Newspaper Page Text
AKRON DAILY DEMtoOBA?. WEDNESDAY. SUfPTEBtBER 4 1001 K L"H r- B Pf, '. t- 'jf THE DEMOCRAT'S " How Much Money l)o You Wanti For that property which you have been trying to sell for the last year? Why don't you advertise it in the Democrat Liner Columns? 24 words or less, three times for 25c cash, or 50c unless cash accompanies order. There's noth ing like these columns to ? WANTED-MALE HELP. WANTED Jinn to take caro of horses. , Apply nt Daguc Bros. 110-110 iWANTED A capable man to act ns special policeman at .(Irand Opera house. Apply at Grand - Opera House. 117-111) ."WANTED 5 sober, honest, Indus trlous tinners, 0 hours per clay. Union .men preferred, steady em ployment to first class mechanics only. Akron Mfg Co. WANTED FEMALE HELP. (WANTED Girl for housework, apply at 212J6 Wolf st 111-110 WANTED A girl for marking and sorting; must come well recommend, ed. Akron Laundry Co., 101-103 S. High st. 117-110 WANTED Four or five gllrs at Amer ican Marble Co., "W. Center st. .110-118 WANTED. (WANTED First class' house canvass ers; good article. Apply B. AV. Burch, Windsor Hotel. 110-118 ."WANTED ' By'maifnnd wife, a five, or six .room house, centrally located, with modern conveniences. Write, glvng particulars, price, etc. to "Good Tenant," this otllce. tf Manager wanted In every large coun ty to appoint agents for the Kuiuous '"Game o' Skill" nickel slot machine for drinks or cljurs; lawful every where; takes place of all forbidden slot machines, Rented or sold on easy payments. Secure territory quick, ralmcr Billiard Table Works, Chicago, 111. Sept. 3 to Oct. 31. WANTED 20 men, 25 teams, to ap. ply on work at Hprlngtleld Center, or Tel. 02 Central. Union. John Lynch. ' 111-117' WANTED Houro for two families with all conveniences; state, terms. Address room 510, Everett building. 114-110 WANTED rosltlon as night watch man; can furnish best of references. Address "James," care Democrat. 105 tf WANTED-A lot on AVnst Hill, with; In 300 feet of Market st. Must face east or north, with all Improve ments. Will pay cash and build $3,000 house. Halo A: Coates, 311 Everett building. , 100 tf SPECIAL NOTICES. CURTAINS Have your eurtnlus made Into beautiful ropo poitiers. Send po.otal to Mrs. Geo Oast, of Cuyahoga Falls, who will call and get them. e o d to Aug 31. - , Private tutoring in Greek, Latin, and English studies. Rev. enry Fulton, A. M., Ill) Crosby s(. ' 113.118 FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR' RENT Furnished front , room, down stairs, $2 per week, near town, desirable location. " For par ticulars, Address Box 18, Democrat office. 81-tf. L FOR RENT Front room, down stairs, cheap, near town, deslrablo location. For particulars, Address Box" 18, Democrat office. 84 tf - - X'OR RENT Room 20x00 at 120 N. Howard st. Newly papered, painted and fixed up. Rent reasonable. En quire 131 N. Howard st. 10-tf FOR RENT-NO. 410 Carrpll St., 7 rooms, city water, gas, furnace, grate; within 100 feet of Market St., $25 per month In ndvnnoe. Halo & Coates, 814 Everett Bldg. 'Phone 773." 110-120 LOST. LOST On Main st. lietween Howard and Exchange, baby's silk lace hood. Flnler please leavo at Democrat, or 000 S. .Main st. 115-117 Try tlw Democrat's Liner Columns. l m Sell Property in Short Ordered? ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Two large horses, har ness, wagon, spring wagon, slip scrapers ami plow; all bargains, Jeff Leeser, room 510 Everett build lug. 114 FOR SALE A stock of groceries In a suburban town of 3,000 inhabi tants, doing n business of $18,000 n year. Must be sold at once. Ad dress "W. N.,' care No. 1, Akron, Ohio. 110 tf FOR SALE Cheap A good horse, light harness and carriage, and cov oral delivery wagon, and heavy harness; also a covered surrey and sot of double harness and sleigh Inquire of The Ilcrrlck' & Sons Co. 417-110 FOIt SALE Light one-horse surrey; good as new, nt 108 Blttman st. J, Morter. . 110-118 FOR SALE Horse, buggy and bar- ness; cheap. Enquire A. B. Smith. 100-114 FOR SALE A good buggy and liar ness. Price $30.' Apply quick at 025 Mill st. 107-tt FOUND. FOUND The best place to borrow money privately on furniture, without removal; easy terms. N. M. Berk, 103 S. Howard,, both phones. 4-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE The prop?rty on East . Market st., and on Park st., kuown as the Talrnan estate, Inquire of John C. Bloomlleld. 104 S. Malu st. FOR. SALE A six room house, mod ern Improvements, lot 50x105. Price reasonable. Enquire- on promises 120 Silver st., or 175 S. Main st. 112-117 THE BRUNER, GOODHUE COOKE COMFNY. Oldest Abstract offlco in the count j, Established 1870. Our csporlenco grirantees a correct Abstiact cf Title. Prices reasonable. Prompt iscrvleis. 215 South Main st. Phone lb'. FOR -SALE Two houses on Cuyahora st, and two on North Hill. $U0O to If 1200, not less than $100 cash. W. T. Sawyer, room 4, .Doylo block. 42-tf FOR SALE-By J. I. Baehtcl, 1SS South Howard st. 'Phono 722. 18 rooms, well located, with conven iences for boarding house, Baibcrton, SL'SOO. $750 buys largo, now. twostor.v frame, slate root, barn easily changed to house, with foundation, Tills bar gain Includes good lot for Just what (l, 1.1,11,11.,,. ....... 1.1 ' L il- .Ji.iMlliin ) UU(U (,'UH(, $550 for home, LnSeJio st., No. 1U3. Strong list of South End properties, embracing tile best locations, Coburu. Yale, Baclitel, Crosier, S. Main, South High, Miami, W. Miller, Sterling, Bel- lows, Andrus and Fnlor, . Corner McCoy and Washington will be sacrificed to an early purchaser, for $1,400. It will rent well. llitf FOR SALE-B,v F. A. Leeser, room 510 Everett building. 5iH'j W, Exchange, ( rooms, $1500. 140 Portage, (I rooms, ,$1250. 127 Sl)ver, 3 rooms, $050. Hill Otis, 7 room house, good barn. $1050. Sibley st., 5 rooms, $850. Bowery st., 8' too ins. inpdein, $2850. AVopster ave., 8- rooms.' modern. $2700. Lots on Douglas, St., on easy pay ments; no interest;' np""taxes. Farms for sae or trade. Money to loop on real estate and chattels. , Properties In all parts of the city for sale. 114-117 FOR SALE-rTwg building Jots near the new Miller school ami Fourth Church of Christ. A bargain. Ad dress, Real Estate, care Democrat. 78 tf. TRY THE DEMOCRAT'S LINE!! COLUMNS, ' I JLJLLJL1 I I cqSns k FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS. 7 room house on Howe st., near car line, well nd cistern, for $1300. 0 room house, slate roof, water, sow er, nnd gas connections, paved st., constructed for two families, rents for $18 per month, for only $1000, $100 cash and balance at $120 per year with Interest at 0 per cent. See u about this soon, as it Is n decided bar gain. 7 room house and good barn, North Hill, near car line, very cheap, If sold soon. 8 room house, West Hill, slate roof, furnace, bath room, fine mantle and grate for $1000. C. H. & S. E. Jones, People's phone 452. 