Newspaper Page Text
L 1 Hi KilOJtf DALLY DEMOCRAT, SAT UK DAY, 31 AY 25 1001 WESTERN RESERVE. (Contluuctl from flint page, part two.) plr'ted. It was so well liulltkd tlmt It utnntlR today a good and substantial edifice, now tlie liomo of UtulMiti Aca demy, a preparatory school for the uulvrtslly. Instruction was first given In Decern hef, 182H, u ml ns soon as tlio new build I'iir wiih Mulshed It was iiulto Mlled with students. Money watt scareo In those days. Whllu the nrlglunl endow- nit'tit amounted to nearly ?10,0U0, tho contributions chuio in tho form of land, ciittlo and merehandlso. Kveu tho btouu aud litilldliiK uiutoi'luls were obtained by trade and lurter. David rtudcou gave a soctlon of land, 100 acres, upon which tho college campus was laid out, and afterwards much beautified with oruameutal trees and shrubbery. Tho scliohu-bhlp of the Institution took high rank from the Mrst. All the clerical members of the board of trus tees were graduates of Now England colleges, four from Yule, two from Wil liams, and ono from Dartmouth. Tho plau and tho Idea of Yale College, pre dominated oven to the arrangement of the buildings as ono succeeded another. The course of study aud religious teachings exhibited the same spirit. It whs another Yale In Now Connecticut. Rev. Caleb I'ltklu was the Mrst ex ecutive of the college, and ho was followed by President Storrs, who was elected In August, 18au. lie adminis tered the affairs of the Institution while they wero still taking form und shape. There wero uiauy dlMlcui- tles In the way, the lack of financial resources being the chief obstacle to rapid advancement. The annuul labor system was tried nud proved to be unsatisfactory. For n number of years a cooper shop, cabinet shop, wagon fchop, aud even a blacksmith shop were maintained and operated by the class men under the direction uf their pro fessors. The workmanship of the ap prentices was of u decidedly sophuiono and unskillful kind. Their wares wero crude and uusilable. Their trade failed to thrive. The mechanical shops were kept open until 1S51, when tho system was abandoned as a failure. Matters of greater Importance wero forcing tuouibolrcs upon the minds of collegians and citizens alike. During the. admlnlsl'rutlou uf Mr. Ktorrs, the anti-slavery movement gathered great force. Copies of Cnrrl- eon's paper, the Liberator, reached the When it becomes necessary to sit up in bed to get your breath; when the least exertion such as walking, sweeping, singing, talking or going up and down stairs, causes shortness of breath, fluttering or palpitation; then it is 'time to do something to brace up and strengthen your failing heart. Take Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It is best of all. "I had palpitation of heart, my left side became enlarged and I could not sleep at night. Bad tp sit up in bed and often walk the floor to get ray breath. All of these troubles wero cured by Dr. Miles' Heart Cure." MBS. B. V. Tubbs, Mt. Carroll, Ills. Dr. Miles' Heart Cute stimulates the digestion, in creases the circulation and makes weak hearts strong. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. R.MPIl BTViSV5! IXlRMLee&m MSWfOf A Most Effective Combination. A Tonic and Nervine of acknowledged su. premacy, A cure for Debility. Dspetsia and Nervous Disorders. Relieves laiiyucramiKcn. eraldebllityibrliflitensthouKhtaiidUreiigtIicns the great organs of the body, improving their functional activity ; restores worn-out nerves; nldsdlgrsllon tpromotes assimilation restores the blood to Its proper constitution and Is won derfully efficacious as a General ""onlc, appe llor hiiu promoter 01 