Newspaper Page Text
10- w77,; rl U FREE WANTED FEMAIE HELP. iAV ANTED Eight or ten good girls; steady work, good wages, tit the Akron Insulator Co., S. Akron. 152-157 iW ANTED Waitress House. at Emplro 157-158 (WANTED A good, competent girl for general housework. Inqulio at 106 N. Prospect. A. K. Brewster. 157158 (WANTED A housekeeper,, middle aged; a' good home for tho right par ty. Address John rjevo, Br., Moga dore, O. 157-153 t (WANTED A good cook; also dish washer. Inquire at Star Dining Hall, 310 Mill st. 157 WANTED 25 girls Immediately. The Werner Co., Akron, O. 151-150 FREE WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Two good men for short order work in luuch room. One good man for lunch room with experience. 115 E. Market St. Sam E. Whltolaw. 158-100 YOUNG MEN for Unllwny Mnll Clerks Intor-btuto Corros. Inst., OodivrRnpUls, In. 150-180 WANTED Ten boys to distribute circulars. Apply at M. Loner's, at 1 o'clock this evening. 157-5b WANTED Glass cutters. Mfg. Co. Goehrlng 157158 WANTED Four slate roofeis and four helpers. F. E. , AVoods, 114 Tcarl St., Bell phono 102. 157-15S (WANTED Caipenters at new Opera House, good, long job. High and Mill sts. 157-15S WANTED At once, man with expe rience to take chargo of farm with stock. References required. AViu. Zeller, 208 Glemvood ave., city. 157-158 WANTED Collector and manager, at COS S. Main st. 157-158 WANTED Good messenger boys.wlth wheels. Apply at American District Telegraph Co. 1150-15S FREE WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED Position as housekeeper, widower's family preferred, by mid dle aged woman. Address "0," box 147, Sharon Center, O. 157-158 iWANTED-Position, a good German washwoman to go out washing. Ad dress W. Long, 703 S. High st. 157-lflS (WANTED-Positlon by boy 10 yeais old, insldo preferred. Can make himself generally useful. Address, Homer, care Democrat. tf FOUND. FOUND The best nlaco to borrow money privately on furniture, without removal; easy terms. N. M. Beik, 103 S. Howard, both phones. 4-tf Try tho Democrat's LIuer Columns, Walther's -1 Peptonized Port LEGAL NOTICES. TIMES FOR HOLDING CIRCUIT COURT A. D. 1902. Btato df-Ohlo, Eighth Judicial Circuit. It Is ordered that the tlmo of tho beginning of tho terms of the Circuit Court of tho several counties in said circuit for tho year 1002 bo fixed as follows, to-wlt: Cuyahoga county on tho 13th day of ffnnuary and tho 20th day of October. Summit county, on the Mth any of LAprll and the. 22nd day of September. Lorain comity on tho 28th day of April and tho Oth day of October, Medina county on tho 5th day of May and tho 13th day of October. Bald terms to liefiln at p o'cloclt n. m. Bept 17th, 1001. I II. J. OALDAVHLL, ' JOHN 0. TIALB.r 1 - U. U MARVIN, ..Mt-V''') j "-Judges. Fm LLSnB Q rHIH H hmH LBLLLLLLH k7iIH H RH b9w ItH LOST. LOST Pockctbook containing grocery bills. Ileturn to Democrat and re ceive reward. 150-158 LOST A Dnughter of Liberty pin, be tween Opera-house and 110 Furnace st. Finder please lclurn to tho above nddiess. ' . 150-15S FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOU RENT-8-room hou&o, 124 N Union st., all modern conveniences; $30 per mouth. Apply to G. W. Grldley, 48 Ccutial Bldg. Tel. 510. 117 tf FOIt RENT 7 room house, gas for light, heat, etc. Good ceUnr, paved street, near street cars. Terms mod crate. Inqulro at 510 E. Uuchtel ave., or of W. V. Cilspln. 155-157 FOR RENT A six room house at 120 Silver st; all modern improvements. Inquire1 on premises or 175 South Main st. 154-150 FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, with all modern conveniences. 