09tf FOR SALE-Two fine lots, W. North st.; ono minute's walk to W. Market St.; street graded, sldowa'ks, etc. En quire 333 W. North, of 107 Brownies place. A. T. Biownless. 10S120 FOR SALE-LOTS-Soe R. D. Humes at once, before you buy your lot. Will build to suit purchaser. Mo. 118 Wolf st. 284-260 tf for Jate or tftradefs For city property, a stock of grocer ies and fixtures in a good location. Old ago and 111 health, tho reason for selling. A.P, ta STORE FIXTURES. Get our prices on Billiard and Pool Tables before buyiug elsewhere, sold on easy payments. Our cushions are guaranteed for twenty years, and are uindo by n new vulcanizing process. Old tables fitted with our cushions are as good ns new. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Sen our advertisement cf "Manager Wanted" for lawful slot machine. Palmer Mi llard Table Works, Chicago, Ills. ' Sepr. 3 to Oct 31. BANKS. WHEN SICKNESS COME, It Is a handy thing to have a bank accJtmt to fall back upon. Three per cent Interest on time deposits. Separate department for ladles. Central Sav ings bank, corner Mill and .Main sis. WOOD TURNING HAND-TURNING of every descrip tion; architects' designs given spe cial attention. E. M, Weygandt, 225 W. Maikut st. People's 'phonu 107. Res. 347. 200 tf MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan on chattel security or wages. FLOWER & KOPLIN, 4 Guth Block, 110 S. ilotvatd St. Juno 15-Sept. 15 TO LOAN-$200, $31)0, $500, $70fj, $800, ipi,uiiu, .7i,i:uii niiu $i,uuu. ,i. i. isacn tel 18S South Howard St. 'Phouo 722. 105 tf PepasMtsm a,' 4- and Par Paid on certificates of deposit and savings accounts. "" ' ,oans .MADE ON REAL ESTATE" ON SHORT NOTICE. AT PREVAILING RATES. 3ha UnlUd Jtates gliding and J&oan Co, , Paid In rapltal and surplus. $550,00fl! By W. 0. MARPLE, '& Secretary, Treasurer. Buchtel Hotel building. Sfew J&cation I nm now located In room No, 302 at tho new Hamilton building. has. J. Jfasen, Real Estate and JQoana par Cent. interest on Running jfceomfs Paid by the Akron Building & Loan Association, the oldest, largest ausj strongest savings Institution jn Sum mit county. Has paid out over $330,. 000 to Its depositors since 1880. Noif has $18,000 surplus as additional 'se curity to Its members, besides lonulnfc It3 funds all on first real ysf,ato mort gage. If you have money to Invest call and Investigate. q. I. BRUNER. Soey. 232 S. Main st Money to Xoan If you need money, you can borrow from us at most reasonable rntos and on mest favorable terms. f. P. $ock & Co. ZZ9 J", Jfoward st. Try the Democrat's Liner Columijs, Alexander, mUion Block ROOMS WANTED. WANTBD-By n young gentleman, a nicely furnished room and board, within a few minutes' walk from the Werner Co. Address X, X., this office. 115-117 FOUR ROOMS WANTED -By family of three; want good location, but rent must not be exorbitant. Ad dress, giving all purtlclurs, "Smith," rare this office. tf WANTED By family of three, from 4 to five roomB. Must be within J minutes' walk from Main and Market, lkcnt must ho reasonable. Address, C. F. S caro Democrat. 04-tf PACKING AND STORING. WANTED Packing and storing. Fur niture a specialty. Urate's Furniture Store, 140 S. Howard st People's phono G42. Sept. 21. 