Newspaper Page Text
j1. '!' "mi UMJ.UHEBSSJ "PR" 1 i,H" " ' fj AKRON DAILY DEMOCRAT. MONDAY. OCTOBER 14 3U0I ething New Here all the time. Opportunities to get what you are looking foj are daily noted on this page. If you don't see what you want, a small advertisement willput your want before the people. The cost is trifling. Twenty-four words 3 times 25c if paid in advance; 50c if charged. r s 11 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED-A middle ngcd lndy to do light housework. No washing. Emi. Mis. A, ltcrrodlu, 805 S. Main st. 151-153 WANTED Good girl for general housework; small family; good wages. Apply at COO East Market st. Sir. AV. F. Lauhnch. 150-153 WANTED 3 young ladles, good ad dress. Call at Windsor hotel, Mon day evening, or Tuesday morning, before 8 o'clock. It. N. Smith. ,151 WANTED A girl for general house work. Inquire Mrs. I. Isbcll, 211 Perkins st. 140 tf WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Two good boys to pass billsif Call at once. Hotel Pendel ton, 000 E. Market st. 151 TIIOTO ENGRAVERS wanted nt once. Half tone arid lino photograph. crs, etcher, routers and iliilshcrs. Good salaries and steady positions for good workmen. Eclipse Electrotype & Engraving Co., Cleveland, O. 151-153. WANTED 100 coal miners; 50 men at Turkey Foot mine; 50 men nt Magnolia mine. Brewster Coal Co., COS S. Main st, Akron, O. 140-154 LOST. LOST on Market st. a taffeta jac et. .Finder letuin to G. M. Ott, 173 S. Howard st. and receive reward. 150-lo2 LOST A lady's matted gray leather pocket book, containing $11.50. Find er please return to Democrat olllce. 150-152 FOUND. FOUND Tho best placo to borrow money privately on furniture, without removal; easy terms. N. 'M. Berk, 103 S. Howard, both phones. 4-tf FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT-8-room house, 124 N. Union st, all modern conveniences; $30 per month. Apply to Gv W. Grldley, 48 Central Bldg. Tel. 510. . 147 tf . 5 FOR' RENT Three-room house with store room and basement, or six--room, 150 W. South st. 151-153 FOR RENT 7 room house, gas for light, heat, etc. Good cellar, pared street, near street cats. Terms mod crate. Inquire nt 510 E. Buchtei are. or of W. F. Crispin. 151-153 Democrat Liner Columns effect quick exchanges between bargain glrers nnd bargain-seekers. CUPID GAVE THE PASS And the Pier Gates Were Opened. New York, Oct. 14. Frauleln Katho Brandt, the pietty and talented young German net i ess who has been delight ing audiences at Cnnried's since, her nt rival here two weeks ngo, took a very iinhiui' way to announce her en gagement to Heir Albeit Relss, tho Herman t?nor, who Ms to appear In Maui lee (.Iran's Opera company. Truth to tell, Frauleln Brandt did S.iSg3aTt-rVV. iict intend to part with the precious Rcetct. It wns only her great desiio tb meet Ilerr Relss on tho North Ger limn Iiloyd pier yesterday when he Ijuidcd from tho Lulin that led her to fjlve UiQ.ri'nEoiii Sho had no customs IMiss, did not, In fict, know that ono ws, necessary tinXli,.BUft',.wi3 conf rorit- rT -- ' " I Frugal' ' P ;. ft.-!. .Ll mire"" I, !! I I F&R RENT ROOMS. FOR KENT Two furnished rooms, with all modern conveniences. 308 Bowery st. " 147 tf FOR RENT Furnished room with gas und furnace heat , Privilege of bath. Gentlemen preferred. No. 1220 Car roll st. ' 151-153 FOR RENT--Front room, llrst lloor, with private entrance; gas, pleasant locution. Rent reasonable. Board close by. Gentlemen preferred. 108 N. Walnut st. 150-152 FOR RENT A pleasant furnished room on first lloor, near car line, 25'J Carroll st. 140-151 FOR RENT Room 2000 at 120 N, Hownrd st. Newly papered, painted und fixed up. Rent reasonable. En- qulro 131 N. Ilownid st. 10-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS INVESTMENT ?3,500 In vested In a pleafcant and permanent business will net Investor $1,500 an nually. Inquire of Jesse P. Dce.