Newspaper Page Text
H, AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATtRtDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1001. 3 AMUSEMENTS, The Grand, Tuesday, Sept, 10 "Tho Bowory Burlosquors" No such show over presented boforo. JO sterling comedians 10. 25 girls fair ns lllllon dipped la Wine 25. Tho groat New York burlesque success BLUMMING Spoolnl Yutaknmoe, tho benu ttful Indian Princess. Uhuck Connors, Tho Bowery's Finest. Frlces lie, 85c, 50c, 75c. HE WAS NOT A DESERTER. The Grand sweepd;ff Lincoln. 1. Oartor's Great Scenic Prort,uotlon, "Down Mobile" A Southern nomnnce Prices 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c The Grand ass 12 Uncle Josh Spruceby" 1 35 Pcoplo BAND AND ORCHESTRA SAW MILL SCENE ! See tho Monday Parade Prices 10c, 20, 80c, 60o Strange Error In Commander Tag part's Record. It Was Discovered In Nick of Time to Save Him From Defeat. ESCAPED Death In Philippines and Was Killed by Train. Cumberland, Mtl Sept. 7.-(8pl.) Duvld McAlphlne nnd Wm. Culbers (on, U. 8. Volunteers, recently return, ed from the Philippines were run down Thursday night here by a Pennsyl vania passenger ttiiln. McAJphlne's head was severed and rolled down ft high embankment. Cnlborston's hand was cut off nnd ho wns otherwise bcrl ously liurt NO SUCCESS Lakeside Park Casino Harry A. Hawn, Manager Every Afternoon and Evening Week commencing Monday, Sept. 0. Monday matinee. The best bhow iu town. Pierce & Egbert, premier song Illus trators. Swan & Hill, In thdlr latest tuvee, 'Tolly's Putum." Zarell, tho great gymnast. The Bowery girl, Mabel Goodwin, assisted by Dorothy. Mollle Killlngbeck, character change mtlst. " Bryce & Ballard, In their latent , cdy success, "Cynthlas Visit." Seats on sale at Northern Oh'o Trac tion waiting room. Sunday, Sept. 8th. Elghth Keglracnt band. Liberally managed. Honestly and honorably conducted and truthfully ad vertised. Every promise fulfilled. MENCHES BltOS., Prop' and Ngrs. LOUG. LEF, Mgr. of Amus:ment3. The Best in; Always. Accidental, but most tlinely, was a discovery which probably saved Ma jor E. F. Taggart from defeat for coraiuandcr of the department of Ohio Of tho G. A. B. at the Belief onto Ine encampment The story has just leak ed out Last April tt filend of Jlnjor Tag gart chanced to overbear some men talking in a Columbus restaurant re garding the selection of the Depart ment Commander, and the assertion was made that Major Taggnrt, then a candidate, hud not a clear army rec ord; that ho hnd never received an honorable discharge, tho Inference bo lug that ho hnd deserted. That friend at once uotltled Major Taggart. who. with Major H. A. Kns- son, went to Columbus to Investigate They know the story was Incorrect, because Major Taggnrt had his dls charge pjpors; but they were startled to And that tho state record ludl cated that an honorable discharge had never been granted. Adjutant General Coibln In Wash ngton wns at once communicated with. He found that tho record there was clear, showing that Major Tag gart hnd been honorably discharged and mustered out of tho 10'Jntl 0. V. I., June 30, 18G.". Tho Ohio record showed that be had been trnnsfcrted to the 180th O. V. I., and never mus tered out. Tho mistake has been corrected. It occurred In this way: Upon his release from Andersonvillo prison Mnjor Tag gart was sent home. In a shoit time he was mustered out. About the same time he wns tiansferred to the 189th, which was then near hero that ho might be mustered out the more conveniently. Ha never knew that such a transfer was made, and the record shows that It was made July 12, 1805, two weeks after ho had been mustered out of his original regiment The opposition to Major Taggart had expected to use this record against him at the encampment. H. C. Wntklns, sexton of the Meth odist church, Springfield, Pa., says: "My wlfo has been very bad with kidney trouble, and tried several doe tois without benefit. After taking one bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure, was much better, and