308 Bowoiy st. H7 tf FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms. Inquire 107 Livingston ft. 157-150 FOR RENT Room 2000 at 120 N. Howard st. Newly papered, nalnted uud llxed up. Rent reasonable. En quire 131 N. Howard st. ' 10-tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. AA'ANTED Thoroughbred Dncbs hound, female preferred. Address B. B., care of Oils olllce. 15(1-158 WANTED A lot on AVest Hill, with In 300 feet of Maiket st. Must face east or north, with all lmnrovit ments. AVH1 pay cash and build $3,000 houso. Halo & Coatesf 314 Everett building. 100 tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE-A CO-gnllon milk route, horse, and wogon, etc. Address "Good Route," euro Democrat 153-101 WANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. AVo pay best- CASH PRICES for Household Goods. If you want to bell, call us up. ARENSON As BEAR, 530 S. Main st. riione 102. 4 doors nort3h of Buch tel ave. 110-174 CLOTHES PRESSING. Akron Clothes & Pressing Co. Regular Prloe Full suits, sponged and pressed.. 75c Overcoats, sponged and pressed 50c Pants, sponged and pressed 25c Cleaning business suits $2.00 Pants cleaned 75c Goods called for and delivered to any part of tho city. Mall orders giv en prompt attention. People's phone, 754; Bell, 8530. 411 Mill St., Opp. City Building Democrat Liner Columns effect quick exchanges between bargalu givers and bargaln-seekeis. a. xiowaru at. LEGAL NOTICES. SHERIFF'S PROCLAMATION FOR GENERAL ELECTION, TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOA'EMBER 5, 1001. The State of Ohlo.Summlt county, ss. To tho Qualllled EJoctors of Summit county, Ohio, greeting: AVhereas, By tho Jaws of tho stato of Ohio, providing for holding nnd conducting of htiite. judicial, legisla tive and county elections (seo sections 2,007, 2,078 nnd 2,(170 of tho revised statutes of Ohio, and tho 'acts amend ntory theroto) It Is made 'the duty of tho sheriff of tho countyrto' glyo no tice beforo tho tlmo of Jiojdlng a gen oral election, by proclamation througn out his county o tho tlmo and ploco at which sucu elqctlbn shall bo holden, Theiefoie, in pursuance of law, , FRANK G. KELLY, 'sheriff, of Sum nilt county, Ohio, do Jieroby proclaim and malto known that on TUESDAY, NOV, 5. A. h., 1P01, 1 IT that being thoTucsflny nex$ after tho llrst Monday in .Npve'mber, nnd Is, by the constltutipn. nnd hWa pf tn,e stntp of Ohio, (ho apijalnterj day 'on,, which tho qualified elec(arjLJof" saiil Summit ., rl,l of.t.11 AJ it -I- .,. "t"';) vm."! "t'Rfi'MFT't IHWTir TO' AJtKUJN JJAILY DEMOCTBA'r. JMUJSDAT. OCTOBER 21 J 001 , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR 'SALE Two building lots no'ar tho now MllleV school and Fourth Church of, Christ A bargain. Ad dress, Real Estate, care Democrat fi8 tf. FOR SALE Six room house, slate roof, gas for heat and light; large lot; only ten minutes' walk from Hairs' corners; $1400; easy terum. New 0-room house, North Hill, near cais; nice shade trees, low pi lee, easy teims. 8-room house, gas for heat and light, bath, water nnd sewer connec tions, one square from corner of Mar ket find Maple sts., now rented for $10 per month; owned by non-resident, and will sell for $1550; easy terms. C. II. & S. E. Jones, Central Bldg. 'Phono 452. 145 tf FOR SALE-Lots at Fruitland park. Don't wait until thoy aro all sold and then be sorry you don't own one, but seo Halo & Coates at 314 Eveiett building. Tel. 773. FOR SALE Or exchange for city piopeity, 27Mi A, with buildings and oichard. 150-158 FOR SALE by G. AV. Grldley, 4S Central Savings building; phone 510: 8 room modern house, May st, on ly $2700. 0 room house, 104 Yale st, $1550. Now 0 room house, Nash st, $1700. 7 room house, 205 AVolf st, $1200. 3 acies of land, good house, 287 E. North st, $2100. 