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ISn -. vmfF4 AKRON DAILY OCRAT. r VOLUME 10 NUMBEft 154 AKRON, OHIO, THUBtfOAY (2VEX1KU, OCTOBER 17, 1901. PItlCE ONE CENT. DEM REFUSES To Pay Miss Stone's Ransom. Prominent Actors In the Story of Miss Stone's Abduction. N. R. STEIMER I D E A D Consul General Dickinson Claims to Have Made a Discovery. Says the Macedonian Committee Instigated and Planned the Whole Affair. Constantinople, Oct 17. (Spl.) Con sul General Dickinson, of the United States, positively discovered that Miss Stone was abducted at the instigation of the Macedonian committee, has re fused to pay the ransom raised by the United States and demanded by the abductors. If the charges against the committee are proven, the Turkish government may be held lesponslble for the safety nnd the deliverance of Miss Stone from the abductors who are holding her for ransom. Tho fact that the Macedonian com mittee may be found to be responsi ble for tho abduction will receive the Bulgarian government from all re sponsibility and Involve Turkey In New York Girl Too Swift For Professor From Greece. New York, Oct 17. (Spl.) Zachar-j is, professor of Applied Sclenco at the College of Chens, Greece, arrived hero Tuesday from Europe and' today he is searching for a coy maiden -who relieved -him of $000 in a 'tenderloin resoit. Tho, professor wandered into the Sa Crusade Against Long Skirts Started In Indiana Town. Richmond, Ind., Oct 17. (Spl.) David P. Whelan, a city aldermnu, has announced that he will present an ordinance to city council next week prohibiting tho wearing" of trailing Used Tobacco a Century Death of Historic Character. St Joseph, Mo., Oct 17. (Spl.) Mrs. Ann Taylor, one of the historic characters of this city and State, died MEW TERMS Have to be Made With Hungary. Austrian Rcichsrath Must Con sider Them. Vienna, Oct 17. (Spl.) The Relchs rnth assembled this morning. The most important business that will come be fore this session will bo tho uuange- ment of new terms of union with Hun gary. The political outlook lb gloomy as tho unruly elements in tho Uelchs rath arc again likely to bring business to a standstill. BOTH PARTIES Unite In Denying Authen ticity of Carnegie's Letter. New York, Oct 17,-(Spl.)-Tlmt Carnegie letter, in which the million aire Is made to say that ho did not Etand for Tammany, is repudiated as a forgery by both parties. Last night Eeth Low, at a meeting In Carneglo hall, said: "At tho meeting which I addressed last night a letter was read purporting tp have been written by Andrew Carneglo to a peisoual friend. I know nothlna of tho letter or tho intention to read It Naturally I as sumed, wheu tho letter was read, that it was authentic. From 1at I havo learned today, I bellovii it was not authentic." complications with the United "States that may menace tho integrity of tho Umpire. It was rcpoited n week ago that tho chairman of the Macedonian commit tee was short of funds and that ho liad engineered the iilan that resulted lu tho capturo of tho American mis sionary. It Is even Intimated that other otllclal5; of the Turkish govern ment may be found to bo Implicated In the scheme. AVhen the rcpoit was first comment ed on, the oltlclals at Washington ex pressed tho opinion that If tho guilt of tho lnembcrss of the committee was pi oven, It would be exceedingly unwise to pay the lantern, as tho suc cess of this vcntuie would doubtless result In other attempts at abduction. voy music hall and woa persuaded to buy drinks for a few girls. When he returned home he found his wallet gone. When the .police told him he had been robbed, ho said: 'They were Indies; they surely did not find 'it, they were so nice, so sweet and as truthful as angels." skirts by women while on tho streets. Mr. Whelan says the ordinance is to bo introduced in behalf of certain peoplo who claim that skirts are tho gatherers of dlsoaso germs. yesterday, nged 110 years. For mora than a century sho had been addicted to the use of tobacco and liquor. LAST TRIAL Cresceus Will Again Try to Beat His Record. Columbus, O., Oct 17. (Spl.) Tho great Cresceus will make a final at tempt to loWor his own record of 2.02 at tho track hero this afternoon. Ketcham says the horse was never In finer condition. A light rn,ln foil last night and thero Is a raw wind. SHOCKING Testimony Against Diss De Bar. London, Oct. 17. (Spl.) Shocking was tho testimony against Madamo Diss De Bar and Jackson today that tho police had to take extraordinary precautions to preveut the mobbing of tho prisoners'. Daisy Adams, a 10 yoal old victim told how she was tak en in undor piomlao of being educated and instructed In religion, and was ruined. HIGH PRICE FOR STOCK. Now Yolk, Oct. 17, (Spl.)