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228 SiW'!,iarn"W' Tr AKEON DAILY DMIOG&AT. SATUBDAT. AUGUST 10 1001 I jm KTrTTH I? XL f ; r FA m fts I 8 1 i lr-. tit w 1'i GIVE UP, Sampson Will Re sign Command. Health and Worry the Cause. Would Reach the Age Limit In Februery. Schley' "Court of Inquiry Next In Order. Boston, "Aug. 10. (Spl.")-Hoar Ad- mlral Win. Tt Smnpson will 1 de tached fiom tlie command 01 the Chnrlestown unvy yard about ept. 1, and will bo succeeded by Hear Ad miral Mortjincr l. Johtison. Admiral Sampson's poor health and the fact thai lie will soon appear before the Schley Boaul of Inquiry make tliln action luipciatlvc. For months Ad miral Sampson hat, been unable to attend to all the duties of commundaut but he hoped to rcuiulu in active ser vice until next February, when he would have retired because of the ago limit, The Navy department bos de cided, however, to relieve him fiom active duty before that tluio. Horse Stolen. Akron police weic notllled Satuiday by tho Chief of Ashland tn look out for a horse and buggy, stolen from Clayton Scoboy, of near Nova, Aug, 7th. NO CHANGE To be Made In Ap portionment As Presented to City Council at Last Meeting. Nothing dellultu has yet been done by tho committee of three appointed by President lCoons, of tho Council, to apportion tho $50,000, to bo bor rowed, among tho various funds. It Is understood that Mr. Soldell will present Urn majority report against reducing the aportlonnient to tho street fund, and1 Messrs. Sorriok and Wlnum will report In favor of tho apportion ment as presented to Council Monday night, This Rlvca tho Health depart ment $7,500. , "Passion Play."' Tho "Great Passion Play" ot Lake Side Casino, Sunday afternoon and evening. Free. flKKWBCtt i L&ie !w Locals KCeC63CaK82CHOlMft!iW-rvrtr Tho Wise family will hold its sixth annual reunion at Sliver lake, We.lues. day, Aug. 28. Mr. Jefferson Wlwi Is president ot tho Association. Tho Akron and Commercial Print ing Co's. employes held their iinnuul picnic nt I-ako Rrady Saturday, About 500 wore- present Additional Interest Is talion In 'the Viae contests or tho local militia companies each week. A goodly number have announced their Inten tion of attending this afternoon and good scores will doubtless bo made. The Sons of Veterans will leave for their annual eampltig expedition nt Lake Rrady, Saturday evening, nt 10 o'clock, wheio thoy will lemaln for ono week. Tho uniform lank K. O. T. M. will ulso accompany them. The outing of the Agenda elasa of the Oraco Reformed church, Which wis to bo held at Long Luko park Filday evening, was postponed till a later date, as thero wero only a fow of tho membeis present in time to make tho trip. ilio iOtn annual reunion of the BJrpbel-Klspert families will bo held at LukMde park Tuesday, August 13th. "Passion Play." The "Great Passion Play" at Lake Hide Casino, Sundoy afternoon and evening. Free. . IDr,Fenner SGOLDEN RELIEF lit I A vaiT finn tu . . a nvi trtciriQ tn INFLAMMATION rltiroi, IieaiUch (i mtnuUil, Tool, torflliroti. U 1 1 mlnutt), cold Born, touUi), Tootli. uoiai."ormm graver QPl I CURES ANY CAIN IHRlnR nil nil-r .. iL . XaonatollilrlTialuutri I ,SyiMUn. lbMc.mWiuUWc.i,rloalI D TILLMAN Defendant In a Suit For Slander. Columbia, S. C, Aug. 10.-(Spl.)-J. Young Jones has tiled suit against Senator Tillman for $10,000 damages for slander. Tillman, In a speech some mouths ngo, alluded to him as "A crazy old thing Just out of tho asylum," or woids to that effect. COTTON. Canvass of Its Homes Shows Pair ' Crop. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 10. Spl. Dispatches from centers of informn tton of tho prospects In Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, (Texas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Louisiana and Alabama show tho present outlook for cotton to be gen erally good. CHIEF CLERK Of 'Frisco Mint Said to Have Stolen $30,000. San Francisco, Aug. 10. (Spl.) Walter N. Dlmmlck, ex-Chlcf Clerk of the Mint, who Is accused In a warrant of having stolen ?:10,000 In gold from that Institution, was arrested early this morning. Teacher's Announcement. Miss Ella O. Ulgelow has returned from the Hast and will resume her duties ns teacher of the piano-forte, Monday, August the twelfth, and be pleased to receive nil former, also now pupils at any tinle. Most npproved METHODS taught, l'ubllc recitals Given. Two pianos used lu teaching. Studio 110 South Muple st. People's 'phone No. 383. Small Blaze. Flro btoke out Saturday morning lu the plant of the llankcy Lum ber Co., but was put out by em ployes. Damage was small. Tho tiro department was not called. Wants to be a Fireman. An application has been Hied with tho City Commissioners by Harry Fink, of South Akron, asking for it position In the flro department. ' Rain at St. Louis. St. Louis, Mo.,' Aug. 10.-(Spl.)-Tho first rain which has fallen In this city since July 3, came last night. MR. SEIDELL. He Wants Council to Talk Less and Wants Bonds Paid For In Akron. Councilman Seidell Is also one of those who bellovo too much time Is wasted with useless talk at Council meetings, and to arrive at some meaus of abating tho practice, ho proposes on Monday night to present a motion to tho effect that tlio president use his gavel more, and cause all who talk to conilun themselves to tho subject. He believes the remedy can best bo applied right lu tho Council cham ber, nud will Insist thut the talk evil Odd Matrimonial Liberty, Mo Aug. 10. (Spl.)-Ilar-per Hunt and his son Thomas, wero married hero Thursday night to Ada and Ellen Campbell, sisters. The party arrived Just beforo tho eero- Modern Cinderella, Columbus, O., . Aug. 10. Spl. Joseph Rrlnkman, who returned from the Klondike to marry Nancy Fltiell, and who found her tn tho GUIs' Industrial Homo at Delaware when he reached this city, has receiv ed word from Captain Stiles, the su perintendent of tho home, that ho Testing Rubber Shoes For Fire The City Commissioners are now testing rubber shoes for horses In tho Fire department, Tho shoes ro placed only on tho front feet, and, It Is claimed, the test Is resulting sat- Isfaetorlly. All horses of No. 3 de LOOK OUT! "Detective" Still After Elopers. Has Been on Their Trail Since July 14 And Doesn't LetThem Get Far Ahead. Walked Here '.' From Alabama, New York. An: Affair Which Makes Chief . DurKin Laugh. On August ' l, .a man claiming to bo a detective from Now York state, andi giving his numo as H. It. Green, telephoned from Rootstowu to Chief Duikln to be on. the look out for a one legged patent medicine agent and a 10-year old girl, whom ho said were elopers. Tho outllt was des cribed as a man weighing over 200 pounds, with one leg off above tho k'neo, light complected and wearing a sandy moustache; a young girl, fall- haired and slender; two bug gies, 'one with low body and drawn by n large brown horse, and another buggy dra.wn by a black pony. Tho alleged elopers were said to have passed through Rootetown only a few hours prior to the time Mr. Green telephoned. Remember, tlil was oil August 1, and Mr. Green lias been "fast on their trail ever since," locating them at Youngstown one day, utEliuira (lie next, nud at Ober lln the day following. Meanwhile, li!H-head(juurter Is in Akron, "and," says Chief Durklu, "ho has nearly pestered the lives out of local police,1' Mr. Green called at tho Democrat1 olliee Saturday to ask that a notice bo published telling farmers through out Summit county to keep their eyes open for tho elopeis. no also wanted a statement mode to the ef fect that bothi legs of the medicine' bo corrected. Another master of public Importance, which Mr. Seidell Is con sldcrlug, Is tlje manner lu which buy ers pay for bonds, Nearly all .the bonds nro paid for In a New York bank, and .Mr, Seidell- believes It would be much better to receive tho money here, because of the prestlgo It would naturally glvo the llnanclal slatus of this city. There seems to be no good reason, from Mr. Seidell's standpoint, for paying for Akron