0 room house, large lot, 213 Sherman St., $1500. 5 room house, lot 74 feet front, "127 Sherman st., $1250. 7 room house room on lot for nnother house, 400 AA'nbash ave., a bargain, $1300. 15(1 tf. FOR SALE The property on East Market st, and on Park St., known as tho Talinuu estate. Inquire of John C. BloomUeld. 104 S. Main st FOR SALE-By J. I. Bachtel, 183 S. Howard st. 'Phone 722. New houso, Crosier St., and two new Bachtel ave. houses, uear S. Main, each 0 ro'oins, slate roof, stone founda tion. Must bo sold at once at unp'ar alleled bargains. 0 ncies, improved, right down town, less than $3,000. Homes and vacant lots in all parts of the city. $1150, genuine bargain, 313 Sterling st. Others on S. Main, Coburn, Yale, Howe ond Nathan, AA'olf, Crosier, Mi ami, AA'ashlngton and McCoy, Grant, South, Sherman, Mller ave. Bellows, Andrews and S. High. For Sale One 5 room house. Ono. 4 room house. One 0 room house. Tlieso houses nro now and will bo sold on easy pay ments. A. D." ALEXANDER Hamilton Blook A Valuable Refrigerant and Tonio for Belohing, Stomaoh Trouble, Diarrhoea, Bowel Complaints, Strength, Weakened Walitv and Speoially intended Spooial Demonstrators and Free Sample at John Lamparter & Co., 188 aau n.auimann .Bros., zoz a, JAowara, cor. yuarry. LEGAL NOTICES. spectivu townships, wards nnd elec tion pieclncts, at their usual nnd prop er places of holding elections, between the hours of 5:30 o'clock a. ui. and 5:30 o'clock p. 111., according to stnudard time, of said day, and proceed accord ing to tho provisions of said law to ote for the following otilcers, to-wlt: STATE OFFICERS: Ono person for Governor of the St,ato of Ohio. Ono person for Lieutenant Governor of the State of Ohio. Ono pcroou for Attoinoy General of the SUite of Ohio. One person for Judgo of tho Su premo Court of tho State of Ohio. Ono person for Clerk of tho Su premo Court of tho State of Ohio. Ouo person for Stnto Treasurer of tho Stato of Ohio. Ono person for Member of State Boaid of Public Works, of tho Stato of Ohio. JUDICIAL OFFICERS. One person for Common Picas Judgo for tho Second Subdivision of tlio Fourth Judicial District of tho Stato of Ohio, composed of tho counties of Summit, Medina, and Lornlu, LEPISLATIVH OFFICERS. J Onol person for State Senator for Akron people who want to employ male or female help, or wfio desire employment, may make their wants known Free of Charge t Democrat's Liner Columns This offer begins with the edition of Monday, Oct. 21, and will continue until further notice. Business Announcements under these heads and alj other classified adver tisements continue at regular rates--r24 words, 3 times, 25c in advance; 50c if charged. AVAIL YOURSELF OF THIS POPULAR WAY OF MAKING KNOWN YjQUR WANTS, -'.:.. FOR SALE IjEAL ESTATE. Real Estate and Loans Loans made on good security at low rate of interest Chas. J. Hazen 802 Hamilton Building ENGRAVING. WHY NOT REMAIN AT HOME? You have ono of the most complete JPhoto-Engrnvlng Establishments lit tho country at your own door. S. & O. EngraA7ing Co. 705 MTU. STREET GRAINS. FEED AND FLOUR Best quality of baled hay, corn, oats, and ground feed, chicken feed, oil meal, etc. Besf pilces paid for gulu, etc. BOTZUM BROS. 218 North Main Street MOVING. The Dickson Transfer Co Coal, Transfer and Livery. I'ncklng, Moving nnd .Storing ot G001K Coiiclics, coupes and Ciurrliiifei (or fuauruts, Killings, parties nnd culling!. Olllces Nos. 123-125 Carroll St., tel. 800. No. 110 N. High st., tel. 428. J COAL. A. D. ELLIS Coal Moving Vnns, Uvnenil Team llii;iiii(T,lriiiis(errliiB. I'm cell find li links delivered. Turn- stent nnd Hoarding Wtubb Tenm nnd (hiving horaoR for kiiIo. Offloe and, Stable, 228-230 W. Mar ket St.. both phones No. 257. RESTAURANTS. BANK CAFE Business Men's, Restaurant Heals served at all hours. Fine Im ported and domestic Wet Goods and Ugnrs. Under Central Savings Bank. JOHN KOERBER, Proprietor ABSTRACT OF TITLE. The Bruner. Copdhue Cooke Co. Oldest Abstiact office in the county, Established 1670. Our exporlcuco'-'Brirantees a correct Abstitict. cf Title. Prices reasonable. Prompt service. 