Newspaper Page Text
fpwiw 6 AKRON DAILT DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY. AUGUST 10, 1901 V w i"'1 ' ' ' 'i 'i ""V"""" mmmm mmmmm limn I A WHITE HERE is only one U.l'l'.l1 rvXK.'fi. there are many kinds of soap. There is only one destination, but there are many paths that lead to it. If you want the short est and safest road to Cleanliness, it is paved with Ivory Soap. Neither man nor clothes ever get beyond the cleansing power of Ivory Soap. Its rich, creamy lather extracts every particle of dirt ; but it stops at the dirt I Ivory Soap it floats. copvrioht iiii trTMi Moein amou o cinckmati KENT Is Here For the Game. Rooters Will Help Them Win. Planet Football Matters Still Unsettled. Warren Race Meet Ended With Good Races. AMERICAN LEAGUE. YESTERDAY'S RESULTa Clo.plaml 8-Mllwiuikco 3. Uutiolt 12-01llfHKO 1. Ttiiliimoro U Boston 0. KoMrui t! ltuHlimiin '.'. d hli'tich 5 AViiHliltiKton 4. AtlilUli-K II WiiHliliiKtnn 4. THE STANDING. W. Ii. PrOt Chicago m ai oj7l Boston ci 7 61,0 lluttljiioro .. 10 !W coh llotrolt Ill (8 mi Philadelphia ;m 41 tin UlflVCl mid 117 (HI l.'IS M'nshliiKtnn mi r,i 411 MllfWlukcc HI 00 855 Clilr.iKo t Gli'VPliinrt. Wllv mlico (it Detroit. ',., Athletics nt WiiHliliiKton. Baltimore ut Bonton. 855 NATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTa St. iyotils 3:i Oinclniiatl 0. Clnc;o 4 I'lttHhuri; 1. BiopUlyn t-lloHton li. THE STANDING. W. FHUlmrg , M I'lUlnOdllllllfi m Ht. Lout a 1 Brooklyn 47 HOttOII ,. 4i New York 7 Ulneliinatl atl (Jlilcuuo 117 I.. l'r.Ct to MM 7 bMI an (i7ii :i en i 111 411 411 M 100 co mi TODAY'S GAMES. Boston at Jtrooklyn. New York nt 1'lilludcliihla. Chicago ut rittMiurff. St. Louis lit Cincinnati. Kent rooters, tho Kent team nnd last but far from least, Jack Bracken have come to Akron to play tho Klrkwoods this afternoon. Bracken will not pilch Dut will play In center Held. Tlio Klrkwoods bavo gtirneied their eour ago and will give the Tlsltors tint best they have in tho way of u game of ball. Klrkwood's rooters luivo nssem. bled In goodly numbers and unless ralu prevents tho game, a bind tight .will be made for the victory. RACES BEGIN TODAY. Chicago, Aug. 10.-Spl.-Tho first of the International yaclit races be. Lfiween tho Detroit Yaclit Chth'H boat Cadillac and tho Toronto yacht 'Invader will bo sailed today. These races, which are surpassed In im portance only by the races for the r America's cup, are to be derided by five contest, to ho sailed August 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15, unless postponed. It Is a case of 11 fin keel against 11 centwboard boat. The Cadillac is the. centerboard craft, and Is owned by the Detroit Yacht Club. Tho In- iTRdw is a fln keel craft owned bv teo. GonderbauiD. tho Cauadlan aiiltl-rallllonalro distiller, and It will Jl under the pennant of the Roval PATH. kind of Cleanliness", but Caiiatlliin Yaclit Club o Toronto. SHARKEY AMBITIOUS Tom SliniUcy announces thnt if .Tcf- friL'a dot's not accent his challenge to llRbt hi in by tomorrow night lie (Slidikey) will cjalm tho championship of tho woild. Madden, who is tho champion claimant of pugilistic titles, will be furious. Now York Telegraph. 80 KT KOR DUFFY. Hugh Duffy, malinger of the Mil waukee team, was lined .