puysicai acll lly. It is b icaaui iu me lasic, ana, usea regularly, races the svsteni a?Hinil th(! Inrln. enccsof Materia. PHICC $1.00 PER BOTTLE. If not to be had of our Druggist, we will upon receipt of money, send by Express prepaid, TOE CARROLLTON CHEMICAL CO., Sola Proprietors, BALTIMORE. M D. KOU SAriE ny S. STEINBACHER G CO. Akron, O. Sit up in bed. m WE&VgZSXg' f3K Xw fl B1 fc rm vm o M mmmmmmmw" Kinkiiii PyaffBpsIm Mr.).B.bean,(fRondout,KlY.learshe suffered mlsrty night and day from dytpepsl. and Ills esse ws pronounced Incurable by the rioUoiS.. For over two ) ears he i tiered Untold M leery Doctor Kennedy advised the use of ravoriiiKcmrayana Mr. Dean sayai "I took It and Inside ol a week was relieved, and In at short while Mrasposltlvelyeurcd." He says I "Just think Ourod and mnv there Isn't a healthier man In this country, and mv no- i petite Is erand." The loe ot dyspepsia and poor health is Dootot Davltf Kennedy's Fmvorlto Romctty All dmgilui sell It, or re till lend Hurras paid, for J 1,00 pr bottle. if you would tryhttori lnyUi7tutuUttendSainptt BoUU Frte. Doctor David Kennedy Corporation, Rsndonl, N.V. BANK OAF-.E. Business Men's Restaurant. Meals served tit all hours. Fine Im ported and domestic Wet Goods and Cigars. Under Central Savings Bank. John Koorbor, Frop. ttjSS ArNS&&r (life. V SoWwmSO CANVAS COVERS AWNINGS AlX awnings Mado and put up by us In this city this spring will ba kept in running order durlnfc tho Beason, taken down in tho full and stored reo of oharge. People's J Business hours No. 73R 'Fhones 1 Any other timo No. 93 13? S. Main St. J. A. KERR, D. O. 604 HAMILTON BLOCK Graduate under Dr. Still, tho founder of Osteopathy. Hours 8 to 12; 1 to B. Con sultation nnrt examination free, rooplo's ph one 230. Fine No. 1 Fresh Mackeral AND HUDSON RIVER ROE SHAD Eoceived dally this week at EDSON FISH MARKET Western Itcscrve, and found a strong constituency among the thoughtful ami hcholatly men ot the old New England block. The evil ot slavery was tho leading topic of debate, the paramouut subject of controversy aud discussion-' Some favored the colonization plat, others were uncompromisingly for tho immediate, abolition of tho curse, the ono black anil hideous mark on the fair escutcheon of liberty. The elo quence of Beecher mid Wendell Phillips was echoed again by tho walls of Hudson College. In those days pru-slavery doctrines were heretical, but there was uo her.esy at Hudson. In the debating societies, at thu pulpit, and on all platforms, whether In lec ture rooms or at public meetings, slavery was denounced by ministers, professors and students with one ac cord. Tho baying of tho bloodhound lu Southern swamps did not speak wlthv a voice more deep ami more direful against this Institution, that was thought to bo tho Invention of tho Prlnco ot Darkness. Austlnhtirg, Tallmadge, Hudson nnd Ohcrliu, every place In Northern Ohio whore there wag an academical Institu tion, was also a station on the under ground tallroad, a so-called hotbed of abolitionism. The agitation so Intense ly foriuented by these places logically culminated In tho war" of the Itebelllou with all Its lamentable results that wero compensated for hy the extirpa tion of thu one evil, human slavery. It Is a singular paradox that the AVos tern Heservo is better known to this day to Southern niou than any piece of territory of equal extent' lu their own sunny land.. At tho outbreak of tho war lu 1S01, of tho four hundred alumni und un-der-grnduatcs of Webtern Heservo Col lege, over a hundred wero enrolled lu Ohio regiments. Mr. Storm was obliged to resign rhu college presidency because of 111 health and he died a short tlim.' afterwards. His place was tilled by Itev. I'lerce, a Vain muu uf Hue Uttaluiueult!. He di rected tho destinies ot he young Insti tution during two decades. In Febru ary, 1811, n inoillllcatlou of the charter wns obtained to penult of tho estab lishment of tho medical department- In Cleveland. Lectures had been Inaugu rated by Dr. Delii'mater In tho autumn of 1R451, nud the llrsf class Was' gradu ated In March, 1811. 