Newspaper Page Text
iiuwvnipmv.'P vwy 'tiwwwupypFF-fTnwmK t tmwwj' -'5w!iraiBl!Pp " T"7X; ' ' fQUPPf " i T"T,F&r.T ,prTF ' ' h ,vr7mmi " WTlfini Mrw,7-tr7W-f" l '. w 1 -. .,, .t , , j .. AKEON DAILY DEMOCRAT. MONDAY. APRIL 22, 1901 .. , B- fS" K' . wrf r'fc Boston THE WEATUBU TUESDAY. Fair. SMALLPOX DRESS GOODS "Wc have nover shown such a big variety of strictly UP-TO-DATE CJOODS as wo Imvo on Sale at present, lllnelc , Dress Goods have tlio choice this season, anil uo have made It a point to plnco before you tho HM3ATEST VAIjUES In Hip connlry. AT $1.00 A YAJID-Hlnck Cana dcuses. Looks very much llko n whip cord, but entirely a different weave. The shade of Hlsck Is splendid. The niatterlal strictly nil wool, und safely ivcoininend It. AT $l.r0 Black Voau-dc-Solc Wood goods, extra wide, ex tin heavy; woven on thp same princi ple ns the Pcau-dc-Sorc Silk, for a stylish suit or uress, moso goous have no equal. AT ?2.00 Blnek Silk .Inpon; not all silk, hut silk and wool. Tho weave Is of tho wft nature, ery much like .1 Crepo Cloth. This ma terial makes up beautiful. AT 7"e A YAHD Blnok allVool Cheviot This cloth Is strongly In demand this Sanson. For haul wear, Cheviots aro tho bluffs that give satlslactloti. A big showing of all the lares silks In Foulards, AVnsh Taffetas and plain Talfotas; also Peiiu-de Sole Silks. AT ?lXi()--HInek peau de sole heavy weight high Hnlsh, made ol u very Hue silk, extra wide, and very serviceable. AT $1 ?'ot so wide or so heavy as the $1.r0 guide, but splendid value. This silk Is splendid for waists or skirts. AT 7Bc A YAKD-Wash TalTeta silks. In slate, light giey, pink, pale blue, pllllile and aulomablle ted. This silk Is giiainnteed fnnl colors. AT 7,"e A YAH1J-A big assort. meat of inllVtii silks In all the leading shades. This Is u splendid grade for waists or linings. Won't cut or bienk. AT 51 A t'AHD'-rl-'Iguiert Foul, aid Satins, In beautiful shades of navy, royal anil cadet blues, pinks, light bines, gieys and greens. Very desirable for summer diess this season. AT liilp A VAUI) -Printed Foul ard silks, In a big widely of color Jugs, some inclusive diess pal terns. Wo find a big ilemiiiiil lor these silks (Ids season. Our ?l Kid (.love has never been matched for Its quality. It comes In all shades, self or black stllch- lng, 2 clasp or hook, "guaranteed. ' 1C0-1C2 sourrn iiowahd st. CITY LAUNDRY Caused Death of Student at Western Reserve Academy. n. O. Ncubauer, a student nt West ern Reserve Academy, Hudson, died nt 11 o'clock Sunday night of small pox. He has been ill for a week an the school has been dismissed for the present. He wns 21 years of ago and his homp was lu Cleveland, where ho contracted tho terrible disease. Ho was home dur ing the Easter vacation nml while there visited the Cuyahoga county pest to Hudson he was taken 111. He wns tho best athlete at tho school and was unusually popular. Relatives of tho young man an endeavoring to get an order from tho State Boaul of Health to remove the lemalnstoClevelnnd. If they arc un successful tho funeral will bo held at Hudson tonight. Business in tho vli lagp has hceu affected by tho small pox scare. All those who were ox- Do You Know JEIIKON Makes delicious dessert! No cooking, no baking, only a minutes labor. Delicious flavors Lemon, Orange, Pcach.Strawbcrry.Raspberry, Wild Cherry (delicious with cold meats.) WET FEET. taxi house. A few days after his return posed have been iiuarantlncd. A Cut In. the Cost ' of Being Intoxicated. Mayor W. B. Doyle