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r,wiaa-,ftH ps TJ! rW-Tr Hf"Vff'Vi'1 ." v- ' sKjBiHff'WjiiKTHij , ," AKKO-E-T DAILY DEMOOBAT. BATUHDAl. JUJUi: O xtfOl Vi- , & i ARIZONA KICKLET81 IpeVMe Llrelr liemta From, n Boar KiIU j tor' Pen. tOopjrrlght, ltm, by 0. D. Lewie. The circulation of Tho Kicker hat, iot Quito reached 100,000,000 yet, but Is so close to It thnt we can feel this v'fitdo of tbo continent gradually tipping up. t A party which visited Bill Williams' mountain last week In tho Interests of science found undeniable evidences of ,a raco of people nt least 10,000 years old. Wo regret that It Is too late to Bhnko up a fow subscriptions among them. Mf uunng our temporary nusenco rroin , .mo postofllco Wednesday afternoon an it 'ill favored stranger who is supposed & to bo a teamster entered the corridor ana area six bullets Into tho clock and . niED SIX BULLETS IXTO THI5 CLOCK. got safely nwny. If ho will como soma flay when we are at homo and start In to repeat t tic performance, we will fm0 J- -guarantee him the linest coflln to bo had f ii town nnil a funeral procession half a mile long. Wo linvo been Invited to deliver an address on Sbakcspearo before tho Grnss Valley Literary club ono night next week, but wo havo begged to de cline with thanks. Wo know tho club of old. It Is composed of seven men acd a poker game, and when last wo addressed It wo dropped (50 on three Jacks. In order to maintain our dignity as mayor of this town wo had to throw Colonel Chllvers down the city hall talrs ono day last wock, nud wo un derstand thnt lie Is likely to bo laid up for some tlmo to come. Sorry for tbo colonel, who In a good fellow at bottom, but our dignity must and shall bo pro served. Tbo editor of tho niuo Hill Times charges iib with holding 11 different offices and grabbing for others. Wo tiold only live offices, and tho only oth er we are reaching nut for Is the pres idency of the United States. IMi-nso correct and oblige. That wu still hnvo tho esteem and (confidence of the people was proved last week when wo were elected chief of the flro department, named ns orator tot the next Fourth. of July und asked to lead the church choir for tbo'coinlng year. Integrity of character backed up by two guns will always win. Tho man who woko us up nt mid night tho other night by heaving a cob blestone through a front "window of The Kicker office had got a good start as wb throw up the sash and fired at ldra, but we think we wlngod hliu by tho way he limped around a corner. Wo era always ready for little surprise par ties and ulwnys do our bent to mnko 4bqm entertaining. M. Quad. Kilt 11 In I'll Ml I. Old Gentleman So you wish to mar 17 Rllzaboth. But you are In debt. "Yes, sir." "IIow did you get In debt?" "I fell In lovo with your daughter." ILife. A rnlnt to Cnnahler. "I llko a man who does not keep ono eye On the time nil the while ho Ik working," said thu employer. "What If he la it watchmaker?" ven tured tho employee. Haltlmoro Amer ican. Til War "t Illlallirm. Bookkeeper This figure Is so Indis tinct thnt I don't know whether to mako out this man's bill for $5 or ?8. The Iloss-Mako It out for $8, then. Boroervllle .Journal. neoldatllj- Orlalnnl. ''Miss I'lurgo calU her new hat 'an original creation.'" "It Is. Tlient Is certainly nothing elso In creation llko It" Philadelphia Bulletin, Hlieil lllm Cp. Mr. DcdbioUo Miss Ootrox, will you Rive me your hand? Miss Gotrox Which hand the ono 1 carry iny purno ln7 Baltimore Ameri can, The Vem at Witter. M,r. Tompkins Well, Sally, I sup peso you've given thu goldfish plenty of fresh water. "Sally Goodness, no. ma'am, 'causa they 'aren't drunk all they've got yetl Uli Mnthuil. Tho bell In the private office rang ttyrco times, and the man at tbo desk hastily reached for a Uaunel bandage, which ho put around' bis neck. Then tAie arranged a sling In which to put ono arm. mussed up his hair, drew down the corners of his mouth, got out of his chair and painfully limped toward tho 'door. ' "Mr, Smlthklns?" Inquired tho well dressed man who opened It Just at that moment. (' Tho' man with the bandage gave a Ryfm?.sesB JoX .t numyeeu. 