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TWfWB mum jmi mroaara 'v,"i' w aKKON DAILY DEMOOKAT. M0KDAY,, OCTOBER 14, 1001. Mix Becoming accustomed to high grndo 'coffees like S. & G.'s Boston Bleu? you will never be satisfied with niiy common grade. You enjoy every cup you drink. Order It this week. S. & G.s specials for week ending Saturday, Oct 21: 10 lbs lino table Bait, 8c; 5 lbs fine table salt, 4c; "lbs layer tigs, 25c. Cold storago goods in fine shape. 2 lbs cleaned currants, 10c. 4 lbs Golden dates, 25c. Addressed postal cards for the asking. Schumacher & Gammeter 1G4 S. Howard st. CHINA & JAPAN TEA STORE. Both Phones. 520. AMUSEMENTS. AT THE QRAND At 2:15 and 8 p.m., Oct. 16 Finnic Hurt presents Miss I1107. Kormnn, supported by J. Krtuor Crosby jr., and nn excellent com puny In n grund revlvnl of "EAST- LYNNE" All fltnr cast costumes by Iledforn Millions hnve seen It Millions will see It. Mntlnee prices Ail tills i'sc, nil nnits of tho house. Children under 10 yenra old 10c. Night prices 25c, iuc, wc nnu 10c. seoeaaoeaaaaaosttaesaneaasx a A Our Aim Is to furnish skilled work at a nominal price and NOT ra HOW CHEAPLY, but HOW GOOD, it can be made. Our Work Guaranteed. Best Set of Teeth $8.00 Good Set of Teeth $5.00 Open Sundays, 10 to 2. Dr. H. J. Sanders Akron Dental Parlors, office Hall's block, corner Howard and Mnrket sts. FOR SEAMEN. Rev. Hiram Sears Is In Akron Again. Rev. Hiram Sears, of Cleveland, the well-known superintendent of tho Western Seaman's Friend Society for the Lake Erie district, is in Akron again in the interests of the society and spoke in eight of the prominent churches yesterday. Tho objects of his undenominational but humane and evangelical society nro to provide chap els and give the gospel, with Sunday school and industrial school privileges, to the families of sailors, boatmen, wharf and dock men, railroad men, . flshermnn, lumbermen and other work- ing people In tho ports on tho lakes nnd western rivers, and to extend to their families visitation, distribution of tracts nnd prlvato charltes in times of affliction nnd bereavement. The further objects of tho society are to establish temperance boarding houses with reading rooms and suitable read lng matter for their entertainment while in port. Much has been done In these directions, but thero are still a great many ports In the bounds, of tie district reochlug from Allegheny to the Rocky mouutnlns uupiovlded for. The citizens of Akron have con tributed to this excellent cause before and will doubtless do so again. , HAND IN HAND. Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Indigestion me uanu or me rreseni uay -AKron People Knortiie Remedy. There is a condition that n crest many people get into these days not sick aneu auieyto no around but never xeeiing woii-weaic ana tne least exer tion tuckers them out as months go on they become weaker until resist ance to d(sense is practjeally over come. It was dlroctly for this class that Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills .were formnlatod.thcy provided the lack ing element that Is wanted to remove the tioubI.e netvc .force. Mr. D., H. Rowland, of No. 1204 Bouth Main St., Akron, Ohio, says: "Wo havo used Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills with great puccess In a case of nervousness, dizziness, weak ness, headache and Inability to sleep. We feel that kampnrter, druggist on Bouth Howard St., did a fine thing when ho introduced so lino a medi ' cine. In the' case I speak of the med icine gavo rapid, easy results and a julck return to hoalth and n natural order of things." Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve TMIIr nr eold at 50c a box at doalors, or Dr. A. W. Chnso Medicine Co., Buffalo,. N. Y. See that portrait and slgnnturo of A. W. 01mse,.M. D., are .on., ovoryi package. " ' - v" I NOTATALL Steel Corporation Not a Trust. Mr. Sheets lias So Declared. His Reasons Arc-Really' a Joke. Columbus, , O., Oct. 14. Attorney General Sheets holds, that' the" United States Steel corporation Is not-a'trust, and Is therefore not amenable to the one-tenth of l-per-cent tax which tho State sought to collect from It some time ago. It has been a foregone conclusion that Judge Sheets would, come to some decision which would permit the cor poration to escape the paymentof tho tax. Both he ami Secretary' of State Lnylln have felt the Influence of their superiors since, their first attempt to collect the tux due the State from-foreign corporations, and have been look ing for a place to crawl oilt. Tho trust did not help them any In this. Tin- communication of tho Secretary of Stute, relative to the payment of the tux, were ignored. Absolutely no attention was ,pnld to them, and the Attorney General was forced to take the bull by the horns, and frame up an excuse himself, since the trust ofllclals declined to bother with the matter. Sheets states In a written opinion that tho statement made by Mr. Schwab, when one the stnnd recently, that ho nnd his asso ciates do not own a majority of the stock In the component companies of tho trust, nnd do not attempt to Influ ence their action, convinced him thnt tho eoiporntlon Is not a trust, and Is, therefore, not to be attacked either on the ground thnt It Is a trust or forced 'to pay a tax lis a foreign corporation. 3very well-informed man knows thnt tills explanation will' not hold water for a moment, but it is tbo best that Sheets could do. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mpro stimulant to tlrq nature. It affords the stomach complete nnd absolute r6st by dlgestlug tlio food you cat. You don't have to diet but can enjoy nil tho good food you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, instantly relievos that distressed feeling nftor eating, giving you new life and vigor. William Warner. Gem Pharmacy, 113 S. Howard St. DECLARED He Was Robbed While Intoxicated. Story Told Police by a 17-Year-Old Boy. Lewis Homier, aged 17, of 20S Yale st., makes no denial' of the fact that ho was Intoxicated Sunday. In fact tho police would not havo known this had Louis not told them about it. Moreover ho alleges that whilo ho "woozy" ho was robbed of $20, a watch and a ring; again, ho stated that tho articles might, have been taken by companions for enfo keeping. The boy's father says the child may have had $1.50 when he "started out-" NEW FACTORY FOR WARWICK. Large Glass leaking Industry Already Started. Thero have been several reports of new enteiprlses being almost ready to locate at Warwick, O., but thoy were discredited time after -time and final ly came to naught. It seems that 'the hamlet Is about to have n real boom, however, for Russell & Co., of Massllon, have let contracts, for n gluss factory there and tho work1 lins already commenced. Thero will be llvo buildings In eon nectlon with the plant when complet ed, each of them- approximately 40 x SO feet In slzo and two stories high. D. O. Sraltji, whoso sawmills will furnish a great- deal of the timber required for .thd construction of the now factories has received a "first order for 100,000 feet of timber and is busy getting the timber froin growths near Warwick. . The sandstone from which tho glass will bp madois quarried at Warwick; aiul tho new plant, wlion completed will employ more than too men. This Is tho fifth factory .of the -kind Uint the Russell Coinpfuiy-.-has jjuilf-.aiid operated, ,, . ,, Cracks Great Bones r With Perfect Ease. Xq- --j&igarEffgl &ivii& ttyzez'sz?j London, Oct 14, A great attraction at the Zoological Gardens is the new white hyena, a variety never before known. It Is a ravenous cater, but whnt draws the crowds is the demonstration of the marvelous strength of Its Jaws. It crunches great bones flung to it with a single snap, and every time it is fed there is a dcuso throng about Its cage. It can crack tho thigh bone of a buffalo m halves with scarcely an ef CXXXXXXXXXXXXX3COOCXXXXXXXDCXXX3COCOOOCXX)Q j LODGES j ocoooaxocoaxxxooax KNIGHTS OP HONOR. Thero wns a. good attendance at Acme Lodge last Monday night, to hear repoits of the Grand officers of tills stnte, which was very favorable. Tonight thero will bo initiation and nil members arc requested to bo pres ent. The members of Spartan Lodgo are, cordially Invited. 