Newspaper Page Text
J ATCBON DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 1001 1.1 'j I lis ti ,. f THE 1 TJNFR DEMOCRAT'S C0IMNS p55 2 . : B FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. I i; How Much Money : p I i; Do You Want .$?,$ ji n I For that property which you have been trying to sell for the last year? Why don't you advertise it in the Democrat Liner Columns? 24 words or less, three times for 25c cash, or 50c unless cash accompanies order. There's noth ing like these columns to H l4 7 K w WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED A capable man to act as special policeman .at1 (J rand Opera house. Apply at Grand Opera House. 117-110 WANTED Man to work for u respou slide company. Good wages; chance for advancement. Cull on U. Etllng, Cor. Howe and Haynos sts. 118-120 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTEp Competent gill for house work. Good wages; every conven ience. No. 102 Uurlbuit live, Wesl Hill. 110-121 WANTED A girl for lr.uiklug and hurting; must come well recommend ed. Akron Laundry Co., 101-103 S. High st. 117-110 WANTED. WANTED To buy u 2," horse power horizontal boiler, Burger Iron and Wire AVorks Co. 117-110 WANTED By man ami wife, a live or six room house, centrally locuted, with modern conveniences. Write, glvng particulars, price, etc. lo "Good Tenant," this office. " tf t ; ' ' ) a j,Mrtnnper viytetl jti pjeryjarge cpun 'tJVttfnppo'lntTigents for tbotfaJiio'im "Ganipo' Skill" nickel slot' machine for" drinks or cigars; lawful every Wlieic; takes "place 'ot all' 'forbidden slot machines. Rented orspld on easy payments. Secure territory quick. Palmer BllJIard Table. Works, Chicago, in. Sept. :t to Oct. i WANTED-Posltion as night watch man; can furnish pesf of referencps. Address "James," care Democrat. . - . lor. If WANTED A lot on West mil,. With in "300 feci or Market'st. Must face oast or north, with all Improve ments. Will pay cush am) build ' SJ'.OOO houso. Hale & Coates, 3t-l Everett building. 100 tf FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT Furnished front room, down stairs, $2 per week, near town, desirable location. For par ticulars, Address Box 18, Democrat o(llco. 81-tf, WANTED Roomers for two furnish ed rooms In modern houso; 111 Slier man st. 118-120 FOR RENT Front lvjom, down stairs, cheap, near town, desirable location. For particulars, Address Box 18, ' Democrat office. 81 tf FOR RENT Room 20x00 nt 129- N. Howard st. Newly papered, painted and fixed up. Rent reasonable. En quire 131 N. Howard st. 10-tf FOR RENT No. 410 Carroll st., 7 rooms, city water, gas, furnace, grate; within 100 feet of Market st, $25 per month in advance. Hale & Coates, 311 Everett Bldg. 'Phone 778. 11G-120 WOOD TURNING HAND-TURNING of every descrip tion; architects' designs given spe cial attention. E. M. Woygandt, 225 W. Market st, Peoplo's 'phono 107. Res. 317. 200 tf ROOMS WANTED. FOUR ROOMS WANTED-By fanJlly of three; want good location, bit rent must not be .exorbitant. Ad dress, giving all partlclars, "Smith," cure this ofUce. tf (WANTED By family of ,threo, from 4 to five rooms. Must bo within j.i) minutes' walk from Main and Market. Rent must bo reasonable, Address, 0. F. S., care Democrat. 