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iviiiitipii,; j2C -r". AKXtOW DATJjY uigmookat. h & K li i' i 3 s c C b fl b K tl M bl n ' 'of tW rt Ini vm poi All v 4,11 U I t Jl Boston Store THE WEATHER SUNDAY: Fnlr nud cooler tonight; Sunday fair. Vtfait:o Salo An IntorpfttiiB sulo to all house keepers, hotel and boarding house keepers. You can replenish your .NAP12RY STOCK at a very Binnll outlay. Table Linens Unbleached Table Linens, wide widths, good patterns, splendid for Dvcry day use.-WIllTK SALE PRICE, 22c. Unbleached Table Linen, some havo Turkey red borders, good Styles.-WHITE SALE PRICE, 20c. SPEOIAH Silver Blenched Tjiblo Linens, wldo widths, beautiful pat tcrhH. These linens bleach pure White WHITE SALE PRICE, 7JjC You can't afford to uitss seeing tho unbleached Table Linen wo generally sell at C5c, but for tho . WHITE SALE 50c A YARD. Bleached Tablo Linens, big assort ment of pattern-, n big bnrgun at the WHITE SALE PRICE OV KOo A YD. WORTH READING. Full widths pure -white DainaskB with napkins to match, well worth 75c a yartl WHITE SALE PRICE 50c A YD. Domestics Light Calicoes for honso dresses, and boys' waists, fast colors, heat Bpircs-WHITB SALE PRICE 4c. 30-lnch Sfndras cloth, hi neat Stripes, nnd plnlds, WHITE SALE PRICE 7 l-2e. aiMneh Light nnd Dark Pereales, tho best quallty-WHlTE SALE PRICE 7c. 30-inch Unbleached Muslin, fine, even thread, worth 7c WHITE SALE PRICE fie. ail-Inch Half Blenched Muslin, splen- did for undergarments WHITE SALE PRICE 7A Men's White Shirts, unlnuudered, linen fronts and wrist bands, prop, erly made WHITE SALE PRICE 50c, Embroideries and Laces Wide naniburg Embroideries, Htiong edces. worth Oc-WHITE BALK TRICE Je. Strong Embroideries In open wort cd edges, worth 7c and 80-WHITE SALE PRICE Oe. Wide Hamburg Embroideries for skirt triroinlncH. worth J'Jtic-WIUTH SALE PRICE He. Ask to see this lot of extra wldo Embroideries, worth -' anil 20c WHITE SALE PRICE 2?lc. All over Luces and Embroideries, In nieces suitable for wash dress fronts WHITE SALE PRICE tc up You will find some big bargains In plain white goods, nlo In Towels and Towel Ings. 150-152 South Howard St. Money to Loan Ort Housohold Ooodo. Pianos, Organs, Horses, Carriages, Wagons, Etc., Etc. If you nro In need of money for a grocery bill, meat bill, rent, taxes, or any other debt you owe, you can bor row tho money nnd pay II back In small monthly payments, and each pay ment reduces both principal and Inter, est, nnd you will llml this plan tho most fcnfo, convenient nud cheapest In tho city. Property left In your pos hrhRlon nnd all business strictly con fidential. Olllco hours from 0 to 11:30 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. in.; open from 7 to 8 in Uio evenings. Bell phono 700; Peo ple's, 771. i. o. Itoom 14 Arcado Building. COW TRADE Ud to an Assault. The Aggressor Was Fined by 'Squire Nash Friday. Difficulty over a cow trade nnd the ultimate ohastlsement of one of the parties interested by the other be cause of aspersions east with reference to tho character of the cow and her former owner, brought Amos Lemmnii into 'fe'ijulre Nash's court to answer Un charge of assault and battery, on com. pjalnt of Wm. Llttlowood, the pur chaser of tho bovluo bone of conten tion. After (he selling of the cow each par ty credited tho other with having the boxt of the deal -so much so as to lend to the ultimate hhmhiU. 'Squire Nash decided that Lciniunn wiih nil pnble to tho extent of $5 nnd costs. SAVES DOCTOR BILLS. fu WolllnMhfolinro tel Iiikoii vim. vi, in to nrorantly treat Tonr.'L0'".0,".0" .." lJftt9.llar.Ilou in curing thousands riUi J Jly. BAR BEN yated of cases In both men and wnViYt-n! 12 lierptofore considered Incurable, yield . " most instantly to the, wonderful curil iiuiv(j 4M iuuh uuuijiiicitia and tlv properties .. ,l ...