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Mr-- " -v zmFwv ,cw AKUOtf DAILY DEMOCRAT. MONDAY, ATJG-TJVST 1 2, 1901 6? h K I? J G Are tion. re, 5 aut thy ur Dr iTou doEi fork, wiu uuii anlfo it utron j &yies, u wtors o hero lo Wo in' ill and rivals, ( o riow . J.v ' union ty or not1 fl THE AKRON DEMOCRAT Noa. 133-183 South Main Street PUBLISHED BY THE AKRON DEMOCRAT CO Entered nt the postofflco at Akron, O , as second-cli&s matter. ffho Dally Democrat will be delivered ovory evening by carrier for G CENTS A WEEK. By moll $00.... $1X0 for six months. TO TELEPHONE THE DEMOCRAT CALL No. ISO MONDAY, AUGUST 12. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. Kor Governor, JAMES KlIiHOUHNB, of Franklin For Lieutenant Governor, ANTHONY IIOWBLLS, of Stark. For Attorney General, L. B. M'OAimiY, of Lucas. For Supreme Court Judge, JOSEPH HIDY, of Fayette. For Olerk of Supremo Court, UAUKY It. YOUNG, of Cuyalioga. For Treasurer of State, It. P. ALESHIHE, of Gallia. For Member of Public Works, JAMES B. IIOLMAN, of Brown. Tho government crop reports Just issued show the smallest yield of com since 1801. Tho wheat crop, however, Is the largest In tho history of the country, with the exception of that of 1808. Georgia wound up tho week by burning a negro at tho stake. Two of these nlTalrs In ono week show tho progress that Is being made In civiliza tion. In both cases tho despatches reported that tho mobs which did tho burning were "orderly assemblages," nnd performed their work with all the "decorum possible." Admiral Bob Evnns hns been rep rlmanded by the Navy Department for "Impugning tho motives" of For mer Secretary of tho Navy Win. E. Chandler, and for "otherwise tradue ing hIm" In a manner 'subversive of -itho dlscfpllno of tho Navy Depart- inept Tho liabtt of going about with a chip on tho shoulder seems to hnvo become contagious In Naval circles. Ono very Important measure which twill be urged upon Congress at Us coming session of noxt December Is legislation extending tho charteis of a largo number of national banks. Out of tho l,(Mt banks operating under the. National Banking law, acyoiding , to (Jump Iroller Dawes, there are 17JI8 na tional banks whoso charters will ex plro on various dates after July 12, J002, and whoso corporate oxlstenco cannot bo oxtended without further action by Congress. Senator George G. Vost of Missouri predicts that the leading planks of tho Doinocrntic platform In 1001 will bei "First, a declaration for n gtaduated Income tax. "Second, nn unrelenting opposition to Trusts. "Third, a declaration against im perialism and tho colonial system." Tho majority of tho Democratic party is In favor of postponing plat form building until tho right time comes. Some worklugmcn got Into a dis cussion about union labor nt Ashta bula Saturday night nnd one of them was shot, not fatally, by a compan ion. An Ashtabula despatch an nounces that tho man who did the Hbootlug "wns hurried to tho county Jail at Jefferson, us thero was talk of lynching at tho harbor. Bcfoiu the otllcers arrived It is said that a rope had been procured by somo of vtlio bystanders.' Tim Western Reserve will have- to walk straight before It does much cffectlvo criticism of tho Southern mob demonstrations. SENATOR CHANDLER'S REWARD. i (From tlio Now York Ttiuos) Away back In 1890 Senator William yja, Chandler offered to pay $100 to tho person who placed In tho Republi can platform of that year, after the references to International bimetal. Jlsm, tho words, "which wo plediio ourselves to promoto.' Slnco then CllnCntn 9r.-mm 4-lm kn.. !... 