'Tho medical school has tilvpiys been prosperous and prolltic of graduate, The main college, after vho creation of this separate department did not got ou so well, rnfortultoiis circumstances fore btalled prosperity. Voting men found It not so dllllcult to travel to the East for an education. Menus of eoiniuunl cation wero Improved and Wieiipoued. Oberllu opened hoi' doors In 1K51, nnd drew away many students who would otherwise hnve nialrlculafcib ut Uud- son. Tlw debt of tho coHoro hecinio moio bimltwinouip,. Good Icuttircrri could Kft iH'lti'r pity nntl inorii itcok ultluit nt Institutions tllnf wuro bettor endowed. With tho rrllrcuiput ot I'rcHldont I'leroo In 18,"5, tho outlook for the fu ture or tlio college was Bloomy tind (llflhc-artcnltiK. Tho truntei'8 nud frlrnds of tho Institution, Iiowovit, wcru Hduicli nud triio, nud with a clear illhcorniucnt of tlio iiuulltlcs In the until, Kflccted Itev. Unify li. Hitch. cock to tui;a me c&cuiiuvo cnuir. iiy n happy chiiuuo this gentleman mldcd to his tine scholarly tjimlHicatloiiH KOOll llUMlllfSS cuit.iclty. A Ucht of if'-'l'.UUO niubt be paltl without further procrastluallou. The president, by his skillful policy illumined to lift tho debt' nud to place tho utlnlrg which wire untriittlcd to him on a sound baste. Ho wiia enabled to add SOii.OOO to tho pcrniancnt fund, and S'.W.OOO to tho general fund of the college. Most of thla money was obtained as n re sult of tho diligence and by the per bonul hollcltatlon of Prpildent Hitch cock. More btudcnls nud Instructors cainn with tho returning tide of ma terial prosperity, l'roi'o.sor Carroll (Jutler was the ne.t president. The brnclits of a co educational B.vsteni wero recognized, and In 1ST- wuineu were admitted to the of Instruction upon tho same conditions us men. Eighteen years ago the school wis removed from Hudsou to Cleveland. Tho old buildings nt Hudson aro often vlhlted by the graduates who com pleted their M'udlcs there and the memories of Western Itcnurvc arc still dear to her old students. Shudders at His Past. "I recall now with hoiror," says Slall Carrier Burnett Maun, of Lovau na, O.. "my three years of suffering from Kidney tiouble. I was hnrdly ever free from dull aches or acute pains In my back. To stoop or lift mall sacks mado me groau. 1 felt tired, worn out, about ready to give up when I began to use Electric Bitters, but six bottles completely cured mo and made ine feel like a new man." They're unrivaled to regulate Stomach, Liver. Kidneys nml Bowels. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by all drug gists. Only 50 cents. H. C. GENERAL ELECTRICIAN House Wiring and Repair Work. 107 on tlio Viaduct FOR CHAPPED HANDS AND ROUGHNESS OF THE SKIN, Our Violet B&lm P! i LEASES ARTIOUUAR 'EOPLE OPULAR RIOE.