215 South Main st. Phone lb. BRUSHES AND BROOMS. CASPER ZINTEL Manufacturer Ot nil kinds of Urustiti. Ordeis promptly utteuded to. 168 S. MAIN HI'. AKRON. PACKING AND STORING. WANTEU-I'acking and stoilng. Fur niture a specialty. Kratz's Furniture Store, 140 S. Howard st People's phono 012. Sept. 24. 1000 tf BANKS. WHEN SICKNESS COMES, It Is a handy thing to have a bank account to fall back upon. Three per cent Interest on time deposits. Sepaiato department for ladles. Central Sav lugs bank, coiner Mill and Main sts LEGAL NOTICES. the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-sixth Joint Senatoihil District, composed of tho counties of Summit, Portage, Ge auga, Lake and Ashtobula. COUNTY OFFICERS: Two poisons for Stato Representa tives for Summit county, Ohio. Ouo person for Prosecuting Attor ney for Summit county. Ohio. Ono person for County Auditor for Summit county, Ohio. Ono person for County Surveyor for Summit county, Ohio. Ono peison for County Commissioner for Summit county, Ohio. One person for Inllrninry Dliector for Summit county, Ohio. In testimony whereof tills proclama tion Is given under royyhnml nnd seal, otllclnlly, at the Sheriff's olllce, in tho city of Akmii, county of Summit nnd State of Ohio, this Ot.h day of October, A. D., 1001. FRANK G. KELLY. Sheriff of Summit county, Ohio. Oct 21-28-Nov 2 BLUNT. Pastor Says He Does Not Approve Y. k C A. Massillon, O.. Oct. 21 Promoters of tho Young Men's Christian asso BaBHm MECHANICAL A. ADAMSOlSr , FOUNDRY, MACHINE and PATTERN AVORKS. PATTERN WORK Glen Piompt Attention. Let us Figure on Your Next Job. Both Phonos 581 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS INVESTMENT $3,500 in vested In a pleasant and permanent business will net investor $1,500 an nually Inquire of Jesso P. Dice, 310 AValsh building. 110-154 DRAWING AND DESIGNING. H. J. BINGHAM, M.E. MACHINE DESIGNING GENERAL DRAWING 21 Aroade Blook Akron, O WOOD TURNING HAND-TURNING of every descrip tion; architects' designs given spe cial attention. E. M. AA'eygandt, 225 AV. Maiket st People's 'phone 107. Res. 847. 200 tf PLATING. Summit Plating Works 207 AVator St., Cor. AV. State st. Under the Acme Pattern Works Gold, Bllvqr, Nickel, Copper. Brass, Bronze nnd Oxidizing. Jtlcclu nnd Htovo fluting nspeclnlty. All Work gunranteed. Work culled for mid delivered. Your pat ronnge Is solicited. Feoplos Fliones 617 and lilt. ELECTRICAL. H. C. DAVIS General Eleotrician House Wiring and Repair Work. 107 on the A7IADTJOT MONEY TO LOAN. M03STEY TO LOA2T If you need inouey, you can borrow fioui us at most reasonable rates and on most favorable terms. P. P. BOOK & CO. 229 South Howard Street DEPOSITS 8, 4 AND 6 PER CENT INTEREST Paid on cert 1 flea tea of deposit and savings accounts. LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE ON SHORT NOTICE, AT PREVAILING RATES. THE UNITED STATES BUILDING AND LOAN CO. Paid in capital and surplus, $550,000. By AV. O. MARPLE, Secretnry, Treasurer. Buchtel' Hotel building. 