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AlOBOK DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATUltDAY. SEPTEMBER ? , W ttrvmftHT mo iHt mootin a-mi to, cihoinnati A GREAT MAN'S IDEA. jwmww EMUS, as Ruskin a superior power of seeing. Have you the genius to see how impbrtant an ?SP element in the success of your house-keeping Is the use of Ivory Soap? Judged by the work it does Ivory is the cheapest soap in America to-day. It is harmless. Embroideries, laces and delicate stuffs should be washed only with Ivory Soap. "SOME PEOPLE WE ALL KNOW." Poet Laureate of Steps Boldy Mr. Gcoigo H. Carey, of 121 Laka St., an Inspector for the N. O. T. Co., has written sonic verses in which ho mentions every man on the Main St., line. Mr. Carey is not exactly a Tennyson, nor yet linn ho ear marks of a Kipl ing, hut his verses have tickled the ribs of his fellow car operators, and nrc printed herewith: Now If you will kindly listen To my little talc of woo, I will tell you a little story Of some people wu all know. First on the list comes Flagf:. - A motormou tried and true WhdniaeJiiamovthat,s .known to fame ' , It's the old red. white and blue. Then there is his conductor,'" Will Myers Is fho boy, He is his mother's darling, His father's pride and joy. Next on the list come AVhillakcr, 'A mon who can't bo beat, As a motorman an d gentleman Tills Whittakcr from (Jruut street. And also, his conductor, ."lohn Fallor, boys, you know, A man who has the nervo to light And keeps them on the go. Next comes Shorty Broughton, Wlioru everybody likes, You ought to hear that Indian yM When ho comes down the pike. Then comes Mr, Jackson, A man of great renown, Who has the reputation 'Of owning half the town. Boys, you nil know Frank Harring ton, A good man every Inch, A man you con depend upon When It comes down to a pinch. And nlso Johnny Sutter. Who lives behind the barn And dearly loves the woman WEDDED Two Hearts Made Observatory Tower. Niagara Falls, N. Y.. Sept. 7.-(Spl.) .-High up on the observatory tower, in the midst of the spray, as It sweeps from the falls the Bev. A. S. Bacon, married Miss Gertrude Fish, of Cam bridge Springs, Pa. to Alobtr Mnu bin, of Grand Valley, Pa., Thursday. ivoaoi """"' Dyspepsia Cure When tho stomach Is dlsoased all tho other organs Buffer, houco fatal diseases ot tho heart, liver, lungs and kidneys aro of ton tho result of Improper digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cuke contains all the natural digestive fluids and by digesting what you eat, It cures tho Indiges tion without aid from the stomach, allowing It to rest and rogaln Its healthy condition and pcrmtttlngyou to eat all the pood food you want. "My rest la ofton disturbed at night by Irregular heart action which IbellOTo la on account of my stomach being overloaded with undi gested food. I keop a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Ooiik nearby and a 6mall doso always gl ves mo I nstant relief. Ed. Thomas, Leltohfield, Ky." it can?i help iiiit do you good Prepared by B. 0. DflWItt & Co., Oflcago. The II. bottla contains SM times tuo G0c.alta, The favorite household remedy for coughs, rolds, croup, bronchitis, grlppo, tbroatandlungtroubleslsONE MINUTE Cough Cure. ItcuresqulcKly. ytU. WARNER, GEM PHARMACY, 113 HOWARD ST defines it, is simply Street Car Forward. Who conies from oft the farm. Then there is another, A Ilrst clais motorman, Who keeps them rolling nil the time, Our old time friend John Urban. Next comes our old friend Stevens. The man who always smiles Who has no care or troubles, But Is laughing all the while. Then comes Mr. Stewart, Whom. .lives on May.Court, , A very jouy reuow And always fond of .sport. V,, And wc have Captain Walker, A pfcmhcr of the B oa