Newspaper Page Text
MRtoWw'SspWOS .MB VJtfS rem?- -. V .. .-l ssaa ''P ftf NH WPff PJlWipWi VMWf pipffi J M ' TW Hlff, AKKG3S JDiilLtf JMfiMOOJLCAjlV SATUHDAtf, JS O JUBJJR 9, 1901 rv fot ; u I H fe IV n , i t .1 RIOT Conducted by Girl Prisoners At an Albany Reform atory Wednesday. Refused to Work, Armed Them selves With Clubs and Mutined. Albany, N. Y Nov. 9.-(8pl.)-Elglit wayward gills, inmates ot the honse of the Good Shepherd, weio aualgned be foie Police .lustlce Brady yesterday, and committed to Jail charged with breach ot tho peace. They were tho rlnglettdois In a riot at tho house of tho Good Bbephcid, an Institution for err ing girls. A score of the Inmatps openly, re belled, delled the mother superior and the sisters, smashed windows and de molished furniture. Tiouble had been brewing for several days, tho girls having refused to work. They gnth cred In the laundry and arming them selves with billets of wood, scissors, otc, dolled the sisters. A hurry call ,was sent to the police and au olllcer responded. "We're not afraid of you," the girls hhouted, as they made for the blue coat with clubs. Ho telephoned quickly for help and n squad of ollicers took eight of the plrls to Jail In tho patrol wagon. They sang, cursed and jelled all the way. Tho rest of tho girls at the Institution were locked In tholr rooms nnil an officer guarded the place Inst night. Btftto of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, J " , Frank J. (Jhonnymnkos onth that ho ll the tenlor imrtnnr of the arm of F. J. Chenoy A Oo., doing buslnona In tlio City of Toledo, county and atato nforosnld, end that snla Snn will pay tho Bum of ONE HUNDItKl) OIjLAllH for ciioli uud every anao of ca tarrh thnt cannot be cured by tho use of Hall's Ontarrh Cure. FRANK! J. OHKNMV. Hworn to before me and subscribed In tnr preienoe, thlaSthdayof Dooember, A.p. 1 jflKAL A. W. UlilliAHUfl. Notary l'nblt llnll'a Catarrh Cnre la taken 1 and acta directly on tho blood an muooui uriaces 01 in a ayaiem. atom. Hand for tea tin F.J. 01IBNUY 00. Toledo, room lain, i rue iv druaaiit. 76c. - j.r ... - . . . j avmujr r iua are ue oeifc PATRONAGE Be Taken From trol Of Board of Civil Service aminers. Columbus, O., Nov. 0.-(Spl.) It learned today upon unquestioned an thorlty that President Itoosovelt is now pioparlng au order materially in excusing tho scope of tho civil himleu law lu tho United Slates and extending tho oporatlou of thu law In soveial branches of tho servlco. Tho most Important change will bo with respect to tho ceitlllcatlon of names of candidates to llll vacancies. Hert'tofoio tho civil servlco commission has certllled tlueo names In answer to u request fiom any ono of the depart ments. Hereafter but ono name will bo certllled, , and tho pationago will thus lio entirely removed fiom tho beads ot depaitmeuts H Is understood that the Ohio dele gation In Congress will nut opposo thu proposed changes. Modern Surgery Surpassed. "While HUlferlng from a bad case of piles I eoiiHiillcd a physician who ad vised mo to try a box of IleWitl's Witch Iliiwl Salve," hiijs G. I Cai lor, Atlniitu, Ga. "I pioruicd a box ami was eiilliely cuied. DeWltt's Witch Halve is a splendid onto for piles, giving relief Instantly, nnil I hcartly iccomnieiid It to all sufferers." Surgery Is unnecessary to emo piles. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve will cine any case. Outs, bums, luulsps and all oilier wounds are also quickly cuied by( It. Bewaie of counterfeits William Warm r, Gem Pharmacy, llll B. Howtud st. PLANS Of New Jail Mav be Changed. Neither the County Commissioners jior Piosecutor Wanaiuaker will ills ciins for publication tho icsults of thu coufeience 'I'liursda) afteruoim, lelat. . lug to tlio bids for tho coutiaet to construct tlio new ;all. Another eonl'ei dice will be held Satutday afteiiioou. It Is said tliat the Commlhsloueis will do their utmost to hao the Jail con- struclcd within tho estimate of the architect, oven if it requlies a change In tho plans for the building. Many bellovo that tho destiny of tho new court house proposition bangs on tho maimer in which tho aflalrs of tho Jail construction aro managed, and for this reason tho Comtnlssloiiuis arc urged 'ft. jnM. ,rii.t,yt.l. wrzTZT' rz : wif iytmtwuut&wtt ikjov to tnko extraordinary en re In what thoy do at this tithe. None of tho bids has been made public. To Cure a Cough. Stop coughing, nn It lirltatea the Iiuigs, and gives them no chance to henl. Foley's Honey and Tnr cures without causing a strain In tin owing oft tho phlegm like common cough ex pectorants. A. Warner, J. M. Laffer and J. Lntnpaiter & Co. HUSTLING. Veterans Join Hands For the Reunion's Success. A special effort Is now being niado to obtain as largo a membership as possible for Theodore Miller Camp. Spanlsh-Anierlean wnr veterans, so that the camp tiviy make a creditable, showing at tho time of thu lcuulou heie, Nov. 'Zfl and 21. As piactlcally all of the membeis of the camp were members of the Eighth regiment, O. V. I., the value of a good attendance, is appieclated by tho membeis of the committees who have the reunion ar rangements In charge. There have been several applications for membership In tho camp dm lug the last few weeks niid there will ba soveial Initiations food. Thcie will also be a meeting of tho committees of the camp and'the com mittees of tho regiment who are pre paring for the reunion, In older that all may work In harmony and thor oughly understand each other's plans: Astounding Discovery. From Coopersvllle. Mich., conies word of a wonderful discovery ot a pleasnnt tnstlng liquid that when used before letlrlng by any ono troubled with a bad cough always onsuies a good night's test. "It will soon euro the cough, too," writes Mrs. S. Hlinel burger, "for three 'generations of our family have used I). King's New Ws covciy for Consumption, and never found Its equal for coughs and colds. It's an linrlvnllt'd life saver when used for desperate lung diseases. Guaran teed botles fiOe and .$1.00 at all drug gists. Tilal bottles free. Where tho Trouble Began. Assistant Poor Director Mauderbach took ".Major" Haishman, convicted of Mealing chickens, to the Sandusky Soldiers' Home, Thursday. Harsh man told Mr. Mandeibach that he got (hunk at Ghent and theio his troubks began. Tho horso Harshmau had win mild by tho Poor department and the money, minus his expenses, turned over to him. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Tlnough Servlco to California and Hot Springs, Ark. Memphis and New Orleans Full paitlculars of local ticket agents or by addressing F. W. HARLOW Ulvlslou Pass. Agent, 4W Vino St., Cincinnati, O, b. . t; con. I Parks 11 Ex.lEi.nara1 II JL WJLl VI C4JL m U I TeTV A M M m iirprmr m m laiiH CmUD m M n H fl B cJU LaM H fa aiftaeaal aF lF T J afc EB Ml INO. Ii6 IN. lilSfll ot. H I mmsttsjmsxmiEmFmz. Has completed his new 1 REMEMBER cnapei, maning u one H nf ih( flnpct otirl hicr HI 1 ED. SPALDING I equipped in the state. I 9 Chapel Free 1 f -z - I For Patrons fDlai: IBotiiijnones442 m rj g ILeS?S,' Mrs. C. T. Parks will WL JnadCchIl'urenharfrC f hld,CS 1 I.W.HARPBR andchlldicn. m f KENTUCBCV immmmmmw Wk& WlSKElf """ . " n Ifil atf Oold me Jul. were VK,l t4$-M,i&iUSMh, !sr:gK3 ,iJM.imiwsfflLni .. j.. .. ... ji.. ,i.i isfeHiv,. jh,W Di"ji Cj a ?irsn.-itfga-a iaMawaWJMaamaMa-aaWi AWWgMMigMijaMgfafiaaafjaM VILL APPEARl ' "vlftfniST NUMBER I V. tmll OF THE . I W-.Ktl I csytTpT mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m iiloH 0 tttsburnli I mm aMMI tm il vhl ZJw t I 1 TOViurtfttil j ""Siw EVERYWHERE I sfil&C 1C0PY 1 .rf1O0 DONT MI3J ITS lai"" IT I IIIIIIITaaWnl HflfP "ll ll III I I l I I I " I llllll I'l IIIH III ll I I IIMMUBUI I I iiwh ! miaa iiii ii ii i i mi i ii MiiiiiMiMMBaaaaaBaBaaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaMMMi "" fcni ' ii. i iimini '.J-an WSa.krAty&fc ) ITnaTaaaaaaagWaaTapllaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaM i ii i r ,; i i i i , Do You Want a Set of Dishes Electric -Grip SAVE THE COUPONS IN THE WRAPPERS The best Soap for laomdry work yet known. Removes dirt and stains, yet leaves the fabrics in good condition. Grocers sell it, people use it. Globes, The SPALDING People's 'Phono 781. 23Q SOLD n WM. WARIIHn, U South Ilownrd si.. Akron. Ohio. CURE YOURSELF! l) IMlMJ fur unnnturul illtcliaruiB.lnlUmiimtlous, Irrlntli'iiu ur ulcrruilou t( iuuuoii uifiu tnui I'Mnlum, ami uututtrl KOHl or 1oUououi. bold tiy UriiEcUttL 1 aont In tUlu urni'pc v.tiisnn, I'lVLiaill, If Oil. or .1 I, nttlr. fr:' IrcuUr vut on rojuo's CHICHCBTEn'B CNQUBH OrliilMaal a.aiit llula ll....i.. Al I . AlijrlUb! I HUe. kltruailit r .5 ' ""TKH'H, i:N(ll.lrfU III HI I IDl (Jot J tUfl.Ul J tttL.fl 11 1-1 ...... uriu"va tHHonooiuor. Hrniao l;HurroHt HuliHiHilan uJ Imttu Umiu. Jjcr joiiritfumui cr m-d! IpJp iV , n4"llrllrrhrl.,llN -. .. turn M"l'i MMII'll lu "'. " "tuitl.n ( bli-Kmlr ntonlkli Ht I MerttiQ ILU i r SUJIimi uurc, l'llll. , A OH tfKataa.l..! J .. ''BV ' H H ILJ1 V UBIIT.. !3 svt-Muni nnp- "PASTEAMoSEAUHaWAX For salo by Btatloijers. Democrat Liner Columns effect quids e.chanj;es between bargain, givers and bargain bcvkvrt;- tUrmt teMWK-WW ftft A M 1 tS3 LaVSv alio nwurtied nt T Riw Orlraiw mtvs Wl3 ffffu IB (J L.l tl LflltUtt. jTMJ WrvrDti (inuilDD, K.aiH!tYmOlilUICAtCo. VflJftpiNIIINNATI.O.ESB vxl' " jxF f smi!ar!fism a H HUiiS'S.X W (I rrawYROYAL