1 MODERN WOODMEN. Akron Cninp held its regular, meeting last Monday evening. Twelve applica tions were received nnd acted upon nnd one stranger was led through tho forest. A sudden attack upon the door cut nil further busbies short and upon Investigation It wns found that tho ladles of Puiltnn .Camp, Royal Neighbors, 'were the Cause of nil tho disturbance. Tho surprise was com-' plete and a welcome, surprise It was indeed. Every Woodman knows that when the Royal Neighbors call, there Is to bo a good time, nnd the absent neighbors had good reason to "turn' green with envy." Coffee, doughnuts nnd sandwiches were served, after which spoech-mak-ing and dancing were enjoyed. x Special, notice should be taken by those neighbors who pay their dues on Saturday even'ng, thnt hereafter the cleik can bo found every Saturday evening at the Surprlho Clothing Store, on South Main st. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OP 'HONOR. Agenda Lodge met Tuesday evening with a good attendance. The drilling of tho team has started out iu, fino shape. The captain wishes every member to make nn effort to be pres ent at the meeting next Tuesday evening. Lodge begins promptly at 7 o'clock. H O. R. 0, Star aud Crescent Commnndery at its last session transacted business that had been layed over for some time, so It behooves overy member to bo present next meeting nnd sec how the new rules work. Tho relief com-1 mlttee repotted all members well. The funeral badges thnt have been piesented to the commnndery are very line nnd Star arid Orescent should feej proud of them. Our next meeting promises to be Interesting. Tho stall of our Supremo officers nro expected Ho lp present nnd tho team will give' nn exhibition drill. Tlio captain re quests nil slstcts that are members of tho team to bo present. . KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAp. Tho winter's work In McPJiersph Lodgo has been taken up In a vigorous way nnd with nn excellent attendance. At thu last convention, by a special dispensation, the first aud second ranks were confetred on two candi dates. Although It was the first work of the. season, tho runty teatns were In excelleiit.shape nudtheiworklfow-dnys In AUvdnlooklfig after the fort; In which connection a quaint fale is told of Doari Bucklnnd. In the eaves of Derbyshire and Devonshire prchlstoilc remains of siiinshed-up bono were found. Ben is wore general ly neeepted as the authois of the de vastation; but Dean Bucklnnd protest ed it was the work of hyenas. To piove hh contention, he kept a tiuije hyena, gave It bones to crack, and compared the fragments with the discovered remains. The resemblance placed all doubts at lest. was exemplified 'hi n very creditable manner, nnd the'c'nptains of the teams received liltieb 'commendation. Next convention, the1'' Chivnlilc rank of Knight will' be'"conferted with full ritualistic work; ' Let an Ktiignis no presont. All 'Visiting knights in the city are cordially 'Invited to attend ab conventions. ROYAL TEMPLARS. Summit' Council; No. 30 will meet this,' Monday evening, lit Foresters' Temple, 215 E. -Market st. A largo 'class will be Inltlnted and "overy mem bni- Is l-oime.stod to be lifesent for bust-1 ness of impel tnuce. Former Rojnl Templnrs wishing to reunite with the otder, nro lequested to communicate with Supreme Deputy Bnehr at the Rostock House. I), of L. Columbia Council will meet nl 2:30 p, m., standnid time at the next reg ular date in older to get the business of tlio council out of the way. By tills means it will euablo nil to go home nnd get their supper and return in tiii)e for Hie ten cent pedro party at 7;30, to which everybody Is invited. Light refreshments will bo served nnd prizes will be given. F. B. D., No 153 Is due. Members of this depart ment come piep.ired for It and remem ber dues must be kept paid In advance to bo beneficial If you are one hour be hlrid when sick or disabled It Will bar j on fi'im benefits. Sister Cora Rodriek wns repotted sick with the grip. Slsteis should visit her,. ROYAL NEIGHBORS. Evening Star Camp met Monday evening with u good - attendance. Every' member Is requested to bo ptos ent this, Monday evening. The ladles' team will drill. The cnplaln will bo ready