Introduced a de cided innoatlon In Police Court Mon day by Imposing several lines of ?1 nml costs for Intoxication. For nearly 20 years the regulation line for this offense has been ?2 and costs. "I Intend Imposing a line of $1 and costs In cases of first offense," said Mayor Doyle to a Democrat reporter. "All old offenders will bo fined $2 and costs or more, peihaps. I heliovo that tho families of first offenders should not be made to suffer more than nec essary and the extra dollar, as a gen eral thing, only Increases the hardship of the families of men who cannot af ford to pay." UNSOLVED. A Problem Which Police Officials Cannot Dis pose Of. For Reliable and Good Work. Both Phones 912. 1063 S. Main st. k $ $ $ $ $ ? $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ .$ .$ vt vt vt Vt Vt Vt Vt Vt Vt Vt Vt Vt 4 Money to Loan ..ON.. Household Goods FIA.NOS, OROANS, HORSES, CARRIAOCS, WAGONS, ETO., ETC. "If you will solve the problem of what to do with him, It will bo a grand thing," said Police Court Prose cutor C. 0. Bennor to Mayor W. B. Doyle In court Monday. Mr. Benner referred to Bentley Wor mald, whoe record In Police Couit stretches over many years. The old man returned from tho workhouse but n few days ago. Ho was snow-bound down tOAVii Saturday night, and sought lodging nt the City Prison. About Shoes We gnard our reputation for sell ing worthy dependable slices most zealously. Wo take caie that no shoe enters this stock but a satisfaction-giving shoe. Our Reputation Rests on Our Hoes "f.nrty Quoen" Bhops, ilnlnly products of the shoemnkor's skill, JTS ft ft nuwlenttiers, correct 33 o. Mil nhnpos, corroct (II tors ,. "r" w w Men 's Prince $2.00 Shoes Tlin limit ot shoo rooiIiipm nt tlio price. Illuok rlof kid upporn, soft ns n lilm e, ton nh ns buckskin, , For men that hnve soro nnd tontlnr foot wo have JUBT T1IK HHOK I'OH YOU. Come In and See Them SHUMAKER S CO. 117 South Howard St. Common Com plaint In Cohrt. tf&0urwLfifiMSjrLf(fifLiFL&fififijr(.fii& . " 2 Will m vour Housei ,..AITH, City Dried Them For $1 and Costs Each. A Bunch, of Human Woe Before His Honor. Julius Iilghf sounded the keynote for a miscellaneous collection of petty offenders In Police court Monday when he said: "The snow was so bad, Your Honor, I could hardly walk. And my feet were soaking wet Tour Honor." "Were you drunk?" "I don't believe I was." .Mr. Light changed his mind a little later, and was lined $1 uud .costs, Mayor Doylo having cut ,the price for intoxication from $'J and, to $1 and cost's. Copilot mature s Wormald Is well educated and nt one tlmo was well to do. He has a prosperous family in England. He wns really fdck Monday. "I guess you would better go to the infirmary. You will have a comfort able place to stay and a physician to care for you," said Mayor Doyle. Wormald did not like the suggestion and pleaded so hard to be allowed 'to remain a few days In tho CItj Prison, until he can get straightened up, that consent was given. vt Vt If you are In need of money for a groci-ry bill, meat bill, rent, taxes, or any other debt v, you owe, you can boirow the money and pay If back In small H- monthly payments, so lhat you Vr will not' miss It out of jour wages, and each payment re vt duces both principal and Inler est. Call and Investigate be- fore you bouow, us you will find this plan the most sale, convenient and cheapest In tho city. Loan made same day as Vl implied for. Property left in vr your possession and all business vt strictly confidential, Call or vt write. Olllce hours fioui !) to vt H:;iO n. in.; 1 to n p.m.; open from 7 to S in tho evenings. Tlnll 'ttlumn 7(10. lVnnln'u 774. vt vt vt vt Vt v vt vt vt Ml vt Room 14. Lb Ci 'i ') y. -v. 