$50 and mis ponded for ten days for hiH attack on Umpira Mtuinssiui at Clou-hind. A subscription committee him paid tho lino and gatheied up .?100 inoro for tho irascible Duffy, who will bo 11I1I0 to get back Into the game next week. .MILWAUKEE CLUB DEPARTED. Tho Milwaukee club departed from Cleveland for Detroit by boat last night. The Cleveland team linn developed a winning streak and linn defeated Mllwiuikr-o threo Htralghl and comploted tho season's seiles of games with the. ''Brewers" ahead. TIiIh ban liiherted a little new Intel est In tlio gaino Into Cleveland atidlcnt-cH and 11 tlnsporuto effort will bo iniidn to get away fiom tho bottom dlvls Ion of club averages. ST1NSON AVON. Washington, Aug. 10. About 1,500 peoplu Friday night haw Will Still son of Cambridge, Mass., win tlie Iwonty-nillo motor, paced race fiom Aichlo McEachcrn at tho Coliseum. Tho twepty miles was made In :iU:."i) J-n. Tho last 111II0 was niado In 1 Mi 12-5. ' CONLEY. AFTER SUPPLES. 13d. Conley, tho welterwolght chain piim wiestler of Ohio, Is mom than anxious 1( try his Hklll In throwing Cuiley Supples, Iho lightweight clmin- plon of western New Yoik, twleo In an hour. Conloy Is confident of be ing able to vanquish, the ex-puglllst under these conditions mid would like to meet Supples or hn nmnngoi to nialio iiiriingeuienth for the contest. Conley Is Milling to wiestlo In oltlier Btifl'iilo or Oluvelnnd. KRAMER LEADS. Now York, Aug, 10, At Mmlloon Square, (iiirden InHt nlglit Frank Kra mer beat Tom Cooper in tho half nillo ch.implounhlp, pliiciug Kramer at the TmMmMmmmM&?m--. wander when the brain is rircrj. Overwork, nervous irritation, worry r.nd mental strain exhauot the brain forces and diminish their thought power. Feed the hrain, strengthen the nerves and build up new vigor, vi tality and mental power. The greatest of all brain foods and nerve tonics is Dr. Miles' Nervine. "6oTefil years oltlclc headacha ami Moroaerw tfonole uroueht on nerv ou uroitritlon usd (or a Ions time I eoolj not conccnlrato -my thouchts. After taking a low bottle ot Dr. Mllci' Nervlaa I wat complotely caicd." MM. W. A.WOMSOH, Columbus, YVIj. I2JSJS Nervine feeds nnd nourishes the brain and nerves, over comes irritation, and brings sweet, refreshing sleep. Sold by druggists ou guarantee. Dr. Mlloi Medical Co, pilchart, Ind. Thoughts F" in wvSNHiWEflKHMKJMBNRKMWMWj' head of tho circuit chasers with 30. points, Major Taylor being second with KJ and Cooper third with 14. Lester Wilson, of rittsburg, won the nillo professional handicap, E. D. Stovens, of Buffalo cnpturlng the 2:10 class mile professional race. HURLEY DEFEATED. Buffalo, Aug. 10. Spl. Marcus nurley of tlio N. Y. A. 0. mot with his first defeat at the national ama teur bicycle meet Friday, being beat en by T. J. Grady of Chicopee, Mass., in the Ave mllo national champion ship. Time 12:01 4-5. The HCtnt-flnals of tho two mllo national amateur championship wcro won by Grady, McConnell, tUnsloy, anft Hoffman. Tho grand scml-flnal and final will be run to day. WEBSTERS VS. SOUTH ENDS. Websters and tho South End team arc mixing things at Summit lake puik this afternoon. A goodly representa tion of rooters has gono to cheer Uielr favorites to victory. PLANETS TALKED FOOT BALL. The I'lauets met Friday night and attempted to accomplish something dellulte In regard to organizing for the foot ball season. Tho muggy weather has been tho reverse of in spiring, however, and nothing of value was accomplished at tho meeting, al though it has been decided to have a team, this fall) A few weeks tlmo will see the matters on an established footing and tho game will bo takiu up with all seriousness and an offort made to be In the fiont row of Ak ron's foot ball representation. Although the team to represent tho Planet Athletic club was not named nt Friday night's meeting, the heads of the athletic affairs for this fall woio named, and tho team will be formed as rapidly as possible. Cloyd R. Qulne, manager of Inst year's team was selected an mana ger. Al. Klmpllln will train tho team and get tho candidates In condition, loscpti Bowers will be temporary captain until a pormnuent team H formed. 