Newspaper Page Text
AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY. MAY 25 1001 m i H- TIE GAME Bowled on Grand Alleys. Crile and Moore Won Three Straight. Schedule Arranged For Next Week. Ed. Martin Matched With Joe Walcott. Matthews Lost His Title Local Sporting News. A tie game was bowled on tho Annul alleys I'YIdiiy evening between (Jrlle mill Moon' ami (lostlln and Wolf, tennis niitcicil In the two-man tour ney. In the third game both teams rolled J'!!). An nddltlonal gnmu wns bowled mulling In n victory for tho first named team. This gavo than three Unmes for the evening, The scores: Oosllln and Wolf -III 1, 330, 3(1(1, JIO.S. Crllc and Moore- 321, 330, :i"8, 301. The selieiltilo for next week Is as follows: Tuesday night llrownell anil Martin vs. Crllc and Moure and liar--ou and Kolb vs. (iosllln and Wolf. Thursday nlglil Kraln and Ilowland vs. Curler and Snyder ji net Orllo and Moore vs. Kaufman and lllaiik. INDI VIDUA Ii TOUJINAMUNT. Martin and Kolb bowled Friday evening on tho Grand nlleys In tho Individual tournament. Kolb de feated his opponent by six plus. Tho scores: Miirtlu ISO. U18, ir.7j total 505. Kolli 150, 181, J7lj tolnl nil. PASSU!) THROUGH AKRON. The Western Reserve University baso ball team passed through Akron Saturday morning en roulo to Gam lilcr, where It plays tho Kenyon college team this afternoon. At tho Union depot tho team met tho Itiiehtol col lege boys who wero walling for tlm 11 1 nun train. DATH NOT CHANGED. President .lohu Wleso of the South End Athletic club, Informed tlm sport- Ing editor of tho Democrat Friday thai the dato of tho .Slnims Hamilton contest nail not been elinnged. Tlm men will meet .Mine 7 ns annniineed. ITo said that' Hlinins had announced n change of dato without any author, ity ft inn the club. ANNUAL MEKTINO. The animal meeting of tho Planet Athletic club will bo held at the club rooms Tuesday evening, May US. At that time the otllcers will bo elect ed for the cunning year. IN III HAM. The Iluchtel collego Ikiro bull tenm went to HIraiii Saturday, where a game Is to bo played today. The. Uuchtel boys expect to reverse the icsult of tho ganio In this city. SHOP TDAM. The employes of tho Akron Cultl Tator Co. have orguulml ii team which is open for challenges fiorn any shop team lu tho city. Tho team bats lu tho following order: Stephen Sulll van, 2b; John Cook, 3b; James Har ris, lb; Kd. Aklns, s S Sam Allhouse, c. f. John Ilathfonl, r.f. Charles i'ur cell. I f; Nelson Spldle, c; Oscar Stair, p; William Cutting and P. Stair, subB. Answer through tho Democrat. HUNTS WON, The Kentn hit the ball nil over the lot In tho game with Uarnes' Colored All-Araericaiis, Friday, winning by a core of 12 to 3. Potta pitched a fine game for thcICeuts, MA.TTH K WS D15FEATED. At Toronto last nlgbt Uubo Kerns defeated Matty Mnttlwt s In 10 rounds, gaining tho welterweight champion elilp of tho world. Matthews was put out by a heavy stomach punch follow cd by a left on tho head. MAItTIN MATCHED, Joo Wnlcolt mid Denver Kd. Mnr tin have signed articles of agreement Do you rcractnber how you felt In the mornings when you fn were u uvy i uuw good it was to begin o a new nay i now nun gry you came to ta ble I How tired you went to bedl ifow soundly you slept ! Doit'tyou find your self snvintr some times, how I wish I could get up like that boy, eager for tile uay and teeling fit for it? And then don't you turn nway with a sigh as if the wish were im possible of fulfill ment, and start on the new day's journey tired at the outset ? It's not im possible to get -' back that glad boyish feeling again. Tti only means getting hack ncaitn, nit your stomach in order and see how sooni your sleep will be dreamless, your rcst( ftniinfl vrair nrmMlti henrtv mid vmir work a pleasure. The