'es; that's my name. What can I do for you 7" "You seem to bo suffering," suggest ed the caller. "Suffcrlngl" returned tho other. "Do you think I'm doing this for fun? Do you suppose I bandage my throat for amusement, tie up my arm for sport and limp because I thlnlr It's graceful? And I've been In this wny for blx mouths. But what can I do for you?" "Pardon me," said tho caller, back ing out "I'll call again some other time." "It's some trouble," soliloquized the man with tho bandage ns he removed the harness and returned to his desk, "but experience has taught me thnt It Is really the quickest way to discour age a life Insurance ngent nnd keep him discouraged. That fellow never will como back." Chicago Post. Aiiuendlcltln. "Appendicitis," said Dr. Abbo In an address before the Now York Academy of Medicine, "has fow rivals In tho sur gical field nnd takes rank today with typhoid, pneumonia and rheumatism In medical thought. Surely when tho nc tlvo surgeon of today can number 100 operations for diseased appendices yearly and there arc a dozen such men In Now York nnd In other cities in tho same proportion wo begin to grasp tho Importance of tho subject and Its men ace to the community. "The public continues to ask tho phy sician what was appendicitis formerly, and ho answers, 'Probably It passed under tho description of "Inflammation of tho bowels" or "peritonitis." ' It Is truo that less than a generation ago numberless people In the course of summer travel were stricken with ro called lntlnmmatlon of the bowels or peritonitis and died. "Now wo hear of no ono so reported, but it Is said, 'Ha had an attack of ap pendicitis, was beyond the reach of a surgeon nnd died,' or, 'So-and-so had an attack of appendicitis, was operated upon and recovered.' Hospital statis tics show tho same changes of tabulat ed diseases. It Is merely a hew name, not a now disease." Nolioilj" 1'nlil Iter 1'iiro. A young woman got aboard a West Broad street car and discovered, to her humiliation, that her fare wns missing when the conductor called. In a gruff manner tho custodian of the car said ho'd have to get tho faro at once or tho woman would havo to walk. This dec laration added to her embarrassment. Tho car was crowded. On her right snt a genial Irishman and on her left a well known bookkeeper. Tho book keeper und Irishman exchanged sever al meaning glances. Tho conductor wns about to pull tho bell rope. The book keeper said he'd pay the faro as the young woman looked perfectly honest. Tho conductor repented that he'd put the woman off. This aroused tho Irish man, who said, "If you put the woman off, your funeral'll ho tomorrow." See ing a slight ncrvousnesB on tho part of tho conductor, he continued: "IIow many peoplu on this car want to attend the funeral of this conduct or?" Suvernl answered In tho ufflrma tlvo. The conductor grcw'oxclted and In tho altercation that followed walked to tho platform without securing tho woman a fare. Columbus Dispatch. VI far Ulrn. "Men do not biro street wigs," said. a Now York wlgmaker. "Tho ninn who wears a wg constantly owns It. But thcro nro nevertheless many wigs hired out. Actors, for example, hire wigs, and wigs nro rcniod for mnsqueradcrs and costume- parties, and sometimes wigs nro rented for surprises. So thnt nftnr all wigs are Included In the great list of things thnt can bo hired, which list would ho found, I fancy, to Include pretty much everything thnt could be named." I Oilier Wniiwn Prrnent. Shoo Clerk Are you being waltod on, ma'am? Fair Customer No. 1 want a pair of walking shoes. Shoo Clork What price and sire, ma'am? Fair Customer (rather loudly) Threes I Shoo Clerk Throen? Fair Customer (lu a low tone) Yes; f.1; size, 0 D. Philadelphia Press. Dnllnrn In Oilil fthnpro. Under the law n silver dollar may bo n grain and n half over weight or n grain and n half under weight, nnd this "limit of InlcriiftcA" applies to nil of our silver rohiH, lu other words, they nro not allowed to vary inoro than that much from standard. In tho case of gnldpleces, tho limit Is hnlf n grain cither way up to the eagle, n variation of as much us ono grain being permissi ble In the $10 nnd ?20 pieces. Whenever a fresh batch of dollars Is turned out at the mint, samples aro forwarded to tho treasury nt