'I'ho athletic f.plrlt will be revived rapidly as the bcason prog resses. WARREN MEET ENDED. Tho Wnrron race meet has been fa vored with excellent weather during tho three days it has lasted. The at tendance each day was large and the meet was a Utinnclnl success. Tho little mill which appeared served only to mako the track bettor for fast time and some excellent racing was seen. No Akron horses wcro entered Fri day. THE JUDGE Will Return In a Few Days. Commissioner Candidates Anxi ously Await Him. .luilgo Oo. M. Anderson will return lo Akron about WcdneMlay of next week. Ills coming is waited with a deep, anxious yearning by 11 very largo number of people, Including applicants for tlio City CoinnilsHlonorsliip, and their fi lends. Nothing now lias de veloped In tho race, but It Is now said that C. 0. Bonner's chances aro not what they wore, and that ho already knows that ho Is not "In It." Mr, nnd SIis. Bcunor aro with .Judge Auilerhou iiud wlto on their outing. They 1110 among tho small lakes lu Northern Ontario and hnvo caught a number of remarkable stilugs ot Ash. HIS FAMILY. Donovan Neglected It, And Aust Pay $15 and Costs and Stay 30 Days In Workhouse. .lames Donavan, iiiralgued before Mayor Doyle, Satuiday inoinlng, on charge of neglecting to suppoit his family, was fined $15 and costs, and sentenced 30 days to tho workhouse. Ills wife Is lu focblo health, nnd thero are two little clilldieu In tho taiully. TWO WELLS. The Ohio Salt Company Will Drill Them. Stephen Maikham, who has been drilling the wells for the Colonial Salt Co., will soon finish tho work. His machinery will then bo moved to Rltt man, whom he will drill two wells for thu Ohio Suit Co. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings In Akrou the past week was $920,500. Canton wns $300,023. Youngstnwn failed to raaUo a report. j5 Ifflnr'iis mH EMSY H 1 WQRS when you aro well, to rub and scrub, but when the back aches awl the head throbs, a woman's work is hourly torment. No woman can be strong sad halthy of body who is the vie tlm ot those womanly diseases which are orteu raspousiDie for cmtnlne siuicrinirs. Women who have used Dr. Pitrcc's Fa vorite Prescription fbr the cure of diseases of the womanly organs, say that work doesn't tfrs them any more, "favorite Prescription " regulates the periods, dries enfeebling drains, beats inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. There la no alcohol In "Favorite Prescrip tion," neither opium, cocaine or any other narcotic. "t hoi wor health for nine ) ears (ever since the birth of my child)," writes Mrs Anninlle Wnlktxis, of Acme, Knnawha Co , W. Va. " Had fomsle weakness, wus very lrrrpilir and would saner untold misery. O lr family doctor did not 1I9 m any ftood nd I concluded to wnle to you. Wntn t irrwe I had o? Idea thnt I would ever get 'Cll, bat when your letter reached uie I bepin to have hope Z commenced taking Dr. Pierce's medicines u directed and began to improve iu etmifrU, I M soon able to do the work for my family of six, X thlulc there never were such medifKieo In the wurld I took eight bottles, three of 'Favorite Prescription' and five of 'Ccjldeo Medical Discovery' and two vials of Pellets ' ' Dr. Pierce's Pellets care constipation. CHURCHES. ORACB M. K. East Market street. Rev. J. 0. Smith, pastor. Sunday school at Q a.m. Treadling at lOiHO. Subject, "The Vnluo of Your Iteliglnu." Ep woith League nt 0:30 p.m. Topic, "Enemies and Arms." Leader, Win. Uukhnrti, Union services at Broad Street (Jhurch of Christ at TiISO p. in. UNIVEHSAMST. Sunday school at 0:15. Itegtilar preaching service at 30:110, eouducted by Itev. Fuutilo Austin. OHNTRAD lKESBYTi:RIAN. Ilev. .Tolin Hen-on, pastor. No ev ening services. , OltAOB HEKOILMRD. Hov. 0. D. Alspach,' pastor. Sun day school 9 a.m. Preaching at 10:30 11.111. Subject, "The Coming of the King." Christian Endeavor, 0:30 p. ui. No preaching in tljo evening. 