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cv ft AKBQN DAILY DEMOOBAT, MONDAY. ATJQUST 12 1901 I b' Boston Store THE WEATHER TUESDAY. Fair and Warmer. White Sale Towels AT Be KAOII Uncn Damask Towels, with turkey red border, also extra largo cotton towels. AT 8c BACH Linen Huck Towels with red and bluo borders, also plain white. Rood large size. AT 10c EACH Linen Huck Towels, plain white, also with red and blue borders. This towel nlwnys sella for 12&c each. AT 12Uc EACH Wo make a SPECIALTY of our 12i4e towels, by giving ilio very best that can be had. Linen huck towels plain white or with red niul blue borders, damask towel?, hemmed or with fringe, plain white or with red and blue borders. AT 20c EACH Extra large damask towols, also all linen huck, plain whlto and colored borders. These tow els are exceedingly big values us we generally sell this grado for 25c. AT 2."c EACH This towel has no equal on the market, "guaranteed all IJnen." Damask or huck hemstitched or with fringe. DON'T MISS SEEING IT. AT 10c EACH Unbleached extra large size, bnth towels, nice nud soft, very desirable. AT Y2Ac EACH Unbleached bath towels, the kind that wears, extra largo size, exceedingly good valuo for12ic. At 10c each, bleached bath towels, full size, nice and solf, extra good quality. . White Goods At Oc a yard Plain India Llnons and Victoria I'iwri, fine quality same as sold for 1215c. At lie a yard Plain India Llnons iand Victoria Lawns. This grade ninkPH cool, summer dresses mid shirt waists. At 10c a yard Curtain Swiss In stripes and figures, full width, regular prlro iaio. At 5c A YARD-Plald white goods, tilso stripes regular price 7c, theso arc big values. TABLE LINENS. AT 22c A YARD-Unblcaehed table linens good patterns, good width, splen did for every day wear, AT 23c A YAHD Wide Unbleached Unmasks, good styles equal to any 20c damask on the market. See tho big values we give In BED SPREADS. i 150-152 South Howard St. Monoy -to Loan On Houaohold Oooda. Pianos, Organs, Horses, Carriages, Wagons, Etc., Etc. If you aro In need of money for a grocery bill, meat bill, rent, taxes, or any othor debt you owo, you can bor row tho money and pay It back In small monthly payments, nud each pay ment l educes both principal mid Inter, est, nud you will llud this plan tho most Htifo, convenient and cheapest In tho city. Propci ly left In your pos session and all business strictly con fidential. Olllce bouis from 0 to 11:!I0 u. nv, 1 to t p. in,; opon from 7 to 8 in the evenings. Bell phono 700; Pco. pie's, 77-1. !. O. tWnBIL,L-EF3 Room 14 Aroado Building. "Pld-dld you ever shoot a man?" questioned tho tenderfoot timidly of Pcpperbole Pete. "See here, young feller," bawled Pep (Whole Pete lu n voice that shook Pike's peak, "don't you never reflect on my marksmanship ug'ln. Shoot a man I I never missed one, you dero galootl" Ohio State Journal. Callsaya comes from Peruvian bark, contains much alcohol, is used for tin frprlnc coda water sirups nud If indulg d In Immoderately In as bad its mor phine. IX Save you monoy if you tnko ud vantngo of OUR MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE. To appro citito the Ronuinuss of thoso YOU MUST SEE THE GOODS. Children's dongola button shoes, all solid, for Men's working AC shoos at ....'J1"' Children's patent leather, redanduongom strap sandals Corao in today. Shuinaker & Co. 117 South Howard st. UHk Af&i&l t) HH Excursionists Made Better Than At tho rale of a mllo in 68 seconds tho 700 pcoplo who Joined tho Broth erhood of Hallway Trainmen In tholr excursion to Dayton Sunday wero whisked over tho railroad a part of tho distance. Englno 000 pulled the train and En gineer T. H. Gledhlll was at tho tlirot- OCOCaXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)CXXOOOCXXDCXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DAUGHTERS OF ST. GEOItGD. Tho lodge meets next Friday, Aug. 10. Sisters are asked to attend, as arrangements mo to bo made to visit Wadsworth lodge. DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY. Columbia Council and friends will have an outing nt Lukcsldo park, Wednesday, Aug. 11. Dinner and a general good time Is assured. If any member has friends ho would like to bavo along, bring them mid