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WSmw3 AKRON DAILY DBMOOBAT. SATURDAY-. JULY G 1901 fc ) m .. THE DEMOCRAT'S PEOPLES COLUMNS. I YOUR WANTS SOUR WANTS XOUR WANTS YOUR WANTS Will bo received for publication In the Democrat, by mall, tele phone, or personal application. 24 WORDS 24 WORDS 24 WORDS 24 WORDS Can bo put Into four lines. In writing your want advertise ments, please follow this rule.. -O- SPECIAL NOTICE: On and after MONDAY, APRIL 22, all advertisements Inserted In the Democrat want columns will bo subject to the following prices: 4 LINKS, 3 TIMES, 25 CENTS When Paid In Advance. When not paid in advance, as follows: 4 LINES, 1 TIME, 20 CENTS. 4 LINES, 2 TIMES, 4d CENTS. 4 LINES, 3 TIMES, 50 CENTS. The above does not affect exist ing contracts. -O- All ads in the People's Columns, If paid in advance, 4 lines, 1 month, $1.50; otherwise, tran sient rates will bo charged. -O- femak jttlp Wanted WANTED A girl for general house' work; three in family. A. P. Bald win, 207 Locust Bt. 00- .WANTED A young girl for house work. Can sleep nt homo at nights. Enquire 700 S. High st. 05-67 WANTED A lady solicitor to solicit pupils for our school of garment cutting; $2 per day and commission. Mr. and Mrs. Bills, 117 North Broad way, tf Wfi WANTED Experienced coachman with reference. 200 Fir st. 33-35 WANTED 20 men at building near Salt works, Unlo, O. 05-07 The Pasturo Stock Food Co., 324 Times Building, Chicago, offers $15 per week and 10 per cent on all Bales for a man nrlth horse and buggy to sell Pasturo Stock Food. 250-103 MADAM LEWIS may be found at her parlors, 707 Water St., at all reason able hours. She mny bo consulted In regard to all affairs relating to marriage, business affairs, articles lost or stolen, etc. 03-69 Wanted JWANTED Roomers and boarders. A nice front bedroom for man and wife or two getlemen with tlrst-class board. Call at 300 W. Market st. 00-08 JWiANTBD Ladlds or gentlemen to represent us. Salary or commission. Steady employment Address D. Co. this office, stating where can bo seen. 65-07 (WANTED Board In private family for man, wife and child. Address A. B., Dally Democrat. 63-05 TEN TEAMS WANTED-$4 a day. Apply to W. E. Burk, at the Boule vard, Kenmore, or telephone No. 1020. 31-tf Rouses Wanted. (WANTED TO RENT A houso (or part of house) of from four to fivo rooms, within 5 to 7 minutes walk, (not street car) front O'Nell's. By all means state tent and location. Address 0. F. H., care Democrat tf WANTED To buy 5 or 0 room house. Addross, giving location and price. 8., care Democrat. 24-tf JWANTED At once, 8 room house, West Hill perferred, with modern conveniences. Address A. B. 0., are Democrat 286 tf Rooms J&fotf Rent FOR RENT-M. W. Hoye's new fiats at 107 Myrtle Place, AVest Hill. Four suites, all modern conveniences. For fuither Information call on M. W Hoyc, 111 N. Union or telephone 450 People's, 100 Bell. 01-tf FOR RENT Room 20x00 at 120 N, Howard st. Newly papered, painted nnd flxed up. Rent reasonable. En quire 131 N. Hownrd st. 10-tf J,osl LOST-On the Fourth of July, in the business portion of the city, a gold medallion portrait pin. Finder leave at this otllco and receive reward. G0-CS LOST Account book containing mem oranda and bills valuable to owner only, Under please notify Geo. Wince, phone either 002 or 240. 