5 Per Cent. Interest on Running Accounts Paid by the Akron Building & Loan Association, the oldest largest and btrougest savings Institution In Sum rait county. Has paid out over $330, 000 to Its depositors slnco 1880. Now lias $18,000 bin plus as additional se curity to Its members,, besides loaning Its funds all on first real estate mort gage. If yon bavo money to Invest call and investigate. O. I. BRUNER, Secy. 232 S. Main st Try the Democrat's Liner Columns, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bad Breath, Flatulency, Impaired for the use of convalescents. Walther s Peptonized .Port elation for Mnsstllon received a ser ious discouragement from Rev. L. II. Burry, pastor of tho Lutheran church ono of tho largest In tho city. Mr. Burry had been expected to do morj than any other pastor to uld the woik. But ho spoke to the commit teo thus: "These associations ndvo cato a fulso kind of unionism. Tho Y. M. O. A. dpubtless has somo good features, but I do not approve of It" 0. M, Phelps, Forestdale, Vt, says his child was completely cured of a bad caso of eczema by the use of De- AVItt's AVItcli uozei Biiivo. Uaware of all counterfeits. It Instantly ic lleves piles. AVIlllam Warner, Gem Pharmacy, 11? S. Ilowaid st. Fine Pan American Soiiverlr Coffee Spoon Tills Is a very lino quality souvenir eolreo spoon (4 Inches long) made espe cially to oider for the Luke Shoro & Michigan Southern Ryby tho Onolda Community ut their fnptory, Niagara Falls, N. Y. It Is ptricMy first grade and fully gunrauteed as an extra qual ity spoon. It makes a, lasting and benutlful souvenir. Tho' face of hand le contains put of Buffalo head nnd view of Nlagora Falls, the, back, cut of one of t))0 Imposition buildings and jeur date. J To obtain, pes ' twepty (20) PERSONAL. Millions of People Are made wretched every year, or, perhaps have their lives shortened, by feeling that they have heart disease. They have a pain in that region and their ovtn diagnosis is sufficient to convince them of the malady. As a inat tr of truth, there Is seldom any pain from heait disease. The 'Truth. Is Indigestion The stomach lying just under the heart, Is distended to a painful degree by gases, nnd crowding towards the heart, perhaps, makes the pain seem to be In that organ. Go to youivdrugglst and get a bottle m Walther's PEPTONIZED PORT You will FEL RELIEF AT ONCE and by continuing taking WALTHER'S PEPTONIZED PORT For n short time you will feel like a new pen-on and look at life with a smil ing face. All leading druggists of good standing hell WALTHER'S PEPTONIZED PORT 50c pint, $1 quart, sample size 10c. Special demonstrators and free sample at John Lamparter & Co.'s, 183 S. Howard st, and Kaufmann Bros., 25 2 S. Howard st, cor. Quarry st AVe do FACIAL TREATMENT; MANICURING, CHIROPO D I S T. HAIRAVORK, HAIRDRESSING at home, or our parlor, 131 S.' Howard (up stalls.) I. L. Arnold, proprietress. 150-170 MONEY TO LOAN. TO LOAN-?200, $300, $500. $700. $S0O, $1,000, $1,200 and $1,000. J. I. Bach. tel 188 South Howard st. 'Phone 722. 105 tf RAILROAD NOTICES. ANOTHER REDUCTION PAN- AMERICAN RATES. Via Erie R. R., commencing Satur day, Oct 5th and every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday rate to Buf falo and return will be $8.05, good re turning Ave dajs from date. Trains leave 1:0S a.m., 0 a.m. and 8:51 a.m. SPECIAL LOAV RATES TO BUFFA LO VIA C. T. & V.-B. & O. R. R. v.rorr Tnestlav. Thursday and Satur- daj during October. Tickets good six days. 'J-o ucr. zo CHEAP RATES AGAIN TO THE AVEST. On Oct 15th, Nov. 5th and 10th and Dec. 3rd and 17th, 1001, the 'Northern Pnolfle will sell Home-seekers' excur sion tickets to western points reached via Its line, nt one tare puis ?