get ac quainted. No program has been ar ranged, Wo will do that when wo get there. Our next meeting Is Aug. in. Every roenlber should bring in prospective propositions and have them acted upon nt once. Our lawn fete Wednesday night was a great success. The commltto must be work ing for u record. DEGREE OF POOAHONTAS. Ogurcclu Council No. 20 will meet iu regular sleep Tuesday ovenln?, Aug. 13. It Is the duty of every mem ber to bo present as business of great iinportuuco will be before the order. PATHFINDER. WInsboro lodge was organized nt Wlnsboio, Texas, during tlu past week and another started at Cook vllle, maklDg nineteen lodges for Tex as. Woilc is moving along nicely at Can ton, u good deputy having been secured for that territory who Is a first-class business mail and deeply interested In tho order. Supromo Secretary Beery will return fioin his ucatlftn Tuesday. Miss Allls IIuslop, oC the Supremo olllce, lias returned from u trip to Buffalo, Middjubury lo'dgo will hold Its next mooting Friday night In Inmiin hall, AH nuynborH should attend. Akron Ipdgo Used Its now team nt last meetlug for tho first time. All members did their work well, but promise to do still better on tho next Initiation ulgbt. L. O. T. M. Independent hvo will meet Wednes. day ovenlng. Aug. 11." All ladles aro icquosted to bu present, as buslnoss of lmpoitiiuco will come before tho hive. Tho Hivo Sewing society will meet nil day at tho homo of Lady Dickson, WO East Exclmngo St. La- dies, please bring full baskets. Protection IIlvo will meet Tuesday nt 7:30 p.m. It Is Important that ov ery lady bo present early. There Is much of linportnnco, both of business ANNOUNCEMENT. New Merchant Tailor Takoa Up a Well and Favor ably Established Business. Mr. H. II. Pride, who has been for the past ten years a leading tailor In Portsmouth, Ohio, Thursday, took chargo of Mr. I), D. Broukenrldgo's tailoring business, 120 South Howard st. Mr. Prldo is n practical tailor, being nblo to tnko tho wool off of a sheep's back, nud produce u suit of clothes. Ho desires to assure the friends mid patrons of Mr. Breeken rldgo as well ay all others that his aim will bo to keep in btock tho most excluslvo mid prettiest patterns in foreign nud domestic woolens nud piodueo Mint saiuo high degree of tailoring that has been a character- istla of Mr, Brockeju-ldgo's work. A cordial Invjtatlou is extended to nil to eajl iir mid becomo acquainted with Mr, H, II. Pride, tho tailor, 120 South Howard st, Th Fm. of Vr. Not lone ago I visited tho town of Novaro, la northern Italy. Thore in a wheatflold the farmers have plowed up skulls of moo until they have piled up a pyramid 10 or 12 feet high. Over this pyramid some one has built a can. opy to keep off the rain, These were tho skulls of young moa of Savoy, Sar dinia and Auetrln-rucn of 13 to 35 years of age, peasants from the farms and workmoo from tho shops who met at Novara to kill each other over o matter Jn which they bad very little concern, Further on Frenchmen, Austrian, a Mile a Minute. tle. Conductors Mike Urdson and W. F. Broadsword were in charge. The trip was ruado on schedule time, It being tLo first excursion to Dayton whtch was made exactly on schedule. In every way the excursion was a gratifying success and tho Brother hood is well pleased with Its liberal patronage. and for pleasure, to be deoldod. Tho Social comlmttco will niako a report In which all are interested. Communications from State com- mltteo of K. O. T. M., requlro atten tion. Tho announcement from Great Commander Lady Olds, of Muccnbco day at the Pan-American, will be read again. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF HON OR. , Agenda lodge met Tuesday evening, with a good attendance. Much busi ness was transacted. One application for membership wus presented, and the sick were reported Improving. Again, wo havo been called upon to mourn the loss of a member, by death. Let us all work for candidates for tho next union meeting, as it will be held In Akron some time in October. We wero pleased to meet so many of our Cloveland brothers and sisters nt tho picnic Thursday at Silver lake. AVe all had a very enjoyable time. PYTniAN SISTERHOOD. Louise Assembly, At Hb last moot lug had n very good' attendance. One application was received and regular buslnes disposed of. Tho ladles aro requested to meet at Sis ter Sau'ord's homo on Brown street, Thursday, Sept. 5, to sow all day. Next meeting Saturduy evening, Aug. 17, promptly at 7:30 o'clock. THE CHEVALIERS. Cnstlo No. 1 held a box social at their lodgo rooms Wednesday oven ing. Ut was u great success. Our Supremo Medical Examiner, E. ,T. Cnuuleld, was In Cleveland Fri day In tho interests of tho order, The now ritual is almost leady for presentation and will create now in terest in tho order. CastloNo. 