00-U8 LOST-On East Market st. or nt Un ion depot, ladies poeketbook con taining money and valuable papers'. Finder will be rcwatded by, return ing same to L. Miller, Barberton, O. 66-07 LOST A ladles' black sack, between Sliver lake nnd Akron, on July 4th. Finder will ple.tso leave. the same at 342 W. Nortlt St., or notify and re" cel,vc rewind. J. M., 00-08 LOST A silver chain bracelet with from 12 to 14 friendship hearts at tached, at Silver lnke, July 4. Fin der please leave nt Democrat ottiee, or 000 S. ialn. 00-08 FOUND The best place to borrow money privately on furniture, without removal; easy terms. N. M. Betk, 103 S. Howard, both phones. 4-tf FOR SALE At a bargain, three pool tables, one billiard table, one bowling nlley; must be sold at once. Enq. Dctllng and Buchrle, 2i7 S. Howard st. ' FOR SALE A good single set of buggy harness, almost new, and a second-hand piano-box top buggy. Inquire At Democrat office. 207 If FOR SALE A good single set of bug harness, almost new, nnd a second hand piano-box top buggy. Inquire at No. 025 Mill st. 207-lf FOR SALE Piano, carpets, stoves, dining loom furniture, couch and other household goods for sale cheap nt 427 Park st, after 1 p. m. 00 OS WANTED-Rooms wanted. Three unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping by family of two. State price and when possession can bo given. Address Box 103, Democrat ofnee. 40 tf por Jala FOR SALE Two houses on Cuyahoga st, aud two on North Hill. $000 to $1200, not less than $100 cash. W. T. Sawyer, room 4, Doylo block. 42-tf FO R8ALE Sea that seven-room, new houso at 210 Russell ave. Enquire on premises. 00-08 FOR SALE Six room house, In good repair, 115 St. Clair st; a bargain If sold soon. Enquire of Chns. Wat hon, 115 Sherman st 63-68 FOR SALE By the Graham-Baum Co., central mag., puones au: 0 room house, 8. Holloway st, $1,600, it room house, 2nd ave., $1,050. 8 loom house, Bluff s't, $2,500. 8 room house, Gale st, $2,100, 8 room house, S. Broadway, $2,100. 0 room house Belt st, $1,400. Lot, Harvard st, $475. Lot, Whlto City, Allotment, $350. Lot Atlas st, $350. Lot, Allyn st, $1000. 3 lots, Nash st, $750 each. FOR SALE-A bargain; for $1300. Brand new 5 room house, natural wood finish, ccmcutcd cellar, 75 bar rel cistern, good fruit, Located on Commins street VI1 take $300 cash aud givo puichujicr Iqug- timo for balance at 0 per cent, H. 0, Feederle, Everett building, telephone 010. t 80-tf Real&state orSak. HOT WEATHER BARGAINS. New (1 room house, West Hill, for $1000. Six room house, paved street, newer, c'ty water, nnd nnturnl fins, only $1350. Six room house and barn North Hill, only $850. Fivo lots only 12 minutes' walk from Hall's corners, for $800; nil. O. II. & 8. B. Jones. Thono -152. People's. no tf FOR SALB-BroitHt mill Hollluger. 707 North Howard. 7 ropms, lot 00x108, modern, $1800. ' Corner Morgan nnd Sherman, 1 rooms, lot 40x130, $700. 1074V& Bowery, corner Thornton, sa loon, with living rooms in tame build ing, barn, gas, $2000. Ill Hall st, 8 rooms, barn, furnace, bath, sewer, cistern and city water, good lot, a good home, If sold soon, $2100. ' 120 Kllng st, 8 rooms g,as, sewer, $2200. 507 E. South, 0 rooms, $1200. 135 Willow st, 0 rooms, $1500. 410 Raymond St., 8. rooms, $1050. 113 Kllng St., 0 rooms, sewer, fur nace, cistern, nice lot, $2350. A beautiful lot comer York and Sec ond stH., North Hill, $050. Ill Fay, 8 rooms, furnace, bath, In one of the best locations nnd a nice home, $2800. 215 Bluff St., 0 rooms, well, gas, $1825. 11 lots on Portage and Douglass sts , $300. 4 lots of the John Lampartcr allot ment, $300. 10 lots' of the N. B. Stelner & Co. allotment, $250. 3 lots on South Maple st, $750. Southwest corner Exchange and Water sts., lot 00x155 for the whole property, $5000. 102 Spauldlng st, 6 rooms, lot 70x 110 large barn, furnace, nil kinds of fruit; will trade on a farm, $1000. 