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Extra! AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT. ONE CENT PAY NO MORE V VOLUME lONUMBER 120 AKRON, OniO. SATURDAY fDVEJttNtt, SEPTEMBER 7, 1001. PRICE ONE CENT. DRUG 3 ll Two moved Bui Believed Buffalo. Sept C (Spl.) 3:50 p. m. President McKinley was shot twice at the Pan-American grounds this afternoon by an Insane man. One bul let took effect In tbu shoulder and the other in th e breast. . He has been removed to Service Building Hospital at the grounds. Latet It Is now said that one bullet struck tho president In th"o cheek and the second shot !u t be groin. Both wounds ore serious. Latest report is that the Amalgamated 'Will Hot Accept Schwab's Terms. Morning Hopes For Peaceful Settle, ment Were Destroyed. PITTSBURG, PA., SEPT. 6.-(SPL.) THE STEEL TRUST PROPOSI TION HAS BEEN TURNED DOWN BY THE AMALGAMATED ASSO CIATION. THE TRUST AN Morning's Prospects Were Bright. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 6. (Spl.) Hope that the great steel strike may at last be settled h warranted by the hur ried assembly of tho Amalgamated Association Executive Board this morning to consider the more recent peace proposition submitted by Presi dent Schwnb of tho U. S. Stool cor poration. The members of the Board arrived eurly and Immediately went Into sec ret session. Nearly every momber of tho Board was present Members of the Board freely oxpressed tho hope that peace will be reached as a result of today's meeting. They are moro :ound in an Augur Hole . Fat Roil Brought to Light. Norwalk, O., Sept. 6.-(Spl.)-Thco-doro Saunders, of IJron&ou, whllo tear ing down an old log barn, found a roll of bank notes tucked away in an au gur hole, with a face value of $120. One bill was a one hundred dollar noto on tho New York bank, dated 1830, a ten dollar noto on a Philadelphia band dated 1835, 31 ten dollar notes Because She Was Now York, Sept (J.-(Spl.)-Chlded by her husband because sho took too much wlno, Martha Peters, n bride of but three Tnonths, killed herself at a merry dinner party at her home Wed nesday night Peters found It neces sary during tho dinner to mildly re prove his wife for drinking moro wlno than she should. Leaving the table, Mrs. Peters ycnt to a sldo board and filling a glass full of carbolic acid, sho dramatically turned to her guests and lets Took to be Serious. Re to Hospital. President cannot recover. NOUNCER THAT NO FURTHER NEGOTIATIONS WILL BE HAD AND SEVERS DEALINGS WITH THE AMALGAMATED. THE TRUST WILL TRY TO START Ai-S ITS MILLS AT ONCE. cheerful In spirit and unanimous in tho expression that any honorable terms of settlement will be accepted. The proposal of Mr. Schwab was not disclosed to tie Board until this morning's session opened behind bar red doors and guarded bull ways. Pres ident Shaffer and other executive of ttcers refused absolutely to bo seen by reporters or to discuss tho proposi tion President Shaffer had to lay before the executive officers of the Amalgamated Association. It is felt, however, that the now plans carry certain concessions not contained In the previous proposal. on the Chemung Canal bank, Elmlra, N. Y dated Feb. 1, 1844. Snunders took tho bills to tho Huron Couuty bank In this city where it was learned that the ono hundred dollar and teu dollar Philadelphia notes weio worthless, but the Elmlra bank still existed and It has sent Sauuders a draft for $310. Scolded Bride Killed Herself. said: "Well, I am tired of this." With that she swallowed the deadly poison and died shortly after. Her husband said today liquor was tho cause for bis wifo's tragic end. "Time and again sho promised me she would stop drinking," Poters said, "but the desire overcame her and tho old habit would break out again." Mrs. Peters was only 20 years old, She was a Miss Martha Donnelly, of Perth Am- boy, N. J. Effect- READY For the Inquiry Court. :!2ST " "'' iVT1"" Nearly All Preliminaries Over. Schley Will Challenge Howison's Right. Inquiry Will Cost Uncle Sam Nearly $100,000. .Washington, Sept. 6. (Spl.) The Navy department has summoned the witnesses desired by AdmlralSchley and c' asel, and the latter will, with in a Jew days have the desired oppor tunity of examining these In advance of the sessions of the court. With the exception of this preliminary examin ation, Schley s counsel have practi cally completed all the work which can be done befoiehand and today's con ference will bo practically the last before tho 12th. Delay is expected directly after the first meeting of the court because it has now definitely been decided that Schley will challenge Real Admiral Howlson on the ground that the opin ions he has expressed In the contro versy disqualify him from sitting as a Judge in the case. Tho other two members of the court will have to de termine this Issue in advanco of all others. One of the mders bearing upon the ceremonial side of the proceeding was Issued last night. It prescribes full dress uuiform for oflicers In attend ance on the first day and service unl foim thereafter. It is now estimated tho cost of tho Inquiry x will bo within tho $100,000 