04-tf BANKS. iWnEN SICKNESS COMES, it Is a handy thing to have a bank account to fall back upon. Three ppr cent Interest on llmo deposits, Soparato department for ladles. Central Sav ings bank, corner Mill and Main sts. Sell Property in Short Orderii FOR SALE MiSSCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE A stock of groceries In n suburban town of 3,000 Inhabi tants, doing a business of 18,000 n year. Must be sold at ouco. Ad dress "W. N.," care No. 1, Akron, Ohio. 110 tf FOR SALE-Good restaurant, serving 1.".0 meals dally. For particulars, ad dress Hestaurant, this ofllee. 110-121 FOIt SALE OH EXCHANGE Do you want to buy a second-hand buggy or a set of single buggy harness; will take In exchange a cheap horse or typewriter. Call at 025 E. Mill st. HO tf FOR SALE Two large horses, har ness, and wagon, all bargains. Jeff Leeser; room C10 Eveiett building. 118-tf FOR SALE Cheap A good horse, light harness and carriage, und cov ered delivery wagon, nnd heavy harness; also a covered surrey and set of double harness and sleigh. Inquire of Tho Herrlck & Sons Co. 117-110 STORE FIXTURES. Get our prices on Billiard nnd I'ool Tables before buying elsewhere, sold on easy payments. Our cushions are guaranteed for twenty years, and am made by a new vulcanizing process. Old tables litted with our cushions nro as good as new. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Seo our advertisement of "Manager Wanted" for lawful slot machine. Palmer Bil liard Tabic AVorks, Chicago, Ills. Sept. 3 to Oct 31. FOUND. FOUND Tho best place to borrow money privately on furniture, without removal; easy terms. N. M. Berk, 103 S. Howard, both phones. 4-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE The property on East Market St., and on Park St., known as the Talmau estate. Inquire of Johu 0. Bloomficld, 104 S. Main st THE BRUNER, GQODHUE COOKE COMPANY. Oldest Abstract ofilco, In the county, Established 1870. Our experience) guarantees a correct Abstract cf Title. Prices reasonable. Prompt service. 215 South Main st. 'Phone lb. FOR SALE Two building lots neor the now .Miller school and Fourth Church pf Christ. A barguin. Ad dress, Real Estate, earo Democrat. 78 tf. FOR SALE-By J. I. Baehtel, 188 S. Howard st. 'Phono 722. House, almost new, S. Main st., near Crosier, all modern for $1800. 120 Raymond st, 0 rooms, cozy home, $1230. 404 Wolf St., 0 rooms, big lot, $1300. Yale near Thornton, bargain place, $1700. You should seo us Immediately about that 0 acre tract, with 7 rooms and barn- right downtown. We can con vince you that It can bo sold right and that you can placo It Into quick selling lots. Stop paying rentl Lots opposlto the now fliiuer scuooi ior ji snort urao as low as $340, tho best $420. Money at 0 per cent to build your house. A slate roof, two story barn, Falor avo., $iuO. Bargain In houses and lots, all parts of the city, 110-tf FOR RALE Two flno lots, W. North si.; ono mlnuto'a walk to W, Market st.; street graded, sldowalks. etc. En quire 033 W. North, of 107 Brownless placo. A. T. Brownless. 10S-120 FOR SALE-LOTS-See R. E. Humes at onco, before you buy your lot. Will build to suit purchaser. No. 118 Wolf st. 284,-280 tf TRY THE DEMOCRAT' LINER COLUMNS. BARGAINS. 7 room houso on llowo st, near car line, well and cistern, for $1300. 7 room Iiouho and good barn, 'North Ulll, near car Hue, very cheap, It sold soon. 8 room house, WeRt Ulll, slalo roof, furnace, bath room, flno mautlo and grato for $1000. O. H. & S. E. Jones, Pcoplo's phono 452. OOtf FOR SALE Brouse & Holllnger. 