13V ANG EMC AIi. Bartges and Cobuiu rits. Rev. J. W. Heiulnger, pastor. Sunday school 0 11.111. Preaching 10:3Q(, nnd 7:30 p. m. Morning subjeet, "Tho Cost of Spirituality." Dietilng, "Birds of Prey on Our Sacrillces." aiibsion band, 2:30. Junior Y. P. A., 3:30. Senior Y. I'. A., (1:30. WOODLAND M. H. Bnlch mid Ciosby streets. Rev. AViu. F. WycolV, jwstor, Sunday school nt 0:15. Sermon at 10:30, by the pastor. Subject, ".Moral Quallll- cntlous for True Worship." At U:15 p.m. union open air sorvlces In lot west of West Congiegationul church. Should tho weather bo uufavoruble, tho sermon will bo held In the Woodland M. 11. church. FIRST UN1TDD BRETHREN. ' Sunday school 0 a.m. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. Theme, ".Mount Pis- gali: or, Seeing the Ulory Land." Jiuiior Ende.ivor, usiO p.m. 0. R, (1:30 Itev. Joseph K. David, a niitUo of Syria, will preach at 7:30 p.m. THIRD CniJIlCII OF CHRIST. Wabash avenue. Row Luther Mooic, pastor. Blhlo school at 0 u. m. Preaching and communion ser vices nt 10:30 a.m. Topic of tho ser mon, "No Fiult Forover." Tills Is the second sermon in tho Bories, "Our I.oid's Country; visits In Pal estine." These sermons aro espo chilly designed for encouragement to disciples of Christ who aro weak or Indifferent. Evening preaching ser !& ..,, or vet 'itfjfVgJsB j t?EtTe!-l.s.!!-..iJ-"r,"''i, v H23J rtSi'fl IAN JSW.'JErci;-. ..(ijaw!.VL?,:- a. 1 '-saw" -, -4-. 1 AMI vices at 7:30. "Tho Swoifl Bathed !n Heaven," will bo tho topic. HOWE STREET UNITED BRETH REN. Services held In gospel tent, Howe uud Ntttlum streets. Sunday school a p.m. Tho pastor, Rev. 0. W. Slusser, will preach at 3 p.m: on "Christian Benevolence." At 7 p.m. a Young Peoples' Society will bo or ganized. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to all. SECOND BAPTIST. Rev. R. A. Jones, pastor. This congregation will hold services at Boston Ledges Sunday morning and afternoon. Sorvlcos at 10:30 and 2:30 p.m. Rev. Paul AVooldridgo of Cuuton will pi each at both services. At 7:30 p.m. pleaching nt the church. Sunday school at 0 a.m. CHRISTIAN CATHOLIC. Services Sunday at 3 p.m. will bo In charge of the .conductor, II. n. Schlcb, In Union Charity Hall, Wnlsh block. Subject, "God's Ever lasting Covenant to Abraham, anil All God's True Israel In All Time." Wednesday oveulng at 7:30 Elder R. N. Bouck of Cleveland will conduct services. Speclnl prayer for those who earnestly request It. MAIN STREET M. E. . Rev. John W. Moore, pastor. Sun day school at 0 a.m. Preaching at 10:30. Tlio evening servlco at 7:30 will be iu charge of T. J. Robcils, Epwortli League at 0:30 p.m. Mr. Kent White, leader. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL. Rev. James n. W. Blake, rector. Sunday school at 0 a.m. No morning or evening Rervlce. St. Andrew's Chapel. Sunday school at 9 a.m. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN. Rev. John H. Zlnn, pastor. Sun day school at 0 n.m. Sermon nt 10:30 a.m. by Rev. J. II. Fotterolp. Young People's meeting at 7:30 p.m. Sub ject, "Eucmies and Arms." No service In the evening. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. Rev. J. G. Slnyter, piwtor. Sermon, subjects: Morning, "Civilization's Past, Present and to Come;" evening, "Temptation and Deliverance." The evening "sermon will be tlm last In the series on "the Lord's Prayer. Bible school 9 a.m. C. E. and Jr. 0. E. 0:30 p.m FIRST M. E. Rqv. Milton Butler Pratt, D. D., pastor. Sunday school and Blblo studr'O u.m. Sermon by pastor at 10:30 a.m.. Epworth League at 0:30 p.m. Evening service with short ad dress by tho pastor at 7:30 p. m. EPWORTH LEAGUE. Tim p worth League of the Fiist M. E. church will hold devotional servlco Sunday tit 0:30 p.m, under the leadership of Mr. J. E. Ewlng. Subject, ''Enemies nnd Anns." Eph. 0, 10-18. It Is encouraging to seo our devotional meetings so well su;i poited during the summer months. THu Mercy and Help department is arranging 11 day's outing at Silver Lake for about fifty eh'ldrcn and mothers. A special offering for this purpose will be tuken at tho morn ing and evening services. YOUNG PEOPLES' ALLIANCE. Onlvary Hvnngelleol church. The sjibjcct for tomorrow evening is, ''Enemies and ArinN." The meeting begins nt 0:80, and will bo led by Marlon Pierce. You nro Invited to bo present at these meetings, which nl. ways provo Interesting and helpful. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR, Mr. Homer Williams will lead the meeting of Grace Reformed So. ccty at 0:30 a.m. Sunday. Subject, "Enemies and Arms." (From Kent to Barberton. The N. O. T. Co. Is nrrunglug to stilng new ttolley wlro from Kent to Biirberton. It will cost $11!,000 to replace tho old wlro. Dont't Fall Into It. It Is poor policy to fall Into the habit of placing your laundry work at ran dom, as It is productive of much an noyance and little satisfaction. Your lluen wjll bo done up right and bo fnult lcss ut all times in its color and llnlsb, ns well ns in tlio perfect condition In which it Is returned, and satisfaction is always guuiauteed Iu both work and prices. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 156 S. Uljru st. Phono 07. I was dreading having my teoth attended to. I had to bavo Boino out norvos devltallzod in othors; also somo brldgo work, My teth wore talton out; never folfca twinge of pain, They told mo it was next to killing to liavo tho nervo'roinovod. Tlio norve was removed without my knowing it. Tho gold orowns wore 22k.. of standard, gauge, and artioulation waB perfect. My dentist is at tho Philadelphia Dental Rooms, Open Evenings, Sundays 10 to 1. 126 S, Main St rv ummrajKtrrtJirz-etaxVsSVi fl&ggJMi A afo ve jfah powortnl 2-S'tTi'i remedy !tt' i a r an dlieatat of tho blood, norvei. itomach, liver and kldnevt. la Wright's CnBory Tea At druggist or by mall. 23o, Mid toe a box. TDE WBlOHT 3ED1C1L CO., Cohabm, 0. Choice Canes For Old a.nd Young, Just Received at Both Stores. Arcado Block and Hamilton Building. C. C. Spangler IB04 S. IVIalrt St. Room 2, 2nd Floor, Coventry Bldg. E Telephone 655 t FOR FINEST Coaches in the City. On call at all times. I Full Lino of Livery. tAll cushion tiros. Largest X Moving Vans in tho city. Best 2 of servlco guaranteed. Priees reasonable, Both phones. Akron Clothes Pressing Sc Tailoring Co. Rogulor Prloo. Full Suits, apougeil anil prcssod , TBo Overcoats, sponged and pressed . 60o Pnutj, sppngpd and preted. S3o Clonnini; Business Suit ia.00 Pints cleaned,,. T6o Goods cnlled for and delivered to any pail of tho city. Mall orders given prompt at tention. Teople's phone 751. Bell 85.10. 411 rviill St., opp. City Building. O. EE! Lk. L- I 5 Moving Vnns, General Team IngandTrnnsferrlng. Parcels and Trunks delivered. Tran sient ana uoarainz HliiDlo. Team and driving horses for safe. Office and Stable, 228-230 W. Market St. Both Telephones No. 257. Summit Plating Works CEIRRT ST., AKEOn, 0. Gold, Stiver, Nlclcel, Copper, Brass, Pronze and Oxidising. Bicycle and stove latlng a spoclalty. AH work guaranteed. Work called for and dcllverod. Your pat ronnee Is solicited. 1 People's Phones kA and Ills A Good Restaurant in Good Location A first-class Investment. Write for particulars. ' Good CHanoo, ., Care Democrat. Business Men's Restaurant. Meals served at all hours. Fine Im ported and domestic Wet Goods and Clears. Under Central Savings Bank. Jotan Koorber, Brop. CEMENT, LIME SEWER PIPE, FLUE LININGS BUILDING BLOCKS, all kinds Potoroon & Wrlijht Both Phones 124. 