-SIO Walsh building. 14P-154 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Barber chair and outfit, also phaeton, nearly new. Black smith shop and tools for rent En quire at Fountain house, Woostcr ave. ' 140-151. FOR SALE-A good llat-top oak desk. Inquire nt loom 310 Hamilton build ing. 150-152 WANTED-M SCELLANEOUS. WANTED A wall show case, 12 feet In length. Enquire Akron Wine & Liquor Co., 137 S. Slain st, Demo crat building. 151-153 WANTED A lot on West Hill, with in 300 feet of Market st. Must face east or uoith, with all Improve ments. WH1 pay cash and build $3,000 house. Hale & Coates, 314 Everett building. 100 tf WANTED-To buy 3 pool tables, 4x8, cheap for cash. .Addicss C. W. Lcs slter, Borberton, O. 150-152 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANQE-rA farm of 30 acres, with building for house nnd lot In Akron. F. A. Lcesor, Room 510,' Everett Building. 150-152 DRESSMAKING. M.idnm R. A. Avron, Smith Is now ready to receive calls for sowing at home, or by tho day at your home; 25 years' experience. Satisfaction guar anteed. Tailor work a specialty. Room 10S East Center st. Bell 'phono 731, Green. 151-150 ed by a stern-fneed Inspector at tho gate of tho picket fence hat was stretched acioss the pier to keep vis itors trom mingling with pnsscngeis. PRETENDED IT A JOKE. Afterwaid, when her nnlvo confes sion had gained her admittance, she pretended it was all n Joke. Then expulsion In disgrace threatened, and she faced thu 'situation llko u brave little woman. It was duo to the gallantry of Col onel Story, staff fu phk'f, that Kiauleln Biandt was admitted. Before his ar rhal and while the veM'l was being berthed, Mm had pleaded long and enuios-tly with the Inspector, at tho gate., "It Is my bildegroom 1 wish to see, Heir Co'oncl." . "Well," htild thu Colonel, 'drawing a long breath, "I guess we shall lioyo to make nn exception," and ho did. She greeted Ilerr RuIbk rnptuously, but when asked If Iiq whs the bride gtooin, wild It vna all "one lectio joke." When Cql6nel Story told her tho 'illltle Joke," would qxpel her she giew serious, ' ' "Ah, It Is true," ''(.ho cried. "Wo will marry, but not thl year yet." Then she looked at Ilerr Relss, who. understands no Engllj, nnd snw tho wendor In his f ice. She laughpd again and explained to lilni In Clerinan. RALLY DAY. ' Interesting Exercises by Univcr salist Sunday School, Special rnlly oxorcjses wore con ducted Sunday morning at tho Uni versalis! church. Among; the features went music by tho' church orchestra, solos, clnss recltntloiis Und nn ad dicss by Mr. A, T, Kingsbury, form erly superintendent of the KlVst Con gieguttonal Sunday school. Tho rooms wero beautifully decorated with autumn Knives nnd hnryest em blems. ' No such thing ns "sumnipr com plaint" whero Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry Is kept handy. Na ture's remedy for; Jopsoness of tho bowels. " ' WANTED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Wo pay best CASH PRICES for Household Goods. If you wnnt to sell, call us up. ARENSON fc BEAR, 530 S. Mnln st. Phono 102. ' 140-171 MISCELLNEOUS. WANTED Will fetorc upright piano fnr iiho of same. No children. In- qulro at 021 S. Main st, ' Nelson's Mllluery. 150 Colorless and. Cold A Young Girl Deeply Regretted that she was colorless and cold. Her face was too white, and her hands and feet felt ns though the blood did not circulate. After one bottle .of WAL TITER'S PEPTONIZED PORT had been taken (die was the rosiest and healthiest gill In the town, with u vivacity and cheerfulness of mlndi gratifying to her friends. Waltlier's PeptonizedPort . .FREE SAMPLE AT GEM..PHAR- .MA0,Y113 S. HOWARD '.ST., AND' HIMMELMAN'S DRUG STORE, 101 S. MAIN ST. ' 151 BANKS. WHEN SICKNESS COMES, It Is a handy thing to have a bank account to fall back upon Three per cent Interest on time deposits. Separate department for ladles. Central Sav ings bank, corner Mill and Main fits, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE At n bargain, n 7-room house at 32S Yale st, must be sold quickly; easy terms. Inquire 233 South Howard st, Samuel Sauvain. 