-Two blocks of Lake Shoro stock, together amounting to 300 shaies, were sold on tho New Yoik stock exchange yes terday at tho. record price of ?300 a shiuo. Tho Inst previous sale of a full Jot of tin's stock was at $250 on July 1&, fcvr;'7,n v-jsvi. Af-srivv. zzt .wr.riT,; ' -ar i.i vrrrJiiZf,A-ii-Z"-ti "?, u, "istz, f 4 -w w Miss Ellen M. Stone, the captured missionary, and her mission house head of the Board of Foreign Mission arles and Prince Ferdinand the Rolev of Macedonia committee was Instrumental In abdncting Miss Stone, and Consul tho ransom of $110,000 may cause mo st serious trouble. UNITED In Commending Schley.- Wednesday's Witnesses Say He Was Brave. Captain Concas, of the Maria Teresa. He Will be Asked ,to Tell About the Battle. Washington, Oct. 17.-(Spl.)-All tho witnesses who testified yesterday, and they were olllcers who served with Schley, had the same story to toll of his 'bearing while under fire. It was to the effect that he was cool and1 courageous, nnd wholly fice from ex citement Theie does not seem to bo any testimony to confirm tho oplnloiv of Lioutenaut Fotts, of tho Massa chusetts, that on May 31 Schley was laboring under gieat mental exclto- inent or that he advised tho olllcers to get behind tho turret because vtlier white uniforms inado them conspicu ous targets. Thero is a probability that Lieuten ant Potts will bo recalled lu 'order that he m u examined more In de tail rcgu ji i Schley's alleged conduct on that d.ij Several of tho witness es who lm uilled to Schley's bear ing on thai anion were at hla. sldo throughout ti. engagement, , An effoit may bo made to got be foro tho couit a description of tho battlo made by Captain Concas, of tho Maria Teresa. Ofllcers of tho Brooklyn havo said that tho loop was made, In part at least, to pioveut that vessel from be ing rammed by tho Teresa. A num ber of tho Judge Advocate's witness- es testified that tho Teresa held stead lly to tho westward and did not turn towards tho Brooklyn. Captnlu Con cas says that Admlrul Cervora's or ders contemplated ,tko ramming of tho Brooklyn, and that two efforts were inado to cuiry them out Tho first ut- I teinpt was foiled by the Brooklyn's loop, uuu wueu me Beconu uueiupt wns made, the Oregon and Iowa In terfered. .If admitted to the record, this will .sustain tho evidence of the Brooklyn olllccis. ROOF FELL And Crushed Four Miners to Death. Scranton, Pa., Oct. 17. (Spl.) A fall of roof coal caused the death of four nion In tho Klondike mine of the Del aware Ac Hudson Company, at Aieh bald yesteiduy afternoon. They are Patrick Ncalon.assistaut mine foreman; John Healey, miner; John Kearney, miner; and Matthew Drughcr, driver. A car had tun down a piano in the mine, jumped the track, and knockeu out a number of piops. The three men In ehaigo of Foreman Ne.tlon wpro replacing the props when a groat slab of rock fell, killing them instantly. THREE NEW Battle Ships Will be Asked. Navy Will Want Much Money This Year. Washington, Oct 17.-(Spl.)-The es tlmates for the navy for tho year end ing Juno !10, HKW, wero made public at tho Navy department Wednesday. Tho total amount is $08,010,084, against $77,021,r:!5 "appropriated for the current jiiir. The chief Increase1) aro $2,000,000 for construction, ?2, 000,000 for armor, and $120,355 In tho appropriation for yaids and stocks. Secictaiy Long, In speaking of tho estimates, Mild that they wero made with duo ii-giiid for tho needs of thu navy, and Intimated that they had tho approval of tho Admlnlstiatlou. Ho spokovof tho Increased cost of the navy and said that tho building of a battleship costing $5,000,000 was not tho end of Its expense, as Its mainte nance was u'iy costly. Theso Chtliuates, ho said, did not cover any lecommemlatlolis for In creaso of tho navy over that aheady authorized, but it Is nioro than likely tho Secretary will recommend throo new battleships nnd two armored cruisers and u number of small gun- PniNCt ve Bulgaria at Samokovo. Dr. Samuel Capon, Bulgaria. The rt!covpry that the General Dickinson s refusal to -pay Or Nothing For Wants to be Vindicated Entirely. Will be Removed From Sing Sing Soon. New York, Oct 17.-(Spl.) Roland B. Mollnoux, whoso conviction of the minder of Mrs. Kato J. Adams was revei ied by the Court of Appeals, will he returned to the Tombs from Sing Sing pribon today or tomorrow. Mullneux was asked yosteuliiy after noon by members .of tho State Par don Board, who happened to bo near his cell, If It was tiue Unit ho wanted a new trial, so as to bo vindicated. He replied: "Yes, that Is niy wish nnd my father's. Nothing but nn ac quittal will satisfy mo now. I would lather bo In this cell than to go out on ball." DEAD AT THE ROADSIDE. The Body of Frederick Foust Was Found Thursday. Mr. Frederick Foust, a well known citizen of Summit wns found dead by tho roadside, a mile east of East Lib eity Thursdoy moiiilng. He had left his homo Wednesday evening to go to a neighbor's on an errand, and seemed to be lu good health. Heart disease caused his death. Mr. Foust was nearly 00 years of ago, and leaves a wife and daughter, tho latter, Mrs. Dean, lives In Akron. Ho was a brother of Alexis. Jqsuph and Jacob Foust. 