1 . . vimiuD iut ihb uiuuuy iiuvu neon e on behalf of many Individuals, including Delegate 1'. H. Rtrceter, of oncord N. II.; United Btates Bonn or ftansbrougb, and Representative C, TRADES QTOJ COUNCIL ,! ffj D. K. Watson of Oblo. Recently Sen. ator Forakcr found the tlnal draft of tho platform, and discovered that tho words In question bad been pen. clled between the typewritten lines, and that tliey nre In the handwriting of Senator Lodge. So Senator Chandler has just scut to Senator Lodge a check for tho sum promised, accompanied by a letter, In which he says, among other things: "All wise men know that McKIn ley and Ilobnrt would not have been elected If the platform had not, while declaring opposition to the free coinage of silver, except as the result of an International agreement, nlso declared that the Republican party favored such an International agree ment, If lb could be secured. If Mc KInley and Hobart had not been elect ed In 1800, Mr. McKlnley would not have been re-elected In 1000. There fore thoso six words were of priceless value, and I trust that when all the facts are known my humble offering of $100 will be supplemented by such generous donations not only from many members of the Republican party, but as well from Democrats who have so much trembled at every prospect of tho election of Mr. Bry nn, as to adequately recognize tho sagacity and courage which led you not merely to roncclvo but to nctually Insert Into the platform of 1800 con cerning bimetallism tho words, "which wo pledge ourselves to pro mote." That Immortal declaration twice made Mr. McKlnley President, and the fidelity with which the pledge has been fulfilled the world knows." This Is decidedly Interesting, and It ought to start a lino hot season controversy. I WISE and in X Y ? & Ses Otherwise. I A few more of the same, please? Don't forget tho Council meeting, tonight. Camp meetings have not yet af fected Akron. j. .j. .j. Even Mayor Rockwell was on hnnd to root for tho Kent team. fr ! The oillelnl statistician on dog days ought to bo saying something. '! A few words concerning the pump kin crop would be appreciated. it Is now up to Kent to explain the defeat nnd aslrfor another chance. Tho trouble is that prospective builders of 'hotels for Akron are all talking at once. V V V The South Ends understand aftor Saturday's gamo that 111 Is a very unlucky number. v Only olght more days till the glor ious twentieth, when the oily funds will be filled by the August appor tionments. j. . Oily Commissioner MeMlllen's next demand will be that dog riitclierh wear full dress suits while in tho performance of duty. fr j U must be admitted, though, from a standpoint of fairness, that tho world Htlll moves on Just as it did when Akron had a dog catcher. It Is still a popular diversion In Southern circles to yank a negro from Ids earthly holdings nnd send htm to claim his celestial real estate. Tho Introduction of sauerkraut In to the bill of faro of tho soldiers Is said to linvo been a play by tho ad ministration to keep, tho German Democratic vote In -a condition of mellow content. Tho August Bookman Indulges in a number of "Queries About Authors," of which tho following will servo as samples: Why was Rider Haggard? Because lie lot Ruse Terry Cooke. Why Is Sarah Grand? To make Andrew Marvel. How long will Bamuel Lover? Until Justin Whihor. When did Mary Mnpo Dodgo? When fleorgo W. Cutter. Why did Lewis Carroll? To put n. stop to rranels Qunrels. Why Is Georgo Canning? To teach Julia Ward Howe. What ailed Harriot needier StowoV ISunynu, Tho gontlo nrt or dynamiting ilsh Is on a par with tho hunting of rabbits with a ilsh horn and a rubber hoso for fairness. Tho latter method goes something like this: The huuteis run a rabbit to earth. Then, If tho burrow hns two outlets, u man Is stationed at ono of them nnd it ilsh horn, to which Is attached n rubber hose, Is Introduced Into tho other hole, When all Is ii positlou tho application of a pair of