at 7 o'clock. I. O. F. The Companions of Court Trlde, will give a ninsqiierndo ball for ladles and other friends I'rlduy oVcnlng, Forester hall, L, 0. T. M. Independent Hive sewing society will meet nt the homo of Lady Wood lings, lfil South Summit St., Wednes day Oct. 10, all day. All Indies nto requested to bring their luiiclt. Tim CHEVALIERS. Akron Castle held- nn Interesting meptlng on Wednesday night and the team exemplified the Ladles', degiee. Tl)s'is the Hist time this degreo has been put on Iu "y castle of the otder In aecotdmu'o with tho new ritual, anil It Is certainly n magnificent conception and very Interesting. Akron Castle Is doing nicely and will Initiate a large number of new members-riming tl' Full and Winter. Oltovaller Lyiiris,, one of the hustling deputies of the order,' Isispendlng a. Interests of the ensiles Iicic, Chevalier Cameron has gnm- to com plete he work "In Cleveland In spleii did style and will hold his first meet ing with Unit castle Monday evening. Chevalier F. A. Place In nearly ready to Institute a castle at Kent, and will hn the best people Iu that hustling town iih charter members. He Is also doing some work In Ravenna. Prof. Lowry, deputy at Ashtabula Is securing some of the- best people In thut city and will soon Institute thero. Chevalier Roller Is doing splendid work in building up the castle In Salem, and wo will soon havo 150 members. Mnjor Brugglns of Washington, 'I). C, Is taking good care of the work In that city. A number of applications for posl- t tlons as deputy have been filed, but the Supreme' Secietniy Is making a careful Investigation 'jis to character, standing and ability of every prospec tive deputy, and none but thoroughly good men and women will bo per mitted to represent Tho Chevaliers. Supreme Secretary Stiatton left for his home In Sh'nrou, Saturday evening, aud will move his family bote the first of the week when thoy will occupy their home lecently' purchased from City Engineer Puyne on Beck ave. Supreme Medical Director Caullleld was In Cleveland In the interest of the older and repoits everything moving along nicely in his department. ROYAL ARCANUM. Provident Council will hold its stated meeting Wednesday evening in G. A. R. Hall at 7:30. A fiill attend ance Is requested. Our last meeting wns plentnnt and profitable. Biother Kendall, Grand Orator of Cleveland was with us and gave n very Interest ing talk to tho members present on the growth and prosperity of 'the Older. The Inwease for the past six months being greater than nt any other time In its history. Let us still keep up the good work. Our treasurer having on the advice of his physclan left the city for a short vacation, the members who (leslro to pay their assessment when down town can do so at tho olllco of Bro. Campbell In the Arcade Block. It will assist tho collcctorr In his duties if as many as possible will do so. PATHFINDER. Mlddlebuiy Lodgo met Friday night and two candidates rode tho goat and several applications were received. The committee on entertainment re ported receipts from social last week, and plans for anpher of a different nature were discussed. Akron Lodge -will lmake arrange ments for nn pyste.r supper Monday night. They will have a reception to the newly married ;menibeis of which theio are quite a few, a welcome for the jtew members lntcly initiated and at thesnme time the losing side In the late contest will treat the lodge. Hamilton Lodge was organized at Hamilton, Ohio, during thu past week by Deputy Thomas. This makes ten lodges' Brother Thonins has organized During September the Pathfinder re ceived applications for membership from 40 different cities dfstrlbuted over ten states. Tho Pathllndets In California and West Virginia are very enthusiastic and the new members secured by tlio lodges In these states Indicates the haid work ijone. GRAND ARMY OF REPUBLIC. Buckley Post hnd nn interesting meeting Friday night, the greater part of tlio session being devoted to re marks by the comrades on tho good of the order. The Post has a camp lire under consideration for tlio near fu ture. The sick were all repotted ns Improving, Department Commander Taggnrt