148-151. FOR SALE Six room house, slate roof, gas for heat and light; large lot; only ten minutes' walk from Hall's corners; $1400; easy terms. New 0-room house, North Hill, near cais; nice shade trees, low price, easy terms. 8-room house, gas for heat ntld light, bath, water and sewer connec tions, one squaro from cornar of Mar ket nnd Mnplo fits., now rented for $10 per month; owned by non-resident, and will sell for $1550; easy terms. C. n. & S. E. Jones, Central Bldg. Phono 452. 145 tf FOR SALE Two building lots near the new Miller school and Fourth Church of Christ. A bargain. Ad dress, Real Estate, care Democrat. 78 tf. FOR SALE Lots at Frultland park. Don't wait until they are all sold nnd then be' sorry you don't own one, but seo Hale & Coates at 314 Everett building. Tel. 773.. Under the Se- Carter's Submarine Stamford, Coun., Oct. 11. J. I;. Car ter, the Inventor, sailed from Ware Island Tuesday night In his mysterious submarine boat nnd has not been re ported since. Whether ho has come to tho sur face at sonic secluded spot, or wheth er ho went to the bottom nnd ins lost Is a complete mystery. A helper named Mornn sailed with Carter. Nobody saw them sail. Their absence was only discovered when an other helper went to tho island. Outer took all his belongings nnd THE INN ANNEX. It Will Not be Completed as, Soon as Was Expected, (Speclnl Correspondence.) Barbel ton, Oct. 11. Tho annex , to tho Barberton Inn will uot bo ready for occupancy as soon ns was 'expect - ed. Tho orlgliml plan wiih to have It piininleted by October, but Mnnatrer J. II. Thrall has stated mat ho does uot now oxpect It to bo toady for oc cunaney much beforo tho mlddlo.of October, Difficulty to securing n&-fj ,' " I ( ' - W 4 ;VN" " , , y A J FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Tho. property on East Matkct st, and on Park st, known us tlio Tulman cstiilc. Inquire ol John 0. Uloomlleld. 101 S. Main st FOR SALE-By G. W. Grldley, 48 Central Olllco Building. Tel. 510. A new house on Nash st, 0 rooms, with commit cellar, attic, sewer,' city water, gas for lighting and heating, also chandelier, $1700. (1 room house. No. 213 Shcinian St., WQll and cistern water and sewer, .$1500. Three ncres of land with house of seven rooms and barn, In good repair, No. 287 E. Noith st, ?2100. 7 room hous-c. 205 Wolf st, $1200. 0 .room house, 104 Yale, $1550. 8 loom house," 200 May, $2700. . . 150-tf FOR SALE By J. I. Bachtel, 188 S. 'Howaid st 'PJione 722. New house, Ciosier st., and two new Baehtel ave. houses, near S. Mnln, each 0 rooms, slate toof, stone foundu Hon. ' Must be sold at once nt unpar alleled 'baigulns. fl neies, Impiovcd, right down town, less than 93,000. Homes and vacant lots In all parts of thoiclty, $1150, gehulnp bargain, 313 Sterling st. Others on S. Main, Coburn, Yale, Howe and Nathan, Wolf, Crosier, Mi ami, Washington and McCoy, Grant, South, Sherman, Mller ave. Bellows, Andrews and S. High. Real Estate and Loans Loans made on good security at low rate of Interest Chas. J. Hazen 802 Hamilton Building For Sale One 5 room house. One. 4 room house. One G room house. These houses ore new and will bo sold on easy pay ments. D. ALEXANDER Hamilton Blook MOVING. The Diokdbn Transfer Co Coal, Transfer and Livory. I'ncklng, Moving nnd Htoilng of Goodi. Couches, coupes mid CmiliiKei for funeiuls, weddings, pnitlcs und callings. Ofllces Nos. 121-125 Carroll St., tel. 300. No. HON. High St., tel. 428. . Exeoutor's Sale. , . --$, Two pieces of- fnrm property. One piece of 24.33 acre's ''ami one piece, the undivided half of 103'acies, lii