lungs to tho hoso causes tho horn to create a noise in the rabbit's underground refuge unapproached by nnythlng less thnn that occasioned by nn umpire's close decision ngnlust a homo team. The unfortunato rablbt, hearing the dreadful noise, leaves at once for other climes nnd the man at tho oth er hole promptly catches him as ho emerges. Farmers nro In crying ueed of men to help them in their farm work and tho city contains more men every day who arc out of employment in the shops, Tho summer dull season in tho city comes nt about the samo time the farmer has tho greatest need for men to help In harvest work each summer. Numbers of Akron men who were unnblo to And work for hemselvcs In the shop during tho dull season of tho summer have taken ndvantngo of this stato of affairs and gono to the country in search of work. Formers have found tho help thus se cured rather inferior In point of ex perience, but by patience such dlfll cutlcs havo usually been sat isfactorily adjusted. Most of tho crops arc harvested now, and the drift will soon be cityward again. By that tlmo most of tho Akron shops will hnvo recovered from tho slump they experience each year and many dlfucultles that otherwise might provo serious to tho worklugmen nre thus avoided. "Independence and ability to go ahead and do things Is a beautiful chniacteriatlu In a young man," t-ald the Gratuitous Information Dlstrlbu tor, remlnlscenlly, "but tho thing may bo carried too far. A certain ambitious East Akron youngster is proof of what 1 say, and ho will probably bp n little slow about strik ing out Into untrodden fields of en deavor nfler this. He didn't tell mo tho story, but his best ghl told her host ghl f i lend under pledge of dumb seciecy, and the best ghl friend told It to me. It was this way. The young man had tout his ti outers, ami his mother had been, to his mind, a little slow about mending them. To help her out and at the same tlmo demonstrate bis versatility, the young mail found wlmt he thought was a pair of east off Uouser", one night, anil ns the goods matched with that of tho torn trousers, he skilfully cut a cross section oil' one leg, and grafted the section on tho torn. In tho morning his father rose before It was yet day, and seek ing out the trousers which had been mullated, would put them on, for they wero the gnrments In which he did his dally work. "Imagine his Mirnilo to ilnd tlmt one of the legs had shrunk about six Inches during the night. A close ex amination revealed the cause, and the culpilt, on being confronted with evi dence of his guilt, confessed. "Before tho father departed for woik he dictated a few snort, crisp axioms for tho benefit of tho 'natural leader' nnd aggressive youth who had destroyed his nether garments. Tho mother can do his mendlug now, when shu gets time." ROYALTY Wanted by Wadsworth Inventor Patent Injector. For some tlmo past. Id. J. Young, who Is the export man of the Ohio Injector Co., hns been nt work on n locomotlvo injector, nnd hns gono so far us to organize a now company to manufnctuio this new machine, says the Wadsworth Banner. Heretofore ho hns turned over to tho Ohio company all his patents along this Hue, and has recolved very llttlo remuneration for his hard work In experimenting nnd bringing out his In ventions, nnd will hereafter demand of Tho Ohio company a loyalty on his patents and Improvements. Messrs. Kttlngor & Furry of Chica go, who are tho sales agents for tho Ohio locomotlvo mai-.ilne, have con tracted for tho entire output of tho now compnny. INSTITUTE For County Teachers to be Held Last Week In August. The annual Institute for Summit county touchers will bo held at tho Akron High school during tho last week In August'. Among tho In Btnictora will be Tiof, C. Q. Rounds, of New Yoik, nnd