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Wlppii,!,Hi 1 1 ftr-J 4 AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT SATDTIBAT, AUGUST 1 04 1001 A SBSsasnMBzsgssms H'SG $ St ." M ii THE AKRON DEMOCRAT rlos. 103-185 South Main Street PUBLISHED BX THE AKRON DEMOCRAT CO entered nt tbc postoUlco at Akron, O., ns sccond-cU&s matter. ths Dally Democrat will bo delivered ovcry evening by carrlor for 6 CENTS A WEEK. fey mall $3.00. .. .$1X0 for six months. 1 - TO TELEPHONE THE DEMOCRAT CALL No. ISO SA.TURDA.Y, AUG. 10, 1001. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. h For Governor, I JAMES KILBOURNB, of Franklin, For Lieutenant Governor, ANTHONY HOWBLLS, of Stark. For Attorney General, Jj. B. M'OARTHY, of Lucas. For Supremo Court Judgo, JOSEPH HIDY, of Fayette. r 1For Clerk of Supremo Court, . HARKX It. YOUNG, s .- of .Cuynhoga. For Treasurer of State, n. P. AliHSIIIItH, of Gallia. For Member of Public Works, JAMES B. HOLMAN, of Blown. An American soldier nerving In tho PliUlnnlnoR bns returned S2i0 con science money to tlio government. Conscience HeemH to bo of variable quality lu the Philippines. Four of tho seven men who wore nominated by tho Groot conventlou nt Columbus bavo declined to accept. There Is no likelihood that another convention will be held to illl tho vacancies. An Indlnna Judge has discharged it manwho was arrested by a neighbor for tying up the mouth of a calf whoso Incessant bawling disturbed his sleep. This new exempllllcutlon of tho sym pathy of tho courts with gag rule will have popular approval. Canal Fulton yesterday afternoon came near to beng wiped off the map by n destructive tire. But If tlTc peoplo of that town nrons ontorprls lug ng those of others neighboring to Akron, their town will soon bo bigger tinil brighter than ttW. The Miller nchool building In South Akron will ho completed by beginning 6f tho next whool loriu. If tho Board of Education wants to tuld to tho attractiveness of tho city It will ndopt tho plans of tho Miller school us the modol for other new build lngn. Great Britain Is delnylug tho settle ment of tho Ohlnoso question by ob jecting to tho International agreement feature of that part of the protocol relating to the tiirllt". England always was rather cold, toward International agreements, us the lato lamented Commlsslou on Bl-Metalllum might testify. Tho story that Mr. J. P. Morgan told Bouator Ilanna to mind bis own bus iness when tho latter suggested to hlra that It might be a good thing to sottlo tho strike, Is being received with more or loss Indifferent crodenco throughout thn country. But us it has always been Mr. Ilunnu's especial pride that ho "knows hU business" ho will not hnve to bu kicked to bu ublo to take Mr. Morgan's hlut. Anothor chattgo of government Is nujgoHted for Akion-a Citizens' Commlsslou to bo nppolnted to rec ommend tho change. This pluu would bo all right If tho appoint, incut of tho Commission could curry the guaranty that Its recommondur tlons will bo eryslulllzed luto law. In other words, do tho Influences that aro now In control of the city's uffulrs want a change of methods? A TIN-PLATED GOLD BRICK. For upward of ten years tho pa triotic American public has been con tent to pay high prices for tlu plate fo'r the sake of encouraging certain Infant industries which It wus desired to establish In America to compete ftvjth tho tin plato factorial abroad. These frull Industries aro now en- gaged in uu unequal struggle with the "giant labor trust" mid the clos Jng down of their mills fpr a week or two Is reported to have caused a great scarcity of tin plato In tho American A market, so much of u scarcity, In- 4j TRADES KyayjcOUHCJUp 5Yd, that the prlco luti already been Advanced to $1.00 n box, with tho prospect of lta.bclng doubled. In nil these years, however, that tho American peoplo were paying high prices for their tin ware In exchange for tho rather dubious nssuranco that tho foreigner was paying tho tnx, It oppears that the Standard Oil company wus working Insidiously to tear down tho grand principle of protection to American Industries. In other words, Instead of belug willing to go Into tho homo market and pay the samo prices which oth er people had to pay for tin plate, and thus contribute Its meagre share to tho support of tho