was completely cured after taking four bottles." A. Warner, J. M. Latter and J. Lamparter & Co. Working: Night an i Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made Is Dr. King s New Life Pills. These pills change weak' ness Into strength, llstlcssness Into energy, brain fug Into mental power. They'ie wonderful In building up ths health. Only 25c per box. Sold by all druggists. For Street Fair Scheme at Falls. Second Street Improvement Will Finally be Begun. (Special Correspondence ) Cuyahoga Palls, Sept. 7. An effort Is being made tiy the promoter of the street fair In Burberton, to Interest Falls merchants h "n; street fair pro ject, to signalize the completion of the new water .works plant Tho results of the agitation have not been especially encouraging thus far, and It is not probable that theie will bo a far., Ground will be broken Monday for the Second St., improvement, which hah hung lire for years. Many physicans are now prescribing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regulaily, hav ing found that ,lt is the best presc-ip-tion they can write because it Is the one preparation which contins tho ele ments necessary to digest not only some kinds of food but all kind and it therefore cures Indigestion and dys pepsia no matter what Its cause. William Warner, Gem Pharmucy, 113 S. Howard st WHO ARE THE ELITE. And the Best of the season Headed by Roger and Cnrrine Jurihoff Potter and Saxon The Great Mons Cavana Martin and Ambang Dempsey and Forsytho And the Country Judqe Baloon Ascensions with Fire Works every night this week. Every evening at 8:15. 10c, reserved chairs Sc extra Wake It's a sure thing that you will If you have one of our Alarm Clocks 1 Up H Elegant alarm clocks, spasmodically every two utes for a half hour and a good time keep- t rn The samo clock with short alarms, good time keep er f If It's anything about a clock or watch you want to know, we'll tell you. It's our business to doctor them. ring in In- $1 Montreal Folks Are In Midst of a Dispute. Montreal, Que., Sept 7. (Spl.) The civic committee which has charge of the reception to the JDukc and Duchess of Cornwall and York at the city hall, has discharged Its social censor and given up the task deciding who mall compose Montreal's elite. This i'l tbo result of 'ill-feeling aroused by' the at tempt to make the civic reception an exclusive affair. SICK MADE WELL WEAK MADE STRONG Marvelous Elixir of Life Discovered by Famous Doctor-Scientist That Cures Every Known Ailment. Wonderful Cures Are Effected That Seem Like Miracles Performed Tho Secret of Long Life of Olden Times Revived. 1 L Chas.T. Kenyon JEWELER 185 S. HOWARD ST. DU J (f When you want Kcfethments tt W vj' all kinds, such as Imported and De fii W wines, lips oon Bern j. Wf The best wat foods obtalnaMe visit -J; ttf ATLANTIC GARDEN & W 200-202 E. Market st. jjj g DETTLING BROS., Props, T "rrTww rr PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Glunm and bfwrtlfl, th hair. Promote a lpiurUnt growth. Haver fill! to U e store Oral lllr to its Youthful Color. Curti icatp diM.Ki tt htir tailing. SOcmdSlMH Drwlm NEW MEMBERS Found That the Academics Are "Hot Stuff." New York. Sept. 7. (SplJ-Felix J. Leralles, 18 years old, a student at the Mauahattan college, killed him self by shooting nt his boaidlng house, He was the son o f a rich Porto Rico planter nnd his uncle, under Spanish leglme, was assistant governor gen eral of the Island. Young Felix was engaged to be murrled to a hnndsome young woman In San Juan. Yesterday ho received a letter from friends, It Is said, telling him that she had been faithless nnd was receiving the attention of another. This news Is bclloved to have caused his suicide, ; The Remedy Is Free lo All Who Send Name and Address. After years of patient study, and delving lno the dusty record of the past, as well as following modern Experiments In the realms of medical science, Dr. James W. Kldd, 1637 First Notional Bank Building, Korrls Silver. North Stiatfoid. N. H.. Fort Wayno, Ind., makes the startling an- I T nl1rohnKprl a bottle of One Minute nouncoment that he has surely discovered i l Puicnasea a nouio or une Minute uougn uuro wiiuii auueiiiii; whu a cough doctors told me wns Incurable. One bottle relieved me, the second and third almost cured. Today I am a well man." William Warner, Gem Pharmacy, 113 S. Howard st. SNAKE BITE. Copperhead Fatally Poisoned a Kentucky Telegrapher. OJympla, Ky Sept 7.