best remedy for) all ailments of the stomach and nutritivei organs ii Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical. Discovery. and join the great' iirmv of sick rx-oTjic made well bv its use.i Nothing is "just as good." If you. go for " Discovery " get " Discovery." i "The prnlse I would like to Rive 'Oolden! Medical I)icovery I cannot utter In words or dfcrll with pen " writer Jnrac D. Ambroie, Hid.. nfiM Mifflin St.. Iluntlnedon. l'u. M mi taken down with what our physician said rrai Indigestion. I doctored with the best around here l id found no relief. I wrote you and you acnt w a question hlank to fill out and 1 did to and you then advised me to use Dr. Herce'a Golden Medical Discovery. I took three bottles and I fell so food that I stopped, twine, ' I tnlnlc, cured. I have no symptom of gastric trouble or Indigestion now." Dr. Pierce's Common Souse Mcdlcal Adviser is ssnt frecjn receipt of stampsi to pay expense of mailing only. Send 71 one-cent stamp for the paper covered book, or 31 stumps for the cloth-bound. If you wauit recreation drop in CMTTU'C BILLIARD HALL vMYllAIl vl Walsh Block. Main st. Anson II. Smith, Prop'r. ! Builder's Hardware All klmlHof Iioiiko paint, mowers imil Kiirdi'ii hone, Hwlinjs, Intro nnd miiiiII hI, enrpt'iitura mid Htonii millions' tools, soryon doors find win dows, nil Hl7i'. l'litiin of nil kinds. WORK GUARAMTEED. LOUIS BICKEL Tel. 638. 511 S. Main St. for it eoulest to decldo the colored cliamploiiship of tho world. A side wager of $1,01)0 will bo posted. It Is probablo that the mutch will he pulled uir lu private. KENT DlflFEATHD. Tho Kents were defeated Thursday by names Colored All-Anierleans. Itracken, who pitched for Kent was given poor support. Score: It II K Kent 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-2 II I Haines . . I 10 0 5 0 0 0 0-7 15 2 IN THE RING AAA IN. .Morris Itiiusrh, who fought two eon- lesls with .lack Palmer, of Akron, Is In thn ring again after a long rest. In u battla at Hot Springs ho broke his nnn. It hns mouded and he Is as good as over. WltlAIIT PITCHED. At'iio Wright was In the box for Day ton In the game at Marlon, ml, Thurs day. The Marions got four hits off his delUery and worn defeated 12 to 3. SHARKEY ASA WRHSTL10R. 'Pom Sharkey, tho famous pugilist who has mined wrestler, hns signed ar tides to meet 'mm .lenlilus of Cloo lit ml In n Mulsh match nt catch-as-catch-can stylo for n $1,MM) sldo bet. Tho malt'h Is to lake place In Juno wherever Iho best Inducements arc offered. FIGHTS AHB Til 13 11 A AH. Tom Coibelt, biolhor to evCliam plon Jim, Is In Now York from San Kranclhco. Corbel t says (bat bis trip to that city Is merely ono of pleasure, but 11 Is reported that ho is hero t'o complete arrangements for the pro posed battle between Jim Jeffries and Ana Ituhlln for tho Twentieth Century FOR A CHILD who is "not doing well" the condition occurs now and then with all children. Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil is a food that begins to build you up at once of course, it don't show at once. "Not doing well" means that the child is not getting the good of his food. Not today, or this week; it may have- been going on for a month; before it begins to show in the child's condition. You want him to get back to turning his usual food into strength. You want the food that begins to build, up at once. wyilModjoatlhU.totrKyoulH., -SCOTt & DOWNE, w J'art trtt, New YorV. 1 h FU What One Man Said Ono of our customers told us the other day: "Slnco my wife linn been lining your bollled beer who bus felt bettor, looked but tor, nni! enten inoro than lit any Umo for the past nix niuntliB." This Mime man has spent nmuy dollars for patent medicines, do. (lood bollled beer Is palatable food drink, which costs but u trifle per case. Wu deliver to tho fam ily trade. 