Infant Indus tries, tho Standard Oil got n special dispensation which permitted It to buy Its tin plate direct from tho Welsh manufacturers, niid to havo tho same brought into America under suspen sion of tho rules requiring tho for eigner to pay the tax. Tho whole story of repudiation and dishonor Is told lu a dispatch from New' York, of yesteiday's date, which reads; "The steamship Exeter City arriv ed yesterday from England with 127,- 000 boxes of tin plate for tho Stand ard Oil company. This, however, Is not an unusual shipment Tho Standard OH company buys no Amer ican tin plato, when It can avoid it All of ItH oil exported to certain points of Europe Is shipped lu tins. These tins aro made out of Welsh tin plate. Under a provision of tho Dlugley tailft bill tho Standard Oil company and other exporters nro al lowed a rebate of 0 per cent, on nil tin plato re-exported In the shape of cans." And then the dispatch adds: "By tho provision of this bill tho Standard Oil company Is nblo to buy Its tin plato much cheaper abroad than in tho United States." Alas for the unpatriotic and mer cenary policy of tho Standard Oil company, which not- only robs tho nnncmlc infant Industry of Its scant support, but takes from tho foreign er Ills God-glvcn privilege of paying the tuxl A few more cxn tuples llko this, and tho American peoplo will conclude thnt the protection gold brick lu which thoy havo Invested wus not oven cont- ed with tlnjplnte. I WISE and to to ? f !. ,-- ? !w to Otherwise. Now what will tho Klrkwoods do to Kent? Still warm enough to provide an excuse for not going to church. It is stlu u-.t AkroL.wlll not havo a sU'Qct fair this fall. A good many hundred peoplo ftlll anxious to know who Is to be assist ma llbrarluu. , v v v A thought for tho day "Stecloy was actually more of u uulsuneo than the dogs."-McMUlon. 4 .liiht now, h Kent, citizens view it, President McKluley Is a very ordi nary man In comparison with Jack Bracken. J' The tlrst thing you know somebody will bo writing an Intilcato novel bused on tho unknown burglar, killed ut Itnvuuuu. There must be a Hhftrtngo of news all over thu country for nearly ovory journal, Inrgo and small, is telling snake stories. It must bo admitted thnt tho N. O. T. Co. does not menu to equip Its curs with electric bells wholly for tho pleasure of children. It Is too bnd that tho Board should ba criticised when It Is known that the Intention was to knock out the tnikt In tho Cherry st. bridge deal. It undoubtedly would bo nicer If the Cotinolliuim to semi thu Cominls sloneis notice, at least two days ahead, of wlmUhoy meuut to complain ugalust tho Board at Couucll meet, lug. In his cuthualuHii) over bnbo ball, Editor J. G. Puxton, of the Kent Courier, has lost sight of tho Impoit- anco of his "Fuels and Fancies'1 col until. That bus been entirely too good u column to drop-for huso ball or any. thing else. Somo ouu should Inform a certain young ludy on West Hill that the "Harvest Days" nro now practically oyer. Mho Iiuh been sluglng It every night since last spring with u von gouueo uuij tlotorihluutiou which seem, ed to portend somo great event when tho time cauio. Akron ladles aro progressive, ns re gards nihilities. They havo always been quick to adopt sports which havo been within their strength almost as soon, u.8 games wcro established. Golf especially has proved popular with tljonl npd tho Portage links aro dotted nearly every day with players. It has been suggested that the women golf ers havo become numerous enough to fwa a separate club next season. Odo of tho youngest commercial travelers of Akron, but nt the same time ono of tho most successful Is "Charlie" Miller, who was with Perry E. Tanucr In tho grocery business several years ago. Mr. Miller repro bents ono of tho largest grocery con cerns In tho world a big Now York house. Ho "makes" 28 towns In Ohio nnd six In West Virginia and tho "house" is still extending his terri tory. Mr. Miller Is tho oldest son of Col. Stownrt MIHcr, 115 Elwood ave. p If all tho people who watch tho weather Hags on tho postofllce build lug understood the messages It was Intended to convey by tho multi-col ored emblems which hang beneath the American ling oh the flagstaff, there would be much less speculation with regard to what the flags have to say "What now combination of weather Is about to be Inflicted upon us," ask ed a prominent citizen tho other day as he looked apprehensively at tho fluttering nrroy on the postofllce flag pole the other day. "I suppose It menus something or other, but what that something Is I can't tell. It's enough worry trying to live through tho weather we havo, day by day, without trying to solve such n puzzle as the flag combination one tli' post olllce flagpole." 