1 wll givo a Pan-Amcrl-enn garden party in a. short time. Watch papers for nunouncenient. We want oveiy member of Castlo No. 1 at tho next meeting, as import ant business will bo brought before, the castlo. O. It. Olln, our clerk of Castlo No. 1, Is rusticating In tho country, but payments wll bn receipted for at tho supromo oflleo until his return. Prof. O. B. Olin is In Columbus this week In tho Interest of tho Ohovnllers. Barberton Castlo will give a lawn soclul ono week from Monday oven Ing. Akron Ohovaliora should attend. All members of the team should ba on hand Wednesday evening for drill. This is special. and Italians fell together at Mageuta. the hue of tho bipod that flowed out uuder tho ollvo treec. Oo over Itnly as you will there Is scarcely a spot not crimsoned by tho blood of France, scarcely a railway station wlthqut Its pllo of French skulls. You can traco them across to Egypt, to tho foot of the pyramids. You will find them In Germany at Jena and Lelpsle, nt Lut ecu and Bautzen and Austerlltz. You will llnd them In Russia at Moscow, In Belgium at Waterloo. "A boy can stop a bullet as well as a man," snld Napoleon. And with tho rest nro tho Skulls und bones of boys "ero evening to bo trodden llko the- grass."-lopular Science Monthly. Queer TnrlcUa Fl.tu April 10 Is tho great fete day of "Ba lukll," or placo of fishes. This Is n small church situated outsldo the walls of Constantinople, ami It enjoyed no particular reputation boforo tho con quest of Constantinople! by tho Turks, At the time of the Invasion, however, a monk was cooking pome fish thcro when a tmsMsengiir came and told him that tho Turks had entered Constanti nople. Tho monk did not bellovo tho story and said ho would sooner bellovo that the half cooked llsh would Jump buck luto the water. As ho spoke tho llsh Jumped back Into the water, and since then tho place h&n had a great reputation for Its heallug powers. A church bus been built over tho spring dedicated to "Our Lady of tho Fishes," nnd on this day a regular pil grimage takes placo from all parts of tho town. Many sick nro carried thith er, nnd many miraculous cures aro re ported. The truth of the story Is proved by the presence In a largo marb)o lined tank lu the church of the lineal de scendants of the half cooked llsh, Any one who does not believe has only to look In the water, nnd ho will soe Uiem, brown on one side and whlto on tbo other, swimming about at their case. Howitzers are ateol breechloadlug weapons weighing 2.G00 pounds and havlnj,' & lunm rj ft 10 Inches. THE JOYS- OP Cln ft PACE Ten cents' worth of fly Qluoyfoot paper for the wicked lit- tho room and tie fly. CP He falls asleep while waiting for the wlnped terror to commit suicide and rolls Into the ttlclcy meshes of tho paper himself. o-w -- Ira -raw It takes a Ilchtnlng Third avenue barber and) a gallus colored porter two hours and a half to separate- Harry from his mucilage mayonnaise dressing.- New York Evening World. THE OUNinNG MAMMA AND THE BACKWAED SUIT0B. jju,i)H-jmiiiii.iiiuiiwr ii melt Ih 1 5 I ? i k wsOSWFir S'smkrmJvKnAi i Villi " SSf&tJLr 4 vV3MPvJ' kJsCLZ "Paulino, I see the professor oomlnB, This time he ahall not m cape. Donjt forgot to press the button at tho right moment." jGood morning, dear Pauline. St r. t ""Grant mo the privilege to bestow "or those atlll 1 flPWi WJ' V ' ' tfifc XT rurq. "Qod bleaa your union, toy dear children." FLYTIME. 