'i Vt m fit ii fn in n n t ' v n v fi ii ir. t) o f v -") n tn V) ti to fi i IA l n A tn in ijt Christ and Crucifixion Subject of Lecture Series by Rabbi Isidor Philo. Nelan Oros. In order to closo out some goods that It is getting a little hue, In the season for, ve shnll sell tlum at le mnrUably low prices. Chow Chow, per it. 1214c, former price 20c. Ilelii.'s inlnco meat per lb. 10c, for mer price Ific. 10 lb. sack Buckwheat' flour, 25c, former price ;i,"c. " Strawberry preserves, per lb. 15e, former price 20c. Peach preserves, per lb. loc, former pilco 20c. Pineapple preserves, per lb. ltic, former prlcp 20e. ; Cherry preserves, per lb. ITic, for mer price 20c. ' Ituspberry preserves; per lb. 15c, fomer price 20c. iA-11 Hclnz's pack. FLOUR We carry a full lino of nil tho best grades of Hour. Plllsbury's best Hour, too. " Teas 'Co'ffaes Our teas and coffees niTo tho best. Try them. , Dick Hamilton was another mi whose feet wore wet. "Oh, I guess I'm guilty," he said. "All right," said the couit, "this being your first offense It Is ?1 and costs. Frank Schnlckenbush said ho was not drunk, but had been drinking. "Your feet were wet, weren't they?" ' "Dreadful.'t "Is this your first offense?" k "Yes sir." "One dollar and costs." , rcAsirrcSEDiT S ' KRATZ'S Furniture" Store 149 3. Howard St. WJWTWWrigW7MWWMW0W0WWlffflffl& J. H. DELLHNBEBGEIt. A. W. HAWKINS. Nelan Oros., Leading Grocers 301-303 Mill st. Akron, O Both 'phones. 370. On account of tho unfavorable condl-. Him of the weather Sunday oveiilng, inaMng It dllllcult for people to attend services, Itnbbl Phllo, p.istor ot the Hebrew Iteformed church, did not in each his Intended sermon on ".Tews and ()lirjstlani, nn Explanation," Ho will picuch It next Sunday evening. Owing to the recent controversy In tho newspapers between Itabbl Phllo and Elder It. N. Biiuck, of Cleveland, lelatlug to Uhrlst and the crucifixion, considerable Interest has been at tracted to the phases of the subject as lu ought out In the discussion, and Itabbl Phllo will treat the questions scientifically, theologically and histor ically In a series ot lectures beginning next fall. Sunday services at tho Hebrew Uefoinicd church will bo iltscoiitliiued shoitly after May 1, und the Kildny evening services will begin and con thine until July, when tho two mouths' vacation commences. BUILDING. The Rush For Permits Subsides. Arcade Building. ?$$$$$$?$$??$$$ $"? I PHONE 1 156 I I STAR LAUNDRY. Storm Has Caused This A Num ber Issued. The storm has abated tho rush for building permits. The following Imvo recently been Issued as follows: Ohas. BIcs, hoiiRo, Oarmlehacl st. Anna Dlcuer, liouso and barn, Halo holders have been notified that they must pay In 2.1 per cent, on or before May 1. A meeting of tho directors will ho held lu Chicago next I'lldiiy Wanton1. Everybody to buy Cordova ColTco, lOE:t-IL.II.A.IM Mystic Carpet Cleaning Works OTTO JENTSCH, Propr. Bell Phone 2 rlnffs 1124. People's 1261 Office and Works 1 1 3 Bluff St. Wholeiale and Retail".... L.urr'&Sbor Dealers. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings. LUMBER SOLD IN CAR LOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY. I Tel. No. 201. .