Supt. Humphrey, or Ironton. Thoy will bo assisted by Supt. Hotehkiss, pl0r. Leo It. Knight nml Miss Kllznbeth Perry. Prof. N, l. Glover will have chnrgo -lOihorh (Uond for "that tonlbli) second summer" when they havo Dr. Fowlor's Extract of Wild Strawberry In tho house. Nature's specific for summer complaints of ev ery sort. CUT IN TWO. Brakeman Falls Under an Engine. . Had Attempted to Step on Pilot While Engine Was Moving. John King, aged 24, a brakomnn oa tho Nortliora Ohio railroad, was in stantly killed Saturday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, near Broadway. He was helping to shift somo cars In the yards, and a crow hnd started from ono string of cars to another to make couplings. King wns stand ing in the center of tho track, nnd ns tho cnglno approached, he attempt ed to step on tho pilot, when his fool slipped nnd ho was thrown under the engine. His body was cut In two, abovo Uio blps.s The body was removed to Park's morgue, and tho young man's brother, at New LondOn, notified. He re quested that the remains bo sent nt once to' New London, and the body wns sent Saturday .night. King was' unmarried. While In Ak ron he boarded at the Pacific restau rant. DEATH Claims Morris Green berger. Had Been a Resident of Akron For 20 Years. Mr. Morris Grccnberger, aged 50, died Saturday at 11:30 a.m. of cancer of tho stomach, at his home, 111 Lods slrcct. Ho hnd been sick thrco weeks. Funeral services were held Sunday at 4 p.m. Interment in the Hebrew cemetery, South htreet. Mr. (irconborgcr wns a resident of Akron for 20 years, during tho great er part of which time be lived In re tirement. Ho, Is survived by a wife and tin eo children. N. Milton, a law htudent In tho otllcc of Attorney 13. I Vorls; Sadie M., stenographer fop Attorney Vorls, nnd Harry, a merchant In I1lr.ftl,ini1 '" """" r'ii. In Camp at Lake Brady. Tho Sons of Veterans Rifles and tho U. It. of thfa Maccabees are In camp nt Lake Brady. They left Akron Satur day evening, going as far as Kent on street cars, and marching from there to the lake. It Is their Intention to re main at Lake Brady until August 18. A Minister's Good Work. "I hod a sovere attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romedy, took twotlobcuond was entirely cured," t-ays Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My neighbor across tho street wns sick for over a weok, had two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor. He used them for three, or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for somo days and gave him no rellof, bo discharged him. I went over to boo him tho uext morning. Ho said his bowels weie In a terrible tlx, that they had been running off so long that It was almost bloody tlux. I asked him If he had tried Chnraberlaln's Colic, Chorera and Diarrhoea Remedy mid ho wild, 'No.' I went homo and brought him my bottle nnd gavq him one dose; told him to take nnother doso in tlfteen or twenty minutes If ho did not find rolef, but ho took no more nnd wns entirely cured. I think It tho best medicine 1 hnvo ever tried." For sale by all druggists, 13. Steln bacher & Co., wholesale ngents. Democrat Liner Columns effect quick exchanges between bargain glvors and bargalii-seokers. We lead and Others try to Follow The Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fitted By tho most approved mothociB known, diiroring from any otlior in tho city, Buzzing noisos iu your onr next stop doafnoss. "I wns doaf for mouths, Dr. Tucker cured mo." "FRANK MANTON, 120 E. Buchtoi." Dr. Tucker Occullst and Aurlst 130 S. Main st. Akron, O. .X STAR COURSEJ Season 1901-1902 IO ORJSAI? ATTRAOWOPCS lO Below is list of talont booked, whtoU speaks for Itself: Oct 8, Chicago Marino Band Orchestra. , T. P. Brooke, dlrootor. This will bo the opening