-(Spl.)-P. 0. McNeal, telegraph operator at Aden, while attempting to answer his office cnll Thursday night was bitten on the fore linger by n coppeihead snake. The snake crawled In a window and was lying on the telegraph table. Mc Neal Is very sick and may not recover. Vh.Mi G wander when the brain is tired, Overwork, nervous irritation, worry and mental strain exhaust the brain forces and diminish their S thought power. Feed the brain, strengthen the nerves and build up new vigor, vi tality and mental power. The greatest of all brain foods and nerve tonics is Dr. Miles' Nervine. "everal years of sick headache and etomache trouble brought on nerv ous prostration and for a Ions time I could not concentrate my thoughts. After taking a few bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine 1 was completely cured." Mrs. V. A. Thomsok, Columbus, Wis. .JaiaBi&IVMehfc Jr la I to ft dijf. v apSBBW GntrtoMM ! UnciNCiunTi,o.H CURE YOURSELF . Um UlgO Jor unnatural diichargei.lntlaraumtlonj, irritation! or ulceratloui boi to trloioti. of rauooue tscmuranec I Pn.enti coaUEtan. P&lnleia. and not astrtn- ItkeEvWSCHEMICJUCo. gent or polionoai. , sola by srastLisit , or eont la plain wrappr hj exoreii, prepaid, (p, too. orSbortjea. tiVd. Circular nt en roquet'. I CHICHESTER'S ENQLISH Pennyroyal, pills .-S"v . Ur,''" Only Uenuloe. JPXyLSBAFE., I.,tM. ul Druttlat lo ItGM ol UoM raiLUlo tln KtliJ Hallo. rlooou. TuLono other, lt.ruto lM.MmUl Hub.Utull.B. mnA Imllu. Mono. Bgyof j.ur JiruitUt or Mod le. la tuaft i fcr "artlculari, Tutlmoalala aad "Iteltef for Ladle, IfKwi br rr. turn II all. lO.O0OT.UnBlala. Sold b. 1 Ururrliti. . IimIuI ful (Sa fS JA I ' Jr SMALL TASTE Of Freedom For an Escaped Convict Columbus, O., Sept. 7. (Spl.) Dan iel Jones, the Cleveland forger wlo stepped away among the fair crowd at the penltentlnry Thursday wns captured In Cincinnati. Warden Der by left Friday for Cincinnati to bring Jones back. DEAR HOGS. DR. JAMES WILLIAM KIDD. the elixir of lite. That he is'able with the aid of a mysterious comppund, known only to himself, produced as a result of the years ho has spent In searching for this precious llfe-glvlng- boon, to cure any una every disease that It known to the human body, .Tlicro la no doubt of thq doctor'! earnestness In making his claim and the remarkable cures that he Is daily effecting seems to bear him out very strongly. Hit theory which he advances Is one or reason and based on sound experience In a medi cal practice of many years, It costs nothing to try his remarkable "Elixir of I.lfo," as he calls It, for he sondB It free, to any one who Is a sufferer. In sufficient quantities to convince of Its ability to cure, so there Is absolutely no risk to run. Bome of tho cures cited are very remark- aViln nnrl tilt tnt rallaht' nttf n ! YitniiM hardly be credited, Tho lamo have.Theio Is excitement among CQUimlsj SJTX i..!JI&y. tion men with toe aparent pxpeq. The sick, given up by home doctors, have tnncy that prices will go still higher. been restored to toeir (amines ana menus In perfect health. Rheumatism, neuralgia, stomach, heart, liver, kidney, blood and skin diseases and bladder troubles disap pear as by magic Headaches, backaches, nervousness, fevers, consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis and all affections of the throat, lungs or any vital oreans are easily overcome In a space of time that Is simply marvelous. Partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, dropsy, gout, scrofula and plea are quick ly an permanently removed, tt purifies ihr, entire systrnr. blood and tissues, re stores