Green township. For particular?) write C. E. Traster, East Akron Station. Sale, Oct. 20 nt 12 o'clock, iiiojon. Submarine Boat Lost Boat, the Horror. stores, Indicating nn Intention to mako a long voyage. The boat was loaded with fifty-live bairels of H us fuel to make elec tricity. l.lttlo Is known about tho boat ex cept that It is i mi by electilcity, looks like ti great cigar, and Is llfty feet long and Is painted bottlc-gieen, so thnt It Is baioly visible, even when on tho surface of tho sen. Outer has nen working on tho boat fpr two Carter his fold his men that they .were woiklug for tho government. torlol pioinptly was tho cause of do- iy; "I had long suffered -from Indiges tion," writes G. A. U-Dejs, Cedar City, Mo'. "Llko others I tried many prepar ations but neer found anything that did mo good until I took Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. Ono bottle cured me. j A.frlend who has suffered similarity I ' put on tho u'.e of Kodol Dyspepsia ( Cure. Ho Is gaining fast and will ' soon bo able to work. Before ho used Kodol Dyspepsia Cine. Indiges tion had mndo mm a total wreck. William Warner, Gem Phaimiicy, 113 8, Hownrd st. WOOD TURNING HAND-TURNINO of every descrip tion; architects' designs given spe cial attention. E. M. Weygandt, 225 W. Muiket st. People's 'phone 107. Res. 347. 200 tf PACKING AND STORING, WANTED-Paeklng and storing. Fur niture a specialty. Kintz's Furniture Storo, 140 S. Howard st People's phone 042. Sept. 24. 1000 tf DRAWING AND DESIGNING. H. J. BINGHAM, M.B. MACHINE DESIGNING GENERAL DRAWING 21 Aroade Blook ' Akron, O ELECTRICAL. H. C. DAVIS General Bleotrioian House Wiring and. Repair Work. 107 on the VIADUCT RESTAURANTS. BANK CAFE Business Men's Restaurant Meals served at all hours. Fine Im ported and domestic Wet Goods and Wears. Under Central Savings" Bank. JOHN KOERBER, Proprietor PLATING. Smirmit Plating Works 207 Water St., Cor. W. State st. Uudor tho Acino Pattern Works Gold, Bllvur, Nickel, Copper. Brn, Bronze and Oxidizing, Wcyclu nnd Htovo Putting u specialty. All Work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. Your pat ronage Is solicited. Peoples 1'liones KIT and 1114. PERSONAL. Wo do FACIAL TREATMENT; MANICURING, . CHIROPODIST, HAIRWORIC, HAIRDRESSING at the home, or our parlor, 131 S. Howard (up stalls.) I. L. Arnold, proprietress. 150-tf MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN If you need money, you can borrow f i oin us at most reasonable rates and on most favorable terms. P. P. BOCK & CO. 229 South Howard Street 6 Per Cent. Interest on Running Aooounts Paid by the Akron Building & Loan Association, the oldest, largest and strongest savings Institution in Sum mit county. Has paid out over $350, 000 to its depositors since 18S0. Nof has $18,000 surplus as additional se curlty to Its members, besides loaning Its funds nil on llrst real estate mort gage. If you have money to Invest call and Investigate. O. I. BRUNER, Secy. 232 S. Main st HOME FROM WALES. A Columbus Minister Visited Frierids at Thomastown. r , (Special Correspondence.) Thomastown, Oct. 11. Mrs. Lottlo Brewster will leave for Buffalo Tues day, v Mrs. Wetzel of Uniontown ty visiting her daughters, Mrs. Joo Thomas and Mrs. M. Rles'. Mrs. .Too Shaffer and sister, Mnme, and tlie'lrVousin, Besslo Brewsler, aro In Buffalo. Mr. Henry Cioft is homo from the Klondike. F. G. Rettlg nrd son, Chester, will visit Mr. Rettlg's sister, Mrs. Kuitz, nt Cleveland, Suudny. Marshall Ret tlg has gone to Stark county for n month's visit Rev. John M. Thomas has returned from Wales, his natlvo home, and has taken up Ills work at Columbus, O. Mrs. RItter has purchased a lino diivlug horse. Lewis Ockerman, Goshen, Ind: "De Wllt's Lllto Early Risers never bend mo double llko other pills but do their while thoroughly nnd make me feel llko n boy'. Certain, thorough, gen lie." Wllllnm Warner, Gem riinrmaey, 113 S. Howard t I RAILROAD NOTICES. ?20 MINNEAPOLIS AND RETURN. Via Erie R. It, Oct. 8, 0, 11 and 13. Return limit Oct. 10, subject to ex teuslon uutll Oct. 31st, STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE Via all leading lines-at lowest rates. Cook's personally conducted tours. Information cheorfully'glveu upou ap plication to O, D. Honodle, ticket agent, Union depot. SPECIAL LOW RATBS TO BUFFA LO VIA 0, T, & V.