rd? ' ' i( t 'Our hustling "young 'Councilman From the Seventh Ward. Now we huvo another. Big hearted John Hull, Who dearly loves the Indies And always has a pull. Then we have littlo Peto And Curl Is his name, He U kind of short in stnturo But bo gets there Just the same. Nest on the Ist comes Bowman, Poor little sawed off Will. There ain't a great deal of him But enough to fl!l the bill. Then we have another, It's of T3d. Kill I speak, A rattling good conductor, But wh'.u ho walks he squeaks. Well, boj-s. you all know this man, Bill Ish who lives on Lake. And as a true blue Dutchman, You bet ho takes the cake. T.nst of all comes Leonard, A man whom wo all like. Hp keeps them hustling all tho time As they go down tho pike. And now we will end the story, I don't think you want any more Here comes th o now buperlntendent, Wo will let him have the floor. WAY UP. One In Niagara A ciowd of visltois watched the cere mony. Couples have boon tfqdded near the cave of tho winds and over midstream on tho Niagara bridges, but tills Is the llibt time a marriage has been per formed amid tho spray clouds. NAMED Delegates to the Convention. Harmony at Last Night's Caucuses. Precinct Committeemen Also Selected. W. E. Snyder Esq. to be Execu tive Committee Chairman. .There was no discord in any of tho Democratic caucuses for the se lection of delegates to today's County convention, Friday night. Vov tho most part they were well attended. In all n lively Interest was shown, indicating the enthusiasm in today's meeting. It is practically certain that W. 13. Snyder, Esq., Avlll be chosen chair man of the County Executive com mlttee. Mr. Snvdcr is a. worker and will make hfs services count in that position. INTEREST Was Shown In All the Caucuses. Friends of the candidates were at tho caucuses and there were home good uatured contests. Th 1 exults follow: FIRST WARD. Mr. S. OJ. Itogors was chosen chair man of tho First waid caucus. Mr. A. C. llolloway acted as secretary. Delegates elected weie: O. V. Baum. Wui. Nolan, C. W. Mllllkln, A. 0. Hachtel, E. W. Shook and S. G. Hog- CIS. Precinct committeemen are: Dr. C. W. Mllllkln, precinct A; Wm. Nolan, U; H. G. Itogcrs, C; Miles MclTar land. D. SECOND WARD. The Second ward caucus was hold at No. 2 engino house. Mr, Ivan Myer, presiding. Mr. J. W. Hartcr was selected secretary. The delegates elected' wero: "Messrs. John D. Campbell, Al. Peterson, Ivan Myers, Chas. McCormfck. Precinct committeemen wero select ed as follows: A, Lairy Halllnan; B, Al. Peterson; C. Ivan Myers; D, Adoiph Mueller. The state platform and candidates were endoised by reso lutions. THIRD WARD. Mr. J. V. Bruot was chairman and Mr. Joseph VauOverineer secretary of the caucus. Delegates to the Coun ty convention are: Joseph VnnOver inper. C. B. Wadliams, Dr. .7. H. Seller, J. F. Bruot, John T. Donahue, T. B. Callahan. Precinct committeemen arc: A, Adoiph "Texas" Huhlln; B, Frank Hanson; Q, Joseph VanOvermcer; D. Fred Sharpo; B, Frank Cassldy. FOURTH WARD. Mr. Geo. Cummins was chnhmaiijof the caucus and Mr. John A. WIntrodo secretary. The following delegates wero elected: Geo. Cummins, lion. O K. Grant, John A. Wiutrode, J. 'K. Vaughan, H. E. Homer. Precinct committeemen: A, Geo. Cummins; B. W. T. Sawyer; 0. U. E. Homer. FIFTH WARD. There wore 50 votes In 'tho ward caucus, of which Wm, E. Snyder was chairman and P. It. Tobln, secretary. Delegates chosen wero: W. E. Sny der, P, It. Tobln, James McCausland, A. G. Kauffmau. Precinct committeemen choson were: A. G. Kautfman, A; James McCaus land, B; W. E. Snyder, O. SIXTH WARD. J. W. Gauthler was chairman of iho caucus and Walter Sheibondy, clerk. There was n good representation at tills meeting. The delegates selected were: Wm. E. Allen, Thomas