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Akron daily Democrat. [volume] (Akron, Ohio) 1892-1902, October 21, 1901, Image 5

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lij X ' (
Plant Which Will
Cost $75,000.
W. & B. Company Is
Branching Out
Its Rubber Business Is
Already Large.
Consolidation Plans Arc Still
', Seventy-five thousand dollars will
bo fepent by the Whitman As names
Manufacturing Co. In putting In a
plant to make uibbcr belting. Tlio
dcpnilineut l occupy tho quarters
1 vacated by tho foiglngs department
wftich was removed to Chicago.
Tho Whitman & Barnes Co. Is
LDoken of as one of the concerns likely
It. bo 'Included In the consolidation
plaus, but Irrespective of that fact It,
Is going ahead, adding more and'jhoio
to Its rubber lines and becoming a
greater ' power. The fact that
tho factory, as a lubber s i
been less heard of than a number of
otheis, Is icspoiiHlble for the Impres
sion that It Is n binaller concern In
this lino than' It 'really is. lis rubber
sales last year are said to linvq
amounted to something like ?tiOO,000,
or about a thhd of the entire sales of
tho company. Us manufactured lines
aie already quite extensive, Including
both solid and pneumatic tires, mat
ting, bands, jar rings, packing, horse
shoes, grain drills, spouts and many
smaller articles. In the making of
bands tho W. Si B. people are said to
be in tho lead of all other Akron
fnctorlqs. k ,
It would nottbe nt all surprising to,
see In tho Whitman & Barnes shops
within a year or two a rubber plant
whose bales would run ery much
moio than n million dollars h- year.
4 There Is ,Htt1o new in tlio consolida
tion plans. Supt. Woik of tlio Good
rich Co., Is si 111 In tho East. Man
ager F.' A. Solbcillng, of tlio Good
year Co., has returned from New Yoik
and It Is known that his business there
was not In relation to tho consolida
tion. Willie it still looks as though
the plans would go through, It may bo
that only the Goodrich and the Din
piond will Include.
A deserved promotion has come to
Mr. H. A. Barnhardt, of The B. F.
Goodrich Co., and in a few days he
will give up tho position of bookkeeper
to become a traveling salesman for
that company.
Mr. Will Rutherford, of Denver,
manager of the Goodrich branch theie,
lias been In tho city for a few days
to attend tho meetings of traveling
salesmen of tho company.
Mothers everywhere praise One
Minute Cough Cure for tho sufferings
It has relieved and the lives of tholr
little ones It lias saved. Strikes nt
the loot of the troublo and draws out
tho Inflammation. Tho children's fa
vorite CcAigU Ciiro.
William Warner, Gpm Pharmacy,
113 S. Howard st
Devotes His-'. Spare Time to the Raising of
Belgian Hares.
Mr. I. S. Myers has a taste for stock
raising. lie- has raised chickens, tak
en fcaro of and watched tlicmi person
ally with varylug success, but his la
tcsti departure has been a novelty and
by tho Interest ho takes, In the work
anJ ilvo caro ho takes of his stock It
Is an Industry that Is worthy of suc
cess. Mr. Myers Is nn owner arid breeder
of Belgian Hare. At his hotno on
North Hill he has neatly 100 of tho
pretty creatures, of vaiylug sizes and
ages and Intends to continue to raise
them until ho can at any time place
fioni 400 to COO on the market.
Attracted by tho possibilities In rais
ing Belgian hares and the glowing
reports that ho hall received from
others who weio making the expert
incnt, he bought three a year ngo uud
started In tho business tor. himself.