normal nerve power, circulation Prices Higher Than They Have Been For Seven Years. Indianapolis, Sept. 7. (Spl,) The top price for hogs was reached Sept. "d, 1808, S7.10 being equalled Thursday when a load fiom the west sold for that prlco boon after market opened, Te Geo. W. Lane, Powamo, Mich.. "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure la the best remedy Tor Indigestion and stom ach trouble that I over used. For years I suffered from dyspepsja, at times compelling mo to stay In bed and causing mo untold agony. I am completely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Pnrn Tn l'epnrtiiTionilliiE? It in tYlnnrlu ar'ToRW Buffer from Indigestion I always alike and equaUy affected by this great , 0ffer to pay for It If It falls. Thus r.lixir u ,11111, M,, w um ICIIICUV m- day. It Is free to qvery sufferer, state what you want to be curw qf and tho sure remedy for it will be sent you free by re- aiirn mall far I have never paid." Wm. Warner, Geni Pharmacy, 113 Df. Miles' Nervine feeds and nourishes the brain and nerves, over comes irritation, and brings sweet, refreshing sleep. Sold by drugciats on guarantee. Hi. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. w tt$ The Greatest Railroad in the World uses Walker's Soap because it is free, from alkali and saves the company thousands of dollars in a year iu preserving paint, varnish, and fabrics washed with it Before the Pennsylvania Railroad used Walker's Soap, newly varnished cars were found to be shabby and need re-varnishing. The cause was a mystery till the company's chemist investigated and found it was the alkali intommon soaps that was destroying property. A standard of soap purity was then set up, and now the cars are washed with. Walker's Soap Many housekeepers find paint and varnish washing off or losing its glossy surface. Blame the soap you use. Get Walkers Soap and be as wise as the Pennsylvania Railroad. Look for the game rooster on the wrapper and you will know you have the genuine. 3 & DCfteJ s g 0S99QQm9999QQ1)99Q9MH)999BQ99e99m9998 Out: Out This Ooop-on And present to rVVWWVrVWVDtirVtrVAArVe. Do You Realize THAT YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CLOTHES MADE BY US FOR Very Little More Money Than "ready-made" clothing costs? Then you have a largo stocl of patterns nnd mater ials, to pick from nnd the clothes are cut to lit' your particular person. Our prices nro reasonable and our workmanship guaranteed. L. N. Swig&.rt TAILOR., 184 S. Howard St., upstairs. Phone 1201. VVSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa Pal&ce Samplfe Room JOHN BAUSCU, Prop. Denier In high Kiado liquors, wines and clgnrn. Kenner's celebrated Yel low Eaud Beer exclusively. 591 SOoth Mala St;t opp. Goodrich flUbber Works, reop. Tel. 1209. te our olllce on or before Sept. 20, 1901, and you will get one gold filling absolutely FREE of charge, pro viding you have two or more dol lars' worth of other work done. We make this offer to further introduce ourselves and our superior dental work into every home in Akron. Wo want you to take advantage of this offer, as it is bona fldo and made by us In good faith. Bring on your coupons and get your filling. Alcsrori Demoorat Coupon (This coupon entitles the holder to one Gold Filling absolutely free of charge, providing you have two or more dollars worthy of other work done and Is presented to our office on or before Sept. 20. 1001. Horn Dentists THE TRUTHFUL ADVERTISES a DR. CHAPMAN, Manager. 180 South Mafn 9 Over Mahafloy's Furniture Store. eeMQ8M)neMt- oa&s&assofc&a eaceaeeoaaeassoseoasistrsesa Street IT SS Af ADVANTAGEr To have teoth that are pretty far gone taken out painless and new ones bridged In. We do this work so as to give you sound and beauti ful teeth teeth that oan'l; be de tected from natural ones. Honest Work Honest "Prices Honest Treatment Is what you receive at our office. EXAMINATION FREE, New York Dentists People's Phone 794. 