-...., IM1U' The otfeata differ (mm . .-uo1' u. nil. &... . . .. ....... ,.iv m. tJHDCUl cell '' n otner remedloi in ce, thntltli not a hul niWa 'the' jNBIlVE nnd IMIA.IN lIUIbDHll. HAnl V1BirKN erontei solid nb, luuiSlo iini ZuZ"X, T,..i7.." ?"" S?." . ' '"ru rid the tuiler.-r 'of direct bonntlt. Onabnruin s.C .:.'.. Agrt. Wfwl, All druifKUU, or mailed ou olpt oj pric. Write (,r free mimniV, thai' l.,:p w l.. . ul,,,' "mi renowca A r jrtnHCr. while the iwnurntlvu orguiiB nri et falfflC to rKhrd thlr norinnl , ,,,,, , ana the tuXen-r la ruilnklv inuiin n'r.;....' jki- .i- " . - ..." --'.nv.iiiie "I'M SICK. A Statement Pfrom Regretted. Mayor Pitied the Man and Kept Him Here, Even Though He Said He Could Walk Away. Yielding to Temptation Cost Corrigan $2 and Costs. Louis Pfrom, ancstcd for vagran cy, mado n grlovlous .error when ho told Mayor Doyle Saturday morning that he wns hanging around tho Old Forgo on account of sickness. "Well, considering that you are a Hick man, we'll not send you away. That wouldn't he right. You may go to tho city prison until Monday." "But, your honor, I'm not that sick. If you'll only let mo go I can walk out of town. I'm my mother's only support, and sho needs money." "What caused you to loaf here?" "I wauled to work, but was sIcS." "How'rt you come hero?" "On n freight train. I had been drinking, run water, nnd was too sick to bo allowed In tho passenger coach." "I haven't been drunk, your honor,1 since the Fourth of .Tuly," sad James Corrlgaon, who enmo hero from (trecntown Friday. Ills yielding to temptntlon cost him $1! and costs. Bert Snyder, arraigned on n elmrgo of Intoxication, was also fined $'. and costs, nnd promised a work houso Roiilenqo if durlug the next year ho appears In court In "the capac ity of prisoner. "Ho has been In tho habit of loafing around the corner of Main and Kxchnngo streets," said Q Ulcer Welch. Clarence Axo was another $12 and costs contributor E for Police Continue Crusade Against Them An Aged Woman In Divine Things The crusade by the police ngnlnst fortune tellers nud palmists continues with vigilance, and the city W pretty well rid of such nuisances. Occasion ally, howevei;( some charlatan comes In and commences In do business with out ilrst becoming familiar with the mles and iegilntIons of tho city, but all such are ordered to leave prompt ly. "Not long ago," said Captain (iulllel, Friday, "n palmistry outfit ar iled here from Michigan, rented nming and equipped them luxuriantly. '1 hey were Just ready to do business when olllcers discovered them and or dered them to leave. They lost time and money, but had they luiHilied concerning rules, before equipping ADVERTISED LETTERS. GENTLEMEN. Illeis, Harry. Heller, Uudolpli. Haye, Waller. .lelTorson, Ohas. It. .lohiihou, .1. O, .Inmes, .1, I). Mllllmm, Ai tin. Moiig, L. L. Morris, M. J. Mel'rosky, 1'. II, Mnreke, .itch, l'ei'hnus, ('has, Itead, Kiimk. Itnaeh, .lohn. Vons, .lohn. LADIES. riuttmaun, Aunn. (larey, Mrs. Chas. Ilufman, .IuIiim Hllberg, Mrs. M. Kress, Mis. 0. Klminerer. Mis. .Ief.slo Klntner. Hattle Klinmell, Mrs. K. Ueemnn's Museum, lloston, li'red. Itemler, Herby. llaxter, li'co. Ilriiwti, 'J'hi(S. Cr Cluise, A. L. chapnian, 'A. K. Hcwey.iO. T. Kldrldge, Clias. H. Kdwnids, Wm. I'liNpaugh, F. M. I'ntheiinglijini, It. Olbbmis, M. llojetler, V. A. lloildiuott, i, U. I'uehor, Msdgo Andrews, lri. S, HUbii, Mrs. C. (thick, Carrie. Crane, Corn. Ibirbln, Mrs. 11. P. I-'rank, Mrs. M, EA5T AKRON STATION. Uielu, Klmrr .lohiitou, .Sol Sirs. Hlugler, C, W. M'llghl, Ntlss ,da. L. S. EBRJGHT, P. M. UNUSUAL SUIT. Default Judgment Given by Justice Coleman. A somewhat unusual suit for money was brought this week In Justice W. F. Coleman's court by Mlnnlo' Chris, tlan. The