's Brewery, Brewers of High Grade Beer tfBoth Phones 251). Painting, Paper Hanging Paper Cleaning C. F. AMES AKRON, O. 126 North Summit Street People's Phone 26 A. C, Corbetf said: "Tho boxing game on the Pacific Coat Is all the rage. The public now that things arc on thu square aro Itch ing to seo some of tho top-notchcrs como together, and before long, if I urn nut mistaken, several henry weight championship matches will lie decid ed there. Tho llrst battle will bo be tween Jeffries anil Ituhlln. Then an attempt will bo made to match tho winner against either Sharkey or Hob Fltzslnimons. 1 think that Kit, will do some lighting In the hummer, and .that he will go to 'Frisco, too. - "The mill between Teiry McAovcrn and llererra, tho Spaniard, Is'attract lug a lot of attention. This fellow llererra Is a good lighter, but I don't think ho has n chance against Terry, lie may surprise people, however, by putting up a stiff argument. His backers think ho Is u real champion, and are betting all kinds of money on his chances. Tho tlht Is for 'JO' rounds for n side bet of .f;t,r00 to $.',000, the larger end being placed by McGov em." How's This? Wb orftir One Uundrnd Dollnra Howard for nnr onsn of Ontnrrli ttint onunot be cured by Unll'i OuUrrli Cure. J. F. OHICNKYJkCO., , ,. l'ropa., Toledo, O. We, the undemlgned, linve known J. F, plicnoy for tlio Inst IS years, nnd bollove Mm perfectly honorublo In all buslnesi tranaaotlona, nnd nnnnotnlly nble to carry out any olillnntlrm madn by tholr firm. WKHT A TKUAX, Wlioloaalt TJruRglnti, lolmlo, O. 'AI,l)INO, KINNAN A MAIIV1N, WlioUsnlo Drncglnta, Toledo, O. IIiiU'h Catarrh (lure U taken lutornnlly, anting directly upon the blood and muuoua aurfacna of the eyatem. Price 76o per bottle. Hold by all drugKUtn. Tuallmonlnla free. Ilall'a family Pills ar the beat. ENTERTAINMENT At Aary Day Nursery Wns Well Attended. A very pleasant entertainment was given Friday uvenlng at the Mary Uay Nursery. It was attended by an audleiieo of "(K) people. The progrnni consisted of musical nnd literary features. Thoso who took parts wero Misses Gortrudo Ma son, Abblo Aldon, Messrs. Fred Work and llert Polsky, little Miss Kthcl Frederick, Misses Kline, MelObrlght and Lee, Mr. Will llaynes mid Mr, Oltiey. Thomas Maple, Itlrkbeck, III., writes "I had a very bad caso of kidney trou ble mid my back pained me ho 1 could not' straighten up. The doctor's treat meat did mo no good. Saw Foley's Kidney Cure advertised and look ono bottle which cpred mo and I have not been affected since. 1 gladly recom mend this remedy," A. Warner, J, f. Laffer and J. l.ampaitcr & Co, PAINT Aust be Applied to All Tele pljone Poles. The Central riulou Telephono Co. has been Instructed by tho Commis sioners to paint all Its nt oil poles and remoro Its "dead" polos. How is Coijdoyu Coll'eo'i rluht. ! ' it's all HEAVY Freight Business on Valley. AH Lines Rushed to the Limit. C, A. & C. Locomotive Tire Became Loose. New Time Card Effec tive Sunday. Change Made In Erie's Local Telegraph Office. The C, T. & V. railroad handled 05S freight cars Friday. This was ono of tho heaviest days In tho history of the road. The majority of tho cars wero loaded. Krcry lino passing through Akron has all the business that it can handle. Ou thu Krle tho old mogul engines haro been pressed Into service. The C, A. & C. has been forced to place another Bhlfter lu the Akron yauls TIIIH CAM 13 OFF. The northbound C A. & C. train was one hour and -JO minutes late Sat urday morning. The delay was occa sioned by thu tiro on tho locomotive getting loobo at Mt. Vernon. Fortu nately the trouble was discovered while tho engine was walling at tho depoL CIIANAM IN TIMH. A change lu tiiuc.wlll go into effect on the (J., A. & O. Sunday. No. 53S for the south which has been leaving ft'1 Akron at 11:57 p.m., will leave under the new schedule at 2$3. .T,ue Pitts burg, Philadelphia, Wellington nnd Now York trains Will leavo Akron at '1:17 ImHoad of Ji:liO us heretofore. All othei trains will run as befoic. TKANSFIOKKED. J. P. Wilson, who has been extra operator at the Krlo lower has been transferred to Aallon. 