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i't'Mi m wmimmn mmmi AKRON BAIL'S DEMOCRAT SATURDAY, JULY G 1901 SP 'RSMBHS m H m XSr " . ,. .AM:,. r r. ' - ft j ' i . .virJ- r . llii 'i Mii H H U '.J.',. , i Jt 1 CMM) Tilts week la tlio place to get started on 8. & G.'s Boston Blend Java uud Mocha Coffee. This wcttft "we offer this nronvitlc offeo ttt'lh: per lb. reduction, -includ ing check on each of the lour goods. 17 bars of Lenox Soap, for 00c or 52,03 per box. 1 lb. Shredded Cocoanut, 12c or 2 lbs. for 2,'c. Equal to high price package goods. 7 cokes Street Chocolate for 25c. 100 lbs. Pine Granulated Sugar, ?5.7Si 17 lbs. for $1.00. 1 you cau't call, send or telephone, mall your order. Postals frco. Demand at Public Library. Schumacher & Gammeter 101 S. Howard st. CHINA & JAPAN TEA STORE. LAKESIDE Ferl Casino I Kverv day. 2:15 Harry A. Hawn, Every night, 8:15 Manager. tKxcept Sunday.) V-MMMMMWM -. High-Class VandevlUe The Best Always Now Knees Kncli Week. Matinees, 10u; Evunlngs, 10c rind 20o Ilosorvod scuts cim bo bought nt thoN. O.T.Oo.'s ticket ofllce. 210 Mouth Main, street, three days In advance. NDOUPH PARK THEATRE Harry A. Hawn, I Evory afternoon, 2:15 Manager. I Every evening, 8:15 Commencinn 5wfii June 30 HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE. One Admission only Akron Readers Are Partial 4o Novels. BatS Bffood BmB It is not only annoying, but very dangerous to allow your blood to become Impure nnd diseased. It is a trouble that fjrow.i worse and becomes complicated unices cor rected and cured. Unsightly Erujitlona are not only repulsive, but are jNature's warning 01 uisease, wnii worse things to follow unless at tended to. Health. Strcneth. Comfort. Clear Skin, may all be regained by using Doctor David, ftonnatly's Favorite RemesSy All druggists nell It, or we will end it, eiprosi prepaid, for $1 per bottle Iyou with to Uti itt ttmtfor J"Wa SampU BottU, Doctor David Kennedy Corporation, Roattout, N.V. More Room Is Needed For Books. Annual Report "of Miss Edgerton Submitted. 'Matters of General Interest Dis cussed Board Meeting. Liberally managed. Honestly and honorably conducted and truthfully ad vertlsedi Every promise fulfilled. MENCHES BROS., Prop'- and Mgrs. L0UG. LEE, Mgr. of Amusements, Week of Monday, July 8 Fred Wyckoff Carleton and Terre Fox and Summers Dolly Dare Lane and Suzinettu Every evening: at 8:15. ' Concert on Sunday. 10c, reserved chairs 5c extra Sfe 1 ortg; L.ako S-fcoca -- o r Leaves 0 a.m. nnd l:S0p. ui. dully. Uettunlns 1 and n :S0 p.m. V5o round ti Ip. Chaiter for pintles. BAND-. CONCERT. Excellent Program Has Been Arranged For Sunday. The K. O. T. M. band under the direc tion of Adam Itanck, will furnish the music at the concert lu Perkins park Sunday afternoon. The following pro gram has bceu prepared for the oc casion:' March "Caesar's Triumphal," - Mitchell. Grand selection from Bohemian Girl, Balf. i Characteristic "Bablllnge Gossips," G filet. Waltz "Vision of a Beautiful Wo man," Fahrbaeh. The Flag Dance Thco Tobanl Overture "Martha," Flotou. Ten Minutes Intermission. March "Dunlnp Couunuudury," It. B, nail. Overture "Mait'ha," Fltou. Spring Morning Soienartc "Aubado Prlntaulere," Lacombo. Selection "Romeo and Juliet," Oh Gounod. Intermezzo From L. Dollbes' Ballet Nalla Theo Moses Tobanl. March "American "Patiol," F. W Meacham. WHAT TWO CENTS WILL DO. It will bring relief to sufferers from asthma, or consumption, even In the worst cases. This Is about what one dose of Foley's Iloney and Tar costs. Isn't It wprth.a trial? A. Warner, J. M. Laffer and J. Lamparter & Co. There is much food for thought in the annual report-of-Miss M. Paulino Edgerton, City librarian. It was submitted to the Library Board ut the tegular meeting Friday evening. The report is complete in every detail, giving facts and tlgures relative to the circulation of books now owned-by the city, calling atten tion to the needs and necessities of the library and recommending a number of