attraction of thooourao, nnd ono of tho strongest attractions ovor brought to Akron. Oot 25. Sammia-Jackson Oonoert Co. (Sibyl Sammis, soprano.) Miss Samnils is a rnro artist and ono of the fow grout American sopranos. Dr. Ion A. Jackson, tenor; Mr. 0. J. Clarke, harpist; Nellie Allen Hossenbrucb, pianist nnd accompanist. Nov. 4. Wilson-Fryo Combination. The program will bo given in costume nnd will lnolude sovoral fnsolnatlng sketches. Nov. 13. Elbert Hubbard, Editor of tho Philistine. Sec, 3. Ritchie, the Magician, And his Bouquet of Novelties. This company is a very novel ono and will bo the most entertaining feature of the course, Jan. 8. Tho Boston LadiosJ Symphony Orchestra. Tho best organization of its kind in existenco. Jan. 17. Tho Swiss Boll Bingora And Asotoenm Trio. The program 1b widely varied, including selections played on tho magnificent chimes of Swiss bells. Feb. 27. Wireless Telegraphy and Liquid air. , Lecture nnd demonstration by W. J. Olnrke, of New York. The ' delivery of tliis looturo involves an elaborate equipment of ap paratus and an assistant. Maroh 3. Williams & Miles, Song Beoltal. Evan Williams, tenor; Gwilym Miles, baritone. No greater artists than these can be secured. April 1. Park Slstero. The course will close with the famous Park Sisters, of New York. These entertainments will be held at the Grand Onera House, and tho prices, including reserved seats, will be as follows: $8.60 in the Parquet, Dress Circle, Balcony, first first two rows : 21. GO trailer v. 21. CO to the balance to be paid at the time of bo on sale tho first of October nt the Grand Opera House. Those not desiring reserved soats will bo furnished with chairs in the gallery for .fl.DU. g&TNO BINGLE ADMISSIONS THE COURSE. Tickets now on k by canvassers. ' , to $ IHPI mmSKmT r -TjagjEmtB a New York Dentists People's Phono 794. 148 S. Majn st. DR, RENKERT, Manager Ovor Standard Hardware Co. Open dally 8 to 8, SuudayB 0 to 1, AAe Oar Save You Money efrtefruncfeeittrei'urir!rtnefuiMirr .Our buckot list of empty ice cream cans and buckets. We will troat ovory person who brings baok or gives us information per postal card, wiiore to call for such cases or buckets, to one of our Delicious Ice Cream Sodas Only thoso buokots dellvorod within last throe weeks not included Boys and girls hustle nnd bring tho buckets to oeioksr's gaf-e: 122 S. Mitln st. Bell Phone 10713. People's Phone 312 &cXQ2mmm&xzm& DOMES CROW TO DOLLARS if Deposited in THE DIME SAVINGS BANK, 227 South Howard Street, AKRON, OHIO. We Pay 4 per Cent Interest on Savings Accounts. KfliTOTaigi PLACE YOUR WANT Hrter's Delicious Ice Cream Wo are pronnreil to Xurnisli nil qunlltlM of lilKliKi'urtolco cream for fnmllle. uluiroh ioclnli, wvaillnRs, outlnas mid pnrtlos. Any order, no matter how Urre can ho filled. Orders clcllverml to uupum of tuo city. HARTER BROS., jJIlMt JUchmce Street. Phono 845. EB0flfv jL -A. A-mAMB toretalnthelastreonyournewfur. H Bg l W8B WW WinytiWBWfc tl nlture, and bring It Sack on your tan ffiZ Bflnnillinfl iI HlvWf old. is with Monarch polish. H W PlHUHl Ibl) 9 Bui II ImIIi W Keeps your plana looMns new, HH tm Bzr 1 rrl mantela bright, and tllinu clean. m IBwRafflril'Sliibrl FotMnS Bettor for Hardwood H ft I B ( ffl HOw Bii m nors onc Hardwood Finish, m L-V r ! pB m ajWH Jfi-flH Use only one-lull ai much ot H E&. VA-AHH "T rjL JH MONARCH as ot any other. KHI'fcswBi .1 iV aisVkN jtrV'SA-. JLTInvCdmSmm "or ""C hed cu( (tcm ctn, with three H HiF ibMxHL B2 WAw. yvSasHsKifl oc lump, wo U1 end cm net, on of out hand- (H tjBftVviill Map4 faJf yAMPPslWM torn muroti. Baird Bkoj.