Newspaper Page Text
. a AKECXN DAILY DEMOCRAT. WEDNESDAY; JUNE 12, 1901. sa t I 1 h f I' y ) Boston Store tTHH WEATHER THURSDAY. 'Generally fair. STORE NEWS FOR HOT WEATHER LITTLE NEED OF FBULING UN COMFORTABLE DURING THB HOT WEATHER SEASON. WHEN 3l'OU CAN BUV STl'LIBH WASH GOODS AND COMFORTABLE SHIRT WAISTS AT THE. PRICEH iWB OFFER THEM AU'. THIS LIST IS WORTH READING AT 8c A YARD-"Tolle Do Vichy." 'A very biuidsoino wash fabric In a big assortment of colorings, maiming Itho neve blued. For stylish drcssea and shirt wnist exactly, what you .want AT 10c A YARD-Mlmosa Dimity, 'A wash fabric, made of a splendid wearing cloth In a big variety of col orings, such itu light uufl dark blues, pinks and lavenders. AT 12&c A YARD-Mill Hay Dim ity. A little lighter .weight material In light and dark colorings) also "Badbto Superba," A now cloth, but yery stylish. AT 15c A YARD Hun Kin Dimity. Extra fine weave, In beautiful pat terns; a big variety Is hero of the ox blood colorings, which are very fashionable this season. AT 20c A YARD-Dlmltle, Super ius and Athena Mousscllno Brodee, "Handsome"" does not express the Btyllsh effocts of theso goods. They have the fancy merceilzcd stripes In them and couio In a big varnety of colorings. AT Mc A YAHD-Bonlla Hllk. Ex actly like a Foulard silk. Tho llgiues arc leproductlons of high grade silks nnd the colorings loom out beautifully although the material is all cotton. WIIIIE GOODS No other storo carries a. larger or better block of White Goods than we do. Thry ar onu of our special de pat tments and we give It, special at. tentlon. AT 5c, C'jC, 8c, 10c, 124c White In dla LlnoUH and Victoria Lawns, as Ann weaves as you llnd In this broad laud for the price. AT 15c, 20c, 25c, to 150c A YARD-Tho better grade of India Llnons and Lawns. They are very lino and make nice cool Hummer drenses AT 2r.e A YARD Genuine Imported French P.K.'s in shirt waist pattern These goods mo genuine bargains, well worth 50c a yurd. SHIRT WAISTS AT $1 Have you heeu our While Bhlrt Waists at $1? You ought to. Tho name waist Is sold everywhere at $1.25. AT $1.2.1, S1.00 TO $1 llHiklHome White waists made In sullor- collar effects. Tucked fronts, collars mid cuffs very stylish. Our great dress goods sale .. gors tnorrlly along, 70c. a yard for lino mohair: ciepons, wortli ?2, fl.fill nnd S1.S0. 150-152 S. IIOWABD ST. LIKE THE WIND, Trains Dash Through Rittman Seventy-Five Miles an Hour. nr4 Fastest Stretch of Track on Erie Railroad Has Been Improved, Making Record Breaking Time Possible. There Is no place on tho whole Eric system where as much speed Is deve loped as going down tho grade from tho cast Into lllttm.m. For several miles tliero Is ti straight stretch of track with u slight descent towards tho west Every engineer on this division of tho Erie knows of this spot and all of them try to bco just how fast thoy can cover tho distance. It Is no un common thing for the passenger trains to slide around tho curve, just outside tho village, at tho rate of 70 to 75 miles an hour. Although there have been wrecks at Klttmau, the speed of the trulns has hud nothing to do with these. Some time ago the Pullman people made a protest against tho fast running at this place. It was claimed that when the dining cars lilt tho curve me coffee, and food was scattered in every direc tion. The matter was called to tho attention of tho proper authorities and an order was Issued to all engineers to run slower. This meant that they coukl slldo through the village at 45 to 60 miles an hour, no faster. This went all right for n few weeks, out It soon found that trains that wero behind tlrao wero not making up on tho schedule