Washing ton, where they are put through a very riirlntiH process. Kadi dollar Is first weighed on exquisitely delicate scales to make sure that It Is heavy enough and yet not too heavy. Then It Is pass ed between two Bteel rollers again nnd ngaln until It Is flattened out and transformed Into n thin strip of silver a sort of ribbon n foot and a half In length. Then It Is put beneath a little machine provided with several nmnll punches, by which hundreds of tiny disks aro punched out of tho metal strip. Now, tho object of this performance Is to obtain Bamples of metal from nil parts of tho dollar, inasmuch ns it Is concolvablo thnt ono portion might bo richer lu silver than another. Tho little disks are shullled together, and u fow of thorn, taken at random from tho lot, aro subjected to an assay. Thus tho fineness of tho material of tho dollar Is ascertained with absolute accuracy and, the weight having been already determined, the value and correctness of that coin aro perfectly known. Tho sample pieces having beeu found correct, It Is Inferred that tho entire batch of dolfars Is all right Saturday Evening Post Nulurnl Water. All natural waters contain a greater or less amount of mineral matter In so lutlon. Rain water has tho bmnllest pcrcentagcof solid Impurities of any, and therefore It Is taken ns thu stand ard yarlety of soft water. Tho terras soft and hard, however, as applied to wafer aro scientifically Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains nil of tho dlgcstants and digests all kinds of food. It gives Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to cat all tho food you want. Tho most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Hsiiso many thousands of dyspoptlcs havo beon cured after overythlng clSo failed. It Is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good Prepared only toy K. O. IjbWitt &Co., Chicago Tlio$l.botl'3Contalns2K times tlioSOC. size Dr. HENLEY'S A .-Qr" mm A Most Effective Combination. A Tonic nnrl Nervine of ncknowledpted su premacy, A cure for Deliility, Dyspepsia and Nervous Disorders. ReUcvcslaiiKunrandKen craldchllltyihrlfihtcnsthnuKhtntidstrcngtliens Ihe Rteat organs of the body, improving their functional activity : icstorM worn-out nerves : aidsriigestion ipromoles assimilation; restores thehtood In Its proper constitution nnd Is won- derluuy elhcbeioiis as a General onic, appc- titer and promoter of physical activity. n is neasam to tnc taste, aim, used regularly, raies the system against the depressing influ nces of Malaria. ' PRICE $1.00 PER DOTTLE. If not to he had of oi(r Druggist, we wilt upon receipt of money, send by Express prepaid. THE CARR0UT0N CHEMICAL CO., Sole Proprietors, BALTI MORE. MO. FOR HAI.K BY E. STEINBACHER 3 CO. Akron, O. considered purely relative. Water Is usually reckoned to bo "soft" when It contains less than oi,o live-thousandth part of Its weight of mineral Ingredients and "hard" when It contains moro than ono four-thousandth. Soft water has tho property of easily forming a 'lather with soap and Is therefore suitable for washing pur poses, while hard water will only form a hither, nnd that Imperfectly, with considerable dlfllcully. , A, mineral water has moro than ono two-thousandth of ts weight of nnt tiral dissolved solids, and a medicinal water Is a variety of mlnernl water containing a vnrylng percentage of dis solved natural solid or gabeous drugs. Ilnllrrcil Hltlo Dp. One of the stories which I.cvl Ilutch Ins. tho old time elocknmkcr of Con cord. N. II.. delighted to tell related to the -youth of Daniel Webster. "One day," said the old man, "while I wns taking breakfast nt tho tavern kept by Daniel's father, Daniel nnd his brother Kzeklcl, who were llttlu boys with dirty fnecs and snarly 'hnlr, came to tho table nnd naked mo for bread nnd butter. "1 compiled with their request, llttlo thinking that they would become very distinguished men. Daniel dropped his pleco of bread on the sandy floor, and the buttered side of course wns down. lie looked at It a moment, then picked It up nud showed It to me, say ing: '! 