Newspaper Page Text
,w $ i By the B. F. Goodrich Company. , Goodyear Co. Has Won Its Suit Thus Far. Chas: R. Flint TalKs About Substitutes. Along the lino of a greater consoli dation of Interests for tlio rubber bus iness cornea a. brand new story which the Bicycling World publishes. It states wlhout qualification' ll'mt the B. F. Goodrich Co. has given an option to the Rubber Goods Manufacturing Co. It scorns probable that the Bicycling World, In tu.iklug this nimounoenvnt, had got . hold of but a portion of tho Information with ref erence to a consolidation nil along the line. The latter story was given on good authority and the only point in it which might seem improbable was with reference to tho Consolidated. Tiro Co. and the Rubber Goods Manu facturing Co. pooling their interests, Some time this Jail, probably, tho ,' suit of tho Goodyear Tlre& Rubber ' Co. vs. The Consolidated Tire Co. will be tried. The Goodyear Co. won a de cided victory in Circuit Court lalely when its attachment on tires wortu ,930,000 was held good. Tho case must now be tried on its merits. The for ,iner hearings have been on tho at tempts, of the Consolidated to dissolve tho attachment. Charles R. Flint' recently said: "I have been in the crude rubber business for 23 years. During vthat 23 years no three months linyo elapsed that conic man has not come Into my office and presented mo a rubber substitute thnt could Jeniafjeipr lp cents a pound, as nguinst the "cost of ranter averaging OQ, cents a, pontic!. , I' have investigat ed every proposed rubber substitute thnt has been presented to me for the past 23 years, and have a laboratory for the purpose of making those inves tigations nt 'the present time. So far iyo have not found n rubber substitute. There are parties using so-called substitutes for rubber; but the prin cipal value of rubber lies in its elas ticity, and so far no substitutes have been found that have any considerable amount of elasticity, and In At end of being called substitutes they ought to bo called adulterants." Quack Medicines Aro tlio long list of useless nnd often in jurious remedies put upon tho Vnrld by iKiiortint preloaders, "nt. Uornnrd Vogotu blu Mils" cliilm no miraculous origin nnil tlia use of the slmplu toots of which tliov nro composed Is ns old us medicine. Tho phlegm, blood iiwl bllo of the body must bo kept pure, In order to Insure health, and this compound jperiites upon stomach, kidneys, liver and skin with thnt object, Modern sclenco hits nover dtscovorod their equul. All druggists soil thorn. GOSSIP Pertaining to the Shows " Coming." t- : State Theatrical Association Is i Making Good. ."Arizona" has been booked for Mon. dny1 evening, Oct 21, nt tho Grand operii house. This Is a fine attraction and the company which comes hero Iias3u8t concluded a successful engago onentin Chicago, "Under Two 'Flags" has beeu ltookcd at' tho Grand opera house for, next Friday, Oct, l6, but It has been can celled by the manugcraent of the house as It has 'been reported to the stato decretory of tha. Theatrical association os being under be standard which Is required. Thls.Js the fourth attraction (which ..hag been barred out of the tato4Vfal' Oils season. The others .were "Casper's Wife," "Tlio King's Favorite," and "A Brecly Time." It Is .probable ihat Modjpska and Inils James will produco their sunipt Ami The Flnejst Cleaner Made Cleans all kinds of glass ware. Bon liver oil. They are not the same ; far fronvit. Scott's emulsion is cod-liver oil prepared for the stomach. Let cod-liver oil alone if you need it. When your physician orders toast, do you breakfast on flour ? , Pure cod-liver oil is hard to take and hard to digest. A man that can keep it down, can saw wood. He thinks he is sick ; he is lazy. We'll tend you a liitle to try It jou like. SCOTT & IIOWNE, 40) Tcitl street, New York. (uous "Henry VIII" In this city dur ing the second week In November. Manager Allmugli has received ad vices from Klnw & Ktlnnger that the 'swell road piece, ".Innlco .Meredith," which was booked at the Grand for Nov. 0, closed tlio season Saturday night, as the business wits unsatisfac tory ai.'tl the company too expensive. A short engagement of high class vaudeville will be at tho (irand thu second week In December. It will be a