Brady, Samuel Zimmerman, J. W. Gnuthlcr, James Hallluau, Christ Vogl, S. K. Itoblnson. Precinct committeemen were select ed as follows: A, Bartlejr Lynch; B, Christ Vogt; 0, J. Hatfield; D, Simon Cronlu; E, James Halllnan. City Commissioner John McFarlnnd was chahman of tho Seventh ward caucus and Mr. J. II. Cronln, secre tary. Delegates selected are: John McFarland, H. Lewis, Tj. II. Amcr, Tlios. Kelloy, A. A. Halter, Itev. Gpo. Hurler Samuel Bender, U. 8. Soever, J. II. Cronln. .Frceluct committeemen: A. Thos, Armltage; B. J. IT. Cronln; O, T. F. Coughlin; D, Uov. Geo. Hurler, Mr. August PIsko was chairman and Mr. F. W. Gayer, secretary. Dele gates aro G. W. Heffnor, John Mora, August Plske, Jacob Gayer, Max An dres, Ola 1st Kneeht, Wm. Kroegler, Mr. McFarland. Precinct committeemen: A, F. W. Gayer; B, O. Thompson; O, n. Gus tavel; I"), John Grelsslng; E, ,7. 0, Hill. Dances at Silver Lake every oven Ing until Oct. 1. Meals served. Good street car Bcrvice. STAR COURSE. Description of the List of Altra tioru Offered. The Star Entertainment Course, which is to bo held at tho Grand Opera house, the coming season, promise to bo tho greatest in point of talent and attendance of any previous course ever given In Akron. Tho opening at traction, lirooke's Chicago Marino Hand Orchestra, consisting of 35 pieces, costs us much as tho averago courso of six numbers and this Is only one of the great ten events which constitutes tho Star Course the com ing season. Tho SJtnnils-Jackson Co., second attraction on tho courso will bo one of tho artistic events of tho season. The company consists of 4 artists; Sibyl Saimnls, soprano, fc an artist of grcatablllty.havlngsharcd tho honors with .Sliimian lleluck at tho Malno festival last season. Dr. Ion Jackson, tenor of the company, is creating an enviable reputation througout the Cential and New Eng land statos and netds no introduc tion to an Akron audience. Tho Boston Ladles Symphony Or chestra has been re-engaged this year making it the third consecutive time they have appeared la the Star Couise. Tho Lecture Demonitiation on 'Wire less Tclegiaphy and Liquid Air by W. J. Clarke of New Yoik City, will un doubtedly be one of the most Interest ing features of tho course. The Williams and Miles Song Itecl till, will be another uitlstlc event of the season. H. Evan Williams Is con seeded the greatest tenor In America, and Gwillm Miles, baritone, was tho leading soloist with the Boston Festi val the past season. Ife Is a great ar tist and conceded by many critics to be equal to Williams. The remaining numbers are equally meritorious, con sisting of Elbert Hubbard, editor of the Phylistlne Magazine; Itlchle, the magician, and bis combination of novelties; tho Johnson-Swiss hand-bell ringers; tho Wilson-Combination and the famous Park Sisters of New York. Tickets for this excellent list of at tractions of the Star Course lire now being sold bv canvassers and are also ou sale nt Robinson's hook store. RUNNING SMOOTHLY. Manager Currie Says There's No Trouble at Power House. "The stories that there is a striko on among employes at the power house aie ridiculous," said Manager Currie, of the N. O. T. Co., Friiluy. "Two of the men resigned to accept other posi tlons, and, of course their places have been tilled by otheis. Everything Is running binoothly at the power house. Stood Death Off. 13. B. Munrlayl a lawyer of Henriet ta, Tex., oncojfpoled a grave-digger. He says: "My brother was very low with malaria fever and Jaundice. I persuaded him to try Electric Bitters, and he was soon much better, but continued Uieir jUse until he was wholly cured. I am sure Electric Bit ters saved his life." This remedy ex pels malaria, kills disease germs and purifies the blood, aids digestion, reg