'What n pltyl Plcaso glvo mo a piece of bread buttered on both sides; then If I let It fall ono of tho buttered sides will be up.' " Wliere Amerlt-nna Are Modent. Tho American Is shy oj proclaiming to the world his deepest sentiments and superstitions, If hu hits nny. Ho pre fers lo tnko himself cither as n Joko or ns a matter of business. Hence when he has a town to namo ho calls It "Smlthvlllo" or "Now Bristol" or. as actually happened In tho caso of ono town, "O. K." Ho may bellovo In a lo cal ghost, ho may lovo his wife, ho may admire tho vlow from his windows and pluo when torn from the woods and mountains among which he passed his boyhood, but ho does not want to put those emotions Into tho postofheo di rectory. Washington Times. Why lie Dlilu't Go In Chnreh. A Scottish minister who wns Indefat igable In looking up his folk one day called upon a parishioner. "Richard," ho said, "I liae tin seen yo nt tho kirk for some tlmo and wad llko to know the reason." "Wool, sir," answered Itlchard. "I hao three decided objections to goln firstly, 1 dlunn believe In bcln wham ye does n' the tolkln; secondly, 1 dlnna bellovo In si' mucklo slngln, an, thirdly mi In conclusion, 'twas thero 1 got my wife." Albany Argus. TliPrfllsmoroCntnrrh In this suction ot the country than nil oilier illstmeej put o Rotlier, imd until the lust fowyenri was sup. Iomi to tin liHMirnlilo, for a grunt ninny yenrminntnr iironoiinctHl it n local dlwnne, nud prorcrllitxl local remedial, nml by con Htnntly falling to cure with locnl treatment, lirminunred It Incurable. Belonee hns imneiu'iitnrrli to lie u ctmMltutlnnnl tils iMisK.imd therefore requires cnnstttutlnnnl Irentinnnt. Hnll's Oatnrrh dure, mnnufm ii red by r J. Cheney A Oo., Toledo, Ohio, Is l lie only cniiitltutlnnnl euro on the market. It Is taken liiternnlly In doses from 10 drops to n tvuipoonfnl, It nets directly on the mood nnd mucous surfnecs ot the system. .."."Yi"?''1" "" hundred (toilers for nny onso II fll tocure. Bend for alrculnis nnd e Mmonliils, Address u ,h , . '" ' 01IBNBY CO., Toledo, O, Hull's lumliy l'illi are the best. egal Notices LEGAL NOTICE, Herbert F. Dlehl, whqsc last place of residence known to plaintiff was In tho city of Buffalo, lu tho state of Now York, will tnkq notice that on tho llth day of April, 1001, bin wife, Fiinnlo M. Weill tiled hor petition In tho court of Common picas of Summit couuty, Slate of Oho, belug caiibe No, 1021$, praying MHA:-eM SKrBrp-ei n divorce from said Herbert F. Dlohl on the grounds of hdblttifll drunken ncsx, adultery, gross" neglect of duty, for alimony to bo charged on defend ant's personal estate and for custody and control of their minor child. fcnld cause will bo for hearing on und after bIx wocUr and ono day from the first publication of this notice. FANNIE M. DIKHL, Plaintiff. By I. H, Phelps, her attorney. Juno 8-1B-22-20 July 013. LEGAL NOTIOK. June 1st, inOl. Kidney Gluinninn, Whose place of residence Is unknown will hereby take notice thnt lie has been sued in the court of Common Pieim of Summit county, Ohio,' for divorce nnd alimony by his wife, Tllllc Chapman, on tho giound of gross neglect of duty, and thnt said cause will be for hearing six weeks and one day from the (Into hereof or ns soon thereafter ns the court shall permit. Signed: . TILLIE CHAPMAN. By Young & Wanamnker, her attor neys. Juno 1-8-15-22-29 July . AN ORDINANCE To construct a main trunk sewer In sewer district No. 11. Be it ordained by the council of tho City of Akron, Ohio: Sec. 1. That the construction of n main trunk hewer In nnd through sewer district No. 11 of the City of Ak ron, Ohio, nnd described, ns follows, to-wlt: Being In and along South street, from Miami street to n point MJ feet westerly from Splcer street, bo proceeded with In accordance with the resolution to construct tho same, adopted Juno 10, 1001, and that said sewer shall be constructed In accord ance with the plans and protlle relat ing to said improvement on file In the office of tho City Civil Engineer, and In accordance with the adopted plan of sewerage of said city; thnt the City Civil Engineer Is hereby Instructed and required to prepare a plat timl tile the same In his ofllce. showing the lots bounding and abut ling upon Mild ewer, nnd tho number of feet front thereon; Mild pint shall be so pre pared that nn examination or survey will show what lot or parcel of land bounds or nliuts upon wild sewer. Sec. 2. That 'tho cost nnd expense of the construct Ion of snld sower nnd iippurlciiiiiiuefi as above contemplated, shall be levied and assessed In the following manner: A special as.esF. mont shall be made upon nil the lots and lands and parcels thereof which bound or abut, ad lucent or con tiguous to said sewer according to tho beiiellts, lu an u mount Milllelenl to cover the cost nnd expense of the. construction of- a sewer of sufficient c'npiielty to furnish sewerage nnd drainage for such lots or lauds and parcels thereof. 