was present at, the meeting. Mrs. .7. A. Long presented to Buck ley Post, through Comrade Cutter, a number of letters written dm lug tho War of the Rebellion, by deceased comrade, D. J. Long, which contain much Interesting rending and were received with thunks. Comrade Frank Relfshyder, now of Chicago was given n hearty welcome and entertained tlio Post with re marks. DEGREE OF POCAHONTAS. Ognrccta Council held an Interesting meeting Tuesday .evening. Several visitors were present. Tlio following councils were represented; Wlilto Fawn, Wild Rose and GoldNEngle. Tho fish fry held at Sister Slump's, Wednesday evening Iu spite of tho weather was a great success. Wlilto Fawn Council, No. 20 is going to Cleveland Tuesday evening to visit Golden Kaglo, Council. Tlio ladles-expect to Io.tve on a special A., B, it 0, ear at 4:3Q o'clock. All nietn bets aio expected to attend, as trans pottntlon will bo free of charge. O. U. A. M. Summit Council, No, 10 met Wed nesriny evening, wjtli a fair attend ance. The auditing committee niiirio Its report, aljo tbo social coininliteo mado it pqrtlal. report Ono canrildato was token In 0(0 tblrJ and. final de gree, also pnotraiisfer card was re- Asthma Cure Free! Aithmalcne Bringi Instant Relief and Permanent iHriLLn Ajl Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OP POSTAL ICHAlrlBD t FOR 7ENr There Is nothlngllke Astlimaletic. It brings Instant re lief, even In the worst cases. It cures wlieu ull else fulls. The Rev. C. F. Wells, of Villa Ridge, 111., says: "Your trial Iwttlc of Asthmaleiie received In good con dition. I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for tho good derived from It I was a slave, chained with pu trid sore throat and nstlitna for ten years. I dipnred of ever being cured. I saw jour adveitlsenierit for the cure or this dreadful nnd tormenting disease, asthma, and thought j ou lind ovr-rnpoken yournelM-s, but resolved to give It a trial. To my astonlshimrit the trial acted llkl f-liurf.l (trttwl fTIrt tt full. dive, !.... I.' Wp want to send lo urerv sufferer a trlnl trcntrm.nt f iuthmnlimi. similar to the ono that cured Mr. Wells. We'll send It by mall POST PAID, ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE, to uny sufferer who will write for It even on n postal. Never mind, though you are despairing, however bad jour case. Asthmalene will relieve and cure. The worse your casV, the more glad we are to send It Do not delay. Write at once, addiesslng I)R TAFT BROS. MEDICINE CO., 70 East 130th st, N. Y. City. Sold by All Drugglsti. ceived. Brother Took Is next to pre sent his card. Brother .John L. Hojp made a lasting speech on the good oi the order. Biother Hairlugton Is muk big arrangements for ptogresslvo pe riio und Biother Cuitls says he'll fur nish some music soon. Biother Bor on has left for Michigan and will not bo with us for some time. A good time Is piomlsed those who attend out next meeting. All brothers are re quested to come early next Wednes day night UNIFORM RANK, K. P. Summit City Company, No. CO, meets tonight, and a good attendance Is de sired, as matters of importance will come befote tlio company. .It Is time now for some arrangements to be made for cntcitniuuicnts and socials, ns the season is advancing for social gatherings. Let every member be piesent and make the drills and other meetings mote enthusiastic. The drills are limited to one hour here after, and those who do not wish to stay out late may get home early. Akion company, Friday night, hnd a very good meeting, and next Friday night will have n candidate to initi ate. On Thursday night Akrbn com pany will visit Sicily lodge in East Aktou, marching over in full dress unifoiin, with the' drum cotps, nt 7:30. Thero are several. more pleas ant trips to make before the weather gets bad. W. T. Wesson, Gholsonville, Va. druggist, writes: "Your Ono Minute Cougl) Cure .gives perfect satisfaction. My customers say it is the best rem edy for coughs, colds, throat aud lung tioubles." William Warner, Gem Pharmacy, 113 S. Uowatd st. TEAM Of the Eighth Regiment. It Will Shoot For a Medal at Newark. The rlllo team of the Eighth regi ment, which will compete