Since that Mtnu his stock has in
cieabed to nearly 100, and ho )a emi
nently satlsllcd with the lcsults of his
Ills reasons for embarking In the
Industry are as follows, according to
his own words:
"Tho meat of Belgiuu hares is a great
dainty. The flesh Is liner than that
of the ordinary mbblt and lacks the
strong flavor that always goes with
the game article. Belgian hares grow
to considerable size and weight and
aio not hard to raise If method is used
The Chevaliers of Akron are adding
new members nt overy meeting, Much
Interest Is being manifested In tho
work nnd arrangements .are, being
made for a series of flno entertain
ments. At a meeting of Cleveland Castle,
Mr. A. I Burke, of 745' E. Mndlson
:lve.,and who is employed In the ollice
of the treasurer of the Lake Shore rail
ioad, was elected clerk of tho CasUe,
to succeed O. T, Price, resigned.
A fine teceptlon nnd entertainment
will be given by Youngstown Cas
tle, No. J, October 22. Some of tho
llnest musicians of tho city will par
ticipate and addresses will bo mado
by Mayor Brown, of Youngstown, Su
piemo Counsellor Dayton A. Doyle ana
Suptcuio Secretary P. D. Stratum.
Ravenna Castle, No. 0 .will give an
Oyster supper and entertainment on
Wednesday evening, October 23.
O. R. C. and K. of O. It. O.
Owing to bad weather last Wednes
day evening, tho meeting of Star and
Crescent Coininandory was poorly at
tended but those who were bravo
enough to nttend the meeting were
well received. Tho Supremo Com
mander was present and while ho did
not say much on tho good of the' order,
he attended to th6 duties of Utoso who
ought to havo been at their post.
Tho team did no drill at last meet
ing but sisters bo suro to bo on time
next mooting. Drill starts at 8:30
o'clock. It is with 'sorrow that wo
report that Sister Crook, has by death,
lost her daughter, aged 23, after an
Illness of 18 months' Brother Man-
dcrbach, our commander was absent
Racing Auos. With Which M illionaircs Contest Against Time.
HENRI tfoyRNIElT n 7";
and caro taken of them.
"I figure- that tho hnres can bo raised
for the same price that would bo re
quired In tho raising of an equal num
ber of chickens. Tho meat of tho hares
will sell for more than that of chick
ens nnd I will bo ablo to get rid of a
good many of them myself, If there Is
no ready market for them. The skins
mo stroug and' tho fur heavy, so that
I may bo abfo to sell the pelts to mak
ers of fur garments. A good sized,
full grown Belgian bore will weign
more than eight pounds, and I nm
veiy well satlslled with the success
of my venture up to this time.
"Thus far the demand has been con
lined, to animals for breeding purposes,
but companies havo lately been form
ed to can the meat nnd tho demand of
the future will very likely bo along
that lino, and for tho skins."
Tlie feed or a Belgian Is grain and
hay, oats being tho staple.
A reporter who visited Mr. Myers'
homo Sunday found him giving the
pretty animals their weekly , tonic 'of
green eutnlp. This Is practically the
only gieen food that they receive, yet
all of them seemed to be fat and In ex
cellent condition. Mr. Myers Is exper
imenting along several lines and his
object Is to breed hares that will be
as largo as possible. Ho Is much
Intel ostcd In their habits and peculiar
ities nnd gives them a great deal of
his attention.
. m ...,.. ..
fioni the meeting, not on account of
the rain. Ho lost the wfmi n,tt r.c
his blcyclo tiro and some tramp stole
his pump.
Tlio lodgo will meet next Friday. It
Is to hold an apron salo In its hall.
Sisters bring your aprons and furnish
for the kitchen.
Purltnn Camp held Its regular meet
ing Thursday evening. Two applica
tions were leeched. Visitors from
Oak Leaf Camp, of Kent, nnd Even
ing Star Camp, of Akion, were pics
ent. There will bo no regular meet
ing Oct 31st, but In its place will be
held a Hallowe'en social to which all
friends nro Invited. The team will
glvfi n fancy drill, something new.
You will miss a treat If you fa to
see It. All ofllceis and members of
tho team nro tequested to meet Titer.
day oveniug, Oct. 22nd, nt Neighbor
Jackson's homo on Bioadway to mnl,a
Unal nriangenients for the social. Tlw
next regular meeting will bo held Nov
Ogateeta Council will meet In tegular
sleep, Tuesday night. All members
try to bo on hand. We hnvo ouo pale
face who wishes to learn the myster
ies of our degree.