'Said assessment shall lie payable In three (lb equal, annual lnstnllnu'iits'. 'iilHl,,lionN shall be Is sued In anticipation of Hie collection of tho same, and Ihe excess of llin cost and expense of the construction of said sewer and appurtenances, over mid above tho amount that may bo assessed on the lots and lands and parcels thereof bounding, abutting, ad jacent or conl Igtiuiis thereto upon said sewer according to the value upon the tax duplicate of the taxable real and par sonal property In said sower district No. II, nnd bonds shall be 'Issued In antlclpatlou of tho collection of thoj mine lu the manner provided by law Sec. II. This ordinance shall rako effect and be In force from nnd after Its passage and legal publication. PiiHhcd, July lbt, 1001. A. F. KOONS, President City Council.. CHAS. II. ISBELL. City Clctk. Approved by tho Board of City Com missioners. W. A. DURAND, July r.fl. fjlerk. -- in i i . i n i i. !. AN ORDINANCE To construct a local sower in Miller live., from Swcltzcr live., to n point l.Vi feet easterly from 'Cclla ave. Bo It ordained by the council of the City of Akron, Ohio: Sec. J, 'Flint tho construction of n local sewer lu Miller nveniv, from avenue to n point ISO feet easterly from Cello, avenue, be pro ceeded with tinder the resolution to construct tho snine, adopted June 10, 1001. and In accordance with tho plans and proflle relntlng to said im provement on flic In thp olllce of the City Civil Engineer. SPc. 2. That tho cost and expense of biifd sewer shall bu assessed upon all the lots nnd lnnds and parcels thorPof abutting, nnd such adjacent and contiguous and other benefltPd lots and lands and parcels thereof between tho points aforesaid, In pro. portion to I ho benefits which may re sult to said property, and limited to I ho special beuelltn conferred there by; nnd, said assessment shall In no cusp exceed $2.00 per foot front. Said assessment shall be payable In threo (3) equal, annual Installments, and bonds shall be Issued In anticipa tion of tho collection of tho same. Sec. 3. Ths ordlnnnco shall take effect and bo In force from and after Its passage and legal publication. mused, July 1st, 1001. A. F. KOONS, President City Council. CHAS. H. ISBELL, City Clerk. Approved by the Board of City Commissioners. W. A. DURAND, July 50. Clerk. AN ORDINANCE. To levy a special tax upon the lots nnd lands benefited by tho construc tion of a main trunk sewer lu sewer district, No. .1. Bo It ordained by tho council of the City of Akron, O: Sec. 1. That two-thirds of all the members elected thereto concurring, thnt tho assessment of tho cost nud oxponso of conbtructlug a nuiln trunk sewer lu sewer district No. 5, ns it portwt to this council by Frc4 Kperceb nor, James Rutherford and B. V. Dnvln, thfco disinterested free-holders Of the corporation, appointed May (!, 1001, for that purpose, bo and the same Is hereby confirmed, nud that there be, and Is hereby levied and ass-ssed upon all tho lots nud lands and parcels thereof described In snld report and In the construction ordinance passed Fcbru nry 20, 1900, the soverul amouutH ajj In said report set forth. Sec. -. That the owneiR of the lots and Inuds and parcels thereof bene fited by the construction of said sewer, upon which the said sums are assessed, shall pay (ho amounts or tho said se veral assessment's to the treasurer of flm City of Akron, Ohio, In three i3i equal, annual Installments, on or bo fore the 20th day of August in the years 1001, 1002 nnd MM, or be sub ject to the Interest nnd penalty al lowed by law; and, In case of default of payment as herein provided, the City