the way they should. It was tho request of tho division engi neer that ha be given authority to ralso tho outside rail on tho curve live Inches. Ho claimed that this would do tiwny with tho Jolting aim the jar that hart been caused by ex treme fcpeed After considering tho matter It wnsagreed that tho change bo made. His theory was correct. The change was made but recently. It Is now possible to come down tho linn as fast as tho engine will go and around tho curves without causing any sudden shock. Tho englueers are all trying to establish new records on this particular piece of track. Piano Club 10 Pianos i 110 Members Can Join ;tn ff Per $L.UV FERRY Shorn of His Commission. Week $$$$$$; f $ ? $$???$???$ & IS, SVloney to Loan ..OIM.. Household Goods FHA.NOS, ORGANS, HORSES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS, ETO., lETTO. If you are In need of money for a grocery bill, meat bill, rent, taxes, or any other debt you owe, you can tionow tho money and pay If back In small monthly payments, no that you will not miss It out of your wages, and wich payment 10- duces lwth principal and Inter- est Call and Investigate bo- foro you borrow, as you will llnd this plan the most safe, rouvenlent and cheapest In tho t city. Loan inarto suinu day iih Vf applied for. Property left In t your possession and all business v strictly confidential. Call or write. Olllco bourn from 0 to 11:50 a.m.; 1 to 5 p.m.; open from 7 to S In tho evenings. Bell 'phono 700. I'eople'a 77L i POUND. The City Corns. Will Soon Establish One. particulars at Do not delay, save $25. 00 joining this olub. k store. I Ynn Get our m G. M. Ott & Bro. 173 S.Howard st. j atilnlAhnmifrilfFiyTlffn1hfflfm,A,l'1 A Scene In Justice Hoff man's Court Two Small Boys Caught at Springfield Lake And Kept at Ferry's House Over Night. ivi. o'ime:il- & 00 Simple, Yet Marvelous. Ice Cream and Ices Without Labor, by Using New XXth Century Freezer A City Dog-Catcher Is to be Appointed Also. Your Dollars Will co further in securing values in our immense outfitting emporium than in any other similar establishment in Summit county. Wo buy in large quantities. Wo buy for cash and save many dollars each year by discounts. Wo keep in close touch with tho factories. Wo have associated with us those who have made a life study of this business. We havo always and will always consider quality above price. Bear these things In mind, when yon con sider the purohnsn of a piece of furniture, n itove, a Inmp, a carpet, n rug, a pnlr of eurtalns, wall paper. plcUiros or picture tramei. Special inducements to young couples starting housekeeping. YOU just load the Freezer and it will do the rest. A , demonstrator is here this week to show how it's done. : 2 Quart Freezer . $1.50 3 Quart Freezer . $1.75 4 Quart Freezer . $2.00 Get Sample of Cream. 8n lkkkkHr'' in n in in in in m in m in in n in in in m 11 to in in n r. n in to n to in in in in in tn in in in n m in it in in in in A dog-catcber nnd a ponnrt nro to l)pi provided by tlio City Commission ers. Dors will t'lion no longer rim at Iiii'ko without KOtllng tliruisplvos and owners Into trouble and tho homeless, ownerless dog will bo foully dealt with. l'olleo Prosecutor G. C. Uriiuur stall ed the iiRltntlon at tho City bulldlns Wednesday inornliiK wltli Iho result thnt ho uuil .Mayor W. 11. Doylo nud Chlof ot Police Duiklu called on the Hoard and formally took up tho mut ter with thoui. It Is Intended to proceed under tho Ktiitu law, which declares dogs aro not property except when listed for taxation, and under tho ulty onJJiKinco which provides or Iho e.stabllfihug of a pound. Tho (log-eiitcher will be the pound keeper