1a F. Allen, who has been at Kllvcr Creek has been sent to this city to work on the night trlclc. 11XCUIISION liOOIClOI). On Juno (I, 2.V) students from the Virginia Polytliecnle Institute of Chrlstlansburg, Vn., will pass through this city en route to tho Pan-American exposition at ltnlTnlo, NOTK8. '" Train 12 on tho Erie was an hour Into Saturday morning. Tho loss of time resulted fiom waits because of hoary baggage. Tho C, T. & V. railroad will open Cottage Arovo park Decoration day. The fir In IS building a siding to the plant of the Akron Engineering Co., nt McCoy st. Emigrant trains passed through tho city hist night on the Krlo and B, & 0. TO WOUK IN UAUMONY. The samo lluniiclal powers are now at tho head of tho Pennsylvania and will be operated on a harmonious ngreenient. They will work hand in baud and shoulder to shoulder for the business of their respective territories. According to advices from Pitta. burg, mi arrangement Is to be made between tho two roads materially shortening the distance from Chicago to the East. Tho Pcunsylrauia com puny will penult tho ltaltlmoro & Ohio to enter the Chicago Union sta lion from South Chlengo over the Fort Wayne tracks, saving several miles In tho distance. ,Vt Pittsburg plans will bo prepared for a track along the Monongahela wlmrf to the Allegheny river, uvoldlng tho switchback toad to I-aughlln Junction nnd with tho Chicago and Pittsburg cut-offs tho nnltlmoro & Ohio route from Chicago to Pittsburg will bo shortened nbout 18 miles. Thu nnltlmoro & Ohio and tho Pennsylvania are lu similar ter ritory entering the cities of Washing ton, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cumber land, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Akrpn, Newark, Wheeling, Louisville, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Columbus. Both roads have all of the traflio they can handle now ami It Is said that Presi dent Cassaft of tho Pennsylvania has recommended that the Baltimore & Ohio be placed In a position where It can bo controlled mid the iiiterehts of both systems preserved. H is probable I hat arrangements will soon bo made for a division of tralllc which will be of benefit to nil concerned. It Is also Raid that tho IW-mllo stretch of track between Columbus and New ark, operated by tho Pan Handle and Baltimore & Ohio, Is to bo greatly Improved. Two henry grades will be eliminated so as to permit trains of 45 loaded cars to be hauled by one standard engine. It la likely that all business on the main lino of the Penu sylranla and Baltimore & Ohio will be handled over the most direct lines of both byutcms. RUSH To Secure Permits For Building. Much Is Being Done In Akron. Houses Are Going Up on All Sides. Additions and Other Structures Numerous. Not only because much building Is being dine, but becauso people aro Inking advantage of the opportunity to bocurc building permits before they hae to pay for them themselves, which will bo required after May ai. there has been a grand rush to the City building this week. The following permits have been Issued: Catharine Carlisle, house, South Mapel st. H. W. aubblsou, addition, South Broadway. Beatrlco Klmplliii, house nnd barn, West Center st. Magglo Duncan, addition, Bluff st. Werner Co., addition, Perklus st. h I). Kidder and W. A. Orr, ud dltloii, .lacksou st. .lennlo Standlsh, house, Bowery st. Wrn. Campbell, house, Kast