Clerk of said city Is hereby direct ed to certify any unpaid assessment to the Auditor of Summit county, Ohio, to be placed upan the tax duplicate for collection. Sec, 3. This ordinance shall toko effect and bo In force from and after its passage nnd legal publication. Passed, July 1st, 1001. A. F. KOONS, Pros. City Council. CHAS..H. ISBELL, City Clerk. Approved by tho Board of City Com missioners. W. A. DURAND, July ri-C. Clerk. A RESOLUTION Providing for tho construction ot side walks on both sides of Kirkwood street, from Market street to Buchtcl avenue. Bo It resolved by the council of the City of Akron, Ohio: Sqc. 1. Two-thirds of all tho mem bers elected thereto concurring, thnt n stone sidewalk six (6) feet In width be constructed on both sides of Klrlt, wood street, from Market street to Buchtel avenue, in conformity to tlio established grade of said street, nnd In accordance with the genral ordl nniicos .upon tho subject. Sec. 2v That the Mayor be nnd here by Is directed to cause notice of this resolution to bo solved In the manner provided by law. Adopted July 1st, 1001. A. F. KOONS, Piesklent City Council. CHAS. H. ISBELL. City Clerk. Approved by the Board of City Com. mlssloncrs. W. A. DURAND. July ri-i;:. clerk. A RESOLUTION. Dheeting'1 free-holders to report tho estimated assessment of the cost and expense of constructing tho locnl part of a main trunk sewer In and through sewer district number 11. Be It resolved by the Council ot the city of Akron, Ohio, two-thirds of nil the members elected thereto concur- ring, that H. (i. (irltlln. John Spell' man and B. F. Clark, threo disinter- cstcd free-holders of the corporation appointed a hoard for that purpose, be required to prepare nnd report to this Council tho estimated assessment of the cost of constructing the local part of a main trunk sower In and through sewer district number 11, lu proportion to the beneiits which may icsult from said construction as sot forth In nn ordinance to construct,! putted June 17. 11101; said nsscssiueut, s lo bo n proportion to Ihe benefits which may result to said lots nud lands Hon appointed a board for that pur and pnrcels.thercof, and limited to tli9 pose, be required to prepare and re- special benpllts conferred thereby to each lot or ln'nd or parcel thereof as-iiesM-di This resolution shall take effect nud be In force from and after Its adoption and legal publication. Adopted July 1, IDOL A. F. KOONS. President City Council. CHAS. II. ISBELL, City Clerk. Approved by tho Board of City Com missioners. W. A. DURANDt July ii-13, Clerk. A RESOLUTION Directing fice-holdeis to report 'the estimated nsses-nient of the cost and ONpenso of eonstiuetlng n local sew er in and along Payne avenue, from Beck avenue to Byers iiveuue; thence lu and along Byers o venue, from a point 233 feet from Market street to n point 50 feet ftom Crosby sticct. Bo it resolved by the council of tho City of Akron, Ohio, two-thirds of all tlm members elected thereto concur ring, that O. S. Wnlker, Ebenezcr Lew. Is and Carl Schoenduve, three disin terested tree-holders 6f tho corporation nppolnted n board for that purpose, be required to prepare and ippol to this council nn estimated assessment of tho cost nnd expense of constructing n local sewer lu and along royno avenue, from Heck nvcnito to Dyers avenue; thenco In and along Byers nveuue, from a point 233 feet from Market street to a point 50 feet from Crosby street, in proportion to the beuetlts which may result from said construction as set forth In an ordinance to construct, passed June 17, 1001; said assessment Ik to bo hi proportion to tbo benefits which may result to said lots and lands and parcels thereof, and limited to the special benoilts conferred thereby lo each lot or land or parcel thereof assessed. This lesolutlon shall take effect nnd be In force from and after its adoption and legal publication. Adopted July 1, 1001. A. F. KOONS, President City Council, OHA8. H. ISBELL. City Clerk. Approved by tho Board of City Com mtssloners. W. A. DURAND. July (113 Clerk. A RESOLUTION Directing f rep-holders to report tho estimated iisbeHsinenl of the cost nud expense of constructing a local sow or In Cedar street, from Willow