128 N. Main St. We have a car of Fine Seod Oa-t:a Which we will sell cheap. Potatoes and Corn Fertilizer at a very low price. Lawn and Garden Seed and Fertilizer cheap. Lime Plaster $6.00 per ton. BOTZUM BROS. NO. 213 NORTH MAIN ST. J. V. YOUNG. Practical Horseslioor Certlded momber National Horse Hhors' Association. batisfactlon Quarnnteed. 411 9. Mil In St. Feoples' phone, 11114. 2 rings. IfYou MVant SEND YOUR SHIRTS AND COLLARS TO A.nnezr9tsA.tM uaundry 105 KABT KXOHANUB ST. Phono 7S0. GEO. E. UVZ, Prop s-l c. urns GENERAL ELECTRICIAN House WIrlnfr and Repair Work. 107 on the Viaduot . Adamson roUNDRV, MACHINE and PATTERN WORKS. FATT-KPUM WORK Olven prompt attention. Let us llguro on your next Job. EJOTM PHONES Bel The Dickson Transfer Co. Coal, Transfer and Livery. Packing, Moving nnd Storing of Goods. Couciies, toupos and (larrlnges for runorals, wt'ddlniis, parties nnd callings. Olllces os. IM-I25 Carroll St., tel. 304. Ho. 116 N. Elch St., tel. 413 Large, Fresh AT THE EDSON FISH MARKET 1P, XVQwvfiMr ..WMK VISITING DAY Tlnnsdoy is tho universal visit, lng day for ladles. It your lady friends call on you today, and you havo uothlns stronger than city water to treat them with, It will prohnbly mako you feel worso than tlietn. However, wo know that you won't let It occur. So, to be prepared, let us send you a case of our Crown Special Bot tled Beer. Wo know it will bo appreciated. Burkhardf's Brewery, Brewers of High Grade Beer I38Both Phonos 259. Why Not Remain at Home? You have one of the most complete Photo-Engraving Establishments In the countiy nt your own door. S. and 0. ENGRAVING CO. 70S CVIIII St. OASPAR ZINTSU Hnnufactuior of all kinds of Drushtt. Ordoiapiouiptly uttended to. 1E0 S. MAIN BT. AKRON. 30 TO . . . 13. t". ng.A.IL.L.SFC For everything in tho ELECTRICAL LINE CEILING and DESK FANS. Pbone 012 238 S. Howard St. Caesar, DENTIST. 8:80 to 11:30 n.m.; 1 to 6 p. m. 422 Hamilton Building People's Phono 341. Akron, O. rsim: i 'o. -i. i c t ii.;'i l. if Thtn yon vrant Refeshiaents ol X'ft v'A au iunas, inches Imported and r- a S Wines, Llquois id Beers S m The tut wet goods obtainable visit $ ATLANTIC GARDEN S W 200-202 B. Market st. Jj g DETTLING BROS., Props. T Textile Manufacturing Co. Awnings and Tents Horse, Wagon and Floor Covers Gymnasium Mats and Ropes Anything mndo from Canvas, by hand or inuohlno. People's ( Business hours..., No. 737 Phones ( Any other time.... No. 005 137 SOUTH MAIN ST. Democrat Building. J. A. KERR, Q. O. JBNNIE U. CVANS,D.O, Ostcopalhed Physicians. 604 Hamilton Uuildltig Graduates of A.H.O.. KlrkhlU. Mo. Hours 8 to 1-' mid 1 to 5. Oonsullntlon nnd ei. mutilation free. Peoplo's phono 260. Our Spoolaity Shirt Waists, Collars and Cuffs. Both Phones 912. 1063 S. Main st. H. J. BINGHAM, M. E MACHINE DESIGNING, GENEItAL DRAWING. 21 Arcado block, Akron, O. ,iSiiSi)titCHJi)J)'JbUtii St. Vincent College, 9 Boiiij J,.u.,wmiiwaco., a. u S 55TH YEAR. s g 5 This Is it Catholic Institution conducted r M by tlie Benedletlua Fstlieis. It Is 0 miles lj gl east of Pittsburg, mid mum from I.troue, O a on the IVuuijlmnU railroad. The climate a V) Is healthful, the buildings large, heated by jfr susra and llf hted by tloctrlo light. The U (j courses of study nre the C'laitlcalaud Com. i id inerclnl, also au Elenieutary School for nt U beginners. Si 6 TiBMi I Hoard, Tuition, Washlnff, Men. S A din and Physician's Ytt, tsoo a jtar ot S M IW per witton of n months. J H ror information or catalogue, address 3 & TUB REV. MRIJCTOR. MM fe IIALF-TONE. ,, S WOOD ENGRAVERS K J e'H&K V At T"S f a TiTlt H?V? fr v 4 r ilfA&S M CiL ',- j- ,tJ4v r pi.-WiE-y ftiaqk , li W