1000 tf FOR RENT-FARMS. FOR RENT-20 acres of garden land, with good buildings thereon, on Parberton road, near street ear line. , Inquire of Mrs. Wagner. Bnrberton load. 111-110 a ----- i me "l'nKm 'I UALLSS 1 Central Engine house. 2 Buckeye Works. 3 Miller Rubber Woiks. 4 Diamond Rubber Works. 1 Central Engine House. 5 Main nnd Market. C No. 2 Engine House, Sixth Woid. 7 North Broadway, uead Maikut. 8 Buchtel nve and Bowery. " 1) Schumacher Mill, Mll street 12 Prospect, near Mill. 13 Furnace and Broadway. 14 Main nnd Keck. 15 Ash nnd Park Place., 10 No. 3 Engine House. West Hill. 17. Carroll nud Exchange. 18 Emplro Mower and Reaper Works. 10 Akron Rubber Works. 21 Trospect and Perkins. 23 Forge and Market. 24 Sherman, near Exchange. 25 Main and Excliangc. 20 North Howard and Tallmadge. 27 West Market and Green. 28 Akron Knife Woiks. 20 Washington and Ho;ip Alley. SI North Howard nnd North. 32 East Market and Spruce. 34 West Market ami Valley. 35 Carroll and Splcer. 30 Carroll and Sumner. 37 North andiArllugton. 38 .Vine nud Fountcln. 50 Ooburn and Ouiupball. 41 Wooster ave.,- and Locus; 42 Pearl, nean cistern. !3 South Mainland Falor. 45 College UudllMill. 40 Arllngtobjand Hazel. 47 Howfc" a'n'd' Bowery. ' i 48 West South.11 -' 40 Merr:il Pottery", State. 51 Howard and Cherry. 62 No. 4 Engine House. Main and Fa'.or. 53 '"'Center st.,' Railroad Crossing. 54 Bnchtel nve.,' nnd Union. 50 Akron Stoneware Co,. Oth Ward. 57 Lods and Turner. 58 Perkins and Adolph ave. CO Webster, Camp & Lane Ma chine Co. 01 Case ave., and Kent, 02 Siebeillng Mill, Oth Ward. C3 Johnston and Clmmplaln. 04 Akron Sewer Pipo Cj., Black Mill. 07 Carroll and East Market. 68 Second ave., and Valley Ry. CO Johnson and Wilson. 71 Grant and Cross. 72 North and Maple. 73 Werner Printing Co. 74 North Union, near Bluff. 75 Robinson Bros., North Forge. 70 Tho Whltmore-Roblnson Co. 78 East Market and Cook. 70 Home, near Lillian. 81 Western Linoleum Co. 82 Summit Sewer Pipo Co. 83 Allyn and dross. 84 Thornton and Harvard. 85 The J. C. McNeil Boiler Worka 87 Thornton and Camp. 80 Main and Miller ave. 01 Cereal Mills. South Howard. Schumacher cooper shop, N. Broad. way. 01 Mill and Summit. 05 Main and Mill. OS Buchtel ave., nud Fay. 123 Silver and Hickory. 124 South High aud Chestnut. 125 West Maikot and Rhodes ave. 121 General Alarm. 120 Arlington nnd Second ave. 232 Rcuner's Brewery, N. Forge st. 241 Sherman nnd Vorls. 251 Cedar aud Wabash ave. 253 West Exchange, near Willow. 312 Cascade Mills. North Howard 314 Fire Chief's Residence. 321 Adams aud Upson. 341 Raich mid .Market. 342 Maple, opposite Balch. 313 Blttman fiJid Crosby. 351 Exchange and Splcer. 412 Wooster and St. Clair. 413 St. Clair and Bartges. ,415 Water Works, Wooster nve . 431 Ewart Tllo Works. AKRON MARKETS. (These prices furnished dally by L. Kryder & Sous.) WHOLESALE PRICES. ' Wheat, per bu., CSc. Bye, per bu., 55c. Oats, per bu, 52c, 35c. Porn, cracked, cwt, $l.5o. Middlings, per cwt., No. 1, $1,15. Bran, nor cwt., 05e. Timothy, N. 1. baled, per ton, $10, $11.00. , Wheat straw, baled, per (on. $5, $0. Timothy, per bu, $2.'J5, $2,50. Clover seed, $5 to $0. RETAIL PRICES. Oats, per bu., 38c, 43c. Corn, ear, per bu , 32e, 85c. nay, baled, per cwt, 70e, 75c. Hlraw baled, per bale, 50c. (Theso prices furnished dally by Jan. Christy Jr. & Co.) Green enlf hides, No 1, per lb. Oo. Green beef hides, No. 1 per lb OJjjc. Sheep pelts, 1640. Tallow per lb, 4Uc. (Theso prices furnished dally by Armour & Co. Sugar cured hams, lie to lP)ic. Skinned hams, 12c. California hams, 8'c. Clear bacon, ll',c. Dried beef, 13; to- 15c. Simon pure lard, tierces, lOUe. Country kettle lard, tierces, 0c. Compound laid, tierces, 714c Dressed beef, Oc to 8c. Dressed Calves, Oc to 10c. ! Dressed sheep, 7c to Oc. Dressed hogs, 7'.c. Cuttle, live, $2.50 to $5. Calves, -jle, $1 to $5.50. Sheep. $3 to $1.75.