rrcot, to Portngo street; thenco lu nnd along Portage street, from Co- dnr street to a point 100 feet from Exchange street. Be It resolved by the Council of thu city of Akron, Olilo, two-thirds of all the members elected thereto concur ring, that Miles IlofT, T. n. Thomas and L. II. Amer, three disinterested free-holders of tho corporation ap pointed a board for Hint purpose, bo required to prepare nnd report to this Council an estimated ossessment of tho cost and expense of constructing a, locnl sewer In Cedar street, from Willow street to Portage street; thence In nnd along Portage stroet, from Ccdur street to n point 100 feet from Exchange, street In proportion to the beiietits which may result from snld construction ns set forth In an ordl nance to construct, pnsscd June 17, 1001; said assessment Is to be In pro portion to the benefits which may re sult to sjld lots nnd lands nnd pnrcelH thereof, and limited to the special beneiits conferred thereby to each lot or land or parcel theieof assessed. This resolution shrill take effect and be Inforce from and after Its adoption and legal publication. Adopted July 1, 1001. A. F. KOONS, President City Council, -CHAS. n. ISBELL, City Clerk. Approved by tho Board of City Com mlssloncrs. W. A. DURAND, President City Council. July 0-13. Clerk. A RESOLUTION. Directing free-holders to. report the estimated assessment of the cost and expense of constructing a local sewer in Sumner street, from Wolf Ledge Run to Voris street. Be It icsolved by the council of the City of Altrou, two-thirds of all the members elected thereto concuirlng, that J. A. Coon, B. L. Davis and W. A. Spencer, thiee disinterested free-holders of the corporation appointed a board for that purpose, be required to prepare and report to this council an estimated nsscss-ment of the cost nnd expense of constructing n local sewei In Sumner btreet from Wolf Lodge Run to Vorls street, In propor tion to the benefits which may result from said construction as set forth lu nn ordinance lo construct, passed June 10, 10ol; said assessment Is to be lu proportion to tho benefits which may icsult to said lots nnd lands ami parcels thereof, nnd limited to tho special benetlts conferred thereby to each lot or land or parcel thereof as sessed. This resolution shall take effect nnd be in force from and after Its adoption anil legal publication. Adopted, July 1st. 1001. A. F. KOONS, President City Council. CHAS. II. ISBELL. City Clerk. Approved by the Board of City Com. mlssloncrs. W. A. DURAND. July ti-13. Clerk. A RESOLUTION Dlretlng fiee holders to report the cstl. mated nssessniont of the cost and expense of eonstiuetlng a local sewer In and along Crouse street, from Splcer street to n point 75 feet easterly from Brown street. Be It resolved by the council of tbo City of Akron, Ohio, two-thirds of all the members elected thereto con- citrrlng, that Geo. II. Payne, V. A. Clark and Lcroy Munson, three dlsln- forested fi co-holder of tho corpora- port to this council an estimated ns sessnicnt of the cost and expense of constructing :i local sewer In Crouso street, from Splcer strpPt to a point 75 feet easterly from Brown street In proportion to the benefits which may result from said construction as set forth In nn ordinance to construct, passed June 17. 1001; said assessmenr It to be in proportion to tho benefits which may result to said lots and lands nnd parcels thereof, nnd limited to tho special bonetits conferred there, by to en eh lot or hind or parcel there of assessed. This resolution shall take effect and be In force from a tut utter Its adop tion and legal publication. Adopted. July 1st, 1001. A. F. KOONS, President City Council. OIIAS. H. ISBELL, Cljty Clerk. Approved by the Board of City Com. nilssloners. W. A. DURAND, July 013. Clerk. A RESOLUTION To construct n locnl sewer In and along Market street, from Kuder avenue to tho west coporntlon line. Be It resolved by the council of the City of Akron. Ohio: Sec. 1. That t,vo-thlrds of nil the members elcfed theretd concurring, that It is necessary and tho Intention is hereby declared to construct n local sewer In nud nlong Market street, from Kuder avenue to the west cor poration line, with all the