special engagement at popular prices. Frohmau's "The I.lltlo Minister" Company has beeu booked at the Grand for Jan. 22. This will be a theatrical event W. M. Wilkison will bring Howard Gould and a big cast here Oct. 31, In a decided dramatic success. The orig inal production as played at the Em pire theater will be fibre and Is one of the llncst of tho season. "Willis Granger" and n strong com pany, In "A Secret Warrant" has been booked for Oct 21. WEALTHY WOMAN SHOT . BY HER HUSBAND'S FRIEND. Entered Her Room at Dawn and Firing at- Her, Then New York, Oct 14. Captnin John B, Ne,lson, former commander of va rious United States nrmy transports, shot Mrs. hucy H. Carroll, the hand; some daughter of a wealthy 'Brooklyn merchant, Thursday, and then killed himself by tiring a bullet into his brain. The woman, though badly wounded, may recover. Jealousy is supposed to have caused the shooting. The tragedy took' place at the home of her father, Charles Kornder, No. 70 South Elliott place, a fuhlilonablo locality just oft Fort Green park. Captain Nelson wKs n friend of tho family and had nctqH as & messenger in bringing letters to Mrs. Carroll from her husband, who is In the Phil ipplnes with tho signal corps. After her removal to the Brooklyn City hospital the victim admitted to Acting Police Qaptaln Houlihan, of the Classon nve. station, that Nelson was Insanely Jealous. Mrs. Carroll -was wounded In threo places. One bullet 'entered her left vv-WK'WWW'v-X-X-X'W tAPTJdrttia? rt7VX OBHBv' ...:..ox'sX's.xxK'J,xi,:, arm, and Wo ohersher jeftplde. Acting Captain Houlihan s satisfied that Jealousy is tho proper explanas tlob. He has learned fipiu his etec-i tlvcs that Mrs. Carroll received a'ereat deal of attention tbu( Nelson 'thought she had no' right to accept. When. Acting Pnptutn Houlihan saw Mrn. Carroll at tho hospital, liu wa's, propped up on plljo-yyu, :andsccuied Employes Of Maliciously Tamper ing With Lines. Claim They Want Char ges Against Strikers By Which They Can Avert' a Settlement. Striking Electilcal Workers deny that any of their members have been guilty of tho depredations reported by the managers of tho telephone com panies. Thcyiclulm that if the woik has been dono It la chargeable to tho new em ployes of tho companies. "The new men," said n striker, "would be very opt to do what has been charged to us, with a view to getting us Into bad repute with tho managers. If they can short-circuit lines occasionally, or break a 'phone Instrument, and have the acts charged to us, they believe that their own jobs will bo made more se cure by widening the gap between us and tho mauageis. "I honestly believe that none of our men has tampered wltji the lines; as I said before, If any depredations huvo been committed, they are chatgeable to the companies' new employes." Killed Himself. ,jC:X":X":"X-x:"X":":C' :;-: A3 LVCY ft. CQROt.L fi X, I J to bo In a very weak condition She hesitated only onco,; and that was when Captain Houilhan asked her. whether she had visited Nelson at his apartmpnts. Tho womnni hesitated for a mot ment and then answered; "Yea; I went there by appointment to help Cftpjain Nelson hi his study of the English language." , its an pjm Thinks the wife, to have the wedding rinjt slip rrom tne anger, "bomelhliig Is going to happen." Something Is haphtmn. That ring, could hardly be pulled from the finr;cl when it was" put there a few jiari ago. Now It slips off by its own weight. How thin the fingers have jrown I And the iiiigerB don't grow thin alone. How thin the face is and how thin the once plump form. Almost unconsciously the wife lias been fading and wasting away, 'flic strcnEth givento children has never been regained. Drains which should have been stopped have be,cn neglecttd. That is a common experience with women, unless some friend has shared with them the secret of the strengthening and healing power df Dr. Pierce's 1'avorrte Prescription. It regulates the periods, dries the drams which undermine the strength, heals Inflammation and ulcera tion, and cures female ncakness. It makes the baby's advent practically painless and gives vigor and vitality to nursing mothers. "Words cannot tell how grateful I am for your kind nilvlce and cood medicines." writes Mrs. John Cooke, of Hustings, Northumberland Co , Ontario. " I have hern in poor lienltli for four yesrs back nud this spring got so bod I could not do my work I went to the doctor and he said I hsu ulceration and falling of the Internal organs, but thought I would try your 1 Favorite Prescription.' I took five bottles and three of the Golden Medical Discovery and one slal of Dr. Tierce's relicts, and I can safely sy that I never felt better In my life." A Ladies' Laxative Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets. One bingle, small pellet is a laxative disc. IN OIL FIELDS. Akron Man Has Gone to Beaumont. Mr. Henry Myor, of Grant St., who has been employed as a blacksmith at tlio Star , Drilling Machine Co.'s plant, has gone to Beaumont, Tex., where he will be employed us a tool dresser In tho oil Holds. ' 1 q sX-x-w-w-:-':": m'X-j'W-v ! t X t c:X"X"t,":""'','.'t',:"X':':"X":"X - !,s5 "Do you know of any leuson why 'he shot jou?" OFFHNDni) .AT IIEU WPKDS. "No, unless he misunderstood my fe61tngs. toward him. .Ho was In sanely jealous. A few nights ago I mentioned tmforo him that I had an oiiKnaenient to 'dine. I could tell by -the expression of his face after hear ing tills that li did not" like It. "L woke up at 4 o'clock uud saw him, standing by my bedside. He said ho -vvas going to kill-'me. Then ho flrcd seveial times; and afterward .turned tho pIMo on himself. I bcreaiu. cod and ran out - "I went out with him qulto often liecftuse. ho was. a fr'pnd.,of my hus band's and I saw no harm Jn It I knew that ho waS"n "sickly -man and that ho grow molancholy ' at times from taking morphine and other pois onous drugs. ''How ho Kt Into my room I do ndt know. Ho liad jio latch kejand inimtfhavo coifi lii through tho window." An Old Foundry Building Will Soon be Gone. A land mark is being destroyed In tho tearing down of the brick build ing at Mill and High sts., to make way for the block to be erected by Mr. It. T. Dnhton In connection with tho Colonial opera house. Historian S. A. La no recalls that the building was erected during or boon after the Civil war for foundry put poses and for years was so occu pied by the late Flank Ilownld. Plows und agilciiltural Implements were made tlieie, but newer meth ods of manufacture knocked the profit out .of the foundry and the shop was closed a dozen years ago. For three or four yeats It was vacant. Then the structuie was remodeled and became John L. Iteld's livery bain. Mr. Dobson has not completed plans for' the building he will erect. It will bo three or four Stories high, however, with thioe store looms on .the Mill st side and ollices or living apart ments above. Stricken With Paralysis. Henderson Grlmctt, of this place, was stricken with partial paralysis and completely lost the use of one nrm anil side. After being treated by an eminent physician for quite a while without relief, my wife icconuneniled Chamberlain's Pain Halm, and after using two bottles of it lie Is almost en tirely cured. Geo. It McDonald, Man, Logan county, W. Va. Several other very remarkable cures of partial par alysis have been effected by the use of this liniment It Is most widely known, however, as a cure for rheuma tism, spialns and bruises. For sale by all druggists, E. Stolnbacher & Co., wholesale agents. YEAR'S WORK AT THE NURSERY. Much Good Has Been Done by the Institution. For the year ending October 1, 1001, there were 4,007 children enrolled In the Mary Day Nursery, an average of 14.15 a day. The annual report of the institution shows that the enrollment according to months, has been: Octo ber, 403; November, 401; December, a'JD; January, 302; February, 00; March, HSU; April, 333; May, 443; June, 307; July 453; August, 130; Septem ber, 330. In addition to the legular care pro vided for the childion, n great of clothing has been provided for the families represented. Mothers everywhere praise One Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings It has relieved and he lives of their Uttlo ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws out the Inflammation. The children's fa vorlto Cough Cure. William Warner, Gem Pharmacy, 113 S. Howard st. 7 WMttim&trjmw W B n la'l 1 1 USxt iJNoc. jwv ATT.lkiiirainmTOTwiS.t'T Reliable Dentistry Is the only kind wo turn out. Wo know our work nnd do It well, heedful of our standing Int the community. We Guarantee Painless Extracting and do it free whpn wo make your teeth. Best Teeth (none better) $8.00 Good Teeth $5.00 Got our prices, oil fllllDg before having your work dono; will save you money, NEW1 YORK DENTISTS 148 Sputh Main Street, Akron, O. Dr. Renkert, Manager. Open Sunday, 9 to Gem Pharmacy 113 S. Howard St. Ilipn Pays CASH for y Second-hand ILLLIl Electric Motors. 