-. - ( Office, 1027 South Main Street Planing Mill and Yard, South Hl?h Street M.xC"M,4,,Jt,IC,,4,,,XC Tin . B)ro,t-tis,t Patterns "I Hvo eight miles from here," said Allen Warner, charged with intoxica tion. "Where?" "Unlontown." "When did you come hero?" "Thursday you see I had to see sonic of my friends and the snow wns bo deep" "Ono nud costs," said His Honor. ,At or about t o'clock p. in., on tho 2,'trd day of April, A. 1). 11)01, at No. i:il South Main st., in tho township of Akron, county of Summit, 1 shall sell at public vendue, tho following. pioperly, to-wlt: One safe, 1 stove, I counter, ! show enses and contents, 1 lot skates and bicycle icpalrs, taken as the properly of Henry Dech on an attachment In finer of ,1, II. Kiyder and Harry Weiss. April 8, 1D01, JOSHl'H UMHIO, Constable. st. and OSTEOPATHY J. A. KKRR, D. O. 604 HAMILTON BLOCK Graduate under Dr. Btlll. tho founder of Oiteopathy. Houri B to 12; 1 to fi. Con fUltutlon and Aiiimlnntlon fret-, lVopln'H phone 250.. ' Why Not Remain at Homo? Yon have on ot tho most complete I'hoto-KniirnvlnL' KttahlliihiiiotitB in the country at your own door, 8. and 0. ENGRAVING CO. 70S IVIIII St. August Ituedy, house, Sumner Wlieeler sts. Mary Sell, addition, Hell St. M. Iee, addition, Hunt Thornton st, Aiuliow Trans'., house, (Jalo st.. John H. raiker, addition, Kast Ks change st. Albert Kimk, house, Nash st. Imls Neubauer, addition, North Howard st. Mrs. II. Ij. Snyder, house, AcQiieduct st. First Imported Cigar. The first Imported five cent cigar ever sold In Akron was placed on the maiket Monday morning. It comes from I'orto Klco and tho box bears the importation stamp. Girls. Save Cordova ColTco wrappers, get a steillug silver waist set free. Discharged. Adolph rioldsteln, of Akron, tins been discharged fiom bankruptcy by Judgo Wing of Cleveland. B k &.$ rr ' v.' W Laurelsl Aam: Tl, rrl Eriolllop tins mode (ho Qolo f li'Joi Av-anJ to 3VV9J KENTUCKY OoldmdUre 8Uo awarded nf w Oricnl60 ir .lames McNainara changed tho pro gram by not having had wet feet'. Hut ho had had a dry Interior and It cost hi ui $1 and costs. s Joseph llogers, a colored man, said he was arrested once beforo for in. toxicntlon. It was two years ago. no was lined $2 nnd costs, and looked glum over the extra dollar assessed against him. That you could imagine aro to be found here in our assortment of Sl'EIG WOOLENS, for Suitings, Top Coating's &.nd Trotfterings We guarantee our work, Btylo and fit. Union labor only is employed In our shop. JOHN FREIDRICH, -lin K IM 123 South Howard Stroot. v '4 x x C 5C C5 C 25m5JJ 5JC 5mCJ C C Xf! 3CJJ jjj5 Ks&o&$o&mo&&& iW Special Prices on FRAMED our "It was so long ago, I don't remem ber," said nugh Ready, charged with Intoxication, when asked If ho had ever before been arrested. Tho Mayor thought $2 and costs would about lit tho case and, perhaps, refiesh Mr. Itcady's recollection. That lino was lmpoM'd. R SALE! A Good Restaurant in Good Location A first-class Investment. Write for particulars. Oood Chance, Cnre Democrat. Iry the Democrat's want columns. Seldom equaled, never excelled, is Cordova Coffee. FIRST ASSESSMENT Called by Great Western Cereal Company. Tho first assessment oil the stock subscriptions of the Great Western Cereal Co., has been culled, The share- VXK CVbr fefcVVjtfwV CANVAS COVERS AWNINGS ml tbr1lk Ctnentfo io3. SOLD 11Y WM. WASHER, Mi Koutli Howard nt. Akron, Ohio. & K. II. ."Marks and John McCnrty got Into n light In n noward, street saloon Kntuiday night. Pollccmait Huffy arrested them. Marks wns uu able to appear Monday. McCarty said he acted in