- Hogs, S5.50 t6?0. , Spring In iibs,, dieted'. H'.fco to 10e. Spring lambs live, 4j to 5K..C. (These prices fuuifs'lVcd dally by Geo. D. Crumrlne.) BUYING PRICES. Eg??, Htrlct'y fresh, per doz.. 15c. Old chickens, live, per lb, 8 to 10c. Young chickens. lvc, ,per lb., 10c. Putter, country, per In', 17c. ' -i d, cjunt y i!er IT), 'Ik- Potatoes, per bu, $1 to $1.25. RETAIL PRICES. Eggs, strictly fresh, per dcz.. 18c. Spring eh'ckciis, dressed, per lb., 15c to IS-. Butter, country, per 11... 22c. Butter, creamery, per lb, 27c. Potatoes, 40c pis. RAILROAD NOTICES. SLEEPING CAR TO PITTSBURG. Commencing Mny 10th. the C, T. & V. and P. & W. will operate a regu lar sleeping car service between Cleve land aud Pittsburg, "astbound car will leave Cleveland at 11:20 p. in., airlve Akron. Union depot, 12:30. Cirs will be open for the reception of passengers until tho nrrival of B. & O. No. 0, at 2 a. m., on which train the car will be moved to Pittsburg. $25 COLORADO AND RETURN. Chicago Ac Northwestern Ry., $25 Hot Springs, S. Dak.; $10 Utah, all round trips, from Chicago, Sept. 1-10; $50 Chicago to San Francisco Los An. gele.s and return, Sept. 10-27. Quick est time. Servkv unequalcd. Apply to your nearest ticket agent for tickets and full Information or address, D. W. Aldildge, 234 Superior pt., Cleveland, O. A COMPREHENSIVE TRIP. If you are going to California this summer and tho rouud trip rates In effect for the Fifth International Con vention of the Epworth League, should decide you to do so, why not go and re. tuin the most Interesting ways? The Southern Pacific Company offer three routes, via St. Paul aud Minne apolis, along the northern boordcr nnd Portland, Orp., via- the fnino'is Shnstn route via Denver, Salt Lako un Og den, the great Ogdcn or Oierl.iud Route or via New Orleans, through Huston, San Antonio nnd El I'.-iso, along the Mexican border and Sunset route. The tickets which will be on t-nKt July 0 to 13 Inclusive, good for return uu'.'l Aug. 31, can be purchosed to read go ing via any of these routes nnd return ing via either of the others. For par ticular address G. G. Herring, Com. Agent, S. P. Co., 711 Park Bld'g., Pitts btug, Pa. EXCURSION TO YELLOWSTONE PARK. Araeilcan Tourist Association Will Travel lu tho West This Year. An extended tour to the Yellowstone Tark has been arranged by tho Amer ican Tourist Association of which Reau Campbell Is general manager. Many people- of this vicinity are going, as tho Itinerary Is leisurely and there are such long slopt at all points of Interest that the tiavelers will bo able to make extended explorations of such places ns Pike's Peak and Garden of tic Gods In Colorado. The Itinerary of the tour includes a visit to unique Salt Lake City aud long ride lu sight of the Rocky Mountains. The same features that have hitherto made these tutirs so popular will be prominent this