231 Yale, new, 7 rooms, sower, water, gas, fine pi ace $1700. East side Amherst' near Thornton, almost new, good location, $1030. 200 Baehtel ave. Sec this, 1300. 121 W. Miller, 7 rooms, baru, fruit, well, cheap at $1200. Bellows St., near Stanton, worth $1230, If sold soon, $1050. A fine lot on Weeks st., $185. 133 Falls ave. near North Hill school, a first-class home, $3000. 21(1 Bluff, two small buildings, $400. fCwo flno lots on Rockwell court, $400 each or tho two. $730. 142 S. summit; can sea ior vw. 207 May st., 8 rooms, furnace, gas, sewer, nice lot, $2100. 123 Beacon, o rooms, wen, .fiw. 230 S. Main, a bargain, $2300. 204 Baehtel ave., 8 rooms, $2430. 557 W. Exchange, C rooms, 2000. . Ill Hall, 8 rooms, and all modern Improvements. See this property, 2100. 593 W. Exchange, 7 rooms, $1100. 003 S. Broadway, 7 rooms, $2000. 40 acres. 7 room house, VA miles from Everett, nice land, all kinds of fruit, well watered, $2500. 410 Raymond st., 8 rooms, $1030. 113 Kling, 0 rooms, furnace, sewer, cistern, slate roof, good lot, $2300. 203 North Maple, 4 rooms, $700. 710 Home, 8 rooms, $1200. 215 Bluff, 0 rooms, $1823. 40216 S. High, 10 rooms and bath, flue place for a boarding house, $3000., Fine property corner Union and Forge, known us the Ivabacher, $8250. 570 W. Cedar, complete, $2000. Ill Fay, good property, $2800. 215 Sumner, corner Berg, $3000. 137 Benjamin, 5 rooms, gas, sewer, corner Sunnier and Cross, large lot, barn, gas, $1250. Nice lot in Johnston st., $100. 138 W. Crozler, 0 rooms, 1" acres of land, good barn, $3000. 137 Benjamin, 5 rooms, gas, sewer street improved, $1400. 307 Wabash ave., 7 rooms, $1350. 102 Spalding, 0 rooms, $1000. 515 W. Chestnut, 7 rooms, $1050. Flno lot on Rhodes ave., near Mar ket, will trade on house and Jot, $1100. 210 Crosby, good home, $2700. ' 120 Kling, 8 rooms, $2200. Good property on East ave., near Wooster, largo lot, $1150. 110 Frances, with furnace, $1400. 707 North Howard, 7 rooms, large lot, nice fruit, $1S00. 322 N. Union. (I rooms. $1150. 105 Holloway, 7 rooms, well, cistern, fruit, well Improved $1800. New large boarding house In Bar berton $2700. Wo havo many other properties In all parts of the city, wc can uui you with money so you can buy at cash prices. BROUSE & HOLLINGER, 220 South Main St. FOR SALE Lots at Frultlurid park. Don't wait until they arc all sold mid then bo sorry you don't own one, but see Halo & Contes at 314 ' Everett building. Tel. 773. FOR SALE-By F. A. Leeser, room 510 Everett building: 127 Silver, 3 room. Vj acre, $050. 140 Portage, (I rooms, $1250. 501'j W. Exchange, $1500. 10(1 Otis, 7 room house, good bam, 51031). Sibley st, 5 rooms, largo lot, 830. Bowery st, 8 rooms, modern, $2850. Wooster nve., 8 rooms, modern,$270O. Properties In all parts of tho city for sale. Farms for salo or transfer. Money to loan on real estate und chattels. 120 FOR SALE Now seven room house, North Hill. Built for two families, good well water, only $1400. Cash down, $200; balanco easy. C. U. A S. E. Jones, People's phone, 402. 120'l2 LOST. LOST A pay envelope containing $25 with name John Beard on It, Issued by Northern Ohio Traction Co, $5 roward If returned to N. O, T. wait ing room ticket agent. 