uml liia salary will bo tho foes ho received. Tim .Hoard pans to fenco In a part of tho old City building situ nu a pound. Owncis of iIoks caught whllo run- iiIiik at largo nuiy call them for them and recover theJr properly upon pay ment of n feo of ifl, and providing n certlllvaln ohowlug that tho regular dog tax has been paid. If this fax has not been paid nil extra dollar will be charged to mnko that tax good. No dogs will bo permitted to bo at largo eicept they bo, lmizTiicd, and tho dog-catcher will also talio up all other stray animals. Prosecutor Benncr, ChleX Durkln nnd Mayor Doylo all ngren In tolling tho Hoard that tlio dog question has como to bo a great nuisance and tho number of dogs at large Is a menace to tho safety of the public, especially at this time when hydrophobia Is most likely to muko Its nppearcmco. Com plaints nro made dally to those oill cinls nud th'oy promise to dee that tho law la eriforced. Mayor Doyle also pointed out that tho ordinance, says tlio Board "shall" cslnbllbh n pound, and the Commis sioners will take dcilnlto action Thursday morning. Tho Hoard expects to havo many applications for tho position of dox-catcher. "Ohnrllo Tlramnrman was after that Job lost summer, but he Is busy now," said Commissioner James Wilson. "We. will llnd some one," said Pres ident O. Ti. McMlllen. The Kirk Co. 125-12T South Howard St. THE "STRANGER." I ill : Hi 9 3 :Cuycwhoa F&J1.T, 724 Front Street.; ifieft if.! This Is one of tho most hand-2 some resorts In this county, slt- nted near tho Ouynhoga, river side.? A beautiful park surrounds the! J place, adapted for picnics, family outings and social gatherings. l'oii can have no better place for J X fishing and boating. 5 All kind of high jade refresh- ments nnd cigars. Hester's famous beer always on tap. Visitors of! I Silver lako can reach tho park in a ten minutes' walk. Proposes to Bring Suit Against Warden Ruckle For $10,000. When Justice Hoffman reached his office this morning he found Lewis Kerry aud two boys awaiting for talm. Kerry, whp Imagines he Is a detective, had caught the boys Enrl Scott, aged 15 years, and Howard Spcrhawk, aged lu-tlshlng with "out-llnes" in Spring. Held lake, at 12 o'clock last night. He br6ught them to this city and kept them until morning. When the situation was explained to Justice Hoffman, he told Ferry the boys had committed no offense, and asked to see his commission. Ferry exhibited the paper, but It was noticed ho had not yet nuallncd to it. Tho commis sion had been given by Warden Kucklc. "Hare you made many arrests under this commission?" asked Justice Hofl mna- , ,.',...iJ.oUl "Quite 1 few." "You are not entitled to do so, as you have not yet qualified to the com mission." At this Juncture Warden Ruckle en tered the office, nnd talked to the boys. After hearing their story he ordered them released. Beckoning Justice Hoffman into a private room, Warden Huckle explain ed that ha would like to obtain Ferry's commission, as he had found him an Irresponsible person, and asked the Justice to help him. Returning Ho Fwrry, Justice Hoffman asked per mission to again see his commission. It was handed to blm, and he turned It over to Warden Ruckle who put It tn his pocket. This angered Ferry and be announced his Intention of bringing suit against Warden Ruckle to collect $10,000 damages. Ferry waa nlso taken by Warden Rtwkle to the Standard Hardware Co.'s store anl forced to surrender n revolver he bad purchased upon the assurance It would be paid for by the Summit county FJsh and Gajno Protective As sociation, j Basement Department. IVI. O' HOW EASY! e:il. & 00. THE W 4 B RUBBER HORSE SHOE Is a SUMMER