year. Thero will be utmost privacy for small parties lu the Pullman sleeping and dining cars, and all the conches used on the drives will be for the exclusive use of the tourists. Tho American Tourist As sociation has also arranged a tour of Alaska, nnd If Individual members of the Yellowstone party desire to continue further north, tho trip will be Incorpoiated in thu itinerary. The cost of tickets for the-o tours include all expenses everywhere. Full par tlculats will bo furnished upon appli cation to .Tno. R. James, Central passenger agent, room 005 Park Bldg., Pittsburg. Ta, STEAMSHIP T1CKETB TO EUROPE Via all leading lines at lowest rates. Cook's personally conducted tours. Information cheerfully given upon ap plication to 0, D. Hohodle, ticket. ngent, Union depot REDUCTION IN PAN AMERICAN RATES VIA ERIE R. B. Commencing Tuesday, Aug, 13, and every Tuesday nn.d Saturday ihereaf-. ter, rote to Buffalo and return will be $4.40, good going on trains Jenving Akron at l;08 n.m. nnd 0:00 n. "in. and 8:51 Tickets spld Tuesdays good returning nutlj Supday, Tickets sold Saturday good returning follow lug Thursday. For tickets and fur ther Information seu G. D. Honodle, agent, Union dppot, LOW RATE EXCURSIONS AND TIIR01HUI SLEEPING OARS TO SAN F1LNQ1SC0, OAL. On aceoufit; of the" Cjfdijcral Conven- tlon Episcopal Church, to be held In San Francisco, Cal., Oct 2nd, ar rnngemcntn have Iven made to run a special train at Pullman Standard and Ordinary Sleeping cars from Cin cinnati nud St. Louis throuch to Hnn Francisco, without change, under the personal direction or tno Rev. John H. Ely, No. 0, West Fourth st, Cincinnati, O.. who will be ulcased ti nrovldn nt-. eoiniiiodntloiis for delegates and others desiring to make tun journey In com- ti.-mr nt n tJiiIrm inriv tvhli.1, ..ill make brief Htops at Interesting points en route witnout tiio inconvenience of chance of cars. Itineraries, clvhiff comnlele detail of I he trip, rates In either Standard or uniinary Hieepcrs, and full Informa tion will be cheerfully furnished on application to the Rev. John' H. Ely, Mitchell Bldg., !) West Fourth st, Cincinnati, Ohio, or to F. H. Tristram, 810 Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. PLAN YOUR SUMMER OUTING NOW. Improved Service to Michigan Sum mer Resorts. The floating palaces of the Detroit nnd Clovcland Navigation company arc more beautiful than over this sca sonn nnd have many added conven iences. The parlors and staterooms arc newly furnished, and traveling Is made delightful over this popular route. Their service has been Im proved and now make good connec tions with all railroads at each of their ports. Send 2c stamp for Illustrated pamphlet. Address A. A. Schantz, G. I. A., Detroit, Mich. ANOTHER SUNDAY EXCURSION TO COLUMBUS, VIA O., A. & C. RY. Sept. 8th, excursion tlcketa to Co lumbus, will be sold vki Cleveland, Akron & Columbus Railway. Bound trip rate from Akron $1.20. Special train leaves 7 a.m. G. A. R. SPECIAL TRAIN TO CLEVELAND VIA C A. & C. RAILWAY. Oh Tuesday September 10th Buckley Post G. A. R. will go to the National Encampment nt Cleveland on a special train leaving Akron nt 7 a. in. Mem bers' families and friends welcome. Round trip 70 cents. Same rate will apply on excursion tickets via 0. A. & C. Ry. September 8th to 12th in clusive. Special train returning on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 