238 South Howard Street. TEL. 942 Textile Manufacturing Co. Awnings and Tents Horse, Wagon and Floor Covers Gymnasium Matsand Ropes Anything inndo from Canvas, by hand or machine. i People's ) Business hours.... Ko. 737 . Phones ( Any other time No. 803 137 SOUTH MAIN ST. Democrat lUtlldlng. Choice Canes For Old ooid Young, Just Received at ostein's Both Stores. Arcade Block and Hamilton Building. Feople'i 1'liono No. H9. Oinoc Hours ll:'Ham. 1 1 tuSnnilfi losp.m. C C SpEangjlest DENTIST 1504 S. rviain S-fc. Room 2, Coventry Buildin The Northeastern Loan Co. Money Loaned on Collaterals. Business Entciprlfes Promoted. Buy nnd Sell Local Stocks. Financial Agents. Suite 200. Hamilton Build's Akron, Ohio. HEADACHE For a Friend You can find no better than Rentier's beer. It's good beer, rea'l lager beer, noue better. We take special care to make It thnt way. It's handy to have in the house. We deliver It to you just ns good as we make It. Wo tike spe cial care with tho bottling. . THE GEO. J. RENNER BREWING COMPANY Alcrort, O. 1 Al tU ttvg ttartt. 3S that 2U.J ifijrijterfFjraKSJfiEJx B 'i w v m w n1 u iff r i u if r ( jj 4L VM ' it i Jri.f III When we tell you thnt our bot tled beer Is made from the choicest New York and Washington state hops combined with the best Min nesota barley and tho purest wa ter, we are telling you the plain, unvnrnlshed truth. These combinations In an up-to-date biewcry nre bound to make good beer. We cater to 'the family trade arid Jiifct want you to try n ease from us, the rest will be easy. Burkhardf's Brewery, Brewers of High Grade Beer jeF"iioth Phones 239. J. A. KKPJW, O. O. JEtMrvSIC . EVANS.D.O. Osteopathic Physicians. 604 Hamilton Building Graduate of A.S.O. Klrklii. Mo. IIoum 8 ti It mid 1 to.0. Cotuullfitloti nnd ex ninliiutlon Irca. l'tople'a phone 330; 9e Heck 2 TRIPS DAILY 2 Hi clu leave Barbert n :! A. M. und 1:15 P.M. Ltave Dojleitswn s A. M. and 3 P. SI. Special Orders Given Prompt Attention. ED A I F Y IV1 E N I Try Distillers Dried timing, a wonder ful milk producer. Let us sell you mill feed. Peterson l Wright 933-935 S. Main St. Akron Clothes Pressing Si Tailoring Co.' Regular Prloo. Full Bultf, spoiled nnd preyed 75o 0ercout, sponged and pressed Klo Pants, hpotiged and pressed ..... 2So (ilennini; IIubIdoss Hult , j.oo PmiU clenned 1H. T5o Uooili c)loil lor nnd ilelliered to any part of the city. Mull orders Riven prompt tontlon. PeopIO phono 751. Jlell u.10. All IVIlli St, npp. City Ualldlng. Good. Work Both Phones 912. 1063 S..Main St. FOUNDRY, MACHINE and PATTERN WORKS. PATTERN WORK Given prompt attention. Let us rlguro cm vour nm Jolt BOT-t-4 PHONES 561 Why Not Remain at Home? You hare one ot the most completo Photo-EnRrnvlnB Establishments In tho country nt your own door. S. and 0. ENGRAVING CO. 70S PVIIII St. Dr. F. M. Caesixr, DENTIST. 8:riO to 11:30 a. in.; 1 to 5 p.m. 422 Hamilton Building People's Phone 341. Akron, O. Ji' Sfr 1.A w Wkes to want Kefeihatenti at l all klali, tmchajlmptrttdud - H mettle Or to wines. Liquors ana Been 0 iii Tie best wet coed obulniMe rldt i the flh ATLANTIC GARDEN 5 V4 200-202 E. Market st & Prop. T DETTL1NG BROS vi Oysters and Clams AT THE EDSON FISH MARKET Both Phonos itt '''" J Telephone 655 t P. T. McCourt FOR FINEST t Coaches in the City. On cnll nt nil timea. Full Line of Livery. Ait nnahinn tires. Larirost I rnvinc VmiH In tho oltv. Best v ofserrico Btmrttiiteod. Prloes t roasonnble. Both phones. S oc6& r If Vou Wont ..NECK COMFORT.. SEND YOUR SHIRTS AND COLLARS TO AIVIKTFIIO'IN L.AUIMDRV 06 EAST KXUHANHH ST. rhone VM QUO. K. Et'SS, Prop C. Reinhold 'The only manufacturer of ..HARNESS.. In tho city thnt does strictly hand sow uil work. And delor In Hoi so FurnlsMiiy Goods, rnrilngo Trim nilng given spoclul nttuiitlou. 409 South Main Street People's Phone 1314 a'fi . j jj. 7i rts & 4 "Hn ' . .;: fe h . .-dite sa&je4ulSJiH'-. rfj"tg!frjr. cO? iua