as Well as a WINTER Shoe BECAUSE The rubber In tho shoo prevents tho horn of the -foot from getting hard, ns all steel shoes will do, and also avoids the necessity of soaking or packing the feet during the summer months. Prevents slipping on sprinkled pave ments. In fly-time when the horso Is con tinually stamping, tho cushions of the shoe relieve tho tendons of the leg. The shoo being open and the frog not being covered gives plenty of air, nnd the foot Is always healthy and sweet. By using the W & B Rubber Shoo continually both summer and winter, horse owners will find that' they will prevent contracted heels, and If a horse's heels are already contract ed that they will surely spread them. .,...., ...,., r, Try a set and bo convince d. They are put on by ' g-ffcgsjj RIOM, "Tho Morsosl-ioor 230 Canal Street, foit of Mill. People's Phone 1059 Manufactured by tho Whitman A Karnes Xlfg. Co., general snle3 ofllce, Akron, O - Slate roofs will be put on the old school house and on Cynthia Myers' uoiibo. Wanted. Everybody to buy Cordova Coffee. I? a k h 1 A KmiMnn II 1 11 1 n m i iiuuiii it. Hitauv UllllUIMlj M Dr. F. M. Caesar, DENTIST. 8:S0 to 11:30 n. in.; 1 to 5 p.m. 422 Hamilton Building People's Phono 341. Akron, O. K- C. C. Sp angler DENTIST IIS04 S. Wloln St. Room 2, 2nd Floor, Covcnlry Bltlg. He Is Causing a Variety of Trouble at the Hospital. ?) C. Reinhold The only Mimiifnctunir of ..HARNESS.. In the city, that Uooi ftrlotly hund-i ewwl work, And Dealer tn Hon Furnlih lur Gooli. Oarrlue Trlmmlnr Rlveu ijxicliii iiUvnlloii ,.. ., No. 409 S. Main Si. People's Phone 1314. The unidentified stranger, who Is "out of his head" at the City hospital, Is falling Into habits which, If Ills ex ample Ih followed by other patients, may cuuue trouble In that Institution. Tho hospital attaches nro, to say the least, worried. At all hours of the day and night the stronger Insists In rising from his iH'd and parading about tho hospital from reception parlois to kitchen in attire so negligee that a bathing suit would be ns a full-dress costume In comparison. U inquires constant watching to keep the man In his room nnd some times muscular energy to keep him In bed. A number of Inquiries havo been made nt the hospital by those think ing they might recognize tho straugor, but ho Is still uuldeutitled. Hn Is nbout X years old. He Is tall, has a dark moustnehn and dark hair and was fairly well dressed. occurred many years ago, perhaps 15, or maybe, lift. Rabbi Phllo Is not very old now, but ho was a boy then, nnd tho sceno is laid in Now Jersey. "I wanted to seo tho show," said Rabbi Phllo to a reporter for the Democrat today, "but was not permit ted that pleasure. Besides, I was treat ed roughly, 'llio entrance through which 1 tried to go gave very poor accommodations. You had to Ho down, and even crawl Inside. WlrUi) I was dolug this, and when only part way Inside the tent, n cow-boy, or inaybo Buffalo Bill himself struck me several sharp raps over tho bock with a rattan. I crawled back promptly nnd unceremoniously, nnd havo never seou his show since. I mean to inves. tlgato It properly this time, and pro vide means whereby I may enter through tho proper gates"." CRAWLED UNDER THE TENT. An Experience Rabbi Philo Had. Early In Life With Buffalo Bill. MILLHEIM. (Special Correspondence.) Mlllhelm, .Tune 10. Mr. Samuel Pon tlous and Mrs. Iiydln Myers visited at Ravenna Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Lewis Mills was In town Sunday. Mr. B. Ii Phillips and daughter, Blanche, were at Hammond's Corners Sunday. Rev. H. J. Chrlstman has resigned as pastor of tills charge and has ac cepted n call from Dayton, O. Rev. Beam