ulates liver, kidneys and bowels, cures constipation, dyspepsia, nervous dis eases, kidney troubles, femsje com plaints; ghes perfect health. Only 50c at all drug stores. REDUCED HIS WEIGHT. Officer Murray Will Begin Work at 182 Pounds. Officer Eugene Murray, of 1033 E. Market st, who has recovoied from a 10-weeks' slego of typhoid fever, will lesumo his duties ns patrolman Mon day. When taken sick Mr. Murray weighed 255 pounds; he now weighs 1S2, and a few weeks ago weighed considerably it. Chas. Bepiogle, of Atwater, 0., was unable to work on account of kidney Uouble. After using Foley's Kidney Cure four days lie was cured. A. Warner, J. M. Latter and J. Lamparter & Co. WOMAN Missionary From America Held by Turkish Brigands. Washington. Sent. 7. fSiil.1 Miss Stone, an American missionary, while traveling in luniey wnn a leuiaie companion, has been captured by brigands near SfiToulca. U. S. Min ister Lelshmnn, in cabling this fact to tho State department, says that ho hns tnl:in Immediate and enercctlc steps to secure her release. MUs Stono Is from Itoxbury. Mass. Splitting Headaches cured speedily vtlth no ill after effects, by Clinic Headache Wafers Absolutely harmless, easily taken, do not depress act as a tonic on the heart. CLINIC PHARMACAL CO., TORONTO, OHIO. ALLDRUGqiSTS(10cTO, SYSTEMIC CATARRH And Grip Prostration Afflicts the People All Summer. UNITED STATES Hon. F. Simmons, United States Marshal, Mobilo, Alabama, speaks In high praise of tho merits of Pornna. In a letter written from Washington, D.C., ho saya: 'After having vscd Peruna for most excellent remedy for the grip and catarrh ever prepared. I can heartily recommend it to any one." Yours sincerely, F. Simmons. Eren a slight attack ot la grippe sows the seeds of discord and degenera tion all through tho system. Recovery seems Impossible. The strength does Mi return. The whole system seems Early Arrivals Fall and Winter... Are boing placed in our show room every day. The style we recommend deserves the emblem of victory. We carry all the new fashions, but wo always advise the style that goes TO and not BEYOND the becoming point. Wo advise an early inspection. Tho Fashionable Tailor 219 South Howard Street 1 A- A. Besaw & Co. I 354 South SVIaiin St. STTI-iis Week 8 Fine Cabinet Photos 1 fe:r dozen g ....SPECIAL 354 Sonj-fcR-i 8 8agieoeBaelewpoiwee Will poalflvelv extract your teeth without the leasl pain. Made froBh every day at our office, I A fine set teeth 5 OO Best set made O.OOl Partial PHILADELPHIA DENTAL ROOMSI 126 Open evenings. irauunK wuvn nvni Biff AvVKlk rC hVs BMC Bto MOM rtC -uBaHBaBBl ..tin .11 nr4 mi IV. nn4 jtfAiir tutttl Ian KmbbUbVT 7y4aBPBaaaaan torn ralf rftrt. BAIBD BHQ3, tit CO CMxUnd. O. H -RlBBBPBfBBBBWBBBaaaBBaBBBl"aBBBBBW"- MARSHAL SIMMOKS. a short time I find that it is the deranged. Every function is disturbed. Appetite and digestion demoralized. Creeping rigors, hot flashes, cold sweats and fitful sleep linger to make life almost unbearable. Just Ask For Beer and your dealer will givo you what he chooses. He may think more of his profit than of your nealth. Ask for Itenner's beer and you get the best beer that is made. It Is orcwed, aged and bottled to mukc a genuine lager i beer. $1.23 a case, delivered. THE GEO. J. RENNER BREWING COMPANY Akron, O. Woolen: & IVSain Street VITALIZED AIR sets & St. BO up. S. IVI&alra S-fc. Sundays 10 to 1. No charge for painless ex- It'uiu ntv wiicivm It is this condition that Dr. tlartman calls systomio catarrh, Tho wholo sys tem issaturatcdwlthcatarrh. Thlndls oovory marked animportantadranceln tho history of modlcal science. Tbo medical profession had long boon grop ing to dUcor'er the meaning of tho stub born and distressing aftor-offocts of la grlppo. All