41 ! v The latest moves along the line of emancipation for women, do not seem to bavo been phcnomlnnlly success fill. Miss Mattlo Beals has found tho job of city lnnrhhal of a booming town In tho bad funds too much Roosevelt for her retiring nature and has given up the Job after a day's trial. Mrs. Nation has retired from nctlvo participation In the manage ment of saloons and, her lino having been paid by a lectuie manager will enlighten breathless thousands on "How It sounds when beer gurgles across the thirsty floor." For her ultlmnte emancipation from the binding and retarding Influences, nnd conventional mannerisms and habits of the Amcrlcau people, she must become moro of the physical woman, a creature who was recent ly so highly lauded by a learned pro fessor. To obtnln a man's privileges and do a man's work she must bo prepared to withstand tho.' discouragements which como to the mules who would bo leaders. "That man's wlfo is away and he is getting his own breakfasts," buld tho Htudeut of Sherlock Holmes as a man got ou a North Hltyiciir the other eve ning, to jyiU-aifeV acquaintance. "Do you iw.'fco thnt lie Is taking home n dozen eggsV That would pretty neur ly furnish tho deduction I make it nothing else did. But do you not also sec a llttlo grease spot on his left shoo? That was probably caused by lard or butter frying over when bo dropped tho eggs Into It. That blight burn ou his right foro linger conUrnm tho theory that he has been doing his own cooking." "But how about tho dishwashing? Tell mo uow by some similar deduction whether ho washes the dishes or lets them go." "That Is eusy. You will obderv thut tho man's hands show no sign of having been for any length of time lu hotwuter as iinlno do for lu stance." "But that would iudlcato that you hud been washing dishes your.-elf.' "Yes, 1 uiu a son of tho man who Is getting his owu breaki'usts-uud mlue." KENT'S BEREAVEMENT. Editor J. G. PnMon, of tho Kent Cornier, tliuu whom no moic tuneful liuiil over put pen to paper lu honor Of u departing celebrity, bus tho fol lowing to suy with letVrcuce to Juck Bracken's bicuklug of thu Mhell of obscurity and accepting u position with Mc.Vleer's Olevelund team: Who was It mowod Milwaukee down? Whocntzcdtluifausof Cleveland town? Who gave to Kent audi gieat renown? Jack Bracken. Who pitches ball tlmt's surely right? Who works to win with nil his might? Who slams tho ball clear out of sight? Juck Bracken. Who's In tho gamo to beat tho baud? Who won the loyal rooters,' bund? Who luadothufaus tear downthestuud? Jack Bracken. Who put Hugh Duffy's boys to rout? Who'h work biought all the music out? Who makes tho funs all madly shout? Juck 'Bracken Who Is It thut wo hate to lo-.o? Who'B leaving gives us all tho blues? But who to go lias good oxfciibo? Jack Bracken. THE REAL FAILURE. They slug about tho sorrows of tho AKRON'S FORM OF GOVERNMENT. A Local Commission to be Ap pointed to Change It. It Is said that something will bo done soon, In a preliminary way, to word effecting a cliango lu tho form of government for Akron. Although It Is ktowu thnt Mayor Doylo does not approve tho present plan of govern ment, be has said llttlo of late con cerning his plans, but It has leaked out that bo nnd Solicitor Esgate are book ed to bold a series of conferences In which, ways will be devised for start lug the movement towuid tho change. So far as tho public has gone In tho way of conclusion, the anticipated re sult of tho conferences between the Mayor and Solicitor will be a sug gestion to tho City Council that a local commission be appointed to prepare plans for a satisfactory form of gov ernment for Akron. An effort will bo made to guide the Council away from any political considerations in tho appointment of a commission. Only tho most practical and capablo citi Summit County Scenery Not Excelled Anywhere. "I've