- WM. WARNER, Gem Pharmacy, 113 S. Howard St. IfYou Want ..NECK COMFORT.. SEND YOUR SHIRTS AND COLLARS TO AMCRIOAIM t-AUNDRV 40S EAbT EXOHANOK ST. Phone 720. GEO. K. El'Z, Prork lf When yon want KefeihmenU o( W v-,; all kinds, such as Imported aad Do- at IW meitic J wines, Liquors ono Beers JJ W The best wst roads obtainable rlait ' IV tne ft $ ATLANTIC GARDEN jg W 200-202 E. Market st. JJJ J DETTLING BROS., Props, "j Iron and Castings urass For every purpose. Adamson, Exchange and Water Sts. Why Not a Trip TO California This Summer Do you realize that tho most attrac tive SKAHIDK AND MOUNTAIN HKSOHTS In the world aro In Cali fornia uud tluit they aro quickly and comfortably reached via tlio SOUTHKHN PAOIF10 00. luly flth io Kith I ucIunIvp, exceeding ly SI'KOIAIj LOW KATE. Hound trip tickets will lie aold account of tho liflli International conveutlou of the Knwoitli I.etiBtie to bo held In SAN FIIANOTSUO. Tlief.o special low rates will bo avail able to all, whether members of tho League or not, anil tickets ran bo pureluifrcd to ro via any of the SOUTIIHKX PACIFIC COMPANY'S THREH ROUTES; SUNSET, OGDEN Oil SHASTA, IleturuliiK tbe siiiim or cither of the otheiu Through Pullninii voHtlbuled HleppluK earn, Firm class nud tourist, For parllt'iilar, ndilress (5. (1, Herring, Coin, iiki'iu", S. P. Co., 711 Purk bldg., Plttbui'K," Pa. EVANGELIST COX Will Open Meetings at Gospel Mission, Tim (lospcl MImIou on Virtu How nnl St., will open Its herlri of full fmlrutlou meetings this (veiling at 7:!i(). They will continue for at least (en days. I W, Cox, of Houghton, N. i'., nrrived today, aud will hmo charge of tho lneetliigK. He antlel pates n glorious victory lit tho minus of the I.otd. The object of this meet lug Is chlelly for the saltation of the tost, and the sanctlllcalioii of Cod's people. Wo heartily Invite the co operation of every Christian to tlio end, that Cod's cause In Aktoit may receive u mighty swing heavenwaid. Miss Mnmlo Smith, Mldillesboro, Ky writes: "My little sister had tho croup very bad. I gave her set oral doses of Foley's Honey and Tar and bho was Instantly relieved. It saved her l A. Warner,. J. M. Latfer and .1. La til purler & Co. !FIREaftSt ":":-:::"H":":-:";K":v..x.x. 1 Central Englin- House. 2 Buckeye Works. a Miller Rubber Works. 4 Dlninond Rubber Works. 5 Main and Market. 0 No. 'J Engine House, Sixth Ward. 7 North Hroadwity, ueatl Market. S Buchtel ave., and Uowery. 1) Schuinacher Mill. Mill btrcct. l'J Piospect, near Mill, la Furnace and Broadway. 1-1 Main and Keck. 1." Ash and Park Place., l'J No. 3 Engine House, West Hill. 17 Carroll nnd Exchange. IS Empire Mower uud Reaper Works, lli Akron Rubber Works. 21 Prospect and Perkins. 2a Forgo and Mnrket. 21 Sherman, nenr Exchange. 2," Main aud Exchange. 21! North Howard and Tnllrundge. 27 West Market and Green. 28 Akron Knife Works. 20 Washington und Hopp Alley. 31 North Howtiul and North. 32 Enst Muiket and Sprnce. 34 West Market and Valley. 3." Carroll aud Splcer. 3(5 Cat roll and Sumner. 37 North and Arlington. 38 yiuo aud Fountain. 30 Coburn and Camplizll. 41 Wooster ave.. and Locubt. 42 Pearl, near cistern. 43 South Main and Falor. 45 follegc and Mill. 4(1 Arlington and. Hazel. 47 Howe and Bowery. 18 West South. 40 Merrill Pottery, State. 51 Howard and 'Cherry. 52 No. 4 Engine House, Main and Falor. 53 Center st,,' Railroad Crosslug. 51 Buchtel ave., aud Union. 5fi Akron Stoneware Co., Oth Ward. 57 l.ods and Turner. 58 Perkins and Adolph ave. 50 Webster, Camp & Lane Ma chine Co. Gl Case ave., aud Kent. 02 Sleberliug Mill, Gth Wind, tj.'t Johnston and Cbamplalu. 01 Akron Sewer Pipe Co., Black Mill. 67 Carroll aud East Market. OS Second ave., and Valley Ry. (50 .lolinson and Wilson. 71 Grant and Cross. 72 North and Maple. 73 Werner Printing Co. 71 North Union, near Bluff. 7," Robinson Bro.9., North Forge. 70 Tho Whitmoro-Itoblnson Co. 7S East Market and Cook. 79 Home, near Lllllau. 81 Western Linoleum Co. 82 Summit Sewer Pipe Co. 83 Allyn nnd Cross. 54 Thornton nnd Harvard. 