148 S. Main st. DR. RENKERT, Manager Over Standard Hardware Co. Open dally 8 to 8, Sundays 0 to 1, , Ao Oan Save You lyiorsoy GOOD MALT! GOOD HOPS! The very best the very best ob tainablethat's the kind usd. In the production of the beer we sell you. Furthermore, our brewery has the establishment and equip ment to turn good malt and hops Into GOOD BEER. That's what you want, and that we will give you. We guard our reputation by sell ing only pure goods. 's Brewery, Brewers of Akron's Best Beer gjBBoth Phones 251?. o rcnni-.s We have received a few cars slack ed lime and wood ashes. Cheap. Peterson & Wright 933-933 S. Main S. If You Want SEMD YOUR SHIRTS AND COLLARS TO AIWlERIOA.N LAUNDRY 400 JbABl ..A.Uil.ILilti DX. Phone 72a. GEO. B. BTZ, Prop ArS WSJ ' HSinfSWEWIi&W' H AM 1 Wli iin'lVJWtiiJW1 t30-MIOT lt'WSS."2fSc j m . ... " . . -y&J.?, Don't Fall Into It. It Is poor policy to fall Into the habit of placing your laundry work at ran dom, as It Is productive of much an noyance and little satisfaction. Your linen will be done up right and be fault less at all times In Its color and finish, as well as in the perfect condition in which It 16 returned, and'satisfacilon is always guaranteed In both work and prices. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 156 S. High St. Phone 07. Its Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway To the . . . Pan-American Exposition It affords the most perfect travel facilities that can be obtained, A ticket purchased over this route is an absolute assurance'of the best in travel that money can buy. The use of it means a pleasant and restful journey, the most interesting to Buffalo. Tickets over the Lake Shore to Buffalo or beyond afford use of C. & B. Line fine steamers.eithcrway, between Cleveland and Buffalo without additional charge. Those to points east of Buffalo admit q ten days stop-off in that city. Fast trains, without change, from Chicago, Toledo and Cleveland affording direct ponnections with all lines to those cities. Alsotbrough trains from St. Louis, Indianapolis and Cincinnati over the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. (Big Four Route) via Cleveland. "BOOK OP THE PAN-AMERICAN" tells about the, Exposition and contains maps of the grounds, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and vicinity, and other matter. "Book or Trains" gives information about Lake Shore service. These publications will prove very useful. Sent free oq request. If yon expect to attend tbo Exposition sea ticket tgent In jrour pltca now, Ipsiiton bis lurntiblDg you tickets oter the Lake BUoro. If he cuno proTiifa then?, or you wiU any particular Information, write to A. J. SMITH, G. P. Sc T. A., Cleveland, O. OSTEOPATHY J. A. KERR, D. O. JENNIE l EVANS,D.O, Osteopathic Physicians. 604 Hamilton Building Graduates of A.S.O. Klrksvllle. Mo. Hours 8 to U and 1 to 6. Comultatlon and ex amination free. People's phone 250, Textile Manufacturing Co. Awnings and Tents Horse, Wagon and Floor Covers Gymnasium Mats and Ropes Anything made from Canvas, by hand or machine. People's Business hours.... No. 737 Phones ( Any o ther time . . . .No. 095 137 SOUTH MAIN ST. Democrat Building. Akron CJothes Pressing t Tailoring: Co.- Regular Prloo. ?vereoats, 6j?onge( ants, sponued nni S3 Full Bulls, sponged aod preised.., a miiu ui.iidu id created .. wo Cleaning Buslueu Suite ....2-0 Pants cleaud .,-,. ............... ....... no Goods called for and delivered to any part of the city. Mall erderi given nroropt at tention. PeoplaJ phone 764. Bell 8530. All Mill S&, opp. City Building , ,eeexiH5'v4")S-)-H Telephone 655 P. T. McCourt i FOB FINEST Coaches in the City. On call at all times. Full Une of Livery. All onahion tires. Largest Moving Vans in the city. Best of service guaranteed, Prioes reasonable, now pnonea. S04ft MpV, an J. ,V. TOUNG. Practical Uoraeihoef Oertlflea memrxir Rational llona Bhoers' Asiooiatipa. Satiifaotlon Guaranteed. 411 8. Main at. Peoples' phone. 1314. 2 rings. TITS tCHE nEMQOBAT-g UNBB COLUMN., i IKaaUea till p.p t. lladlaou bauan, VJ1LLA., i'A. S. nowara sr. MiSt ?.-i