mnrk. BELGIANS Agree to an American Trust. Their Glass interests Will Them Two Thirds. Give London, Sept. 0. (Spl.) Thu Bins sels correspondent of the Financial Nows, says that a majority of tho Belgian glass works, have consented the prluclple, to the formation of o trust under American contiol, receiv ing for their plants, one third tmb and two thirds In shares of tho trust. WU'S WORRY. Company Coming and Money Running Low. Washington, Sept 0. (Spl.) Minis ter Wu has Just received word that Prince Chun who Is now In Berlin will soon visit him. As tho Prince has a suite of 57 and Wu's salary checks havo not been coming regularly, he fears ho 'may have to pawn some of jis beat Chlueso brlcabrao to expend the proper hospitality. ,.,.. - ,. , LONE WOMAN May Cause a Strike of Uncle Sam's Printers. Washington, Sept. 6. (Spl.) A strike may be caused In Uncle Sam's big printing ofllce by one lone womnn. Mis. Mary Callaghan, a piessCccder In the government printing office, refuses to join a new union, and ns the mem bers of the organization arc pledged to handle nothing but union material, her refusal to join may lead to Inter esting developments. As Mrs. Cal laghan Is protected by the civil ser vice rules, public printers will be obliged to defend her against tho un ion. FAMOUS LAWYER. ustice Murphy, of Irish Supreme Court, Is Dead. London, Sept. 0. (Spl.) Justice Murphy, of tho Irish Supremo court, Is dead. Justice Muiphy obtained a world-wide reputation In the early eighties when ho was Crown prosecu tor at famous Phoenix park murder trial. TO CLEVELAND Self Confessed Murderer Returned. Denies All Knowleege of the Killing ofoyes. Chicago, Sept. 0. (Spl.) Detective Parker returned to Cleveland without Alfred Curry, alias Kearney, the self confessed poisoner of Bill Kearney at Delaware. Curry now denies any knowledge of the Noyes muider, in Cleveland. The law provides that n confession cannot be used to conwet without corrobointlvo testimony, so It may bo some t me before Cuny is brought back to Ohio. Colombia Badly Beset Venezuela Attacks From Three Sides. Expeditions by Water and by Land. General Uribc Making Plans For Big Campaign. Washington, Sept. 0.-(Spl.) The uows of tho invasion of Colombia by an expedition coming from Ecuador, with vesnolb and supplies, will, It Is expected, bo folowed by the announce ment of a land attack on the Colom bian fiontier, tiora the neighborhood of Maracnlbo, in Venezuela, where General Uilbe-Uilhe, tho i evolution ary loader, was collecting his forces, when last hcaid from. ' At tho same timo tho Insurgents on thft Istlimub of l'anainn will probably inalto themsches unpleasantly promi nont, and the Colombian goerumcut will then Und itself attacked from three sides. This Is In accordance with tho plans nnuoituced by General Uilbe Urlbe, a couple of months ago, when he was In New York. The Weather: FAIR TONIGHT AND SATURDAY. ALL SIDES. ACTRESS HURT. Fell Forty Feet During a Play's Rehearsal. New York, Sept. fl.-(Spl.j Laura Burt, the actress, whll? rehearsing the rldo of Dolores In a burlesque on "U.n dor Two Flags" at the New York theater yesterday afternoon was thrown against a flimsy support at the top of a 40-foot runway, and fell to the bottom. She was seriously hurt GOODRICH SHOP. Scene of a Small Fire Friday Morning. An alarm from the B. F. Goodrich J Oo. at 7:30 Friday morning drew a larger crowd than any similar alarm has done for weeks. A small blaze in the cement room caused tho alarm, but the fire was extinguished befoie the department arrived. Like McKinley's Speech Well. They Think His Policy Good For Europe. "Sounded the Death Knell of McKinleyism." London Editors View of His Buffalo Statements. London, Sept. 0. (Spl.) The Star, commenting editorially on tho speech of President McKinley at tho Pan- American Exposition at Buffalo yester day, speaks particular of the tariff clause In the speech". The paper fcays: "President McKinley has sounded the knell of McKluIeylsra. The aboli tion of tariffs which are no longer needed for revenue or the protection of home industries means the leveling the outworks of the protectionist citadel, and a great victory for free trade. If Mr. McKinley can carry his iflpws It will be a capital thing for Europe, but a still more magnifi cent thing for the States themselves." A COMMANDO Captured Lock, Stock and Barrel by British, Mlddleburg, Capo Colony, Sept 0. (Spl.) Col. Pcoboll's column has cap tuied the whole of Lottor's commando, near Peteisburg. The Boers lost 12 killed, -10 wounded and 103 takeu prihoners. Two hundred horses wore also capluied. BIG CHIEF Arrives In Cleveland For G. A. R. Encampment. Cleveland, Sept. 6. (Spl.) Com-mandei-iu-Chlef Lee Rasslour, of St. Louis, head of tho G. A. It, urrhed In the city today. He will look after G. A. R. matters preliminary to the Grand Army festival to bo held here next week. CONVENT. Typhoid Fever Epidemic Reports Were Exaggerated. Batesvllle, Ind., Sept G.-(Spl.)