&Co .ClocUnd, O. H of 1 ts, : ill semiring reserved seats, which will y WILL BE SOLD THBOUGHOT7T sale at Robinson's Book Store; also To havo teeth that nro pretty far gone takon out painless and new ones bridged In. Wo do this work bo as to give you sound and benutl ful teeth tooth that can't be de fected from natural onos. Honest Work Honest Prices Honest Treatment Is what you receive at our ofiloe. EXAMINATION FREE. rtttasrcrtrfrtrtfcrpttvrptcf&ctirurtipft 8 two rows; $2.60 Balcony, baok be nald In advance on all tlcke BT SS Ml I was dreading having my tooth nttqnded to. I had to havo somo out nerves devitalized in others; also somo bridgo work. My teeth wore takon out; never folt a twlngo of pain. Thoy told mo it was noxt to killing to hnvo tho norvo removed. The nervo wns removed without my knowing it. Tho gold crowns wore 22k.. ot standard gauge, and articulation was perfect. My dontlst is nt the Philadelphia Dental Rooms, Open Evenings. Sundays 10 to 1. 126 S. Main St ADS. IN THE DEMOCRAT WHEN YOU TAKE YOUR VAOA-r TION, Hnvo tlio Dally Democrat sont to you, and keep In touch with affairs at homo. 25 cents a mouth, uuywhero in tbo U. S. Palace Sample Room jonir hausch, Prop. Denier In high grudo liquors, wine nnd cigars. Renner'i celebrated Yel low Band Beer exclusively. . . 591 sonta Main St.. opp. Goodrich IluDuer Worki. rop. Tol. 1108. CENTRAL CYCLE CO. Representing CHAIN & OHAINLESS BIQYOLES. Juvenllo and Tandems. Repairing and Sundries. BICYCLE LIVERY. 303 S. Main st. Bell Phono 3540 VIERING, s. S Gilt Edgo Flour, t i -rr per sack P 1 JJ Rodger's Corn, 0r 1 cans for Ol- Peas QKp 4 cans for - With every dollar's worth wo will give n card tray. With every two dollars worth a fine cup nnd saucer. A- J- Friess HEAtER m Imported & Domestic Wines 611 SOUTH MAIN ST., AKRON, 0. Recommended by physicians for medical and tablo uso. OTIS K. VIAUL Bucceior9 to Vlall Bros. Funeral Directors and Embalmers PICTURB FRAMES. Office open night and day. Calls will receive prompt attention, SefoMsllOoOLMRKfTSI. Absolutely Harmless. Cures on the Spot. BR0M0-PEPSIN "H0TE THE WORD PEP3IIT." pimcc Headache, Sleeplessness, In LUKEO digestion and Nervousness All Druggists, 10, 25, and 50c. People are not Judged by the Teeth They Keep, Dutoy the Way They Keep Their Teeth. Let us look aftor your teeth and tho decision will be good. Our methods aro modern and our work guaranteed. Give us a call. A good set for $5.00 Tho best cost ., $3.00 Fillings COc up Bridgo work $3.50 to $5.00 Gold crowns $3.50 to $5.00 Extracting, only 25c Eighteen yearB of practical experi ence In the dental art. Dr. H. J. Saundara, Office. Hall Block, corner Howard and Market Open evenings. Sundays from 10 to 3. fp-JH&HH, kfr0-JpfrW&Jfrfrjfrjf-jFy FRED HAUFF jj Manufacturer of all kinds of Hand and Machine-Sewed HARNESS Dealer In Saddlery. Robes, Blankets, Whips, Etc. 531 South Main Si. I W44&Vf?4&-&W I.W.HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY Ga&A m1fa TCb itfadi ftewy & SOLD BY WM. WASHER, 144 South Howard st, Akron, Ohio. ..Tooth Brushes.. Marked Gem Pharmacy on handle, will be exchanged or money refunded if they shed a bristle. xti i,,. Gem Pharmacy 113 S. Howard St." ". Going South? If SO, you secure many advantages by co ins via Cincinnati, tho Queen & Crescent Routo and Southern Ry- Its fast trains pen etrate every part of the Central South. 04 hour schedule Cincinnati to Jacksonville and New Orleans. 9 hours to Onttmooga. a3 hours to Shreveport. 36 hqurs to Port Tampa. Observation, parlor and cafe cars free re clining chairs Through Pullmans to all Im portant Southern cities. Oar bookl.u ten jn tb Mwtiri ". frwr erir oUK ruu, .aa w teat Jot tb. Mllag. Wfcr not viluwttmilUI W. O nlNVARSON. a. P. A., OINOINHATI. ,jft Laurels) &fa i! WnOAaMaMMMM JjTHEEMOCRATI jHWAjjT.PAGE .BBDWS-J BE5AUsTiTlB tVV MET. . Sr:.t., s.v.v ..-,, iy:.uK i,: Ik Mir ''Til JIM, iMfeL uf. k.fPWIWW -- -! J t&hltw !-?J. J. 1,4 iAs.i.A'i i - -- m-itt- rau & .