romodics seemed allko in adequate. As soon as Dr. Ilartman announced that It was his bollef that tho after effects of la grippe was simply sya tomlc catarrh, a great advance waa m ado In tho treatment of theso cases. It now only remained to find a xollablo remedy for systemic catarrh. Hero a now difficulty arose. Catarrh had been regarded by many physicians as a local dlscaso and treated solely by local remedies. Such physicians know of no flystomlc remedy for catarrh. Other physicians regarded yitarrh as a blood disease and had been In tho habit of troating it with blood medicines, which conld bo of no possible use In systemic catarrh. For a ttmo Peruna enjoyed the dis tinction of being tho only systemic ca tarrh remedy known. It was not eren claimed by anyone that there was an other remody for this exasperating con dition. Since then, however, a great many remedies have bcon proposed for sys tomlc catarrh, and a great deal ot val uable time wasted In experimenting with other remedies. Bat It otlll re mains trno that Peruna Is the only spe cific remedy for the after-effects ot la grlppo. The demand for this remedy, in consequence- of tho present opidemla of la grippe, la onormous. Mr. J. P. Lowery, proprietor City Hotel Albany, Texas, says : "Being advised to try Peruna for la grippe and Mthma, I lid so with good results. I had been feeling very unwell for a loDg time, and had asthma quite bad till I came West, when I got better of the asthma, but was not well. I tried a great many remedies for it, but nothing was able to cure me. "I took three bottlcsof Perunaandl am happy to say that it is the best med icine I ever used. I am satisfied that Peruna is a good medicine, and as such have commended it to several of my friends with good results. It is seldom I give a testimonial, but I think thiamine you. I hope others may bo benefited through you and your medicines." Every one should read Dr. Hartman'a latest lecture on la grippe. This lecture will be sent free by The Peruna MedicSno Company, Columbus, Ohio. BUi-gUama ENI CHAS. AUSTG Cor, Broadway and Exchange Wholesale Liquor Deader. The bett Whisky told in barrel, and aU kinds af Liquors for flue saloons. L HOSTER BREWING CO. Of Columbus, brewers of high grade WIKN'En BEER. Export a spediMty. BOTTLED BEER FOR FAMILY DSE. Importers of California and Ohio I Wlnei. Lowest prices. Delivered to any point of the city. Both Telephones HA. Bottle Department 051. iamls A$ara i Tbcftrli tnotiOm tias made the OoUi MedaJ AwarcJ to ofVej KENTUCKY Gold mcdan were also awarded at hevrOrfamu lOttS dWftrfcurtir cafo u'U. SOLD BY WM. WASHER, 144 South Howard st. Akron. Ohio. Painting, Paper Hanging Paper Cleaning C. F. AMES AKRON, O. 126 North Summit Street People's Phone 26 C. Reinhold The only Manufacturer of In the cltr, that does itrtchly hand-iewcd vrorfc. And Dealer In Horse Farnlii lnr. Coeds. Ctrritce Trlamlac gUen special attention.., .. No. 409 S. Main St People's Phone 1314. 0C464IHI9I St. Vincent College, 5 Esitt; ;. 0., Weil:nUrf Cj., h. g 65TH YEAR. S This lis a Catholic Uitltatlon condactea 5 by tho Uenedlrtlne Father,. It Is 40 mllea j tilt of l'ltuburfr, and S miles trow Latrobe, 6 on the PsnniyWunta railroad. The climate 3 Is healthful, the buildings large, heated by M steam and lighted by electric lights. The 3 courses o( study are the Classical and Com. ginerclal, also an Elementary School (or beclnners. tt Terms i Hoard, Tuition, Wainta?, Men. ft dine and VhyMcUn'i Tea, (200 a year or H fiou jr seulon ot fife months, W J or imonnauoii vr caiuwf ue, ivmuidm TUB RBV. DIRECTOR. 0B!tDSBlB2&$9tf9$BBSO$ Both Phones 912. 1063 S. Mala st, y.i YZr WAW 1 n I s bbbbbbM t .BBwirSBBSSftW'm v s MJ fc&v? AU.j trzj . i-arry !y jjsL-iAjjg,, rLi2. ti ,,'