necessary catch bnstus, lump holes, man bote, ventilators and appurtenances, all in aceordane with the plans, protlle and specifications, relating to (jald sewer" oil lllo in the olllco.of tho City Civil En gmeer. v ' l Sec. 2. That the cost nud expenso of said sower shall be assessed upon all tbo lots and lauds ond parcels thereof abutting, and such adjacent and con tiguous or other benefited lots and lands nnd parcels thereof between tho points aforesaid, lu proportion to tha benetlts which may result from sold sewer to the several lots, nnd lands and parcels thereof to be assessed. Snld assessment shall be payable. In three (3) equal, annual Installments, nnd bouds shall be Issued In antici pation of the collection of tho same. Adopted July 1st, 1001. A. F. KOONS, Pros. City Council. CHAS. II, ISBELL, City Cleric. Approved by tho Board of City Commissioners. W. A, DURANP. July 0 13, Clerk. Strong Nerves ore the true source of good, healthy appearance. Persons with half-starved nerves always look worried and "dragged-out." You cannot be happy with out nerve vigor ; you cannot be natural without all the powers which nature meant you to have. (ltegS produce a healthful glow which art cannot imitate. They invigorate every or gan, put new force to the nerves, elasticity to the step and round out the face and form to lines of health and beauty. $1.00 per box ; 6 boxes (with written guarantee), &')00. nook free. Peal Msnicim: Co.. rl -elind. Oh'n. ' Warner, Druggist, 208 E. Market. I cuec- EzfUaai jnas.ozu nw , r nllAt -nA ("Inl C3nulnfu Arc, uwkji relltbU. L&oitatifti Drorglit for ChUhmtt Rnolith Dta-i boiM, itloA wit Mo ribbon. Tk " . a (... ! AinnamuA atiAffifU Ho i aiA tmfltotU At DrVtltlll. If & la ttaw-pi for rtlcuUrt, teillmenUli ftl "RUer for lmdlMvtnlfUivby rflvra rNnithwndatrtnU'-,Mnl'MltatifM l ,'- l..ut.-. eiUliiDitL fc'v PARKER'S HAIR BALSANI Clenitf &nd Deadline! toe bur. Fioinotei a lniuxlant srowUt. Xtvev rllo to Ht-itSre Gray ulr to Its Youthful Color. Curei iCfttp ditttuel ft lialr fillia. CURE YOURSELF i lino Rli?CI for unnatural dljcturiicclnflnmn.-i.loni. ornEs,1 m irritations or ulcerations net u .irl.ior.. of mucous rnciuDraneij. Pnm.ii Contagion. ralnlets. tin a nut attrla tIHE tYHSUIIEMI0LCO. "" ur """""" SOia DT DtHMIU, or Bent In plain wrapper. Ti? exoresa. rrecald. for Jf.CO, or 3 bottles, .J2.75. Circular ocnt on request. Relieves Kidney. &. madder; m troubles at once Cures in raraaTiT&i 48Hoursa"3 URINARY DISCHARGES 3 Each Cafj-fiule bear the mme tBWIBl Uewaro or useless - count erf eiti a A cood looklnr " horM nnd poor look- v3 lnv hiirnoAH is tha JZ wont klud cf a com- f?2 Dinauan. Bwrefca Harness Oil" '.iii notonlyrnnkeslhoharnrta nndttia bone lock tetter, but makes tbe IH leatntr soft ami nllablo, ruts It In con- I uition to lost twice fin long . r.s It ordinarily would. I Cold tTcrrwhera lu eaat alll itioi. Made bj ii. STANDARD OIL CO. Give Your Horse a Chancel Going South? If to, 5-00 secure many advantages fry po Intr vlt Cincinnati, the Queen & Crescent Route and Southern Ry. ,Its fast trains pen etiata every part of tha Central South. 24 hour schedule Cincinnati to Jacksonville and Jx'ew Orleans, 9 hours to Chatunoogi. s$ hours to Shrcveport. 36 hours to Port Tampa, Observation, parlor and cala cars free re cllnlnechalrj Throuch Pullman) to all lm porUnt Southern cities-- Gar boeiTctt trtl VOU tht LdrantlMI m offer OTr other routej, acd aro ri lex tho artloff. Vfbj col vrlioui abound w. c. niNKaHSON O, r. A., CINCINNaTI. An Exiijnnntlnn. She don't see why Clara has bo many admirers. Sho can't speak a word of French and neither sings nor paints. He Well, I supposo that Is tho rea son. Chicago News. One iVni Enonurli. "Was Gobang's marriage 11 success?" "I hardly think so. I heard him say tho other day that he would never go to the penitentiary , for bigamy." Brooklyn Uagle. A Itouuli lllder. Ida-I rode a mile on nn old cushion tired bicycle. May Well, wouldn't, that jar you?-. Chicago J-Jews, m wi v 19 8i & -SW! rtr-U, ! )-- Jk mdMtLst. 'PSjif?! 'I .-ife MUtofto .aah ..-. ,,!fei.,v"-&( .ufel&A rja, T -h-u i-Sju 'tj .. JW,l?,.'lty, y4u m y ,f ' ., f Mcfir.ttodj ..jsjiillCttttaao ,$ m tW&JJ)- ,. nHjP'Jttjt&Arjk t$ ,u