traveled to many of tho most noted show places of America," salt! tho tourist, as ho settled himself more comfortaby In bis chair and lighted his pipe. "I'vo raved over Niagara and the rush nnd mar of the swift waters of tho St. Lawrence, crept through the passes of the snowclad Rockies on tho Canadian Pacific and viewed the riches of the gold bearing valleys of British Columbia beyond. Vc gazed In awe at tlie primitive for ests and silent streams of Canada, where the volco of man oven uow but rarely breaks the solitude, I've floated lazily among ihe grassy wind ing bayous of LouWnnn, where the live oaks droop to the water's edge, and alligators bask lu the Southern sunlight, nnd I believe I have appre ciated fully the giumlcur nud beauty of all these spots' "Yet I feel that these things about which wo all read and some of us see, about which we nil rave and somo of us appreciate, are no more beauti ful, arc not a bit more admirable as specimens of nature's work" than many a spot In our own old Summit county. "Do you want rugged scenery? Great mnsses of rock and earth piled up or distributed with the superlative of ilisrogatd for order or bequonce.? Go to tho Gorge, wliero rock leans upon rock and the visitor when at tho top can barely discern tho river through the blanches of the trees as he looks down, nud can scarcely hear Its rip ple over the rocks below. Great trees grip the stones with their twlulug roots In a manner almost human. AT A DISADVANTAGE. Councilmen Give City to Study "The. Councilmen havo got us Com mlssloneis ut u great disadvantage," said Commissioner McMIIlen, Friday. 'They'll Jump up at n Council meet lug uud spilut' something ou us so suddenly that we've no tlmo to pieparo tin answer or explanation. Nearly every onu dlscoeis something betwepu man who 1om-s money On u i ace. They Joke about tho way In wulcl) tho smiling, unco so bunny, Leaves liU face. But ho Isn't to bo pitied, though his feelings may be sore, Unless he's Ion his nerve and "Isn't lu It" any more. The man wbo goes In politics nnd leaves hi? luck bchlud him, For awhile, When ho ret lies to prlvnto llfo lluds many tiling to grind him, But ho'll smile. N Kor perhaps a chaugo will como nud mliko him happy as of yoror Uulcsd ho Is the miiu who lsu't in It any more. So let us bo of cheer as on tho weary way we'io plodding, Though it's long. Wo mny oinet lines waken fortune. when rIio. seems to bo n-noddlng, By a sons. For tho only ioal failure that It's proper to deplore Is to own that you're tho mnn who Isn't In It uuy more. Washington Star. zens will bo named, If the forecast may bo relied upon. More than a year ago members of tho Stato Municipal Code Commission were Invited here to explain plans mapped out for a universal govern ment for Ohio cities, but they did not satisfy tho Akron demand, or, at least, were not approved. Now, It is said, Mayor Doyle wants to start a move ment by which Akronlans will havo opportunity for selecting n govern ment lor themselves. If It seems best to do away entirely with tho commis sioner plan, and reduce the size of tho City Council, nnd even pay members of the Council for time they actually dovotn to the city. Again, It Is pre dicted, the Mayor will be given veto power nnd relieved from the duties of Pollco Judge. At the best, all that can bo Raid now U, watch out for important devel opments bOOlll Thousands of tons of rock seem poised ready to hurl themselves upon the presumptuous human pigmy who dares to luvndo their domain. "Streamlets trickle laughingly under ferns nnd nround tho stones and ob stacles on their way to join the noisy Cuyahoga below. "Beauty, grandeur He on every side, a sermou on the lnslguillcniice of man and the Incalculable, inestimable im mensity of the universe la in every sight nnd sound. "Do you want a rural landscape, with Holds of waving corn, winding streams Where cattle peacefully stand knee deep and gaze with sleepy eye at their own reflections In thu wnters as thoy chew their cud and switch the flies with Intermittent energy? Do you long to bee n country where trim farm houses peer at the passerby from behind a sheltering fringe of great maples, wliero cnug burns and well groomed farms delight tho eye? Then drive down tho Cuyahoga Valley to Avard Cleveland and you will seo show places