coffee, l'lemlum list In each package. At Turner hall hist night work of classes trained by Dr. Hubert' Nohr lu the gymnasium, under the (inspires of tho Turn vereln, was reviewed for the benellt of visitors to show the character of the training given and tho result. It was attended by iSUO people nnd the athletic entertain ment wns good and heartily enjoyed. Tho program was given spice nnd va riety by musle furnished by Prof. I.nnt.'s orchestra. Tho program began with nn over ture by the orcliestrn nnd then fol lowed the entering of nil participants, boys, Juniors and seniors; calisthenics, boys' class; gymnastic games, knap sack contest nnd hopping tight, Junior class; companion or team work on two horbe-, senior class; relay race, boys' class; buck nnd flying rings, class work, Junior clnbs; dodge-hall, senior tv Dp. HENLEY'S WL A hit; claim, but one iH ON. class; horizontal ladder, class work, boys' class; dumbbell drill with group ings, Junior class; exercises on tin? horizontal bar, parallel bars, horse nnd jumping, senior class. Dr. Nolir lias been very successful as trainer In atliletics, as demonstrated by work of tho classes. There aro 18 members in the boys' class, 3 juniors, 40 bcnlors and 1- members In the la dles' class. SI'EOIAI EXHIBITION. A gratid gymnastic exhibition will bo held tho hitter pan of May, or first week In June, for the benefit or the prize class competing for prizes this summer at Saginaw, Mich. Tills na tional tournament will bo held nunc US, Ml and l!0, and the local Turn vereln expects to send 'a class of JO. Last year at Philadelphia, tho local class was given -Tith place In exhibi. lions presented by DO classes. , Absolutely Harmless. Cures on the Spot. BROMO-PEPSIN "BOTE THE WORD PEPSIM." nit EC Headache, Sleeplessness, liUIE3 digestion and Nervousness AU Druggists, 10, 25, and 50c. Dr. W. E. Purdy, Physician arid Surgeon. Peoples Tel 640. No. 133 Bowery :ss s 55"B Candles In Beer Bottles Furnished Footlights At Grand Saturday Night. 'EFklFfl A Most Effective Combination. A Tonic ami Ncrvlna of acknnwledecd u nremacy. A euro for Dnlllty. Dyspepsia and Nervous Disorders. Relieves laiiRiiornml Reir. craUletillin.lulKhteiistliouKhluHilMteiigtlicns llieKje.itnrK.iiiH of the body, Improving their lurictlnnal iiu lly : restores worn-mil nerves : alaailiRestlon ,promote assimilation ; restores Hie Ulooil lolls proper constitution and Is won derfully cincriclona a a ficncrnl Tonic, appe. lUcr nnd promoter f ph ideal activity. It Is nliMSanl to the taste, and. used regularly, hraces tin- sttteni against the dcpicssiuir influ ences o( Ml,ir!.i, PRICE $t,00 PER nOTTLE, If not to he had of sour Druggist, we will money, i prepaid, upon receipt of money, send by lixpress ialu. THE CARROUTON CHEMICAL CO., Sole Proprietors, B ALTIMOR E. M D. l'OU HAI.K IIY E. STEINBACHERGCO. Akron, O. . i Candles stuck in beer bottles furnish ed footlights for almost an hour dur. Ing tho production of tho "Itunnwny Dlrl," at the (Jrand Saturdny night, but tho performers didn't lose their tempers, the audience accepted the humor of the situation, nnd nftcr a short delay, the show pioceded with out any cutting of piogrniu. It was all on account ot the electric llglits-or rather n lack ot them. Dur ing tho tlrst part of the second net, tho main fuse wire burned out, and left" the house In darkness. At tlrst tho audience thought It was a JoUe In the play, but Comedian Arthur Dunn W.C. KITTLEBERGER DKAIjER in Saddlery Hardware, Leather Findings, Hides, Manufacturer of Harness. far-Cash paid for Hides, "Wool, Fur, Till low nnd Grouse. 348 South Main Street. Moth Tlionca 005. THE ACME PATTERN WORKS .... W iir tho only Koluslo Pattern Works with Hpocliil Machinery In this locality. Wo want your business una solicit your order. Tho Acnio Patterns save time nnd money. 210-212-214 Cherry St. Akron, 0 Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! H! explained, apologized and promised a continuance ot the show after n row minutes. But tho light didn't como, and Mr. Dunn nnd Mr. Altken, another r comedian, entertained the audience with jokes and rcadlugs till a number of footlights were provided with beer bottles nnd cnndles. Comedian Dunn nsked tho audience If It wished the show to proceed with tho Improvised footlights, but )t decid ed "No." Howover, the play was con tinued after n shot delay nnd nftcr proceeding jr minutes the electric lights returned. Everything turned qnt well nnd the show wns pronounced good. You will Hud me this year nt llil S. Howard st., nnd 104 W. Market, wjth n full lino of tlaiden and Flower Seeds lu bulk. Also a lino quality of Lawn Urnss. It will pay you to call aud tee me before you buy. J. T. TROWBRIDGE, Agt. SEE THAT YOUR LAWN IS KEPT ' GREEN ! LAWN SEEDS Iflest quality, every vnrlety Petorson St NArlijH Roth Phones 124. 128 N. Main St. ....ABSTRACTS.... -YOU MAY BE SORRY In Iiuylnp; That Property. You did not pet an ABSTRACT Of Tho Abstract, Title-Guarantee & Trust Co. 226 S. Main st.- Akron, 0. PLACE YOUR WANT ADS. IN THE DEMOCRAT i PHONE 1 156 STAR LAUNDRY. i &&M f4rft BBD