L. 0. T. M.
Busy Beo Hive, No. 35 will meet
Tuesday evening, October 20 in K. 0.
T. M. hall. Thero will be initio tion.
Woodland Hivo from Cleveland will
bo with US. also our Ornnf r!mmn.i,i
' Emma S. Olds, from Elyrlo, All Busy
Remember a fifty cent bottle !
of Scott's Emulsjon given in
proper quantities will last a
baby fifty days ; a child six or
seven, thirty days ; and a child
of ten or twelve, twenty days.
It's a very economical medi
If the child is sickly, without
appetite, it will nourish and
bridge it over until it can take
its usual food.
For delicate children withou
any real disease, it can be used
with splendid results.
We'll tend you a little to try, If you Me.
SCOTT & 110WNE, 409 Teirl street, New York-
Bee Hive ladies tutn out and help fur
nish supper to the Cleveland ladles
at 5:30 o'clock. The last term of dues
for this year must: bo paid by tho
lust. Of October and assessment No.
57 for life bcnellt members must bo
paid by the lnst-of this mouth.
Protection Hive, No. CO had an oyster
supper nt their hall lobt Tuesday even
ing. The attendance was large and
the entertainment enjoyable. The llfty
ladles at flrst table, weio supplied with
subjects with limit of one tnlnuto for
response. Each ludy responded, with
witty or Instructive remarks. The
committee and ofllcers were pcimltted
to choose their own subjects. All were
pleased with the result. Only one of
all preseent declined. This lady said:
"Knowledge Is power, and I not hav
ing the knowledge, have not tho power
to talk this evening.
W. V. R. U.
Lincoln Union met with a full at
tendance nnd transacted considerable
business. Owing to so many of tlio
oiHcois going to Chicago to attqnd tho
National Convention, our next meeting
will be held Thursday, Oct. 31st
A report of the comentlou will be
given. A full attendance Is desired us
business of Interest will coino before
us 1 In regard to our winter's , work.
Delegates to State convention In Do
llance, Nov. 13, 14, will be elected.
Thb lodge iieid Its meeting hi For
esters' hall last: Monday evening and
a largo number weie Initiated.
Lodges of th Pathlliuler were or
ganized nt Seltria, Ind., and Talladega,
Ala., last wook."Wlnfleld, Tex., Rett
Bluff, Oil., Parltersburg, W. Va., and
Humbolt, Tenn. ' The lodges each se
emed enough apiilicSttons to make good
Bro. Davles, state manager of Penn
sylvania, Is again' In the harness and
promises to secure many new Path
finders dining tho coming winter.
Bro. Hard reports good woik in
Cleveland and Bro. Pllkey a lino in
crease in Ashtabula and Conneaut
Supicmo Organizer Pfeiffcr spent a
few days the last week, at Ada, O., in
tho Intel ests of tho order.
Many Patlillnders attended the fu
neral of our late slRter, Louisa Crook,
Thursday afternoon. Sister Crook was
rt social member of Aktou lodge but
for many months hud been unable to
nttend our meeting on ncount of de
clining health. Her mother, Mis. Bessie
Crook, has always been a 'faithful, act
ive member.
There Is no need for us In this
small space, after all that has been
published to call attention to tho loss
of our beloved Supreme President N.
R. Stelncr. The order loses In him,
ona of Its chief promotors, a faithful,
enthusiastic member whoso 'strength
.. 2 " v vif
' Providence, Oct. 21. More than 5,000
persons weie proscnt nt tho opening of
tho' races of tho Rhodo Island Auto
mobile Club nt Narragansott Park, do
splto Indications that there would bo
a downpour of rain at any minute.
And the downpour camo while Mr.
Founder was racing on his tcn-uillo
run. Ho had to Btop at tho third mile,
nrl ibit races wero nostnoned.