such us the Southerner, In his eauo brake or the Canadian In his mncklnuw never dreamed of. "Beautiful freshwater lakes are ours, well kept farms and attractive land scapes aru plenty. Hugged scenery abounds almost within sight of you all, yet It Is almost entirely unappre ciated by those who have become fa miliar with It by a llfo time of usso elation. "Tourists who chance upon It nro not so untipproclnthe, however, nud Summit county's natural beauty has many a champion In fur off places on tho earth." Commissioners No Time Up Answers. mpptihgs for which they scorn to think wc should bo called down, and nt us they come without n moment's warn ing. You have no Idea of how uucom tortublo the situation Is somo times. Tho Councilmen havo weeks in which to prepare their complaints, while wo havo only a few minutes In which to think up au answer." ENGLAND Objects to the International Agreement Plan. Washington, Aug. 10. Tho Stato Department makes public tho follow ing: "A cablegram received from Mr. Itoekhlll lato yesterday reports that the delay lu signing tho flnnl protocol of agreement between tho powers nnd China Is duo to objections raised by England against tho International Commlhslou for tho revision of tho tariff. Tho naturo of tho British ob jections Is not stnted. It also appears that tho British government nsks tho reconsideration of somo clauses as to which no agreement had been hereto fore reached, owing to tho opposition of boveinl powers." SMOKE ONLY JohnJay 5c Cigars CONGRESSMAN ALDRIGH UsesPerima in His Family With' Y$ry Great Success. CONGRESSMAN WILLIAM F. ALDRIGH, OF ALDRICII, ALA. Congressman William F. Aldrlch, of Aldrioh, Ala., In a recent letter to th PorunaMcdlcmo Company, writ ton from Washington, D.O., speaks of tholr groat tonic nnd catarrh euro in tho following words: " This is to certify that Peruna, manufactured by The Peruna Medicine Co., of Cqlumbus, Ohio, has been used in my family with success. It is a fine tonic and witl build up a depleted system rapidly. I can recommend it to those who need a safe, reliable medicine for debility. " Address Tho Pornno. Modicine Co., Columbus, Ohio, for a free copy of " Summer Catarrh," which treats on tho phases of catarrh peculiar to hot woathor, and contains Dr. Hartman's experience of fifty years In tho treatmont of those diseases. 'Seisiion Globe Stamps And you will always get them at RbLIABLE CLOTHIERS, IIB-ISO Sbuth Now York Dentists People's Phone 794. 148 S. Main st. DR. RENKERT, Manager Ovor Standard Hardware Co. Open daily 8 to 8, Sundays 8 to 1, Wo Can Savo You Money , OUR 18th SEMI-ANNUAL Gash Discount Sale Begins July .1st and for 30 days we will offer the following inducements Any $50 suit for.. $45.00 Anv $48 suit for. .$43.00 Any 45 suit for. .$40.00 Any $40 suit for.. $35. 00 Any $38 suit for.. $33.00 Any $35 suit for. .$30.00 Special Reduction Ro member fine tailoring is tbe kind wn Ho rind wo 2 Istill havo a large va rioty to Tho Fashionable Tailor 219 South Howard Street Pure FROM HIGHLAND SPRINGS Delivered at your honio or plaoo of business ovcry day. Prof. Knight of Buchtcl College, having analyzed this water, pronounced It ro mnikubly pure, soft and excellent for all domestic purposes. Tnnk and bottles sterilized every day. Terms; Fop quantities less than flvo gallons, 5c per gallon. Re duction on larger amounts. MRS. A. Cor. Water anil Exchange Streets, REMEMBER ED. SPALPIKQ, Ihe SPALDING BURNER CO. People's 'Phopo 7&J. !3B yers&Co nLgy HATTERS, FURNISHERS IVIain Street IT IS AN ADVANTAGE To havo teeth that are protty far gone taken out painless and new ones bridged In. We do this work so as to glvo you sound and beauti ful teeth teeth 'that can't be de tected from natural ones. Honest Work Honest Prices Honest Treatment Is what you receive at our office. EXAMINATION FREE. Any $32 suit for.. $27.00 Any $30 suit for.. $25.00 Any $28 suit for. .$23.00 Any $12 trousers for. .$10 Any $10 trousers for. . .$8 Any $8 trousers for $6 on Full Dress Suits select from. Spring Water ADAMSON Both Phones No. 561 That In addition to our Burner business wo do Gas Kitting and carry a full line of Qns Stoves, Fixtures, Chandeliers, Globes, Mantles, etc HARiEYHOMAH. S. HoWsrd Street . I J '.., jln.,'rfl-H rtftw- ,.' ftJJd. ir t'L- L- .,, -, .'1 'I -Jftlw twMrj4ha ,-( . .