85 The J. 0. McNeil Boiler Works. $7 Thornton and Camp. 89 Main and Miller ave. 01 Cereal Mills, South Howard. Broadway. Schumacher cooper shop, N. Broad way. 01 Mill and Summit. li Main and Mill. 98 Buchtel ave., and Fay. 123 Silver and Hickory. 124 South High and Chestnut. 125 West Market and Rhodes ave. 121 General Alarm. 120 Arlington and Second nve. 232 Jlenner's Brewery, N. Forgo st. 211 Sherman and Vurls. 251 Cedar and Wulmsh ave. 253 West Exchange, near Willow. 312 Cascade Mills, North Howard 314 Fire Chief's Residence. ' 321 Adams aud Upson. 311 Baleb and Market. 342 Maple, opposlto Bnlch. 315 Blttninn und Crosby. 351 Exchange aud Splcer. 412 Wooster and St. Clair. 413 St. Clair and Bnrtges. 415 Water Works. Wooster avn . 431 Ewart Tlio Works. The Dickson Transfer Co. Coal, Transfer and Livery. rucking, MuvIhk nml Htorlng of Goods. Ooaohps, Uoupi's nml ('urrlnges for funernls, weddings, pintles nud callings. Offices Bos, 123-125 Carroll St., tel, 306. 116 H. HIch St., tel. 42J. !Io. John Backe 175 S. Main st. The celebrated Anhnuscr Bunch Beer, on drought. Also lu bottles for family use and tho choicest In mills of old whiskies,, direct from ihu bonded warehouses. Imported and domestic cigars, wines, ales mid potters. ' mzmsLMi You With your Belen, Miu., March 9, J 900. I have used one bottle of Wine of Cardul and one pickage of Thedford's Black-Draught. Before I began to lake your medicines I had pains in my back, hips, lower bowels and my arms. Sometimes I thooghl I would go blind. My head ached and I was so weak 1 could hardly walk across the floor. Now I can only feel a little of the pain In my side and I am going to use your medicines until I jet cured, for I believe they will certainly cure mt. I have been married twelve years and am the mother of seven children. I thank yCM lot your wonderful medicine and what it has done for me. Vol acWIce nd riepsrtnient," ftt3 CASPAR :irvj" Manufnctuicrof nil kinds of Brushes. Orders ptoiuptly attended to. 155 H. MAIN BT. AKRON. GO TO . . . F3. 1. NAIULCR For everything in the ELECTRICAL LINE CEILING and DESK FANS. 'Phone 012 238 S. Howard St. Summit Plating Works CHERRY ST., AKROH, 0. Gold, Pllver, Nickel, Copper, Brnss, Bronte nnd Oxidizing. Bleyclo nnd stove 1'lntlnR a specialty. All work guoranteed. Work called for nnd delivered. Your pat ronage Is solicited. Pcoplo's Phonos 553 nnd 1110 SMOM Colorado Springs, Maniiou, Denver AND GlenwoodSprings SUPERIOR EQUIPMENT C.otlnf f Pullman Duffel Sleeping Cars. Rocllnlng Chair Cnrs (.uhi) tndCornfort&blc Day Coaches ovts, Tiir. MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y C C WitMU. SLIitU fUCKHC IL C TOWTCDO. SvM riaiJtaa. Utt Vst hs I sM Gs1 rs. Girl furl us) TU K IT. LOUIS J. R. JAMES. Centra.1 Passenger Agent, Q05 Pa.rk Building, Pittsburg, Pa. CHAS. AUSTGEN Cor. Broadwny and Exchange Wholesale Liquor Dealer. The best Whisky sold In barrel, and all kinds nr Liquors lor one saioont. L. HOSTER BREWING CO. Of Columbus, brewers of high grade 1 wimntiii liiiisn. Kpori iispaiaiiy. BOTTLED BEER FOR FAMILY USE. Importers of California nnd Ohio Wines. Lowest prices. Delivered to any point of the olty. Both Telephones S58. Bottle nepirtment. 