Tho event In 'which tho spectators,
' J v-?
wriB iippatont In every department of
our work, whose foresight and good
Judgment huvu brought silicons to
many an en term loo and had much to
do with placing our order where It
stands toduy. Everyone associate.,
with Brother Stelncr must feel the In
fluenco of his life. We feel that wo
hnvo lost a counsellor, a brother, ana
everyone In need, a friend.
.Agenda lodgo met Tuesday evening,
with an unusually good attendance.
Four applications were received. Do
not forget the Inducements offered for
now members. Remember We have
only two more regular meetings, be
fore our union meeting. Agenda wants
to mako a line showing on Nov. 10.
After routine of business the captain
drilled tho tcilm for somo time.
We will hold a special meeting for
drill on next Tuesday evening. Let
every member of the degree staff bo
present at this meeting, and ns many
of the members as possible, as wo
have a great work to do In a short
time .
K. OF P.
McPhersou Lodge at the last conven
tion conferred tho chlvalrlc rank of
knight in full form and in this work
the new regalia was used forthe first
time. This regulla Is very neat and
tasty and proved to be very well adapt
ed to tho work, ahd pleasing to tho
team. The unusually good attendance
was supplemented by a number of
brothers from Clevelnnd nnd Cuyahoga
Falls. Co." No. 21, U. It. K. P. made
tho lodgo a visit In full dress with a
full line of otiiccrs and acted as es
cort to Major Siegfried and staff.
They kindly nsslstd In exemplifying
the work and being in uniform they
added much to the imprcssiveness of
the scene.
Columbia Council, No. 21 meets for
the business meeting at 2:30 p. m. Oct.
24, to get through with the business In
time for an entertainment In the even
lug by tho good aud welfare committee,
which will give a pedro party. The
meeting will bo called to order prompt
ly If a quorum Is present This will
allow time for all to go homo for
supper and return to the hall at 7:30.
Members having propositions to pre
sent should remember the time Is at
the business meeting. We are all re
minded of our anniversary and that
we may have a whole lot of company,
Let each one take this affair Into ser
ious thought and do all that tney can
to make November 7th a success In
every way. F. B. D., No. 103 is due.
Sister Corn Rodrlck was reported sick
at Inst meeUng.
Acmo Lodge No. 35, last Monday
night had a large attendance. Some
of the membeis of Spartan lodge being
piesent wero Invited to take part In
the cciemony. The goat kicked some
but the candidate was plucky and held
on manfully. After the initiation the
members of Spartan lodge were called
upon for rematks and made some that
weio very Interesting, regarding the
good done by tjie money that had been
paid out to Its widows and orphans.
A diaft for $2,000 was sent last week
to McKces Rocks, Pa., to Mrs. Mary
Oorbett, widow' of John R. Corbett,
who used to llvo In this city.
Ono week from tonight tho members
of Acme lodgo will return Spartan's
visit. All members aro luvlted to at
tend. It's a mlstno to Imaglno that itching
piles can't be cured; a mistake to suffer
a day longer tlian you can help. Doan's
Ointment brings instant relief and
permanent cure. At any drug store,
50 cents.
J' "S.V " -!
h "i
many of the'm "mllh'omilres, fool: tho
greatest lnteiost was, 'that In which
Henry Fournler hopetj, to break the
world's ton-milo xfCord) Ho arrived
eaily nnd announced himself In tho
best of trim. (
There was considerable disappoint
ment becauso William K. Vnnderbilt,
Jr., was unablo to hnvo his "Red
Demon" Ju tJtno to coiftest for honors
with' Foxhall Keen.
Asthma Cure. Free!
Asthmalene Bringi Inst&nt Relief &nd Permanent
' Cure in All Caiei.
There Is nothlngllko Asthmalcno. It brings Instant re
lief, even In the w orst cases. It cures when all eli
The Iter. O. F. Wells, of Villa Ridge. 111., says:
"Tour trial bottlo of Asthmalene received In good co
dltlon. I cannot tell you how thankful 1 feel for the
good derived from It I was a alac, chained with pu
trid sore throat and asthma for ten years. I despaired of
ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the euro
of tills dreadftU and tormenting dlsvate, asthma, and
thought you had ov orspoken yourselves, but resolved to
give It a trial. To my nstonlshment the trial acted
like a charm. Send roe n full-size bottle."