VJ'VXi'KH M N VWf 05E 3 "K Tf H IT HI-1 f op ggt33gSr That in addition to our liurner businoss wo do Clas Kitting and carry a full lino of Ous Stoves. Fixtures. Ulmndeliors, Mantles, ote. HARLEY HOMAM. BURNER CO. S. Howard Street JtAJUV Ut AhAMA MMUUilUUUtAlUU'A Relieves Kidney & tsiaaaor; troubles nt once. Cures In 1 48 Hours an URINARY TTCrWATfiWl3 PARKER'S . m HAIR BAjLSAM CTlAflnapa anil beAatlfieJ till D rromtiei a lurittt growth. Wtjver TU o Wefltor Gray Curti if.lp jrwfi A btlr futlog nuc, inati yt .'""Ptf, , -j I aUWifk SMSWiiSffiW ?L'ill!DF S afaaWaiawT'Jannr Kach Camilla ( 2 fRiarn tho name rBWMg C cou"lfrfeIu? ,"if i''nT aaaaaaaaaaaaSfA'fJailrBaaaaaaaaaaaaaafl (KJ & J' .-i PFT,,cre'5SB ri V MW aaaaWST no reflection fiO Ollaaaaaaal P S '-'I ISnty.nollghtBOgKl h mm charming as tho VSJVg jt S III mellow kIow that il io. n V r - H vv.uuo ,.u. mm r--7cjv--r-v, U CORDOVA jM , WWaxfflandlespi mm'm'!mmm aaaaWJil ivmi,.,ii ,..,.,ninriliii. rSIi 7 TbItS ! 'Id BA VTl"Ea I Cl IS hS'A mondliid lu ainlng flH If MtffJ JlwA To lmvo a tooth tilled by nn ol'l-faihloned dcnllst and old-H laaMiiWt'V, iooiu, iitintloa. rooni, OH VEV -j. t? s?l limy utethoda, but I hnvo done away with tho Jlrend nnilH WSjCvA trd room . r ball. Hold nH ffia' Of lnln. every bit of It, for nit time. Pou't aulfar tuvtlns toethH iaWiV&vV Mado AjUH mM W luied: come to me. 1 will do your work carefully, palHl8a-H RA. STANDARD M'yfikkW I NQV "? JErL. '-. reasonably. Hi&H!m3iH W .JS PHILADELPHIA DENTAL ROOMSB BMaaSaaaaaaaaB JWWfcVr ' iSt& S IWIa,r BBiPaiMiaMaS'SjiaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaW zS Ka'tiSlS' Opon evenings. Hunda) a 10 a.m. to 1, Akroh, O. B 73 AKroo, O. mii1111l,llllllll ySJlAAvLl fhe nest way S SjY I, 7S r vnn ITT 't yyl fi , s t A JTkhT r Family Use and 3 ' t tJTvjt f L41JmJIIs Medicinal Purposes 3 h!eiasf3LaBBBBBBBrLa a bbbbbbibbbh'bbi m HaaaTlTy' lLaaBaVr vw sUSkWUST UT S. Howard St 7 jurfaarn Aa O.T. PLACE YOUR . WAWT . '! ,t'. .i'. ?TiiZ.'!s&.iLZJ mnr,m&a Just Ask For Beer And your dealer will glvo you what ho choses. Ho may think more of his profit than of your health. Ask fo.1 Itenner's beer, and, you get tho best .beer that Is made. It Is brewed, aged and bottled to male? a genuine lager boor. $1.20 a case, delivered. THE GEO. J. KENNER BREWING COMPANY You Can't Beat Them. Is what ovcryouo says that wears tho collars and cuffs laundered here. They aro exquisite In their perfect finish and faultless color, and look fresh and clean when those of your loss wlso friends look yollbw and rough. Our lino laundry work Is beyond competi tion. EXCELSIQR tAUNDRY 1DU a. lllliU SI. , i. liuuu ui. ADS. IN THE DEMOCRAT - t: :;.-: ii,; . ' i , ) RAILROAD TINE TABLES. 4 aBBBBBBBBBPlRBBBBVaWfeaBBaa' Dallyj all others dally except Sunday. Central Standard Tlino. EJUIH KAILItOAD OO. Going West No. 1 Express '. S:30 pin No. 0 Limited vestibule. ...7:08 am No, 15 To Akron only 11:30 am No. 13 Chicago express, Mondays to Gallon only.... 11:01 am No. 3 Pacific express 1:50 pm No, 37 Accommodation 0:37 am Going East No. 14 To Meadvillo 2:20 am No. 8 Limited vestibule.... 