1074 Bowery st., 0 rooms, nice lot, gas, well, cistern, $3000. A fine lot on East Buehtel ave., near to 010, $1050. New house on Amherst, near Thorn ton, furnace, bath, $1050. Planing mill, Including nil machin ery, Houston st., Barberton, known as the Hammond property, $1000, 2 lots 40x150, next nortli of 124 Bare St., $250. 224 Cobtirn St., 0 rooms, 1000. 330 Snyder st, 5 rooms), $1200. 108V& Kolb ht.,"fl rooms, $1250. The Gale, Hnynes, Boulevnrd and Watklns allotments are popular. See the plats and get prices. AVc have mentioned hut a few of the many houses and lots we have for Mile. Money in any amounts to lonn. BROUSE ie nOLLINGER, 226 South Main st. CO FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN 207 N .Valley $2300 209 N. Valley.": $2400 209 N. Valley $2500 223 E. Furnace $1150 Theso prices now, not after a while, will buy. EDWIN WAGNER, Evorott bldg. Mch. 7. July 7, 1001. FOR SALE The property on East Market st, and on Park st, known as the Talman estate Inquire of John O. Bloomfleld. 104 S. Main st FOR SALE-Lotu 250 ana 251 In Swell zcr and Stelner's allotment, second addition to City ot Akron. Special inducements to a man who will build. Enquire of E. J. Hoskln. 103 Wills ave. or Demociat office. Teh 180. 100-tf THE BRUNER, GOODHUE COOKE COMPANY, Oldest Abstract offico In the county, Established 1870. Our experience guarantees a correct Abstract of THIo. Prices reasoaablo. Prompt service. 215 South Main st. 'Phone 15. FOR SALE By J. I. Bachtel, 188 S. Howard st Telephone 722: Two lots, West Miller nvo.; well worth $700; If sold soon, $500 tnkes them. This Is comer property. Largo level lots on CO ft. avenue, W. Mller, with nlley In rear, desliable, healthful location, not far from S. Main, convenient to schools, nnd lead lug industries; unparalleled bargalus at $300, $350 and $400. Nine rooms, corner Portngo and Ce dar fits., $1400. Last call nt $1050 on 408 E. Crosier st, new 0 rooms, vacant, owner leav ing town; must be sold at once. All modern Mny st house, $2800. FOR KALE By G. W. Gridley, 48 Central Building, Phone, 510. No. 400 Wabash, 7 rooms, lot 45x105, bargain, $1300. No. 424 East Buehtel, 0 rooms, mod ern, $3200. No1. 114 S. Summit, 8 'rooms, modern, $4000. No. 120 Good et, 8 rooms, modern, $4000. No. 209 May St., 8 rooms, modern, $2800. . No. 102 N. Broadwny, two houses, bargain, $2000. No. 202 Coburn st., 8 rooms and barn, $2800. No. 223 Nash st, C rooms, new, only $1700. No. 210 Nash st, 6 rooms, new, only $1500. No. 200 Gage St., 4 rooms, barn, $850. BARGAINS IN HOUSES AND LOTS: Lots, Clovelnnd St., $350. Lots, Splcer st, $700. Lots, Splcer St., $1250. LotB, Splcer st, $1000. Lots, Carroll st, $1250. Lots, Cloveland ave., $300, Ixts, North Hill, $100 to $200. Lots, Adams st, $300. Lots, Adam St., $500. Money to loan In sums to suit, Call on G. W. GRIpLEY, 47-tf FOR BALE-LOTS-Seo It. D. Hiimefl at once, beforo you buy your lot. Will build io suit purchaser. No. 113 Wolf st. 2S4-280 tf FOR HA LB 410 Carroll Ht, 7 room house, wood Mulsh, all mod cm Improvements, street paving paid, lot 50x130, 1r fe.t from Market bt. ?2500. Terms to suli you. Hale & Coates, 311 Eveictt building, Tel. epliono 773. u-tf FOR SALE Lot on West Cedar st, fid feet front 200 feet fiom Bowery st; will sell cheap for cash. Enquire at 313 S. Maple st B. A. Farmer. 45-71 Money to Xoan Money to loan on chattel security or wages. FLOWER & KOPLIN, 4 Guth Block, 140 S. Howard st June 15-Sept. 15 MONEY TO LOAN-$100. $260. $S00, $400, $500. $1,000 to $10,000 to lonu fl per cent Interest. F. J. Wcttnch, 54 Ccnttal building. 