- ior tho round trip. For further Informa tion regarding ratvs, write E. C. Schoen, D. P. A. N. P. R 305 Paik building, Pittsburg, Pa., or nddtess Chas. S. Fee, G. P. & T. A. N. P. R., St Paul, Minn. ONE FARE PLUS $2 FOR THE ROUND TRIP Is the rate the Northern Pacific will make to western points reached via its line on account of Hoinp-seekers cents in coin to Oneida Community, Niagara Falls, N. Y., and in your letter give your full addiess plainly. Oct 3-8-12-17-21. AKRON MARKETS. (These prices furnished dally by L. Kryder & Sons) BUYING PRICES. AA'heat per bu., 70c. Rye, per bu., 50c, Oats, per bu., 35c, 37c. Corn, cracked, cwt, $1.50. Middlings, per cwt, No 1, $1.13. Bran, per cwt., 05c. Timothy, No. 1, baled, per ton, $10 $11.00. AVheat straw, baled, per ton, $5, $0. Timothy, per bu. $2,25, $2.50. Clover Bced, $1.50, $5. SELLING PRICES. Oats, pet bu., 40c, 43c. Corn, car, per bu., 34c, Hay, baled, per cwt, 70c, 73c. Straw ba'ed, per bale, 50c. (Theso prices' furnished daily 1 Jns. Christy Jr. & Co,) Green cnif Jildes, No J, per lb. 0 Green beef hides, No. 1, per lb., 7c Sheep pelts, 15 10, 1 -Tallow per lb, 4,4c (Theso prices furnished dally by ArmoUr & Co; Sugar cured hams. It, to 1. j PERSONAL. excursions. Selling dates will be Oct 15th, Nov. 5th and 19th and Dec. 3id and 17th. For further Information write E. C. Schoen. D. P. A. N. P. R., 305 Park building. Pittsburg, Pa., or address Chas. s. Fee. G. P. & T. A., N. I. R., St. Paul, Minn. TWO EUROPEAN CRUISES TO THE MEDITERRANEAN AND ORIENT, On steamship Auguste A'ictoria, Jan. 22, and White Star steamship Celtic, Feb. 8, 1002, also tour to AA'est Indies, Spanish Main, and Mexico, on steam ship Prliiifessln A'ictoria Lulse, Jan. 4, and Feb. S. For booklets, circu lars, and reservations call on or 'phone C. D. Houodle, ticket agent Union depot, Akron, O. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE Via all leading lines at lowest rates. Cook's personally conducted tours. Information chcei fully given upon ap plication to C. D. Honodle, ticket agent, Union depot CENTRAL PASSENGER ASSOCIA TION MILEAGE. The Erie Railroad now sells and ac cepts C. P. A. mileage orders. A Gentleman Indeed. Tou can always tell a gentleman, a thorough gentleman, whenever you meet him," observed the fat man with the blue necktie to his smoking ac quaintance. "Yes, I think you can," wns the reply. "I came down from Boston with ono the other day. He was interested In electricity, nnd I told hlta all about tha new trolley line through our town." "Is It different from any other line?" "Jo; but as one of the city aldermen I helped get the charter through." "I see. But what bearing had that on bis being a gentleman?" "Why, he never asked me what tha company paid for my Influence." Walther's r . Peptonized Port Skinned hams, 11. California hams. S& Clear bacon, 12c to 12 , Dried beef, 12 to 14c. Simon pure lard, in tierces, ll',i. Country kettle lard, in tierces, 10H Compound lard, 8c in tierces. CO lb. tubs, c over tierces. Dressed beef, 0 to SVc Dressed calves, 0e to 10c " Dressed sheep, 7 to 8'i. Dressed hogs, Se. Cattle, live, $2.50 to $5. Calves, live, $4 to $5.50. Sheep, $3 to $4.75. I Hogs, $0.75 to $7. Spilng lambs, dressed. Olic to lOe. ' Spilng lumbs, lle, -V& to Sc. 1 (These prices furnished dally by Nelaa Brothers.) " BUYING PRICES. Eggs, strictly fresh, per doz, 20c. Chickens, live, per lb, 8c to 10c. . Z Butter, country, per lb., 20c. Potatoes, per bu., 70c, RETAIL PRICES. Eggs, stilctly fiesh, per doz, 21-28. Chickens, dressed, per lb., 14c to 10c. Butter, creamery, per lb, 28c, Butter, country, per lb, 24c. Potatoes, 23o a pk. DeWltt's Little Early Rlsors? never disappoint They 111 o safe-, prprapt, gentle, effective In removing all Im purities from tho liver and bowels, Small and easy to take. Never gripe I or distress. Wro. Wnrner, aem Pharmcjr, (1U ,8. Howard st, ..u..,,.. ., JjuSJ.v ''J w . .1. . .t.-j- kitMt!& ...'Jl&t i&i, ..gtektt. ..,,. fe, '.'A. . . .