uniong them selves nnd against tho members of the teams icprcncutiug nil the other Ohio regiment for the Governor's medal at Newark this fall, will report at the Newark range October 15. Four com panies of the regiment, Cos. C, D, I, and L are not lepieseitted In the team. Major A. B. Critchficld,' of, Shrove, will bo Iu command. The other mem bers as selected thus far are: Ser-geant-Miijor Robert Campbell, Ser geant Fted Bacon, A; Private Michael Hipp, A; Rosseau Hos, B; B. F. Bates, C; Captain F. B. Boers, Ej.Otis (J. Stranb, F; Lieut. B. T. Craig, II; James Omen, K; C. M. Eddy. H; Ghailes Shea, M. The alte'rnntes will be, C A. Ovlntt, F; John S. Ber tollette, K; Geoffrey Bloom, M. WALNUTS ARE THE STAPLES. The Other Kinds Are Very Scarce ' This Year. A largo 'number of Akron people were stricken with the nutting fever last week and eaelt day saw wagon af ter wagon and many buggies scouring tlio country for miles mound tho city hi seal eh of hickory nuts, walnuts and especially chestnuts. There were hordes of piosjiectois-out 011 bicycles, too, but their efforts were vain as were most of those of the real hunteis, who ONE BAR of Removes more dirt than two of other kinds, Dpn't use too freely; a. liftle does the best work. h Grocers -sell it, people use it 'IKU. U..ltf. WDI Wp 7Ve Angelo Andrew Paint Gt Varnish Co. 324 South Mixin St. In tlm only vxf-liulvf-pnliiHtore In tlio city. Kverythltig In the pulnt Mm-, I'durnela, bronze, busily imlnts, Ann colon, lirualics, tporme, ready-mixed )niliil, dry colors. All grodea of t-nrrlni;e, liouaound furniture ml."lies. (ilo us 11 call. We vwint jour custom. As much attention given to small orders us lurK" onei. I?te Angelo Andrew Paint & Varnish Co. 324 South Main St Akron, O. Iu IBS g-o 81 h -'T a. .--.. -.. -J,----- A. J. Friess DEALER 111 Imported & Domestic Wines 611 SOUTH MAIN ST., AKROM, 0. Recommended by physicians for medical and table use. R. KATE R. MCALLISTER LADIES' PHYSICIAN. (Registered.) Confidential advice and treatment of all diseases peculiar to -women. Patients taken In confinement. Consultation ireu by mall. If In need of help write at onco. btrlctly private. A -woman best undtrstandi women's needs. .Medicine furnlslied at reasonable rates. Call or address Dr. Kate It. McAllister, cor. City Park and Htewart me., Columbus, O. jtSVHWWVWAWWWWWWl Becker's Candy & News' Saturday, Oct. 12 FRESH PEANUT CANDY All candies our own make. Becker's 122 South Main St 'MiiaTirVlrVMVVWVVVVaAr iaurels I AQamx Tie rsrU Eipoalilop ha m.d the QoM, Mc4sl Award to ' ifi KENTUCKY Oold mtdcta mm caffo SOLD BY WM. WASHER, 144 South Howard st. Akron, Ohio, CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH SAFE AltBtsrtiitbU Lid!!, lUprafcfrt far CIUCIIITlJIt'S JSNGiOMI HKIl an I Gold mcullla Uiu. mU1 iuo homo, j tkeno olfter, Ueniao iceroD hubfttltutlun iuia Imlta Hun. Bujf ef jour UruftjUt orod4e, 14 unifM for )artlMUra. TctUnaUl lttlfef fori aJlt"M Jlftr,bj rr urn Mll. 10,000 TmlmuoUU gaiibr Maatioa tUa yyft. all DruifUtt ta t'alrrirtlrr I annual Co.; UadUon Ftqaure, I' HI LA., 1A. l!ST CURE YOURSELF ! Vri Big u tor uDuatural diflclisrgM.lnllAtDniatloii., Irrltotioiu or ulceration, or ratyootif mectbr.D.4. I'llnfen. and not astriB- rOCREfl Mol wBdftTi, net M atrietirc. UQftriB(ej J rim CeoUllou. mtEvWSCHtimcuCo. " or PoImuoui. Mun,o.HR3. . V .w u, a, a jSsj y "m " w?iy Circular sent ou rwjuost. a went prepared to bring back a harvest Those who went for walnuts wer inoto largely succesful tlinu tho rest for there Is a larger crop of this pan tlcular Mud of dainty than nny othcri Chestnuts are scarce. Trees thaj formerly yielded bushels cannot boasl quarts this year. Hickory trees an also scarce about hero and taken a? a whole, Summit county wll not fur nish many nuts for tills winter. Do you buffer from plies? If so da not turn to surgery for relief. Do. Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will ncl moro quickly, surely aud safely, savi Ing you tho expense and datiger ol operation. William Warner, Gem Pharmacy, lli S. Howard at. y Of Per If lb. JSm WfiW reNTOiTOL PILLS Bl TLs. Uiiclaal nnu Unlr (ienulna. Ersar fr"Mi' W i. t !.. Lr $ 1". f? A&ii?--Jj