-B. & Q. R, R, Everv Tuosda.Y. Thursday and Satur day during, October, 'rickets good six. days, ' To uct ao TWO EUROPEAN CRUISES TO THE MUlTEl(RANEAN AND ORIENT, On fitonmsjiip Augusta Vjptorln, Jan. 22, and WbU'e.Sttirjslonmshlp Cojtle PERSONAL ANSWER THIS Many unhappy suTerers of lNDTGEHTION and DYS PEPSIA In Akron aro dally sending tholr nifprcclatlng unsolicited testimonials In praise of WALTHER'S PEP TONIZED PORT We hare such testimonials by THE THOUSANDS from all parts of the U. S. However, don'J publish flame like many unscrupulous patent medi cine concerns are In the habit of doing In order to catch tho unwary public. All we say Is, WHEN YOU ARE TIRED trying worthless remedies to relievo and euro DYSPEPSIA and INDIGESTION, give Waltlier's Peptou. Ized Port n trial nnd you will praise up a common senso lemedy that will makp you well and keep you well. Tho inly advertisement We can get is by tho old saying: "Tho proof of tho pudding Is trying It" All leading druggists of good Standing only have It on sule. ALL PHYSI CIANS OF REPUTE are prescribing it dally to their weak and convalescent patients, because they know Waltlier's Peptonized Port is a VALUABLE REFRIGERANT AND TONIC for Dyspepsia, INDIGESTION, belching, stomach trouble, diarrhoea, bowel complaints, bad breath, flatulency, impaired strength, WEAKENED VITALITY, hnd SPECIALLY INTENDED for the uso of CONVA LESCENTS. Quarts, $1; pints, 50c, at nil leading druggists of good standing. Sample size 10 cents. WE INCREASE OUR REWARD FROM 100.00 TO $250.00 REWARD r, SI1 teas pALTHEgi ifeilt For satisfactory EVIDENCE against any registered druggist In Ohio who tries to evade a legitimate sale of "Waltlier's Peptonized Port" by trying to persuade a customer to take something else which he claims Is better and by running down the meritorious virtues of "WALTHER'S PEPTONIZED PORT." -THE WALTHE R-BOBERTSON DRUG CO., Pittsburg, Pa. Wholesale Druggists. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATORS AT GEM PHARMACY, 113 S. HOWARD STREET, and HIMMELMAN'S D RUG STORE, 104 S. MAIN STREET. 150-tf MONEY TO LOAN. TO LOAN $200, $300, 500, 5700, $S00, 31,000, $1,200 and 51,500. J. I. Bach tel 188 South Howard st 'Phone 722. 105 tf DEPOSITS 3, 4 AND 5 PER 'CENT INTEREST Paid on certificates of deposit and savings accounts. LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE ON SHORT NOTICE, AT PREVAILING RATES. THE UNITED STATES BUILDING AND LOAN CO. Paid In capital and surplus. $550,000. By W. O. MARPLE, Secretary, Treasurer. Buchtei Hotel building. COAL. A. D. ELLIS j - Moving Vnn, General Team I .flPi.l lngBiidTraniferrlng. Parcels V-V-H-OX an( Trunks delivered Tran sient and Boarding Stable. , Team nnd driving horses for snlo. Office and Stable. 228-280 W. Mar ket St.. both phones No. 257. BRUSHES AND BROOMS. CASPER ZINTEL Manufacturer of all kinds of BrusUdi. Orders promptly uttoiided to. IK B. MAIN BT. AKRON. Feb. 8, 1002, also tour to West Indies, Spanish Main, and Mexico, on steam ship Prlnzesslu Victoria Luise, Jan. 4, and Feb. 8. For booklets, ciicu lars, and reservations call on or 'phone C. D. Houodle, ticket agent Union depot, Akron, O. ANOTHER REDUCTION PAN AMERICAN RATES. Via Erie R, It, commencing Satur day, Oct. Dth and every TucMluy, Thurhdny nnd Saturday rae to Buf falo and return 'will bo $3.0.", good re turning live dajs froiri'lTiftO." Trains leave 1:08 a.m., 0 a.m. and S:54 a.m. $20.2.