Ex change st. T. W. Bees, house, Second st Krod Kash, addition, Crosier st. Buckeye Scrap & Metal Co., building, Kui'uaco st. Cyrus Waddell, house, Champlaln street. Security Savings Bank Co., brick building, Main st. A. K. Bunting, house, Raymond st Anna Ilollowny, house, Webt Long meOilCqimyofBehomt (OrganUed Under tb: )wa of Tczaa.) APITAL STOCK $1,000,000. DIVIDED INTO 1 ,000,000 SHARES OF THE PAR VALUE OF $1.00 EACH FULL PAID AND NONASSESSABLE. In view of the eonatant growth In value of this company'a lands and the tucceaa of its opera m to date, as well as tlie rapidity with which subscriptiona ate coming til, the directors have scided on an advance in price of block, and after June 1st no more of this stock shall be sold at 25 CENTS PER SHARE, jo that rtl subscrlptiona at this price ahould be sent in without delay. Applications will be re ceived at the comiuny'a office, as below, until the close of business hours on Saturday, June 1st, JudallmaU subscriptions bearing the date and postmark June lat or curlier will be considered a acceptable. Jn case of over-subscription, however, the right la expressly reserved to scale or reject any application. The price will, from and after JUNE 1 ADVANCE TO 35 CENTS per share, which Is Itself an extremely lorf figure aa compared wllh the Intrinsic value of the stock, and the substantial daily growth In the company's assets. All proceeds of this stock are used for the purpose of development on its arious holdings, where wells will be sunk as fast ns the drillers can jet their rigs placed.' Operations are also being pushed as rapidly as possible on the Spindle Top Heights well and the Saratoga laud. Indications on both of which properties aie at present eitteinely favorable. Subvriptlona may be sent dliect to the company's offices, as below or tuouey may le deposited in any bank subject to the company's draft with certificate of slock attached. Make all drafts or money orders to W. B. DAVIDSON. Treasurer, (fresldeut First National Hank of ilcaumonf). Address all communications to C. M. ULMNWOOD, Secretary, a to our Standing Refer to Uraditrcst'l. HOME OIL COMPANY OF BEAUMONT. BEAUMONT, TEXAS, It Makes Him Feci Good When a man gels satisfaction lu what he wants and purchases. Our patrons are always delighted with the delicious beverage that we furnish them lu our llenner beer. It Is unsurpassed tor purity, e.vcellence and appetizing and palatable flavor. Our beer Is not only a pleasing drink, but u strengthening tonic. ' THE GEO. J. RENNER BREWING COMPANY Akron, O. street. 0. A. Metzger, house, Ackley st. O. rtadouolt, house,i South Arling ton st. Frnuk Haneilue, house nnd barn, Boulevard. Skin affections will readily disappear by uslug DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get DoWltt's you will get good results. It Is the quick and positive cuio for piles. Found. After using every other brand of package coffee, Cordova Is found to be tho best. INSURE IN THE Established In 1847. Largest dividend paying com pany on account of economi cal management. F. B. Carr, State Agt. D. M. Collins, Dis't Agt. mex8roc8sS3w3S Don't Quarrel With Probably your watch Isn't to blame. It would keep good time If you would let It. Kvery watch needs cleaning vegulatlng and a little repairing now nnd then. You can't expect a watch to keep good time forever with out any attention. Bring your watch to us when there is anything wrong with it We'll make Is as good as new and won't cost much cither. Chas.T. Kenyon 185 S. HOWARD ST. rx9XMKfflcex8osisc8xoxoix( un srsATs DEAFNESS YKUls quick fr to our Naw Vraatmant. Eye Ear Nose RUPTURE Ouradand tu trual Oban dord In a few weeaJ. No Knife No Pain Throat GOITER Removed y I simple method I Lungs laasuortume. free savAg OFFICE, SUITB 4, AUCADB Rour8M8p,ra.Akron,0 YourWatch r nirlnjl catItoh I Jl. tulUU a Un 5PKATS 1 EXPERT Krlsher's Brass Foundry 1. A. KltlSHIim, Prop. Biass, Phosphor Bronsso, Alumi num Bronzo and Aluminum Cast ings of every description. 