120-122 LOST A gold watch, hair chain un locket at the Atlantic Garden, Sat urday night, Aug. 31. Liberal re ward for Its return to Officer Louis Mueller, patrol station, 120-122 FOR RENT H0USE8. FOR RENT House for rent, six rooms, furnace, modern improve provomeuts, 214 N. Valley st. 120-122 FOR RENT No. 115 W. Crouso st. (1 rooms, w ell, cistern, natural gas, $12 per month. Enquire of 114 W. Grouse. Phono 034. 120-tf Democrat Lluer Columns effect quick exchanges between bargain. givers ana uargain-seoKera. SPECIAL NOTICES. Good pusturo for norses, good water and a good barn to tun In, Apply M Mull, West Market st. 120.122 WANTED-A boy, (J or 7 years or age, to cure for or adopt for tho winter. A Rood homo with pcoplo of plenty of means. Address, boy tills office. 120-122. p'or cjala or 3Fradeei For city property, n stock of grocer ies and fixtures In n good location. Old age and 111 benlth, tho reason for selling. S.P. PACKING AND STORING. WANTED Packing and Btorlng. Fur niture a specialty. Kratz's Furniture Store, 149 S. Howard st. People's phono 012. Sept. 24. 1000 tf MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan on chattel security or wages. FLOWER & KOPLIN, 4 Guth Block, 140 S. Howard st. June 15-Sept. 15 TO LOAN-$200, ?300, $500, $700, $800, $1,000, $1,200 and $1,500. J. I. Bach tel 188 South Howard st. 'Phono 722. 105 tf f , & and Par Cent Jfnteresi Paid on certificates of deposit nnd savings accounts. J&oms MADE ON REAL ESTATE ON SHORT NOTICE, AT PREVAILING RATES. She United JMes building and ,oan Co. Paid In capital and surplus, $550,000. By W. C. MARPLE, Secretary, Treasurer. Buchtel Hotel building. I am now located In room No. 302 at tho now Hamilton building. Chas. J. Jiazen, Heal &sMe and J&oans Per Cent interest on j Mitn$ig,jffcGQints Paid by tho 'Afcron Building & Loan Association, tho oldest, largest and strongest savings Institution In Sum mit county. Has paid out ovor $350, 000 to Its depositors since 1880. Nov has $18,000 surplus as additional se curity to Its members, besides loaning Its funds all on first real estate mort gage. If you have money to Invest call and Investigate. 0. I. BRUNER, Secy. 232 S. Main st Money to ,oan If you need money, you can borrow from us at most reasonable rates and on most favorable terms. P. P. QCk & CO. Z2B JV toward st CITY NOTICES. A RESOLUTION Provldlug for the construction of side walks on both sides of Fay street, from Market street to Buchtel ave. Be It resolved by tho Council of tho city of Akron, Ohio: Sec. 1. Two-thirds of all tho mem hers elected thereto concurring, that a stone sidewalk six (0) feet In width be constructed on both sides of Fay street, from Market street to Buchtel avenue, In conformity 'to tho cstnu Hshed grade of said street, and in ac cordance with the general ordinances upon the subject. See. 2. That the Board of City Com mlsslouers ho and Is hereby directed to cause notice of this resolution to be served In the niannor provided by law. Adopted Sept. 3, 1001. A. F. KOONS, President City Council. CHAS. H. ISBELL," City Clerk. Approved by the Board of City Com. mlssloncrs. OnAS. H. ISBELL, Sept. 7-14. Clerk. A RESOLUTION. To construct a local sower In and along Locust street, from Cedar street to a point 125 feet northerly from Wooster avenue. Bo it resolved by the council of tho Cltv of Akron. Ohio; Sec. 1. That two-thirds of all the members elected thereto concurring, that It Is necessary and tho Intention Is hereby declared to construct