289-tf NEVtf LOCATION. I am now located In room No. 302 at the new Hamilton building. Ct-uao. J. Hazon, Rool CstotB and Loans. MONEY TO LOAN! If you need mouoy, you can borrow from us at most reasonable rates aud on most favorable terms. S. I BOCK & CO. 229 S. Howard S-fc. 5 Per Cent. Interest On Running Accounts. Paid by the Akron Building & Loan Association, the oldest largest nnd strongest, savings Institution In Sum mit county. Has paid out over $350, 000 to Its depositors since 1889. Now has $18,000 surplus as additional se curity to its members, besides loaning its funds all on first real eslato mort gage. If you have money to Invest call and Investigate. C. I. BRUNER, Secy. 232 S. Main st. DEPOSITS g. - Paid on certificates of deposit and savings accounts. LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE ON SHORT NOTICE. AT PREVAILING RATES. The United States Building & Loan Company. Paid in capital and surplus $550,000. By W. C. MARPLE, Secretary, Tieasurer, Buehtel Hotel building. dflood burning. HAND-TURNING of every descrip tion; architects' designs given spe cial attention. E. M. Weygandt, 225 W. Mntket st. People's 'phone 107. Res. 317. ' 200 tf packing and Jioring WANTED racking nnd storing. Fur niture a specialty. Kratz's Furniture Store, 149 S. Howard st People's phope 042. Sept. 21, 1000 tf anks "A SAVING ACCOUNT-Is a friend In adversity. ' Start the new year right by opening a savings account with the Central Savings bank. 3 per cent interest paid on deposits. Separate departments for ladlps and special attention given to their ac counts. 0. W. CHAMBERLAIN'S upholstery. All kinds of wotk in our lino nt low est prices. 170 N. liownrd st Bell Phone 1220. Two now five room houses slate roof and on good lots. Prices low. Terms easy. A. D. ALEXANDER HAIVIII-"rOIM E L. O O K. &egal Notices. LEGAL NOTICE. Charles R. Butt, whoso residence U unknown, will tnfco notlco that Victor, la 0, Burt, on the Oth day of July, A. D, 1001, tiled her petition in the Couit of Common Pleas of Summit touuty, Oldo, against said Churlofr It. Burt, praying for divorce from lilra on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and oxtreino cruelty. Said Charles It. Burt Is required to answer salu petition within six (0) weeks from thu Oth day of July, A. D., 1001. VICTORIA O. BURT, By 8, G, Rogers, her attorney. July G-13-20-27 Aug 8-10, NOTICE. In thu Piobatc court of Summit conn ty, Ohio, In the matter of the cxtntc of Polly Kellogg, deceased, notice Is hern by given that thu undesigned him thin day tiled In the Probate court of Sum mil county, Ohio, his petition, playing for n u order authorizing him to sell, or otherwise dispose of, the following claims belonging to the estate of Polly Kellogg, deceased, which accrued in the life time of mid decedent, anil which have become dcMparnte, the pro. mlssory notes of the following paitlci and In thu following amount. Note of L. K. Mlhllls $500; Peasant ave., Pool certificate $200; note of Daniel Koons $77; note of Fred R. Gnffkey, $500; note of D. It Kldwell $40; note of .1. C. Kellar $125; not of Meahle. Robb & Co. $1,000; note of Harvey K. Miller $500. Said petition will be for hearing on the 20th day of July, A. D. 1001, at 0 o'clock n. m. CHARLES KRYDER. Executor of the estate of Polly Kel logg, Deceased. Akron, 0., July 5, IDOL !FIRE&&AiRi! 2 Buckeye Works. 3 Miller Rubber Works. 4 Diamond Rubber Works. 1 Central Engine House. 5 Stain nnd Market. C No. 2 Engine House. Sixth Word. 7 Noith Bioadway, uead Market 8 Buehtel ave., and Bowery. 0 Schumacher Mill, Mill street 12 Prospect, near Mill. " 13 Furnace and Broadway. 14 Main and Keck. 15 Ash nnd Park Place., 10 No. 3 Engine House, West Hill. 17 Carroll and Exchnage. IS Einplru Mower and Reaper Works. 19 Akron Rubber Works. 21 Prospect and Perkins. 