changes that should be made. The complete repon follows: ANNUAL REPORT. Gcntlemeu: In making my annual report for the year ending June 30, 1001, I cannot call your attention to any unusual development In the work of the library The possibility of a library, building was offered us long enough to give a vision of comfortable rooms and every convenience, and was then banished to the cominodlus shelter of many of our aspirations. Free from the debt Incurred by our change of quiuters, new books have been pur chased freely. The partial lining of the broken sets of magazines will seem of great benelit. No set of refer ence books Is used as much as Pool's Index to Periodicals. The more com plete the magazine flics, the more sat isfactory the research. I would rec ommend thnt this department of the library be generously considered each year in the purchase of books. FICTION IN DEMAND. Tho issue of books for homo reading vniles little from that of last year. There has beeu au Increase iu the juvenile readers, and a slight decrease in the Issue of Action. Thomas Gray, of Elegiac fame, has said, "To lie upon a couch and read new novels Is no bad idea of puimllsi." Whether the Issue of 30,132 novels during the year past has afforded just so many glimpses of paradise is a matter of conjecture. It is undoubtedly true that they have afforded recreation to a great ninny. Reports of libraries, with re gard to their popular books, their dis cushion lu the newspapers and mag' azlucs, and the enovitubln dramatiza tion, have all tended to the circulation of Action. Author utter author has beeu heralded as a future George Eliot or au Embryo Thackoray, to be superseded In turn by a youthful Shakespeare. Tho chculatlon of books during the year among the 4,8Si ticket holders, was as follows: Fiction, 30,132. Juveuilc, 10,710, v German, 1,403. History, 1,000. Biography, 1,403, Science, 2,000. Miscellaneous, 2,314, Poetry, 1,093. Nino hundred and seventy-six vol umes of music were circulated 1,407 volumes have been added to tho li brary and 441 volumes discarded. Total number of volumes on the shelves is 20,357. A portion only of tho uew German books has been placed on tho shelves. Five thousand nnd three volumes liavo been mended In the library, and of shelving, or tho fiction might bo re moved and cases provided for it iu the space in front of tho book stacks. This would leavo room for expansion In tho other branches of tho library. Tho fiction now occupies about 210 feet of shelving. A case should also bo provided fcj tho books left for refer ence by Tho Akron Medical society. SUNDAY OPENING. Our Sunday visitors have numbered 8,057. For some years we have kept the reading room open on Sunday fiom 2 to 0 p.m. Iu the winter the attendance Is good, tho rooms being filled. Iu tho hot summer mouths the woods prove more ath active, and the attendance dwindles to a very few. Our library rooms are not on tho ground floor, a very desirable position lu' hot weather, and we get tho full expenditures, and the jrlfts to tjip library during the year. Tho list of donations does not Include tho gov ernment publications which arc sent to us freely. Tho "Aft and History Class" has added to our advancements a bas-relief of Anthony Van Dyck. Tho various missionary societies of tho city have given us a number of missionary publlctlons that havo proved very useful. Tho Sunday School Association gave TIhsoI's Lifa of Christ, and tho Daughters of the Revolution have added another vol ume of American ancestry. GIFTS. Books and pamphlets wcro donated by the following: Baxter, Claud; Bryan, M. D.; Clem ens, W. M.; Clemens, Mrs.; Cox, E. H ; Daughters of the Revolution, Portage chuptcr; Domestic and Foreign Mission Episcopal church; Dudley, Mrs. L. B.; Field, Marshall; Goodwin, 1. J.; Glover, N. L.; LI. Cath Si Co,; Iugiahorn, D.; Kasson, Miss Funnlc; Mdignn ic Wright; Ogllric, J. S.; Ohio Bulletin Charities and Corrective; Oster, II. O.j Parsons, Mrs. W. C; Reid, Miss Gcr