a local sewer In nnd along, Locust street, from Cedar street to a point 125 foot north erly from Wooster nvenuo, with all tho necessary catch basins, lamp holes, man holes, ventilators and appurtcn ances, all In ncordunco with the plan", nronin nnrt suoolflcatlons relating to said sower on Wo in tho ofilco of tho nT nivli Engineer. Sec, 2, That tho cost and expense of said sewer shall ho assessed upon nil iho lots anil lnnds nnd parcels thereof nbultlnp, and such adjacent and contiguous or other; benefited lofs and lands nnd parcels thereof between tho points nforenld, 'Jn proportion to the benefits which may result from sild sower' to tho several lots and Memndar. 'ton $lock CITY NOTICES. lands mid iaretln thereof to bo as sessed. Said assessment shall be pay able in three (3) equal, annual in isbllments, and bonds shall bo Is sued In anticipation of tho collection of tho, same. Adopted Sept. 3, 1001. A. F. KOON8, Pros, city Council. CHAS. II. ISHELL, City Clerk. Approved by the Board of City Com tnlssloncrs. CHAS. II. ISBELL, Sept. 7-14. Clerk. A RESOLUTION To construct a local sewer In and nlong Campbell street, from Wolf street to Bowery street. Bo It resolved by the Council of the city of Akron, Ohio: Bee. 1. That two-thirds of all the members elected thereto concurring, that It Is necessary and the Intention Is hereby deduced to construct a local sewer In and along Campbell street from Wolf street to Bowery street, with nil tho necessary catch basins, lamp holes, man holes, ventilators and appurtenances, all In accordance with tho plans, profile and specifications relating to said sewer on Ilia In the ofilco of the City Civil Englncr. Sec. 2. That tho cost nnd expense of said sewer shall be assessed upon all the lots and lands and parcels there of abutting, and such adjacent nnd contiguous or other benefited lots and lauds and parcels thereof between the points aforesaid, In proportion to the benefits which may result from said sewer to the several lots and lands and parcels thereof to be assessed. Said assessment shall bu payable in three (3) equal, annual Installments, nnd bonds shall be issued In anticipa tion of the collection of the same. Adopted Sept. 3, 1001. A. F. KOONS, President City Council. CHAS. II. ISBELL, City Clerk. Approved by the Board of City Com. mlssloncrs. CHAS. H. ISBELL, Sept 7-11. Clerk. A RESOLUTION. Directing, free-holders to report a re assessment of tho cot and expense of widening and extending Hnlstead street. Whereas, objections have been made to tho assessment returned by the as sessing board heretofore appolnteif to assess the cost, and expense of wid ening and extending Halstcad street; and, Whereas, it is the sense of tills coun cil that such objections are reason able and valid and should be sus tained; therefore, Bo It resolved by the council of tho Cty of Akron, Ohio, that W. A. Sher- bondy, M. Erdmun and Levi Wolf, three disinterested freeholders of the corporation, who are hereby appoint ed a board for that purpose, be re quired to prepare and report to this council nn estimated assessment or tho cost and expense of widening nnd extending nnlstoad street, upon the lots and lnnds benefited by said wld enlng and extending thereof, as sot forth In an ordinance providing for Mild widening nnd extending, passed May 7, 1900; said assessment Is to be in proportion to the