wlfo of the defendant was among tho witnesses subpoenaed, with tho expectation of showing tho where, abouts of tho defendant at given times. Default Judgment was given for tlio plaintiff, tho defendants fall ing to appear. ANNOUNCEMENT. New Merchant Tailor Takes Up a Well and Favor ably Established Business. Mr. H. H. Pride, who has bVcn for tho past ten years a leading tailor In Portsmouth, Ohio, Thursday, tool: o.bnrgo of Mr. D. D. Breckenrldge's tailoring business, 120 South Howard st. Mr. Pride Is a practical tailor, being able to take tho wool off of a sheep's back to take the wool off of a clothcs. Ho desires to assuro the friends and patrons of Mr. Breckcn rldgo as well as all others that his ntm will be to keep In stock tho most exclusive and prettiest patterns in foreign and domestic woolens and produce that same high degree of tailoring that has been a character istic of Mr. Breekenrldge's work. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all to call In and become acquainted with Mr. H. II. Trlde, the tailor, 120 South Howard st. OUTING. Wooster Horseshoers Will Idora Park. Go to The Master Hurseshooi's' local as sociation No. 180, will hold a special meeting Monday evening in U. V. hull to nrrauago for the outing at Idora park, Youngstowu, Aug. 17. Win. Klun, of Lima, O., obtained excellent results from the use of Foley's Kidney Cure. "It relieved my baokuclio and severe pain over the hips. It toned my system nnd gave me new vim and energy. It Is an honest and reliable remedy, a sure cure for all kidney diseases." A. Warner, J. M. Laffer nnd J. Lamparter & Co. - TELIERS. Water St. Who'd Rather Than Wash. their rooms, they'd have been saved the expense." Complaint has been made lately that an aged woman, re siding In Water st., has made her de but In tho fortune-telling business, and even had displayed a shinglo -with the announcement and a long name, prefaced by Madame. She was near ly scared to death upon learning that she would bo considered a law-breaker, and, It Is believed, has abandoned her claims to mind nnd futipo read ings. The old woman has a sick hus band lo support, and although a wo man of .most ordinary necumpllbh im-uis sue ncjiuvcd mere was more money for her in fortune-telling thnn In washing. Ileynolds, T. N. (3K Sonve, Dorn, Hnldev, 1, J, Smith, K. A. Hummer, .las. Spencer. .1. G. fjmlth, Then. Knruer, W, W. Ttillferro, W. Ilecil, Jo)in T. Saturn?1, I'. C. 2). Vorlies, W, u. & riro. Webb, K. It. Wright, .1. M. WUIIiims, j, u Llmbert, Rmma. Lai'hton, Mip. Morris, t'lnrn Meyer, Mrs, M. p. Neve, Mary Peterson. Mrs. M. RnuKh, l4outMi Tucker, Mid. John REUNIONS. Two Veteran Regiments Will Hold Them. 164th O. V. 1. at Attica, 102nd at Millersburg. Akron members of two Ohio regi ments who served In the Civil war have received notlllcatlbn of the re unions of their organizations, which will bo held In the near future. The 161th O. V. I., will meot at Attica, Seneca county, August 28. What was known as the Cdth battalion, which later was mado a part of tho loMtb, was composed entirely of Akron and Silmuilt county men. Last year's re union was held hero nnd tho Attica veterans havo prepared to accord their former hosts a hearty welcome at this year's meeting. Tho other reunion will be that of the 102nd, which will occur at Millers- burg, on August 21 nnd 22. About llftoen Akron members of that organ Izatlon will probably attend. What a Tale It Tells. If that mirror of yours shows a wretched, sallow complexion, a Jaun diced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, It's liver trouble; but Dr. King's New Llfo Pills regulate the liver, purify tho blood, give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 25c at all drug stores. VICTIMS Are Preparing For Hay Fever's Coming. The