-Dr. X. Sitka, physician to tho Immaculate Conception convent, nt Ogdensburg, says reports of an epidemic of typhoid fover In the convent havo been exag gerated. There arc now seven seilous cases and several light ones. Tho opening of the young ladles' seminary has been postponed, Now York, Sept 0. Opl.) A mes senger hoy from Butrlll & Stltt, stock brokers, lost a certified check for $100,003.10 yesterday. No trace of the lost check has yet been found. BRITISH Market Overflowed by Supply of Peaches. AH Are Grown In of Last Year It has been conservatively estimated that during the week ending Friday evening, SOOO bushels of peaches have been sold In Akron. Of course, this means that the sales next week will not be so large, as the harvest Is now In Its fulness, and nearly every fam ily has canned laige quantities While It is thought the later varieties will be better the Hi" earlier ones, it Is safe to say the canning season is pretty well advanced. An aggre gate of 5,000 bushels Is anticipated for next week. UGLY TEACHER WANTED- OTHERS ALL GOT MARRIED, Good Looking Young Women Need Not Apply For Position. Fredericktown, O.. Sept 6. (Spl.) The school board of Butler has offer ed a bonus for the homeliest teacher in Ohio to take charge of the primary department there for one year. Ugli ness of person must be the successful applicant's first qualification. Ability as a tencher enters into the matter later If at all. The lady to whom the po- sltlon Is tendered must bign a. contract not to get married until the end of the Admitted That He Kissed Her, But Didn't Like to Hear It Said. Portsmouth, O., Sept. 6. (Spl.) A pecullnr criminal libel case was heard In 'Squire Searles' court at South Webster, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Sarah Wlnkhouse told some of her neighbors that she saw Garfield Cole grove kiss Miss Adelia Lair. Miss Takes Himself Out of Her Way Husband Wants a Divorce. Detroit, Mich., Sept 6.-(Spl.)-Stanley Johns, stage managor and a member of "Tho Gamekeeper" com pany, now playing here, has filed an application for divorce from his wife, whose stage name Is Marguerite Ne Fond of the Excitement Incendiary Fireman Caught. New Philadelphia, O., Sept 6. (Spl.) Robert W. Ditto, a former member of the Now Philadelphia Fire depart ment, was arrested hero and confessed to having been the perpetrator of a largo number of incendiary Arcs that CAUCUSES. Places Where They'll be Held. Democrats Should Not Fail to Attend. The Democratic county convention will bo held tomorrow and the cau cuses tonight should bo well attended. Tho hours are from 7 to 8 o'clock and the places of the caucuses as follows: First ward Central euglne house. Second waid No. 2 eugfne house. Third ward Barnett's livery stable. Fourth ward Booth, at cor. Howard and Bench sts. Fifth ward, No. 3 englno house. Sixth warrt-No. 0 engine house. Seventh tvaid No, 4 engine house, Eighth ward Booth at Intersection Pearl, Wheeler and Grant sts. Ohio, and Prices Cut In Two. Nearly all the peaches sold here ara grown In Ohio, many of them in Sum mit county. The crop on O. W. Hale's fruit farm, along Merrlman st Is estW mated at LGOO bushels. As a rule, the friut Is of good quaU ity, and prices are much cheaper than during this time last year. Then tho liest varieties sold at $2.25 a husbelj now the best varieties are selling at $1.30 per bushel, and the market is overflowed by the supply. It Is estimated that 1,300 bushels ot peaches wll be sold In this city Satur day. school term. Recently the board em gaged Miss Ada Long to teach the prl. ruary room, but shortly after her elec tion as teacher, bhe was married and offered her resignation. Then anothec beautiful young lady. Miss Myrtla Stewart, received tho favorable con sideration of the board. Her marriago closed a little romance a week later. Next Jennie Hall got the Job and a husband at the end of the week. Lair caused Mrs. Winkhouse to bo arrested. Colegrove admitted to an inquisitive attorney that he had kissed Miss Lair many times, but swore that he had not done so at the time and place mentioned. Accordingly Mrs, Winkhouse was bound over to thg grand Jury. ville. Johns says he applies for tho divorce so he will not he a bar to hist wife's progress In her profession. He avers ho loves her with all hia heart and that her affection for him has been turned by a woman well wnown in vaudovllle. have occurred here during tho last six months. He gave no reason for his Incendiary work except that ho liked to see tha people get excited and run to the fires, Ditto was held under $10,000 bond, i VERY NICELY. Kaiser Is Going to be Good to Chun. Berlin, Sept C Spl.) The Kalsefl has invited Prince Chun, tho head o9 the Chinese expiratory mission to Ger many to attend the naval manoeuvres at Dantzlg. . , j " f?TTft.t,a Grands vs Peerless. The Grands and Peerless bowling teams will meet tonight on tho Grand Alleys in a return game, after tho ona played this week on the Howard et alIeys- .x4 Akron Police Invited. Chief Durkln and as many of tha police as can attend havo received an! invitation to participate in the fes tivities of tho Republican campaign opening at Delaware, 0., September " ,' - tri i ifii'-if '---' l,.',ijjf t fc .' .x" uwi.' ..di$Lia VK IH1 ititrnti-ifL jtin3 i ill i-i 1r v