trudo H.; Scott, Miss Emma; Bccse, C. P. Seward, G. D.; Snyder, J. W. II.; Sisters of St. Joseph; Sound Currency Committee; Swan, Chas. H.; audTuy lor, Jonathan. Llbiary reports, catalogues or bullc tines from tho following libraries: California State library, Carnegie li brary, Pittsburg; Cleveland Public li brary; Dayton Public library; District of Columbia Free Public library; Los Angeles library; Mlnncpolis Public TO THE WOMEN OF THE WED 3Wfll-55i?'" In view of tho great multitude of women sufforlng from somo kind of fonmlo disease, and yot unablo to find nuy euro, Dr. Ilartrnan, the renowned gynaecologist, has announced his wil IlngnebS to direct tho treatment of as many cases as may make application to him during the summer months with out charge. Tho treatment will bs condnoted by correspondence. The doctor will pre bcribe all medicines, applications, hy glcnio and dietary regulations neces sary to comploto a. cure. Tho medicines prescribed can bo obtained at all drug stores. This offer will hold good only during tho summor months. Any wo man can becomo a regular patient by sending a written statement of her age, condition of life, history and symptom; of her derangements. All cases of female diseases, including menstrual lrregularities,dsplacementB, ulcerations, Inflammations, discharges, irritation of the ovaries, tumors and dropsy of the abdomen, should apply at B. HARTMAN. onco and become registered u- regular patients. All correspen-ienca will bo held strlotly confidential. No ttetira? nlals of cures will be given to tho public oxcept by tho oxpreea wish of tho patient. A3 is well known, Dr. Hartrntn Is tho President of the Uartman Sar.ltcrium, an Institution which has a department devoted exclusively to tho treatment of fomalo diseases. lit) is thus brought to see thousands of such cafes overy year, tho most of whom return to their homes to be treated by correapoadenco. The principal remedy he rclits upc-a in such cases is Poruna, which e-ery woman should have, who has any afectrn of this kind. Tho3o wish'ug to becoms patients should addrets Dr.. S. B. Hart man, CoLuamns Ohio. No ono knows bettor than Dr. Hart man how much the women suffer wMh diseases peculiar t-a their se No one knows better than he does how IC.iny of them suffer with such dIsoae3. Pa tiently, hopefully, wearily, and often nllcntly, thoy otto outa mlsorabla oxiit onco year after yoar. A woman conilncu to tho houso stv oral years with a, chronlo fomalo do rangetnont had finally nlvcn up all hopo of being cured. Sho had tried physlciin uf tbr phyitlclan, cud remedy aftur remedy, without any pormanent improvement. Her treatment had c&it her husband, win was a poor man, hundreds of dollars. Thoy had been obliged to deny themselves many com fo'ts of Ufo In order to got money enough to py the physicians. I'litlngup tho ptjf ronodiy sho hap pened to road an item which ,ontlnod the nows that Dr. Hartman would treat such casts froo of oharjo by letter. Sho Immediately wrote tho doctor, describ ing her case, and giving him alt her pymptoms. She soon received a letter telling her exactly what to do and what medicines and appliances to get. Sho began the traatmcnt(thorrincipal rem edy being Poruna) at once, and In a for weeks was well and strong again and ablo to do hor own work. Anothoi woman who Peruna without becoming one of Dr. Uartman'a regular patients had tho following ex perience. MltsldaGrcon writes from Balclvinville, Go.:"Pcrnna Is wonder iul aau good, and a certain &re for fo malo weakness. I bav been ill and havo been tal:ing doctor's medicine for several years, and found that none did mo any good. "Every day !i wnsa worry. I wau alweys sick. I bzd coro to tho conclusion to give up, and not uso eny more medicine. I was sick indued for the past t -ro years. Just before I bogan to take Peruna I was very weak, besides J was bilious nd constipated. "I had pains In my back and ?Ido and falling of the womb, with boaring do wa pains. "Ono day while reading my natra paper, Icamoucrr-an ad., reed of tha book for women entitled, "Health and Beauty," tni Eent for i. ThenI bpgan to use thjmedlcino. Aittr-rageeveir.! bottle3 f wa now vhoroighly cured." Hsnd for free book, oRiUlad, "Hoaltn and Beauty." Aodrces Dr. H(.rtm&n, Columbus, Ohio. osoooeoooooo3oeooceeooooo9oo80oiesi OUR 18th SEMI-ANNUAL Begins July 1st and for 30 days we will offer the following inducements Any 32 suit for. .