exodus n acount of the certain arrival of hay fover the coming week has already commenced. Itailroads and boat lines jook for this travel as regulnrly as thoy expect u some what greater rush of business (lur ing the holidays. Tho hay fever slego Is scheduled to begin Aug. 15, and continue until Sept. 15. Her head wjth pain was throbbing And her eyes were redfroml-obbing, It But she took of Ripans Tabules one or two; It was what the doctor ordered, For her stomach was Disordered, And they quickly made her feel as good as new. Thorn is soiirpnly nnv condition of 111 ht'iilth that Is not Ixmt-tltad !y tho ooon Motiul iisii l a H.I.l'.A.N.H TuuuIOK, nnd tho price. It) fur 5 cunlu, dues not bar mom iroin uny homo or insuty nny one 111 Pllillll'l liu lils Hint, lire enguj ly ourod. for 9itlo by linguists. IBr M iPapksl I Funeral! H IB rtlOaUT, "THK Ron." JUKUIIIT BrX - H aid i 1.11H. I mrrnnrl IS Wf" B B R 1 , IM H HNo. 116 N. High St. M HI m nas tumpicicunisucw m () 4c;aiia&miu () Chapel, maklQg It One Tbeonly Manufacturer of (3) U of the finest and best ..HARNESS.. m equipped in the state. 11 rn tu city, that do. .tnotiy tea . BUI OSO hn(liwea work. (AJ Kfi SZZZZZZ!!ZZZZZ!!!!!S!!m!Z 9H )2S And Dealer In Horte Farnlih- . k-jj 129 VJ Inc Good. CurrUts Trlaminr W) 3 P linfl Pr1 given upeclal nUentlon s. m tiiapei iree No 409 s Main st M FOr PalrOllS 1 gj People's Phone 1314. g I Both Phones 442 ' gX)()( iS Mrs. C. T. Parks will H VM ,.-..- r..n u " "' 1 -Ji IH HXH ' PARKER'S u jiuvc imi tuaigc ui iuuic9 h KmuHH IhI onrl children lifl iHBH (Tlu JjJ ''" HH1BII& 'iihi lim- mxmm& HHtMMttMtlMfWWWMlHIMHMWMMMW S .,..;- bet a Hustle un I And Don't Blame Our office has been Oiled to Its utmost capacity and we have been unable to do work for all. So to give all who wish to tako ad vantage of this offer and get the best of Dental Work done at tho nbove price, we will continue during August to put in gold fillings, Jargo or small, at $1.00 each. All other dental work at greatly re duced prices during this porlod. Consultation and examination free. Come In at once. Make your contract and we will finish your work at your convenience. The Home Dental Parlors DR. CHAPMAN, Manager. 180 South Main Street Over Mahaffey's Furnitnro Store. j ic et- f THE recent rains have made your grass grow fast. We can suit you on a new Lawn Mower How about a Lawn Hosef We carry the best, prices right. Let us quote you Hardware Glass, Paints and Furnace When building. Rohrbacher, Allen & Jahant Phones 70. 166 South Howard st ONEY TO On Household Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machfttfo, Horses, Car riages, Watches, Diamonds, Life Insurance Polices and other securities. All goods to remain In your possession without the least publicity. You can havo loans for one or 12 months, weokly or mo nthly payments. Loans Made the Same Day. Open Every Evening AKRON SECURITY & LOAN CO., 193 s. Howard st 'ttapvioi ror a SUMMER OAST LINE Cleveland Detroit Toledo Buffalo TO TW GrwtMt FrfMtUa yt ttltla! U Ditt CtiitiiclUi. Four TrJpf per Week IUtiwa Tolcclo,De!rolt.-Haoklnao SmcUI Mrrlf on avont o( PAlMrUa Sl;tilll lUIilo. will Jutlnr JulV u4 Aumit. DlrM coasettow vtlt bo ro4 nltll C.JtH, Un o DlgUt od JJ trip.: Arptr (r spoiui juui. P: B.nil tn for IllurtrUU ruopkUt. Xttnm, i. a. eciuiiTZ. e. r. a- dbtboit, mcu. (5)(XS) r m.:u Xifm fliC4vlA HAIR BA SAM IM AAd. btABtlllM tha bl& krooMtol laiarUnl Krowtb. eve X-tlU to BHtirt Qrj ll. to It rf uUifal Oojor. Kk.4l.Ul4 DruiiUU (."".n,' iuuua WMMWMMMBl . Now Us If yon do not get your gold fill ings put in for $1 eaoh, large or small, as we have boon oompolled to lot this offer run during the month of Au gust, when it will positively close. $ M its e , vf LOA IN SUMS FROM $5.00 TO $500 The Ideal Beverage And tonic