of Seneca Go, preached his trial sermon Sunday on which ac tion will be atken next sabbath. Trenching npxt Sunday at 2:15 p. in. Sunday school at 1:15 p. m. Children's day will be observed at this pluce nest Sunday evening, .Tune 16. A grand program will bo render ed. Everybody la Invited to attend. MORE PRISONERS Pleaded Guilty Wednesday Jrying to Save Myers. The attorneys for Lee Myers, under Indictment for the alleged part he played In the destruction ot Officer William Bruner's home, aro endeavor ing tm secure bis release. It Is claimed that the Indictment Is defective In that It names two separate nnd distinct offenses. Wednesday morning Myers' bond was fixed at 51,500. He gave ball ,and was released, v David Spellman pleaded gulltyMo a charge of riot and was lined $25 and costs. Two other Indictments against him wero nolled. William Crlle, under Indictment for arson and riot, pleaded guilty to the last named and was lined $20 nnd costs. Henry Heckler, pleaded guilty to larceny and was lined $10 and cobts, j.uU!, . " Mil Boys and Girls. Have you had one or the puzzles given for Cordova Cotfeo wrappers? They nro nil tho craze. The Dickson Transfer Co. Coal, Transfer and Livery. Pncklng, Moving nnrl Storing ot Goods. Conclifs, Coupes nnd Currlnges for funerals, weddings, parties nnd railings. Offices Koa. 123-125 Carroll St., tel. 30& no. 116 If. High St., tel. 423. BANK OFE Business Men's Restaurant. Meals served at all hours. Flua lin ported and domestic Wet Goods and! Cigars. Under Central Savings Bank. John Koorbor, Fi-op, Absolutely Harmless. Cures on the Spot, BROMO-PEPSIN "HOTE THE W0RP PEPSIH." PT1DCQ HeaJache, Sleeplessness, In LUIvEO digestion and nervousness All DruffRlsts, 10, 25, and 50c. We have a car of Fino Sood Oata Which we will sell cheap. Potatoes and Corn fertilizer at a very low price. Lawn and Garden Seed and Fertilizer cheap. Lime Plaster $6.00 per. ton. BOTZUM BROS. NO. 213 NORTH MAIN ST. Boys. Snve Cordova Coffee wrappers and get n haxulsomo knife free with your naina uml nddrcss on. Rippley's Compressed Air Sprayers R'ppley's fly, lice and For all kinds of fruit nnd (lowering shrubs, bed bug destroyer. Seud for circulars. 235 South Moweircl HMHHMPM S-fci-oo-fc. Save your wrappers from Cordova Coffee. Premium list In each package, If thcro Is only one man In attend ance upon Buffalo Bills' show nt this placo, Juno t!5, that mnu will bo Rabbi Phllo, pastor of tho Hobrow Reform ed cburdi, who proposes to see Insldo the tent In a proper and dignified mart' ner. In tact. Rabbi Phllo has a . 1 grlovancn against Buffalo BUI, nnd If tlio Colonel doesn't act according to advertisements,, hu may hear In no un certain manner from the Akron di vine. The Incident causing a coolness be tween Rabbi Phllo and Buffalo BUI Good races at Vrldny afternoon's matinee nt Fountain park. ' -iiHlx.. Tent Meetings. Tho tent meetings on Homo st., con- ducted by Rov. G. K, Littlo nnd uuder the nusplces of tho Uulted Brethren church, nro largely attended and be coming cnthuBlastlc, notwithstanding tho Inclement weather. A lnrgo con gregation heaid the. evangelist last night. Services commence promptly ut 7:13 p.m. lIReica. HMHsm wrf X KJ fe$ are: selling -the: Dances at Silver lako every evening. Mondayeyenlngs may be reserved for PjLvaJo parties. Meals 6W.&4. . Hanan Shoes For Men ,AND -THE. Jenness Miller Shoes For Ladies Conosded -fct-19 EBos-fc Shoes iVIsade .Wo nro headquarters for CANVASS SHOES for warm weather. Wo have them to fit all. Special Low Prices on TRUNKS arid SATCHELS. 1 REID BRO&, ! Up-to-D&tc Shoe arid Trunk House New Phone No. 998 SOUTH HOWARD STREET 1. fl T .?,, t,t , ii . ft-.'