benefits which may result from said widening and extend ing, and limited to the special bene fits conferred thereby to each lot or hind or parcel thereof assessed. This resolution shall take effect and be In forco from and after Its pas sage and legal publication. Adopted Sept. 2, 1001. A. F. KCONS. Pros. City Council. CHAS. H. ISBELL, City Clerk. Sept. 7-14. LEGAL NOTICE. A. Dorr Wilcox, whose residence is MeLiitn Corners, Erie county, Penn sylvania, will tiikeij notice that Eva Wilcox, on the 17th day of August, A. D, 1901, filed her petition in tho court of Common Pleas of Summit county, Ohio, praying for divorce from said A. Dqrr Wilcox, on tho ground of gro!s neglect of duty. Said A. Dorr Wilcox Is required to answer said pe tition within six weeks from tho 17th day of August, A. D, 1901. EVA WILCOX, By S, G. Bogers, her attorney, Aug. 17-24-31 Sept. 7-14-21 NOTiaE OF APPOINTMENT. Estato of Floyd M. Hopkins, do ceased. Tho undersigned has been appointed by tho Probato court of Summit coun ty, Ohio, ns administrator of the es tate of Floyd M. Hopkins, deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment; and all persons having claims against said estato are requested to present tho same for allowance or re jection. A. E. KING. Dnted this Oth day of September, A. D., 1001. Sept 7-14-21. AKRON MARKETS. (Thcso prices furnished dally by I Krydcr & Sons.) WHOLESALE PRICES. ' Wheat, per bu., 08c, Rye, per bu., 05c. Oats, icr bu., 02c, ode. Corn, cracked,- cwt, $.50. Middlings, per cwt, No. 1, $1.15. Bran, nor cwt., 05c. ', Timothy, No. 1, baled, per ton, $10, Wheat straw, baled, per ton, $5, $0, Timothy, per bu, $2.25, $2.50. Clover seed, $5 to $0' RETAIL PR,10E3. Oats, per bu 8Sc, 4.fe. Corn, car, per bu., 02v, 85p, Hay, bal?d, per cwt," 7,0c, 70c. Straw baled, per bale, 50c (Thcso prices furnished dally by Jas. Christy Jr. & Co.) Green calf hides, No 1, per lb. Oc. Green Ttcef hides, No. 1 per lb O'ic. Sheep pelts, 1510. Tallow per lb, 4&c. (Thcso prices furnished dally by Armour & Co. Sugar cured hams, lie to llTe. Skinned hams, 12c. California hams, S&c. Clear bacon, ll'Ac. Drli'd beef, 13c to 15c. Simon pure lard, tierces, 10H. Country kettle hud, tierces, 0?&c. Compound lard, tierces, 7c. Dressed beef, Co to 8o. Dressed Calves, Oc to 10c. Dressed sheep, 7c to Oc. Dressed hogs, 7'4c. ' Cattle, live, $2.50 to $5. ' j Calves, live, $1 to $5.30. 'Sheep,, $3 "to $4.75. ILogs, $5X0 to 0. Sprlug lambs, dressed, 014c to 10c. Spring lambs, live, 4'c to 5!c. (These prices furnished dally by Geo, D. Crumrlne.) BUYING PRICES. Eggs, strictly fresh, per doz., 15c. Old chickens, live, per lb, 8 to 10c. Young chickens, live, per lb., 10c. Butter, country, per lb, 17c. Xard, country, per XI), 9c. Potatoes, per bu, $1 to $1.23. RETAIL PRICES. Eggs, strictly fresh, per doz., 18c. Spring chickens, dressed, per lb., 15c to 18c. Butter, country, per lb., 22c. Butter, creamery, per lb, 27c. Potntoes, 40c pk. RAILROAD NOTICES. ONE CENT PER MILE TO BUFFA LO AND RETURN VIA C, T. & V., B. & O. R. R. livery Tuesday and Saturday during August, September and October. Tickets optional either lake or rail from Cleveland. $1.05 BUFFALO AND RETURN. Via Erie R. It, Sept S to 12. All trains. 