23' Forge nnd Market 21 Sherman, near Exchange. 25 Main and Exchange. 20 North Hownrd and Tallmadge. 27 West Market nnd Green. 28 Akion Knife Woiks. 29 Washington and IIopp Alley. 31 North Howard and North. 32 East Market and Spruce. 34 West Mnrkct and Valley. 35 Carroll and Splcer. 30 Cniroll and Siunucr. 37 North nnd Arlington. 38 Vine and Fountain. 39 Coburu nnd Campb2ll. 41 Wooster ave., and Locust; 42 Pearl, near cistern. 43 South Main and Fnlor. 45 College ttnd Mill. 40 Arlington und Hazel. 47 Howe and Bowery. 48 West South. 40 Merrill Pottery, State. 51 Howard and Cherry. 52 No. 4 Engine House. Main and Fnlor. 53- Center st, Railroad Crossing. 64 Buehtel ave., and Union. 50 Akron Stoneware Co.. Oth Ward. 57 Lods nnd Turner. 58 Perkins and Adolph ave. 59 Webster, Camp & Lane Ma chine Co. 01 Case nvo., and Kent. 02 Sleberllng Mill. Oth Waid. 03 Johnston tuu Ohnmplaln. 04 Akron Sewer Pipo Co., Black .Mill. 07 Carroll nnd East Market 08 Second ave., aud Valley Ry. 09 Johnson and Wllfeon. 71 Grnnt and Cross. 72 North and Mnplo. 73 Werner Printing Co. 74 North Union, near Bluff. 75 Robinson Bros., Nortli Forgo. 70 The Wliltmore-Roblnsou Co. 78 East Mniket nnd Cook. 70 Home, near Lillian. 81 Western Linoleum Co. 82 Summit Sower Pipe Co. 53 Allyn nnd Cross. 51 Thornton and Harvard. 85 The J. C. McNeil Boiler Works. 97 Thornton and Camp. 80 Main and Miller ave. 91 Cerenl Mills, South Howard. Broadway. Schumacher cooper shop, N. Broad way. 01 Mill and Summit 05 Main aud Mill. OS Buehtel ave., and Fny. 123 Silver nnd Hickory. 124 South High and Chestnut. 125 West Market and Rhodes ave. 121 General Alarm. 120 Arlington and Second ave. 232 Renner's Brewery, N. Forgo st 211 Sherman nnd Vorls. 251 Cedar and Wabash ave. 253 West Exchange, near Willow. 312 Cascade Mills, North Howard. 314 Fire Chiefs Residence. 321 Adams nnd Upson. 341 Balch and Market. 312 Maple, opposito Baleh. 345 Blttman and Crosby. 351 Exchange and Splcer. 412 Wooster and St. Clair. 413 St. Clair and Bartges. 415 Water Works, Wooster ave . 431 Ewart Tile Works. Conflot!nn Orilera, "The average photographer," said Henpeck musingly, "is an unreasona ble creature.'" "What's the matter now?" asked his friend. . , "Oh, while my wife was sitting for her picture today the fool photographer sung out: 'Look pleasant please. Be natural!" Philadelphia Press. The custom of women In Japan nt marriage giving their teeth an ever lasting coating of blacking Is practiced now by only n small percentage, but thcro are still pcen In the cities hun dreds of women hideous with black Ivory, and dentists' showcases contain sets of black teeth. Would I.lUo Some. "What do you ilnd In that stupid old caper to keep yon so busy?" petulantly asked Mrs, Youngcouple. "I was Just lpoklng nt the money market'," he answered. "Oh, do they have a money market? Are thero over any bargains?" Indian spoils Press. nOW BURGLAR BILL FOOLED THE POLICEMAN. -lrtB I I 1. Burglar 13111 was hard pressed by the pursuing peler, and he was taking a short cut acroas the stone mason's yard when he accidentally fell into some e.otl planter 3. Seo him, dear reader? No? Welt tee that graceful ngure on the pedestal next to the cat? That's htm. If yon don't believe mc, look at the next picture. WHO DIGS ::; ." '. -r im 'T Q . h f'l t " . : "VWf H,I VX- 2 In despair, he wan just going back to met the bobby when he thought of a neat little trick. 4. "la, ta, dear Robert' We shan't meet again. I hope." Then the cat. who had never seen a statue mov before, had three fits and expired. Yes. A PIT- 'fl u teintkA.Jr-. A&thlrkt-Aw. ..- '--'''''"w ti&si t. Irtj&mmti&mi. e& i. . (-if .it