10th aud 11th, will leave Cleveland at 11:30 p. m. central time, having through coaches for Cuyahoga Falls, Akron aud Barberton for the accommodation of persons desiring to return home those nights. (. A. It. excursion tickets to Cleve land via. C, A. & C. Ry. will be good returning until September 15th, with privilege to e xtend until October 8th. For particulars see 0. D. Honodle Ticket Agent, Akron. A NEW SUNDAY TRAIN. On and after Sunday, August 4th, the Erie's new Exposition Exprcs No. 40 and Ohio Express No. 45 to Buffalo and return will run daily Instead of daily except Sunday. These new fast trains are becoming very popular with visitors to the Pan-American Exposl-I tion. WILL ENTER UNION DEPOT. Commencing May 20th, the Pitts burg and Baltimore train running over the C- T. & V., P. & W. and B. & O., will leave Cleveland at 3 p. m., Howard st. 3:53, Union depot 4:08, with sleeping car for Baltimore vli' Washington. $0.00 BUFFALO AND RETURN. Via Erie R. R. every day; all trains, Try the "Exposition Express." Leaves 0 a. m. daily, arriving Buffalo 1:35 p. m. Vestibule train with parlor car, $4.40 round trip every Tuesday and Satuiday; all trains; six day limit CENTRAL PASSENGER ASSOCIA TION MILEAGE. The Erie Railroad now sells and ac cepts C. P. A. mileage orders. OREGON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO Are the States to which a large Immi gration is now directed. You should take advantage of the opportunities, and tho greatly reduced rates. This wonderful country fully and accu rately described and illustrated in a new booklet with a largo map, which will be mailed to any address upon receipt of six cents Jn postago by W. B. Knlskern, 22 Fifth ave., Chicago. $25 COLORADO AND RETURN. Chicago & Northwestern Ry., $10.35 St. Paul, Minneapolis aud return, $14.35 Duluth, Superior and return, $25 Hot Springs, S. D.; and return, $-10 Utah nnd return from Chicago, August 1-10, $50 Chicago to San Fran ci'sco, Los Angeles and return, Sep tember 10-27. Quickest time. Ser vice unequalled. Apply to your near est ticket agent for tickets and full Information. $0.00 BUFFALO AND RETURN. Via Erie R. R. every day; all trains. Try the "Exposition Expross." Leaves 0 a.m. dally, except Sunday, urrlvlng Buffalo 1:35 p.m. Vestibule train with parlor car. $4.40 round, trip every Tuesday and Saturday; ull trains; six day limit. OLD SETTLERS' 20th ANNUAL' EX CURSION. To Huntington, I ml. Special train via Erie R. It. loaves Akron at 0:15 a.m.. Sept. 21th. Faro pnly $3.75 for round trip. Tickets good roturnlng until Oct. 23rd. Seo ticket agent Erie R. It. for particulars or wrlto It. H. Wallace, G. A. P. A., Clovolaud, O. OLD SETTLERS' EXCURSION TO HUNTINGTON, SEPT. 24. .Twentieth annual excursion of the Old Settlers' Association of Ohio and Indiana to Huntington, Iml, via Erie I.-R. Special train leaves Akrod at 0:15 a.m. Tickets good returning un- til Oct. 23rrl. Hate $3.75 for round trip. . Call on ticket agent. Erie R. R. for further Information, or wrlto R. H, Wnllace, G. A. P. A., Erie R. It., Cleveland, 0. "Best Liked, When Best Known." What? THE D. & C, THE COAST LTNE TO MACKINAC. Spend your outing on the Great I'ikes, visiting Picturesque Mackinac, tho hub of tho Inland seas, whero cool breezes blow and black bass bite. Send 5c. for Illustrated pamphlet A. A. SCHANTZ, G. P. A. Detroit, Mich, ONE CENT PER MILE TO BUFFA . LO AND RETURN, VIA C T. & V.