204 B. Cedar St. People's Tel. 1 125 DEALER Ilf Imported & Domestic Wines 611 SOUTH MAIN ST., AKRON, 0. necommended by physlciana fot medical nnd tablo ubo. wwnwwjwamwajunumwianjuiiBwmar 1?ic Angelo Andrew ; Paint & Varnish Co. i 324 South M&.in St. ; L Hns nddrtd n flno line of Wall Paper In connection with Ihelr L Paint P miRlnoss. PrlcPi lowest In the city. Your patron ARels nollclted. We Angelo Andrew Paint & Varnish Co. 1 324 South Main St. i ir ip E We Give Globe Stamps i ""''''j',' RAILROAD TIME TABLES f-v Dally; nil others dally except aunaay. Central Standard , Time. i EHIB KAILROAD CO. Jfi Going West. ' ' -vl No. 13 Pan. Am. Ex. to Akron 'ily 1:55 am No. 1 Kxpiess 8:85 ptu No. 5 Limited vestibule. .. .7:08 am No. 15 To Akron only 0:85 am No. 13 Chicago express, or Mnmtuys to (Jallou only... .12:20 pm No. 3 rncllle xprcs 6:50 pm No. 37 Accommodation...... 6:40 am Going Kast. No. 44 Pan. American Bx..l:08 am No. 14 To Meadvllle 2:20 am No. 8 Limited vestibule 1:31 nni No. 12 Express to N. T 8:54 am No. 4 Now Yo!' bpeclal.... 12:50 pm No. Jfi Jamestown express.. 4:30 pm No. 38. Accommodation 4:00 pm ''CtXVUANO, " yKROMV D01UMBUJ1K North Kouud. Cln., Columbus and (Jlev.. 0:05 am AUron nnd Pittsburg 8:20 am Col., Mlllorsburg & Gleve... 111:38 am Oil). Col. and Cleveland 4:25 pm Pitts., Hal., Wash. &N.Y... 4:l7am St. Louis, Olu., Akron lli:55 am South Bound. Clove., Col. and Glnclunatl .0:35 am New York, Pitts. & Akron (runs only to Barberton). . 11:10 am Gleve. Jllllersburg and Col., (dally except Sunday).... 2:53pm Pittsburg and Akron (runs only to Akron) 8:10 pm Cleve., Col. & Cln 8:55 pm Col., Cln., St. Louis 2:05 am Dn!lv. ! Daily except Suuday. BALTIMORE Si OHIO. Union Depot, Market Street. Depart West. Tiflln. Fostoria Ac Chicago.. 10:10 am land , 8:10 pm Chicago, veslibulea, Ltd...ll:10 pm Arrive from tho West Chicago and New York ves- llbuled, limited 1 :50 am Chicago & Pittsburg 0:30 am Chicago, Akron mid Clovo- Tltliu, Fostorlu & Chicago.. 7:35 pm O. T. & V. R. II. Going North. How. St Union. East Depot No. 40... 0:55am No. 4.... 0:05am No. 0.... 1:10pm No. 10... 5:03pm No. 8.... 8:25pm Depot Akron. 0:45 am C :20 am 8:52 am 8:55 am 1:00 pm 12:41pm 4:55 pm 4:58 pm 8:12 pm S:17 pm No. 12.... 0:50 am Going South. No. 7 . . 8:34 urn 8:52 am 0:04 ant No. 0.... 4:35 pin 4:55 pm D:07pm" No. B.. 12:15 tun 12:30 am 12:42 am No. 17.. 7:32 pm 7:50 pm S:00 pm No. 3.. .-.12:01pm 12:20pm 12:28pm No. 11.. 3:53 pm 4:05 TIIK NORTHERN OHIO R. R. Depot North Main st. Depart No. 1 7:50 am Depart No. 11 5:00 pm Arrive-No. 2 4:20 pm Arrlvo-No. 12 ,. .12:15 am Dally. IDally except Funday. piTTSuuFtcT& "western" r".rT Union Depot, Market st. Leave for tho East. Chicago and Now York vestl- luilo limited 2:00 am yyarren, Youugstown, Pitts burg 0:40 am Warren, Youngstown, Pitts bur? 1:10 pm Pittsburg. Washington, Phil adelphia. Now York . .. .4:0S prn Airlve fiom the East. YashlrlBton, Pittsburg, Cleve land, arrive C, 'T. & Y. 1. .. Howard st. station 0:50 am Pittsburg and Akron 11:53 am Pittsburg, Akron and Chica go , 7:33 pm New York.Wasliltigton.Pitts burg uud Chicago 11:03 pm THE NORTHERN OHIO TRACTION COMPANY. A. B. 0. Division. Waiting room, Hamilton building, opposite Buchtel hotel. Tlmo card In effect May 0, 1001, Cars for Cleveland, leave waiting room nt 5:40 a.m., 0:10 a.m. and every half hour to 7;10 p.m. and ut 8:40 and ju:.tu mii. JfFMHT-WK HiiilifMB-liTrV. n KwSSSifiSik ''nWMItffr- 1 .itt&M sssrtfeass It l. t ,-Jw . . J 1 ..,.'(.... K.,.1 . lj K&&J RSSSLESfc ? Mg a jumbwmW jtimmitu'iiiwm