'It Is a remit) liable coincidence that Mr. Foust was on his way to secure singers for tho fimeral of Mrs. S. Gouglor when his death occurred. The funeral wll bo hold nt 10 a. m. Sat urday. The Weather: FAIK TONIGHT AND FIUDAY. FREEDOM The Closing Chapter a Useful Life. Akron Has Lost a Good Citizen and , Many People a Friend. Xi It. Stelner Is dead. Tho city of Akl'olt at large has sustained a great iCsa and those who knew hiru have sustained : sonal loss which can not bo rep Mr. Stelner had been a resident ..kron a little less than twelve j of. a, out In that compara tively siioit time he had won a fore most pl.iee In all that had to dd with Uio advancement of Akron and tue welfare of Its people. N. It. btemer Is dead. The grievous information van told Thursday in tones of deep, bluccrc rogiet and from Jouth Akron, which knew him and loved him, to the utteimost limits of tho city, Uiere were woids of genuine boriow as tho news Vias, learned. At his home at West Maiket st uud Oakdale ave. Mr. Stelner died .it about S o'clock Wednesday ev ening. He had been sick bince early in June. Ily his nearest associates his death waf not unexpected, but to the general public It comes as a sudden, most painful surpilhe. Through all his long Illness Mr. Steinur hlmbelf, and hlu fileudb at large, belleed he would lecover lu time, and bo about energetic, pushing, cheerful and kind ly at. of old. But thoe who knew tho fears of his physicians realized that MR. N. R. thero was little hopo and however deeply grieved, were not surprised to learn that he had passed beyond. No one of Mr. Stelner's several great projects so thoroughly claimed lite attention as did Kenmore. In that he saw tho undertaking of his life. His heart had been In It for years and Astor Played Engineer Piloted Fast Mail Train Chicago, Oct 17. (Spl.) Colonel John Jacob Astor, of New York, lost tho role of millionaire and took up that of a locomotive engineer for a shoit time. With blue Jean oveialls and buckskin gloves tho colonel sat on tho right sldo ht a locomotive cab and piloted tho fast mall on tho Lake Shore load. Ho took tho fast mall, technically known as -"train No. :t," at New York nt 8:15 o'clock Tuesday morning and enjoyed tho luxury of sitting up nil night In a day coach. Ills rest was frequently broken by Uio swaying of of when the plan had talten definite shapo and wiw ready to be pressed forward to a succebfcful consummation, he gavo much of his tremendous energy to it Muny days last winter and in tho raw, damp days of early spring, ho was upon Uie ground. In slush ana snow and rain he helped In the di rection of the work, and It was thero that his Illness began. His fine, ro bust health gave way before an at tack of rhcumatNin which affected his heart and by the first of June he wa3 ill. Few times afterward did ho go to his oliice and after June 24 he wa-J there but two or three times and then for only a few minutes. His illness developed various Early hi August he was able to drive .out and every other day waa In his carriago for at least a short time. He felt bet ter and stronger later on, but not withstanding, grew weaker and hl3 dally drhes were given up. At no time did Mr. Stelner loso courage, however, and ho believed ey? en In his worst attacks Uiat he would master his sickness eventually. Ho had spoken even recently of going fo dally drlvos to become more hardened to endure the Inclement weather of the fall and winter. But Wednesday STEIN ER. morning ho sank rapidly. It wast feared that he would die. Later, ho was better and sot up to read a news paper. In the evening ho grow very faint and ask that ho be fanned. Ills breath enmo with more and more dlf (Continued on second pago.) tho train, which often attains a speed of over 80 miles an hour. Whon Elk hart was reached at 0:05 o'clock this morning, the colonol decided to com plete tho trip on Uie engine. Out of South Bend thero Is a fairly strafghg stretch of track with a light down gnado westbound. Tho engineer in vited his guest to "tako the reins," and the Invitation was coupled with! another to "push her along," Tho colonel accepted both Invitations, From South Bend to LaPorto a dls tanco of 20 miles, Uio now cnglncrs made tho distance In a U'lllo undeq 20 minutes. ft1. .Ai Jtji&A kmAfdfcM&mik'ii