We want to send to every sufferer n trial treatment of Asthmalene,
similar to the ono that cured Mr. Wells. We'll send It by mall POST
PAID, ABBOLTJTELY FREE OF CHARGE, to any sufferer who will
write for It even on a postal. Never mind, though you are despairing,
however bad your case, Asthmaleno will relieve and cure. The worse
your case, the more glad wo nrj to send It. Do not dolay. Write at
once, addressing DR. TAFT BRO S.' MEDICINE CO., 78 East 130th st,
N. T. City. Sold bj All Drugglttt.
If You want your
and want a medicine that Is not dangerous, ono that contains no
cocaine, onp that will not cause sore gums. Come to us. Physicians
can endorse It We warrant our plates to fit and look natural. No
extra charge for extracting when we make your new teeth. Our
price, $8.00 for best lecth, can't be beat All other work at lowest
prices consistent with flrstclass work.
148 South Main Street, Akron, O.
Over Standard Hardware Store.
Dr. Renkert, Mgx. Open Sunday, 9a.mto 1 p.m.
Peoples Phone 794. " Evenings until 9 p.m.
nfifl j KfrTi '
PVLVn wm g A&yjiv9Mmi5M . ituipt. we Ul tead yo rx, oil of our hu H
W 111 positively extract your teeth without the le
nain. Made fresh ever.v day at our office,
A fine set teeth 35.
uncling wnon Dest leoin
Wo offer this week another car of
straight winter wheat flour at
a sack. This flour Is guaranteed to
glvo satisfaction.
Shnll place on salo today 75 crates
of eggs at
a doz.
Come Early as They Are
Going Fast.
Ndan Bros.
Leading Grocers
301-303 Mill st. Akron, O
Both 'phones. 370,
wwwwwwy www1
The Angelo Andrew
Paint & Varnish Co.
324 South Mcun St.
Is the only exclusive paint store
In the city. Everything In the
paint line, enamels, bronzed,
buggy paints, flno colors,
brushes, spongos, re'nity.inlxeil
paints, dry colors. All k nicies
of carrlugo. house mul Jurnlturo
Mirnlslioa. Gleusnca!l. Wo
want your custom. As muoli
uttcntloii given to sin nil ordors
ns large ones.
'The Angelo Andrew
Paint & Varnish Co.
324 South Main St.
Akron, O.
i iMmmapAmamB0m0tmfmMmJs I wom r-nortasqp " "
'Twixf the Glass and the Lip
there will be no delay when the glass
contains our beer, with its rich, palat
able flavor. It Is pure beer, the only
beer you should drink, and there Is
no exception to Its purity or its at
tractive qualities. It's a good beer
to hae in the house.
OO Best set made $S.OO
sets 2. BO up.
S. Alain S-
Open evenings. Sundays 10 to 1. No charge (or palnleca ex
are oruerou.
Our Aim
Is to furnish skilled work at
a nominal price and NOT 5
HOW GOOD, it can bo
Our Work Guaranteed.
Best Set of Teeth ?.$8.00
Good Set of Teeth $5.00
Open Sundays, 10 to 2.
Dr. H. J. Sanders
Akron Dental Parlors, office
Hall's block, corner Howard and
Market sts.
Telling the Truth'
When v.'e tell you that our bot
tled beer Is made from tho choicest
New Yoik anil Washington state
hops combined with the best Min
nesota barley' and the purest wa
ter, wo aro telling you tho plain,
unvarnished truth.
These combinations In nn up-to.
date brewery aio bound to make
good beer. We cater to the family
trade and Just want you to try a
enso from us, tho lest will be eay.
Brewers of
High Grade-Beer
CTBoth Phonos 259.
Oysters and Clams J
or nortwtqp
1 H
il k

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