0 ()& 3. Harry distributes his purchase about waits for tho wicked little fly to light, When he awakes tuck on himself. ho la How lucky to find you olonol a kiss uson that lovely hand aweeter lips." . " 6- " 0NEY TO On Household Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Sowing Machines, Horses, Car riages, patches, Diamonds, Lifo Insurance Polices and other socuritios. .'All goods to remain in your possession without tho least publicity, You can havo loans for ono or 12 mouths, weekly or mo nthly pnyments. Loans Made the Same Day. Open Every Evening AKRON SECURITY & LOAN CO., 193 s. Howard st inaMMKaMiHainiBMMuniiiiMkwnMKM Cloud Moantmnc. The highest of all the clouds nro thoso delicate, white, fibrous, detached masses of frozen vnpor; always seem high against the blue sky. The top m5t point of the highest of theso may be ten miles above the earth. They are called clrrhus clouds. Altogether thcro are ten principal types of clouds. The lowest, known as tho strntus, aro really horizontal sheets of lifted fog seen on damp days or In very damp localities. These clouds nre only a few hundred feet above the earth. Some of tho vast bodies of vapor aro higher than tho tallest of the Alps. They are undoubtedly snow capped veritable mountains of ice and snow. It has been discovered that the tem perature on one such summit was 75 degrees below zero. Were i possible for us to ascend In a balloon nnd penetrate one of theso snow capped peaks from base to sum mit we should travel first through a layer of dry air, vapor nnd water, a third of freezing vnpor, water and ice, and finally through tho summit, com posed of dry aii, vapor and Ice, but no water. Getting ATrny 7eom Lnnci. The question has been asked, Is It possible to sail 1,000 miles from land? This can bo dpno at; several points. By leaving Snn Francisco and sailing northwestward Into the north Pacific a spot Is reached where there Is no land, not even an islet, for 1,000 miles in-iny direction. So, too, sailing from tho southern point of Kamchatka south eastward ships reach a po.lnt equally distant from land of any kind, the nenrest to the north being the Aleu tian Islands and to tho south tho outlying members of the Sandwich group. In tho southern Indian ocean it Is posslblo to sad 1,000 miles out from the -southern points of Australia and New Zealand and stlli be as far from any other land, and the same may be done In a westerly direction from Capo Horn. Indeed, from this point a much longer distance might be reach ed, for the southern Pacific between the Iloru nnd New Zealand covers a Bpace of 80 degrees of longltudo and 40 of latitude of absolutely unbroken sea, making Its central point over 1,200 miles from anywhere. Mother Gooio Repartee. The Little Boy had been trylngto go Into vaudeville, with 111 success and he was obviously In a fault finding hu mor as ho sat under tho haycock with Bopeep. "I fall to see the reason why 'you se cure such widespread advertisement," be exclaimed pettishly. "Especially." retorted Bopeep, "when you are so vigorously blowing your own horn." "You neglect your charges shameful ly. I bellovo even now they are lost," he pursued, "Oh, they'll all come home, like your press agents, bringing their tales be hind them," returned Bopeep airily. Hereupon the Little Boy looked rath er sheepish for an Instant. "Your long continued association with crooks Is corrupting your morals and manners," ho cried, recovering himself. At this Boppcp blushed, but made no eply. Perhaps, after all, It was Jeal ousy that made the Little Boy Blue. New York Sun. An Anecdote of Greeley. A call was once made by a dozen noted artists of tho Academy of De sign, In 1870, on Horace Greeley. Mr. Clarence Cook, then the art critic of The Tribune, had been saying things about tho acndeniy exhibition which caused the veuornble chiefs of that es tablishment to boll with Indignation. One day a committee went down to lhe Tribune to compluln. Mr. Greeley, having listened In silence to what these gentlemen had to say, looked up from his desk, a twinkle In his eye, nnd said, with his pecullnr nasal falsetto: "Gentlemen, I Judgo from your re marks that Mr. Cook's articles aro widely read. They will therefore con tinue to bo printed In Tho Trlbuuc. Good morning." losalted. Lord Cardwell was In the habit of us ing tho church prayers at family pray ers. One day his valet came to him and said. "I must leave your lordship's service at once," "Why, what have you to complain oft" "Nothing personally, but your lord ship will repeat every morning. 