--B. & O. R. R. Every Tuesday and Saturday, dur ing August, September and October. Tickets optional either lake or rail from Cleveland. THE DEMOCRAT PRINTS THD NEWS. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Dally; all others dally excent -""j. Ki-uirai otanaanj Tlmo. ERIE RAILROAD C0. Going West No. 43 Pan. Am. Ex. to Akron voa,f. ' 135 am ?iO. 1 Kxnrooo o. No. o Limited vestibule.... 7.-08 am No. 15 To Akrnn nnlv o.-k - No. 13 Chicago express, Mondays to Gallon only.. ..12:20 pra No. 45 Ohio express to Akron onI' . .-. 3:45 pm No. 3 raeiflo express 6:50 pm No. 37 Accommodation 0:40 am, G(nf East. No, 44 Pan. American Ex..l.-03 am No. 40 Expedition express.. 6:00 am No. 14 To Meadville., 2:20 am No. 8 Limited vestibule.... 1:31 am No. 12 Express to N. Y..... B-JA am No. 4 New York special 1230 pm No. l(i Jamestown express.. 430 nm No. 38. Accommodntlnn il-nn nn OXVXLANO, .KROM&t ootoMBtaw North Bound.. Clu., Columbus and Clev.. r.-.nn nm Akiou aud Pittsburg 8:20 am Col., Millersburg &. Cleve. .. 11:38 am urn. col. and Cleveland 425 pm Pitts., Bal., Wash & N. Y....4:17pm St Louis, Clu., Akron 12:55 am South Bound. Cleve., Col. and Cincinnati.. 0:35am New York, Pitta. & Akron fruns only to Barberton).. 11:10 am Cleve. Millersburg and Col., fdallv excent Sunday).... 2:53 nm Pittsburg and Akron (runs only to Akron) S:10 pm nieve. Col. & Cfn S:55 nm Col., CIn., St Louis '2.-03 am Dally, all others dally except Sun day. BALTIMORE & OHIO. Union Depot Market Street Depart West Tiffin. Fostoria & Chicago.. 10:10 ara Chicago, vestlbuled, Ltd... 'llUO pm Arrive from the West Chicago and New York ves tlbuled, limited "1:50am Chicago & Pittsburg 6:30 am Chicago, Akron and Cleve land 8:10 pm Tiffin, Fostoria & Chicago.. 7:35 pm Dally, all others daily except Sun day. O. T. & V. R. B. Going North. How. St Union. East Depot 6 :55am 0:05am 1:10pm .VOSnm Depot Akron, G:20am No. 46.., No. 4... No. 6... 0:45am S :52am S:55am 1:00pm -12:41pm 4:55pm 4:5Spm No. 10 ... No. 8 ... No. 12... 8:25pni 8:12pra S:17pm 0:50am Going South. S:34am S:52am 0:Olam 4:35pra 4:55pm 5:07pm 12:15am 12:3Qam 12:42am 7:32pm 7:50pm 8:00pm 12:01pra 12i0pm 12:2Spm 3:53pm 4 :05pm not run from Union depot No. 7.... No. 0.... No. 5.... No. 47... No. 3.... No. 11... Does Sundays. THE NORTHERN OHIO B. R. Depot North Main st Depart No. 1 - - 8:30 am Depart No. 11 ......-.....-...-i.tio pm Arrive No. 2...-..- 4:00 pm Arrive No. 12 12:05 pm Dally. IDally except Sunday. PITTSBURG & WESTERN B. B, Union Depot, Market st Leave for tho East. Chicago and New York vesti bule llinltea -,uu am Warren, Yoirngstown, Pitts burg OrtOara Warren, Youngstown, Pitta Viiirir 1:10 pm Pittsburg. Washington, Phil adelphia, Now ion: .... 4:uapm Arrlvn from the East. Washington, Pittsburg, Cleve land, arrive U. x. & v. y., TTmvnni st station 0:50 am Plttsbure nnd Akron 11:53 am Pittsburg, Akron and Chica go ,i'7:35pm Now York.Washlngton.Pltts- burg and Chicago "ii:uj pm Dally, all others dally except Sua- 4y. TnE NORTHERN OHIO TRACTION COMPANY. A. B. 0. Division. Waltlne room. Hamilton building. opposite Buchtel hotel. Time caru in eitect oiay u, auui. for Cleveland. leave waltlns .com at 5:40 a.m., 0:40 a.m. and every half hour to 7:40 p.m. and at 8:40 aud 0:30 p.m. Rsee: HUi'SVkk. -i .iMxH. - mJ$J'tevi&h2.i