15 days' limit $4.03 BUFFALO AND RETURN. Via Erie R. It, Sept. 8 to 12. All trains, 15 days' limit G. A. R. SPECIAL TRAIN TO CLEVELAND VIA C. A. & C. RAILWAY. On Tuesday September 10th Buckley Post G. A. R. will go to tho National Encampment at Cleveland on a special train leaving Akron at 7 a. in. Mem bers' families and friends welcome, Round trip 70 ceuts. Same rate will apply on excursion tickets via C. A. & C. Ry. September 8th to 12th in clusive. Special train returning on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 10th and 11th, will leave Cleveland nt 11:30 p in. centrnl time, having through coaches for Cuyahoga Falls, Akron and Barberton for tho accommodation of persons desiring to return home those nights. G. A. It. excursion tickets to Cleve land via. C, A. & C. Ry. will be good returning until September 15th, with privilege to e xtend until October Sth. For particulars -ec C. D. Honodle Ticket Agent, Akron. 70c TO CLEVELAND AND RE-TURN-70C Via C. T. & V. R. R. Sept. S, 9, 10, 11, and 12, on all trains. Tickets good returning to and Includ ing Sept 15, 1901. Wednesday, Sept. 11, special train will leave Akron (How ard st.) at 8:05 a. m. Returning leave Cleveland at 7 p. ni. to view the grand parade of 40,000 G. A. It veter ans in line. ANOTHER SUNDAY EXCURSION TO COLUMBUS, VIA C, A. & 0. RY. Sept. 8th, excursion tickets to Co lumbus, will be sold via Cleveland Akron & Columbus Railway. Round trip rato from Akron $1.25. Special train leaves 7 n.m. $25 COLORADO AND RETURN. Chicago & Northwestern Ry., $23 Hot Springs, S. Dak.; $10 Utah, all round trips, from Chicago, Sept. 1-10; $50 Chicago to Sau Franclbco-Los An gelcs and return, Sept. 10-27. Quick est time. Service uuequaled. Apply to your uearcst ticket agent for tickets and full Information oroddrcss, D.W. Aldridge, 234 Superior St., Cleveland, O. OREGON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO Are the States to which a largo Immi gration Is nqw directed. You should tuke advantago of the opportunities, and the greatly reduced rates. This wonderful country fully and accu rately described and Illustrated In a new booklet with a large map, which will bo mailed to any address upon receipt of six cents In postage by W, B. Kulskern, 22 Fifth ave., Chicago. $25 COLORADO AND RETURN. Chicago & Northwestern Ry., $10.35 St. Paul, Minneapolis and return, $14.85 Duluth, Superior aud return, $25 Hot Springs, S. D and return, $40 Utah and return from Chicago, August 1-10, $50 Ohlcago to Ban Fran cisco, Los Angeles and return, Sep tember 10-27. Quickest time. Ser vice unequalled. Apply to your uenr est ticket agent for tickets and full Information. ONE CENT PER MILE TO BUFFA LO AND RETURN, VIA 0 , T. & V.-B. & O. R. R. Every Tuesday nnd Saturday, dur ing August, September and Octpbor, Tickets optional cither lake or rail from Cleveland. OLD SETTLERS' EXCURSION TO HUNTINGTON, SEPT. 24 Twentieth annual excursion of tho Old Settlers' Association of Ohio and Indiana to Huntington, Ind., via Erio R.. It Special trnlu leaves Akron nf 0:15 a.m. Tickets good returning tin. til Oct. 23rd. Rato $3.75 for round trip. Cull on ticket agent Erie R. II. , for further Information, or write UV II. Wallace, O. A. I'. A., Erie It It., Cleveland, O. $0.00 BUFFALO AND RETURN. Via Erie R. R. every day; all trains. Try the "Exposition Express." Leaves 0 a.m. dolly, except Sunday, arriving Buffalo 1:35 p.m. Vestibule train with parlor car. $1.40 round trip every Tuesday and Saturday; all trains; six day limit. OLD SETTLERS' 20lh ANNUAL EX CURSION. 