'Wo have done thoso things which we ought not to have done and have left undono those things which wo ought to havo done.' Now. I freely admit that I have often done thlpgs I ought not, but that I have left undone things that I ought to have done I utterly deny, and 1 will not stay hero to hear it said." How He Talked. Rubinstein, after a concert tour In Spain, was asked i "Do you understand Spanish?" "No." bo said. "Then you had to eonverso with the Spaniards in French, 1 suppose?" "Not orrery Spaniard speaks French." LOAN IN SUMS FROM $5.00 TO $500 The Ideal Beverage And tonic for warm weather, Rennets beer, cools tho blood, invigorates tho system and quenches tho thirst as no other drink con do. It soothes your hot weather nerves and keeps you cool Inside nntlout. Bottled in all Its original purity, Bcnncr's beer will be delivered at your rcsldenco at C5c per dozen of pint bottles. THE GEO. J. RENNER BREWING COMPANY Akron, O. Why Not a Trip TO This Summer Do you realize that the most attrac tive SEASIDE AND MOUNTAIN BESOIITS lu tho world are in Call fornla and thai thoy arc quickly and comfortably reached via the SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. July Gth to 13th I ncluslve, exceeding ly SPECIAL LOW KATE. Round trip tickets will be sold account of the fifth International convention of the Epworth Lenguo to bo held in SAN FRANCISCO. Theso special low rates will be avail able to all, whether members of tho League or not, and tickets can bo purchased to go via any of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY'S THREE ROUTES: SUNSET, OGDEN OR SHASTA, Returning the same or either of tho others. Through Pullman vcstlbuled sleeping cars. First-class and tourist For particular, address Q. Q. Herring, Com. agent', S. P. Co., 711 Park bldg., Plttburg, Pa. The Louisville & Nashville Railroad Operates the Finest Passenger Service In the South. Tho equipment Is up-to-date, the road bed without an equal and tho tlmo the fastest. Through trains of magnificent Coaches and Drawing room Sleeping Cars between Ohloago, Cincinnati, Loulavlllo, Evomejvlllro or 3-fc. Louis rand IMaahvlllo, Memphla, Birmingham, Moblla, New Orleano, Pensaoola and Jaoksonvlllo, Through tho historical and scenic regions of Tennessee,-Alabama, Mississippi, Loulslaua nud Florida. For descriptive matter, time-tables and maps, address C. L. STONE, General Pass. Agert LOUISVILLE, KY. "Then how In lae world did you talk to them 7' "With the piano," said Rubinstein, With a smile. The Actor and BU Salary. "What salary aro you getting, old boy" "You have a brutal nnd discourteous wny of putting It. I will tell you tho salary I am promised, but wild horses can't drag from mo the amount I am getting." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Too Mnch. "And I," she said In a burst of confi dence, "havo faults like you, George." "In that case, Miss Gngglns," ho broke In, with a startled look, "I think we had better call the engagement off." Philadelphia Ledger. - - ""X3SZC A Carton Tree. There Is a curious combination tree In West Stockbridge. Mnss. It Is pri marily a maplo which measures, n foot from the ground, 12 feet 3 Inches la elrcumfereuce. Fifteen foot from tho ground there arc one or two birch limbs growing, and higher up aro currant and ruspberry bushes which bear fruit each year. It Is not stated whether tho susar roado from Its sap has a rasp berry flavor, or the birch bark- a cur rant color and taste, or tho berries a spicy tang of birch. It is vory old and bids fair to stand for many yeara longer. nia Manners All In a Dnneb. Tho laundress little boy Is being strenuously brought up "by hand." "Why, mum," she said despairingly, "if I pounded that boy black nnd bluo I couldn't learn blm hts manners. Here, Wllllel" to the urchin, who was looking confusedly at some pennies given him by tbo mistress. "What do you say to the lady?" Willie looked troubled. Then, "Yes, ma'am; no, ma'am; pease, fank you, estuse me," be said breathlessly, re membering all bis "manners" at once, the occasion evldwitly. being greX California rm yv7 .iiu- jJi-iM-tAjtff'ij-alat'y"' t i j v , JtJJ"'M.J ..