$2?.00 ? Any ?30 suit for. .$25.00 2 Any $28 suit for.. $23.00 I Any $ 2 trousers f or . . $ 1 0 I Any i 0 trousers for , . - $8 Any i?8 trousers tor .... $6 Special Reduction on Full Dress Suits Remember fine tailoring is .the kind we do and we still have a large variety to select from. S Any $50 suit for. .$45.00 S Any $4-8 suit for. .$43.00 Any ftio suit for. .$40.00 Any 40 suit for. .$35.00 Any $38 suit for .,.$33. 00 Any $35 suit for. .$30.00 f9S(eeed94XS3&60SS3&3ea The Genuine Autotype or Carbon i Photographs We make them. They are ts high-priced, but nothing excels IS them. A dream of exquisite beauty and loveliness. See them lu our show case. O 2 Tho New Ground Floor Gal- lery and Art store 3 5 S. rVJain St. g Both Phones. iSitsffsc-5CSOS3cieesss F"Eas3B-4iorre&toilo TeaBJor 219 South Howard Street SECURITY SAVINGS BANK BUILDING. packlug plant. As soon as It Is com pleted it will bo occupied by the Se curity Savings Bank Co., recently or ganized iu this city. This handsome three-story brick and stone building is In course of con struction on South Main st.,' on the lot formerly covered by Jacob Brodfs Taken to Hospital. Frank Thomas of 127 East Market Bt, collided with a buggy while rid- $270.75 has been expended In binding. Ing a blcyclo on East Market st., Fri day afternoon, ond. was painfully hurt. Parkb' ambulance took him to tho hospital. Science has found that rheumatism Is. caused by uric acid lu the blood. This polsou should lM) oxcreted by the kid neys. Foley's Jvldney Cute always m'akes 'them -well. A. Warner, J. M. Laffer and J. tmpai't & .Co r. A completu catalogue of Action, Includ. lug juvenile Action, was printed In Sep tember. Cards havo beeu written for all new books added, and Indexing has been dono where tho subject de manded. ADDITIONAL ROOM NEEDED. Our shelving capacity Is about ex hausted. The book cases n tho rear of the room wleht be moved nearer together, making room for a new row force of tho afternoon Mm. In view of these facts I suggest that during July and August, generally uncom fortable months, the Sunday openings be abolished, SOUTH END LIBRARY. Last winter theie was a demand 'u tho South End for ti reading room. In trying to meet this demand our co operation Is asked. Our library has surely reached such proportions that a certain number ol books could bo loaned thtough such a medium eacli week. In the purchase of now books we could provide duplicate volumes to cover the added demuud. The books' would prove a great attraction. to the reading loom-and at the same time our circulation would iuci'cae, some thiuc always to be deslied. Books would bo carefully looked after, and subject to tho same rules and regula tions observed ut tho library. This plan Is not a new one, as yon know, for It has been successfully eairried out In many places. , Books arc not as jealously guarded as of old. Tho branch library, traveling library, open bhelvcs, and now oven book deliveries, bring us into close contact with them, School houses, engine houses, drug tores.lunuraerabledeposltarlcs.tireused for their distribution Every means Is used to bring tho books to the people; Into the homes; fov after all a largo portion of tho world bus jet to dlH cover how "blessed a companion Is a book." MISCELLANEOUS. ?eoocoooooeeo!.oioecorcoiTioee30ooos09KPooofiei80oi QlA&V&iWW&Q!SW&ii&:& Pleasant Journeys TO THE American Expos OVER THE . Lake Sfiiore and Michigan Southern Railway. library; Syracuse library. Reading room: Akron Democrat, Akron Germanla, Akion Suuduy Star, Cleveland I'ics.i, Cleveland Sunday World, Dally People, Montana Dally Record, New Voice and Worker's Call. RECEIPTS. May 31, 1000. Cash on hand ? 