bonds lu Now York. Mess- Sister Now Mother-In-Law. mony from Pleasant Valloy, Nicholas county, Ky nnd come to visit relatives of tho grooms. Tho older Hunt is CO years of ago and his brldo Is 22. Thomas Hunt is 21 years old, and his brldo Is 21. or Nancy Finell's Finish. will probably bo permitted to tako the girl out of tho Institution nnd mair,v her nt the meeting of tho board of malingers on Aug. VI, Brink ma n Is elated over the good news, and will marry her as soon as possible nnd after a brief visit to his homo lu St. Louis wlU go to Juneau. Department Horses. partment are exorcised over paved streets, and it Is beJIoyed rubber shoes will niako the exerelsq of much moro beuetlt, serving as a sort of cushion to deaden tho Jr caused by tramping ou hard brick. man hnd been abbreviated loth off above tho knee, too. Green claims to have walked hero from Alabama, N. Y. ' " To n Democrat reporter ho sufd Saturday: "The elopers loft Farm orsville, N. Y., July 11, and I camo from Alabama, N. Y., and at once started on their trail. At no time have they been far ahead of me. Tho girl's name Is Ellen Eva Corn stock. Her mother Is a widow, and tho, girl was supposed to bo one of tho nicest young women In tho town. It looks ns If tho, medicine man must have hypnotized her. The man's name Is Orrln Stlekney." Whenever this affair Is mentioned to Chief Durklu, ho Immediately goes into n convulslou of laughter. SNAKES Killed Two The Other Child Drowned. Van-Burcn, Ark., Aug. 10. (Spl.) Three violent deaths occurred near Unlontown, 120 miles west of hero yesterday. Mrs. A. Brown left her little children, nged 3 and 5 years at the house while she took her smaller baby with her to the creek nearby to do the family washing. Hearing the children screaming she ran to the house to And lu tho grasp of two monster rattlesuakes. The children died beforo afd could be summoned. She then run to .the creek for her only remaining child, only to find It had awakened and rolled Into the creek and was drowned. -lu. SICK ONLY . 24 HOURS. An Akron Boy Died at Crystal Springs Friday. Norman J. 'Whl&llor, nged 10, an Akron young 'man, died suddenly of brnln trouble at Crystal Springs, Stark county, Friday afternoon. Ho had been sick only- hours. The body arrived here at 11:38 a.m., Saturdny, and was rcmo'ved to the home of his uncle, at 210 BU Clair st. His father and mother aro. dead. Funeral ser- vices will bo' bold from the rcsldenco Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. , Correction. The Aldeu Rubber Co. will picnic at Lakeside Park next Saturday, Au gust 17, instead of today, as mention ed In Friday evening's paper. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frederick I. Rhoads,, Akron 34 Missouri Anna Sndler, Akron 27 Groom's occupation, teamster. Frank E. George, Norton ,.24 Blanche D. Ileatty, Norton. 18 Groom's occupation, farmer. Walter E. Coylo, Akron 20 Frauces Johns, Akron 24 Groom's occupation, corcmaker. BIRTHS GONGIVER-August 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Elton Gonglvcr, 807 East Ex. change St., a son. RENNIE-August ,8, .to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Renu(e, 3,25 Ba?htel ave a son. SMITH-August 0,-to Mr. and Mrs. John O. Smith, 103 Euclid ava, a son. QUILLON-August 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Qulllon, 123 Sterling St., a sou. "Passion Play." Tho "Great Passion Play" at Lako Side Casino, Sunday afternoon and evening. Free. They Novcr Fall. Splitting Headaches cured speedily with no ill after effects, by Clinic Headache Wafers Absolutely harmless, easily taken, do not depress act as a. tonic on the hearf. CLINIC PHARMACAL CO., TORONTO, OHIO. ALL DRUGGISTS, 10 cts. NOTICE! All Carpenters Working 9 hours are invited to meet at Carpenters' Hall, Monday evening, Aug. 12th, at 7:30, to make arrange ments for Labor Day parade, KILLED. Young Man Loses Life at Kent. Run Over by Car Sat urday Morning. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Stout, of Brimfield. (Special Correspondence.) Kent, Aug. 10. Harry Stout, aged 10, a sou of Mr. and Mrs. John F. 8t6ut, of Brimflcid township, was killed this morning whllo tiylng to cioss the tracks near tho Erie railroad shops, by crawling under a car. While he was under the car, it started to move, and he was killed Instantly. His head and both hands were cut off, and his shoulder crushed. Stout was employed at the Erie railroad shops. His body has been loniovcd to the home of his parents. SSSS3aCiK8MKeS3 Personal and Social Mr. and Mrs. J. lien 'Campbell are attending the Exposition. Capl. Win. M. Illltabldlo was In Cleveland Snturday on business. Mrs. A. K. Ilyre, of Cleveland, Is vis iting her bister, Mrs T. F. Owen, Easi Market st. Deputy Sheriff Walter Ilolllnger Is spendlug a week at Clinton, his old home. Itey. J. G. Slayter and family have returped fiom a two weeks' camp at Lake Brady. I'rof. W. A. Putt has concluded a short visit lu Akron, returning to Warren Saturday. Tho Twentieth Century Married People's club will dance at Sllven Lake Tuesday night. ' Col. George T. Perkins and party are expected home from their west orn tour next Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. It. llelduud fam ily of East Market streot will spend Sunduy at Canal Fulton. Councilman and Mrs. Alvlu Itlce have gouo on a week's trip to tho Exposition and New York. Mr. Ed. Hirsli, with Bernard Illrsh, the tailor, Is In Now York, picking up points ou new styles and goods. Mss Jiiiellii -Morrison of Sharou Center, O., Is visiting her cousin, Miss ilalllo Morrison, of Hazel street. Mrs. Luclnda W. ("Aunty") Brown of Carroll street, has returned from a two-weeks' visit at Buffalo aud Rochester. Mr. Clarehco Colo has gone to Buf falo In company with a party of Me dina friends and will spend a week at the Exposition. Miss Suse F. Donahue and Mr. Frank A. Xoell will bo married Wed nesday morning, Aug. 11, at St. Vincent's church. Tho engagement of Miss Gertrude Caiuthers to Mr. J E. Peterson, ot Akron, Is announced. Tallmndgc Cor. Kent Courier. Mr. Chas. Johuston, of Chicago, and Mrs, John Bolgegraln, of Orrvlllo, aro guests of Mr. and Mrs. h. Hurley llomnn, of i!05 Silver st. Mr. Henry M. Hagelbarger is visit ing with his wife and family at Spring Mouutalu, Coshocton county, but will letuni Monday. Itev. John 11. Jim will lie lu Youngstown, O., over Sunday, on the occasion of dedicating a now church. Ho will leturu Monday uoou. Mrs. 0. W. Clarko and daughter Eleanor, of North Forge street, aro bpendluog a few days at tho Ohautau- ua assembly grounds at Urbana, O. Tho J. 0. McNeil & Co. employes held their annual pienlo at Silver Lake Satuiday. About iiOO were In attendance, and thu day was ono of enjoyment. Mr. Tracy Ij. Catlln, traveling salesman for tho Standard Hardware Co., went to Ravenna Saturday, Whevq ho wll spend n week's vaca tion with his parents. Mr. W. W. Mcintosh returned Fri day from a short visit In Clinton, 111. Ho was accompanied by Mrs. Mcintosh, who had been tho guest of Clinton friends for sonio time. Messrs. .7, B. Storer nnd B. F. Man derbiieli were re-elected corresponding nnd lecordlng seerctnry respectively at tho reunion of tho 20th O. V, I., COMBINATION BOOK CASE AND WRITING DESKS tpipm $13.60 15.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 21.50 25.00 27.50 30.00 case for case for case for case for case for case for case for case for case for $11.48 12.TS 15.15 ir.oo ir.85 18.27 21.20 23.37 25.50 124-126 South ,.. I OS- vw which has just closed at Conncaut. JACKSON-SNOWDKN. A I. it n friends have received an nouncements of the mnrrlago of Mr. oo. C. Jackson, of this city, aud Miss Ethel Snowden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Snowdeu, of Castalla, O.. Thursday; Aug. 8. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jackson will bo at home at 217 Sum ner st. Akron, after Aug. 2'Z. He is proprietor of the Jackson job printing establishment, a former Buchtel stu deut and well known young man. Ills wife is prominent in the best circles of Castalla. TAYLOItvDALllYMPMS. On Wednesday, August 7, Mr. W. X. Taylor, of this city, and Miss Myrtle Dalrymple, of Edison, O., were married at the homo of the bride's parents. TJic wedding was a home one, and only the Immediate relatives of tho parties wero present. Mr. Taylor Is well known here, ns ho was for several years connected with the Standard Hardware Co. Tho bride Is ono of the most popu. lar young ladles in Morrow county. Mr. and Mrs., Taylor will bo at homo' nfter Oct. 1 at ItOil Prospect street, Cleveland. THE CORRECT POPULATION OF CITIES AND TOWNS IN THE NORTHWEST, Located along tho lino of the Chicago & Northwestern railway, Is shown In n booklet just Issued by that com pauy. ' Copy may be obtained by send ing stamp to W, n. Knhkern, 'J2 Fifth ave., Chicago. " AT LAKESIDE. Lakeside parji casino, next week, will present ono of the strongest bills hi vaudeville. As usual, there will bo "six strong acts on tho bill. It certain ly Is a feature bill, as everybody ad vertised Is well known to tho public us u feature. Tho return of .Mr. J, Bernard Dyllyn, by special request, Is ono of the many features that will bo seen. Mr. Dyl lyn acts as Buffalo Bill, and now songs and sayings. Smith nud Fuller, who are origina tors of peculiar musical Instruments, were seen three times last season at the Empiro theater In Cleveland, and Is uo doubt, the most expensive mu sical act lu vaudeville. John .Iniiner, the 'comedy Juggler, who has always been a big drawing card heie, ,1s among tho many fea tures. , Miss May Walsh, who was such a favorlto hero two years ago with the Boiv-ton, TM!o, will do doubt catch tho audleuce with her ballads nud coon songs, as well as May Evans, tho whistler nnd Imitator. Charles Harrs, tho Gorman come dian, who will soon bo hero for tho first time, will certainly be a pro uouueed hit. lu addition to tho wpe.U's ul"i Mana ger Hawn has provlde'd for Sunday afternoon nnd evening tho great Passion Play, Including Illustrated songs. This will iaa put or at tho we-- i JUJi!!!!9Bie9' Byrdette L. s We Gn Stamp Rid B You may not . need ouo now but ' will later, and now is tho time to buy for wo will givo you a discount of 16 On our entire stock of 30 differ ent patterns dur ing all of next week. Look at These Prices 2 32.00 case for $27.22 1 33.00 case for 28.05 1 33.50 case for 28.47 1 35.00 case for 29.75 1 38.50 case for 32.72 1 40.00 case for 34.00 1 41.50 case for 35.27 1 48.50 case for 41.22 3 55 .00 case for 46.75 Dodge Howard si. s Freely Up - to - Date Shoe aud Trunk House 122 South Howard Street ..Tooth Brushes. y Marked Gem Pharmacy on handle, will be exchanged or money refunded If they shed a bristle. Gem Pharmacy 1.13 S. Howard St. J. B. STORER. D. A. BIBBARD . 1. 811 JEWELERS AS ATC Ml ES For men. We have a line line of tho popular 12 size In gold and gold tilled cases. For ladles. Wo have a choice as soitmeut nnd think we can please in stylo and price. Ask for tho "llttlo -100." WATC W ES For boys. Wo hnve In Sliver nnd Nickel cases, low in price but relia ble timekeepers. 116 S. Howard Street Casino by the originator, W. F. Mor gan. Admlsblon treo to nil. The af ternoon performance will start at 2:il0 and the evening performance at 8 o'clock. There will bo no tickets whatever required for admission at tho door and In tho shape of a Sun day ntractloult has been pronounc ed by tho ministry as the highest class. HEADACHE WiMaifil ViWiYlfiTiriiKiiiiWf At all drug ttorti. 25 Dom 25c. T0J LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR. SALE-Outsldo closet, cheap. Inquire 0.19 E. Market st. OOOS Try the Democrat's Liner Columns. Democrat Liner Columns effect qlilek exchanges between bargain givers and bargaln-seekeia. Globe n i I THE DEMOCRAT'S I iicAUsTlfRING (r ztc "& ,- WTS' &. m, 1 1 1 fa, mi in. m. i .....I i.i. i,ntmwd&rti'i' 4f Ji& mijg'M 9wyfKflyMfr ! ft' FTTT .Wiurl 1HMBW" m 18HftMdjBLJtaEBg JkAr&'MJJkiV.l& 'tWMt irtjt Wft -&! f,u UL 1iijffc.fcW1-.-l1JW.l. , .a 44,,Mtali Ai?Slh'i S"- ?'