-j NEW YORK AND RETURN. Via Erie R. R., Sept. lfith to Oct 20th. Tickets good 20 days nnd good going and returning via Buffalo. Probably every child cherishes It against his parents that they, once-gave him a calf, and kept the money when thev sold It Atchison Globe. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO, CREDITORS. State of Ohio, Summit County, ss. No. 10515. i ' In Common Pleas Court Gottlclb V. Soltz, Plufnttrfff. a. Wllllum G. Seltz, et nj Defendants. Tho undersigned receiver duly ap- nnlnted In tho above entitled action heieby notifies the creditors of Seltz nnd Lambaelier that all claims wlilch they hold against Seltz nnd Lam baelier shall bo presented to, him for nllownneo or rejection on or beforo tho 20th day of October, 1001. Said claims shall bo presented to mo or to J. V. Welsh, Attorney, a,t his ofllee, Walsh block, S. Main street;, Akron, Ohio. , 0. KOOH, RocQlycr. Monday Sept 30, Oct 7-14. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Estate of. Josephlno Koerschuer, Deceased. Tho undersigned has been appointed by tho Probate Court of Summit coun ty, Ohio, as executor of the estate of Josephine ICoerschncr, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate aro re quested to mako Immediate payment; and all persons having claims against said estate nro rcQuostod to present tho Bamo for allo'wanpo or rejection. FREDERICK E. KOERSOHNER, Executor, Dated this 28th day of September, A, D., 1001. Sept 80, Oct. 7-J4, jJtfSONAL. GRAINS. PEED AND FLOUR Best quality of baled hay, corn, oats, and ground feed, chicken feed, oil meal, etc. Best pi Ices paid for grain, etc. BOTZUM BROS. 218 North Main Street MEDICAL That Poor Bed-Ridden Invalid Wife, Sister, Mother or Daughter Can be made the picture of health by a few bottles of Waltlier's PeptonizedPort Will you let them suffer? when so easily cured! FREE SAMPLE AT GEM PHAR MACY, 113 S. HOWARD ST., AND HIMMELMAN'S DRUG STORE. 1C1 S. MAIN ST. 151 ABSTRACT OF TITLE. The Bruner. Coodhue Cooke Co. Oldest Abstract office In the county, , Established 1670. Our experience grirantees a correct Abstract cf Title. Prices reasonable. Prompt service. 215 South Main st Phone lo. AKRON MARKETS. ffheso prices furnished dally by L. Kryder & Sons ) BUYING PRICES. Wheat, per bu., 70c. Rye, per bu., 50c. Oats, per bu., 35e, 37c. Corn, ciacked. cwt, $1.5U. Middling", per cwt. No. 1, 1.15. Ruin, per cwt, 05c. Timothy, No. 1, baled, per ton, $10. $11.00. , Wheat htraw, baled, per ion, $5, $0. Timothy, per bu, $2.25, $2.50. Clover seed, $4.50, !?5. SELLING PRICES. Oats, pet bu.; 40c, 43c. Corn, ear, per bu?, 34e. Hay, bated, per cwt, 70c, 73c. Straw ba'ed, per bale. 50c. (These prices furnished dally by Jns. Christy Jr. & Co.) Gieen calf hlde, No 1, per lb. Oc. Green beef hides, No. 1, per lb., 7c. Sheep pelts, 1510. Tallow per lb, 4Vc. (These prices furnished .dally by Armour & Co. Sugar cured hams, ll'l to 12ie. Skinned hams, 12itc. California hams, S& Clear bacon, 12c to 12c. Dried beef. 12e to 15c. Simon puie lard. In tierces, llc. Country kettle lard, In tierces, 10H- Compound laid, 8c in tierces. 00 lb. tubs c over tierces. Dressed beef, 0 to 8Vc. Dressed calves, O'aC to 10c, Dreshcd sheep, 7c to Oo, Dressed hogs, Sc to 8Jic. Cattle, live, $2.50 to $5. Calves, live, ?4 to $5.50. Sheep, $3 to .fl.75. Hogs, $0.75 to $7. Spring Iambs, dicssed. Oc to 10c Sprlug lambs, live, 4Vc to 5VC-C "N (These prices furnlshod dally by Gpo. D. Crumrlne.) BUYING PRICES. Eggs, strictly fresh, per doz., 10c, Chickens, live, per lb, 8c to 10c. Butter, country, per lb., 20c. Potatoes, per bu., 70c. RETAIL PRICES. Eggs, strictly fresh, per doz., 23c. Chickens, dressed, per lb., lie to 10c Butter, erenmeiy, per lb., 27c. Butter, country, per lb, 24c. Potatoes,, 25c a pic. .Hi V I -i e V.1 "V Js.Vt-.ii a A- ij-I W .aJl. vJlats