self-defense nnd was lined $2 and costs. bo not leave home on a Journey with out a1 bottle of Olinmberlnln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is almost certain to bo needed and can not bo piocured while you nro ou hoard tho cars or steamship. It Is pleasant, safo and reliable. Tor salo by all druggists. H Stelnbacher & Co., whole sale agents. noot: & Kilmer, 188 S. Howard St. a&aa&aoia& "She 'Best Ten Cents' "Worth E-cer Tut Into a Magazine EVERYBODY'S forMy VTaT1 Did you see the April number ? The May issue is better yet Easy to Read. T a. . Nothing to Skip. 34 year Yet it has n6 superior as a home magazine at any price. 1 'A. This "Repiarf(able Offer to new subscribers: Everybody's Magazine, for 6 mos. .50 128 ptgts a month of fascinating stories and readable uticles ot tffoaa intercM, protutsiy lllusiraiea wita cuarmmg pictures. The World's Work, for 6mo& Tbe new raawilna' for men, and progresslTt women thn but magazine of Its kind ever produced. Superbly Illustrated. Harper's Bazar, for 6 mos. Now changed from a weekly to a monthly, A. volume of lpO pages, the final authority on questions of gooit. taste In all fpmtnine matters. The best of what former!1 cost four times as much. These three magazines, eachbest in its' field, for six months beginning with the May issue, to one address or three, for JOHN WANAMAKER, New York $1.50 .50 $2.50 oil for 11 ALL AWNINGS Mndo nud put up by us In this city thlB Bnrlnir will bo kept in running order during the season, takon down In the fall and stored free ot charge. People's ( llusloeaa hours, No. 78s Tlionea I Any other tme ,...Jo. W0 137 S. laiu St. Going South? It eo.youstcuro many advantages tyw Ine vl Cincinnati, tho Queen & Crescent Route nnd Southern Ry. Its fast trains pen etrate every part ot the Central South. a hour schedule Cincinnati to Jacksonville ana New Orleans. 9 hours to Chattanooga. 08 hours to ShrcveporU 56 hours to Poit Tampa. Observation, parlor and cafe cars tree re- cllnlne chairs Throuch Pullmanito all Im portant Southern cities. , Oar tttAklctl t.U Taa tkl tA.Mtuulvl o(Ttr OTH etkrt (oaui, .ad r mb( fr lb. MkUf . V bj Met VfUfl IHH.IKIM w. c KiNcan.oN, o, p. ,, oincinn.ti. THROUGH LINE To Pacific Coast Secured Pennsylvania R. R. Co. rhlhuleliihla, April -"-'.-(Spl.)-After persistent denials It Is now seml-offl. daily announced that the Pennsylvania railroad will have representation In tho board of directors of the Atchison, Topekn, & Santa Fe, by nt least two members. i;hls will glvo tho Pennsyl Viiula a through lino to the raclllc Coast, as tho Atchison Is tho only line running from Chicago to San Francis co over Its own tracks. ' Erie's New Train. The Rile will (idd a new train to Its passenger service June 1. It will leave Chicago at 10;!, rcaclung New York tlio next nftoniuon nt 4:110. wmjuipiumi iihi 11 I1TT i by IwliTilo 1 " I Lea S I 1 i I E3 I e: 1 i ir 1 , ji , i Dr. . M. KOllV 324 South Main Street Hnvo added u FINE LINE of WALL PAPER In connection with tlioir FAIIJT business. Prices lowest in tho city. Your patronage is so . . THE . - Angelo Andrew Paint & Varnish Co. Np. 324 South Mtvin St. IDST-We Gve Gkibe Stamps. ISM Caesar, DENTIST. :80 to lltao a.m. j Uq 5 p. 111. 42a Hamilton Building This train will run through Buffalo. People's Pfione m, AJtron, O. The EDS0N FISH MARKET 'Ihe only pluoo In town to And afull Block of Oysters, Clnnw, Fish, Etc. Ku NOHT1I HOWARD HTRttttT. Jloth phones JW. f tl JVJ US n'&1 r i, $. ''I a ) K. a te-A yy , ji ?-H