1:31 am No. 12 Express to N. Y.... $:54 atlu No, 4 New Yorlt special'. ...12:50 pm No. 10 Youngstown express.. 4 55 pm UtVUAND, WRonto UDLlDI SRxl North Bound. Gin., Columbus and Clev.. G:05 nm Akron und Pittsburg 8:20 an Col., Mlllersbuig X Cleve... 11:33 am Cln. Col. und Cleveland...., 4:25 pm Pitta., Ual., Wash & N. Y....4:17pm South Bound. Cleve.. Col. and Cincinnati. . 0:80 am New York, Pitu. & Akron (runs only to llarberton).. '11:10 am Cleve, Millersburg und Col., Cleve, Col. & Clu . . 8n")5pin (dally excopt Sunday).... 2:53pm Pittsburg und Alciou (runs only to Akron) 8:10 pm Dally, all others dally except Sun day. j BALTIMORE & OHIO. Union Depot, MuiUet Street. Depart West. Tiffin. Fostorla & Chlcuco.. 10:10 am Chicago, vcstlbuled, Ltd... 11:10 pm AitIvo irom the Wc3t Chicago and New Yoik ves- tlbulcd. limited 1:50 am Chicago & Pittsburg 0:30 am Chicago, Akron and Clove land 8:10 pm Tlfllu, Fostorla & Chicago. . 7:33 pm Daily, all others dally except Sun day. C. T. & V. R. R. Going North. How. St. Union. East Depot. Depot. Akron. .. 0:55am 0:45am 0:20am . 0:05am 8:52am 8:50am .. 1:10pm 1:00pm 12:4Ipm . . 5:08pm 4:55pm 4:58pm .. 8:25pm 8:12pm 8:17pm ,. 0:50am Going South. .. 8;34am 8:52nm 0;04am . . 4:35pm 4:53pm 5:07pm ..12:15am 12:30am 12:42ara .. 7:32pra 7:50pm 8:00pra .. 12:01pbi 12:20pm 12:28pm .. 3:53pm l:65pm No. No. No. No. No. No. 7... 0..., 5. .. 47... 3.... 11... Doos Sundays. not run from Union depot THE NORTHERN OHIO R. R. Depot North Main st. Depart No. 1 . . . . 8:30 am Depart No. 11 4:30 pm Arrive No. 2 4:00 pm Arrive No. 12 12:03 pm Dally. IDally except Sunday. PITTSBURG & WESTERN It. R. Union Depot, Market st. Leave for the East. Chicago and New York vesti bule limited 2:00 am Warren, Youngstown, Pitts burg 0:40 am Wnrren, Youngstown, Pitts burg 1:10 pm Pittsburg, Washington, Phil adelphia, New York .... 4:08pm Arrive from tho East. Washington, Pittsburg, Cleve land, arrive C. T. & V. Ry., Howard st. station 0:50 nm Pittsburg and Akron ...... 11:53 am Pittsburg, Akron and Chica go 7:35 nm New York.Wnshlngton.Pltts- burg and Chicago 11:03 pm Dally, all others dally except Sun day. THE NORTHERN OHIO TRACTION COMPANY. A. B. C. Division. Waiting room, Hamilton building, opposlfo Buclitel hotel. Tlnio card In effect Oct. 15th, 1001: Cars for Cleveland, leave waiting room nt 5:40 a.m. and every hour un til 8:40 p.m., and at 10:30 p.m. Sntuidnyt cuul Sundays, 5:40, 0:40 a.m., and every half hour until 7:40 p.m., and at 8:40 p.m., and 10:30 p.m. Going South? If ao, you secure many advantages by go Ins via GnclnruH, tho Queen & Crescent Route an J Southern Ry. Its fast trains pen etrate every part of the Central South. u hour schedule Cincinnati to Jacksonville and New Orleans, o hours to Chattanooga. aS hours to Shreveport. 3$ hours to Port Tampa. Observation, parlor and cafe cars free re clining chairs Through Pullmans to all Im portant Southern cities. kwltctl 1,11 yon tho tdraaut ti wm flflVr otvr route, tod u ftot tur lb K,kln. t hv cot vrlwuoboutur W. O. RINIHISON, Q, , A., CINCINNATI. THE DEMOCRAT NEWS. PRINTS THIJ TRY THE DEMOCRAT'S W2JHR COLUMNS. aaluI3l fti'i .M tW )8-;i --r fctf-l