3O.03 Tickets 12.71 Catalogues 1-45 Books lost !M0 Flues 184.rt.-i Total 23S.41 EXPENDITURES. Cleaning during year $100.00 Express .". T-33 Books 11.15 Supplies 40.02 Total $228.10 July 3, 1001. On hand S 10-3-1 STANDING COMMITTEES. President Louis Suybold appointed thy following standing committees for tho ensuing year: Library Mesis. J. O. Frank, O. P. Humphrey and "Louis Seybold. t rt.i-.ii aIuiuku (1 T ynufurd ft tin ' nUUJUDAUVnfio, j. -r, mtit vvv. W. Rogers 'and AV. T. Vnughan. Reading room Messrs. Rogers, Sow rd ami Seybold. Finance Messrs. Vnughan, Humph rey ana irraiiK. MINOR MATTERS. The resignation of Miss Clara O. Rose, assistant librarian, was read Every purchaser of a ticket to Buffalo and return this yeardesires that the journey be a pleasant and successful one. To be such it must be comfortable, prompt, interesting. The use of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway will best meet such desire. This is an indisputable fact You will secure a selection of train service such as no other Una; of railway can present. Do not overlook return trip feature. Aft-r doing the Exposition, Niagara Falls, etc., you'll be tired, and wish to reach home quickly. The frequency and certainty of Lake Shore service will stand you in good stead at that time, promoting a prompt departure and affording the best advantages for homeward travel of any line. Our "Book of the Pan-American" contains maps and other useful matter for intending visitors. "Book of" tells about our service. You will need them both. Sent free on request. When you are ready to bay your tlcVot be particular to tell tho agent that you clesliu it to read over tho Lnlto Shore & Sflchlgku Southern Ry. All uch tickets eive option, boat or rail, either way, botweea Cleveland aud Buttal . A. J. SMITH, G. P. & T. A., Cleveland, Ohio. IWtMMWIItaM Bill !!! I HIM lil !'" W"""- yyi 1, I jt'rA jrtyirr Family Use and ?' .OJ(L&,''UrlC Medicinal Purposes I Umm&y dome Here Ffer Mllli " PI WHISKIES. "iS Ut S. Howard St I e a e? & n o ;& s a O e P o a o 5 o gt a x a j? a v ij. W 1 S ft !tel a & ii. iu iULum a x a V : 0 a ft ertB"," oiprs J rr?iififrffl ' ibT ol C jF5. E23SJ 21 bka n 3 E3 9? u i. .. $yl Jt 0 www'WT&'ww'w t rap sSi v sissr ws ara ii ! ition I 1 Filling I a v3 a ? i JJII LLIISl lM - J&J' Jo. J-L tir 'a? ty "J-? Jo. i& 3 ;il I i v if- -'3 !X w&sra xsdrffl 8. M No. 116 N. High St. Has completed Lis n3v chapel, making it one of the finest and best equipped in the state. Chapel Free ror Patrons Both Phones 442 "Hrs. C. T. ParKs will have full charge of ladies and children. I append a list of our receipts ond and accepted. Her successor will be appointed nt tho next' meeting of tho Board. Treasurer Vnughan reported a bal auco of $3,ur7.58 on hand. Miss Edger ton reported that sho had received $0,70 during the mouth. Tho expen ditures amounted to $15.01. Use Deocrr-t want column. It pays. A Poor Millionaire Lately starved In London becauso ho could not digest his food. Early use of Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills would havo saved him. They strengthen the stomach, aid dlj-'cstlon, promote assim ilation, improve appetite. Price 25o. Mouey back If not satisfied. Sold by all druggists. GENERAL ELECTRICIAN House Wiring and Repair Work. 107 on the Vicac-wct; The Dickson Transfer Co, Coal, Transfer and Livery. I'dcklng, Moving und Btorlnu of Ooods, ConctK'S, Coupe and (.nrrifisi's for funeral), eddlngs, pnrtl-k and culllnHS. Offices Boi. 123-125 Carr.U St., tsl. 304. Hd, 116 K. HletL St., tel. 421. O- E: fUIL,B 2s3 MovIur Vim, Oeju'rnl Tuiira liiBUiidTraJisfarrliKj. I'urcels. and TrnnV ilUvered. Trnn lunt nnd Ilonrdlmr Htablu, 'IVnm and drlvlnK lioisdj for safe. Office and Stable, 328-230 W. Markel Sti Both lelephones Mo. 25 r. .? fiA..J JV-WtH ;.-t )SjfMft1KWWHitofc.Jl., tHi. .SMBM-iU-! r&asmsmmtMmm-mMm Jjg