034. Ute LiriiioL'ritt want column. It pays. CS.TA.Btki: tUCKOBI. jinywiisiMiiasiasaaM ! IjpiiM 9 VIA THC i 3 Pueblo Gateway 9 M I f A Trial Bottle of this Wonderful Remedy, containing 50 Doses, can bo obtained of Druggists for only 25 CENTS. This is to induce those who never used BRAZILIAN BALM to try it now. Cures a Cold in One Night, Guaranteed to Cure Any Cough. Cures Worst Kind of Bronchitis. Cures Worst Croup in a Few Minutes. Cures Sore Throat and Ulcerated Tonsils. Onlv Positive Cure for Quick Consumption. Kills the Catarrh Microbe and Cures in One Month. It Ulcerated Tonsils, more thau a million people B. F. JACKSON- CQ, diemisi. . . EH TOLD BY PAIN If you have palm you should look after them quickly Pain ihowi lomt thing it wrong. The sharper the pain the more danger there is in delay. There are thousands of women today who are bearing awful pain almost continually, rather than (ell a physician about the shooting paint In their lower abdomen, about the agony of falling of the womb and the distress of leucorrhaa. They let the months pass and their (rouble becomes harder to cure and more distress ing. But modest women can secure exemption from the embarrassmtnt of a private examination. When pain tells you of danger you can cure yourself by the use of can be cured without distressing publicity in the privacy of your homt. these facts before you there Is no reason for the delay which Is Increasing misery and waiting the days of your life. Why not stop the pain loday7 literature address, cItIde symptoms, "Ths Ladles' Adrlsory The Chattanooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga, Tenn. THE FAME OF ML WPii HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER COMPLEXION SPECIALIST The most Imitated woman in the world The Discoverer MME. A. Removes Permanently PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES,1 ECZEMA, MOTH PATCHES, SALLOW NESS, and WRINKLES NOT CAUSED BY FACIAL EXPRESSION. : : : : : Does not cover up but removes the blemish. M itf jb S nS r fc. H jpfbt etn sk hxs& J 5rfk 0 m o S ifi s& Ww HEIGHTENS, CLEARS and BEAUTIFIES the COMPLEXION It Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders iviih a Bad One. ITS MERITS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER. USED AND RECOMMENDED BY REFINED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. cAbsolulely Harmless and cHtuays Successful. Drop In ind ssk to hive Mm;. Ruccert's Face Bleach shovn to you, snd hive lis merits, minner of using and vonderful ,-esulis ctplslned, so ru ulll be ssilsflcd it is wbst joa need for jour complexion. We always carry a full line of Mine. A. Ruppert's Gray Hair Restorative, Egyptian Balm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap and Hair Tonic. Call and have their merits explained to you. Ask for Mrnc. Ruppert's book, HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL." FREE. Risch & Sole Agents, 124 South Matin Street, & & J. D. ELLIS Mo Ins Vans, General Tenuv InRaml Transferring. Parcels nnrt Trunks delivered. Tran sient and Boarding Stable. Office and Stable, 228-230 W. Market St. Both Telephones No. 2sr. Uio Democrat want column. It pays. 5 Only Thing on Earth That Cures Asthma. BRAZILIAN f xse'er nas muea in a muic case, uuai ill anteed to take Grippe out of the whole system, whether it settles la Lungs, Kidneys or elsewhere. Kills the Streptococus, the which infests the stomach, causing Also heals the stomach, made raw and ulcerated by swallowing tha posion catarrh virus. Cures all germ or microbe diseases. Has cured is 100 years ahead of the medical profession. Don't fail to try it. 50c AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. MATILDA SMITH. For thirty years a successful career of Facx Blzacji RUPPERT'S Akron, Ohio J.'K. WILLIAMS Machine Shop and Foundry POTTERY MACHINERY, RUBBER MOULDS AND DIES. Gencrnl Machine ami Foundry worn. Lawn Mowors sharpened. Ubo Democrat want column. It pays. ECect of aebts on tin xracnio or winapipo. germ A Dyopeptic't Stomich. Dyspepsia. JNDlANAPi&JBlA I3htI y b yisS'3w?PllT!BK"iiciVr m mi M VI mtum sAajasfT .NlCtfrMSSWlSf'iil'fcflsVMtSMllltWfej jMayEgagiamagaHBaMMMtiiMMHai.