'To Huntington, Ind. Special train via lirle R. It. leaves Akron at 0:15 a.m., Sept. 2lth. Faro only $3.75 for round trip. Tickets good returning until Oct. 23rd. See ticket agent Erlo , R. R. for particulars or write R. II. : Wallace, G. A. P. A., Cleveland, O. Try the Democrat's Liner Columns. RAILROAD TIAIE TABLES Dally; all others dally except ouuuuy. central Standard Time. ERIE RAILROAD CO. Golnc Weal- No. 43 Pan. Am. Ex. to Akron a,J 1:53 am fj ro. l- iixnresK r-i-: n,n No. 5 Limited vestibule. ...7:03 am No. 15 To Akron only 0:33 am No. 13 Chicago express, Jionaays to Gallon only 1220 pra No. 45 Ohio express to Akron on'y 3:45 pra No. 3 Pacific express ...... 0:50 pm No. 37 Accommodation C:40 am Going East No. 41 Pan. American Ex..l:08ara No. 40 Exposition express.. 6:00 um No. 14 To Mcadville 2:20 am No. 8 Limited testibulc 1:31 am No. 12 Express to N. Y 81 am No. 4 New York special 12:50 pm No. 10 Jamestown express. . 430 pm No. 38. Accommodation 4:00 pm EWRgggJ North Bound. CIn., Columbus and Clev.. C:05 am Akron aud Pittsburg 8:20 am Col., SIIllerburg &. Cleve. .. 11 38 am CIn. Col. and Cleveland 4i5 pm Pitts., Bal., Wash & N. Y 4:17pm St. Louis. Ciu., Akron 12:55 am South Bound. Cleva, Col. and Cincinnati.. 9:35ara New York, PItt3. & Akron (runs only to Barberton).. 11:10 am Cleve. Mlllorsburg und Col., (dally except Sunday).... 2:53pm PJttbburg and Akron (runs only to Akron) 8:10 pm Cleve, Col. & CIn S:5jpm Col., Cin., St Louis 2:03 am Dally, all others dally except Sun day. BALTIMORE & OHIO. Union Depot, Market Street. Depart West. Tiffin. Fostoila &. Chicago.. 10:10 am Chicago, vcstlbulea. Ltd... 11:10 pra Arrive irom tho West Ch'.cago and New York ves- tibulcd, limited 105Oam Chicago & Pittsburg 0:30 am Chicago, Akron and Cleve land S:10 pm Tiffin, Fostorla & Chicago.. 7:33 pm Dally, all others dally except Sun day. O. T. & Going v. n. u. North. How. St Depot , t!:55am . 9:05am . 1:10pm . 5:03pm . S :23pm . 9:30.un Going . S:34am . 4 :33pm ,12 :15am . 7 :32pm . 12:Olpm . 3:53pm Union. Denot U:15ara 8:52am Eart Akron. C:20am 8:55am No. 40.. No. 4.. No. C. 1:00pm 12:41pm 4;55pm 4 :58pm 8:12pm 8:17pm South. S:52mui O.Olam 4:55pm 3:07pm 12:30am 12:42am 7:50pm 8:00pm 12:20pm 12:2Spni 4 :05pm from L'nlon depot No. 10 . . No. 8 .. No. 12.. No. 7... No. 9... No. 5... No. 47... No. 3.... No. 11... Does Sundays. not run THE NORTHERN OHIO R. R. Denot North Main st Depart No. 1 8:30 am Depart No. 11 :30 pm Arrlvo No. 2 4:00 pm Arrive No. 12 12:05 pm Dally. IDaily except Sunday. PITTSBURG & WESTERN R. R. Union Depot, Market st Leavo for tho East. Chicago and New York vestl- . bule limited 2:00 am Warren, Youngstown, Pltts DurK 0:40 am Warren, Youngstown, Pitts burg l:W Pni Pittsburg, Washington, Phil adelphia, Now York .... 4:0Spra Arrlvo from tho East. Washington, Pittsburg, Cleve land, arrlvo 0. T. & V. Ry., Howard st. station 0:50 ora Pittsburg and Akron 11:53 am Plttbburg, Akron and Chica go J 7:35 pm New York,Washlugton,Pltts- burg and Ohlcago 11:03 pm Dally, all others dally except Sun day. THE NORTHERN OHIO TRACTION COMPANY. A. B. 0. Division. Waiting room, Hamilton building, opposlto liuchtel hotel, Tlmo card In effect May 0. 1001. Cars for Cleveland, leave waiting nntn at 5:10 a.m.. 0:40 a.m. aud every half hour to 7:40 p.ui, and at 8:10 and 10:30 p.m. 5 1 J-l Si l?l u