for woi'm weather, Renncr's beer, cools the blood, Invigorates the system and quenches tho thirst as no other drink enn do. It soothes your hot weather nerves and keeps you cool Inside and out Bottled In all Its original purity, Rcnner's beer will ho delivered at your residence at C5c per case of pint bottles. THE GEO. J. RENNER BREWING COMPANY Akron, O. CRUISE tako the TO Macklnao Goorglan Bay Petoskey Chicago Duluih tnrtetEqlppft,ArtlitU faniltk. I if, DeetrfcUoofldKUlmt8wTtfc. lilH Kr.rr Vy fcnd Mhi S.iwt.u Toledo. PuMn-Bny, Clovoland, and Buffalo Day ni Mjti Barrlco Htwt DETROIT and CLEVELAND Fare si. 0O Eaoh Dlreotlon. C.rUi I.OO, Ul.r..m, 3.3. C.nnotloB. ftr n.J. i Cl.v.Uui if ltli EtrllMt Tritli. for all thIbu lJt. South .milLeutav.t,ftBd?.tl)trGttfertJlr-olnU North n4 Nlhw..L ftUSUlI MUUT tut ovnua etiko.t orMiiaino.t. Deiroii s cmveiona Hav. go. People are not Judged by the Teeth They Keep, hut by the Way They Keep Their leetn. Let us look after your teeth and the decision will ho good. Our inetuodH aro modorn and our work gqarautecd. Give us a call. A good set for ..?5.00 Tho best cost , ?S.OO Fillings 50c up Iirldge work $3.50 to $5.00 Gold crowns ..,, $3.50 to $5.00 Extracting, only 25o Klghteen yearn of practical experi ence In tho dental art. Dr. (Hi. J. Saunders, Office, Hal Block, corner Howard and Market Open evenings, Sundays from 1Q to. a, as sssssssssss ssssssat A. A. Besaw&Co. New Ground Floor Photograph Galery and Art Store. Special Prices ....ON.... Photographs and I Framing This month, A. E. Royer, Manager Art and Frame Department Both Phones. XIW8WWWWW WW SS C0MCSMC8SC9MMM3); Don't Quarrel With YourWatch Probably your watch Isn't to blame. It would Veep good time if you would let it. Every watch noods cleaning regulating and a little repairing now and then. You can't expect a watch to keep good time forovor with out any attention. Bring your watch to us when there Is anything wrong with tt We'll mnke Is as good as new and won't cost much either. Chas.T. Kenyon 185 S. HOWARD ST. AWVVVWWVWWIWWWWS. Do You Realize THAT YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CLOTHES MADE BY VS FOtt Very Little More Money Than "ready-mado" clothing costs? Then you havo a largo stock of patterns and mater ials to pick from .and the clothes aro cut to fit your particular person. Our prices are reasonable and our workmanship guaranteed. L. N. Swig'&xt TAILOR, 184 S. Howard St., upstairs. Phone 1204. VWAAAfVWiAArtflAAAAAAJMUUHA' CHAS. AUSTGEN Cor. Uroodirny nnd Kicohnnge Wholesale Liquor Dealer. The best Whisky told in barrel, and tui Janus ui .uiquors lur uiih emoons. L. H0STER BREWING CO. Ot Columbns, brewers of high grade wijinjfjiijif.niu ivxport a tpoaiaity. BOTTLED BEER FOR FAMILY OSB. Importorj of California and Ohio TVlnea. Lowest prices. Delivered to any point of the olty. Both Telophonoi S5A. Bottle Department KM. r!) FRED HAUFF Alnnufncturoi- of nil hinds of 7 Hand and Machine-Sewed 2 HARNESS i Senior in tv Saddlery. Robes, Blankets, 5 Whips, Etc. I 531 South Main St. ifniiiimi.atuniiDiiuf Ihe Angelo Andrew Paint Gt Varnish Co. 324 South St. Is the only exclusive paint a tore in the city. Everything in tho paint line, ennmols, bronzes, buggy points, flne colors, brushes, spongos, rendy.mlzed paints, dry colors. All grades ot carriage, house and furniture varnlshus. Give us a call. We want your custom. As much attention given to small orders as large ones. Ihe Angelo Andrew Paint 3 Varnish Co. 324 South Main St Akron, O. US : i9i 1 E ! 0 'CJO IK fcldGa I SKt lo- tT-'JIt""'"'""fTIHia Bt&V Aain! Tb rrU expos) Hop bwrnade UiepoM rfahl Award to oiTeJ KENTUCKY lloia toed SOLD VX WM. WASHEIL J14 South Howard st, Akron, Ohl, mniIhl u 3S4 &. Main St. ' lUMsV Tl W mkJ '' 'J Jvf.f, .Is-. t-v' -i -:' " " hi r 1